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Mike Arcu
Hon. Leonard Bos
Hon. Chris Car
Hon. Gabrielle Gi
Hon. Baron
ey (CA-ll)
ell (AZ-05)
rter (NH-01)
Space (OH-18)
Please RSVP by July 28, orfor additional information please contact
Erika Barrera at or 202-741-7314
"PACsand individuals may choose howmuchand to whom to contribute.
Contributions will b, treatedand rqJortcd as conduit contributions by theDCCC
Please make checks payable to each campaign and send 10 the DCCC.
Please Cox this Corm baek to Gina Natale b)" Jul)" 28, 2009 at (202) 741-7418
or mail your cheek' along with this Corm to:
DCCC Frontline
el0 Gina Natale
430 South Capitol St., SE, 2" Floor
Washington, DC 20003
or to Arcuri for Congress, tor Congress, Camey fbr Congress, (1Iflords fl,r C\.'mgress, Hoosiers for Hill. Kagcn 4
C.)ngress. McNerney for CC'llgres.'l. Harry Mitchell for for C(lngre"s. and Zack Spa,,;.e for Congrc$s Committee are nol
tax deductible. Federal law requires us to use our best eff0l1s to collect and to report the name. mailing address, occupation and name
of employer of individual, whose contributions exceed $200 in an election cycle. Corporate contributions are impermissible by
federal law.
Fax paid for by the Demo"rah<;: Congressional Campaign Committee and Authorized by Arturi for Congress, B,)swdl K'1t Carney [,,"lr
Congress, ('(:'Ingress, HO<.""ic:rs for Hill, Kagen 4 C\mgress, McNemty f"()f C\mgress. Harry Mitchell fL'f Ccngress, Carl"ll,Shea-Porter for
Congress, and Zal:k Spac:e for C(mgre<;;s

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