PET Masterclass WB W Tests

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Introducing PET 4

1.1 The same routine 6

1.2 Different experiences 7
2.1 Sales power 8
2.2 Are you a shopaholic? 9
3.1 Aches and pains 10
3.2 Stayi ng hea Ithy 11
4.1 Perfect homes 12
4.2 Home from home 13
5.1 Waste not, want not 14
5.2 What's it like there? 15
6.1 Go for gold! 16
6.2 Sport for all 17
7.1 Body fuel 18
7.2 Special recipes 19
8.1 Old building, new use 20
8.2 State of the art 21
9.1 Internet interests 22
9.2 Leisure interests 23
10.1 Summer music 24
10.2 Screen scene 25
11.1 Take the challenge 26
11.2 Take a break 27
12.1 Different relationships 28
12.2 Close to you 29
13.1 Your own wheels 30
13.2 On the move 31
14.1 Free to talk 32
14.2 Disappearing languages 33
15.1 At your service 34
15.2 Student life 35
16.1 It could happen to you 36
16.2 Life can be difficult 37
17.1 The working world 38
17.2 All work and no play 39
18.1 Fame 40
18.2 Glittering prizes 41
19.1 In captivity 42
19.2 In the wild 43
20.1 Get ready! 44
20.2 Aim high! 45
Practice test 46
Answer sheets 68
Answers 73

Introducing PET
Paper 1 Reading and Writing
(1 hour 30 minutes)
Part Task type What does it test?
1 Three-option Your ability to understand
multiple choice short 'real-world' texts
2 Matching Your ability to scan for
information and detail
3 True/false Your ability to scan a factual
text for information
4 Four-option Your ability to understand
multiple choice attitude or opinion in a text
5 Four-option Your knowledge of grammar
multiple-choice doze and vocabulary
1 Sentence transformations Your knowledge of
2 Communicative message Your ability to write a
short, dear message
3 Longer piece of writing Your range and accuracy
in writing
Marks What do you do?
5 Answer each question
by choosing one option
5 Match five people with
short texts, choosing from
10 Decide whether each
sentence is correct or
incorrect according to
the information in the text
5 Answer each question
by choosing one option
10 Answer each question
by choosing one option
35 marks are
'scaled' to 25
in the Reading
5 Complete a sentence using
between one and three
5 Write 35-45 words,
including three
pieces of informatjon
15 Write either a story or an
informal letter in about 100
Paper 2 Listening
(about 30 minutes plus 6 minutes to transfer answers)
Part Task type What does It test? Marks What do you do?
1 Three-option Your ability to understand 7 Choose one of three pictures
multiple choice short monologues or dialogues
2 Three-option Your ability to identify detailed 6 Answer each question by
multiple choice meaning in a monologue choosing one option
or interview
3 Gap filling Your ability to understand a 6 Complete a set of notes or
monologue and use key sentences, using
information in notes recognisable spelling
(common words and words
spelled out must be
accurately spelled)
4 True/false Your ability to understand 6 Decide whether each
detailed meaning and attitude sentence is correct or
or opinion in a dialogue incorrect according to
what you hear
Paper 3 Speaking
(10-12 minutes per pair of candidates)
two candidates and two examiners - one, the 'assessor', takes no part in the interaction
Part Task type What does it test? Time What do you do?
1 Conversation between the Your ability to talk about 2-3 mins Answer the examiner's
examiner and each yourself and express opinions questions
-2 Shared task between the Your ability to carry out 2-3 mins Talk together using a
two candidates a task using functional picture to help you
language such as making
suggestions and agreeing
3 Individual long turn Your ability to talk on your 3 mins (up to Describe a photograph
own for up to a minute, using 1 min for each
the language of description candidate plus
brief comments)
4 Discussion between the Your ability to discuss a 3 mins Discuss the topic
two candidates topic, taking appropriate from Part 3
turns in the conversation
The same routine
1 Complete the puzzle with a
suitable word for 1-8. Then
write a meaning for the word
that appears in the box.

1 This word means doing
something active with your
body - it can go with
exerase, for example.
2 The meaning of this word is
very important.
3 If you feel this, you believe
you can do anything.
4 This word means clean. It
can be used to describe air
and water.
5 This word has a similar
meaning to fears.
6 This word has a similar
meaning to simple.
7 If you behave like this, you
are relaxed and don't get
8 The opposite of this word is
5 ___ _
2 Complete sentences 1-6 with some or any.
, h breakfast - there isn' t During the week, I don t ave ............................ .
enough time.
h toast with cheese and 2 At the weekend, I usually ave ............................ .
jam, and a big pot of coffee.
3 On Sunday, I like to spen ... ....... ....... ........... . d of the morning looki ng at
the newspaper.
4 I love music and I read ............................. article I can about new bands.
5 There's usually ............................. information on live music events in
the local paper.
6 I never miss going to ............ ...... ......... of the big pop concerts in
3 Read the paragraph about an unusual daily routine and add any
missing pronouns.
AT MIDNIGHT, when.most people are already asleep, Oswald
8qy puis on his coat, says goodbye to his wile and sets off for
WOIt. For the last forty-two years, has chosen to work the night
shilt at the local jam factory, Oswald prefers working at night,
because gives him more free time during the day, He spends
most of this time looking after his huge vegetable garden,
whatever the weather. When comes home from work at eight
thirty in the morning, he has a big breakfast and then changes
into his gardening clothes. Oswald says only needs four hours'
s1eep a night and he has this after his evening meal, between
seven thirty and eleven thirty. His behaviour hasn't changed for
years. But next week, his routine will change forever, as is
retiring from the factory. Oswald is lOOking forward to, because
will be able to spend even more time in his garden.
4 Which of these nouns from the text are countable (C) and which are
uncountable (U)?
behaviour coat
wea ther work
day factory garden routine shift sleep
Different experiences
1 Read the text and decide if the sentences after each paragraph are
correct or incorrect.
I n the recent 1V series Fakin g It, ten men and women took up something completely
bs, For example, a kickboxer became a dancer and a different from their actual jo
computer-games tester beca me a racing driver. They each spent just four weeks
then had to take part in a test or competition, where they
eve that they were experts!
learning their new skill and
tried to make the judges bell
The people appear ing on Faking It were unemployed.
training, the people had to show how good After four weeks'
they were.
Stuart Matheson says that a ppearing on the programme changed his life, Before I
s and was stuck In a routine. The 1V company decided to Faking It. he had no real aim
send him to Cornwall, in the South-west of England, to to surf the waves.
The surfers there showed hi m a different way of life lot of fun. In fact, he
is seriously thinking of movi ng to Cornwall, if only his agree .
3 Before the progra mme, Stuart found 11is boring.
4 Stuart suggested t he idea of learning ow Cornwall .
5 Stuart enjoyed th e time he spent with the <llrfpr< 1
6 Stuart's girifriend has decided to go and live
Stuart's four-week challenge
was very difficuH and aHhough Ie
successful in the competition he basics of surfing. he wasn't
however, he's a much better surfer, able to ride every wave,
he can and feels much flttBr for He goes surfing as often as
Stuart did well in
Stuart still goes su
the surfing competition.
rfing regulariy.
2 Find words or phrases in the text in 1
that have a similar meaning to 1-5.
I started doing ............. .... .... ...... ..
2 people who know a lot about their
subject or work ........................... ..
3 goals or ambitions ............................ .
4 the essentials .. .. ....................... ..
5 healthier ........... .. .............. ..
STUDENT'. 8001( PAGE 126
3 Complete sentences 1-6 by
putting one verb into the past
simple and the other into the
past continuous.
I The phone ............................ .
(ring) twi ce while we
............................. (eat) lunch.
2 Harry's watch .. .. .. ...................... .
(fall) off when he
........... .... .............. (cycle) outside.
3 While I ............ .. ............... (drive)
into town this morning, I
............................. (hear) a great
song on the radio.
4 The ship ............................. (sail)
in open water when the
engine ........ ..................... (break
down) .
5 We ............................. (have)
drinks outside when it
............................. (begin) to rain.
6 I .............. ............... (cut) myself
on a rock while I
............................. (swim).
4 Correct any mistakes in the use
of the past simple and past
continuous in sentences 1-6.
1 Yesterday morning Gordon
was waking up at 7a.m.
2 Two years ago, I was living
and working in Italy.
3 It was a great party and
nobody was leaving until
after midnight.
4 Caroline's friends waited for
her when her plane landed.
5 Sue took her driving test six
times before she passed.
6 Which car did you drive
when the accident
Sales power
1 Complete the texts with these
adjectives and adverbs.
imponant new
safe specially
Be 1 ............................. at home. It only
takes a few minutes for a(n)
2 ............................. house to fill with
smoke. This 3 ................. ............ fire
escape ladder is 4 ............................ .
designed to help you get out of your
house 5 ............................. in a fire. Fire
experts say it is a(n)
6 .. ........ ................... development in fire
easy fa vourite large neatly
Listen to your 7 ............................ .
music in the shower. Our
8 ............................. CD and radio fixes
9 ............................. on the shower.
10 ................. ............ buttons make it
11 ............................. to change radio
station or track on the CD even while
washing your hair!
2 Read the text and underline all the comparisons.
It pays to be simple
The world of advertising is changing.
Previous generations liked clever
adverts which made them laugh but
would never allow adverts to actually
influence them when shopping.
Today's 15-24 year aids, however,
have been brought up in a fast-
moving world of immediate
information from M1V, the internet,
computer games and all-day
advertising. Advertising is accepted
and expected by the young
generation, but they don' t want to
spend time working out what adverts
mean. They want less complicated
adverts than their parents did. So
. ~
adverts are now shorter with onlyone
or two scenes. Posters are bigger than
they used to be and their messages
are clearer. Teens and 20 somethings
think that an advertised product is
better than other products because
the company has money to spend
on advertising. Using famous people
in adverts is very popular because a
lot of young people reaUy believe
that the stars use the products they
advertise. Adverts change more
frequently as well. Nowadays, one
successful advert used for a year is
not enough - new ones are produced
every few months.
3 Rewrite the comparisons from the text in 2 using these phrases.
You may need to change other words.
easier to understand more often more successful than
not as long simj3I@F take up more space than
They want simpler adverts than their parents did.
4 WIDch of sentences 1- 3 best describes what the text in 2 says?
Young people are not interested in adverts.
People over 30 prefer different adverts now than when they were
Advertisers are changing their adverts for today's young people.
5 Find words in the text in 2 wIDch have a similar meaning to 1-5.
1 have an effect on someone ........ .................... .
2 instant ............................ .
3 finding the answer to something ..... .. ..................... .
4 20-29 year aids ............................ .
5 are made ............................ .
Are you a shopaholic?
srUDENT'.. 0 121
1 Find 12 words connected to shopping in the
0 G X L 0 M T B H G
R E C E I P T 0 C 0
W V 0 R S L J G U 0
0 W I R C R a V s 0
P A Y N 0 E C 0 T S
R T B C U T H V 0 J
C C 0 S T R R N E U
2 Answer questions 1-8 with words connected to
What part of a shirt is between your shoulder
and your hand? ............... .
2 What do you wear round your waist to keep
your trousers up? ............................ .
3 What do you caU a type of shoe that covers
your foot and ankle, and sometimes your leg as
well ? ............................ .
4 What is a short coat called? ............................ .
5 What do you wear on your hands when it is
cold? ............................ .
6 If you haven' t got a purse or wallet, what part
of your clothes can you keep money in?
7 What can you wear over a T-srurt to keep
warm, without wearing a coat? ............................ .
8 What do you wear on your feet, inside your
shoes? ............................ .
3 Add commas, full stops, capital letters and question
marks to I and 2. Then correct the punctuation in
3 and 4.
Stay safe
with our
~ ~ ~ '!"' t!l!-,!, h ~ Y !! ~ ~
L."'" 1 ,
c',.' ~ ..
rJ Gift Ideas
_ ..... 00< _ ..
- , -----
' .. ~ .. . . .
. ~ ~
.....- - ,-,.".
1 WHO SHOULD I BUY FROM shop only from
companies you know or from sites reco.mmended by
friends and family make sure the website has a real
street address and a phone number to call for more
2 RECEIPTS keep your receipts and any papers until
you are sure you are satisfied with your goods if
anything arrives damaged contact the company
for the website address when you get to the final page
of. your shopping order if the URL stans with https:/I
it means that the site is safe?
personal information. you are not required to give
your bank account number? or internet password,
Your credit card number and the date It runs out IS all
the information any company needs
4 Correct any mistakes in the use of capital letters in
sentences l-<i .
I henry's Mother is french, but she's always lived
in Ireland.
2 lizzie's sister could count to Ten before she
could walk.
3 isabelle's birthday is in september.
4 patrick went to doctor Davies to get some
5 ken's having a party on Saturday at rus house
in west street - it's number 15.
6 the highest mountain in europe is mont blanc.
Aches and pains
1 Match the verbs to pictures 1-8
and say what part of the body
you do these things with.
balance hitch-hike kiss
point scratch smell
wave write
I ............................ . 2 ............................ .
3 ........................... . 4 ............................ .
6 .... ....................... ..
7 ........................... .. 8 , ........................... .
2 Complete the text with these words.
aspirin cough drink flu muscles recover sneeze sore
soup tiring
Make sure you have plenty to 3 ............................. . If you don't feel like
eating much, try some 4 ............................. .
Take 5 ............................. every three hours. This will help your
6 ............................. throat and aching 7 ...... ....................... .
Don't do very 8 ............................. exercise.
To avoid spreading viruses, cover your mouth when you
9 ............................ and 10 ........................... .
3 Lee has hurt himself during a football match. Complete the dialogue
using a probability or ability structure and any other necessary words.
COACH Where does it hurt?
LEE Here, my shoulder and arm.
DOCTOR Let's have a look. 1 ............................. stand up and just let your
shoulders relax?
LEE Yes, that's OK.
DOCTOR Good. 2 ........................... to put your arms above your head?
LEE My left arm, yes, but I 3 .. ........................ ... lift my right arm very
high. Do you think something 4 ............................. be broken?
DOCTOR I don't think so, but you 5 ............................. need to have it
checked at the hospital.
COACH He can't stop playing now, doctor. It's a big match. We
6 ........................... .. win if Lee stays on the field.
DOCTOR OK. But then you must go to the hospital after the match.
4 Write A for ability and P for possibility next to each space in the
dialogue in 3.
5 Correct sentences 1-5 and decide which are about ability (A) and
which are about possibility (P).
I If I am ill in your country, can I to have free health treatment?
2 Are you able visit Mrs Smith in hospital t oday?
3 Julia mights need extra health insurance if she goes skiing in
4 At some hospitals you may to have to wait a long time in the
emergency department.
5 Does my mother can eat a normal diet again now?
Stayi ng hea Ithy
1 Read labels \ -5 and choose the correct answer
A orB.
A Have a drink once a day and take this tablet.
B Take a tablet every day with a drink.
A Put thi s medicine in a cupboard away from
B Keep this medicine where children can see it.
Clean wound and gently dry skin.
Cover with dreSSing.
A Clean this dressing before putting it on a
B Before you put on the dressing, wash the
wound carefull y.
A It is best to keep this medicine in the fridge.
B Keep this medicine away from heat or damp.
Do not drive or operate machines
while using this medicine
A You shouldn' t drive your car if you are taking
this medicine.
B Do not travel by car or go near machines if you
are taking this medicine.
2 Underline mistakes with verb forms in the text and
correct them.
Should I drink less coffee?
Health experts often suggest that we
should reduce the amount of coffee we
drink. We asked a coffee expert some
important questions.
Q All ...... ,., .. ,
A Thera be IIOI/JIng 10 suggest that a moderate amount of
coffee " IIacI for ear 1IeaIth.
Q ''Wi flllnllIId .... 1tIcnIIII .... ,..."""" Of ..... ng
......... riu ......... ,
A No. The results Of one report can never tel/lire whole story.
The results of a tot of resean:h Into coffee does not show
that It Is !lad for our heaIIII.
Q If ' ........ C81ret. wII' 'tlplrlew Hr li/1liiii_
A A raw P80IikI may headaches 1f 1IIiIy SUdcIenty
stop drlnldng coffae, but !his only happen for a COUple of
Q CIa CIIIIe l1li ............. IIIIIIIs ..
learn to 'Ib ...., l1li .... 7
A Yes, If they want 10 change, they can do
this WIthout dlfftcully.
Q CU drIi1IdDti ..... ....
-........ .....,
A Yes. The caflefne In coffee help
you 10 thlnIc IlIOI8 cat8fu1ly.
Q Win drt_ ..... darteg
file 1IIII1 .. 1IfecI1Iow
.... 11I1Ip1
A No. Nothing suggests that
caffeine change the quality of
sleep during the night.
3 Find words in the text in 2 which have a similar
meaning to 1-5.
I how much there is of something .... ........................ .
2 things discovered after a scientific test .......... .................. .
3 two .......................... .. .
4 make something change' ........................ .. .. .
5 how good something is ................ ............ .
Perfect homes
1 Complete the crossword with words connected to
where you live.
1 Thls chair is
comfortable to sit in.
S You can sunbathe or
have a drink here.
7 Pull this down at a
window to make
the room dark.
S You put your head
on thls when you
go to sleep.
10 Thls is an expensive
metal. used in some
12 Park your car inside
15 You can check your
appearance by
looking in thls.
16 Switch this on to
keep a room cool.
1 Furniture that is old
and valuable is
described like this.
2 Thls is made of
material and hangs
beside a window.
3 Hang your clothes
up inside this.
4 It is nice to put this
on a wall in your
living room or
6 If you look up in
any room, you will
see this.
7 You can find this in
a kitchen to put
salad or fruit in.
9 This is an informal
word for toilet.
U Open thls to enter
or leave a room.
13 A house has this at
its top.
14 Tum this on when
you want to have a
2 Put these words into four groups, according to
their part of speech. Then use some of them to
complete 1-10 in the dialogue.
absolutely appears connect corridor found
greatly hand-painted kitchen locally lucky
oval perfect redesign style unusually
walls wider
nouns verbs adjectives adverbs
JENNY Do you like my new 1 ............................. ,
Marta? I had to 2 ... .......................... the cooking
area, to make it a bit 3 ............................. than
before. There's more space now.
MARTA It's 4 .................... .. ....... wonderful! I love the
5 ............................. red and yellow tiles you've
put on the 6 .............................. Where did you
get them?
JENNY Thanks! They're done in a Mexican
7 ............................. , and I actually
8 ............................. them in a small shop
9 ........................ .. ... .
MARTA That was 10 ............................. !
3 Correct any mistakes in the order of adjectives
in 1-5.
1 three silk blue beautiful dresses
2 a heavy wooden German seventeenth-century
3 my lovely hand -sewn woollen blanket
4 the plastiC circular unusual red table
5 those purple awful 1960s curtains
Home from home
1 Read the holiday
accommodation descriptions
A-C and answer questions
Which accommodation
has no separate kitchen? A
is the biggest?
is all on one [l oor?
would be suitable for one
provides some food?
can be rented all year?
has shopping facilities
offers stays of less than a
is close to the sea?
is described as basic?
includes garden furniture?
has indoor parking?
provides an extra bed
f . rf on a
arm IS pe ect if you enjoy walking through fields and
woods. There is a sunny courtyard and car space, with
steps up to the front door. The large living room includes a
cooking are.a with microwave oven and there is one double
bedroom with shower room/toilet. Fresh farm eggs and
bread on arrival.
Sleeps 2. Available for weekends or _kIy Oct-July.
. i cottage
beautIful flowers and grass lawns front and back with a
wooden table and chairs for meals outside. there is a
big kitchen and hVlng room (with sofa bed). On the second
floor, there are two bedrooms (one double and one twin)
and a separate bathroom.
Sleeps 4-5. Minimum stay one week, available Jan-Dec.
This lUXUry five-bed roomed accommodation with living
. room, kitchen, and dining room downstairs provides the
, opportUnity for two families to have a wonderful holiday
together. The garden is small, but guests spend their days
at the safe, sandy beach only 10 minutes' walk away. There
!S a double garage and the house is conveniently located
Just outside lanton village, which has a post office and
Sleeps up to 12. Available spring and summer, no short breaks.
2 Here are some sentences about staying at a hotel. Complete the second
sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use no more than
three words.
3 Rewrite this email using
contracted forms and including
really in two places.
I My room was three [loors up and looked over the street.
My room was on the ......................................................... and looked over
the street.
2 There was a bath and a shower in the bathroom.
The bathroom had a bath as ...... ........................................ .. ......... a shower.
3 A notice warned me not to leave anything valuable in the room.
A notice said: ' ......................................................... leave anything valuable in
your room.'
4 The hotel breakfast was the best I have ever eaten.
The hotel breakfast was ......................................... ........ .. ...... any other I have
5 I had to check out of the room by Ila.m.
I was ......................................................... stay in the room until Il a.m.
1'1 '
Hi. I would like to meet you at
the weekend. I will be free all
day on Saturday, so let us have
lunch and then we can look
around the shops together.
Do not forget to bring the
photographs of your holiday.
I am looking forward to seeing
Waste not, want not
1 Complete sentences 1-7 using the present simple
or past simple passive of the verbs in brackets.
" t : ; ~ 'U'iJ. IJtZ ~ ~ t
Did you know ... ?
1 Over six billion glass bottles and
jars ............................. in Britain each
year. luse)
2 Enough paper ............................. last
year to fill 103,000 double-decker
buses. If these buses
............................. in a long line, they
would go from london to Milan.
Ibury/ park)
3 Twenty-eight million tonnes of
rubbish ............................. last year in
Britain. This weighs the same as
three and a half million double-
decker buses.lthrow away)
4 Every year a forestlhe size of
Wales ............................. to provide all
the paper used in Britain. Ineed)
5 Every day 80 million used food and
drinks cans ............................. to huge
rubbish sites. The contents of all
the food and drinks cans that one
person uses in a year would fill a
bath. Itake)
6 Enough plastic bags .............................
by food shops each year to cover
london in bags.lgive away)
7 Twenty times more plastic
............................. Iproduce) now than
50 years ago.
stUDE "$ 0 K PA
2 Complete sentences 1-8 by adding re- or non- to
these words. Remember to use the correct form.
appear cycle enter essential paint smoker
stop use
1 People worked ...... .. .. all through the day
to help to clear the rubbish from the beach.
2 Try not to keep buying new things - can you
repair and .................... ......... your old bike, for
3 Avoid buying fruit and vegetables with a lot of
............................. packaging. Just put them in a
paper bag.
4 Keep plastic carrier bags and ............................. them
at the supermarket each time you go .
5 Very little of our rubbish is actually
.. ........................... to produce new things.
6 Birds in town centres are beginning to
...... ....................... now that the air pollution has
7 ............................. have written to the manager
asking for cigarettes to be banned from the
8 Once you have left the exhibition you are not
allowed to ............................. without a new ticket.
3 Match a word from A to one from B to answer
questions 1-4.
1 What does heavy traffic produce which causes
pollution in our cities? ............................ .
2 What causes terrible damage to beaches, sea
birds and other coastal wildlife? .......................... .
3 Where does most of the household waste from
our houses go? ............................ .
4 What should we do to save energy and stop
using new materials? .......................... ..
What's it like there?
1 Underline the odd word out in each set and say
why it is wrong.
I hill mountain valley c]jff
2 seaside ocean coast field
3 soil sand beach sea
4 bay desert port harbour
5 trees wood forest rock
2 Name eight things in pictures I and 2.
3 Choose the correct word in 1-8.
What is climate change?
he climate of the world Is always changing. In the
past this was due to 1 nature/naturel causes.
Nowadays, however, the changes over 2 ,,"nt/
soon years are thought to be a result of human behaviour.
What will happen to the weather In the next
80 years?
Average temperatures will 3 grow! rise between 1.4C
and 5.8C by 2100. There will be longer periods of
4 heat! hot weather.
Ice at the north and south poles may 5 flood! melt.
There will be fewer cold days and less 6 frostlfrosty.
There will be less 7 rain! storm in the summer In
some places. .'
More extreme weather conditIOns are likely, for
example, 8 showers! thunderstorms.
4 Complete Isabel's postcard telling Emma about her
holiday with some of the words in 1. Then
underline all the adjectives Isabel uses.
Dear E"""",
I '", in a little. fi..JtintJ villatU>. at
the. I . J "'-
............................. In Partu9"-I. The.i-e. '" a
2 ............................. with lot.> of boat.>.
At the. other end. of the. vii/aBe. i" a
be.autifv..1 3 ............................. with white.
.sand. We. .spent all there.
There.'" an Old c.astJe. at
the. top of a '1 ............................. behind the.
town. It'" qv..ite. a "te.e.p".,b bv..t
, '
onc.e. .-e. there. , can walk.
the. 5 ............................. and lOOk. dawn at
the. .>ea. It'" The.
B.-eat - hot and
5 Write a postcard to a friend about a place you
know well. Use Isabel's postcard to help you and
try to use some adjectives in your description.
1.00e r1
' 00
0 "0
Go for gold!
"TVDE"T'. 800K PAGE 122
1 Label the sports equipment in
1-5 and say what sport it is
connected to and where the
sport takes place.

2 Answer questions 1-4.
1 Name two sports you play
on a court.
2 Name two different sports
played with a ball.
3 Name two sports connected
with water.
4 Name two sports you can
do on your own.
3 Replace the words in bold with
the correct words.
1 In the 87'h minute of the
football final, Wilson hit a
goal. The match ended in a
2-2 win.
2 Canada lost the team
swimming event and got
the gold medal.
3 Santos was playing well in
the tennis match until his
bat broke and he kicked
the ball into the net. He
never really recovered after
4 Read the text and circle all the football goods mentioned. Don't worry
about any-incorrect tenses yet.
OW serious a football fan are you? I don't mean how often are you going to
watch a match, but how much are you spending on goods connected with
football? It seems that nowadays you're not really a follower of the sport
unless you spend a considerable amount of money on products connected with your
favourite club and players.
No doubt you and your family own this season's football shirts. And I hope you've
got shirts like those the team is wearing for home matches, as well as the ones the
players are wearing for away matches at other clubs. Do you
read a biography of your favourite player at the moment, or
are you preferring to watch videos of him playing in
famous matches? I'm sure you buy the club magazine
every month to make sure you are keeping up to date
with what happens at the club.
Football fans spend more money on clothes,
luggage, toys and posters than ever before. ' Much
more, in fact, than they are spending on tickets to see
live matches. Money from selling goods and products
connected to the sport is now being a major part of
a club's income.
5 Underline all the uses of the present simple and continuous tenses.
Tick the ones which are correct and rewrite the incorrect ones.
6 Put the adverbs in the correct place in the sentences in 1-2.
1 Pelt' could create an opportunity to score a goal (always). He failed
to score in big matches (rarely). He is thought to be the best ever
football player (often).
2 Andre Agassi fights very hard to win his tennis matches (always).
He has had periods away from competitions due to injury
(sometimes). He has his hair very short or even completely shaved
Sport for all
1 Read the text and decide if these sentences are
correct or incorrect.
Natalie set new world records in two races.
2 Her time for the 800m final was the fastest she
had ever swum.
3 After a serious accident, she stopped swimming
for over a year.
4 Natalie's team mates have helped her to
recover from her problems.
5 Each country in the Commonwealth Games
was able to vote for the winner of the best
athlete award.
An amazing achievement
South African swimmer, Natalie Du Toit won the prize for
the best athlete in the Commonwealth Garnes in 2002. This
was a new prize open to a1l the athletes who took part.
Natalie won the gold medal in the SOm and 100m Elite
Athlete with a Disability swimming events breaking two
world records. She also made it into the final of the 800m
open swimming event (for able-bodied athletes) where
she swam a personal best of 9 minutes 13.57 seconds.
Natalie, 18 years old and from Cape Town, had an
operation to remove her lower left leg after a motorcycle
accident in 2001, but bravely returned to swimming later
that year. .'
The Chairman of the Games said 'Her achievements m
Manchester show how hard she has worked to overcome
her difficulties and, at the same time, influence others,
including her South African team mates:
All 72 competing nations suggested one athlete for the
best athlete award. The winner was chosen by people from
each of the six Commonwealth regions. They all thought
that Natalie should win the prize.
When the South African team suggested Natalie, they
said that she had been a wonderful example of their tearn
theme - 'Passion, Power, Performance'.
Writ ing
2 Complete sentences 1-5 with the phrases.
I'm afraid I'm so sorry Thank you Why don' t
Would you li ke
1 ..................... ........ for supper yesterday evening - it
was a lovely meal.
2 ............................. to come over to watch the match
with us on Saturday afternoon?
3 ............................. I missed seeing you in the play.
Everybody said you were fantastic!
4 ............................. we go to the stadium to see Jim
race at the weekend?
5 ..... ... ....... .............. we won' t be offering you the job
but we hope you are successful at a d,i!ferent
3 Match these functions to 1-5 in 2.
apologising explaining inviting
suggesting thanking
4 Write sentences for situations 1-5. Add your own
Tell your friend where you are going on holiday.
I'm going to Athens to see the Olympic Games.
1 Thank someone for a present they have given
2 Invite someone to a concert.
3 Apologise for forgetting to send a friend a
birthday card.
4 Suggest you meet your friend after college
fini shes.
5 Explain why you will miss a class tomorrow.
Body fuel
1 Here are some sentences about keeping lit and
healthy. Complete the second sentence so that it
means the same as the first. Use no more than
three words.
1 My brother said I was going to bed too late.
My brother said 'You should go to bed
......................................................... than you do.'
2 He recommended eating more healtWIy.
He said ' You should eat a ......................................... ..
......... ..... diet.'
3 I don' t li ke any vegetables apart (rom spinach
and carrots.
I don' t like any vegetables .......................................... .
.............. for spinach and carrots.
4 I won' t eat meat i( it's not grilled.
I won' t eat meat ........................................... it's grilled.
5 I know I should eat less chocolate.
I know I eat ... ...................................................... chocolate.
2 Complete sentences 1-8 by adding a pronoun and
. using the correct conditional (orm of the verbs in
1 . When you (ry beel. ............................. (change)
2 If you put the ri ce on now, ............................. (be
ready) in ten minutes.
3 If children eat too many hamburgers,
............................. (put on) weight.
4 To avoid stomach problems on holiday, don' t
drink any water unl ess ............................. (be)
5 When I have a tennis match, ............................. (eat)
plenty o( bananas.
6 If you don' t use any cream, the sauce
............................. (taste) as rich.
7 If you make some sandwi ches, ........................... ..
(bring) the drinks.
8 Unless you teU the chef. ........................... (know)
you're a vegetarian.
ITUDINT', 8001( PAGE 123
3 Write phrases to describe pictures 1-7.
a bowl of cherries
1 ........................................ ............ .

. . ._ .... -
... . "-, .
. .
' . . -..1"

2 ..................................................... 3 ................................................... ..
5 ................................................... ..
6 ........ .. ........................................... 7 .................................................... .
Special recipes
1 These people all want to go out
for a meal. Decide which
restaurant A-E would be the
most suitable for them.
1 Mike and Amanda Brown
want to find a reasonably- C
priced restaurant for lunch,
where their ten-year-old
twins Sally and Peter will
enjoy the food and won't
get bored.
Restaurant ...... ...................... .
2 Sue and David are meeting
to see a play on 1Uesday
night and would like to
have an inexpensive meal
together afterwards. Sue is
a vegetarian, but David
prefers meat dishes.
Restaurant ............................ .
3 Jade wants to book a
restaurant that has live
entertainment for a
birthday celebration meal
with her friends next
Saturday. They all love fi sh
and expect to pay above-
average prices.
Restaurant ............................ .
This friendly restaurant serves
traditional English dishes, from
Roast Beef to Homity Pie, an
excellent meat-free dish. It's usually
possible to find a table, though it is
quite crowded in the early part of the
evening. Reasonable prices, but
check the wine list before you order.
Open midday - 2.30p.m. and 7p.m.
- midnight.
The new head chef here trained in
Spain and cooks fantastic fish and D THE SHIP
seafood recipes, that are popular Situated near the river, with its own
with adults and children alike. The garden and play area, The Ship is
restaurant gets busy, so reserve perfect for young families. Their
your table in advance. There is an cheap children's menu includes
excellent Spanish guitar player every favourites like sausages, baked
night. Not cheap, but well worth the potatoes, fish and chips and pizza,
money for a special occasion. Open and is available throughout the day.
8p.m. till late. Adult meals are good value for
money, too.
Helen is the owner and has run this E TINO'S
small vegetarian restau rant for over Tino, who is originally from southern
ten years. There is a choice of salads Italy, prepares delicious dishes from
at lunchtime and an evening fixed his region, using only the freshest
menu, offering two courses for vegetables and best-quality meat and
under 10 (three for 14). Great fish. Plan for a bill of at least 40
value and even the hungriest will per person. Open from Wednesday
leave feeling full and satisfied. Open to Saturday, evenings only (advance
from midday through to 9p.m. booking essential).
2 Underline the odd word out in each set and say why it is wrong.
1 curried hot spicy sweet
2 bake cut grill roast
3 fork knife plate spoon
4 bread cake loaf roll
5 diet drink eat taste
6 candy chocolate dessert soup
Old building, new use
1 Find 15 words connected to bUildings in the
R E 0 F R 0 D
0 F T H D A G
R 8 E R W I N
E R V 0 8 R I
T I M 0 F E V
0 K E L S W I
Write a short description of
each building, using words
from the wordsquare.
A L X 0
0 R Y S
N D 0 W
3 Do sentences 1-8 use the present perfect or the
past simple?
1 Maria moved out of shared accommodation a
fortnight ago.
2 She never really liked living there.
3 She's just found herself a new, unfurnished flat.
4 She's only been able to afford a table and chairs
so far.
5 Gilberto started supporting FC Porto when he
was nine.
6 Football has been the most important thing in
his life ever since.
7 He hasn't missed a single Porto match this
8 Last night, he saw them win 6- 1 in the UEFA
4 Match sentences 1-8 in 1 to uses a-d.
a something that happened at a definite time in
the past
b something that happened in the recent past
c something that started in the past and is still
going on
d something that was true in the past but isn't
any longer
5 Correct any mistakes in the use of the present
perfect and past simple in sentences 1-8.
1 John has walked past this museum every day
but he didn't visit it.
2 I've found the perfect location for your shop -
it's only a minute's walk away!
3 My brother has sold his house last month an.d
has just started renting an apartment in the dty
4 Yesterday's fire at the Palace Hotel, which has
only reopened five weeks ago, has begun in the
5 Building the new cinema took over two years,
because they have found dangerous chemicals
on the site shortly after they have started.
6 Did you ever go to the old theatre before they
pulled it down?
7 The newly finished ten-storey office block
replaced the old market area.
8 They only delivered half the bricks we ha ve
needed, so I've asked for more today.
State of the art
1 Read notices 1-3 and choose the correct answer A,
B or C.
A For safety reasons, we look after any luggage
while you are inside the stadium.
B You are requested to use another stadium gate
in case of dangerously large crowds.
C Choose the stadium exit that is closest to you if
there is an emergency.
2 ~ r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ ~
2 Complete sentences 1-6 with a relative pronoun.
1 Elena, ............................. sister lives in the north of
Spain, is staying with us at the moment.
2 The flat ............................. I rent in London is near
some great restaurants.
3 There's a big park opposite the college,
................ ............. we often play football .
4 The architect ..................... .. ...... designed the new
gall ery will be at tonight'S party.
5 Do you know ............................. cottage this is?
6 During the winter, ............................. is very cold, we
play tennis in an indoor stadium.
Visitors cannot enter this 3 Number the sentences of the story \ -8.
factory unlessthey hold
an ID card from Security
A 11 you have coll ected your ill card, you are
allowed inside the factory.
B Once you have entered the factory, please
report to Security for an ill card.
C Hand over your ill card to Security as you The taxi driver dropped me at the castle entrance ...
enter thi s factory.
A You must wait here for Picasso exhibition
tickets unless you have already booked.
B Join the queue to buy tickets to enter the
Picasso exhibition this morning.
C We are no longer taking reservations for tickets
to the Picasso exhibition.
A I said yes and she told me to follow her.
B It was the best surprise I have ever had!
C Then I told myself not to be stupid and walked up
to the big wooden door.
D She pushed it open and there were all my friends,
waiting for me to arrive at my bIrthday party.
E We went down a long, dark passage and came to
another wooden door.
F I watched him drive back down the hill, feeling a
bit scared.
G It swung open and I stepped inside.
H Suddenly, an old woman appeared beside me and ~
asked if I was on the guest list. ,
Internet interests
1 Complete the text using these verbs in the -ing
buy get move offer repair
say try
a small town
Have you ever considered 1 ............................. a whole
town? Joe and Elizabeth Lapple used to own a small
century town called Bridgeville in Northern
California. It has a post office, about two kilometres of
a river, and over 12 houses, but the owners didn't have
the $200,000 needed for 2 ............ ................. it.
After 3 .................... ......... to sell it for a number of years,
the Lapples did not want to delay 4 .............. ............... to a
new home any longer. So they decided to offer it for
sale on the internet auction site eBay. This is a website
where you can buy and sell things by 5 ...... ...................... .
how much you will pay for something _ your ' bid'.
The auction opened at the end of November and
people kept on 6 ............................. bids during the month
the auction lasted. The final bid of $1,m,877 came in a
few seconds before it finished.
Before the auction, Joe Lapple said he wanted to sell
the town for at least $775,000. He hadn' t imagined
7 ...... .. .... ................. more than twice that sum. And it only
happened after 8 ............................. it for sale on the
2 Match a preposition from A to a verb from B to
complete sentences 1-6.
I You can't use internet auctions ....................... .... ..
If you're fa.miliar ...... ....................... through websites,
you'll find it easy to use an auction site.
Search for something ............................. the type of
thing you want from a list, for example, if you
need a panicular video, choose what type of
film it is.
4 If you are interested ............................. something,
you can make an offer for it.
5 ...... how much money you would pay
check what the highest offer is .
6 ............................. your offer, click the 'Place bid'
3 Read the task then complete the email using these
build the website class website good idea
photos and information
You want to build a website for your English class .. Write
an email (35-45 words) to a friend in the class tellmg
him/ her about your idea. In your email, you should
explain what you would put on the website
ask him/her to help you
say when you are going to start.
Dear Andrew
j:;;;' 9 g' rn et cafe.
Leisure interests
1 What hobbies do pictures 1-6 show?
1 ........ ............................................. 2 ... .. .. ............................................. .
3 ..................... .. ........ .. .. .......... ...... . 4 .................................................. ..
5 .................................................... 6 .................................................... .
2 Put these words in the correct list according to
which hobby they are connected to. You can use
some things more than once.
ball boat beets bowl brush
Rat knife map music oven
piano raincoat sails shorts
water bottle violin
boots, hat,
3 Read the text about an unusual hobby and choose
the correct answer A, B, C or D.
1 Awho B when C which D where
2 A joins B involves C includes D contains
3 A take B put C make D return
4 A part B up C off D place
5 A guided B advised C all owed D informed
6 A on B in C by D at
7 A only B simple C basic D plain
8 A should B will C need D would

Summer music
1 Complete the crossword with words connected to
1 When you play or act something in front of an
audience (noun)
5 To make music with your voice (verb)
6 The place musicians stand or sit to play to an
audience (noun)
7 A piece of music with words (noun)
1 You need to do this if you want to play an
instrument well (verb)
2 To put something on a tape or CD so that people
can hear it again (verb)
3 You are this if you are good at music (adjective)
4 An instrument you hit with your hands or sticks
2 Write answers to 1--4.
N_ two IlIIIIal"" YO' _ your Inllh to pley.
Name two instruments with strings.
Name two IIIIInInMIIIs wIIIcII_ electricity.
Nama two typas of music group musicians play in.

3 Match the rules for a roadie 1-8 to a-Co
I'OIIdIe (noun) a member of the
~ ~ t people, the crew, who
WIth a band on tour and
get all the equipment ready for
a concert or show
1 You must work well as a team with the other roadies.
2 You needn't lift heavy equipment on your own - get
someone to help you.
3 You must pack spare equipment for a tour.
4 You don't have to look after the band after a show-
it's not your job.
S You must remember to provide the band with water
during a show - they drink at least two litres each.
6 You must always make the music as loud as possible.
7 If you're vegetarian, you need to bring your own food.
S You mustn't leave the crew' s bus untidy.
a something you are not allowed to do
b something it is not necessary to do
c something it is necessary to do
4 Greg is asking about his new job. Correct any
mistakes with must, have to and need in the dialogue.
BAND MANAGER A roadie must be hardworking and
patient. Crew members must to work long
GREG Do I must stay with the band for the whole
BAND MANAGER We' d like you to. The contract is
for the whole tour.
GREG OK. Have to I bring a sleeping bag and
BAND MANAGER Yes, you need bring aU your own
things. And remember, you don' t have to
smoke in the crew's tour-bus. Wait until the
driver stops lor a break .
Screen scene
1 Choose the correct adjective in 1-7.
A BEARD You may not like them but they make your
face look interesting/ if1terested and all great film-
makeis have one.
A STUPID NAME Try hitting the keyboard on your
computer and see what it spells. There's no need to
feel embarrassing! embarrassed - your new name
needs to be very silly.
A BASEBALL CAP You must wear a baseball cap at all
times. It's surprising! surprised how useful they are -
it will keep you warm in winter and cool in summer.
POINTING POinting is directing. Try to get a photo
where you look annoying! annoyed - where you're
shouting at the actors.
FRIENDS No, not your old friends, but new, famous
friends. You have to be seen having a relaxing!
relaxed time with this year's top stars.
ONE OF THOSE CHAIRS You know, the ones which
fold out and have DIRECTOR on the back. You'll feel
very satisfying! satisfied with yourself once you're
Sitting in it.
A REALLY FAMOUS FILM Why not make Hollywood's
most frighteninglfrightened film? You really don't
want the audience to be boring! bored.
2 Underline the adjectives in this description of a
scene from a film and match some of them to 1-7
Jenni arrives home tired after work and finds the
unlocked. She goes into the house feeling rather
She calls out in a loud voice, ' Hello. Who's there l' There IS
no reply. She starts to feel scared. She opens the door to
mall living room and feels a cold wind on her face. There s
:n old man in the room. They look at each other in silence.
I elderly .... _ .... ............ _.. ..... 2 anxious ....... -.................... .
3 strong .................... _........ 4 frightened .................... ........ .
5 exhausted 6 freezing ............................ .
7 tiny .................. .... ...... .
3 Add your own adjectives to the text to continue the
She looks quickly round the room. Everything is there - the
............................. laptop computer, her ............................. collection
of CDs and the ............................. painting by a famous artist.
But her ............................. photo is missing. She turns back to the
man. He's holding it in his hands and crying. 'This is my
son: he says.
- --
4 Complete the letter with your own words about a
film you didn' t like. Use prompts 1--4 to help you.
Qe.a.(" Jl /ia.
/-low are. :JDI-l 7 for :JDI-lr Ie.tter. Le.t
:JDI-l<.lt 0. terrible. film I =w we.e.k. . It
.. ::.:: .::::.: ..
when 4 ............................. ............................. . It ver:J
0J1Cl I think. :JDI-l tell :JDI-lr
not to :Jo!
Be..5t wiU.5
I You can write about a real film and give its
name, or you could make up a film and a name.
2 You could give information about a town, an
area, a country or a building.
3 What is the topic or situation in the film?
4 Give some information about an event in the
film you didn't like.
Take the challenge
1 Number the events in the order they happened. Then rewrite 1-6 as
one sentence using the past simple, past perfect and the word in
brackets. Make any other necessary changes.
The refugees felt safe. 2 The refugees crossed the border. 1 (after)
After the refugees had crossed the border. they felt safe.
1 Peter got on the train. He gave Jamira a goodbye hug. (before)
2 The pilot asked for the flight plan. He took off. (belore)
3 Flora visited Rome. She decided to study Italian. (after)
4 The house was quiet. Everybody went to bed. (because)
5 I arrived. The meeting finished. (when)
6 Sam fell asleep. His mother finished the story. (before)
2 Complete the puzzle with a suitable word for 1-7. What word appears
in the box?
1 This is a long journey for a special purpose, for example, to carry
out a task or research.
2 This is the natural world around us.
3 This printed document includes pictures and gives information
about something.
4 This is the word for a thick forest in a hot country.
5 Some people take time off from this to travel or learn another skill.
6 ff you have this, you will get money if something unpleasant
happens to you.
7 This person trains you and explains what you have to do.
3 Match these verbs and nouns
and use them in the correct
tense to complete sentences
direction exercise
money place
places time turns
1 Lars forgot to ............................ .
any .................... ......... at the
airport, so we've all got to
lend him some.
2 really must start
............................. some
............................. , to get fitter
before we go skiing.
3 If you keep ............................ .
like this, you'll get a rude
letter from the bank!
4 Maria was bored with her
job in finance, so she
decided to ............................. and
become a dentist.
5 Would you ............................ .
with me for a moment? I
want to take a photo from
the window.
6 How much ............................ .
have you ..... ........................ in
the rainforest? My three
days of camping weren't
nearly enough!
7 If we ............................. at
carrying the equipment, we
won't get so tired. I' ll go
first, if you like.
8 The first training session
had already ............................ .
when I reached the camp,
so I had to find things out
for myself.
Take a break
1 Read the frequently asked questions (FAQs) from
the Earthwatch website and match each question
1-10 to its answer A-J.
What are Earthwatch expeditions? K
1 How long are the projects?
2 Do I need any special skills?
3 Where are your research sites?
4 Am I too old?
5 Can you provide food for special diets?
6 Do most people travel alone?
7 Will I have any time off?
8 Who books my travel ?
9 What about visas?
10 What do I need to bring?
2 Find words or phrases in the text in I that have a
similar meaning to 1-8. The paragraph letter is
given in brackets.
1 sensible (A) .... ... .... . ........... ..
2 weather conditions (B) ......................... ..
3 meeting place (C) .......................... ..
4 suggest (D) ............................ .
5 distant regions (E) .... ........ ............. .
6 individual meetings (F) ............................ .
7 possibilities (H) ............................ .
8 learn how to do (J) ... ......................... .
Earthwatch expeditions
A Never! Volunteers over 80 have enjoyed our projects and
given valuable help. However, please be realistic regarding
your health and fitness, and always call us for advice.
B Some projects may require camping equipment, others
require clothing for certain climates, but most require no
more than your favourite old clothes.
C You do. While your Expedition Coordinator will be able to
offer suggestions, part of preparing yourself for an
Earthwatch expedition comes in getting yourself to and from
the rendezvous site.
o Of course! The team leader will often recommend a number
of local sights and attractions nearby that would be worth a
visit. Dr you might just like to relax in a hammock with a
good book. The choice is yours.
E On many projects thi s is possible, but remember that when
working in more remote areas, you will have to eat what is
available locally. To be sure, check with us first before you
join any team.
F Much of our work is in wildlife reserves, important historical
sites, and national parks. Places range from Inner Mongolia
to the Outer Hebrides, from Hudson Bay to Uruguay. On an
Earthwatch project you have one-on-one contact with the
local people that no tourist will ever have.
G You will find some couples on expeditions, but most of our
volunteers are on their own. Earthwatch expeditions are a
safe way to get to remote or unfamiliar places because you
will be met at the rendezvous site and wi ll soon be part of a
H Most last 10--14 days, but there are also one-week, three-
week, and weekend opportunities available.
You are responsible for arranging your own. If you have to
apply for one, allow plenty of time, and always ask for a
tourist type. You don't need a work permit.
J No. The researchers and field staff will teach you every1hing
you need to know once you arrive. Most of the tasks are
simple, and you will quickly master them.
K They are ongoing research projects, run by qualified and
respected members of the scientific community. They are not
tours, not ecotourism and not adventure travel.
Different relationships
1 Complete the advice below about how to keep a
relationship going, using these words.
change essential importance moments reach
thing unavoidable unless
s;x ways to protect
your relat;onsh;p
Show a little respect The most important 1 ............................ .
in any relationship is to value the other .
2 ............ ................. you do this, the relationshIp Wlll fall.
Don't wish they were different Happy couples
way their partners are and don't try to 3 ............................. t
at all.
Spend time together There's no rule about how .much time
you should spend together, but,YOU to, recognise the
4 .. . of this shared quabty time.
The ability to see the funny side and laugh
....... ...................... and will u through any
3 Rewrite messages 1-4 as reported speech,
remembering to change any pronouns.
1 'Brian, I' ve locked your office and put the key
in my drawer.'
In her email, Liz said to Brian that she
2 'Mum, can I stay round at Alex's?'
Robert asked his mother if
3 'I'm sorry you weren't able to come swimming.'
Mike said to John .... ............. ..... ... ......... ....................... .
4 'Will you be taking your K yJi e CDs to the parry,
Umberto asked Helen whether
4 Here are some sentences about two friends .
Complete the second sentence so that it means the
same as the first. Use no more than three words .
1 Tanya and Beth have been friends since
primary school.
'ally if you Tanya first .......... ......... ..... . ...................... ... .... .. wit h Beth
2 Are sentences 1-6 correct or incorrect according to
the text in I ?
1 People in good relationships recognise that
their partners are important.
2 If necessary, you should try to make your
partner behave differently.
3 It's important for a couple to be with each
other for most of t he time.
4 If couples can joke together, they will find it
easier to deal with times of stress.
5 Quarrelling with your partner can improve a
6 If you disagree with your partner about
something, it is better to hold onto your own
a t primary sch 001.
2 Tanya likes to talk to Beth about their
schooldays and so does Beth.
Beth and Tanya like to ................................................... ..... .
other about their schooldays.
3 The other day, Beth asked Tanya if she
remembered their first teacher.
The other day, Beth asked ' .......................................... .
...... ... .... . remember our firs t teacher, Tanya?'
4 Tanya suggested going to visit him at school.
Tanya said 'Why ............... ..... ................................. .. .. go
and visit him at school?'
5 They would li ke to meet their teacher as well
as look round the school.
They want to look round the school in .. ........... .
........................................... to meeting their teacher.
Close to you
1 Complete the crossword with words connected to
1 Your mother or father's mother.
4 Part of a couple: ...... ....................... and wife.
7 Phrasal verb meaning Don't let go! or Wait! (4,2).
8 Phrasal verb meaning leave: walk ........................... ..
9 Phrase: faU ............................. love.
10 What you only tell your best friend.
12 An uncle has a nephew or a ............................. .
13 The o[fidal end of a relationship between man
and wife.
14,15 Phrasal verb meaning separate (5,2).
1 A girl or woman who has a romantic
relationship with a boy or man.
2 The female child of parents.
3 Phrasal verb meaning spend time with (your
friends) (4, 3.4).
5 Part of this saying: ' ............................. is company,
three's a crowd'.
6 After your wedding, you are ...... .. .... ................. .
11 Plural of wife.
2 Match sentences 1-4 to a-d to make the openings
of four stories.
1 Julia wanted to leave home and find a job in
2 I noticed Clara because she was wearing an
extraordinary ha t.
3 Martin and Ingrid never imagined they
would win the holiday competition.
4 It had started to nun, so I went back to the
hotel for an umbrella.
a if On the way, a young man stopped me to ask
I wanted a guide.
b She told me later that
she'd bought it in a
market near the
C Her mother had
made other plans for
her future.
d Even now, as they
boarded the plane to
Barbados, it seemed like a
3 Write out the sentences in 2, adding one of these
adverbs to each one.
actually heavily immediately politely really
recently happily unfortunately
2 Th
3 .......................................................................... ., .... .e .. .
00 B .. h
....................................................................... ..... r. .tIS
4 .................. ......... ... ..... .. .................................. .. C . uncil
Your own wheels
1 Read the text about the car in the photograph and
find what 1-6 refer to.
49 The size of the engine
I 100 2 1. 35
4 199 5 1962
3 25
6 1965
OU are unlikely ever to see a Peel P50 minicar on the
road. There is just one left out of the 100 that were
produced in the early 1960s, and it's in a museum. The
Peel P50 was the smallest car in the world. Everything about
it was tiny, from the 6-litre petrol tank to the 49cc engine. It
was just 1.35 metres long and weighed about the same as an
11-year-old boy. It cost 199 when it was first produced In
1962 and had a top speed of about 25 kilometres per hour.
The Peel P50 was definitely a town car, intended for short
journeys rather than long distances. It was designed to carry
one person and a single bag of shopping, anything larger -
like a big suitcase - would not fit. It even had a handle with
which it could be lifted and wheeled around. Picking it up and
pushing it was the only way of getting the car to go
backwards. Unfortunately, the Peel P50 was too small to share
the busy roads with buses and huge
lorries, and it died out in 1965
after only three years
on the road.
2 Are sentences 1-5 correct or incorrect according to
the text in l?
I It is still possible to see a Peel P50 on display.
2 Only someone the size of an II-year-old boy
could drive the car because it was so small.
3 Apart from the driver, there was enough space
for one piece of luggage in the car.
4 The car was only suitable for local travel.
5 It wasn' t possible to drive the car backwards.
srUDINT'. lOOk PAGE 1 2
3 Match 1-6 to responses a-f and decide if each pair
of sentences is an offer, a promise or prediction.
I'm going to be late to class tomorrow.
I'll tell the teacher. offer
I Buying a house in the centre of a city is getting
very expensive.
2 I think I left my wallet at your house yesterday.
3 Let me know how you do in your driving test.
4 Paula's just phoned to say she's arrived at the
train station.
5 Public transport in the city is overcrowded.
6 Donna's playing excellent tennis this year.
a The counell says it will build a new tram
b I'll go and pick her up.
c I' ll look for it when I get home.
d I'll phone you as soon as it's finished.
e She will do well in the competition next week.
f More people will move out into the suburbs.
4 Read the task and number the four sentences that
best answer it 1-4.
You are gOing away for the weekend with your friend,
Anna. Write an email to her. In your email , you should
offer to buy the train tickets before you travel
suggest what train to catch
arrange to meet Anna at the station.
Dear Anna
... I suggest we catch the train at 8.30 .
.. . let's meet on Saturday morning at 8.15 on
Platform 4.
... Shall I get the train tickets for the weekend in
.. Let's arrange to meet at the station at 8.15.
... See you on Saturday.
.. Shall I buy the train tickets before we travel?
. .. Looking forward to going away for the weekend.
... I think the best train to get is the one at 8.30.
Love, Ross
On the move
STUDt:NT'. 8001( PAGE 124
1 Complete the puzzle with a suitable word for 1-10.
What word appears in the box? Complete the
sentences below with two reasons for using thls
form of transport.
1 a type of transport which moves over land or
water on a cushion of air
2 a two-wheeled vehicle with a small engine
3 a vehicle used to take people to hospitals in an
4 a two-wheeled vehicle without an engine
5 an American word for taxi
6 a general word for a vehicle used on water
7 a large vehicle on water used to carry goods
and passengers
8 a form of public transport in cities which travels
on rails on the roads
9 a water vehicle whiCh transports cars and
10 a fast form of public transport which uses rails
to travel on, not roads
2 Answer questions 1-5 about the forms of transport
3 Complete the text with phrases made from at, on
and in and some of these words.
a hurry board fact first foot least sale
that moment tinle
Beat the traffic
Scooters are a great way of getting around in town,
1 ............................. they could offer a solution to some of
our traffic problems.
Scooters may not be as cheap as travelling by bike or
2 ............................. , but they are certainly much less
expensive than cars. New scooters do cost
3 ............................. 2600, but you can find good quality
second-hand scooters 4 ............................. for less than
Before you take your scooter out, you Will need some
basic training. Driving in traffic needs some Practice and
you must remember you are often in danger. You must
wear a helmet and It Is wise to wear some other
protective clothing. 5 ......... __ you might be a bit
~ r v o u s about ,?oving in and out of traffic, but soon you
Will get used to It and will find that you can always arrive
6 ............................. for a meeting or date.

Free to talk
rance Telecom R&D, the research and development centre
for France Telecom, has recently designed a 'communicating'
jacket, which can be used in the same way as a hands-free
mobile phone.
The jacket provides the normal features of a mobile phone
without a screen or keypad. The pieces of the extra-flat
telephone, weighing 100g, are hidden inside the jacket, the
number keys are inside the front edge, and the microphone is in
the collar. The user presses the star button to get the dial tone
or to hang up, and the caller simply says the name of the person
to call, or else dials the number on the keypad part of the jacket.
France Telecom R&D is testing the jacket in real situations, to
1 Read the text and for each question choose the
correct answer A, B, C or D.
Why has the writer written the text?
A to persuade people to buy the new jacket
B to find out what readers think about the
new jacket
C to tell readers about a new development
D to inform readers that mobile phones are
no longer necessary
2 What does the reader find out about the jacket
from the text?
A It has a special place to keep a mobile
B It only weighs 100 grams.
C It contains different parts of a mobile phone.
D It can be folded up flat.
3 To finish a call, you
A press a number on the keypad.
B say out loud that you want to end the call.
C hold the front edge of the jacket.
D press a button on the jacket.
4 According to the writer, the jacket
A will offer benefits to some users.
B could not be used in the real world.
C has already attracted the fashion industry.
D is suitable for very cold climates.
5 Which of these people would be most likely to
use the jacket?
A a businessman in a meeting
B a manager on a building site
C an office worker based at home
D a keep fit instructor in a gym
see what possible users think of it. These tests involve
professional people working outside the office (on outdoor
projects, for example), non-professional athletes, as well as
teenagers and young college students.
The results will help France Telecom R&D to improve the
jacket's design. The centre has contacted clothing
manufacturers interested in using the new technology.
Future possibilities include new ways to inform the user of an
incoming call . One way heats the material of the jacket near the
skin to tell the user there is a call - for use in very noisy
environments. Developments like these are likely to prove
attractive in many situations .
2 Read the task and decide which opening 1-3 is
best for the reply. Finish the letter in about 50
Thi s is part of a letter you receive from an English
/ I've just bought a computer. It's great to
L have email at home. How often do you
use email? What else do you use the
internet for?
'11....---__ _

""f1...OJI..K :1OlA f'o..-- opv."-- I ..... ':P-' weLL
I lAse.. 0.. c.OM.pv.te....- 0..+ c.otJ __ blA.t 'SoM.e:h:ME..'S
(t''S dc:f'f'c:c.lAl"t- to f'LI\.d Of\.. thO-t''S -f .....e.e... I love.
to f'''--C:II2.II..d.-s 01\. th.e. Tile. :30+ 0-
lot of' work 0.-+ th.e. MOMlI2.l\.t . \Ak.?.',.--e.
0.. p.--c;je.c.t- Of\. C.OMMlAII..LC.O.:b:ol\. OJ\.d il2.Mo.i.l.
2 Dea...- Jacle.
Thark., for e.n')Gtil. I'm >D .'Jlacl .'Jot
e..rna.i' at horrre. . Now we. CA.fl writ e. to each
other a lot f'f"IOr'"'e.. . I e..rrta.i / frie.nc1.s
da.!:J, e...spec.ia.lI!::J in the It',s a. Bre.a.t
to ke.e.p in toc.n. We. .e.ncl eac.n othe...-
a.rtic/es a.nd.. joke...s 0..5 well a...5 oar ,;e.w.s.
3 De.," J <>de.
J Jl"iri<- I\,e. be.St So,t of """"f'I.'tu to buj is "
laptop_ T/..,e,n Jou c..GW'. use. ;t You '::"W1
use. e,.n.,a;1 ;l"lfe.r'l"\e.f do all J.ou. ....
wo.1< "" it. J wi"'" J _'ld " """"f'I.'tu of ""j
own. 1 I-\,we. fa; 1 aof tl-le. ;nfe. ... ne.t c..eli.
Disappearing languages
TUDEN 'S 800K PAGE 133
1 Write sentences about what we used to do and use
the verbs to talk about what we do now.
be have look lor send travel
post a letter f lax
We used to post a letter, now we send a fax.
I photocoPY documents /an email with an
2 not travel long distances by air / by ship
3 computers be huge / much smailer
.............................................................. .................................
4 digital technology be expensive / cheap
5 find information in a library / it on the internet
....................... ........ ......... .......
6 not have mobil e phones / almost everyone one
.................................................. ........
2 Imagine you are going to interview someone who
is 100 years old. Make questions about their hfe as
a child, using the prompts.
1 how / get to school?
. ... .. ........... ................ ... ....... . ..... . .... , "
2 where / go on holiday?
............... ....................................... "
3 did / eat in restaurants?
, .......... .. ..... ", ... ... , .............................................. .
4 whattlree-time activities do?
................................................ ...........................
5 how / find out about news?
6 did / get pocket money?
3 Choose the correct word lor 1-6 .
Dying words
Have you ever heard someone speak Udlhe,
Eyak or Arlkapu? You probably never will.
It is unlikely that Udihe, Eyak and Arikapu -
spoken in Siberia, Alaska and the Amazon jungle,
will survive. About 100 people speak Udihe, six
speak Arikapu, and Eyak is down to one .
Researchers have 1 discovered/invented that Marie
Smith, 83, of Anchorage, Alaska, is the last speaker
of Eyak .
Languages need at least 100,000 speakers to
2 delay/ prevent them from dying according to
UNESCO, the United Nations Educational
Scientific and Cultural Organisation. Experts think
that 3,400 to 6,120 languages are in 3 threat/danger,
and could disappear by 2100.
In 1983, Hawaiians started the' Aha Punana Leo
organisation to 4 save/keep their language, because
fewer than 1,000 people could speak it. This was
because the Americans had 5 banned/rejused
schools from teaching in Hawaiian at the end of the
19th century. Now however, students have all their
lessons in Hawaiian and the number of speakers is
around 7,000 to 10,000. 'We just want Hawaiian
back where it 6 belongs/owns.' said a spokesperson
from ' Aha Punana Leo. 'If you can't speak it in
Hawaii, where will you speak it?'
4 Find words and phrases in the text in 3 which
have a similar meaning to 1- 5. -
1 not expected ............................ .
2 to continue to live ................ ............ .
3 as said by somebody ...... .................. .. ..
4 a period of 100 years .. .. ........... ............ ..
5 someone who talks on behalf of an
organisation ........ .................... .
At your service
'a aooa p: 3
1 Write sentences about what you can have done
at these places.
You can have your photo taken.
........ .......................................................................................................
..................................... , ................ .. .................. .. ................................. .
......................................... .... ................................. .
4 ...................................................................... ... .................................... ..
............................................. " ................................. , ............ ............... .
6 .. ............................................ .. ................ ................. ...... ................. .. .
2 Correct the wrong spellings in 1-6. Don't worry
about the underlined words yet.
1 Will you be in on Tuesday, Mrs Gardner? We
make deliverys to your area in the afternoon.
2 I'm having the house painted a !ightcr colour
next week. It's easyer than doing it myself.
3 I love shoping on a Saturday morning and then
spending the afternoon trying on what I
4 Kay's daughter goes to a nursery where the
children do lots of different activitys. Last week
they walked to the local rutk
5 Granny's going to get a gardener to help keep
the garden tidy. To be honest. I think it's a
great idea - you know how much she worrys
about it.
6 If you want advice on your new gyi1g.L go to
Musical World - it's the bigest music shop in
3 Which letters are silent in the underlined words in

4 Read the information about a hotel and decide if
sentences 1-6 are correct or incorrect.
ituated on the coast overlooking Reef Point, this
special hotel offers you comfort and luxury. In
addition to the forty large double rooms there
are three cottages in the grounds. Each room has central
heating and air conditioning, as well as a music system
with a choice of six music programmes and satellite TV
offering 25 channels. All rooms have telephones and an
internet connection. The cottages also have open fires
and wood is delivered every day .
You can dine in the villa's main dining room, or enjoy
the chef'S prize-winning meals outside on the terrace.
Light snacks, tea, coffee and other drinks are served all
day in the Reef Bar. The Reef Bar menu can also be served
in your room by calling 100 for Room Service.
A variety of activities and amenities are offered. The
gym contains the most up-to-date equipment. Work out
for five minutes or all morning. Our personal trainers can
provide you with a personal training plan for your stay:
from 30 minutes to two hours a day. The swimming pool
is open from 8a.m. to 10p.m. The Beauty Club is open
from 11a.m. to 4p.m. and a variety of treatments is
The library holds a collection of over 2,000 books and
is the most comfortable place to relax and read. DVDs are
shown every evening in the hotel 's own private screen
room next to the library.
1 You can watch 25 different TV stations.
2 All the rooms have open fires.
3 You can order food from the main dining room
to eat in your room.
4 You must use the gym for a minimum of half
an hour.
5 The Beauty Club is open over lunchtime.
6 DVDs are shown in the library every day.
Student life
1 Complete the text with will and one of these verbs.
Use each verb once.
be able to cost enjoy have to need pay
spend take part
The following points may help you
when you first arrive in Britain.
Telephone kiosks can be found at all main stations, shopping
centres and in the street You 1 ............................. 20p, 50p and
1 coins to use the phone. Phone cards are also available.
It 2 ............................. about 650 a month for basic necessities
for one person. The main things are accommodation and
food, but YO'u 3 ........ ..................... money on books, clothes,
entertainment and travel as well . You 4 ............................. extra
for your course fees. These vary from course to course.
If your course is less than six months, you 5 ............................ .
pay for health treatment and are
advised to have health insurance.
If you stay for longer than six
months you 6 .................... ......... have
free treatment on the National
Health Service.
We hope that you 7 ............................ .
your stay in Britain, and while you
are here, you 8 .............. ............... in
the many cultural, social, sport and
travel activities the university and
city offer.
2 Choose the correct future form in 1-6.
1 What will you I are you going to study at
2 I'll I I'm going to live in France for a year.
3 You willi are going to need a visa to work in
4 Gary: I've just finished my application form
for university.
Tim: I'll Il 'm going to post it if you like. I'm
going into town soon.
5 Tessa's bought a new dictionary because she
will lis going to study Spanish.
6 Frederico won't I isn 't going to need to find
accommodation because all overseas students
get a room on the university campus.
3 Rewrite Rosa's email making it more interesting by
adding more variety to the sentences. Use her first
email to help.
Hi Emilia
I've had a great weekend. I went to a party on Friday. I
went to the library on Saturday morning to finish an
essay and I went shopping in the afternoon. I went to a
pizzeria last night. I went with my friends.
Hope you're well.
Hi Emilia
I've had a great weekend . ............................. to a party. I
............................. in the library on Saturday morning and
.. ........................... I went shopping. Last night
............ ................. my friends ........................... ..
Hope you're well.
It could happen to you
1 Match life events 1-5 to a-j.
1 starting a new job 2 falling in love
moving to a new flat 3 finishing university 4
5 being ill
I've. ,.,....e.t
1'''' >0
o The. doctor's :Jive/)
hi", SOil').. /'"I"le...d;c..,ne.. so
hope.f"-lIy he'll sta.rt to
.fe.e.1 5ette.r .:soon.
Fra.'*.',5 been ta.Ken
into ho.spital. G,a.j,'.s
the",-e. with hiN) .
All the. new
c.D1le.a.,1lJ..e...s I've. ,...-e,t
.:see.m ve.r-:J nic..e. .
2 Read notices 1-3 and choose the correct answer
A, B or C.
A Each patient must choose the time thelr two
visitors come to visit.
B Each patient can have a maximum of two
visitors with them at the same time.
C Each patient can only have two visits during
their time in hospital.
A New staff need not sign in after they have
received their identity card.
B New staff will receive identity cards when they
sign in at reception.
C New staff have to sign their identity cards at
3 ______________________________ _
Notice of exam results is by post.
No personal enquiries please.
A Students should enquire about their results by
B Students can see the exam results on a notice.
C Students will receive their exam results in the
3 Match a phrase from A to one from B and write
sentences in the second conditional.
W4R leltery Ret 5!l@RG all the meRey
at eREe
not do homework celebrate with my friends
car break down be an uncle
friend ill make an excuse
pass my exams phone for help
restaurant meal cold break in
my sister have children make a complaint
lose my front door key take her flowers
If I won the lottery, I wouldn '( spend all the money
at once.
Life can be difficult
1 Here are some sentences about money. Complete
the second sentence so that it means the same as
the first. Use no more than three words.
1 If you have money problems, you should ask
for advice straight away.
Ask for advice as ..... .................................................. you
realise you have money problems.
2 Bank staff are trained by experts to help young
people manage money.
Experts ................................. ......... ............... staff to help
young people manage money.
3 Many people have had a credit card since they
were 18.
a ~ y people get a credit card ....... ............... .
............................. 18.
4 Advisers warn people that their situation won't
improve unless they stop spending.
di If people .................................................. ... .... spen ng,
their situation won't improve.
5 People must learn to spend less than they earn.
People must not ........................................................ they
2 Complete sentences 1-8 by adding un- or -less to
these words.
afraid blame clear embarrassed fault
happy price thought
I I thought Jenny would be scared of going to
the dentist, but she was quite .....
2 The waiter spilled coffee all over me. He didn't
apologise and seemed completely ............................. .
3 I'm afraid I am ... ... . .. ... . with the service I
received from the hotel staff and I wish to
make a complaint.
4 Everyone thinks it was Dad who broke the
video but he insists he is ................ ............. .
5 I'm sorry I'm late, but the directions were
................ ............. and I got lost.
6 Rory won the music competition. He played
brilliantly - his performance was absolutely
7 The exhibition was full of ............................. jewellery
owned by different royal fanlilies in Europe.
There were security guards everywhere.
8 Why didn't you phone to tell me you were
going to be late? It's very ................... .......... of you.
3 Use the prompts to write a story about Sam's day.
Think carefully about what tense to use and add
other words as necessary.
Friday morning/Sam's alarm clock not go off
be late for college / take important test at
have no time to revise / meet new girlfriend,
Lisa, last week
spend all free time together since then
look forward / meet Lisa after college
6 wait in favourite cafe/when get text message
7 message: I go out with old boyfriend/not want
to see you again
4 Think of a title for the story in 3 .
The working world
1 Find 12 jobs in the wordsquare.
D I S C J 0 C K E Y N
E N H E P I L 0 T E 0
T S L X C 8 W N P A V
C R E V G D E H 8 T L
T U R A S E P T J 0 I
E 0 X M 0 D E L 0 D Y
H R D 0 C T 0 R W C U
2 Match some of the jobs in 1 to definitions 1-8.
I Someone who writes fiction ............................. .
2 The person who organises a manager's diary,
books meetings, deals with correspondence.
3 The person who plays the music in a night
club ............................ ..
4 Someone who tries to find out who committed
a crime . ............................ .
5 Someone who is a professional cook.
6 The person who flies a plane ............................ ..
7 The person in a school who helps you to learn.
8 Someone who looks after patients in hospital.
3 Answer questions 1-4 with words connected to
1 What two words using time describe how many
hours you work each day?
2 Name two pieces of paper which show you
have passed exams or completed a course of
3 Write two words which describe the money
you earn.
4 Write two names of senior jobs in a company.
S_HT'S 800II PAGE 184
4 Complete the advice about starting a new job by
choosing a verb from A and one from B. Use the
infinitive with to where necessary.
-as!. intend have spend
to a
Ask to see a diagram of the organisation
so that you can see who's who.
o ............................. a tour of the company to
get to know the building.
e Snow your manager that you
............................. to instructions and
follow them well .
e Find out exactly wnat you
............................. each week.
o ............................. with Ihe boring tasks
like pnolocopYlng.
., Gel advice from your manager aboul
how much l ime you ............................. on
each area of your job. Don'l wasle time
on unimportant tasks.
o Make il clear Ihat you ............................. a
success of your new job.
5 Correct sentences 1-4 using an object + infinitive
with to instead of a phrase with that.
I Jim's boss persuaded that he take some more
professional exams.
2 Our Managing Director expected that we
should work on New Year's Day.
3 My manager wants that I write a report on
new business opportunities.
4 Fay has encouraged that we attend the meeting
on Monday morning.
All work and no play
1 These people are all looking for
jobs. Decide which job A-E
would be the most suitable for
Hanna is a student and wants to work
after college finishes in the afternoon.
She can drive and she is good at
sports. She has experience of working
with children, but doesn't have any
formal qualifications.
Job ............................ .
Magnus has worked as a teacher, but
wants a more active job. He is a keen
climber and has experience of helping
students to learn outdoor skills and
water sports.
Job ................ ........... ..
Yvette has worked as a school
secretary. She's enthusiastic, hard
working and likes organising things.
She's loves working with people of all
ages and wants a challenging job which
will use all her skills.
Job ............................ .
A Honeybees Nwsery is
looking for someone to
work after-school hours
and into the early evening
on Mondays to Fridays.
Must be able to organise
games and activities for
the children and help
prepare and serve a small
snack. Child-care diploma
B The Adventure Centre
is looking for an outdoor
activities instructor. You
need to have teaching
qualifications and
experience of working
with groups of all ages.
You will drive the mini-
bus to take groups out
hill-walking and sailing.
Other activities are
organised at the Centre's
new site on Cornwell Hill.
C Writer needs a personal
assistant to assist in
research for his new book
on mountain climbing.
You must be willing to
travel to record
interviews the writer
makes with experienced
climbers, and write up
reports from information
about outdoor conditions.
D The Whitehouse Health
Centre needs a new
receptionist This is a
busy health centre with
five doctors and two
nurses. We're looking for
a responsible person who
can make sure that
appointments are
correctly made, obtain
necessary information
from patients, and keep
computer records up to
date. He I She must be
calm and have good
people skills.
E Busy professional
couple want to find
someone special to help
out after school and some
evenings with young
Henry (6) and his big
sister Molly (8). You'll
need to know lots of good
games and listen to the
children read. Baby-
sitting in the evenings
could involve taking the
children to the cinema.
Car provided.
2 A company has arranged for some students to do work experience
with them. Read the note and then write the email containing
information for the school in your own words. Write 35-45 words.
Here are the details for next week.
o m ~ k
elly Clarkson became famous when her beautiful voice won the hearts and minds of the
'" United States of America and she was voted the American Idol.
The twenty year old from Texas performed live every week for ten weeks to an audience of 25
million on America's biggest ever TV show, despite never having had a professional singing lesson.
She received 57% of the vote in the final.
'Nobody really realised I had a talent until I joined my school choir when I was 13. My teacher
really pushed me since I was behind everyone else who had been doing it since 4" grade.'
Kelly developed Quickly and before long was entertaining audiences in various competitions.
She earned a living as a waitress, a chemist's aSSistant, at the movie theatre and even at
the zoo!
It was a strange chain of events that really put Kelly on the path to music though. Having
moved to Los Angeles after graduation, she began sending out tapes of her singing and
trying to get into the music industry. However, this all stopped when her apartment burned
down leaving her very poor. The young singer made the 24-hour drive home with nothing.
It was her best friend, Jessica, who was determined for Kelly not to give up and suggested she tried
out for American Idol. Kelly knew nothing about it. 'I went and auditioned for fun and here I am!'
Her first pop song went straight to number one In Its first week and she hasn't looked back since.
The final ten performers from the show joined up again for the American Idol Tour, which took them
from Seattle to New York playing to over 200,000 fans.
1 Read the information about the winner of an
American pop competition and decide if sentences
1-6 are correct or incorrect.
1 Kelly had singing lessons for ten weeks before
the show.
2 When she joined the school choir she sang as
well as the other chil dren.
3 Kell y sang in competitions and earned money
working in a cinema.
4 She left Los Angeles because it was too difficult
to get into the music business.
5 Kelly was determined to win the American Idol
6 When her first recorded song came out it was
immediately the most popular song in America.
2 Find words and phrases in the text in 1 which
have a similar meaning to 1-5.
1 people chose her to be ........................... ..
2 sang on television as people watched
3 things which happened in a particular order
4 very keen .. .......................... .
5 has become more and more successful
3 Complete sentences 1-6 with compound adjectives
formed with broken-, long-, one-, well- and one of
these words.
behaved distance down dressed lost way
1 Jasmine's the attractive ............................. woman
over there. You can see she spends a lot on her
2 I can't understand why someone would want
to be a ............................. runner. It must be so
lonely and bori ng.
3 Unfortunately for the burglar, he turned the
wrong way into a ......... .................... street and there
was a police car driving straight towards him.
4 The accident happened because there was a
.. .................... car in the way and the driver
couldn't see what was ahead.
5 It was a very long flight, but little Katie was
very quiet and ............................. .
6 There was an amazing story on the news about
a man who found his ............................. twin. They
hadn't seen each other since they were three
years old.
Glittering prizes
cY Complete the text with words made from some,
any, no and every joined with -one I body, -thing,
or -where.
In the race for fame and success are young sportsmen
and women being pushed too hard, too young? All too
often we hear that somewhere in the world of
professional sport another young star is giving up
because of injury. Take ............................. like Martina
Hingls, for example. She started playing tenniS at the
age of two. By the age of sixteen she was known to
2 ............................. as the youngest ever winner of a
Grand Slam title. 3 ...... .. .................... had been the world
number one at this age before. 4 ............................. could
stop her after that and she held the number one
position for four years.
However, In 2001 she began to experience prolilems
with her ankles and had two operation . She came
back into the game, but didn't win a major comp,etition
again. She was used to winning but 5 .. .......................... .
had changed and she felt she couldn' com ete at the
highest level any longer. She announced' her retireme t
from tennis in February 2003 at the age of 22.
Since she was a young Child, she hasn't known
6 ............................. else but tennis. And she has the whole
of her life ahead of her.
2 Correct any mistakes in 1-6.
1 How many homeworks does your English
teacher give you?
2 The news about the film star's accident were
very sad.
3 You know what they say, 'a little knowledge is
a dangerous thing' .
4 The spaghetti at the new Italian restaurant are
5 Accommodation on the island is all in small
6 How many information did you manage to find
out for the project?
3 Complete sentences 1-5 with these quantity words
and phrases.
a few a little a number of no none of
1 The reviews of the film were so bad, that only
................... .. ........ people went to see it.
2 Many drama students have ............................ .
success in finding acting work after they finish
their studi es.
3 Although they had agreed not to, ... ... ...................... .
newspapers printed photographs of the film
star's wedding.
4 .................. .. ......... the prizes went to well-known
actors, they were won by a younger generation
of new performers.
5 The fashion model only had ............ ... ..
experience of acting, but she got the best role
in the film.
(3) Read what Lorna has written about fame. She
often repeats what she's already said. Cross out
sentences which repeat information.
19.1 In captivity
1 Read the text about a man who travell ed with a
dog team in Siberia and choose the correct answer
A, B, C or D.
I came to Chukotka, in Russia, to go on a 1 ............................. up
the coast to the Bering Strait with a team of dogs. To do thiS,
I had to learn how to 2 ............................ the dog team. For the
people who live in the far north of Russia the dog sledge IS
the only sure 3 ............................. of transport across the snow
and ice. 4 ............................. you become the new leader of a
dog team, your 5 ............................. task is to make the dogs
realise you are useful to them - you feed them.
6 ........ .. .................. a difficult first few weeks, the dogs started
to listen to my orders. But even then, although they were
clearly 7 ............................. hard, they were only guessmg
8 ............................. I meant them to go left or right. Unable to
understand my orders, some dogs would go one
9 ............................. , some the other. The rest too, hoped that
they would be doing the right thing 10 ............................. gomg
straight ahead.
A visit
A teach
A means
A As
A main
A Until
A doing
A or
B break
B train
B way
B Because
B best
B Still
B learning
B whether
C j ourney D voyage
C practise D improve
C use D purpose
C Who D When
C right D clear
C After D While
C making D trying
C unless D that
2 Complete the dialogue with Sol Neitherl Nor do I or
So I Neither I Nor am [.
JENNY I think zoos do a lot of good.
NICK 1 ............................. . If they can save animals
now, then in the future we can return
them to where they belong.
ANDREW That will never be possible. They
wouldn't know how to behave in the
wild. I don't agree with you at all.
PAITY 2 ............ .. ............... . Animals don' t have to
find their food in captivity. They would
die in the wild. I don' t really think zoos
do any good, but I'm not sure if I would
close them all .
ANDREW 3 .................... .... .. .... You could say they
provide education.
NICK Of course they do. I'm certain we can
learn about animals by having zoos.
JENNY 4 .............................. We should all support the
work done by zoos.
3 Match words and phrases in A to those in B that
have a similar meaning.
long-term survival
in their natural
disappearing species
endangered animals
held in cages or
wildlife parks
In the wild
ro.ntiAuation into the future
o longer existing
found very often
..... of the natural
In the wild
1 Find 12 animals in the wordsquare.
0 L I 0 N N 0 P
W N 0 V N A R U
2 Complete the chart with the animals from 1.
farm animals pets wild animals
3 Complete sentences J-1O with a verb and
a preposition in the correct tense.
advise apologise believe
check decide hope involve
protect spend warn
J All travellers ............................. bring warm clothing
for the night-time animal tours.
2 Explorer Tours ............... .............. the poor quality of
the food last night. Tonight's meal will be much
3 We stopped so that our guide could
............... .............. signs of the 'big' cats.
4 We wish to ............................. visitors to the zoo
............................. going too close to any of the
animals. They are dangerous and may attack.
5 This zoo is ............................. a project to conserve
the Indian tiger.
6 Whilst they are in captivity, we try to
............................. the animals ............. ................ diseases
they wouldn' t meet in the wild.
7 Thousands of pounds ............................. each year
............................. maintaining the animals' living
8 Many people still ............................. the benefits zoos
can bring to people.
9 Last year, the Conservation Centre ............................ .
opening a new project because there was not
enough money.
10 The manager of the conservation project
............................. a good result from this year's
appeal for more money.
4 Read the unfinished story and the questions below
and write an ending in 50-70 words.
What did the writer of the story do?
What did Dave do next?
What happened in the end? Was it a happy
How did you feel?
Think of a title for your story.
Get ready!
1 What subjects do pictures 1-6 show?
I 2
4 5

BOMdiCl Szia!
2 Complete the advi ce about what to do on the day
of an exam by adding the headings Write, Pian,
Avoid and Read to the correct paragraph.
what you have to do. . h r t
all the questions first and avoid answering t e Irs
one straight away.
2 paper,
not the ones you'd hoped to see. .
as concisely as possible. Keep to the pOint.
as neatly, but also as quickly, as you can. Try not to
spend too long on any single question.
3 ...... .
to use any spare time you have at the end of the
exam for checking through your answers.
continue revising. . t r d
panicking. Sometimes your brain takes 0 In
answers. Calmly re-read the paper and you II soon
get back on track. , b d
cheating. It's not worth the stress and you re oun
to get caught.
3 Are sentences 1-4 correct or incorrect according to
the text in 2?
I Start writing your answer as soon as you' ve
read the first question.
2 Think about how long to spend on each
3 Give long answers which use a lot 01 words.
4 Get plenty of sleep the ni ght before the exam.
4 Correct any mistakes with possessive forms in the
As the colleges Exams Organiser, I often have to look
after students before they are allowed into the large
hall where they take their exams. One favourite
story of my is about Sasha - who belonged to
Thomas, a student of our. Sasha was Thomas little
white mouse and for some reason, Thomas had
decided that having Sasha with him during the
exam would be lucky for him. Sasha was so small he
fitted into Thomas coat pocket, so I didn't notice him
to begin with. However, when the directors
secretary announced that all students coats and bags
had to be left outside the exam hall, Thomas realised
he would have to give up that good luck plan of
him. And that's how I came to have a white mouse
in my desks middle drawer when the colleges fire
alarm went off. But that's another story .
5 Complete sentences 1- 5 by adding the correct
possessive pronoun.
Mr Smith, our maths teacher, offered to lend
Clare and me a revision guide of ............................. .
2 TWo students were accused 01 cheating in the
exam - a dictionary of ............................. had been
foun d in the exam desk.
3 ' Whose is this book?' the teacher asked me. 'Is
it one of .......... ................ ... ?'
4 We've just heard that a fri end of ............................ .
from university has won a big literature prize.
5 Gail and a friend of ............................. got the best
results in the exam.
1 Complete sentences 1-6 by -anon or -mrnt
to these verbs and making any necessary spelling
apply develop disappoint involve
measure punish
1 We need to complete the ..... ........... .. ........... forms
for university by the end of the week.
2 Harry's exam results were a great ............................ .
for him. He had expected to do better.
3 Higher education is an important part of a
young person's ............................. .
4 Anyone caught cheating in the exam will be
forbidden to take any more exams as a
5 Exams are not always the best ........ ..................... of
how weB you know a subject.
6 Universities sometimes look for how much
............................. you have had in school activities
when considering your application.
2 Here are some sentences about Writing Part 2.
Complete the second sentence so that it means the
same as the first. Use no more than three words.
1 You are told the situation in the instructions.
The instructions ......................................................... the
2 Don't include extra information or your answer
will be too long.
Your answer will be too long
......................................................... extra information.
3 Remember to write about all three points.
Don't ......................................................... about all three
4 After the test, our teacher asked us if we had
checked our work.
She said, ' ......................................................... your work?'
5 You will lose marks if you write more than 45
If your answer is too ........................................... .
you will lose marks.
3 Read the task and answer. Then answer 1-6.
This is part of a letter you receive from your friend
1 'v' ,9Dt ::'ChODI leavin,9 e.XQ.fT).S in a
we.e..k..s' ti,.,...e. a.nd. 1 'm reall!:) wor-rie..d.
what advice ca" :J0<.l ,give me. about
... How did :J0<.l when :Jo ....
had :J0<.l'" e><am> ?
Write a letter answering Ni gel's questi ons.
De.o..r f'.l5e.l
Th().J\.k-s f='or 'PV''''- le.-H-e....-. Yov.. o.." Me. f'or
o.d.v'i.ce. o.:bo .... t e.)tO-M'S. \AA...e.1\. ,12.\1(:$,':'1\.5,
&.01\. '+ +,-" to oVe.r too "'lAc\-.. o.t- 0- hMe.. Work
\"'0.."'-& .for two thre.e. h.ov..r'S ().J\.d. -the.1\. ho..v'e.
SOMe. tLMe. The.1\. &0 '5Of\II.. ,",ore. s b,,&":1\.5,
OJ\.d 0..1:- h .. e. e.1\.d. of' the. &0..", 5iv'e. 0-
SM.oJ.t re.wo.rct Ke.e.p I\.ote.s of' vJh.o..t: i.UO-l\.t to
...-e.Ili:Se. 0JI.,.d. pl(UI.. vJh.o..t- to 01\. e.o.c.h. 1,.Ilt..e.1\.
I vJo-'S e.)to.MS, I t...-l.e.& to e.o..t h.e.o..l.:b,'j
.food. 0-1\.& ple.l\.t'} of' SL'H!..p. I vJe-l'I..t f'o..-
vJo..lK-s LI\. Mo.';! bre..o.ks O.i\.d tf""ied to -t:hil\.k
5oM.e..tiM.e..'5 I M.e..t L.Of> f'de..l\.6.s f'or 0.. '5I\.o..c.k
O.i\.cI. to o..hov..t otl..ef""
c.o.1.M O.i\.cI. cl.01\.'t f'O-I\.iC.. I'M. "5V..f""e.. be..
1 Underline three sentence openings which use
an imperative to give advice.
2 Circle four words at the beginning of sentences
which refer to time.
3 How many different verbs does Mona use in
her letter?
4 Which tenses does Mona use?
5 Find three verbs connected to preparing for
6 Find two words or phrases that mean stop for a
short time.
Questions 1-5
Look at the text in each question.
What does it say?
Part 1
Mark the correct letter A, B, or C on your answer sheet.
Answer: I 0 I! ! ~ I
A Valuable objects are removed at night.
B Valuables should not be left in the van.
C This van is locked at night.
1ijI." .. 1 ~ ' ~ ... ,." 1!lI ....... 1 " Ilil .. Ie ..... ..... - lit ..
1 At the Film Club this evening, members can see
To: HII Members
From: Frampton Film Club Date: 21 Sept
In advance of the Latin American cinema
season, there's a special showing tonight
(19.00) of Woody Allen's very funny
movie Bananas. Also, don't forget our
horror film tomorrow at 23.00!
A a film from Latin America.
B a comedy.
C a horror movie.
A Stay in one part of the pool with another person if you
cannot swim.
B Keep to the shallow end if you are on your own in the
C Accompany non-swimmers if they wish to be in the
deep end.
kevin c..a.n't leave worK. Wltil
&..30 .so plea.>"- pic/:. lAp the.
othe.r toni!jlrt. He'll be. .
at the. te..r>ni.> c.llAb 7.0 for hI.>
, 1"'000're. later.
5;,.,.,.., H..;..-.I<.s H..ue.' s " sf""'e.
r""""", "v,,;!c>ble. ;" Jour" fI"f.
Would Iou G<:>oOS;de.r" r"e.nh"3 ;f
fa ....... . r'lI be. bc>c.k. ne."f
we.e.k.e.nd - ple.QSe. Me.
on 077$9 4'-18.3)..
A John should give some of the team a lift.
B John has a tennis match with Kevin at 7.0.
C John will pick Andrea up from work tonight.
A Book another holiday with us now to receive a discount
of 10%.
B Depart on holiday within two weeks and save your
10% deposit.
C Pay only 10% of the holiday cost until a fortnight
before you leave.
Why does Claire want Marta to call her?
A to talk about Simon's offer of rent
B to discuss sharing accommodation
C to plan her visit this weekend
Part 2
Questions 6-10
The people below all want to watch a programme on television tonight.
On the opposite page there are descriptions of eight TV programmes.
Decide which programme would be the most suitable for the following people.
For questions 6-10, mark the correct letter (A-H) on your answer sheet.
Katie is looking for a programme to help her with a geography project she
is doing on the mountains of Europe. She needs to find out some basic
facts before tomorrow's lesson.
Jake enjoys programmes about real people and would like to find one that
involves travelling. As he wants to relax this evening, he would prefer to
watch something that isn't too serious.
Anna and Kim are hoping to have a short holiday soon. They would like to
watch a programme which will give them some practical advice about
where they could go at an affordable price.
David has promised his parents that he will redo their tiny kitchen.
However, he lacks experience and wants a programme that will help him to
carry out the work properly.
Brian loves programmes about the past, where he can learn more about
famous individuals. He is particularly interested in inventors of the
nineteenth century.
On TV tonight
Tonight, this practical look at home
improvements considers how to make life
easier for those who prepare the family
meals! If you want to find out which is the
right paint to use and explore new
possibilities for even the smallest cooking
spaces, you'll find all the answers you need
tonight - or on the programme's seriously
detailed website.
Memorable people
This series has looked at a number of
important people, from the scientist Charles
Darwin to Brunei, the great nineteenth-century
engineer. Tonight's programme will introduce
us to Sir Humphry Davy, whose famous
development of the Davy safety lamp in 1815
changed the lives of miners and their families
New homes
Continuing the lives of people who have
moved to different countries in the last
twelve months, tonight's episode follows
Berit as she leaves her home in Norway and
drives south to her dream house in Spain.
Even when she learns her furniture is stuck
on a lorry north of the border, Berit doesn't
stop smiling. Highly entertaining TV.
Introducing the Matterhorn
Terry Martin visits Switzerland to find out more
about the famous mountain, filming it both in
winter and summer. He discusses how and when
the Matterhorn was formed, and informs the viewer
about the wildlife and plants found beneath its
snowline, as well as telling some amusing stories
about nineteenth-century climbers.
, ;
High challenge
Tonight's true story is about one man's attempt
to reach the top of one of the most difficult
mountains in the world fifty years ago.
Recreated from diary entries and newspaper
reports, this wonderful film will hold your
attention right to the end, with its amazing
camerawork and unusually detailed content on
this little-known climber.
Shelley's kitchen
Visit top chef David Shelley's home tonight,
for an amusing half-hour of recipes and
personal stories. In his own kitchen, Shelley
will be preparing recipes from the Italian
mountain regions. He will cook a range of
delicious mountain dishes consisting mainly
of cheese, herbs and potatoes. Perfect
entertainment for vegetarians!
Friends like us
This Australian comedy series has many fans,
who love its gentle jokes and true-to-life
characters. This evening, Val's cousin has come
for a short holiday, and decides to redesign the
apartment while everyone is out at work, which
is very unpopular, and makes Val finally say
what's on her mind.
Travel &bop
Tonight's programme reviews four of the best
holiday destinations in Europe and includes a
special report on camping opportunities in
the USA this summer. There's also a detailed
look at the cut -price weekend breaks
available on the internet, with advice on the
best sites for last-minute bookings.
~ o o o o TIle
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Part 3
Questions 11-20
Look at the sentences below about growing tea in Britain.
Read the text on the opposite page to decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect.
If it is correct, mark A on your answer sheet.
If it is not correct, mark B on your answer sheet.
11 Vegetables used to be grown on the Tregothnan estate.
12 The first tea plants at Tregothnan were introduced as an experiment.
13 The next fields to be planted with tea are on flat land.
14 Jonathan Jones has been able to learn about growing conditions in different countries recently.
15 Jonathan Jones suggests that British people drink more tea than anyone else.
16 Green tea is a more valuable product than white tea.
17 The Tregothnan Estate wants to supply its tea in different forms commercially.
18 Jonathan Jones believes that tea produced at Tregothnan would be fresher than imported tea.
19 Some tea plants at Tregothnan will be ready for commercial use before 2005.
20 A well-known British tea company is interested in ordering some Tregothnan tea for its own shop.
Britain's first tea plantation
High above the River Fal in south Cornwall, a team of gardeners is preparing to grow a much-loved
plant for the first time commercially in Britain. On the Tregothnan Estate, fields that were once
used to grow potatoes, carrots and peas have become the home of Britain's first tea plantation.
In 1999, Tregothnan staff were unsure whether they could grow tea, so they planted five hundred
tea plants. They are growing well and there are now plans to cover the hillsides with different
varieties of tea all the way down to the river by 2005. This part of the country has a suitable
climate for growing tea and because the fields face south, Jonathan Jones, Tregothnan's head
gardener, is especially hopeful: 'We think we've got the perfect conditions: he says, and he should
know, because he has just spent three months visiting tea plantations throughout Asia, Australia
and Africa, on a research trip.
Of course, no one is doubting the demand for the product. 'The British are the biggest tea drinkers
in the world apart from the Irish: Mr Jones says. ' We drink on average three cups a day, so it
makes perfect sense to grow it here: However, it is not the commonly used black tea that will be
grown, but green and white tea. For such special tea, the market is growing by 25% a year, with
some 10% of tea drinkers having tried it.
Green tea, which is said to lower cholesterol. reduce high blood pressure and prevent certain
illnesses, is far more expensive than black tea, while the even rarer white tea can be sold for ten
times the price of black tea. If all goes well, apart from producing the usual dried tea in packets,
the Tregotbnan Estate also aims to introduce fresh leaves, which are believed to have additional
health benefits, for sale at supermarkets up and down the country. 'The tea from around the world
that reaches the supermarkets at the moment is nine months old, but we could get green tea on
their shelves within 24 hours: says Mr Jones.
Tea has to be grown for six years before it can be picked for sale, which means that Tregothnan
staff will have to wait until 2005 to know whether their efforts have been successful. However,
leaves that were picked after three years suggest that these particular plants do produce a light.
refreshing and very drinkable green tea. Stephen Twining, the tenth generation of the Twining
family to work for the famous tea firm, is positive: ' We do think there's a market for this tea and
provided the quality is there, we'd consider having it in stock in our specialist tea shop: Twinings
has seen its sales of green tea increase by 43 % this year.
Part 4
Questions 21-25
Read the text and questions below.
For each question, mark the correct letter A, B, C or 0 on your answer sheet.
The Art of Travel
by ALain de Botton
The old saying 'It's better to travel than to arrive' is usually understood as an attack on destinations rather
than a positive statement about travel. Indeed, people are always complaining about the horrors of
travelling: crowded airports, overbooked flights, cancelled and dirty trains. However, I believe there are
some unusual pleasures in the journeys we make.
Take the aeroplane, for example. Few seconds in life are more exciting than those during take-off. Waiting
at the beginning of a runway, we see familiar locations out of the plane window: grass, a road, modern
hotels - the Earth as we have always known it, where we make slow progress even by car. Then suddenly,
accompanied by the controlled noise of the engines, we rise smoothly into the sky and a huge space opens
up for us, where we can imagine new possibilities in our lives.
Trains are another wonderful travel environment. I love the atmosphere of half-empty carriages making their
way across the countryside: enjoying the silence inside and the regular beat of the wheels against the track
outside. A train journey can be like a dream, where we become involved in different thoughts and are able
to recall distant memories. There's nothing like a moving train to encourage the mind to perform properly.
Thinking can even improve when parts of the mind are busy with other tasks, like listening to music or
following a line of trees.
If we are attracted to air or train travel despite their disadvantages, it is perhaps because we feel that these
experiences provide an important alternative to the habits and limitations of our ordinary world.
21 What is the writer's main purpose in writing the text?
A to disagree with an accepted saying
B to complain about modern transport
C to explain his ideas about travelling
D to describe an unusual train journey
22 What does the writer say about travelling by air?
A He finds the delay before take-off annoying.
B He enjoys the feeling of freedom it gives.
C He prefers it to driving: despite the time taken.
o He wishes the engines were much quieter.
, . ,-
23 When the writer travels by train, he likes to
A spend much of the journey asleep.
B sit in a completely empty carriage.
C admire the countryside along the way.
o listen to the movement of the wheels.
24 According to the writer, a train journey is good for us because
A it encourages us to remember certain things.
B it allows us to forget about our daily problems.
C it lets our minds concentrate on a single idea.
o it offers us the chance to be totally relaxed.
25 Which of the following might the writer say?
If we travelled less often,
we would have better
memories of our visits.
Despite the speed of
modern travel, there are
too many disadvantages.
Unless the destination is
unusual, it is not worth
the effort of getting there.
Even though journeys can
be uncomfortable, they
are of benefit to our lives.
Part 5
Questions 26-35
Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space.
For each question, mark the correct letter A, B, C or 0 on your answer sheet.
o A something B everything C nothing o anything
Answer: 1
I! ! ~ ~
Skateboarding: the early years
Today, there are (0) ............ like 20 million skateboarders around the world. It has
(26) ............ about thirty years for this leisure activity to become (27) ............ popular.
There were actually a few 'home-made' skateboards in the 1960s, but it wasn't (28) .......... ..
1970 that things really started to (29) ............ , in the Pacific Ocean Park area of Los
Angeles, California.
One group of people in particular was (30) ............ for the development of skateboarding.
The 'Z-Boys', as they were called, were keen surfers and (31) ............ to transfer their skills
to dry land. In the early 1970s, there was very little rain in California and many people had to
(32) ............ their swimming pools empty. These smooth, concrete spaces were excellent
skateboarding locations for the Z-Boys, (33) ............ soon became famous locally for using
the skateboard in new and exciting (34) ............. People were amazed at what the Z-Boys
(35) ............ do and immediately wanted to try skateboarding for themselves.
26 A made B taken C done o held
27 A such B too C much o so
28 A until B without C during 0 beyond
29 A cause B handle C happen 0 exist
30 A possible B manageable C acceptable 0 responsible
31 A imagined B decided C considered 0 thought
32 A stay B remain C leave 0 miss
33 A which B who C where 0 why
34 A manners B methods C points 0 ways
35 A could B should C must 0 need
Part 1
Questions 1-5
Here are some sentences about going out to a nightclub.
For each question, complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first.
Use no more tha.n three words.
Write only the missing words on your answer sheet.
You may use this page for any rough work.
o My friend Gianni said I was spending too much time studying.
My friend Gianni said 'you ........ .... ..... ..... .. ..... .. .... . too much time studying.'
Answer: I 0 I are spending I
1 Gianni suggested going to a nightclub on Thursday.
Gianni said 'Why .. ...... ... .......... ....... ....... . we go to a nightclub on Thursday?'
2 I was too tired to go on Thursday, so we went on Friday.
We went on Friday ..... .. ... .......... ..... ... .. ..... . Thursday, because I was too tired then.
3 At the Blue Parrot nightclub, you can dance and there's also live music.
At the Blue Parrot nightclub, there's dancing .. ......... .. ... .... ...... .......... as live music.
4 Our other friends didn't get there until 10.00.
It was 10.00 ..... ........ ... ..... ... ..... .. ..... our other friends got there.
5 Although the evening cost a lot, I really enjoyed myself.
I really enjoyed myself .................................... of spending a lot of money.
Part 2
Question 6
You are on holiday and have bought this postcard to send to your friend Pat.
Write a postcard to send to Pat. In your postcard, you should
tell Pat where you are on holiday
say what the weather is like there
explain how long you will be staying.
Write 35-45 words on your answer sheet.
"It :(.-Thl.
0 B' h
- :>0
~ o o : : ~ ~ CouncIl
Part 3
Write an answer to one of the questions (7 or 8) in this part.
Write your answer in about 100 words on your answer sheet.
Put the question number in the box at the top of your answer sheet.
Question 7
This is part of a letter you receive from your English friend Alex.
I really don't read enou!:jh! What thin!:js do you
enjoy readin!:j? What else do you like to do in
your free time?
Now write a letter, answering Alex's questions.
Write your letter on your answer sheet.
Question 8
Your English teacher has asked you to write a story.
Your story must have the following title:
A silly mistake
Write your story on your answer sheet.
i, .
Part 1
Questions 1-7
There are seven questions in this part.
For each question there are three pictures and a short recording.
Choose the correct picture and put a tick (.1') in the box below it.
Example: Where does the man find the woman's notebook?
1 What did the girl do this morning?
2 Which house do William and Jane live in?
3 Which photograph is the woman talking about?
4 Where will the man meet the woman?
::::,-:: / /

/00 Iii
5 How does the girl decide to finish the dessert?
. I
6 What time will the train from Birmingham arrive?
/ /- II, II-LII-' II-I ~
I /- /l I I /- Ii I I /- 1 1
. 7 What do they agree to buy?
Part 2
Questions 8-13
You will hear a radio interview with Roger Henderson, who is talking about his career as an actor.
For each question, put a tick (,f) in the correct box.
8 When Roger was at school , he
9 Roger decided to train as a teacher because
10 Why did Roger finally take up acting?
11 Who gave Roger his first role in a play?
12 At the moment, Roger is
13 Roger's main aim now is to
acted on the stage.
learned how to dance.
wrote his own play.
his parents wanted him to.
his English teacher suggested it.
he was worried about finding acting work.
He was no longer enjoying his teaching.
His new girlfriend encouraged him to.
He felt he had reached the right age to act.
a writer
an actor
a director
looking for another job.
making an advertisement.
working in London.
act in a filrn.
find an agent.
stay in live theatre.
Part 3
Questions 14-19
You will hear a teacher talking about final arrangements for a geography trip.
For each question, fill in the missing information in the numbered space.
Geography trip
When coach departs on Friday: (14) .................................... a.m.
What luggage to take: (15) .................................. ..
Important thing to have: (16) .................................... (last year's
students forgot!)
What to bring for the project work: (17) ................................... .
Where we're staying: (18) .................................... Hotel
Sports facilities at hotel: (19) ................................... .
Part 4
Questions 20-25
Look at the six sentences for this part.
You will hear a conversation between a boy, Chris, and a girl, Holly, about working and studying.
Decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect.
If it is correct, put a tick (of) in the box under A for YES. If it is not correct, put a tick (of) in the box under B for NO.
20 Chris is surprised that Holly has left the cafe.
21 Holly had some difficulties with her college work last term.
22 Chris considers Holly to be cleverer than him. D D
23 Holly insisted on speaking to the head of department. D D
24 Chris believes it's necessary for students to have a part-time job. D D
25 Holly had asked to work fewer hours at the cafe. D D
Part 1
Example questions that either candidate may be asked.
What's your name? ".
What's your surname? How do you spell it?
Where do you come from?
Do you work or are you a student? What do you do I study?
Do you enjoy studying English? Why (not)?
What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
Part 2
You are organising an exhibition of present and past photographs of your town. Decide
together which place would be most suitable for the exhibition. There is a picture with some
ideas to help you on page 66.
Part 3
Candidate A should look at photograph 1 on page 67, show it to Candidate B and talk about it.
Candidate B should look at photograph 2 on page 67, show it to Candidate A and talk about it.
Part 4
Your photographs showed different types of entertainment. Talk to each other about these
events and say which you would prefer to go to.

~ .,
. ,
1 physical 2 essential 3 confident 4 fresh
5 worries 6 basic 7 calm 8 cheap
If a person is sensible they are reasonable and make the right
2 1 any 2 some 3 some 4 any 5 some
6 any
3 At midnight, when most people are already asleep, Oswald
Bailey puts on his coat. says goodbye to his wife and sets off
for work. For the last (ortytwo years, he has chosen to
work the night shift at the local jam factory. Oswald prefers
working at night, because it gives him more free time
during the day. He spends most of this time looking after his
huge vegetable garden, whatever the weather. When he
comes home from work at eight thirty in the morning, he
has a big breakfast and then changes into his gardening
clothes. Oswald says he only needs four hours' sleep a night
and he has this after his evening meal, between seven thirty
and eleven thirty. IDs behaviour hasn't changed for years.
But next week, his routine will change forever. as he is
retiring from the factory. Oswald is looking forward to it,
because he will be able to spend even more time in hi s
4 countable: coat, day, factory, garden, routine, shift
uncountable: behaviour. sleep, weather, work
1 incorrect 2 correct 3 correct 4 incorrect
5 correct 6 incorrect 7 incorrect 8 correct
2 1 took up 2 experts 3 aims 4 the basics
5 fitter
rang. were eating
3 was driving, heard
5 were having. began
2 lell, was cycling
4 was sailing, broke down
6 cut, was swimming
4 I Yesterday mornlng Gordon woke up at 7a.m.
2 correct
3 It was a great party and nobody left until after midnight.
4 Caroline's friends were waiting for her when her plane
5 correct
6 Which car were you driving when the accident
2. 1
1 I safe 2 average 3 new 4 specially
6 important 7 favourite 8 waterproof
10 Large II easy
5 quickly
9 neatly
2 adverts are now shorter, posters are bigger than they used to
be, messages are clearer, an advertised product is better than
other products, adverts change more frequently as well
3 Advens are now not as long.
Posters take up more space than they used to.
Messages are easier to understand.
An advertised product is more successful than other
Adverts change more often as weU.
4 Sentence 3 best describes the text.
S I influence 2 immediate 3 working out
4 20somethings 5 are produced
1 D G X L 'D M T B H 'G
l R E C E I P T)D C 0
w V 0 R S L J G U 0
0 W I R C 'Ii' Q V S D
P A Y)N 0 E C 0 T S
R T B C U T H V 0 J
C l C 0 S T R R N E
E X C H A N G E) R
2 I the sleeve 2 a belt
5 gloves 6 a pocket
3 a boot 4 a jacket
7 a jumper 8 socks
3 Stay safe with our online shopping tips
I Who should I buy from?
Shop only from companies you know or from sites
recommended by friends and family. Make sure the
website has a real street address and a phone number to
call for more information.
2 Receipts
Keep your receipts and any papers until you are sure
you are satisfied with your goods. If anything arrives
damaged, contact the company immediately.
3 How do I know it is safe to shop?
Look for the website address when you get to the final
page (delete full stop) of your shopping order. II the
URi starts with https:11 it means that the si te is safe.
4 Personal information
Never give out personal information. You are not
required to give your bank account n u m e r ~ or internet
password. Your credit card number and the date it runs
out is aU the information any company needs.
4 Henry's m other is French, but she's always lived in
2 Lizzie's sister could count to t en before she could walk.
3 Isabelle's birthday is in September.
4 Patrick went to Doctor Davies to get some medicine.
S Ken's having a party on Saturday at his house in West
Street - it' s number 1 S.
6 The highest mountain in Europe is MOnt Blanc.
1 point 2 hitch-hike 3 kiss 4 wave 5 smell
6 write 7 scratch 8 balance
flu 2 recover 3 drink 4 soup 5 aspirin
6 sore 7 muscles 8 tiring 9 cough/sneeze
10 sneeze/cough
3 1 Can you 2 Are you able 3 can't
4 might/may/could 5 might/may
6 might/may I could I can
4 A2A3A4P5P6P
5 If I am ill in your country, could I Hto have free health
treatment? P
2 Are you able to visit Mrs Smith in hospital today? A
3 Julia might5 need extra health insurance if she goes
skiing in America. P
4 At some hospitals you may te have to wait a long time
in the emergency department. P
5 Can my mother eat a normal diet again now? A
1 I B 2 A 3 B 4 B 5 A
Q Is coUee bad for me?
A There is nothing to suggest that a moderate amount of
coffee is bad for our health.
Q I've heard that coffee increases the possibility of getting
some diseases. Is that true?
A No. The results of one report can never tell the whole story.
The results of a lot of research into coffee do not show that
it is bad for our health.
Q If I stop drinking coffee, will I experience any problems?
A A few people may experience headaches if they suddenly
stop drinking coffee, but this only happens for a couple of
Q Can coffee drinkers change their habits and learn to like
other drinks?
A Yes, if they want to change, they can do this without
Q Can drinking coffee make someone work better?
A Yes. The caffeine in coffee helps you to think mote carefully.
Q Will drinking coffee during the evening affect how well I
A No. Nothing suggests that caffeine changes the quality of
sleep during the night.
3 I amount 2 results 3 a couple 4 affect 5

2 Nouns: corridor, kitchen, style, walls
Verbs: appears, connect, found, redesign
Adjectives: hand-painted, lucky, ovaL perfect, wider
Adverbs: absolutely, greatly, locally, unusually
1 kitchen 2 redesign 3 wider 4 absolutely
5 hand-painted 6 walls 7 style 8 found
9 locally 10 lucky
3 I three beautiful blue silk dresses
2 a heavy seventeenth-century German wooden bed
3 correct
4 the unusual circular red plastic table
5 those awful 1960s purple curtains
1 C 2 A 3 B 4 A 5 B 6 C 7
8 C 9 A 10 B II C 12 B
2 I third floor 2 well as 3 Don't / Do not
4 better than 5 able / allowed / permitted to
3 Hi. I'd really like to meet you at the weekend. I'll be free
all day on Saturday, so let's have lunch and then we can
look around the shops together. Don't forget to bring the
photographs of your holiday. I'm really looking forward to
seeing them.
1 are used 2 was buried, were parked
3 were thrown away 4 is needed 5 are taken
6 are given away 7 is produced
2 non-stop 2 repaint 3 non-essential 4 reuse
5 recycled 6 reappear 7 Non-smokers
8 re-enter
3 I dangerous gases 2 oil spills 3 rubbish site
4 recycle products
1 I valley (uthers are high land) I eli!! (others are inland)
2 field (others are connected to the sea and water)
3 soil (others are connected to the seaside)
4 desert (others are connected to the coast)
5 ro<.:k (others are connected to wood)
2 Fuur from: hill(s), lield(s), valley, wood, forest, gate,
grass, path
2 Four from: beach, sea, sand, rocks, cliffs
3 I natural
6 frost
2 recent 3 rise 4 hot
7 rain 8 thunderstorms
4 I seaside I coast
4 hill /mountain
2 harbour
5 cliffs
3 beach
5 melt
Adjectives: little, fi shing, small, beautiful, long, white, old,
steep, peaceful, great, hot, sunny
5 Student's own answers (see 4 [or an example).
6. 1
1 tennis racket - tennis - court
skis - skiing - slope I mountain
football - football - pitch
swimsuit - swimming - pool
table tennis bat - table tennis - table tennis table
2 Possible answers:
I tennis, squash, volleyball, basketball
2 footbalL tennis, squash, volleyball, basketball, baseball,
rugby, table tennis, hockey
3 sailing, waterskiing, swimming, (wind) surfing, fishing
4 athletics, climbing, cycling, diving, fishing, golf,
gymnastics, horseriding, running, swimming,
(wind) surling
3 scored, draw 2 won 3 racket, hit
4 football shirts for home and away matches, biography
books, videos, club magazines, luggage, toys, posters
5 The real cost of being a football fan
How serious a football fan are you? ./ I don't mean ./ how
often do you go to watch a match, but how much d1t.YQl!
~ on goods connected with football ? It it.tlIlS..I that
nowadays you're not ./ really a follower of the sport, unless
you spend ./ a considerable amount of money on products
connected with your favourite club and players.
No doubt you and yoyr family own ./ this season's football
shirts. And I hope you've got ./ shirts like the team wears
for home matches, and the ones the players wear for away
matches at other clubs. Are you readina: a biography of
your favourite player at the moment, or do you p refer to
watch videos of him playing in famous matches? I'm ./ sure
YOIl buy ./ the club magazine every month to make sure
you k eep up to date what is h appening at the club.
Football fans are spending more money on clothes,
luggage, toys and posters than ever before. Much more, in
fact , than they .mf.ll.d ./ on tickets to see live matches.
Money from selling goods and products connected to the
sport i1 now a major part of a club's income.
6 Pele could always create an opportunity to score a goal.
He rarely failed to score in big matches. He is oft en
thought to be the best ever football player.
2 Andre Agassi al ways fights very hard to win his tennis
matches. (Sometimes) He has (sometimes) had
periods away from competitions due to injury
(sometimes). He usually has his hair very short or
even completely shaved.
1 I correct 2 correct 3 incorrect 4 incorrect
5 incorrect
2 Thank you 2 Would you like 3 J'm so sorry
4 Why don't 5 I'm afraid
3 thanking 2 inviting 3 apologising
4 suggesting 5 explaining
4 Possible answers:
I Thank you so much for the lovely jumper.
2 Would you like to go to a concert on Thursday?
3 I'm sb sorry I f ~ r g o t t o send a card for your birthday last
4 Why don' t we meet after college finishes tomorrow?
5 I'm afraid I have to go to the doctor's.
1 earlier 2 healthier / more healthy 3 except
4 unless 5 too much
2 it changes 2 it' ll / it will be ready
4 it's/ it is 5 I eat 6 won't taste
8 he I she won't know
3 they put on
7 I'll/We'll bring
3 1 a packet of biscuits 2 a slice of cake
3 a tube of tomato paste 4 a jar of jam
5 a spoonful of sugarlsaJt 6 a box of tea bags
7 a tin of peasl beans
1 D2C3A
2 1 sweet (others are hot)
2 cut (others are ways of cooking)
3 plate (others are cutlery)
4 cake (others are bread)
5 diet (others are about eating)
6 soup (others are sweet)
1 ( A R C H I T E C T ) C A E
R E 0 F R 0 D S P W M P
C A T H E D R A L X 0 G
0 F T H D A ( G L A S S T
( G
A L L E R y ) S
M Q u
C U G E C ( L I F T L U E
r' r'
'$ R B E R W I N T I Z
E R V 0 B R I C C B S T
T I M 0 F E V R W H A 0
c N F A C T 0 R
y ) S
0 K E L S (W I N D 0 W ) E
L ( A P A R T M E N T ) R Y
n .0' '-'
2 In the photo on the left, both buildings are of brick. The
smaller one could be a person's house or separate
apartments. It has two round windows in the roof. The
other building looks rather strange and must be quite dark
inside. There is something made of iron on the roof and it
has at least one large chimney.
The photo on the right shows a very modern building with
lots of storeys. It is made of glass and steel and was probably
designed by a famous architect. It could be an office block.
There seems to be a lift operating on the outside of the
3 past simple: 1,2, 5,8 present perfect: 3,4,6,7
4 a 1, 5, 8 b 3,4 c 6,7 d 2
5 John has walked past this museum everyday but he
hasn't visited it.! has never visited it.
2 correct
3 My brother sold his house last month and has just
started renting an apartment in the city centre.
4 Yesterday's fire at the Palace Hotel. which only
reopened five weeks ago, began in the kitchen.
5 Building the new cinema took over two years, because
they found dangerous chemicals on the site shortly after
they started.
6 correct
7 The newly-finished ten-storey o1fice block has replaced
the old market area.
S They only delivered half the bricks we needed, so I've
asked for more today.
1 C 2 A 3 A
2 ] whose
4 who/that
2 which/that
5 whose
3 where
6 which
3 I F 2 C
1 buying
5 saying
3 G 4 H 5 A
2 repairing
6 making
3 trying
7 getting
6 E 7 D
4 moving
8 offering
2 ] without registering 2 with searching
3 by selecting 4 in buying 5 Before deciding
6 After making
3 Possible answer:
8 B
I think a class website is a good idea. It could have photos
and information about our class. Would you like to help me
build the website?
1 1 walking 2 playing music/playing an instrument
3 painting 4 cooking / baking 5 sailing
6 pIa ying basketball
2 1 raincoat, map, water bottle
2 music, piano, flute, violin

3 paint, brush
4 oven, knife, pastry, bowl
5 raincoat, boat, sails
6 ball, court, shorts, trainers
31c 2B 3A 4D 5B 6D 7C
8 A
2 Possible answers:
1 trumpet, flute 2 violin, guitar
3 keyboard, synthesizer 4 band, orchestra
3lc 2b 3c 4b 5c 6c 7c 8a
4 BAND l'I1A.c"{AGER A roadie must be hardworking and patient.
Crew members must Mt work long hours.
GREG Do I mttH have to stay with the band for the whole
BAND l\t1ANAGflR We'd like you to. The contract is for the
whole tour.
GREG OK. Do 1 have to :I bring a sleeping bag and towel?
BA:\'D MANAGER Yes, you need to bring all your own things.
And remember, you deft'! hal(; e *8 mustn't smoke in
the crew's tour-bus. Wait until the driver stops for a
1 I interesting 2 embarrassed 3 surprising
4 annoyed 5 relaxing 6 satisfied
7 frightening, bored
2 Jenni arrives home tired after wurk and finds the door
unlocked. She goes into the house feeling rather worried.
She calls out in a JmJ.d voice, 'Hello. Who's there?', There is
no reply. She starts to feel scared. She opens the door to the
small living room and feels a cold wind on her face. There's
an old man in the room. They look at each other in silence.
2 worried
3 loud
4 scared
5 tired
6 cold
7 small
3 Possible answers:
She looks qLlickly round the room. Everything is there - the
new / expensive / borrowed laptop computer, her
valuable/huge collection of CDs and the bright/colourful
/valuable painting by a famous artist. But her best/
favourite photo is missing. She turns back to the man. He's
holding it in hls hands and crying. 'This is my son,' he says.
4 Possible answers:
1 Young Dves
2 a village in Canada
3 a group of children growing up
4 they pretended to be older to get into a nightclub

1 1 Peter got on the train. 2 He gave Jamira a goodbye hug.
1 Before Peter got on the train, he had given Jamira a
goodbye hug.!Peter had given Jamira a goodbye hug
before he got on the train.
2 The pilot asked for the flight plan. 1 He took oll. 2
The pilot had asked for a flight plan before he took ofl.!
Before he took off, the pilot had asked for a fight plan.
3 Flora visited Rome. 1 She dedded to study Italian. 2
After Flora had visited Rome, she decided to study Italian.
4 The house was quiet. 2 Everyone went to bed. 1
The house was quiet because everybody had gone to bed.
S I arrived. 2 The meeting finished. 1
When I arrived, the meeting had finished.
6 Sam fell asleep. 1 His mother finished the story. 2
Sam fell asleep before his mother had finished the story. I
Before his mother finished the story, Sam had fallen
expedition 2 environment
brochure 4 jungle
career 6 insurance
word in the box: project
change ... money
spending money
change places
take turns
2 taking .. ' exercise
4 change direction
6 time ... spent
8 taken place
1 H 2 J 3 F
9 T 10 B
2 realistic
3 rendezvous site
5 remote areas
7 opportunities
1 thing
3 change
5 essential
7 unavoidable
4 A 5 E 6 G 7
2 climates
4 recommend
6 one-on-one contact
8 master
2 Unless
4 importance
6 moments
8 reach
2 correct 2 incorrect 3 incorrect 4 correct
5 correct 6 correct
8 C
3 I had locked his olfice and had put the key in her drawer.
2 he could stay round at Alex's.
3 (that) he was sorry he (John wasn't able to come
4 she would be taking her KyHe CDs to the party.
4 made friends 2 tell each/talk to each
3 Do you
5 addition
4 don't we
21c 2b 3d 4a
3 1 c Julia really wanted to leave home and find a job in
Londou. Unfortunately, her mother had made other
plans for her future.
2 b I (immediately) noticed Clara (immediately) because
she was wearing an extraordinary hat. She told me
later that she'd (recently) bought it (recently) in a
market near the harbour.
3 d Martin and Ingrid never (actually) imagined they
would (actually) win the holiday competition. Even
now, as they (happily) boarded the plane to Barbados
(happily), it seemed like a dream.
4 a It had started to rain heavily, so I went back to the
hote'l for an umbrella. On the way, a young man
stopped me to ask politely if I wanted a guide.
1 1 the number of Peel P50s that were produced
2 how long the car is in metres
3 how fast it went in kilometres per hour
4 how much it cost
5 when it was first produced
6 when it died out and people stopped using it
2 correct 2 incorrect 3 incorrect
5 correct
3 I
f prediction
d promise
5 a promise
2 coffer
4 b offer
6 e prediction
4 correct
4 The best sentences are the ones which don't repeat words
from the task.
Dear Anna
I Shall I get the train tickets for the weekend in advance?
2 I think the best train to get is the one at 8.30.
3 Let's meet on Saturday morning at 8.15 on Platfonn 4.
4 See you on Saturday.
Love. Ross
1 1 hovercraft 2 scooter
3 ambulance 4 bike
5 cab 6 boat
7 ship 8 tram
9 ferry 10 train
The word reading down is helicopter. A helicopter is used to
take injured people to hospital, and to take important
people to places - meetings, for example. They arc also used
by soldiers,
2 scooter. bike
2 ambulance, cab
3 hovercraft. boat, ship, tram, Jerry. train
4 boat, ship, ferry
5 scooter. ambulance. bike, cab
3 In fact 2 on foot
5 At i r ~ t
3 at least
4 on sale 6 on/in time
2 best opening: 2
Possible answer:
I usc the internet to hc1p with my college work. YOll can
find a lot of good articles and information. I also do some
shopping on-line, mostly CDs, clothes and videos. It's
enjoyable just looking at some of the news and music
Have fun with your computer.
Love .... , ...... ,
1 Possible answers:
We used to photocopy documents, now we send an
email with an attachment.
2 We didn't use to travel long distances by air, we used to
travel by ship.
3 Computers used to be huge, now they are much smaller.
4 Digital technology used to be expensive, now it is cheap.
S We llsed to find information in a library, now we look
for it on the internet.
6 We didn't use to have mobile phones, now almost
everyone has one.
2 How did you use to get to school?
2 Where did you use to go on holiday?
3 Did you use to eat in restaurants?
4 What free-time activities did you use to do?
5 How did you use to find out about news?
6 Did you use to get pocket money?
3 1
prevent 3 danger
banned 6 belongs
according to
2 survive
4 century
1 You can have clothes made.
2 You can have (some) nowers delivered,
3 You can have your clothes dry cleaned.
4 You can have your hair cut.
5 You can have your teeth checked I deaned.
6 You can have your bike repaired.
4 activities
4 castle
2 easier
5 worries
2 lighter
5 honest
3 shopping
6 biggest
3 bought
6 guitar
4 1 correct 2 incorrect 3 incorrect 4 incorrect
5 correct 6 int'orrect
1 will need 2
4 will pay 5
7 will enjoy 8
2 are you going to
4 I'll
will cost 3 will spend
will have to
will take part
6 will be able to
2 I'm going to
5 is going to
3 are going to
6 won't
3 Possible answers:
On Friday I went ....
... finished an essay ... in the afternoon ...
... I met .... at a pizzeria
ct, f 2 a, h 3 b, g 4 c, j 5 e, i
B 2 A 3 C
3 If I didn't do my homework, I would make an excuse.
2 If my car"broke down, I would phone for help.
3 If my friend was ill, I would take her flowers.
4 If I passed my exams, I would celebrate with my friends.
5 If my restaurant meal was cold, I would make a
6 If my sister had children, I would be an uncle 11 would
take her flowers.
7 If I lost my front door key, I would break in.
1 soon as 2 train bank 3 when they are
4 don't stop 5 spend more than
2 1 unafraid 2 unembarrassed 3 unhappy
4 blameless 5 unclear 6 faultless
7 priceless 8 thoughtless
3 Possible answers:
1 On Friday morning Sam's alarm clock didn't go off.
2 He was late lor college and had to take an important test
at lunchtime.
3 He hadn't had time/He'd had no time to revise because
(last week) he met his new girlfriend, Lisa (last week).
4 They had spent all their free time together since then.
5 He was looking forward 10 meeting Lisa after college.
6 He was waiting in their favourite cafe when he got a text
7 The message said: I'm going out with myoId boyfriend. I
don't want to see you again.
4 Possible titles:
A very bad day
Sam's bad day
A sad day for Sam
A difficult day for Sam
1 D T S C J 0 C
E 0 X M 0 D E
H R D 0 C T 0
2 novelist 2 secretary
3 disc jockey 4 dete(.tivc
5 chef 6 pilot
7 teacher 8 nurse
3 full-time, part-time
0 T E
J 0
L 0 D
2 two from: diploma, certificate, degree
3 two from: salary, wages, fee
4 two from: manager, director, president, boss
4 Arrange to have
2 can listen
3 need to achieve
4 Offer to help
5 should spend
6 intend to make
5 Jim's boss persuaded him to take some more
professional exams.
2 Our Managing Director expected us to work on New
Year's Day.
3 My manager wants me to write a report on new
business opportunities.
4 Fay has encouraged us to attend the meeting on
Monday morning.
1 Hanna - E Magnus - B Yvette - D
2 Possible answer:
All the students will work in each department, and will help
with basic tasks. On Friday afternoon they can start their
reports. We will answer their questions. Students need to
bring money to buy lunch.
1 incorrect 2 incorrect 3 correct
4 incorrect 5 incorrect 6 correct
2 1 she was voted
3 chain of events
5 hasn't looked back
2 performed live
4 determined
3 I well-dressed
3 one-way
2 long-distance
4 broken-down
6 long-lost 5 well-behaved
1 1 somebody I someone
3 No one /Nobody
2 everyone I everybody
4 Nothing/Nobody/No one
6 anything 5 something
2 1 How much homework does your English teacher give
2 The news about the film star's accident was very sad.
3 correct
4 The spaghetti at the new Italian restaurant is delicious.
5 correct
6 How much information did you manage to find out for
the proj ect.
3 1 a few 2 no 3 a number of 4 None of
5 a little
('4) that ym: do -not to do "." -.--.
,L/ to become famous. Almost everyone who appears on
television is thought to be a 'famous person'. Y-et SOffie of
tHese }3ee}31e might Ret ae a lot eR tHe televisieR. All they
do is to present a game show. for example, or read the
news. Magazines think that we want to know all about
these people and their lives, their clothes, where they go out
and everything else they do. l,01,r:e aFe telEl what tfiey Vi ear,
waeEe t:lie, eat, .. be taeiF frieREls aEe aHEllsts sf I;lseles5
iHfoEHlatioH lil(e tHis. I, for one, do not want to know any of
this. I am Ret iRteFesteEi iH EeaaiRg it. Finding out about
why some people have done quite amazing things and
become famous is interesting, however. I wSHle like Is reaEi
aasHt .. fi) S8Hlf:'8Hf:' eflsse t8 as SSfflf:'tfiiHg EJol;litf:' e:Hfff:'ff:'Ht
aHa BeEame fameHs. Magazines should think more carefully
about who they interview and write about.
1 C 2 B 3A4D5A6C7D
8 B 9 B 10 C
2 So do j, 2 Neither/Nor do L
3 Neither I Nor am 1. 4 So am 1.
3 long term survival = continuation into the future
in their natural environment = in the wild
disappearing species = endangered animals
in captivity = held in cages or wildlife parks
rare = not found very often
extinct = no longer existing
conservation = protection of the natural world
'H C
A \iYI"'-E
o (L j "'-0 "'-N
N 0 "

(Z E B
R A T(
( S H A

(B u L L)T B

C (H A M S T E R)
2 fann animals pets wild animals
cow puppy camel
horse hamster lion
bull shark
sheep snake
3 1 are advised to 2 apologies for
3 cbeck for 4 warn ... against
5 involved in 6 protect ... against I from
7 are spent ... on 8 believe in
9 decided against 10 hopes for
4 Possible answer:
I shouted 'Shark' to Dave. A huge wave was coming. It was
the perfect wave and Dave surfed back to the beach. I felt a
sudden pain in my leg and I screamed and tried to swim
away from the shark. I got back to lhe beach, with part of my
leg missing. I've never wanted to surf again even if I could.
Possible title: Shark attack
1 I geography 2 art
3 history 4 chemistry
5 maths 6 languages
2 I Read 2 Write
3 Plan 4 Avoid
3 incorrect 2 correct 3 incorrect 4 correct
4 As the college's Exams Organiser, I often have to look after
students before they are allowed into the large haJJ where
they take their exams. One favourite story of mine is about
Sasha - who belonged to Thomas, a student of ours. Sasha
was Thomas' /'s little white mouse and for some rcason,
Thomas had decided that having Sasha with him during the
exam would be lucky for him. Sasha was so small he fitted
into Thomas'/'s coat pocket, so I didn't notice him to begin
with. However, when the director's secretary announced
that all students' coats and bags had to be left outside the
exam hall, Thomas realised he would have to give up that
good luck plan of IHm: his. And that's how I came to have a
white mouse in my desk's middle drawer when the
college's fire alarm went off. But that's another story.
5 I his 2 theirs
1 1 application
3 development
5 measurement
3 yours 4 ours
2 disappointment
4 punishment
6 involvement
5 hers
2 I teU you 2 if you include 3 forget to write
4 Did you elleck/Have you checked 5 long
3 Dear Nigel
letter. You asked me for advice about your
exams. When ou're revising, don't try to go over too much
at a hard for two or three hours and then have
a some more studying, and at the end of the
day, give yourself a small reward. Keep notes of
want to revise and plan what to work on each day. When I
was doing my exams, I tried to eat healthy food and get
plenty of sleep. I went for walks in my breaks and tried to
think met up with friends for a
snack and to talk about other things.
Stay calm and don't panic. I'm sure you'll be fine.
see underlined words above
see circled words above
18 verbs
4 present simple, present continuous, past simple, past
continuous, future with will
5 revise, go over, studying
6 time off, break
Practice Test
Part 1 B 2 A 3 A 4 C 5
Part 2 6 G 7 E 8 H 9 A 10
Part 3 11 A 12 A 13 B 14 A 15
16 B 17 A 18 A 19 B 20
Part 4 21 C 22 B 23 D 24 A 25
Part 5 26 B 27 D 28 A 29 C 30
31 B 32 C 33 B 34 D 35
Part I don't 2 rather thanlinstead oflnot
3 as well 4 before / when 5 in spite
Part 2 Task Specific Markscheme:

indication of where wIiter is on holiday

mention of what the weather is like
explanation of how long writer will be staying.
Part I I A 2 C 3 B 4 C 5 A 6 C 7
Part 2 8 C 9 A 10 B 11 C 12 C 13 A
Part 3 14 7.30/haU past seven 15 (smaU) bag
16 hat 17 notebook/note book (with plain paper)
18 Knellsmere 19 gym
Part 4 20 A 21 B 22 A 23 B 24 A 25 B
Part 1
W John, it's Linda. Listen, I haven't left my notebook on the
restaurant table, have I? The thing is, I've just got back to
the olfice and it's not in my bag.
M Well, the waiter's just cleared the table. Hold on, I'll have a
quick look around. Okay, got it! It was on the floor ncar
where you were sitting.
W Oh, I remember now. 1 put it on a chair while I got my coat
on. It probably fell off.
M I'll bring it back with me in about twenty minutes. Bye.
1 What did the girl do this morning?
M Kate, where have you been all morning? Finishing your
essay, 1 suppose.
W Actually I handed mine in yesterday morning, Jamie. I did
mean to do some more reading this morning, but it was so
sunny I decided to go for a run instead.
M Lucky you. I had a three-hour class and there's another one
at two thirty.
M Yes, I know. I'll be there. Must get something to eat first,
2 Which house do William and Jane live in?
W William, we're lost! I'm sure we've driven past your
house twice already ... we're up at the Red House garage
M Oh dear, it's right down the other end of the street, I'm
afraid. Look out for our apple tree in the front garden,
we're number 45.
W Okay. Shall we just park on the street?
M Jane's out, so why not use the garage? I'll go and open
the doors for you now. She can leave her car outside
when she gets back.
3 Which photograph is the woman talking about?
This is my favourite photo of the lions. It's taken from the
truck we were in, but because of the camera I used, they
look closer than they actually were. [' d noticed two young
lions playing together on their own and, after a while, this
one ran back to its mother. Just as it lay down in front of
her, I pressed the button.
. 4 Where will the man meet the woman?
M Maria, it's John. I'm stuck in terrible traffic Ilea! the
station. It'll take me at least another twenty minutes to
get to the bookshop to pick you up.
W Okay, why don't I walk over and meet you outside the
station then?
M Welt I won't be able to stop there. Tell you what, I'll go
and park at the market square and wait in the car.
That'll be a shorter walk from the bookshop, won't it.
W Great, thanks John.
5 How docs the girl decide to finish the dessert?
W Dad, what can I do to make this dessert look a bit
special? I really want to surprise Mum tonight!
M Why not add some slices of fresh fruit, or melt some
chocolate and pour that over the top?
W She's not keen on anything too rich, is she. I'll just cut
up a pear and a couple of strawberries and put those on.
Thanks Dad.
M Can't wait to try it.
6 What time will the train from Birmingham arrive?
This is an announcement for customers waiting on platform
five for the delayed ten past eleven service. This train was
forty minutes late leaVing Birmingham and is now expected
at eleven fifty five, on platfonn ten. Would customers please
cross the bridge to platform ten (or this service. We
apologise for any inconvenience caused.
7 What do they agree to buy?
W The department store has reduced all its prices by forty
per cent during the sale. Don't you think it's time to
replace our sofa? It's so old!
M Do you think so? What we really need is a proper lamp
to go on the table next to the sofa, it's impossible to sit
and read there at the moment.
W Well, move one of the lamps down from the bedroom
then. The blue one would look good on that table.
M You're right. Okay, let's go and look for something more
comfortable than the one we've got now.
Part 2
W My guest this morning is actor Roger Henderson. Roger,
welcome ...
M Thank you.
W Now, you only became a professional actor three years ago,
at 42, but your acting skills go back to your schooldays,
don't they?
M Even before that, actually. Until I started school. my mother
used to take me to a dance group, which I loved. I learned a
lot about body movement there. Then, at the age of nine, I
wrote my first play, which I wanted to perform on the
school stage. It never happened, probably the best thing!
W When you were 18, you had the choice of going to drama
school or tcacher training college. Why did you go for
M Well, r suppose I was persuaded by my parents. They were
worried about my future, though I was confident 1'd find
my way as an actor. Even my English teacher at school was
encouraging me to try drama, so it was a difficult decision.
W I'm sure. Anyway, you became a teacher and spent eighteen
years in the classroom. What made you then turn to acting?
M It wasn't something I decided overnight. I was still fairly
happy in my teaching job, but there was a big change in my
life during my mid thirties. One serious relationship finished
and another - with Gill, who I've been with ever since -
began. It was Gill more than anyone who pushed me
towards the stage.
W And how did you get your first part, was it a lucky break?
M It was, Gill and I went to a small theatre in London to see a
new play and as I sat in the audience, I recognised the main
actor. She was someone I'd taught several years earlier.
Well, afterwards we talked and she introduced me to the
play's director, who later offered me a wonderful role in
another play by the same writer.
W But it hasn't all been good. You were out of work after that
M Indeed, I was [he typical unemployed actor and Gill had to
support me for almost a year before my next job came
along, and that was only in advertising! I say only, but
advertisements are well-paid and I was thankful, though
now, back on the London stage again, I hope I never have
to do another one!
W So what is your big goal in life?
M I suppose I should be happy to go on acting in plays here,
though my dream is to get into films and make one over in
the States. I already have an agent working on it, so we'll
W Well, I wish you good luck, Roger. And thanks for talking [0
M It's been a pleasure.
Part 3
Okay everyone, thanks for coming to this meeting. I'm going to
give you the final details about our geography trip. Now, on
Friday, you'll need to come to the back gates of the college,
because that's where the coach will be. It'll leave from there at
seven thirty, but I want you there at quarter past seven, please,
so we have plenty of time to put the luggage on the coach.
Talking of luggage, don't bring too much - we'll only be away
for two nights! A suitcase really isn't practical in the hills, so put
all your things in a small bag instead. Remember to pack some
warm clothes, and wear good walking boots and a sensible coat.
Oh yes, and thinking back to last year's trip. one essential thing
that many people didn't remember was a hat, so don't be like
them, will you. It gets very windy up there and that can hurt
your ears after a while.
For the project work itself, you'll need to take photos, of
course, but we'll use the cameras from the department for that.
You'll each need a notebook, so you can write down what you
find. One with plain paper is probably best, so you can do some
drawings too.
Now we're booked into the Knellsmere Hotel, that's K-N-E-
double L-S-M-E-R-E and by the way, they have a public phone
if you want to ring your parents and don't have a mobile
phone. We should get to the hotel by mid-afternoon, so you'll
have some free time until we have dinner. I understand they
have good facilities there. Sadly, there's no swimming pool,
though there's a gym and I know lots of you will- enjoy using
that. Right, wen are there any questions?
Part 4
M Hello, Holly. You're not working in the cale this afternoon,
W Actually Chris, I've given the job up. Yesterday was my last
M Really? That's a bit unexpected. The staff there always seem
quite happy and relaxed. Were they bad employers then?
W That wasn't the problem, it was mc. I was just getting too
far behind with my studies and I realised I would have to
concentrate on my college work more.
M Have you been worried about this for a long time then?
W Well no, last term I was able to keep up, and my marks
were fine, but there's so much more to do now, what with
writing longer essays and having to start revising soon as
M Sure, but I never thought of you finding it difficult, like I
often do! All the way along, you've been at the top of our
group and you always appear so confident in lectures and
W Well, even though you may think that, Dr Garrett certainly
doesn't. Although I tried to persuade him everything would
be okay, he made me go and see the head of department on
Monday. And the first thing she asked me was whether I
had a job ...
M But everyone at college has one, don't they? We wouldn't
have enough money to live on if we didn't do some work.
W That's true, but I'd got the balance completely wrong! I kept
trying to work extra hours at the cafe, which meant six
afternoons some weeks and four nights a week till ten
thirty, too.
M Oh, I see what you mean, that does seem a bit too much.
But won't you still need to earn some money to support
W I'll be alright until the summer, as I've saved quite a lot. The
important thing now is college.
M Well, let me know if I can help a[ all!
W Thanks, Chris.

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