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Discover the
Benefts of Adopting
a Learning Content
Management System
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Peach New Media | | 1.866.702.3278
For Associations, the decision to add a Learning Content
Management System (LCMS) can be a daunting and complex task.
While most Associations already have an Association Management
System (AMS) in place, (often along with accounting, sales or
educational software) many have not taken the steps to integrate
this component into a comprehensive LCMS platform.
Often, they are unaware of the critical ways in which a LCMS
could positively impact their overall business model by bringing
signifcant value to both the Association and its members.
Many Associations already use a
Learning Management System
(LMS) that allows them to bring
their educational content directly to
their membership. While the terms
LMS and LCMS are sometimes used
interchangeably, there are important
distinctions between the two.
The traditional LMS was designed
primarily to create and manage
content, without much fexibility
and limited functionality. Over time,
these constraints have hampered
Associations ability to distribute and
leverage their content efectively.
In the past few years, the emergence of LCMSs has allowed
Associations to not only create and manage their content, but
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also develop new dynamic oferings that were previously
unavailable through a LMS. Instead of being restricted to a few
on-demand recordings or asynchronous courses, those using a
LCMS can ofer a full spectrum of webinars, webcasts and live
online learning opportunities.
Through the use of a powerful LCMS platform, Associations can
then take this plethora of content and distribute it to members in
a way that LMSs are unable to accommodate.
By developing individualized Learner Paths, a LCMS can provide
highly specifc value to members through collaboration, innovative
course packaging and peer-to-peer engagement - all of which are
impossible inside of a traditional LMS. These distinctive features
have driven LCMSs to the forefront of online
learning, while creating limitless expansion
opportunities for Associations.
There are two fundamental reasons
an Association should consider a
comprehensive LCMS for their organization.
First, every Association has a wealth of
content it wants to bring to its members.
Whether this content is composed of
educational videos, webinars or other
materials, each piece is essential to
communicating the organizations
greater message.
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Secondly, Associations must serve its members by fnding ways to
engage, connect and communicate their vision to their learners. By
using an intuitive LCMS, Associations can build a bridge between
their message, their content and their members.
Peach New Media was founded on the idea that bringing
knowledge to people is a powerful tool for positive change in the
world. With this guiding principal, we have partnered with over
200 Associations across the country to help them deliver their
educational content to a variety of professionals.
From nurses, doctors and therapists to attorneys, non-profts and
educators, the use of an LCMS has allowed these Associations to
provide vast knowledge to their members.
We ofer both a superior LCMS platform and a series of support
services (live recording, webcasting, production services, etc.) to
help clients achieve their goals.
While each Association will have a variety of specifc objectives in
mind when considering an LCMS, four key topics should be included
in the decision-making process:
1. Why Is a LCMS Important and Does Your Association Need One?
2. How Should Your Association Distribute Content to Members?
3. Who Benefts from a LCMS and How?
4. What Should Your Association Consider When Choosing a LCMS?
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As an Association weighs each issue with their specifc
organization in mind, it is important to take into account their
long-range goals and vision. By taking a strategic approach to this
endeavor, Associations are better equipped to fnd a solution that
will serve their members future ambitions.
1. Why Is a LCMS Important and Does
Your Association Need One?
At Peach, we believe that every Association
needs a LCMS. While it might be easy to scof
at this assertion, when we consider that
every Association has content it needs to
deliver to members, the idea that a LCMS is
a fundamental component of this mission
becomes quite obvious.
Some Associations contend that they only
have a limited number of oferings to deliver
(perhaps only a handful of webcasts a year)
or that their content is very basic (perhaps
simply a library of videos on demand).
Because they believe their oferings are too
simple, these Associations shy away from
incorporating a LCMS into their business.
Yet, no matter how modest their educational oferings appear
to be, every Association needs a dynamic and efective way to
distribute this content.
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Distribution of product is a very specialized component of any
business and successful operations recognize the value in having
expert help in this area.
Those who attempt to manage every aspect themselves often fail
at distribution by misjudging the intricacies involved in this area.
We at Peach New Media are focused exclusively on the efective
distribution of content for our clients. This allows our team of
experts to drive distribution in powerful ways that might otherwise
be overlooked.
2. How Should Your Association Distribute
Content to Members?
Discussing the importance of distribution inevitably leads to a
number of concerns for Associations. By integrating a LCMS into
their organization, Associations can address many of these critical
issues and as a result, enhance their overall business model. Some
of the leading concerns include:
Acknowledging that Associations have varying pricing
structures in order to efectively monetizing content
oferings. Managing these diferent price structures is easily
done with a LCMS. Beyond this, LCMSs can build targeted sales
models by bundling content into packages that encourage
members to learn more.
Understanding the best delivery formats for the specifc
needs of members. By recognizing the distinctions between
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certain industries, Associations can enable LCMS oferings to
match those constraints.
While CPAs are very likely to attend day-long live seminars,
those in the nursing industry might be better served by
mobile content that works around the 24/7 nature of their
work schedules.
In addition to industry-specifc limitations, generational
diferences also infuence content
delivery choices. Because LCMSs
can manage a myriad of services,
Associations can accommodate the
Millenials who crave mobile content
and the Baby Boomers who may still
want DVD based oferings.
Ofering seamless integration
with existing framework. Since
Associations often already have an
AMS, an accounting system, a sales
management system, and marketing
software, the idea of integrating
a LCMS adds another layer of
unwanted complexity.
Because this is a valid concern, the goal in choosing a LCMS
should be to fnd a product that enables Associations to ofer
a Single Sign-On experience for its members. By integrating
each back-end component seamlessly with the front-end site,
an Association can create a positive customer experience, that
the members will value.
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Peach New Media | | 1.866.702.3278
Adapting to the mobile revolution. While mobile technology
may still be an evolving world, it is quite relevant to todays
market. Bringing content to mobile devices has its own set of
nuances and in order to manage it efectively, a LCMS must
appreciate the particulars of this technology.
Statistics vary on the current use of mobile devices to access
educational content (from as low as 3% to as high as 30%),
depending on demographics and industry. Yet, it is obvious
that these practices are on the rise and Associations must
respond accordingly.
Understanding how packaging curriculum difers in todays
market. Creating value for members is done in entirely new
ways in todays economy. With efective distribution modeling,
Associations can use LCMSs to package their content in order
to maximize value.
Instead of only ofering individual classes, Associations can
bundle multiple classes into a comprehensive course and then
create a long-range curriculum that enables members to attain
higher levels of certifcation. Strategizing content to engage
members in life-long learning allows Associations to create
abundant value for learners.
3. Who Benefits From a LCMS and How?
LCMSs create a mutual beneft for the two primary users: the
Association and the Member.
As the primary client, the Associations principal beneft is in
the ability to monetize their content oferings more efectively.
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Educational content is a vital component of any Associations
budget and the ability to increase revenue from this proft center
is critical. In todays marketplace, Associations
are burdened with the ever-increasing issue of
relevancy as a business model. As generational
transitions change the concept of learning and
networking, the idea of an industry Association
membership can be viewed as pass.
The challenge for Associations is to fnd new
ways to engage members and remain relevant
to industry newcomers. By using a LCMS,
Associations are better equipped to target
those learners who are neutral members - these
personalities must feel strongly compelled
to commit to an Association membership,
otherwise they remain happily unafliated.
Through precise marketing and packaging
options, LCMSs ofer Associations the best
opportunity to convert neutrals into captured sales. This same
concept also directly benefts members by ofering them the kind
of learning opportunities that best suit their needs.
Whether the member is a new college graduate, looking to
enhance a resume with additional certifcations or an industry
executive that wants to gain a niche market specialty, by refning
content into a customizable model each member can achieve
their goals. In the end, what serves the Association will also serve
the member.
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Peach New Media | | 1.866.702.3278
4. What Should Your Association Consider
When Choosing a LCMS?
When choosing a LCMS, Associations should keep their members
needs and wants at the forefront. While many Associations staf
and leadership believe that they know what will best serve their
membership, it is easy to assume incorrectly.
Often what happens on the ground with members in their daily
work lives is very diferent from what Association managers
believe. By conducting thorough research of their members needs,
an Association can successfully implement a LCMS to ofer value
and relevant content.
Associations should consider
ofering surveys to members
to fnd out what they need or
perhaps hosting a roundtable
(a free lunch or cocktail
hour always helps increase
attendance) to discuss what
would beneft learners most.
By investing in the brain trust that members provide, Associations
can avoid the pitfalls of a poorly executed LCMS integration.
During these surveys/sessions, the nuances of how member work
styles difer or their unmet work burdens will be revealed. This
allows Associations to integrate creatively and make meaningful
changes. In the end, members should be the voice of your
organization, determining your strategic vision for the future.
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Peach New Media | | 1.866.702.3278
By taking into account each of these topics when considering a
LCMS, Associations will be poised to make the best decision for
their organization. As their operations evolve, a top-tier LCMS
provider will be able to grow with the client and adapt to their
changing needs.
With these goals in mind, Associations can beneft immensely
from LCMS integration and ofer their members unprecedented
value for the future.
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Peach New Media | | 1.866.702.3278
Ryan Graham
Vice President Sales
Peach New Media
O: 770 805 6292 x301
C: 781 974 6808
Meet the Peaches: the- peaches
Peach New Media | | 1.866.702.3278
1100 Circle 75 Parkway | Suite 900 | Atlanta, GA 30339
720 Washington St. | Ste. 101, Nantucket Bldg. | Hanover, MA 02339

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