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Jordan Bernhardt

Informative Speech Outline #2

Topic: Bipolar Disorder

Audience Analysis:

General Purpose: To inform my audience.
Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about Bipolar Disorder and help bring
awareness to our society, hopefully breaking the stereotypes that are attached to mental

Thesis: Bipolar Disorder does not define the person with the disorder, it simply is a part
of who they are.


I. What pops into your head when you hear the word Bipolar? Crazy! Right?
If you think about it? We are all a little crazy to some extent. I just happen to
be someone who was born with a chemical imbalance which at times can
really intensify the craziness! (Gain Attention)
I was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder Type I at the age of 13. (Credibility)

II. I want for you all to gain more knowledge about Bipolar Disorders and hope
that you will listen with an open mind. (Preview Topic and Purpose)

III. My goal is that you will leave here with a better understanding about Mania,
Depression and both types of Bipolar Disorder. (Preview main points)

IV. All of this information can benefit you in so many ways. It will give you the
opportunity to help loved ones that may be suffering from Bipolar Disorder. It
may possibly allow you to help yourself with accepting and embracing that
you may have a mental disorder along with many others. And hopefully put
things into a different perspective allowing you to drop any stigmas or
judgments towards Mental Illnesses. (Make Topic Relevant)


I. Knowing the differences between Bipolar Disorders Type I and II.

A. Becoming familiar with Mania and Hypomania and how they are relevant to
each Bipolar Disorder.

1. Hypomania correlates with Bipolar II.
a. Less severe than Mania.
b. Mood is elevated with increased activity and energy.
c. Requires less sleep
d. Mood has to be noticeably different from their normal mood when
balanced or not depressed.
2. Mania correlates with Bipolar I.
a. All symptoms of Hypomania but more extreme.
b. Experiencing forms of Psychosis. The presence of Psychosis
automatically rules out Hypomania.

B. Knowing and recognizing the signs and symptoms of Mania/Hypomania.

1. Pressured speech: Rapid, virtually nonstop, often loud or emphatic
2. Grandiosity: An exaggerated sense of one's importance, power, knowledge
or identity.
3. Flight of Ideas: A nearly continuous flow of or accelerated speech, with
abrupt changes from topic to topic.
4. Racing Thoughts: Racing thoughts are not just "thinking fast." They are
thoughts that just won't be quiet; they can be in the background of other
thoughts or take over your consciousness.

C. Knowing some of the Psychotic symptoms that may occur with Mania.

1. Hallucinations.
2. Delusional thinking.
3. Hearing voices.

D. While experiencing hypomania or mania if you dedicate yourself towards
something you truly are able to accomplish a lot within a very short amount of
time. There are many famous people who have the disorder.
Such as: Mel Gibson, Catherine Zeta- Jones, Britney Spears, Demi Lovato,
Robert Downey Jr, Amy Winehouse, Vincent Van Gogh, Ernest Hemingway,
Edgar Allen Poe, Frank Sinatra, as well as one of my Idols, Marilyn Monroe.

E. My personal experiences with Mania.

1. First Episode in 1996 when I was diagnosed With Bipolar Disorder.
2. Following episodes in 2004, 2006, 2011, and 2013.
3. Express briefly some of what I experienced throughout each episode.

II. The Depression side of Bipolar.

A. Bipolar has also been referenced as Manic Depression. The board of Certified
Physicians ruled out the term because it is the same as Bipolar not separate
from and was creating confusion.

B. Bipolar is caused by a chemical imbalance within your brain. Naturally our
brain will attempt to balance itself out so the higher into Mania that you go,
inevitably once reality sets back in the lower and deeper you will go into

C. My personal experiences with Depression and coming to realization of
everything that I said and did while in one of my Manic Episodes.

1. Weight Gain.
2. Pure Exhaustion and would rather sleep more than anything.
3. Embarrassment and Shame.
4. Guilt, Remorse, and complete sadness.
5. Wanting to Disappear.


I. In conclusion, I want you to know that there is close to 6 million
Americans who are currently being affected by their Bipolar Disorder.
II. I hope that this information has given you a better understanding about
Bipolar Disorders Type I and II, as well as mania and depression.
(Key Points)
III. This disorder has literally destroyed peoples lives and unfortunately
causes people to place shame upon themselves. There is hope! Again my
bipolar disorder does not define me it simply is a part of who I am and
rather than allowing it to destroy me, I choose to accept and embrace it.
(Reiterate Topic)
IV. I challenge you all to incorporate this topic into more of your
conversations with family and friends so that in time we can break the
mold of having a mental disorder as something to be ashamed of.
V. Another goal of mine today was hopefully to make you laugh, to make
you think, to spark your emotions, and most importantly to inspire you.

Presentation Aid: Poster display/chart.

Supporting Materials (Citations)
1. Bipolar I and Bipolar II Whats the Difference?
Purse, Marcia, Online Article. 16 May 2014

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