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Team Alpha Science 2014-2015

Ms. Armentrout
Science Website: Http://
Team Alpha Website: Http://

Major Topics Covered in 6
Grade Science:
- Matter and Atoms
- Energy
- Earth Layers: Tectonic Plates, soil and rock Cycle
- Plants: Photosynthesis, structure, transpiration, respiration
- Ecosystems: Food webs, chains, producers, consumers, decomposers
- Space Exploration: Sun, Moon
Classroom Expectations:
Prepared and on-time to class with the following supplies: pencils/pens, homework, binder,
textbook, and computer (when necessary). Students are in their seat and ready to begin class
when the bell rings. (Pencils sharpened and working on the starter.)
Respect to classmates, teacher, and school property at ALL times.
Involved and engaged in all classroom lessons and activities
Determined to succeed and to be successful by staying organized, completing homework,
reviewing notes daily, and preparing for tests/quizzes.
Excellence is what we strive for in ALL things: academic, conduct, and attitude
Science Grading Policy:
Students must turn in completed work on time in order to receive full credit on assignments. Students
will be graded on the following:

Assessments (Quick-Checks, Unit Tests): 30%
Projects/Labs/Research Papers: 30%
Class-work/Science in the News/Notebook Check: 30%
Participation (Ticket-In, Ticket-Out, homework completion, class preparation): 10%

Participation: It is very important to be prepared for class which includes bringing class materials,
completed notes/homework, and knowledge to share during class discussions. Ticket-Ins are small
pop quizzes that come directly from the notes from the night before.
Late Work Policy:
- Work needs to be completed by due date
- If work is incomplete, student will have a behavior notice that parent/guardian must sign and
return the next day. Student will have silent lunch until the work is completed and behavior notice
is returned with signature.
Extra Credit Opportunities: 5 Extra Points per quarter
Full rubric and the sheet that has to be signed are both located on the Science Website.
Student attends an event, goes to an EE site, or participates in a program and has the extra credit sheet
signed by a program leader, office staff, or event staff. Student has typed a well-developed, grammatically
correct review of the event, site visit or program that includes what he/she did during the event, site visit
or program, what he/she liked or disliked, and if he/she recommends the event, site visit or program.
Student will also include an artifact, including but not limiting to picture, program schedule, souvenir, etc.

- Science Notebook
- Sharpened pencils
- Laptop

Optional Materials
- Ruler
- Highlighters
- Pens
- Markers/Colored Pencils

The Edmodo is updated daily with assignments and announcements. Also, please check both the team
website and the science website to receive up-to-date information. . If there are any questions or
concerns, please feel free to email Ms. Armentrout or direct message on Edmodo.

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