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English II/English II Honors Medical, Fire, & Law Academy

Bartow Senior High School

Instructor: Katie Patton
Room #: 02-014 (old-713)
Email: quickest way to reach me
Phones: Cell: 863-370-0990
Social Media: Patton Bartow English (Facebook)

Course Syllabus
Course Description:
English III is a full-year course that integrates grammar, writing, literature, vocabulary, research, and presentation. Literary language
is introduced and applied to several genres of literature. The reading selections for this course will be predominantly American

Course Objectives:
The purpose of the course is to promote Common Core Standards-Based academic excellence in English/Language Arts through
enriched curriculum of reading literature and informational texts, writing, grammar, speaking and listening. Much of what we do in
this course will help the student succeed on SAT/ACT tests and with college and career readiness.

Course Texts:
Pearson Common Core Literature Florida

Course Materials Needed:
1. 1.5-2 inch 3 ring binder
2. 5 tabbed dividers, labeled: Journal, Notes, Handouts, Class Work/Graded Work, Vocabulary
3. 1 subject spiral notebook (put in Journal section)
4. college-ruled loose leaf paper (put in Notes & In-class sections)
5. black or blue pens, #2 pencils (lead or mechanical), high lighters (3 colors)
6. Optional: 2GB flashdrive, sleeve protectors, index cards

Course Assessment:
The curriculum has many built in writing and project-based assessments for whole class, group, paired, and individual work. Tests
following each unit are challenging. Students who miss class will not do well on the tests. Grades will be comprised of vocabulary
work/homework, journals, tests, projects, writing assignments, daily work, group collaboration, and class participation. Final grades
will be earned points divided by total points.

Classroom Rules:
** All PCSB Code of Conduct rules apply in the class room.**

1. Be Prompt.
Be on time. Aside from missing important information and hurting your chances of being successful, tardiness also results in
disciplinary action. The following are counted from beginning of school year until end of school year: 1 Tardy= warning. 2
Tardies= call home. 3 Tardies= referral for each tardy thereafter. 4 or more tardies result in disciplinary action anywhere
from lunch detention to suspension. The PCSB Code of Conduct outlines the disciplinary process for Tardies. Being prompt
also includes being PRESENT. The new curriculum is set up in such a way that missing one class can mean missing several
assignments and assessments. It will be difficult to catch up if you are absent too often.

Pass Required: Students may not leave the room for ANY reason without an appropriate pass or accompanied by an escort.
Passes will be discussed on the first day of school. No passes will be given the first 10 minutes or the last 10 minutes of

2. Be Polite.
Respect others and their property. Bartow campus has had some upgrades and Ive done some rehabilitation to this room,
this was done to make your learning environment more comfortable, respect that effort. Any trash or left-overs will be
thrown away or dealt with before they leave this room. If your shoes left dirt behind, you will sweep it up. Use classroom
materials appropriately. This includes everything from textbooks to paper clips. If messes are left behind, the entire class
will face the consequences. The instructors materials are not for student use without express permission. If you are sent
out of my room for disciplinary action, expect to receive a zero for that class periods work.

Respect yourself. Believe it or not, the dress code is for your benefit. It will be enforced at all times!

Respect Author Integrity. Plagiarism and Cheating WILL NOT be tolerated. Do your own work. Turning in any work that
you represent as your own, whether homework, classwork or research that is not yours will result in a call home, a referral
and a zero on the assignment. If you copy off of another student (or multiple students), all the assignmentsno matter
who copied or allowed to be copiedwill BOTH/ALL receive a ZERO. No exceptions.

3. Be Positive.
The classroom MUST be a safe environment: safe for peoples feelings, belongings and their ability to share ideas without
threat or ridicule. We DO NOT tell one another to shut-up, nor do we use curse words, slanderous or rude phrases and
gestures as they will not be tolerated. Students must maintain their personal area in the classroom. Use T.H.I.N.K. before
you choose to speak. (T=Is it true? H=Is it helpful? I= Is it inspiring? N=Is it necessary? K=Is it kind?).

4. Be Prepared.
Bring all materials and assignments to class. You should always have the above listed materials with you when arrive to
class. You will be notified should you require something more for class. Being prepared also means turning in your work on
time. Being absent does not excuse you from doing an assignment. There is a folder with make-up work that absent
students can refer to in order to turn in or gather any assignments they missed during their absence. No late work will be
accepted without a parent contacting me with an excuse for missing work. You must pick up your work and turn it in
within 7 days of your return. After that, it is a zero.

5. Be Productive.
You are responsible for your own learning. School is considered an academic career, not a time to socialize when in a
learning environment. All students are expected to be on-task and learning at all times. Expect to be called on during all
learning activities (further explanation during 1
week). You are not allowed to say I dont know. The attempt is worth
participation credit, evasion is not.

Stay in your seat from bell to bell. You may not leave your seat unless given permission by the teacher. This is to ensure you
are on-task and using the most of your class time for learning within your cooperative group from the beginning of class
until dismissal. For your safety, please also keep all four legs of the chair on the floor at all times.

PHONES, MP3 players, and TABLETS. Phones/Tablets may actually be used during class for certain activities, but only when
requested by the teacher. When not being used academically (given permission), they must be put away and not be in use.
MP3 players and earphones are strictly forbidden. One cannot hear instruction, or participate fully if one of our senses is
otherwise occupied.

Stay awake in class. First, you will be asked to wake up. Second, stand up. Third, a referral and a call home. You cannot be
successful if you are not mentally here as well as physically here.

6. Be Professional
Since you are enrolled in a cohort academic class within your academy, you are expected to wear approved uniform for that
academy. If you are in Medical Academy- Scrubs (Bartow Blue); Fire/Police academy- BDUs (Fire-gray/black, Police-
gray/dark blue). If you are not in one of those academies, you are expected to be in the uniform/dress code designated by
your academy (i.e. Academy polo/shirt & appropriate pants).

Conduct yourself professionally even when working on assignments. This means you ALWAYS write in complete sentences
(no, you dont have to rephrase the question). The new Florida Assessment requires a great deal of writing and knowing
what complete, coherent, grammatically correct sentences look like. Get used to it.

If you are in need of make-up work, do not interrupt class to ask be about it. You may come before school, after school, or
during lunch to collect or complete missing assignments.

Do not doodle, crumple, rips, or otherwise vandalize property in the classroom whether its yours, mine, another teachers
or another students. If you are caught damaging property, you will automatically be written up without warning and sent
to discipline.

Food and drink (except bottled water) will not be allowed in the classroom unless given direct permission by the teacher.
We are here to learn and work, not snack.

The Polk County Code of Conduct has very few reasons for excused absences.
1. Personal Illness: A student shall be excused for absences caused by personal illness. A note explaining the absence which
has been signed by the parent must accompany the student on return to school, or a telephone call from the parent if
required by the principal. A student may be excused for a continued or repeated illness for up to ten (10) attendance days
in a span of a ninety calendar (90) day period. After this period of time, a doctors verification will be required as per state
law. If no verification is submitted within three (3) student attendance days upon return to school, referral to the school
nurse will be required. [F. S. 1003.26]
2. Illness or Death in the Immediate Family: A student shall be excused for absences caused by serious illness or death in the
immediate family. Immediate family is defined as parent, brother, sister, grandparent, aunt, uncle, legal guardian or person
in loco parentis, or member of the household. A note explaining the absence that has been signed by the parent must
accompany the student on return to school.
3. Religious Holidays: A student shall be excused from attendance in school in grades K-12 on a day or days or particular time
of day, and shall be given the opportunity to make up any work missed due to that student's observance of a religious

a. Prior Notice: The parent shall give written notice to the principal or teacher not more than five (5) days prior to any
b. Written Excuse: A written excuse for such absences pursuant to this rule shall not be required upon return to school.

4. Educational Trips: Such trips shall be planned by the parent and teacher and prearranged and approved bythe school
administration. The student shall prepare and submit a written report of the trip to the teacher.
5. Trips with Parents: Such trips shall be prearranged and approved by the school administration. If such trips are not
prearranged, the absences shall not be excused unless the trip was necessitated by an emergency. The principal or designee
will make the final determination.
6. School Sponsored Activities: A student shall be excused from attendance at school to participate in school sponsored
activities such as athletic functions, band, club trips, etc., if such activities have been prearranged with the school
administration. These students are to be counted in attendance at said school for this period of time.
7. Judicial Actions:

a. Subpoena/Summons: A student shall be excused for any absence due to court appearance provided the principal or
designee has been furnished a copy of the subpoena or court summons.
b. Juvenile Detention Center: A student shall be excused for any absence due to placement in the Juvenile Detention

8. Military Dependent School Age Students: A student whose parent or legal guardian is an active duty
member of the uniformed services (as defined by Section 1000.36, Article V(E), F.S., Interstate Compact on Educational
Opportunity for Military Children), and has been called to duty for, or is on leave from, or immediately returned from
deployment to a combat zone or combat support posting, shall be granted additional excused absence at the discretion of
the school superintendent.

Please be advised: Without a documented excuse, teachers retain the authority to refuse or accept assignments due to student
absences. Some exceptions may apply.

Please return this form to Mrs. Patton by August 25, 2014.

Parents and students, by signing below you are acknowledging the following statement:

I have read and understand the rules and expectations of English II/English II Honors and will do my best adhere to the
rules and expectations for the duration of the school year.


__________________________________ _________________________________
Student Name (Printed) Student Name (Signature)

__________________________________ _________________________________
Student Cell phone number Student email address**


__________________________________ __________________________________
Parent/Guardian Name (Printed) Parent/Guardian Name (Signature)

_________________________________ _________________________________
Parent/Guardian Cell Phone number Parent/Guardian email address**

**Email is the quickest way to reach Mrs. Patton. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any
questions or concerns.

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