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Grade 4 Pop up caf reflection

By Madeleine
Q 1: What was the point of this caf?
A: To raise money for St Vincent de Paul.
Q 2: What were we aiming for?
A: raise as much money as we could to buy
blankets and canned food to donate to the poor.
Q 3: What worked well?
A: that so many people came and we raise lots of
money and we raised more money than the grade
Q: Even better if?
A: it would be better if we raised more money so
we could buy more things for the poor.
Q: What habits of mind do you use thought out
your meeting with your teachers group?
A: I was in Mrs Rixsons group and the habits of
mind I was using was
. Listening to others
. Thinking flexibly
Q: What habits of mind did you use during the
A: I used
. Listening to others
Q: What items should we have in our hamper?
A: We should have
. Blankets
. Canned food
. Sleepingbags

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