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Business model blueprint: see Appendix 1

Dropbox business model
ou build it was critical prior to launch. Dropbox did not use the standard startup process of identifying
a single unmet need that would result in a point solution, instead they used the Lean Startup technique
of Build-easure-Learn !BL" feedbac# loop to impro$e the product by de$eloping tests and allowing
users to pro$ide feedbac#. %n order to adhere to the Lean Startup aspect of &ighly Le$eraged, Dropbox
wanted to use the method of utili'ing efforts of de$elopers and users, as well as using a open source
concept to reduce de$elopment time of their product with low cost and in$estment.
Dropbox(s first six hires would be critical prior to launch and adhering to Lean Startup principles
because those first hires would be setting the company(s culture that is to release product through
continuous de$elopment and deployment. Because Dropbox adopted Lean Startup methodologies,
they a$oided hiring expertise from the mar#eting sectors. )his led to assumption *.
+ptimi'ation of mar#eting messages Dropbox recogni'ed prior to startup that it would ha$e to focus
on organic customer acquisition and growth, word of mouth and $iral ad$ertising instead of paid
ad$ertising. &ouston focused on beta testing and customer feedbac# as a means to ensure that
Dropbox,s word of mouth and $iral mar#eting would ma#e their product offering a success. Dropbox
wor#ed on a minimum $iable product !-." prior to startup because it would help start the process of
learning as quic#ly as possible, and that would aid in getting the word out on the product.

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