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Singapore is a wonderful, warm fun city located

in south east of Asia with a population of 5.312

million. It is made up of 63 islands and the main
island is Singapore island. The language mainly
spoken in Singapore is English but there is also
a little bit of Malay, Tamil and standard Mandarin.

Tourist Attractions
Singapore is a fun and exciting place with
lots of fun tasks and attractions to do!
Universal studios
Universal studios Singapore is a theme park
located within resorts of Sentosa. Universal
Studios has lots of rides, food, and people to meet
and greet with !

Singapore fyler
Discover singapore from one of Asias best attractions , The
singapore flyer, you go 30 m high, and its even better then the
london eye. During the 30 min ride you will enjoy the views
Singapore river, Mariana Bay, Changi airport,
Sentosa island. AND EVEN parts of your
neibourghers Malyasia and Inodesina!

Lego Land
Enjoy a day of fun with the hole family down at Lego
Land with more then 40 thrilling rides you will be
amazed and never want to leave.

Cultural Food
Sayor loday is a very poluar meal in Singapore its vegtables
mixed in a spicy coconut milk. (MEAL)
Sago pudding when it is cooked it looks like pale
pearls this is also one of
Singapores favourites

Singapore has very hot and tropical Climate. All though the year it
is very hot and humid with a minuim temperature of 23 and a
maxuim temperature of 31 degrees. And the best time to visit is
between June-August.

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