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Tardy is not being in your seat when the

second bell rings

After 20 minutes- late
You must check in with the front office
before coming to class.
If you arrive late I mark you absent, late, or tardy
Office will mark you there
You will succeed this school year
You will earn your credits and pass your class

Dress Code will be followed
Keep it covered up (girls and guys)
School dress code will be enforced.
If I can see your underwear it is not appropriate for
No outside trips during bathroom breaks
Wandering, using cell phones
I know where the bathroom and water fountain are.
The 7 Bs

Be on Time
Be Courteous
Let the teacher teach
Be ready to share, raise
hands, use appropriate
Be Respectful
Others Feelings
Work, Space, and yourself
Be responsible
for supplies
your mess and choices

Be Safe
With materials, tools, and
everything around you.
Be Creative
Have Fun and be ready to
make mistakes
Use your imagination and do
your best
But, No Cell Phone
Or electronic devices (unless
given permission before use)

Will be handed out on week 2

Periods 2 and 5 10:50 am to 12:25
Warm up / Lesson First 10-20 minutes (with
Lesson with possible worksheets, reading,
group work
Test, Movie, Quiz, etc
Game, discuss what we went over
Bell rings May leave when the teacher
excuses the class.
Periods 3 and 6 1:10 PM to 3:00 PM
SSR- first 15 minutes
Warm up / Lesson First 10-30 minutes (with
Split into work groups for homework
If you have NO homework IEP work will be
supplied. Goals, Transitional work, etc
Take your time, do it right the first time, or you
will have to do it again.
Bell rings May leave when the teacher excuses
the class.
*** This may change

Extra Credit???
It is possible

If you need help
See at Breaks, Tutorial or Lunch

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