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Unit 18

Just completed actions and experiences

Objective: To learn about expressing just completed actions and experiences.

Present Perfect tense
Just completed actions
Past action has some relation to the present

Anna has finished the essay just now. (Just completed actions)
I have been to Himalayas. (Experience)
Raj has come to see Malar. (Past action has some relation to the present)

S =Subject; M.V =Main Verb; P.P =Past Participle; O.W =Other Words
Use have for I/ We/ You/ They/ John and Anwar
Use has for He/ She/ It/ John

Positive statement:

S + has/ have + M.V [P.P] + O.W
Gavin has refused to pay the money.
I have seen her.

Negative statement:

S + has/ have + not + M.V [P.P] + O.W
S + hasnt/ havent + M.V [P.P] + O.W
Those children havent scribbled on the desk.
The plan has not worked properly.

Yes/ No Positive question:

Has/ have + S + M.V [P.P] + O.W?
Has Samantha accepted to come?
Have Gayathri and Roja attended the meeting?

Yes/ No Negative question:

Has/ have + S + not + M.V [P.P] + O.W?
Hasnt/ havent + S + M.V [P.P] + O.W?
Havent you been to Pune?
Has she not stitched it?

Wh Positive question:

Wh + has/ have + S + M.V [P.P] + O.W?
How has Johny known the truth?
How long have they waited?

Wh(y) Negative question:

Why + has/ have + S + not + M.V [P.P] + O.W?
Why + hasnt/ havent + S + M.V [P.P] + O.W?
Why has Connor not unpacked it?
Why havent Layla and Joe travelled to Ooty?

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