Warriors - The Servants Promise

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Quietness. Peacefulness. Relaxation.

StarClan was created because of these qualities, so that no matter how hectic your
life was, you would always find peace in death. It was meant to be the hide-out,
the place where you could rest without having to worry. It was meant to be a place
where the living could ask questions, and a place where there was hope.
But it changed. StarClan was now just place where the dead cats went. Nothing
more. There wasnt peace, and there wasnt happiness. They werent even sure
how to answer many of the questions asked by the living. It had been this way for
many moons, but StarClan had managed.
Now that Sharpmoon had taken over, however, they were falling apart. Like
shattered glass, they rushed to collect the pieces, but no matter how much they
tried, more and more pieces fell to the ground. Most cats were still allowed to
pray to StarClan, but they didnt want to, because the hope theyd once had in
their ancestors was now gone.
So on the warm breezy night, many StarClan leaders had gathered, trying hard to
figure out their own prophecy. Yes, they knew of who was to save them, and yes,
they knew who was to help, but they were afraid, for the war leader, Rainfur, had
been taken to a territory where StarClan no longer roamed, and that was not part
of the plan.
The leaders were all seated on a rocky waterfall, one that they used for a lot of
meetings. There were numerous high stones that outlined the flowing waterfall
all the way to the top, leaving many ledges for leaders to sit on. This was one of
the largest meetings of all, it seemed, for all twenty high stones had a leader sitting
on them.
Below the waterfall, a river flowed quietly, barely making any noise at all. The
lush green grass swayed below them, and a few daisies danced in the dusk wind.
Many previous medicine cats sat in this clearing, while many normal warriors
and queens did as well. Probably a third of StarClans most respected cats had
gathered at this meeting, hoping to have a say in their Clans future.
One of the most important leaders there was Ravenstar, ThunderClans previous
leader. He was a wise dark grey tom who had first met the war leader, and he had
been killed by him. But Ravenstar knew better than to judge Rainfur now, for the
grey and white tom had become a fine fighter, and the dark grey leader found it
sorrowful that Rainfur had lost his memory.
There were, of course, the first four leaders of the Clans by the lake. They were
another crucial aspect in this meeting because it was them who agreed to make
Rainfur a cat after dying in his human life. They had also united in bringing
Stormpaw, the Saviour, into the warrior world as well, though that decision was
yet to become successful.
The next leader was a dull grey one with bright blue eyes that looked like they
had electricity running through them. It was magnificent, and seeing as he had
just as high of a rank as the other first four leaders of ThunderClan, ShadowClan,
RiverClan, and WindClan, this tom was important.
Nightstar and Rosestar were also present, though the golden she-cat wasnt
pleased. She would have been more than happy to stay near WindClan and help
Ravenstar lead the Queen Clan. Nightstar wasnt as reluctant, because he knew
Rainfur as his deputy, and to know that the war leader no longer remembered him
was an outrage, and he wanted something done about it.
Below, there were many familiar cats. J ayflight, Snowstorm, Thorntail,
Yelloweye, Sweetclaw, Hawkstrike. . .The list went on and on, for the war had
taken many lives. Snowdrift, ThunderClans previous medicine cat, had died of
a wound that one of Sharpmoons warriors had inflicted upon him. Frostheart was
able to heal the rest of the ThunderClan cats, but it was very saddening to know
that the warriors these days were breaking the warrior code so freely.
StarClan, I speak before all of you in sorrow that so many has joined us,
Thunderstar started. We shall help the grieving cats that live by the lake, and
push them to become stronger. This battle has only begun, and we wish our loved
ones good luck. There were murmurs of agreement, and many began thanking
StarClan that they didnt take any other of their loved ones.
We are not here to discuss the deaths, though, Shadowstar continued. We are
to talk about a prophecy, one that all of you should know about. This prophecy
talks of the Saviour, whom we must keep faith in. And the demons of the Dark
Forest, who have been identified as the Volans. The one who hides his fear, and
the Saviour will be the one to defeat Sharpmoon, but we have a problem. The
dark Clan leader drifted, leaving Windstar and Riverstar to finish.
Stormpaw, the Saviour, has become. . .rebellious against the idea of being one
of the prophecy cats, Windstar explained. The human would rather go looking
for Rainfur. Matar has kept him in ShadowClan, but it isnt long before he rejects
the idea. This wasnt supposed to happen, so we must take caution.
On a happier note, though, I bring news of Rainfurs survival, Riverstar
continued happily. Sharpmoons fatal wound was kept under control thanks to
J acturs strength, but he is no longer within StarClans protection. I-Instead, he
resides in The Cats of the Storms, where he still lay in the healers den, unable to
wake up unless we allow him. Hes healing nicely, but we cant send any StarClan
cats over to save him. The dull grey leader scoffed as Riverstar finished, as if he
wasnt surprised at all.
Whats so amusing, Hailstar? asked Ravenstar, his eyes narrowed. The dark
grey ThunderClan leader was quite angry with this outcome, because Rainfur
now had little chance of coming back. Do you think its funny that our war leader
has ended up in that horrid place? Hailstar narrowed his eyes as a scowl overtook
the amused expression.
The Cats of the Storms arent horrible, Hailstar growled. Theyve just been
misguided to believe that we no longer exist. Nightstar gave out a sour laugh
that caught the attention of all the cats in the clearing. The previous ShadowClan
leader was not in a position to be making fun of Hailstars words.
Theyre not horrible, just different in a sick sort of away, said Nightstar
sarcastically with an edge of irritation in his voice. The dull grey leader growled
lowly at Nightstars words, but didnt say anything. Hailstar, they take loners
and rogues and make them become servants! They think that their only goal in
life is to kill as many Volans as possible, and they hate us. By my definition, I
call that horrible, and now my deputy will be forced to live by their rules when
he wakes.
Can we stay on topic, please? asked Thunderstar, his voice loud enough to get
everyones attention. The dark grey leader seemed to be just as irritated as
Nightstar, which scared most since they knew of how angry Thunderstar could
get. Thank you. Now, Hailstar, are you sure you cant send some of your cats to
look over Rainfur? The dull grey warrior sighed with frustration as Thunderstar
asked this, probably annoyed too much already to be asked such a question.
Thunderstar, my warriors of StarClan no longer live in those hills, and we will
never return, even if for one of your warriors, said Hailstar after he composed
himself enough to speak normally. The Dark Forest has destroyed our lands, and
we will not return until the Volans leave. Everyone stared in shock as the noble
leader of the Cats of the Storms sat proudly on his rock. None of them were
expecting that answer, so this came as a shock to all of them.
The Volans are innocent creatures created by accident! Riverstar stated with a
voice full of surprise. How could you talk of them as if they were actually created
by the Dark Forest when you know that that information was just simply made
up by the Cats of the Storms? There were many murmurs of agreement, making
Hailstar force back a look of embarrassment.
We dont know how those demons were created, Hailstar growled. The Dark
Forest could have actually created them, and that would result in the fact that we
are putting our faith into the wrong paws. Actually, I think that this whole meeting
is a joke because your prophecy is fake and could have many different outcomes.
What if your war leader never remembers his destiny? What if your Saviour never
understands how important he is? And what if your unexpected demon of the
Dark Forest never comes to the lake to overthrow Sharpmoon? I know that
prophecies are written from the future, but is the future ever written in stone?
The other leaders took in Hailstars words with irritation, but the cats below
seemed curious and wary of the situation now. They were whispering to
themselves, actually understanding what the old leader was saying.
Are you insane? asked Shadowstar then, forcing all of the eyes down below to
fall on him. Maybe even just a tad bit crazy? The prophecy is not a fake. Half of
it has already been fulfilled, and with our Prince being in touch with the Lone
Huntress, our prophecy has yet to fail us. And dont forget about J actur, who is
able to talk to Matar. All of the information on Rainfur resides in that connection,
and so our Saviour will at least not go insane, thinking his brother is dead.
And what about Duskpaw, Demonkit, and Flamestar, hmm? asked Hailstar,
making a few flinch. Duskpaw believes he needs pity because of his parents and
small size. How is he going to turn out? If you go over to Demonkit, you find that
she inherited her fathers fighting spirit, and her thirst to prove herself. Dont you
find that familiar? Maybe from Sharpmoons past?
Bravekit has been able to keep her ambitions to a minimum, so she Ravenstar
Oh, and what happens when Bravestar can no longer keep that kit living? asked
Hailstar. How will Demonkit react then? She has her fathers insanity, if youve
forgotten, and shes dangerous. Now over to Flamestar, and we have a young
leader who has no experience. The tom is in charge of protecting the Clans and
yet he cant even organize a battle patrol! How can he, a young spy for Rainfur,
ever survive in ThunderClan? Thunderstar growled lowly, as did the other four
leaders. They werent happy with Hailstars responseno one was.
We have faith in the warriors whom Destiny has chosen, and we wont ever give
up on them, Thunderstar growled. So back to your decision. If you are sure you
wont let us send any more StarClan warriors over to your territory, then we have
no choice but to respect the leader of the Cats of the Storms and leave Rainfurs
fate to chance. We will make him awake in two days time. There was a few
murmurs and whispers, but before long, there was no one left in the calm clearing.

Chapter One
There was a quiet breeze in WindClans camp as the sun began to rise brilliantly,
creating a ray of sunshine that leaked through the hole in the den. The warm light
soothed the two bundles below it, making them spread their legs and stretch as they
felt the heat. Though their mother was near, she was not nearly enough, for icy leaf-
fall air was making them cold.
Only a few moments later did the small grey and white she-kit wake, excitement
flooding her dark blue eyes. She quickly looked around the den, finding it just the
way she left it when she went to sleep the night before. Bare and lifeless aside from
her pale grey brother and her light silver mother.
Yet, even though it was the same, it was different. Demonkit just couldnt explain
the feeling of eagerness she hadit was as if everything felt so strange today
because it was a special day. The first time she would be able to search camp, and
explore the wonders it held.
With a happy glint in her eye, Demonkit sat up and nudged her brother, trying to get
him to wake up. He groaned and flipped to his other side, ignoring his pest of a sister.
With a small giggle, Demonkit nudged again, knowing that he would wake if she
was constant. This time, his pale green eyes opened, revealing an expression of
Why are we up so early? complained the pale grey tom, sitting up as Demonkit
shook with excitement. Its only dawn! Couldnt you have waited until sunhigh at
least? Demonkit giggled again, happy that Bravekit was finally awake. With him
up, she could explore the camp!
Arent you excited about seeing camp? asked Demonkit, her claws digging into
the ground so that she wouldnt trip as she stood up. After two moons of waiting,
were finally going to meet the other kits and mothers! Even the elders! Bravekit
seemed uninterested, like most of the time. It was as if he already knew what the
camp looked like, and he was too tired to share her enthusiasm.
Yeah, yeah, Bravekit murmured, arching his back as he yawned. Lets go wake
up mother before we go though. Wed scare her out of her fur if we were missing.
Demonkit bobbed her head, knowing exactly what he meant. Ever since theyd
opened their eyes, Robinwing had been worried about them, always with them unless
she had to go get food.
The two kits walked over to their mother, who seemed to sleep soundly in the back
of the den, whispering a name they couldnt hear. Quickly and slyly, Bravekit and
Demonkit nudged their mothers shoulder, trying to wake her. Within moments,
Robinwings pale green eyes were open, and she was looking at her kits with a warm
smile on her face.
It was obvious that Bravekit had inherited their mothers eyes, because they were
both the same shade of green that reminded Demonkit of clover, yet it was cloudy.
Not as if they were blind, but as if the colour had been smeared. It was fun to see the
resemblance between Robinwing and Bravekit, since she shared no physical traits
from her mother.
According to Robinwing, Demonkit looked exactly like their father, except with
dark blue eyes that seemed to scare most of the queens and elders. That was why she
and her brother were never allowed outside until now. At least, thats what
Robinwing said. Demonkit accepted this because, well, when she showed them how
good a kit she was, they wouldnt be scared of her at all.
I see you are eager to see the rest of camp today. said Robinwing, giving herself a
quick groom. Her soft silver fur didnt seem to need it though. Demonkits mother
always seemed clean, no matter where shed been.
I cant believe the day has finally come! said Demonkit excitedly, jumping up and
down as Robinwing continued smiling at her. After two whole moons of waiting! I
cant wait to visit the other kits, and finally get out of this boring den to see some
new stuff!
Well then, we better get going before you trip over your own tail, said Robinwing,
a bit of sadness in her voice. She was hiding it, that much Demonkit could tell, but
the question that always came to her head was: why was Robinwing sad in the first
place? Demonkit wanted that question answered more than anything, because it
seemed that it was also the reason everyone was scared of her as well.
Robinwing was first to leave the den, leading them with a confident stride that made
Demonkit feel safer than usual. Bravekit was next, also walking out with certainty
in his eyes. He seemed to have a thirst for proving that he was boring, not that he
was strong. But Demonkit was different. All she wanted to do was see the world,
and though shed have to wait until she was an apprentice to actually go out into the
forest, she was happy to just step out of the den.
Demonkit quickly stepped outside, feeling the cool ground beneath her paws. When
she looked around, she gasped in surprise. There were four dens from what
Demonkit could tell, each of them having a different substance. She could see the
sides of the hill in which they lived in, and smiled as she saw the mouth of camp.
One day, she would be prancing out of there on her way to ShadowClan to train as
a warrior for ThunderClan.
As Demonkit looked around some more, she found that there was more cats than she
had first imagined. Many kits were racing across the clearing, laughing and giggling
as they tried to win the race. Near the largest den sat a sleek black tom with intense
amber eyes, talking to a dusty brown tom with thick fur that seemed very wavy. With
those looks, Demonkit guessed it was Blackstar and Duskfeather, since thats how
Robinwing described them. Meanwhile two warriors sat at the entrance to camp,
leaving Demonkit to realize that they were the guards. In other words, trained to
guard all four camps or Sharpmoon on a schedule. It must be their turn this moon to
guard WindClan.
Demonkit! Over here! Bravekits voice rang in her ears, making her turn around
to see him with two other older looking kits. The grey and white she-cat quickly ran
over to her brother, looking to the two other kits in curiosity.
The first one was a calico she-cat with mossy green eyes. They were very bright, not
cloudy like Bravekits, and they made the she-cat seem bright and happy. She was
taller than even Bravekit, leaving her to be at least three moons old, which meant
that she was. . .Snowbranchs kits.
The black she-cat beside the calico she-cat was also very tall, though it was more
because of her slender long legs that seemed fit for a seven moon old apprentice. His
eyes were also amber, nearly matching to Blackstars, though she wasnt really
looking so intently. Instead, the kit was smiling warmly to the two new kits.
Hello, Demonkit, Spiderkit greeted, her tail flicking with pleasure. My name is
Spiderkit, for my long legs that Ive had since I was born. Demonkit nodded,
finding it a good name that suited her. The calico kit shrank back as she looked to
her. Demonkit became curious, wondering why she was so shy.
Thats Flowerkit, my sister, said Spiderkit, a happy expression still on her face.
Shes always shy to newcomerseven when we first ventured outside of the den.
She looked to her sister, smiling gently to her. Flowerkit looked to her sister, fear in
her eyes. Go on, Flowerkit. Say hello to our new friends. Spiderkit kept her gaze
on Flowerkits eyes, and in seconds, it was admiration in the mossy green eyes, not
H-hello. . . Flowerkit murmured. Demonkit grinned, happy that the calico trusted
them enough to greet them. The grey and white kit sat straighter, hoping that shed
just made new friends.
Hello, Flowerkit, said Demonkit eagerly. My name is Demonkit, and someday,
Im going to be a proud warrior of ThunderClan, just like my mom! This made
Flowerkit a little happier, because she bobbed her head, seeming to get excited about
what Demonkit said.
A-and Im going to be a hunter for RiverClan, just like my mum! Flowerkit joined
in, a happy expression on her face that seemed to say, I trust you. I heard that she
once caught two salmon fish and a water vole all in one patrol! Bravekit widened
his eyes, obviously amazed at that.
I dont want to be a fighter or hunter, said Bravekit bravely, holding his head high
with determination in his eyes. I want to become a guard for the Clans, so that no
matter what happens, all of you will be safe. Bravekit paused before noticing a
curious look in small Flowerkits eyes. Oh, Im Bravekit, Demonkits brother.
Demonkit smiled, happy that theyd found some friends after just a few moments of
being outside!
Hey, do you want to go meet the elders? asked Spiderkit curiously, tilting her head
to the side. Flowerkit and I were just on our way over to get a good story while
theyre all in a good mood. You do not want to see them all grumpy and
complainingits so boring! Demonkit giggled, remembering Robinwings stories
from when she was a kit. There was only a few elders back then, so she knew she
was going to have so much fun with so many!
Sure! Demonkit answered, jumping to her feet. Bravekit, do you wanna come?
She turned to face her pale grey brother who nodded eagerly, obviously excited,
though with his mature act he wasnt as bouncy as she was. He nodded in the end
though, making Spiderkit beam.
Alright, just follow me then, Spiderkit told them, standing up before padding
forward. Flowerkit followed her sister immediately, as if she would get taken away
if she was even an inch away from Spiderkit. Demonkit was still curious as to why
Flowerkit was like that, but followed anyway, finding it best not to answer yet.
Demonkit and Bravekit followed the two older kits, very eager to finally see
someone other than their mother. After a moon and a half of seeing nothing but that
den, since their eyes opened at two weeks, Demonkit was getting bored of the
bramble and moss. And now shed met two older kits who liked her!
J ust then, a dark brown tom blocked their way, seeming to be twice as big as them.
Demonkit jumped in surprise, and Bravekit took a few steps back. Flowerkit just
stood there smiling, looking pleased to see the tom while Spiderkit greeted him
Hello, Mudpaw! said Spiderkit happily, standing tall. Have you heard? Demonkit
and Bravekit have come out of their den! Spiderkit flicked her long black tail to
Bravekit and Demonkit before backing out of the way so that the apprentice could
see them.
Mudpaw looked at them, his green eyes showing a curious look of relief and
excitement, as if hed been waiting for the day just as long as they had. At first
Demonkit wondered why the medicine cat apprentice was so happy that she and
Bravekit were out of the den, but then she remembered Robinwing telling her about
how Mudpaw saved the two of them, so no wonder he was eager. Mudpaw was the
only reason she and Bravekit were living, so he was probably happy to finally get to
see them grow up.
You two have grown, said Mudpaw wisely. Even though he was barely eight
moons old, there was a look of intelligence in his eyes, as if he knew many important
things that most didnt. It made Demonkit curious, and with her being just a kit who
hadnt seen as far as her den for the past two moons, it made sense. Im assuming
Robinwing has told you of who I am? She always seems to be thanking me. There
was a kind smile on his face that made Demonkit grin. Everyone seemed to hate her,
but this cat seemed to love her, which made things so much more enjoyable for the
Why shouldnt she? asked Bravekit politely, sharing the same grin as Demonkits,
though his seemed much more mature. As always. You not only saved our lives,
but you also fought against a leader to protect us! That deserves every thank you
possible. Demonkit looked to her brother with a confused look on his face. She
never knew about what Bravekit had just said. Did Robinwing tell him something
but not her?
Oh, so Robinwing told you? asked Mudpaw curiously, though there was a bit of
surprise in his eyes, as if he, too, had not expected Bravekit to know. The pale grey
kit stopped to think about it, as if he was trying to remember if his mother actually
told him.
No, she didnt, Demonkit answered after a few moments of silence, looking quite
angry. Not that I know of anyway. Bravekit, did Robinwing tell you something that
she forgot to tell me? Why didnt she tell me? Did she think I wasnt trust worthy?
Did she
Dont rush yourself, Demonkit, your brother may have a reasonable explanation.
Mudpaw said, his composed expression forcing Demonkit to calm down, even if it
was only a little bit. Her dark blue eyes were locked onto her brother, narrowed
tightly to show Bravekit that she was in fact serious.
It wasnt like she was getting angry over a little thing like this either. It was just that
she was used to being ignored and pushed away just because of her looks, and if her
mother had been doing the same, she not only wanted to know, she wanted to force
Robinwing to realize that she wasnt different, no matter how odd she looked.
I-I dont know how I know that, I just do, said Bravekit quickly, a frightened
expression residing on his face. Robinwing didnt say anything, I swear to
StarClan! She would never tell me something when you were sleeping! Demonkit
lightened up a bit more as she heard this, knowing quite well that her brother never
lied. It was, however, strange how her brother knew something that he was never
Fine, I believe you, said Demonkit after a few moments. But you are going to tell
me what happened, because that sounds like an awesome story! Bravekits scared
look was changed into a relieved and happy smile. Demonkit smiled at this, because
she hated seeing her brother scared of her. That just proved to everyone else that she
was in fact whatever they thought she was, and that was the last thing Demonkit
Demonkit! Bravekit! Hurry up! Spiderkit called from the elders den. Theyre just
about to start a wonderful story! Come on before you miss it! Demonkit and
Bravekit looked over to their new friend before eagerly looking back to Mudpaw,
who smiled with happiness.
Bye, Mudpaw! Demonkit told the medicine cat apprentice quickly before darting
off toward the elders den. Bravekit did the same before joining her. He matched her
speed with ease, which was normal because of his tall features. Demonkit never
minded this, because in a play fight, she was strongest every time.
When they reached the elders den, she found all of them talking to Spiderkit and
Flowerkit, who sat in the middle of the den and listened carefully and alertly as the
elders recited a story that Demonkit was not going to miss. The grey and white she-
cat quickly made her way to her friends and sat down beside Flowerkit, who seemed
to be pleasantly enjoying herself. Bravekit sat beside her, trying to quickly pick up
on where the conversation had let up.
Oh, my! said a dappled grey she-cat whom Demonkit knew as Dawnpelt. It was
her grandmother, after all, so no wonder the elder seemed happy by her appearance.
The others seemed a bit cautious, though they were wise enough not to show their
complete emotions in front of Spiderkit and Flowerkit. You two have grown into
healthy kits! Im glad to see you out of your den. Would you like to hear a story?
Demonkit and Bravekit nodded eagerly.
Yes please! they both answered, making a few of the other elders smile.
Well, we were just telling the other youngsters about a time when the four Clans
were separated, and had boundaries, explained Dawnpelt. Ah, those were the
times. Not that Sharpmoon hasnt set up a well-organized set of rules, but I miss the
times when I could see apprentices fight with each other, hunting patrols bringing
back fresh-kill, and warriors coming back with their eager apprentices after a long
day training. It was so nice. But, anyway, onto the story. What do you say,
Birdfeather? Which story shall we teach these young kits? It must be a good one, for
it is their first. She was talking to a black tom in the back, hiding himself in the
shadows. There was a small grunt to show Demonkit that the tom was awake, and a
movement to show he was listening.
There is the story of our apprenticeship, Dawnpelt. Birdfeather responded, his
voice gruff and raspy. It wasnt hard to tell that he was an elder in Demonkits point
of view, though he seemed well groomed and fed nicely. That is one I always love
to tell.
No, no, that was a very long time ago, Dawnpelt told him. Ive forgotten half of
it already! These kits wouldnt want only half the story, would they? No, no, we
need something bigger. . . What story would you like to tell them, Dawnfur? A
golden she-cat stirred beside Birdfeather, and though she looked quite
uncomfortable, she was very, very calm, and she looked interested in Demonkit as
My mother loved to tell me of the time when Harestar ruled WindClan, said
Dawnfur quietly, looking quite overwhelmed with the visitors. She always told me
that he was the best leader any Clan could have, and my sister, Rosestar, adored
him. Her eyes suddenly clouded, as if saying the name of her sister made her sad.
Demonkit was curious as to why, but ignored it as Dawnpelt spoke again.
Ah, yes, Harestar of WindClan, Dawnpelt said aloud. A very fine leader, though
harsh, I must say. But lets not bore these kits with how he led the Clan! They must
know of something exciting and interesting, just like a romantic fairy tale.
Demonkit was tempted to argue, stating she hated sappy romantic stuff, but forgot
when a dark brown she-cat spoke up.
My past leader once told me of an affair he had with a WindClan apprentice when
he was younger, said the elder, quite curious on how Dawnpelt would react.
Bravestar didnt talk about her often, but because we were such good friends, one
day he decided to tell me. The apprentices name was. . .Rosebloom, if I remember
right. So. . . the elder glanced over to Dawnfur before looking back to Dawnpelt.
That would mean Rosestar. Dawnfur growled lowly, though it wasnt that
threatening. It was more of a warning, saying that if this story went too offensive in
her direction, she would have something to say about it.
Oh my, is that really true, Lightbreeze? asked Dawnpelt, her eyes wide with
surprise and interest. Even I, the eldest here, do not know of that story. Please do
tell, for it is something I am very curious about. Most of the other elders were also
curiously murmuring to themselves, quietly trying to figure out what had happened
between the two leaders.
Lightbreeze cautiously looked toward Dawnfur, but started because of Dawnpelts
request. Well, it was near their first gathering that they first met. Rosestar was
introduced to Bravestar by a friend of hers. According to my past leader, Rosestar
was very uptight, and though she seemed obsessed with the warrior code, she was
very curious and she always wanted to learn new things. Bravestar, being a naive
apprentice at the time, suggested to Rosestar that they should meet the next night,
because he wanted to talk to her some more. Apparently, Rosestar was cautious, but
she came.
That night was memorable to Bravestar, for he seemed to know every detail when
he was talking to me. Rosestar had met him, and they talked across the border,
because she was too afraid to break the warrior code. Bravestar said that not much
was passed around, only that they had declared each other friends, and that they were
to meet again. Before he went on, I asked him why hed asked her in the first place,
and he stated that he just found her not only interesting, but beautiful as well.
Moons past, and they continued to meet each other, finding one reason after
another. It soon became something to pass around information from each Clan. Not
dangerous informationjust things that would help the other. When they became
warriors, they used the information given to let their leaders know of what was going
on, so that WindClan and RiverClan would gather an alliance. It worked out
splendidly, and those two Clans had to have been twice as strong as the other two
because they had helped each other so many times.
Bravestar, who was named Braveheart, had come to love Rosestar, who was now
named Rosebloom. He didnt know if she loved him back, but he did know that if
anything happened to her, he would be very depressed. It was one day, however, he
came to realize Rosestars ambition. You see, hed just been in the forest before he
met her one night, wide-eyed with shock. He began blurting out what hed seen,
telling her about his sighting of a winged cat. When he told me this, I looked at him
as if he had wings, but he assured me that the sight wasnt right, stating that it was
just his wild imagination.
No it wasnt, said Bravekit suddenly, making everyone look to him. Demonkit
was curious, narrowing her eyes with confusion. There were a few moments of
silence to which Lightbreeze quietly tried to figure out what the young kit had just
Are you saying that Bravestars eyes served him right and he actually saw a cat
with wings? asked Lightbreeze. It wasnt in an offensive tone at allit was curious,
surprised, and confused. This isnt correct, because cats with wings dont exist. It
is against the rule of the world. Bravekit shrugged.
What if they just dont come to this part of the world? asked Bravekit, making a
few of the elders whisper. What if they are real, we just dont know it? It could
have been a stray cat that had wondered from the rest of the winged cats. Demonkit
noticed the slight edge of irritation in her brothers voice, but also the curiosity and
wonder, as if he was confused as to why the elders didnt think the same.
But we dont know that for sure. Lightbreeze pointed out, seeming confused now
as to why Bravekit thought this, let alone felt so defensive, as theyd been talking
about something that was often brought up, giving the pale grey kit time to develop
the opinion. This was the second time Bravekit seemed to know about something
she didnt, either, which made her suspicious.
Exactly, said Bravekit, his eyes narrowed with determination and frustration. Its
my whole point. We dont know, so how can you say they dont exist? What if they
do, but we just dont know about it? You can simply disregard the topic, figuring
that just because you havent seen one means there isnt any. How is that a way to
look at life? That was when the long silence started.
There was a few whispers, but none loud enough for Demonkit to hear. She was too
busy gaping at his brother, who seemed to have left eldersthe smartest and wisest
cats of the Clansspeechless with his words of incredible intelligence. Those words
were like those coming from a warrior, not a kit, so no wonder the elders were unable
to counter it. Still, how did Bravekit come up with all of that?
Good point, young kit, said Lightbreeze, cautiously looking at the pale kit now. I
wont say anything more on the matter, for you have shown indescribable bravery
and intelligence that most warriors dont even know. And for this, I will no longer
speak of the topic. Bravekit dipped his head in respect, though there was a look of
embarrassment on his face, as if he hadnt expected that outcome.
Now, to continue my story. . . Lightbreeze said, getting the attention of the rest of
the kits, including Demonkit. After hearing this, Rosestar told Bravestar that he was
mouse-brained, to which he slightly agreed to after a brief argument. Every time
they met each other after that, however, he told her about the winged cat, and how
honourable it would be to bring it into the Clans. Rosestar quickly became annoyed
of this, and one day, after declaring to Bravestar that she had become a deputy and
that her duties were too much to handle, she told him good-bye, and they never saw
each other again.
Even with this, Bravestar said that he continued loving her, no matter what she had
done to him. Though he was sad, he quickly had too much to deal with, for he, too,
became a deputy, and had his hands full with his duty to the Clan. Rosestar and
Bravestar grew to become leaders, and had then on never gave a second look.
Why not? asked Flowerkit curiously, her head tilted to the side. They still loved
each other, didnt they? Lightbreeze purred with amusement, happy that the kit was
so curious of these things. Demonkit knew the answer to the question, but she wasnt
that thrilled with the story because she still didnt think that Bravestar was too smart
to suggest meeting Rosestar. It was against the warrior code! Heck, it was against
the new warrior code as well, which was saying something.
Yes, young kit, but their love was forbidden, and since they were leaders, it would
look bad if anyone found out they loved each other, Lightbreeze explained. They
lived the rest of their lives in peace, though I believe that neither of them have
forgotten the nights by the RiverClan border. It is a memory theyll never forget.
There was a moment of silence in which Demonkit used to look over to Bravekit,
whose expression was quite interesting to say the least. He wore the look of pride
and honour, but at the same time, embarrassment. He also seemed to be thinking
deeply, which made Demonkit curious.
I love the story, Lightbreeze. Thank you for sharing it with us. Dawnpelt said, a
large smile on her face as she kindly looked toward the other elder. Then she looked
over to the kits, who were quietly thinking to themselves about the story theyd just
heard. Your mothers are probably waiting for you, and I dont think any story we
have will top that today. I think Lightbreeze and Dawnfur are a bit tired as well, so
will you please leave us so that we can get some rest? The all murmured an answer
before leaving the den. Flowerkit was asking many questions to Spiderkit, who
answered them all with ease. It made Demonkit curious as to how smart the tall black
kit was.
When they left the elders den, they found themselves alone. Bravekit didnt seemed
to notice, for he was looking blankly ahead, deep in thought as he stood there.
Demonkit watched him for a few seconds, wondering exactly what he was thinking
about. The story wasnt that deep, was it?
Bravekit? Are you okay? Demonkit asked after a few moments. The pale grey kit
blinked a few times before looking up to her with a curious look. Then he smiled, as
if to realize what theyd just heard.
Im fine, Demonkit, Bravekit answered quickly, though his mind still seemed to
be elsewhere. Im just a bit tired. You know, I think Im going to go back to sleep.
I-Ive had a very confusing day. . . Demonkit gave a surprised look, knowing full
well that Bravekit had been just excited to come out of the den as she was. Yet, he
wanted to go back just because he was tired.
What? she asked in shock. But were just now allowed to be out! You cant
seriously be thinking about going back, could you? Bravekit shrugged, looking
away from her eyes at that moment. He yawned, and though it was convincing,
Demonkit didnt believe it.
Im sorry, Demonkit, but Im just not feeling it anymore, said Bravekit before
walking away. See ya later. He disappeared into their den moments later, though
Demonkit was less than happy about it. She glared at the darkness of the den to
where Bravekit had vanished, angry and disappointed at the same time.
Hpmh! Well if thats how he wants to spend his day, so be it! Demonkit pouted,
turning away from the den before trying to calm herself down. She sighed after a
few moments. Its his problem if he wants to be the odd one out while I go and have
Whats the matter? asked an unfamiliar voice behind her. She quickly turned
around and faced the tom, who just so happened to be Duskfeather by the looks of
it. WindClans deputy. Why arent you with Bravekit? The warrior looked stern,
as if she was supposed to be with Bravekit all of the time, which was mouse-brained.
He went back in the den to go to sleep, Demonkit spat, her voice showing her
irritation. Apparently hes too tired. She scoffed, making Duskfeather smile for
whatever reason. This wasnt funny! J ust because a few weird things happened to
him does not give him the right to go back to sleep when we were just let outside the
Duskfeather suddenly became serious again, though there was a hint of fear in his
eyes as well. Demonkit didnt understand this, so she disregarded it, figuring that
she didnt need to worry about it. Duskfeather stood, seeming to also be deep in
What kind of weird things were happening to him? he asked curiously, seeming
to be a little worried for Bravekit. As if he needed it! Demonkit knew that she
probably shouldnt tell Duskfeather, because Robinwing always told them never to
tell the deputy anything, but she was so angry, and he was the only cat she could
vent to.
He knew about how Mudpaw fought a leader right before we were born, and
Robinwing never told him about it, said Demonkit, her voice still edged with anger.
And he didnt even tell me how he knew! He just said that he, well, just knew! Then
in the elders den, he acted as old as an elder! It was like he knew Bravestar or
something. It was weird. And then he goes and wastes the day by sleeping!
Duskfeather was quiet for a few moments before smiling and chuckling.
Well, then too bad for him, said Duskfeather. Now you get to enjoy camp while
hes sleeping. Demonkit brightened up at this. Of course! Thats what she needed
to be thinking of. She smiled mischievously, thinking of everything she could do
while Bravekit was sleeping. See? Now go and have fun, enjoy the day. I, however,
need to go speak with Blackstar. And with that, the dusky brown tom left, a hurried
look on his face.
Demonkit nodded, a happy smile on her face as she did this. She was busily trying
to figure out where Spiderkit and Flowerkit was so that she could be with them for
the rest of the day to see what they did. She was happy that Duskfeather had told her
that, because now she was much happier. Demonkit was even wondering why
Robinwing told them to stay away from him, because he seemed so nice! She was
definitely going to go to him for advice, not Bravekit like she usually did.
Yet there was a little voice that was warning her about Duskfeather, leaving
Demonkit to think one single thing.
Why do I have the feeling hes going to get Bravekit in trouble?

Chapter Two

Stormpaw, I told you before, stop rushing it, said Snakestar, his poison green eyes
narrowed onto the brown and white apprentice whod just finished an advanced
move. The sleek golden tom was Stormpaws mentor, and a bad one at that.
Stormpaw turned to face the ShadowClan leader, his sides heaving with his heavy
breathing after the advanced move hed just narrowly pulled off. The tom had his
emerald green eyes narrowed onto his so called mentor, and his tail was twitching
irritably. This was usual for Stormpaw, seeing as he was almost never happy. No
one blamed him though, because hed been through so much.
Rushing the move is the only way I can do it! Stormpaw shot back at the leader,
hearing a few whispers in return. Ignoring this, he continued. I was taught that in
order to be smooth you must be quick, and if youre smooth, youll pull it off. I just
did everything exactly how it was supposed to be done, so why criticize it? The
ShadowClan leader growled lowly as his apprentice finished, obviously very, very
angry that someone had talked back to him.
Stormpaw, what you were taught no longer stands by my rules, said Snakestar
sternly, his voice edged with anger though his sort of composed posture was
authoritative and prideful. Your past mentor is gone, so stop acting as if you must
use his rules. There were a few gasps at this sentence, and Stormpaw growled lowly.
How dare he mention Rainfur?
My mentors gone, eh? Stormpaw thought to himself, his eyes locked onto
Snakestar. Yeah, right. Hes out there somewhere, and one day, Im going to find
him, and I dont care what anyone says. Hes my brother, my only mentor, and hes
alive. I know it. These thoughts were in his head every day, making him bitter. He
didnt care, though, simply because he knew that no one else would understand.
Snakestar sighed as he noticed Stormpaws stubborn look, which made the brown
and white apprentice a little happier. Annoying his mentor was the best, because it
went to show how much the ShadowClan leader didnt know about him. Plus it was
a wonderful break from the usual emotionless look on the golden toms face which
was just boring.
Stormpaw, you are a born fighter, which is why you were chosen to train as a
fighter, not hunter, guard, or mentor. Snakestar told him, which was something he
knew already. You must learn the moves correctly in order to achieve your warrior
name and your ability to move to ThunderClan. And because of this, I think its time
for you to learn the move with someone actually trying to knock you off your paws.
Stormpaws ears instantly went forward as his expression grew alert. Usually it was
just attacking mid-air for him. This was going to be interesting.
There was a confused murmur and a few whispers as well from the crowd beside
Snakestar. Willowshade, the deputy, had her fur bristling, obviously unsure of the
idea. The reason sparring wasnt encouraged was because that was for the older
apprentices only. However, Snakestar seemed bored, which made Stormpaw even
more eager.
He isnt old enough, Willowshade pointed out, her light blue eyes narrowed with
an uncertain look residing within them. And he wasnt trained by us, nor his mentor.
His strength comes from him, and with that power you shouldnt risk it. Stormpaws
green eyes narrowed onto the ShadowClan deputy. So what he got his power from
another half of justice? He wanted to fight!
I know, Willowshade, but Stormpaw obviously wont learn otherwise, Snakestar
told her, still staying annoyingly composed. His poison green eyes continued to dig
deep into the deputys skin, making Stormpaws irritation grow. A leader who has
the nerve to scare his own deputy? What had these clans come to! Besides, I will
be the one to train with him, so it shouldnt be too long. Stormpaw growled lowly
again, because he hated being underestimated.
You wanna bet? Stormpaw challenged, getting into a fighting position as he
prepared to fight the strong leader. A stir in his head, made his grin wider, because
he knew what it meant. Matar, master of J ustice and the only connection to Rainfur,
finally joined in with the training.
Stormpaw, calm down, Matars cool yet mature voice sounded in his ears. Unless
Snakestar has done anything truly evil, your power wont work to its full extent. You
know that. Stormpaw scoffed, a smirk still on his face as he watched Snakestar
crouch down in front of him, his poison green eyes locked onto his apprentice.
Snakestar is one of the worst cats around here, Stormpaw said simply, forcing his
tail to lay still as his legs tensed with the excitement of fighting. It wont be a
problem to find his evil deeds. After that, hes mine, and Ill be able to show him that
this move deals best with speed, not patience. Matar sighed, but Stormpaw ignored
him. The idiot wasnt worth his time anyway.
It was quiet for a few moments as both Snakestar and Stormpaw stared at each other.
Within this moment, the brown and white apprentice looked deep into the poison
green eyes staring back at him, looking for the justice he so dearly wanted. It was
hard, since Snakestar seemed to be the master of composing himself, but Stormpaw
was determined, and with that came his stubbornness.
It was at that moment Snakestar lunged, his claws sheathed, but only just. Stormpaw
evaded the move by running under the tall leader, using his tail to balance him out
as he appeared on the other side of Snakestar as the ShadowClan leader landed.
Stormpaw still held on to his smirk, happy that his speed and strength had so rapidly
increased since Rainfur defeated Matar.
Stormpaw immediately tried to lock his eyes with the ShadowClan leader, but
unfortunately, Snakestar knew what he was up to and leaped upward, breaking the
eye contact. Stormpaw gave a growl of frustration before leaping forward into
Snakestars slender body, feeling the force of the hit against his fur.
Snakestar was on the ground in an instant with Stormpaw on top of him, his emerald
eyes searching quickly for the leaders evil deeds. Stormpaw just needed one thing
bad enough to give him strength so that he could win the training session, and walk
away with the pride of defeating a leader.
However, Snakestar was still just as aware as last time of what the small brown and
white apprentice was trying to do, and quickly kicked the tom with his back legs.
Stormpaw coughed as the pressure reached his nerves, and it was too much to ignore
reluctantly, the apprentice stepped off of Snakestar, cursing with human words under
his breath as the ShadowClan leader stood up.
Stormpaw barely had enough time to face Snakestar before the leader lunged again,
his eyes avoiding his apprentices. With frustration, Stormpaw leaped out of the way,
leaving the ShadowClan leader to land on the other side of him again. Stormpaws
breathing was fast and hard as he tried to regain it. A few coughs escaped his throat,
leaving him with the weakness of many openings.
Snakestar lunged again, though this time it was quicker and it had much more
strength than the last one. Stormpaw narrowly avoided it, though he just worsened
his breathing even more. His emerald eyes were narrowed as he looked to Snakestar,
who seemed to be enjoying himself with a wide smirk.
Youve been defeated, Stormpaw, Matar growled lowly, making Stormpaw tense
with anger and fury that flashed through his eyes. Call back. You mustnt fight a fight
you arent destined to win. Stormpaw dodged another attack from Snakestar, feeling
his stomach cramp up as he used his body to his limits.
Im not defeated! He yelled to Matar, getting ready to avoid yet another attack from
Snakestar. I just need to get some sight into his pastthats all I need! Stormpaw
noticed the sudden pause in the fight and lightened up. Time to use the move that
started this in the first place.
Stormpaw jumped forward, though not enough to actually leap onto Snakestar. The
move wasnt supposed to be that offensive. In fact, it was a last resort kind of move,
which was why Stormpaw decided to use it. He was determined to win, no matter
how it would look when he was done.
Stormpaw landed right in front of the ShadowClan leader, his eyes narrowed. He
pushed himself up onto his hind legs and used his front paws to tensely slash them
toward Snakestars skin. He did it with such speed that he knew the sleek golden
leader wouldnt have time to evade it.
However, he was wrong. Snakestar ducked his head, leaving Stormpaw to strike
nothing but air as the ShadowClan leader planned his next move. Snakestar quickly
pushed his body forward, ramming his head into Stormpaws belly, sending the both
of them flying across the clearing.
Stormpaw hit the ground with a loud thud, his wind completely knocked out of him
as he attempted to stand. Snakestar, however, was already on top of him, and was
holding down his body with a single paw. There was no sign of emotion on the
leaders face as he defeated his apprentice who still tried to struggle under the
Look, Stormpaw, look into my eyes, Snakestar demanded, locking his gaze upon
the eyes of the brown and white apprentice. His voice wasnt loud enough for anyone
outside the battle to hear, but it had brought out the urge to look into Snakestars
past, leaving Stormpaws emerald eyes to catch onto the leaders, and after this, the
world around him ceased to exist.
Memory after memory flashed through his eyes, showing nothing but how Snakestar
grew up with Nightstar, and how their lives came to be. Stormpaw panicked, having
never seen so many things at once since usually the evil deed would be right in front
of him to grab. However, Snakestar was showing him everything, leaving him to lay
there and quickly pick it all up.
One went slower than the rest. It seemed to be one right before the battle, because
Rainfur had just left with a determined look in his eye. It was in the ShadowClan
leader den, which Stormpaw recognized immediately because of how many times
hed been there after one thing or another.
Nightstar was in the back, his head low as his eyes were clouded with emotion.
Stormpaw watched, curiously trying to figure out what was happening as Snakestar
entered the den, determination in his poison green eyes. When the ShadowClan
leaderor warrior, back thencaught sight of his brothers look, however, his face
grew into a worried expression.
Nightstar, whats wrong? asked Snakestar quickly, trying hard to understand what
was going on. The white leader looked over to his sleek golden brother, his eyes
showing his sorrowed state. Stormpaw was curious as to what the leader knew,
though he had an idea. The brown and white apprentice just wished that it wasnt
what he thought it was.
Snakeheart, I-Ive had a dream sent from StarClan, Nightstar whispered, his voice
barely audible to Stormpaw as Snakestars eagerness rose. The brother obviously
didnt understand that it wasnt anything good that was coming from the dream.
What was it about? asked Snakestar anxiously. Was it about the battle? Do we
win? Does Sharpstar lose? Is everything going to be okay? Stormpaw snorted,
wondering exactly how Snakestar went from this to composed and mature.
It was about the battle, Nightstar confirmed, his head lowering slowly. But it
wasnt anything good. I dont know how to explain this, but. . .
But what? asked Snakestar curiously, his eyes narrowed in confusion and worry
as he finally noticed his brothers expression and how it was effecting the
conversation. But what, Nightstar? You know you can tell me anything!
Nightstars blue eyes looked back up to his brothers, and that was when Snakestar
We lose the battle, brother, Nightstar told the elder warrior in a soft whisper. We
arent going to win. Rainfur dies, Bravestar dies, Rosestar dies and I. . .Snakestar, I
am going to join StarClan along with them. The sleek golden tabby had his eyes
widened with shock as his body froze with fear. Stormpaw could only imagine to
know what the outcome of the war was going to be, and to know that your brother
was going to die.
No. . . Snakestar whispered, the shocked expression still upon his face. No! You
cant die! Youre the best leader ShadowClan has known since our father died! You
cant let Sharpstar take over our clan! You cant! Nightstar looked away, his head
bowed with sadness.
I must, for it is StarClans wish, Nightstar told Snakestar, his voice quite soft now.
The white leader looked at his brother after a few moments, making Snakestar flinch.
Sharpstar will go up to you immediately, Snakeheart. He knows that you are my
brother, and how much ambition you have. Hell ask if you were jealous of my
leadership, and you are to answer, yes. Snakestars eyes widened with shock
again, though this time it seemed as if the soon-to-be-leader now didnt believe a
word of what Nightstar was saying.
Are you mouse-brained? asked Snakestar, his voice high with surprise. Our father
left us alone with instructions to lead his clan! He told me that I needed to be the
warrior so that I could always protect our clan, and you needed to be the leader so
that you could use your leadership skills as well as forever be protected by your Clan
mates! I have never been jealous, and you know this! Why must I answer with
yes? Nightstar stood, a look of determination and pride in his eyes as he stared at
his brother. Stormpaw recognized this look, it was one his brother gave often. It was
the look of accepting your fate, and living with it.
Do you want this clan to be led by an idiot who follows nothing but Sharpstars
orders? asked Nightstar rather sternly. You must answer yes in a believable way
so that Sharpstar will choose you as ShadowClans next leader. You must never look
back, or try to change this future. You must lead ShadowClan until StarClan has
sorted the prophecy out. And please dont forget, Snakeheart, that there will always
be hope. J ust look to the sun. Snakestar nodded, tears falling down his face.
I promise, brother, Snakestar whispered, his eyes cloudy with a million different
emotions at once. I promise that I will lead this Clan with the honour of Redstars
legacy. . .I promise. . .
Stormpaws eyes suddenly blinked open to the ShadowClan training grounds, and
though he knew that there were many whispers behind him that he would love to
quiet, he couldnt. He was unable to move at all, even after Snakestar stepped off of
him. It was as if there was an invisible force keeping him there.
Matar, whats happening? Stormpaw yelled, still trying to struggle. However, to
everyone else around him, he was just lying still, and doing nothing else. This
bothered him, for he felt so vulnerable down on the ground. He wanted to get up,
and he wanted to attack Snakestar again to show him who the real warrior was.
The consequence of your stupidity, came Matars icy voice, holding his maturity yet
now it seemed a lot cooler than last time they spoke. You attacked an innocent cat,
and therefore you must be served justice. I told you that you were defeated, yet you
didnt listen to me. Here is your punishment.
Stormpaws eyes widened even more, and in a split second, he felt more pain than
he ever had before. Every part of his body seemed to be screaming at him, and yet
to everyone else around him, he was just lying there in shock. Stormpaw could feel
his bones creaking and his muscles tensing under the pressure and pain, but he
couldnt move. He couldnt even scream.
This went on for a few more agonizing moments that made Stormpaw wish that he
hadnt been so eager to win. His breathing was even shortening, up to the point it
worried many of the younger apprentices in the crowd around him. He heard a few
say something, but he couldnt understand it, because his beating heart was louder
than all of them.
When it all stopped, Stormpaw gasped and quickly sat up, unable to be that open to
the cats around him any longer. His breathing was quick as he tried to regain it, and
he could see the curious looks from the crowd. It was then that he started coughing,
and what came out was sticky crimson blood that made a few of the younger
apprentices scream slightly.
Stormpaw stopped coughing after a few moments, and sat there doing nothing but
breathing, trying to gain it all back as he glared at Snakestar. The sleek golden tom
was still composed, irritating Stormpaw even more as his emotions continued to stay
the same.
Stormpaw, are you okay? asked Rosepaw, her amber eyes wide with worry as she
glanced from the blood on the ground to the brown and white apprentice. Stormpaw
didnt listen to her, because he knew that Snakestar wasnt done yet, no matter how
much he looked it.
Never rush any move for the sake of saving the fight, Snakestar said, his voice
deep and authoritative. You wanted to rush your way into defeating me, and look
where it got you. I hope you have learned this lesson, for it is one you will need to
master before you become a ThunderClan warrior. Stormpaws eyes narrowed even
tighter, ignoring the soreness in his stomach.
Snakestar, that was way too dangerous! said Brindleleaf, a brown tabby she-cat
with dark green eyes. You nearly killed him by the looks of it! There were a few
whispers of agreement as they all looked darkly over to the ShadowClan leader, who
was looking straight at Stormpaw.
The brown and white apprentice stirred, an annoying itch in the back of his mind
telling him to stick up for Snakestar, for it was truthfully his fault. Stormpaw was
trying hard not to make a decision, because he honestly didnt want to get Snakestar
out of his mess, but he did what was right, for that was how Rainfur taught him.
It was my fault, Stormpaw told them, making their eyes turn to him again. I
erunderestimated him, and long story short, justice got the best of me. Im fine
now, just a little tired I guess. They were all really surprised, because though
Stormpaw was most of the time separated from the Clan, when he was forced to be
near them, he always blamed everything on someone else as well as complained and
picked up his habit of being a selfish stubborn brat.
Well. . .if youre sure. . . Brindleleaf said, still uncertain about his answer. They
looked as if Stormpaw had made up the excuse to save his own tail, which most of
the time thats what he would have done, but all that hed said was true, especially
the being tired part.
Are you sure you shouldnt go see Poppyheart? asked Lionpaw cautiously,
knowing very well how. . .moody Stormpaw could get. Not to make you sound
weak, but you look terrible. Stormpaw shrugged, sitting up straighter and putting
on his normal expression, which was a scowl.
I told you, Im fine, Stormpaw said sternly, hoping theyd finally latch on to the
idea that what had just happened was completely normal for him. I just got a little
too carried away, so now we can resume training as usual? Guess I learned my
lesson, as Snakestar would say. The sleek golden leader growled lowly, his tail
twitching with irritation.
Quiet, youve gotten yourself into enough trouble today, Snakestar ordered,
making Stormpaw look away with a small sigh. After rolling his poison green eyes,
Snakestar looked toward the other mentors and apprentices. Stormpaw has indeed
the need to at least go see Poppyheart, and I have no reason to keep him here any
longer, for he has learned a few lessons today, and that is enough. Stormpaw was
about to argue, but Snakestar glared at him, and so he shut his mouth.
With that, I will leave Willowshade in charge of the rest of your training. Snakestar
said, dipping his head respectively to his deputy. I will be leading Stormpaw back
to camp, and I shall see all of you back there before dusk. They all nodded before
the sleek golden tom stood up and walked away with his brown and white apprentice
following him with a low head.
Snakestar was quiet as they walked, and Stormpaw was as well. There was nothing
to say, so he didnt mind it, but the bad thing was it allowed him to think, which
when he was in this mood, was never good. Stormpaw sighed as he thought about
how his power worked, because though he was angry at it for hurting him, he was
also quite glad that he experienced exactly how it could work.
What exactly happened before you started coughing up blood? asked Snakestar,
making Stormpaws gaze shoot up to him with narrowed eyes. How dare he ask such
a question? I realize you picked through my memories, which you will also be
punished for, but what exactly happened after that? Stormpaw growled lowly as
they continued walking, a warning that the idiotic leader would best remember.
Why would I tell you such a thing? Stormpaw spat, his fur bristling as stared at
the ShadowClan leader. You work with Sharpmoon, the tom who killed my brother.
You could just be trying to get information from me, and Im not going to give it.
Im smarter than you think. Snakestar sighed at Stormpaws stubborn response,
obviously really annoyed that he had to take Stormpaw as his apprentice.
I know you saw the reason I became leader of ShadowClan, Snakestar told him,
continuing to look forward as Stormpaw looked away with a scoff. This conversation
was quickly getting boring, because though the brown and white apprentice knew
what Snakestar was getting at, he wasnt interested.
Yeah, so? Stormpaw hissed. Its not like it makes a difference. Snakestar
suddenly stopped and turned to face the apprentice, whod also stopped. The poison
green eyes of the ShadowClan leader were narrowed onto him, making Stormpaw
shiver a bit.
I makes all the difference in the world, Stormpaw! Snakestar hissed, his tail
lashing with anger as Stormpaw continued standing tall. If there was one thing
Stormpaw hated to do, it was to bow down. There was no way he was going to look
fearful in front of Snakestar at this momentit would be like standing down from
Sharpmoon! Nightstar left the Clan in my hands, and I shall leave it in my
daughters. But thats not all Nightstar left me with. He wanted me to wait for
something, so that one day we can take back the Clan we once had. And since your
brother started most of this, youll have to stand in his place to finish it. I am on your
side whether you like it or not, and I will be helping you overtake Sharpmoon one
day. Ive come half-way, but you must meet me there, or I will not be able to help
Who says I even need your help, mouse-brain? hissed Stormpaw, his tail lashing
in quick movements as he glared at the leader. Besides, Sharpmoon isnt someone
I want to worry about right now. He can do whatever he wants here because I
honestly dont care. Snakestars eyes widened, as if hed just seen someone from
StarClan waltz by him. Stormpaw ignored this, trying not to give anything away.
Stormpaw, he killed your brother! Snakestar yelled, the shock in his eyes very
similar to the expression he held when he found out Nightstar was going to die. You
must want some revenge! We are very similar, and I know that once you see death,
you feel like you should just give up, but that is no reason to put aside revenge! I
want that mouse-brain to sufferyou must want that too! J ust accept that hes gone,
Stormpaw, and live for the greater good. Stormpaws gaze quickly shot back to
Snakestars, making the ShadowClan leader flinch. His emerald eyes were narrowed
tightly with so much fury that he felt he could breathe fire out of his mouth.
Dont tell me how deal with death! Stormpaw spat at him, his fur bristled as his
tail lashed quickly. I have seen Rainfur die twice right in front of me just after
saving me! This isnt new, so stop acting as if Im a helpless kit who cant do
anything for himself! Ive dealt with depression, and I will deal with again. I dont
need you or anyone else to tell me that its going to be okay, because its not.
Everythings changed, and theres nothing you silly little cats can do about it. So
deal with it, and move on with your life! Stormpaw swung around and sprinted
back to camp, leaving Snakestar in the dust.
Painful memories flashed through his head, and as he forced the tears to stay back,
his breathing grew harder. The feeling of being controlled came over him, pushing
him deeper into the feeling of being drowned. He pushed this away, focusing on
nothing but the fact that one day he was going to run away and find Rainfur no matter
what happened.
Large pine trees flew past him, and as the itchy and pointy pines brushed up against
his pelt, he ignored it. He wanted to get as far away from Snakestar as possible,
because there was a growing hate within him that he wasnt used to, and though
Stormpaw knew that Rainfur had cured him of his insanity, he still feared it, and
immediately wanted to make sure the ShadowClan wasnt in danger of being killed,
even though at the moment, Stormpaw wasnt too happy with him.
Why did Rainfur have to leave? Why am I left here, unable to run to his aid? Im
worthless here! I cant do anything but screw up, and yet Im forced to stay here.
Why, Matar? Why cant I just run away, and be free of the tragedy here? Stormpaw
was pleading for Matar to answer, because though he knew that every time it would
be the same reply, he wanted to hear it again and again.
You must stay to protect these clans, and grab a hold your own destiny as your
brother completes his own, came Matars cool mature voice. The war wasnt merely
the end, it was only the beginning. Bigger things are coming your way, young one,
and you must be ready for it. Sharpmoon must be your top priority, just as Snakestar
said. You must look into finding a way to bring him down from the inside out, or the
clans by the lake will never be the same again.
But I dont want to fight him! I dont want to protect these clans! I just want to go
back to being Daniel. . .I just want to go back to being me. Tears were streaming
down his face as he ran, forgetting exactly where he was supposed to be going and
if he was even going the right way. Stormpaw didnt care, though. He didnt want
Your human lives created nothing but disaster. Now you must help cats here, and
become the Master of Justice. It is your destiny, Stormpaw. It is your life. You shall
see Rainfur again someday, but whether that be in the afterlife, or in real life, I
cannot know for sure. Matars voice was now becoming very annoying to Stormpaw,
because every time the idiot spoke, the brown apprentice was always told something
different than what he wanted to hear.
Stormpaw didnt answer Matar, mostly because he didnt want to, but also because
there was just no words to compete with the reasoning his mentor gave him.
Stormpaw quickly rushed through the camp entrance, ignoring the surprised and
shocked looks he got in return for his. . .loud entrance.
Stormpaw pushed through the cats who seemed to crowd together once they all
became aware of his return. He rushed into the apprentices den, running straight to
the back before halting himself and completely collapsing onto the ground, unable
to hold it back any longer.
His claws slipped out and gripped the ground as he hid himself in the corner, unable
to stay strong any longer. Stormpaw hoped that no one could hear him, or see him
for that matter. He didnt want them to know his weakness, and he especially didnt
want them to laugh.
Stormpaw, are you okay? came a soft familiar voice that made him jump. It was
Rosepaw, a younger apprentice who didnt even know which clan she belonged to
yet. Stormpaw growled, but she still didnt leave it seemed, and so he ignored her.
If she wanted to waste her time staring at him, fine, but if she said one more thing,
he knew he wouldnt be able to hold it back. You look terribledid something
Arent you supposed to being in training? Stormpaw spat, though he still didnt
turn around. He was irritated, yes, and he wanted nothing more than to attack her
and send her on her merry way, but that would reveal the emotion in his eyes, and
that was something he didnt want to happen.
I heard yelling a-and so I came back, Rosepaw told him, a bit of worry in her
voice. Snakestar told me it wasnt worth it, but after your coughing I just wanted to
make sure you were okay. Stormpaw narrowed his eyes with confusion, wondering
exactly why any cat would want to see if he was okay. Being basically the most
hated cat of the clans, this was abnormal, so Stormpaw was curious.
Well Im fine, Stormpaw hissed, trying hard not to sound sad, though with his
wavering voice it was hard. So can you go now? I want to be left alone. There was
a few moments of silence before he heard the shuffling of paws and then she was
gone. Now he was really confused, because most of the time cats had to sit there and
tell him it was okay yet Rosepaw. . .she just left, like he told her to.
Stormpaw sighed, looking to the ground once again before he lied down, completely
exhausted about what had happened. His vision was blurring, and he could tell that
he wasnt going to stay awake much longer. So with that thought, he closed his eyes
and let the peacefulness of dreams take over.

Stormpaw jumped off of the wet log and onto the island, feeling quite relieved that
hed been able to at least make it to the gathering. Hed gone to sleep after the
outbreak, and woke up to find that he was refreshed and also being forced to join all
of the ShadowClan cats at the gathering for private purposes. He knew that
Sharpmoon wanted to check up on him, but of course, that wasnt ever directly said
to him anymore.
Stormpaw pushed through the bushes, noticing that RiverClan and ThunderClan had
already arrived. He smiled, because that meant that Cloudstreak and Thunderheart
would already be waiting for him with news that was hopefully good so Stormpaw
wouldnt have to be angry again.
At the last gathering, the first one since the war, Thunderheart and Cloudstreak
agreed to meet him so that the three of them would know what was going on in all
three Clans. For Stormpaw, it was more of a way to keep an eye out on what
Sharpmoon was doing, because if there was one hint of the decision to execute all
of the non-clan born cats, hed be on his merry way to attempt to find his brother.
Stormpaw quickly pushed through the cats, trying to make his way toward their last
meeting spot. It was where normally little to no cats stayed since it was furthest away
from the tree, but this meant having to weave his way through all of the other cats
who were already in the middle of conversation.
Finally, Stormpaw made it out of the cluster of cats and quickly padded over to the
black and white she-cat, who was sitting by the dark grey tom who as always seemed
emotionless. When he reached them, he sat down, a frown also on his face as his
emerald eyes looked to Thunderheart, who didnt seem too happy.
Any news? asked Stormpaw curiously, looking to Cloudstreak who was usually
happiest. The black and white she-cat nodded, a wonderful smile on her face as she
proudly sat with her tail tucked onto her paws to keep them warm.
Amberstream has made a fine hunter, and I think Snakestars choice to put her here
was best because she seems very timid, Cloudstreak told him, a happy glint in her
bright green eyes. Since Im deputy of RiverClan, Wolfstar has given me the duty
of taking out the most patrols to WindClan, and it seems that she does best there. I
personally hate it, because Im a born RiverClan cat, but thats why I make sure I
bring original WindClan cats with me. Stormpaw nodded, figuring that was news,
though not quite what he was hoping for.
Is there any new rules? asked Stormpaw curiously.
Yes, said Cloudstreak quickly. Wolfstar seems to think it fit that we all need to
learn how to catch every single piece of prey. So Ive been teaching original
ThunderClan, ShadowClan, and WindClan cats how to fish while Foxflash has been
teaching everyone how to catch a rabbit without having to waste all your energy.
Not only this, but the patrols are getting very large, and its getting annoying how
many times I have to make new ones. Then theres the fact of traveling to
ThunderClan so that I can get their schedule, because I cant tell you how many
times weve guessed that a patrol will be picking up our prey at the border at such
and such time, but find that they were patrolling the other border. It seems we have
yet to sink our schedules together. Stormpaw smiled at this, only because it meant
that Sharpmoon screwed up.
ThunderClan has been doing quite fine, said Thunderheart, standing tall and
proud. The only thing weve had to do so far is patrol, but either way, its quite
different from normal clan life. I must say, having to patrol all of WindClans
borders and then patrol RiverClans borders in one day is quite a lot. I also am
curious as to how many warriors will be in ThunderClan at one time. I mean just
today I saw only two, because the rest were out. This makes it hard if theres in
invasion, but Flamestar keeps telling me he has it under control.
Aside from all of that, ThunderClan hasnt witnessed anything strange or
threatening, meaning Sharpmoon has kept clear of our camp since the war. Ive heard
that Flamestar is to send a few warriors to WindClan tomorrow due to an odd
incident with Bravekit. Apparently he seems to know stuff he really shouldnt at that
age, so Sharpmoon wanted it checked out. I will be on that patrol, so Ill tell you
how it goes next gathering. Stormpaw nodded through the haze of thoughts going
through his head.
Bravekit and Demonkit are my nephew and niece, and though its hard to think of it
that way, I must protect them for Rainfur. If Sharpmoon finds anything wrong with
Bravekit, he might be executed. . . Stormpaw blinked away his thoughts before
nodding to Thunderheart.
Being the deputy of your clan, you should have some say on the results of the
outcome, right? asked Stormpaw curiously to the dark grey warrior. Thunderheart
nodded making Stormpaw smile. For Rainfurs sake, please dont let Bravekit say
too much that could send Sharpmoon creating ridiculous conclusions. Thunderheart
nodded again in agreement before a small silence overcame them. Stormpaw was
confused for a few seconds before remembering that he had yet to explain the
situation in ShadowClan.
In ShadowClan things are quite normal, Stormpaw said, though he really wanted
to say otherwise. Apprentices that are only two moons or less into training do things
as you were both taught, but after that their mentor chooses their strength and they
are to train in that specialty until they are ready to move to their clan. I was declared
a fighter, so I should be going to ThunderClan in a few moons. Thunderheart
narrowed eyes in confusion as Cloudstreaks eyes were a bit wide.
Hes letting you into ThunderClan? asked Thunderheart. Only Sharpmoons
allies go there, and you are far from that. Stormpaw sighed, not really wanting to
explain this part of him. However, if it was the only thing to continue the
conversation, he would do it.
Apparently, Snakestar and Sharpmoon both agreed that since I can now control the
power I hold, protecting the clans would be best for me, said Stormpaw. I have a
feeling with the whole I can tell youre lying thing also helped in that decision, as
well as having a lot of his closest friends being about to watch me. That wont be for
a long time though, so I shouldnt have to worry. Thunderheart blinked away the
confusion, though he still looked curious about something. Cloudstreak seemed fine,
though she too seemed to be wondering something.
Back to what I was saying. . .I have found out something important. With this
sentence, Thunderheart and Cloudstreak grew more alert. Nightstar had a dream
before he dieda dream from StarClan. He knew that the war wasnt going to be
won, and that he was going to die. Thats why Snakestar became a leader.
Thunderheart was very curious now.
Why would StarClan warn him of such things? asked Cloudstreak, clearly
confused. And why would he accept it? If he knew he was going to die, why
wouldnt he prevent it?
StarClan knew the war wasnt going to be won, but that still doesnt mean they
couldnt plan ahead, said Thunderheart, a focused scowl on his face. They warned
Nightstar so that he could let Snakestar take the lead. StarClan must have wanted
this, and so thats how they made sure one of their Clans wasnt led by a complete
ally of Sharpmoon. This must mean. . .could that dream have been sent to Bravestar
and Rosestar as well? As far as I know, Blackstar just wants her clan pure, and isnt
that much of an ally to Sharpmoon, and Wolfstar is proud and wants whats best for
his clan. Its as if StarClan wants us to fight back after weve recovered. There was
a moment of silence in which Stormpaw looked down to his paws.
Could it be as simple as sending dreams to save these Clans? And since he was
important, did they expect him to lead the war just like Rainfur did? Stormpaw didnt
want to, for he had seen too much and knew too much to be happy to do so. He
wanted to find his brother, not take his place, and in that process, he didnt want to
die. But if StarClan was really speaking to them. . .
A loud yowl sounded throughout the gathering. Stormpaw looked over to find
Sharpmoon upon the highest branch of the Great Oak Tree, getting their attention to
call the clan meeting to order. On a lower branch to the left, Wolfstar stood, being
one of the most experienced and the most trusted amongst the clan leaders. Blackstar
was a few branches lower to the right while Snakestar was right to the left of her.
Young Flamestar sat on one of the bottom branches in which he had his head
lowered, very uncomfortable up there it seemed.
Psst, came an unfamiliar voice. Stormpaw, come over here. Stormpaw looked
over to the right to find a brown and white she-cat similar to him aside from the short
fur she had. He walked over, curious as to what the queen had to say to him and why
it was so important.
Apparently, since there were so little cats in WindClan that werent queens, any
mother who was less than two moons and a half pregnant could come to the
gathering, as well as queens who had been nursing their kits for more than three
moons. This meant that Robinwing would be able to come next gathering, though
Stormpaw doubted that she would. After all, the silver she-cat was aware of how
disliked her kits were, and how much danger they were already in.
Im Snowbranch, a queen in WindClan, the she-cat told him as Sharpmoon gave
the introduction that they heard last time. Bravekit and Demonkit were just let
outside a few days ago, and boy were they wonderful. Demonkit shows signs of
being. . .rebellious, but not insane, though she did get a little angry at Bravekit for a
small reason. With her being most like her father, I watch for her most, but when she
was with my kits, Spiderkit and Flowerkit, she seemed fine. Anyway, Bravekit
seems like a spitting image of Bravestar, which is great since thats who he was
named for. Hes so mature and calmsuch a sweet personality! There are a few
rumours going around about his knowledge, though, and if it might be too much for
a kit. A ThunderClan patrol will becoming tomorrow because of those rumours, so
it would be a good thing if you kept an ear out for the gossip on what happens.
Stormpaw nodded, having no real intention on telling her he already knew this
because honestly, he didnt feel like it.
Stormpaw suddenly felt a small stir in his head, and a wave of confusion crashed
into him for a second before disappearing completely, which made him curious. His
mind had been very quiet lately because apparently, according to Matar, Rainfur had
been in a coma due to StarClans decision for over the last two moons. So this sudden
feeling made him eager to hear what Matar had to say.
Rainfur has woken up, Matar told him, making Stormpaw sigh with relief that
StarClan had finally decided on what to do with his brother. He seems to be confused
while Jactur seems bored as usual. I believe that hes been briefed about the rules
of the group of cats he is with.
Finally, hes awake. . . Stormpaw thought to himself, smiling as he watched the rest
of the gathering. Now he could feel what his brother was feeling, and understand
what Rainfur was going through. It was just like when they were kids, and when
Rainfur would always hide his emotions yet Stormpaw would always be able to tell
what was going on in the masked eyes of his brother.

Chapter Three
Rainfur blinked his eyes open with a flinch. There had been nothing but complete
silence, and he couldnt see or hear anything. All of his senses had vanished while
he was asleep, so the sudden whispering that came to his ears and the bright
sunlight that leaked through the entrance made him sit up quickly.
The den was a small cave, though it was larger than he had expected for some
reason. The walls were a dark grey, and though he felt locked in, the warm air
made him comfortable. He was more curious than anything, because this was so
different from what hed imagined it to be.
Oh! Youre awake! came a small voice that made Rainfur turn around. His eyes
widened as he caught sight of a light grey she-cat whose bright blue eyes were
staring straight into his. Rainfur backed away as quickly as he could, having no
trust for the cat because he didnt know her. Even though she looked innocent, and
she honestly didnt seem that threatening, he didnt want to trust her, not when the
last thing he could remember was nearly being killed.
Who are you? Rainfur demanded, though his voice wavered with fear. He was
on the very of shaking as his fur bristled and his claws unsheathed. Instinct told
him to do these things, and he followed, since it was the only thing he really knew.
Im A Ripple in the Water, but you can just call me Ripple, the frail looking she-
cat told him, her voice wavering with the shock of nearly being attacked. I-Im
the Healer hear, and I was just surprised that you actually woke. Youve been
asleep for two moons, a-and I wasnt sure if I failed to heal you correct or not.
Rainfurs eyes narrowed, still unable to trust her. She couldve been lying. . .
Just trust her already, idiot, came. . .what was his name again? Oh, yeah,
J actur. She healed you while you were asleep. Now can you get on with it? I want
to see what this Clan is and why I cant feel StarClan any longer. Rainfur
continued to stare at Ripple, but was now interested in what his friend was talking
StarClan? What is that? And whats a clan? How can you even feel them
anyway? Should I be able to do this as well? Rainfur was thinking of so many
questions because there was so much he didnt know, yet somehow, J actur did. It
was as if J actur was the life hed forgotten.
Stop asking questions and relax! J actur yelled at him, seeming mildly irritated as
well as annoyed. Look, I cant exactly tell you, and you wouldnt believe me
anyway, so just stop worrying about the potentially untrustworthy cat in front of
youalthough, if you dont want to, just remember that I could fight her off in no
timeand get on with it! I need to know where we are in order to find out why
well, I cant tell you that either. Just trust this cat so we can get on with our life,
okay? Rainfur frowned, because in all honesty he really didnt want to trust the
she-cat in front of him. He didnt know how to, either, though instinct guided him
there too.
Rainfur relaxed his body and let his fur lay flat on his back. Ripple seemed very
scared now, and though he hated seeing that expression on ones face for whatever
reason, he wasnt thinking of that. He still didnt trust her, but at least he was now
giving her the chance to talk him into it.
Why am I here? asked Rainfur, trying to sound mature, though with the
cautiousness came fear and the fear made his voice a bit higher than he wanted to
sound frightening. However, Ripple didnt seem like he was that less of a threat, so
he was happy.
J ust two moons ago you were brought to my den after acquiring a fatal wound,
Ripple explained, her blue eyes narrowed in concentration. I-I didnt honestly
believe you were going to live, seeing as. . .well. . .youd been asleep for so long. .
.and I Ripple suddenly stopped and whipped her head around, making
Rainfurs gaze shift over to where the healer was looking at, finding a golden she-
cat standing in the entrance way. Rainfur knew her. . .what was her name again?
Huntress, said Rainfur, his eyes slightly wide as a small sigh of relief escaped his
lips. The golden she-cat stood tall on her long legs, and her icy blue eyes looked
kindly over to him with a smile that made almost all of his muscles relax. This
made Ripple loosen up as well, now having no fears of being attacked.
So youll listen to a cat you barely even know and yet you ignore me? J actur asked
sarcastically. Rainfur brushed off the comment, having a real interest in Huntress.
She was the one who had let him stay, and was probably also the only reason he
was alive in the first place. Since Rainfur had thought hed been dead after
sleeping for so long, he wanted to know why or how he ended up that way, and at
the moment, Huntress seemed like the only cat he trusted enough to ask. That is, if
he ever gathered up the courage.
It seems youre awake, said Huntress smoothly, her tail flicking as she looked
between the two cats in the den. She stood with pride, and her perfect stance that
somehow told Rainfur that she knew how to look mature and authoritative. Thats
good. I was beginning to worry that you were going to pass on. Rainfur realized
he was staring, and after widening his eyes just a bit, he quickly sat down and took
on the expression of embarrassment.
I-Im sorry, it seems that Ive been asleep for a while. . . Rainfur murmured,
looking at his paws as Huntress giggled. He looked up, a bashful look still upon his
face as Ripple began to smile. Rainfurs head was low, and his tail was twitching,
but since the two she-cats seemed happy, he was a bit more relaxed.
Its fine, Huntress told him a few moments later. Many are a bit frustrated, but it
wasnt your fault you ended up with a wound so large. Besides, all that rest made
lots of time for Ripple to heal you, so now you are free to walk around as you
wish, though I have a feeling once word gets around youll have to start working.
But dont worryIll make sure you get a tour before then. Rainfur wondered
what she meant by the fact that he would have to start working, but ignored it,
because now he was excited to see what this place was like. Ripple, if it is okay
for him to leave now, I think I would like to show him around. Ripple nodded,
smiling widely.
Go ahead, the grey she-cat told them. Like you said, his wound healed a moon
ago, and honestly, I want to go see Midnight. I havent seen him for a few days at
least. Huntress nodded, basically saying okay without any words and just a
simple movement.
The golden she-cat turned her icy blue eyes to Rainfur, making him jump as his
embarrassment returned with a wave of emotion. The grey and white tom
continued to slouch, feeling quite low compared to Huntress, who was obviously
highly ranked. What with her stance and natural behaviour.
Come on. . .er. . .whats your name? asked Huntress, tilting her head to the side
as she curiously awaited his answer. Rainfurs bashful smile turned into a
concentrated frown as he tried to remember. It was one of the things he thought he
knew, but as he tried harder, he found that his name was one of the many things
lost to the darkness.
Rainfur continued to stare slightly wide-eyed as he searched for a suitable name for
him. He held hope for finding his original name, but it seemed so distant. There
was also a sense of confusion in his mind, as if even if he did remember it, it
wasnt exactly his real name. Think, idiot, think! He yelled to himself.
Its. . .uh. . .Rain, J actur replied, though his voice wavered as if he was lying.
However, Rainfur gained a sense of security, as if it was close enough to his real
name that he felt protected. Sighing inwardly with relief, Rainfur composed
himself and smiled.
My name is Rain, Rain replied, making Huntresss eye-brows raise with
surprise. The golden she-cat paused, as if she was waiting for more, but then she
seemed to remember something, and shook the thought out of her head before
smiling to him.
Well then come on, Rain, and Ill show you around our camp, Huntress told him,
beckoning with her tail after standing up and walking toward the den entrance.
Lets leave Ripple to go find Midnight. Im sure they would enjoy some time
together after whats been going on lately. Rain nodded before jumping up and
following the golden she-cat out. He knew that it probably looked childish, but he
didnt know how to act otherwise.
When they exited the den, Rain gaped at the large cavern structure before him.
Dens were scattered everywhere, and so were cats who all seemed to have a job.
Kits were playing near one of the largest dens, their mothers gossiping while
watching the young ones. An authoritative figure was barking out commands to
those listening, and a few patrols returned, and though some were wounded, they
seemed proud of themselves.
Its nice, isnt it? asked Huntress, a wide smile on her face. Rain nodded, looking
to a ledge that had need to be climbed onto in order for it to be stood on. However,
on top of it was a black tom with icy blue eyes that matched Huntresss. He
seemed to have a similar stance to Huntress as well, so maybe they were related?
The camp wasnt just a cave, though. It was very open, and the sun lit every inch
of ground that Rain could see. They were obviously within a mountain, or rocky
hills at least, for there was stone protecting the cats within the camp. Brambles,
ferns, and pieces of wood created the dens, and for a large den, the cave had
already created a small cavern place where Rain was sure someone important slept.
Well Im going to start from the beginning, said Huntress as Rain followed her
toward the small kits and mothers who looked up to meet his eyes as they noticed
his arrival. The mothers frowned, glancing every now and then over to their kits,
who turned around and gave him eager expressions which made him smile.
One of them, a white she-cat, bounced up to him while the other kits curiously
looked at him from where they sat, quite content because of the caution their
instincts warned them to use. The white she-cat, however, stopped right in front of
him, skidding to a halt as a wide smile made its way across her face.
Hi! Im Sky, who are you? Arent you that cat they drug in two moons ago? Why
were you in Ripples den for so long? Are you okay now? Whats your name?
Where are you
Settle down now, Sky, Huntress said, making the white she-cat look to her and
duck her head. He was sleeping for a long time, but now that hes woken up, Im
sure the last thing he wants is to be rampaged with a billion questions that he cant
answer. Sky nodded in understanding, looking to her paws for a few moments.
Rain was a bit sad that the kit was embarrassed, so he decided to cheer her up.
My name is Rain, Sky, and I dont know why I was sleeping for so long, Rain
replied, seeming to surprise the mothers and Huntress, who looked quite happy as
well as astounded. Im fine now, and thanks for asking. I really havent had the
chance to talk to someone so eager in a while. Rain didnt know why he said that,
but he just did, and he couldnt take the words back. He lit it slip, having no time to
think about it, for Sky was already on her paws standing proudly.
Wow! said Sky happily. Rain is such a fitting name for you! Do you have more
to it like Mother and Father? She seemed to force herself not to ask any more
questions, but that was probably a bad thing, since Rain really didnt know how to
explain why his name was simply one word unlike everyone else it seemed like.
Of course not, sweetie, said a golden tom kit who had intense yellow eyes. He
and Sky looked to be the same age, though they looked nothing like proportion
wise. Hes a loner, and loners cant see the Elders because of their impurity. So,
in other words, because he hasnt seen the elders, he hasnt gotten a full name, and
he never will. A low growl came from Huntresss lungs, making Rain take a few
steps away from the furious she-cat.
Dont talk like that, Hawk! Huntress snapped, scolding the tom with her teeth
slightly bared. Its rude to treat Rain as if hes a rat. Hes simply different, and
that is all. Hawk shrugged before turning away, his tail flicking as he held his
head high with pride, unable to admit defeat it seemed like.
Im just telling my sister the truth, Hawk muttered before walking back to his
mother. Its not like I went against the Storm Code. Huntress scoffed before
standing tall, her tail flicking with annoyance as she looked away from the golden
What a loser, Huntress hissed before composing herself and putting on a wide
smile. Her icy blue eyes looked back to Rain, who gave a kind smile in return.
Anyway, back to what we were doing. This is the nursery, and as you can tell,
kits, mothers, and expecting she-cats stay here. Its quite full most of the time,
though with no she-cats expecting anymore, itll be empty here in a bit. Rain
nodded, taking in the information with a concentrated look that made Huntress purr
with amusement before leading him over to a large bramble den that had older cats
coming out of it. They were still young, though.
Cats in training stay in this den, Huntress explained casually, as if this was an
everyday thing. When kits become five moons old, they are allowed to move
here. When this happens, they start their battle and hunting training, as well as
basic defence. In these hills, its needed, so defence is usually taught first. Rain
nodded again before tilting his head.
Who trains them? he asked, his voice soft compared to Huntresss mature and
powerful words that always seemed to be planned out. Huntress shrugged, a look
of carelessness in her eyes as she thought about the question she had yet to answer.
Depends, really, on whos in the mood, said Huntress, as casual as ever. At first
the CommanderIll get to him laterassigned instructors, but we were very few
in number back then and adult cats usually were needed elsewhere. So it became a
thing where if any cat had time, they would take a cat in training out to learn. Its
worked for us so farthough its not like Id know. I was trained by my father
separately, because Im supposed to be royalty and all that. Huntress rolled her
eyes before walking forward, cutting across camp until they got to a few holly
bushes that had been hollowed out, creating a large den made for many cats.
This is where the fighters and hunters sleep, Huntress explained. Its a majority
of this tribe, so the holly bushes have been added and taken out many times, even
in my lifetime. I sleep here, in the middle in fact, since Im so highly ranked. Not
that its that greatin green-leaf, its almost unbearable. Anyway, lets move on
before Venom wakes up. You do not want to see him on an awful day, and not that
its a bad thing, but if he sees you, hell get angrier than a badger whose cubs were
just killed. Rain just nodded, barely taking in most of the last part. Meanwhile,
there was a stir in his mind.
Wow. These guys run this tribe so much different than what Im used to. J actur
stated, quite flatly as if very surprised, yet at the same time, suspicious. Ah well, I
might as well get used to it since it seems well be here forever. Rain was about to
reply, but Huntress had already continued walking, and since he didnt want to be
left alone, he quickly caught up to her as she stopped in front of a shaded den made
of strong bramble bushes.
This is the sighters den, said Huntress, looking a bit grim as she said this. They
are very important, because though there can only be three, they are very rare to
come by. Those with good sight and the ability to spot a small dot from fox-lengths
above us get this spot, and when they do, they become very respected. Anyway,
there are only two at the momentMoon, and Shadow. They are both really
creepy in some ways, but youll learn to accept them.
What in StarClans name do you need sighters for? And why would they need to
spot a small dot from the air? J actur was thinking, sounding quite irritated and
annoyed. This place is currently strange, but hopefully miss-little-goddess over
there will explain it, cause right now this is just all really confusing. Rain ignored
this as Huntress led him over to another den.
This one was huge. At first it looked really small caves, but as Rain peaked inside,
he found that there seemed to be many tunnels. Before he could get a closer look,
Huntress blocked his view, a warm smile on her face as he looked up to her with a
confused expression.
This is the elders den, Huntress told him. No one but the higher ranking cats
and the newly named fighters, hunters, and sighters can come in there. Other than
that, you have to have a pretty good darn reason, and you must ask permission.
They are very sacred, so please, spare yourself a lecture from the commander and
stay clear from here. Rain nodded quickly, though his curiosity was still pretty
Have you gone in there? asked Rain, tilting his head to the side. This made
Huntress flinch and he could see her eyes widen for just a few moments before she
blinked it away quickly, composing herself as if afraid of what he might see. Did I
say something wrong? Huntress shook her head, a small frown on her face.
No, no, its not you, its just something Id forgotten about until now, Huntress
told him, looking solemnly to her paws as Rain took on a worried expression.
When you receive your name, its not done by looks. Sometimes its not even by
personality. You receive your full name by what you are going to do in the future,
and what you have done in the past. So you just made me remember when I
received my name, thats all. . . Rain was trying to comfort her, but he didnt
exactly know what was wrong. He couldnt remember her name, for it had been so
long ago. . .
Her name is the Lone Huntress, Rainy, so no wonder shes sad, J actur thought to
him, which in turn made Rain flinch a bit with surprise. If this is off her future, it
means that shes going to be alone. I doubt its about her pastshe seems quite
happy here. You know, before you asked that question. Rain wanted to growl at
that voice, but he didnt want to attract an unwanted attention, so he stayed quiet
and instead tried to work on comforting Huntress.
Um, I dont know if its my place to say this, but I honestly dont think your name
has anything to do with your future. said Rain soothingly, a warm smile on his
face as Huntresss blue eyes look up to meet his. She had a look of curiosity and
hope in her expression, which made Rain smile even wider.
You really think so? asked Huntress, hopeful yet calm and still somewhat
composed. Rain nodded with as much certainty he could put in his eyes, and a
confident stance that he hoped the golden she-cat would buy.
Of course! Rain told her, standing tall. You saved my life, remember, so why
shouldnt I promise never to leave you alone? Its all I could do, because if you
hadnt found me two moons ago, Id be dead. So if you want me to be with you, I
will. Huntress smiled before standing up, her radiance returning once again.
Thank you, Rain, that was just what I needed! Huntress told him cheerfully,
standing proud and happy again as she thanked him. Now come on, I still havent
shown you the Beta and Commanders dens. Huntress nearly skipped away, and
Rain followed quickly behind her, a warm smile still on his face.
They came across another bramble den, though this one was quite smaller than the
other ones. It was well protected, though, which made Rain sure that someone
important was staying in this den. J udging by what Huntress had said earlier, he
was right.
This is the Betas den, orat the momentFlames den. The beta is basically the
second in command, and usually they are fighters, not hunters or sighters. They
sort patrols out, and are on most of the battle patrols after the warning call is
sounded. Oh, and if the Commander doesnt have any living relatives after he dies,
than the Beta takes over, and his family would become the royal one. Its honestly
really rare that that happens, but my father has told me of when it has happened
before. Rain nodded, quite curious as to who the Commander was, and who
Flame was. He wanted to meet cats now, though he knew he was probably far from
Huntress quickly turned and made her way down to a cave den that was fairly
large. When they arrived at the entrance, Rain instantly noticed that there was two
nests instead of just one like hed been expecting. This was the Commanders den
obviously, but who else was there?
This the Commanders den, and also, my den, Huntress said, blushing a bit as
finished the sentence. You see, my father is the Commander, and so I am, as
many call it, royalty. Basically meaning Im special because I have the blood of the
Commander within me. Not that I act that way half of the time, so dont worry
about that. Most cats around here treat me like everyone else. Rain nodded, but
still noticed a hint of pride in her voice, as if she hadnt meant what she said.
Royalty? We were higher than this at one point, and shes gonna lecture you about
royalty? J actur growled, a bit of irritation in his voice. Rain was confused, and
wanted to say something, but Huntress was already leading him toward the ledge
theyd seen earlier, so he followed.
The black tom was still glaring at him, and as Rain got nearer to the ledge, he
found that the toms scent matched Huntresss fathers scent from in the
Commanders den, meaning that the black tom was her father. He quickly made
himself look better by straightening himself out, but it didnt seem to work, for the
tom still continued to glare at him from the ledge.
This is the Ceremonial Ledge, said Huntress. Every time a cat in training
receives their name, we hold a Ceremony, same thing with kits who turn the right
age to train, and cats who become elders, and the coronation of the new
Commander. When my father becomes an elder, or when he passes on, Ill have to
do it all. I know all of the ceremonies by heart because of how many times my
father made me watch them. I dont mind thoughIm really happy I got to learn
that much.
Rain smiled, trying to picture the golden she-cat upon the ledge doing whatever
Commanders do. In this image, she was scowling, but in concentration, not anger.
She sat proudly upon the ledge, carefully reciting a ceremony as the cats below
looked up to her in awe. It was so easy to picture it, and he was sure that shed
make it there someday.
In the name of our Tribe, and the history of our ancestors, all cats old enough to
spot a Volan in the air gather here beneath the Ceremonial Ledge for a Tribe
meeting! the black tom suddenly called, snapping Rain out of his day dream. It
was then that Rain realized that the black tom had stood up, proudly looking to the
cats currently gathering below the ledge where Huntress and Rain already stood.
When cats noticed him, they whispered, and though that didnt bother him, he felt
as if a hundred ants were crawling upon his pelt. Each and every pair of eyes were
on him, and their murmurs, mutters, and whispers wouldnt stop, leaving his head
to lower and Huntresss tail to flick with irritation.
Cats of my Tribe, today we have gathered for a special ceremony, Shadow
announced after all of the cats had gathered beneath the ledge. Two, actually.
The cats cheered, all very happy.
First, I would like to ask Cinder, Rain, and Pebble to come forward to receive
their ceremony. Shadow said, pausing as the three stepped forward. Cinder was a
calico she-cat, who was long legged, and with her glowing blue eyes, she looked
very cute. Rain was a light grey tom with misty blue eyes, but Rain could tell he
wasnt blind. Pebble was a dark grey tom who had narrowed amber eyes. It was as
if he was thinking about something.
Cinder, Rain, and Pebble, are you prepared to train for the worst? Are you
prepared to hunt for the Tribe, even at such a young age, in the middle of leaf-bare
where the snow is ever so thick? Are you prepared to fight in this war, no matter
how bloody it gets? Are you prepared to be pushed to your limit to learn the ways
of this Tribe? Shadows voice was booming, and though the ceremony was quite
creepy, Rain found that it really tested the young ones.
I am, said Cinder eagerly, standing up tall though the expression she held wasnt
exactly the mature type.
I am, said Pebble smoothly, sending chills down Rains spine.
I am, said Rain, his excited look also very kit-like.
Then by the powers granted upon me, and the strength you will soon hold, I give
you the right to train for the worst, so that the best things around you will be
protected. All of you will be shown around the territory, and to show us you are
ready for this, you will train until dusk with the cats I give you. The Claw Made of
Ice, A Single Scorched Fire, and The Moons Silent Movement shall take you.
May your day be filled with excitement? The three kits nearly squealed before
finding the three cats they were to go out for.
Now that that is taken care of, I would like to ask Lightning to step forward,
Shadow said, a warm smile on his face as the dark silver tabby tom walked
forward and separated himself from the rest of the cats. Lightning has trained hard
to learn the ways of this tribe, and he has done much to defend this camp and
everyone within it. He has met the elders, and they have given him their decision.
Lightning, did you receive your tribe name, or were you turned down? It wasnt
really a secret of what happened within the mysterious denLightning was
smiling too widely and his stance was too proud to have been turned down.
They have confirmed my eligibility to become a Hunter, and have given me the
name, A Flash of Sudden Lightning which I took with gratitude. Lightning
finished with his head bowed in respect, waiting for what the Commander had to
say, even though it was probably already known to most of the cats around him.
I agree with the elders, and so you will keep your name. May you use your
training to defend this tribe, and for the honour you shall now receive as a full
hunter of the Cats of the Storms. Lightning looked up with a wide smile as the
rest of the clan cheered his new name with happiness.
Rain suddenly realized that now, everyone was staring at him. It was nearly silent,
and they were glaring, or just looking at him, while Shadow seemed to stick his
nose up in disgust as he looked to Rain, whose head was now lowered as he felt the
scorching stares of the cats behind him clawing at his fur.
Another announcement that you all know now, is that the cat with the fatal wound
has awoken, said Shadow coolly, sending more chills down Rains spine. There
was more whispers, most of them quite bitter, and they wouldnt stop. Rain felt
another stirring sensation in his mind, but J actur didnt say anything. Instead, it
was as if he too was uncomfortable with his surroundings. Though I would love to
send him away to get killed by the Volans, I cannot, and so, as another
announcement, I have agreed to let him stay, but only as a servant. I see no
strength in a cat who sleeps for two moons after that wound, and so I see no use for
him elsewhere. There was many whispers now, louder than the last bunch, and
most were showing their anger.
Hes worthless to us!
Hes nothing but an extra mouth to feed!
Hes too different!
Silence! Shadow yelled to them. My decision is final seeing as we need more
servants anyway. Our cats in training have no time for chores anymore with the
growing population of those Demons of the Dark Forest, so our dens are dirtier
than ever. Not to mention the fact that the fresh-kill pile is getting low. With this, I
must take him in, but I do not request any of you to treat him specially because of
his previous wound. There was a movement moments later, and to Rains
surprise, Ripple walked out from the crowd to look up to Shadow.
What of the scar on his shoulder? asked Ripple kindly, Midnight right at her side
as if ready to protect her. Its a star, and though it was many seasons ago, it
represented something. What if that star is an omen from the clan we once
worshiped? There was many whispers and murmurs now, making Rainand
J acturconfused.
What do they mean by many seasons ago? Doesnt StarClan
roam everywhere? J actur was wondering, quite confused it seemed. Rain was
confused, wondering exactly what StarClan was again and what it had to do with
what Ripple had said let alone what it had to do with his scar.
This scar means nothing, no matter how perfect it looks, Shadow growled lowly.
It is simply there, and no, StarClan has not returned. They are finished,
remember? They failed to protect themselves, and so we shall never see them
again. Besides, how could a weak tom like him be a sign from them? Huntress
growled at this, leaving everyone to look to her as she stood up.
Stop calling him weak! Huntress yelled up to her father as the iciness in her eyes
suddenly became real. He is strong, and though he may not know it, he could
easily kill a Volan! Whispers followed his as well, but Shadow stayed quiet as he
sat calmly composed on the ledge, carefully examining his daughter.
You dare talk back to me? asked Shadow, his amber eyes narrowed. You didnt
even yell with a reasonable argument. He couldnt kill a Volanhes scrawny and
ignorant, leaving him weak and vulnerable. There was murmurs of agreement,
some saying it much louder than the others.
Dont give me that! Huntress yelled. I know you can feel it and I know you can
see it! No normal cat would have survived that wound! No normal cat would have
that scar! And no normal cat would just show up in the middle of our territory
unharmed by the Volans or anything else! He has strength, and you know it!
Shadow hissed, silencing her, but she didnt look like she was done.
We will finish this conversation in our den, Huntress, Shadow growled, his fur
bristling. Blue, you will take the new Servant and explain to him what he will be
doing. Dismissed. Shadow quickly jumped down the ledge, his tail twitching with
irritation and anger.
Huntress stormed off to the den they had just visited, her fur also bristled as her tail
lashed with anger. Rain felt sorry for her, but he really didnt think he was that
strong. After all, he was a bit skinny, and he was too scared of everyone around
him to be brave enough to fight anyone.
Leave it to mister-lost-his-memory to insult everything I am, J actur hissed in a sort
of teasing voice, though he did seem sort of irritated. I cant wait til you get your
memory back. Rain rolled his eyes, hoping that J actur wasnt really mad about that.
U-um, are you R-Rain? asked a small blue-grey she-cat who seemed to be
cowering in front of him. Her head was low and she looked as if she expected him
to kill her. Rain stared for many moments with a curious yet surprised expression,
wondering why she was so scared of him.
Yeah, I am, said Rain, standing up after a few moments of silence. Youre Blue,
right? Its nice to meet you. He smiled to her, but she just flinched, which made
Rain even more confused. The grey she-cat tensed up before she flicked her tail as
a sign to follow her before creeping away with soft paws as she made her body
stay low to the ground.
This is going to be a long day, isnt it? Rain asked himself as he followed the
scared she-cat. He didnt honestly expect an answer, since he truthfully forgot
about J actur since it had been a few minutes at least from the last time the tom had
spoken, but of course, J actur had to comment.
If this tribe is half of what I think it is, yes, this will be a very long day. J actur said.

Chapter Four
Evectri sighed as he sat near the stream in which declared the border of The Cats
of the Storms, and territory that was unclaimed. He waited patiently for someone,
and though fear and guilt clawed at his belly, he reminded himself solely that he
was no longer that cat, and this wasnt wrong at all.
Looking into the quiet stream, he sighed as he looked to himself. He was perfectly
groomed as always, his short light grey tabby fur was flatly laying upon his skin
and though many scars and scratched covered his body, it was not a flaw. It looked
good on him, as it usually did. His amber eyes looked like a burning fire, even now
as he was scowling at the water. Slender, yet muscular, he was what any she-cat
would want. His stance showed authority that others would cower over. Even his
silver wings, though at the moment invisible, were strong and stealthy, ready for
battle at any given second.
Yet that wasnt what Evectri was sighing for. He wasnt as if he hated his looks,
and the fact that it drew a lot of attention, but more of the fact that he was who he
was, and not someone else. He wasnt regularhe was smarter, stronger, more
handsome, more mentally confident, and of course, hed killed before, having the
bravery to take ones life without hesitation. Though that may seem like a flaw, it
wasnt, not in this world of war that he lived in.
These facts were what had caused him to be alone in the first place, and now, as he
waited for Huntress to come, he wondered exactly how things would end up. Every
time hed dared to love someone, they floated away, soon to be forgotten about in a
few moons time, all because of his specialty and abnormality, if thats what he
dared to call it.
However, even though all of his instincts told him that being with Huntress would
only end in blood and heartbreak, he went on, determined to make himself a
different type of individual by being with a cat, and not his own kind, even though
that could get him killed if he wasnt careful.
But could I have chosen an unimportant cat? Evectri asked himself as he sat there,
still waiting in green-leaf air. Shes a Princess! If her father found out about who I
ammore like what I amI would be trapped and executed before you could say
mouse. Evectri sighed again, this time looking away from the stream and back to
his paws. It was her who found me, and without her, Id be dead. I guess, through
all that, I should be thankful. And maybe, just maybe, it means that our
relationship wont end in disaster.
Hey, Evectri! came a cheerful voice across the stream. It drew his gaze upward,
and forced a smile upon his face as he saw Huntresss golden fur and icy blue eyes
that seemed to light up his entire world. Sorry you had to wait so longI had to
endure another lecture from my father. Honestly, he has to get a hobby. Evectri
laughed, and as she leaped over the stream, he stood, eager to go to the meadow
where theyd met.
Huntress smiled before they went left, away from the stream and toward the
meadow. The forest was getting very light as the sunrise lit the lush green trees,
and this meant that the meadow would be even prettier than normal, because
usually they met at moonhigh, not sunrise.
Though he still felt the stinging of his wounds and the pain of his sore muscles, he
ignored them all by looking at Huntress. Evectri always had to smile when she
laughed like that, and her smile seemed to remind him that life isnt about fighting,
killing, and training. She reminded him that it was so much more than that.
Evectri followed her, his eyes now on the glittering meadow in front of him. Tall
green grass swayed in the wind, as did the sunflowers. More colours and more
plants sprouted up, creating a beautifully lit space where any animal would be
happy to run in. It seemed to reach for miles, and the best part? No one owned it,
so they were free to run on it as long as they wanted.
I bet I could beat you to the hollow tree! said Huntress mockingly, looking
proud, as if shed already won. Evectri smirked, also standing tall like a prince. He
mimicked her royal stance, and as a surprised look came to her face, he returned to
a peasants position, laughing hard. Huntress started laughing moments before she
stopped quickly and smiled to him mischievously.
Huntress suddenly took off toward what seemed like the only tree in the meadow,
leaving Evectri to smile as he chased after her. They ran full speed toward the large
oak tree that had just grown back all of its leaves. He was losing horribly to the
golden she-cat, for she had longer legs and she used them a lot more than he did,
which made her faster.
Huntress didnt even look back to him as she continued running, and Evectri
couldnt believe how free he felt. His fur was waving in the wind as it rushed past
him, and he felt like he had no restraints, no one to tell him what to do, no Volans
to look after or protect, and most importantly, no one to stop him from crossing the
Unfortunately, that didnt last long, because he wasnt thinking about his wings,
which were still invisible. One of themthe broken one, of courseflexed as
Evectri tried to balance himself after stepping into a large hole in the ground. It
caught the wind coming toward him, and acted as a parachute, forcing him to
completely stop and suppress a yowl of pain.
Evectri landed on his back, painfully laying on his already broken wing that
couldnt be fixed because of the simple fact his sister was the only one he could
trust to do it correctly, but at the moment, she thought he was long gone, leaving
him to deal with it on his own.
He bit his lip as he stood, folding his wings as he carefully made sure the broken
bone wasnt any further wounded. It was worse, but he wasnt in immediate
danger. However, at the same time, he continued to inwardly curse at himself for
getting it broken in the first place. It was his fault, but at least he was still alive.
After sighing, he carefully padded toward the tree, feeling the full amount of pain
coming from his healing wounds that were restricting him to move any faster.
Evectri wanted to get there before Huntress could worry, because that would lead
to questions he couldnt answer for the sake of his life.
J ust then, the golden she-cat bounded through the large grass, a scared expression
on her face as she saw him. Worried, she went faster, reaching him in seconds with
an expression of shock. Evectri quickly thought of a story, hoping that it would
fool the princess once again.
Evectri, what happened? asked Huntress quickly, her eyes wider than usual. I
didnt notice that you werent going as fastdid something go wrong? Evectri
shook his head, soothing her worry just a little bit. She had a right to worry since
she was there the night he got the wounds. Or at least after hed gotten them. Shed
been the one to heal him, and for the past few sunrises, she was the only one who
could take care of him.
I-I just tripped over a stray rock, thats all, Evectri lied, smiling warmly to her as
her worries finally went away, believing every word he said. None of my wounds
are open, but Im a bit sore now. Huntress rolled her eyes playfully, her
personality showing once more.
Leave it to Evectri to trip over the one rock in this meadow. Come onIll see if
I can numb it a little bit. Huntress turned around, walking back toward the shade
of the oak tree. Evectri followed, making sure his wings were folded enough so
that she couldnt touch them and then find out what he was.
The large oak tree shaded an area as large as a pool of water, and it was slightly
hollow giving them a den area where Huntress kept her herbs for Evectri. She
disappeared into the tree as Evectri sat down on the grass that they had cut short,
giving themselves cover if any danger was around.
Evectri sat down in front of the tree, enjoying the cool breeze that had seemed to
tame down a little bit. He looked at the sky, wondering exactly how he would be
able to reach it again. He knew that if his wing got infected, hed never be able to
use it again, and if that bone didnt heal soon, it would need to be re-broken, which
would be even more painful than it already was.
Evectri knew these things because hed been trained in the arts of healing
becauseas his father put ityou must be prepared for everything, including
getting separated from the flock and having to survive on your own for a little
while. So he knew about a lot of herbs, and injures, and wounds, and other healer
stuff. However, he wasnt nearly as good as Huntress, who was probably so
isolated that she had all the time in the world to learn the more important things of
The silver tabby tom suddenly noticed three figures in the sky, all of them circling
in the same place of the forest, either hunting, or searching for something. Evectri
narrowed his eyes, concentrating on identifying the Volans in the sky, which was
easy for him because he knew everyone. It was another thing he learned when he
was little.
Brisa. . . Evectri figured out, looking at the light brown Volan. He could just make
out her misty blue eyes, but they were unusually focused at that moment. Rizar. .
. Evectri thought, looking to the dark grey tom with flashing lighter grey wings. . .
.And Sarza. Evectri inwardly sighed, his gaze following the bright ginger she-cat
who looked determined and somewhat angry.
Why am I not surprised? Evectri thought to himself, continuing to follow the
Volans as they searched the ground. The only scouts wetheyhave, and the best.
Who better to look for my body to declare myself dead or alive? Im surprised no
one else is out here, though. Its been at least a half moon since the exile and
supposed death, youd think theyd be worried about where and when I died.
As if on cue, a dark brown Volan flew into view, coming up from the trees. The
scouts quickly flew over to the obviously more authoritative Volan, who flew with
an elegance that made Evectri certain of the toms special training that hed gone
through at a young age. However, this meant that the brown tom could only be one
Tavo. . . Evectri thought, closing his eyes after catching a glimpse of the amber
orbs that came from the brown Volan who was at that moment flying downward
toward the forest, far away from the meadow. Brother. . .why have you let our
father lead you so far astray? Then again, youve always been battle crazy. .
.maybe this was just the path you were meant to take.
Um, Evectri, what are you staring at? asked Huntress, taking Evectri out of his
thoughts and back into reality. He looked at her, finding a worried expression in
her icy blue eyes. He gave a bleak smile before trying to figure out how to answer
Huh? Oh, its nothing, I-I was just looking. . . Evectri lied again, though this
time, it wasnt exactly a good one. So, with the knowledge he had, he looked back
up to the Volans, hoping she could see them. Huntress followed his gaze, frowning
as she saw her enemies.
Oh, now I understand, said Huntress after a few moments of silence. Her face
was grave, and her beautiful eyes were clouded with emotion. She sat down beside
him, her face lost in memories that wouldnt end. You spotted them, then. I dont
know why, but theyve been angrier lately, and my tribe has had many sightings on
them. Its as if theyre looking for someone, and its scary. I think thats what
theyre doing now. Huntresss eyes never once gained back its light. She was just
lost in thought, and the memories that Evectri was sure Volans caused.
Is that all we are? Demons of the Dark forest that do nothing but kill? They
attacked us. . .They branded us demons of the dark forest. . .However, we were the
ones who attacked. We could have left. . .We could have let them be. . .But no. Now
we have a complete war on our paws, just because our ancestors were stubborn.
How many have died these past four seasons? In my flock, twenty-four. And how
many from the tribe? Argh, this is why I left! Evectri had a bitter taste in his mouth,
almost as if hed tried to taste mouse-bile.
The silver tabby tom instantly noticed Tavo returning to the group, flying quickly.
Huntress noticed that he wasnt following the Volans anymore, because at that
moment he was looking in the forest where Tavo continued circling, determined to
find his brother, or even just his body.
What are you looking at? asked Huntress, confused as she tried to follow his
gaze. Evectri shrugged, trying to hide his embarrassment. She couldnt see the
Volans, not like he could anyway. They were in their hidden state, where cats
could only see a small flying orb. It was usually really hard to spot for cats, but
since he was a Volan, their hiding trick didnt fool him.
Another Volan is searching for something right near the tree tops, Evectri told
her, his eyes continuing to follow his brothers movement. Its orange, and hes
circling just over there. He pointed by flicking his tail in the general direction,
hoping that hed hidden the fact that he could see them so easily.
Hmm. . .this one is hard to find. . . Huntress murmured, her eyes narrowed as she
tried hard to spot the Volans hidden state. Because the Royal family has a smaller
hidden state, Evectri thought, wishing he could say that out loud to Huntress so she
could understand. Oh! There it is. Wow, that one is small. Im surprised Ive
found it. She looked at him after that, her eyes showing her amazement. I cant
believe you can sight them so easily! My father would love your sighting
abilitiesand since we still have a spot open youd begin immediately! You
wouldnt be forced to reopen your wounds and
Huntress, I told you, I cant, said Evectri, making a frown form on her face. He
didnt want to do that, but he also loathed the idea of meeting her father, who
would probably recognize him immediately and then have him killed right in front
of Huntress. That was one thing he didnt want to happen. Your father would kill
me if he found out you were sneaking around with a loner, let alone one you healed
and have been with for half a moon! Huntress sighed and looked at her paws,
thinking again.
I know, I know, Huntress muttered. I just hate being treated like a Princess! I
know I am one, but seriously! I can take care of myself, and someone else without
his help. Or any other protection, for that matter. He just refuses to let me do
anything! I bring home a cat with a fatal wound, he tells me I shouldnt bring home
someone who could be hiding their wings. I want to let the cat stay, he tells me he
shouldnt have to have another mouth to feed. I interrupt him and tell him that Rain
is strong, and he yells and lectures me forever! I wish he would just trust me. . .
Evectri tilted his headhed heard of the cat shed brought back to her camp with
the fatal wound, and knew that was the same cat shed begged her father to keep,
yet his name was not revealed to Evectri. Huntress never mentioned it.
Rain is his name, then? asked Evectri, hoping to take her off into another subject.
Huntress nodded, still looking at her paws as she did so. Evectri felt her pain,
though it wasnt completely the same. Her father wanted her to stay protected, his
father wanted him to fight until he couldnt anymore. Her father wanted her to be
safe, his father wanted nothing more than for him to become an assassin who
wasnt afraid to take ones life. He succeeded, Evectri thought. Until I gained a
mind of my own. He suppressed a smirk, for that was something hed always pride
himself on.
He woke up today, and I think hes starting his servant duties at the moment,
said Huntress, her eyes still on her paws. He seemed scared at first, but then he
was eager to learn. It didnt even seem like he understood the fact that he was
basically a prisoner now. And when my father repeated the words weak and
worthless at his announcement, Rain didnt even get angry! I dont think he
knows how powerful he is.
Huntress gave a small smile after that. Or how sweet he is. I told him how to
receive a full name, and when he realized why I was sad he told me that as long as
hes around, Ill never be alone. . . Evectri frowned a bit, having a little bit of
jealousy rise in his belly because of how much she seemed to like him. He
immediately composed himself as Huntress looked up into his eyes. He reminded
me of you. That smile, those words, her eyesthey made all the jealousy go away
in instants. His eyes widened as his jaw dropped slightly, giving a shocked
expression that he quickly got rid of, giving a look of embarrassment instead.
So many thoughts were going through his head at that momentWhy was he so
embarrassed? Did he love her? No, that was impossible. Not unless he wanted to
die within the next moon. Did he hate her? No, she was the only one who was able
to show him how life really is. Then why was he so embarrassed? Was it because
hed accidentally shown surprise? No, hed slipped on composing himself before.
Evectri stopped thinking as Huntress gave a warm smile that soothed him
completely. She leaned onto him as she looked out into the meadow where the
Volans no longer roamed. He was getting warmer, and warmer until he felt like he
was surrounded by fighter. Is it because Im embarrassed? No! Im not! Or am I?
No! Its impossible!
Im really glad that I found you a half moon ago, Evectri, Huntress said calmly,
a sense of comfort and security in her voice. This made him even hotter, and more
confused within his head. What do I say? What do I say? Do I say anything! Yes,
dimwit! She needs to know you care! But what do I say?
Im glad too, Huntress. said Evectri, praying that it didnt sound as pathetic in
her ears as it did in his. He waited, hoping that shed give him some sort of
reaction so that he could see if he failed or not. While he waited, every heart-beat
seemed like hours, making it almost unbearable.
However, in just a few moments, he could hear purring coming from Huntresss
throat, leaving him to smile with comfort as they both stared off into the glittering
meadow before them. They were both lost in happiness that would only subside
when it was time for them to depart again. Yet, no matter if he was apart from
Huntress or not, there would always be one thought in his head.
I like Huntress, and no ones going to stop me from liking her more.
Intelligence. His brother was always smarter than he was. It didnt matter where
they were, his brother would always know where they were on the island or in
other territories. His brother would always know why they were there when they
got lost. His brother always knew how to get back home, even if they were in a
territory theyd never been before. His brother would always know when theyd
get back, or when a disaster would strike. His brother always knew how to win a
battle, and when a cat was lying.
Stop thinking, brother! Just embrace the fight and win!
But to win a fight, you must calculate your enemys movements before you
Speed. His brother was always faster than him. His brother would always bring
home the most prey, and he would always catch the fastest cat and kill them before
you could say mouse. His brother was a fast flyer too, in that whenever they were
chasing a Volan traitor, his brother would always be the first to break the Volans
wing and send him spiralling to the ground.
Why didnt you wait for me? I was right behind you!
If I waited for you, he would have gotten away.
Agility. His brother had always had the ability to know where his body was, and
how to move it certain ways without hurting himself. His brother could always
weave in and out of trees with his strong wings, and his brother was always able to
fight with such movements that would scare any cat into surrender.
You know, you could have just ran into the cat and knocked him out before killing
Yes, but that would probably hurt me as well. Why receive the injury when I can
just kill him quickly and smoothly?
Composure. His brother had always been able to make himself completely
emotionless in the wake of battle, no matter how bloody or wounded he was. His
brother was so quiet, and when he killed, he gave no look of fear or regret. He gave
nothing. Even when his brother got angry, he didnt blow up.
Why are you so emotionless? Have a little taste in your battles! Make them fear
the moments of life they have left!
They fear me, because as soon as they start my battle, they know I will not
hesitate to kill them, and so they are afraid.
Bravery. This was his brothers best, yet worst trait. His brother would always be
first to question his fathers actions, and first to question why they had to do so.
His brother was the first one to question why they had to kill, and the first one to
question his father of why he had to go through so much training. A Volan had to
have true bravery for that, because anyone who questioned Negro would be in
danger of punishment. His brother usually got away with asking questions, which
made many Volans respect him. However, in the end, bravery was his brothers
down fall.
He is dead. . .
Amber eyes suddenly flung opened to a deserted den, and the brown Volan was
breathing heavily as he woke from his nightmare. It was only moonhigh, meaning
that it was a quick dream, but it still scared the strong Volan, even if he was the
crowned prince of the Subir Flock.
Tavo, the Volan, quickly stood up after realizing that his father was on the high
rock. This would mean Negro would be declaring his brothers death soon, and that
Tavo needed to be there to give some sort of inspirational speech that he would
rather forget about.
The brown Volan quickly stood up, grooming himself thoroughly as he tried to
remember what exactly he was supposed to say. It had been recited to him many
times because his teachershis mother, Leona, and an elder, Vidiusknew that if
he had a say in any of this, it would be that they continue looking for the body.
As Tavo walked out of his den, he noticed how many different expressions were on
the faces of all the cats there. It was so strange to see that people actually cared
about his brother. Of course, some gave a look of disgust and hatred over the
matter, and some gave the saddened looks of betrayal, but there was hope in other
pairs of eyes. Love as well. However, Tavo wondered if it was real.
Tavo quickly jumped onto the rock, his amber eyes looking down on all the cats
that he commanded, secondly to his father, Negro, who stood beside him, his
flame-coloured eyes narrowed with anger and disappointment. Tavo had never
really seen his father like this toward himself, though toward his brother, it
happened often.
My fellow Volans, Im sure you remember that night a half moon ago quite well.
My son, and your prince, betrayed us. I banished him, and after a half moon of
searching, I declare him dead, paying once again for the crimes he committed. It
was a loss for us all, but we mustnt have a traitor amongst us at this time! We
must be pure, and we must be able to fight! As Negro finished, there were a lot of
cheers and agreements, but there were a few who were sceptical about this
decision. Everything the King did to his son had made some scared, and shocked.
After all, the Prince had been their most valuable assassin and hunter, because of
the simple fact that he was never caught.
Do not be afraid, Tavo told the flock, standing tall as the crowned prince. It was
hard to see our prince betray us, but we mustnt lose faith. His punishment was
fair, because my brother, though smart he may have been, made a mouse-brained
choice, and betrayed everything we stand for. You mustnt forget this, and instead
move on. The cats are getting stronger, and with it, so must we. This war wont be
won by uncertainty. No, it will only be won with strength and numbers! Think to
the future, and not to the past, for that is the only way we can achieve our goal!
Loud cheering was all that could be heard after this, making Tavo smirk, for his
speech had been better than his fathers for once.
The thought of his brother returned when Tavo remembered exactly why his
speech had been better. Tavo understood how the kinder Volans felt about his
brothers death because he, too, was doubting the fairness of the princes
punishment. However, he twisted his words into something they understood, which
was basically summed up in the last sentence.
However, Tavo was sure that the cats would understand his will to push forward.
Tavo didnt want to think of his brother anymore, because though he was one of
the best fighter the flock had ever seen, he was now dead, and Tavo had to accept
this and move on. If he didnt, it would be impossible to become a king, which was
his greatest ambition.
So as Tavo jumped off of the highrock and listened to his father continue with his
speech of the next battle movements, he slowly forced himself to forget about his
brother, and every moment hed spent with the silver tabby tom. It was hard, but
Tavo reminded himself that whenever things got tough, he got tougher. Eventually,
after pushing the memories to the back of his head, he smiled with sorrow in his
Im sorry, Evectri.

Chapter Five

Demonkit waited curiously outside of the den, her mothers soft fur brushing up
beside her. The small grey and white kit was curious as to what was happening,
because though Robinwing continuously told her that they were just talking to
Bravekit, she didnt believe her. Demonkit just wanted to see what they were
saying to her brother.
It was such a strange event that morning. When the ThunderClan cats came, they
told her and Robinwing to get out of the den immediately, and since dawn theyd
been talking to Bravekit, creating a feeling of worry throughout his family, and,
surprisingly, the whole clan.
Robinwing had told her of the four cats on the patrol. Thunderheart, the leader of
the patrol and deputy of ThunderClan, was a friend of her fathers. Demonkits
mother explained how though it took a while, he and Thunderheart vowed to
protect Cloudstreak, RiverClans deputy, and the ThunderClan deputys sister. To
know that a friend of her fathers was in with Bravekit made Demonkit happier,
though not convinced he was safe. She didnt know too much about her father, so
being a friend didnt exactly mean Thunderheart would keep anything from
happening in these clans.
Tigerpelt was another matter. He was a fighter and a guard for Sharpmoon, and
also a loyal friend of the king, meaning that Bravekit was probably not safe at all.
Demonkit was worried even more as she heard this, but her mother told her that
they wouldnt hurt Bravekit, for that was a decision made long ago.
Demonkits ears perked up as she heard the faded voices within the den grow
louder, and it sounded as if they were coming out. The rustling in the bramble den
confirmed this, leaving Demonkit to eagerly stand up, her eyes searching the cats
exiting the den as she tried to pick up the familiar pale grey coat that she was used
Thunderheart came out first, followed by Tigerpelt and a few other warriors that
followed the first two like robots. As the other three warriors walked over to the
guards, Thunderheart stayed behind, looking to Robinwing with warmth in his
You can go see him now, Demonkit, said Thunderheart soothingly, still staring
at Robinwing as if to have a silent conversation. Ignoring this fact, the grey and
white she-cat quickly bonded over to her brother, who was just then emerging from
the bramble den they were used to.
Finally! said Demonkit cheerfully, her dark blue eyes brightening with her
mood. I was beginning to think that they were going to keep you in there all day!
Bravekits cloudy green eyes looked into hers, and when she saw the expression on
his face, her cheerful smile vanished completely and formed into a frown.
Really? I thought youd be happy that I was in that den and you were free to do
what you wanted without me, said Bravekit, quite coldly in Demonkits point of
view. She was confused, afraid, and trying to understand what her brother just said.
What gave him the impression that she wanted him to be cooped up there with
ThunderClan warriors?
I dont know what you mean, said Demonkit truthfully, keeping her expression
steady. What made you think
You told them, didnt you, of all the stuff that happened yesterday? asked
Bravekit, furiously looking at her as if he was about to attack. You told them that
I acted twice my age, and that I already knew how Bravestar died! Demonkits
eyes widened, the shock forcing her heart to race.
Demonkit did do that, but she didnt think it would lead up to Duskfeather telling
Blackstar. This is bad, this is bad! I didnt mean to make ThunderClan suspicious!
I just needed someone to rant to! She was scared of what her brother might think,
and what her mother might say. She didnt mean to make all of this happen. . .
So you did do it! Bravekit accused, his eyes narrowed as a flaming bit of fury
waved through him. I cant believe this! You knew I wanted to keep that secret,
but no, you just had to tell someone! Demonkit had not seen her brother so angry,
not even in the small arguments they had normally.
Its not like I did it on purpose! said Demonkit loudly, feeling her anger rise.
Duskfeather just asked me what was wrong with you, and I answered him. Am I
allowed to do that? Or am I just supposed to walk away rudely? Bravekits tail
was lashing, and Demonkit could see his fur bristling.
Duskfeather is one of them, not one of us! He doesnt trust us for anything, and
you know that! Mother has told us this millions of times! Bravekit growled, his
muscles tensing under the pressure of the anger that Demonkit was starting to feel.
You knew those things were secret anyway! I dont care how angry or confused
you weretelling Duskfeather was the stupidest idea you could have had!
Demonkits eyes narrowed, growling lowly as they did.
Im only two moons old, and you know that my anger always got the best of me!
Demonkit hissed, her tail lashing as she clenched her teeth together. How was I
supposed to remember that you wanted that to be secret? Bravekit laughed darkly.
Maybe you could have remembered if you became smarter! Bravekit yelled, his
tail flicking with irritation and anger. Demonkits eyes were now burning with
fury. She gave all the signs of angerher eyes narrowed, her jaw clenched, her
muscles tightened, her tail lashing, and her fur bristled. And now hed pushed her
to her limits.
It was so much angershe felt as if she was going to fall under the pressure of the
fury within her. Demonkit couldnt quite explain it, nor could she control it. She
kept telling herself that Bravekit was just angry, and that he didnt mean any of it.
She kept telling herself that the anger would passall of it would. However, it
continued to fail, and she only got more furious.
Demonkit felt weightless, as if the only thing keeping her up was the anger. She
felt thoughtless, as if the only thing going through her head was how wrong her
brother was, and how much she wanted him to pay for it. Demonkit also felt
uncontrollable, as if she was going to snap any moment. With these thoughts, all
she wanted to do was run away.
However, her body restricted her. Demonkit was unable to move, unless it was
toward Bravekit. She couldnt do anything, and it felt as if something else was
controlling her, keeping her from doing the right thing. Fear, though masked from
the outside cats by anger, rippled through her body, clawing at her stomach as she
watched her brother give a confused look.
And then she heard it.
What? But hes my brother!
No. . .I cant! Its against the warrior code and what Ive learned!
I dont care how angry he made me! I wont do that!
I guess he did say something really bad. . .but I cant kill him, can I?
Maybe I can just make him take it back. . .
No. . .that wont be enough. . .
I guess I just need to kill him then. . .its not like he was being nice to me anyway
Yeah, and what if he does that to Flowerkit? She would hide and never return!
Im doing what the warrior code tells me. . .
Demonkit didnt know what she was doing, only that she was doing it. Her small
hind legs pushed herself off of the ground, lunging toward her brother, whose eyes
had widened more than two moons. Her claws unsheathed, creating an unpleasant
feeling her stomach as she accepted the fact she was going to murder someone.
Bravekit evaded with effort, barely missing his sisters sharp claws as she came
down and landed right where hed been. Demonkit knew that he was confused and
scared, but the anger urged her on and reminded her of what hed said. This made
her even angrier, and it made the wish to kill him stronger.
Demonkit lunged again, this time becoming faster as the fury strengthened her
body. Bravekit avoided her claws once again, but this time attacked himself,
obviously aware of how dangerous she was at that moment. He landed on top of
her, his paws on her shoulders with sheathed claws, unable to find the will to hurt
his sister as his worry seemed to grow.
Demonkit was about to shake him off when suddenly she felt something it. It was
soft and warm, as if a fire had been lit beside her, yet was not coming toward her.
She stared straight ahead, her eyes wide as the warmth spread around her body,
melting the coldness of her thoughts.
Bravekit gave a choking sound, as if he couldnt breathe. His weight was no longer
felt on her back as she heard him gasp out in the pain of losing his breath. He was
trying to breathe, she knew, but again, she couldnt move. It was as if her body was
in too much shock.
Sleep, dear one, your brother is not in danger.
Demonkit could hear the faint voice in her head, but she couldnt reply. Her
thoughts were too crowded, and as the anger flowed out of her from what seemed
like her shoulder, she felt empty, as if there was no reason to be shocked, or angry,
or sad. Her body shook, and she knew that soon she would not be able to see.
I-I cant! Hes hurting! I can hear him!
Once you fall asleep, he will be okay, came the voice. Just sleep.
Demonkit could feel her body become exhausted. Her heart was beating rapidly as
her breathing became slow and long, as if her lungs were afraid that as soon as they
stopped, she wouldnt get enough air. Demonkit knew she was going to faint soon,
but still, she didnt want to. She was too worried about Bravekit, who sounded as if
shed wounded him.
Who are you? asked Demonkit, her body shaking more than ever now.
Why ask? You already know. Demonkit searched for that voice as it finished,
and reached into her memories as she tried to figure out who it was. The voice was
male, and very mature. Wisdom rung in the deepness of the echoes, and a certain
sense of knowledge filed her chest as she thought of it. Yet she still didnt know
who it belonged to.
And that was when her world went black.
Demonkits eyes flickered open as the darkness finally went away. She still felt
exhausted, and her muscles were now sore and stretched, as if shed run over to
ShadowClan and back. Demonkit was warm, but only just, for she felt that she was
no longer in her familiar nest back in their den.
The grey and white she-cat groaned slightly as she sat up, her head hurting hard as
she tried to remember what happened before she passed out. When Demonkit
remembered, she frowned, trying to refrain herself from crying as she went over
the part where she felt the need to kill Bravekit, her own brother.
Im glad to see that youre awake, Demonkit, came a familiar voice behind her.
Her eyes widened as she turned around, finding Bravekit sitting in his own nest in
the unfamiliar den. He wasnt angry, scared, shocked, or confused, which was what
she thought he was going to be. Instead, he just smiled warmly, as if nothing had
ever happened.
Bravekit! Demonkit said aloud, her own expression showing her shock and
confusion. Why are you here? Where are we? What happened? I-I thought you
were dying and I She stopped as a feeling of nausea waved over her, making
her sway in her spot. She sat down, trying to force herself to calm down as she
stared at the ground with wide eyes.
Whoa, Demonkit, take it easy, said Bravekit, as if he was the medicine cat
apprentice, not Mudpaw. Demonkit looked up to him, her eyes trying to figure out
what thoughts were going through his head. You went through a lot yesterday,
and your body still needs to rest. You need to rest.
She couldnt explain it. How can he look so calm when I nearly killed him? What
even happened? Why did I want to kill him so much? Why did I attack? What
happened when he was on top of me? Who was that who told me to sleep? Why
was he so calm? Why was Bravekit dying before I passed out, and perfectly okay
W-what happened? was all Demonkit could ask in the bundle of questions she
had. Bravekits eyes were now cloudy with emotion as he looked into her, trying
hard to put on a big brother expression as he too seemed to remember all that had
I-Im not quite sure, Bravekit answered, his expression now changing to a look
of sorrow. I was so angry with you, and when I answered your question, you
seemed to just. . .snap. I cant explain itthe look in your eyes, it looked like you
wanted to kill me. Demonkits breathing was becoming harder as tears began to
well up on her eyes.
Then when I was on top of you, something on your shoulder glowed, Bravekit
continued, his voice becoming softer as he realized the look in his sisters eyes. It
looked like a star, though I could be wrong. My mind was so fuzzyI could hardly
see anything! And then I felt like I was being chokedas if the waves of the lake
was pushing me forward, forcing the air out of my lungs.
Demonkit was now shaking as she tried hard to keep the tears back. To hear that he
was in pain was bad enough, but to know that it was her fault was even harder. He
could have died, but since shed let her anger guide her, Bravekit didnt seem to
matter anymore. He nearly died. . .and it was all my fault. . .
When you fell, I finally felt like I could breathe again, said Bravekit, seeming to
force himself forward. I regained my strength before noticing that the whole clan
was watching, even the ThunderClan cats. They demanded to know what
happened, a-and I panicked. I didnt know what to say or doI was barely getting
over the shock myself when they demanded an answer.
Demonkit looked to her paws, realizing now what had happened. Hed told them
everything, and now Sharpmoon would be receiving this information. As
Robinwing had said, they only had one chance, and now that chance was
completely wasted. She was done for, and she couldnt do anything about it.
I told them that it had been my fault, that I had made you so angry that you
attacked, and after kicking me in the stomach, you fainted in shock. As Bravekit
finished, Demonkits dark blue gaze shot up to meet his eyes. She was confused,
and shocked, that he hadnt told them the truth. After what shed done to him, isnt
that what he wanted?
What? asked Demonkit as Bravekit watched her expression. But you knew that
I could have killed you! You knew that I wanted to, and that I wasnt acting right!
You could have told them that I was insane, that I was trying to kill you, a two
moon old kit! Bravekit nodded, as if hed already been through this.
I know, but that would have been wrong, said Bravekit simply. I instead made it
seem as if you just lost your cool, and that you just got too furious. Because of
your record when being angry, they believed me, and left moments later.
Robinwings pretty angry, but worried as well, and Spiderkit and Flowerkit are
both eager to see how were doing.
Demonkit was speechless. He didnt rat me out because it was wrong? I told them
about his secretsthat was wrong! It was what started everything! StarClan, I
nearly killed him, and that was wrong on every single level there was! Yet he
doesnt seem to care. He just seems to have moved past it.
I nearly killed you! Demonkit exclaimed, as if trying to remind him. Her mind
was so foggy, and her thoughts were so twisted that she couldnt say anything else.
She just wanted to know why hed been so forgiving, and why he just looked past
the worst crime in history.
Demonkit, that doesnt matter, Bravekit told her, his voice raising a bit as if to
say, listen. Youre my sister, and if I had told them about what really happened,
your execution would have already been set to today, and you know it. Mother told
us so many times. Besides, that darkness in your eyes told me you were being
influenced. It wasnt your fault.
Thats the point! Demonkit cried. It was my fault! I wanted to do it so badly! I
wanted you to pay for what you had said! I didnt even seem to remember that you
were my brother! It was so scary, but I know it was my fault! I wanted to kill you,
no one else. It was so scary. . . The tears shed held back for so long finally
flowed out of her eyes. She was looking at her paws, unable to look at Bravekit
any longer.
Im a killer! I may have not committed the crime, but the fact that I attempted it
still counts. Im going to go to the Dark Forest because of this! Im going to die. .
.How could I have thought such evil things? How could I have attacked my own
brother? How. . .How!
A sudden warmth startled her, making her nearly jump out of her fur. Bravekits
familiar scent calmed her down, though, as he sat beside her, his tail hugging her
body close to him. She continued to cry, though she was still shocked he wanted to
be by her. Did he understand what thoughts had gone through Demonkits head
before she attacked? Did he understand at all?
Its okay, Demonkit, you dont need to be scared, Bravekit whispered softly,
calming her tidal wave of thoughts down to a simple ripple. It wont happen
again, not while Im here. I promise you. J ust stop crying, for there is no need. Its
all in the past now. The words sent a certain calmness throughout her body, as if
just the simple whispers could make her okay. However, it wasnt just the words. It
was his voice, his breath, and his warmth that had soothed her.
Its okay. . . Bravekit repeated, letting her lean onto his shoulder as he let her cry
and relieved her thoughts. Its okay. Demonkits thoughts urged to be free, to be
forcing her to panic. They wanted to be thought, and they wanted her to suffer.
However, Bravekit kept them steady, and forced them to stay quiet.
It was at that moment that Demonkit accepted her brothers warmth, snuggling in
his fur as she tried to forget anything had ever happened. She let her heart-rate
slow down, and she let her exhaustion take over, not quite forcing her to sleep, but
still making her body stagnant after shaking for so long.
I love you, Bravekit, and nothing can nor ever will change that. Demonkit said,
making Bravekit chuckle a bit.

Chapter Six
Stormpaw sighed as he finished his mouse, knowing full well that he would need
to train now that he was done slowly enjoying his food. He liked training, because
it was the only thing that seemed to make him closer to Rainfur, but as soon as he
and Snakestar were alone, the leader would always preach to him about how much
he needed to save the clans. It got annoying, especially since hed burned that
option a long time ago.
Stormpaw noticed soon, however, that Snakestar was on the high rock, which
meant that the training would be held off for the day. With a smirk, Stormpaw
remembered that Bluepaw and Lionpaw, would be getting their warrior names, and
the twinsCloudpaw and Lilypawmentors would be announcing the course of
training that their apprentices would be taking.
Stormpaw quickly found a place beside Rosepaw, who looked at him with an
annoying bit of curiosity in her eyes, and Rainpaw, who was eagerly awaiting the
ceremonies, for he and the twins were best friends from the start. Stormpaw, being
the oldest there by only a moon, sighed. His warrior ceremony would be in only
two moons, and then hed move to ThunderClan. . .
The brown and white tom shook away the thought as Snakestar silenced the
gathering clan, and he noticed that several of them were itchy. Stormpaw smirked
again, knowing that whenever something was wrong, it had to have been the twins
fault. They do love their pranks, Stormpaw thought.
ShadowClan, for two of our toms, their training has finally come to an end!
Snakestar announced, standing proud on the high rock, just like a true leader.
Lionpaw and Bluepaw, please step forward. The dark bluish tom walked out
first, his ginger brother right behind him. They sat proudly in front of the clan,
proud looks in their eyes.
They have trained hard, even through the war, to understand the art of the warrior
code, and to not only fight like brave warriors, but accept that the world is
changing around them. In their turn, they shall receive their warrior names, and
move into their assigned camps. As Snakestar finished, the clan was quiet,
waiting to hear the warrior names. This ceremony had only been performed once,
but Stormpaw hadnt been there to see it. This was his first time.
Lionpaw and Bluepaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code, and protect
and defend not only the clan territories, but your king as well? Stormpaw frowned
as Snakestar asked the apprentices this question. One day, hed have to promise
this as well. Hed have to promise to defend Sharpmoon, the tom who nearly killed
his brother. Growing lowly, he calmed himself down the best he could, hoping that
he would at least not get a stupid name.
I do, said Lionpaw, proudly holding his head high.
I do, said Bluepaw, shyly ducking his head as the clan looked at him.
Then by the powers of a leader, I give you your warrior names, said Snakestar,
showing no real emotion. He just looked happy. He just looked proud. He was
really sending a message. You see how much weve had to change? It was as clear
as glass to Stormpaw, but he ignored it, pretending that he didnt notice. Lionpaw,
from this day forward, you shall be known as Lionfang. We honour you as a full
warrior of ThunderClan, and as the dusk patrol comes, you may follow them back
to their camp. The clan cheered, but not his name. Not yet. Bluepaw, from this
day forward, you shall be known as Blueflash, and we honour you as a full hunter
of RiverClan. A hunting patrol will be waiting for you in just a few moments, so
you must hurry. Blueflash and Lionfang both nodded in understanding as the
clans cheered their names.
Lionfang! Blueflash! Lionfang! Blueflash! Lionfang! Blueflash!
Stormpaw did not cheer along, for he was still trying to figure out Snakestars full
message. So far, through the names and emotions, hed gotten this: You see how
much weve had to change? Were now forced to fight with our teeth instead of
words in just a flash! Stormpaw sighed as he figured this out. It wasnt at all what
he wanted to know.
Now, another ceremony is to be performed, Snakestar continued, silencing the
crowd down as they happily congratulated the newly named toms. Lilypaw,
Addertooth, Cloudpaw, and Badgerstrike, please step forward. The white and
black tom stepped forward with the white tom with amber eyes as the slender
brown she-cat walked forward with the white she-cat with amber eyes. The two
apprentices were completely the same, their difference being their gender.
Addertooth, as mentor of Lilypaw, you have watched her closely, Snakestar
went on. You have seen her progress at all four abilities, and will now be able to
tell which she excels at. Now is the time to tell all of us, and set Lilypaws fate as
she progresses past apprentice level. Addertooth nodded, dipping her head
respectively to Snakestar.
As mentor of Lilypaw, I have decided that she is not the best at fighting due to her
size, and guarding someone with that lack of strength would be disastrous.
Addertooth explained, leaving the clan to snigger a bit. On another note, if you
take in consideration of how many times shes gotten into trouble, becoming a
mentor will not be for her, even though she has the intelligence for it. In this case,
she will become a hunter in RiverClan, to feed us. The clans cheered Lilypaws
name as the white she-cat sat there proudly accepting all shed just been told, as if
happy that Addertooth had said that aloud.
Badgerstrike, as mentor of Cloudpaw, you have watched him closely, Snakestar
continued after the clan had silenced itself. You have seen his progress, at all four
abilities, and will now be able to tell which he excels at. Now is the time to tell all
of us, and set Cloudpaws fate as he progresses past apprentice level. Badgerstirke
nodded, also dipping his head respectively.
As mentor of Cloudpaw, I have decided that he is too stubborn to become a guard,
having a disregard for patience as well as standing in one place too long.
Badgerstrike told them. Becoming a mentor, as Addertooth said, would be a bad
idea if you consider his record, and fighting would be difficult for him without his
sister. So with that, he shall become a hunter in RiverClan. The clans cheered
Cloudpaws name as well, and as the four of them went further back into the
crowd, Stormpaw understood the whole message.
You see how much weve had to change? Were now forced to fight with our teeth
instead of words in just a flash! And now you and your apprentice den-mates are
being forced to stand up against a clan and have their weakness thrown at
them. Stormpaw looked away from Snakestars gaze, though he could still feel it
burning on his pelt.
Stormpaw sighed, wondering exactly how long the stubborn golden tabby leader
was going to continue trying to make him the next war leader. In Stormpaws point
of view, there didnt need to be another war, no matter if the clans had changed or
not. The system was good enough, and even though cats were being ripped away
from their families to live elsewhere, it worked. No one went hungry, no one was
doing nothing, and now, a cat could focus on only one thing, and not a billion at
Is something wrong, Stormpaw? asked Rosepaw, her amber eyes blinking with
curiosity and worry. Stormpaw stared at her, still trying to understand exactly what
Rosepaw was trying to do. Being friendly was the obvious answer, but Stormpaw
wasnt convinced. No one liked him since Rainfur died, and because of his
attitude, as Snakestar had put it, everyone avoided him. Rosepaw had to have some
sort of plan.
Why do you care? asked Stormpaw rudely, his green eyes narrowing. Its not
like were friends or anything. She narrowed her eyes as he said that, a certain
fury burning in the amber orbs as she looked at him. Stormpaw was now
thoroughly confused, for even though he knew that his words were rude, most cats
just ignored him. They didnt even bother to get irritated.
Does it matter? Im just genuinely worried about you! Rosepaw spat. Cant a
fellow apprentice be worried about you when you look as if youre about to fall
asleep sitting up? Her fur was bristling, and her teeth were clenched together,
destroying any doubt that Stormpaw had that she was angry.
Im not that important as to make Miss Queen of mentors worried about me, am
I? asked Stormpaw bitterly, copying her signs of anger. Im fine, and thats all
you need to know. Now just leave me alone. Stormpaw quickly stood up, walking
away from the scene immediately.
She-cats, Stormpaw thought, walking out of camp to hunt as hed been told earlier
that day for a reason unknown to him since he was going to be a fighter, not a
hunter. He went along with it though, using it as an excuse to get Rosepaw out of
his fur.
Thats one thing I can agree with you on, Stormpaw, said Matar, looking quite
amused as if he knew something the brown and white apprentice did not. Theyre
complicating. But maybe she was just genuinely worried. You cant just push her
away because she might be planning something. You must at least give her a small
chance. Stormpaw rolled his eyes.
As if! Stormpaw spat within his thoughts, having a bit of pride in his step as he
realized that he finally perfected yelling them within his head, not aloud for
everyone to hear. I dont want to be anywhere near that vixen-heart! Especially if
she gets angry that easily. Matar chuckled.
She reminds me of you, Matar said, making Stormpaw sigh. What? You let your
anger out all the time, and yet when she does it theres a difference. Think,
Stormpaw, before you act, and maybe youll have some friends. Stormpaw scoffed
as he stomped loudly through the forest.
I dont want any friends, Stormpaw hissed, his tail lashing with irritation that he
and Matar were even having this conversation. Theyll only end in disaster with my
wonderful power and hideous past. So why start one when theyll end in complete
chaos? Matar didnt answer, so with those thoughts, Stormpaw quieted himself
down, listening intently for life within the forest.

Banished for what was right, scarred for what was wrong. When waiting for fate
to come calling, there is hope, but it doesnt come. It wont, not until Destiny has
finished its plan.
Stormpaw was in darkness, and he was alone, but after hearing this, he could see a
faint cat in front of him, scowling coldly into the brown and white apprentices
emerald eyes. It turned into sorrow before the foggy cat turned away, vanishing
after a few moments.
Happy as of the current time, but in the future, driven mad by grief. No family. .
.No hope. . .no fate. . .not until Destiny has finished its plan.
Stormpaw saw another cat, who was also misty looking, but it wasnt scowling.
Instead, it looked deadly, as if just waiting to strike an attack for what hed done. It
was familiar, but at the same time, he couldnt make out its figure enough to tell if
it was a she-cat or tom. Before he could figure this out, the figure vanished,
dissolving into air as the mist floated away.
Hidden in secret, running away from what will happen. Venturing into places we
have never been, the wait for fate is in mind, but it wont. Not until Destiny has
finished its plan.
Stormpaw saw another cat, this one even foggier than the others. The cat looked
shocked, haunted, and scared, but at the same time, it held the expression of hope,
as if begging Stormpaw to save him. J ust as the brown and white apprentice was
about to ask what was happening, the figure vanished, once again leaving him
Forgotten, deceived, and hidden, but then thrown upward, and perfected.
However, fate has not finished its quest. It has just stopped in wait of Destinys
finished plan.
Again, this cat was familiar and misty, but also, it was the mistiest. Stormpaw
could hear a faint voice calling out to him, as if trying to get his attention, but he
couldnt tell. J ust before he thought he could hear it, everything disappeared, even
the darkness. He awoke in the advanced apprentice den, finding that no one else
was asleep beside him.
Stormpaw was at first confused, trying hard to interpret the dream as if it were
from StarClan. After a few moments, he sighed, remembering that since he gave
up on saving the clans, StarClan had probably abandoned him, no matter what
Snakestar said. Who wouldnt after being pushed away?
Besides, Stormpaw thought, as if trying clear out his head with this one
thought. Im no medicine cat, and Matar told me that StarClan cares more of the
others than of me, since all the things I did. Plus, Im not that big a threat or in
that much need of help. Why help the fortunate when you can help the
hopeless? Smiling over the fact that hed convinced himself that everything was
normal, Stormpaw got up and left the den, feeling no need to stay.
Stormpaw found that it was sunhigh, the day after Rosepaw started that argument.
Hed managed to find a few voles that day, but was scolded when he returned.
Apparently he dreamt the part of being told that he was to go hunting, leaving him
with hours of wasted time as he sat in Snakestars den getting lectured once again.
Snakestar had seemed to leave him alone after that, and that morning as well, for
hed hadnt been woken from his dream so that he could do early battle training.
He shrugged, figuring the leader was probably busy or something, before walking
over to the fresh-kill pile, which was almost empty because of his lateness.
Hey Matar? Asked Stormpaw, surprising himself that for once he was just having
a friendly conversation instead of a frustrating argument. There was a stir in his
mind, this time sort of a tickling sensation, before it stopped, warning Stormpaw
that his power had come. Apparently, the tom didnt wake up when Stormpaw did.
Yes, Stormpaw? Came Matars tired, yet slightly alert voice. Stormpaw suppressed
the urge to laugh, for hed never heard the mature adviser slash power giver so
outbalanced and sleepy. After a small growl from Matar, however, the urge
vanished, and he went back to his question.
Do you think Id be able to talk to Rainfur? You know, like explain everything to
him, Stormpaw said, making an amused purr come from Matar. It would definitely
help me get over my anger, since really, Im only mad at Snakestar for keeping me
here. There was a small silence, as if Matar was thinking it over.
Im afraid not, young one, said Matar, sorrow hidden in his now mature voice of
iciness. The closest thing youd be able to do is talk to Jactur, but even then youd
only have minutes. Besides, hes very busy at the moment, trying hard not to
destroy Rainfurs mind with his insanity, which your brother seems to be pushing
him into, even more so since when he began. Stormpaw sighed, having figured that
That was when he heard something. It was in a teasing voice, but even so, he knew
there was someone else there. He curiously looked around, trying to find out where
the two were coming from. It sounded like Nightpawa bully who likes to taunt
cats mentallyand someone else. A she-cat maybe, which was rare, since the
black apprentice never picked on she-cats.
Finally, the brown and white apprentice picked up the sight of Nightpaw with his
sharp emerald eyes, only to find that he was in fact teasing a she-cat apprentice.
Ironic thing was, however, the cat Nightpaw was teasing was Rosepaw. It made
Stormpaw curious, and confused. Did he want to tell Nightpaw off? Or did he want
to watch the she-cat get punished after what she started with him?
. . .thinkin youre so great because youre training to become a mentor instead of
anything else. Nightpaw finished, Stormpaw watching closely as Rosepaw had
her amber eyes narrowed onto him with fury flashing through her eyes. It was
strange to see a she-cat standing up to Nightpaw, but the bad thing was he didnt
seem to mind. It was like anything she did didnt touch his sensitivity.
Being a mentor is better than being the alternatives! Rosepaw hissed, surprising
Stormpaw with her vocabulary. For being two moons younger than him, she was
feisty, and intelligent. When youre a warrior, you do nothing but patrol! When
youre a hunter, you do nothing but hunt! When youre a guard, you just stay in
one place for days until youre relieved! None of that requires as much intelligence
and thinking that mentoring does, for you need to know your apprentice, and
recognize their strengths and weaknesses! Its much better than any of the others!
Nightpaw continued smirking, Rosepaws actions continuing to have no effect on
So youre admitting youre weak? asked Nightpaw. With your stubborn
attitude, Rosepaw, I would have thought that would be the last thing you would do.
Yet, with arrogance comes ignorance, no matter how smart you are. Anyone who
brags about their intellect just states that they are weak and easy to pick off,
especially how you just put it. Rosepaws tail was lashing now, and though
Nightpaw towered over her with his size, she was definitely not going down
without a fight.
And anyone who picks on those younger and smaller than him also call
themselves weak! Rosepaw spat, though she sounded a bit desperate now. For
being a leaders son, you are pathetic when it comes to that! Stormpaw saw a bit
of anger in the black apprentices eyes, but it vanished quickly.
You know, youre much more determined than most of the weaklings out there,
Nightpaw mused, as if they were having a pleasant conversation about power, not
weakness. Reminds me of your brother, Mudpaw. Still cleaning out dens and
fixing herbs is he? Doomed forever to be a worthless kit who does nothing but help
mothers and their weak little kits. Rosepaw growled loudly, alerting most of the
cats there.
Dont you dare talk about my brother that way! she snapped.
But its true, Nightpaw said slyly, a sadistic grin on his face as Rosepaws eyes
widened. Cant an apprentice be honest of his opinion? Rosepaw looked away,
obviously having no counter attack on those words. Stormpaw instantly became
angry, furious that Nightpaw had gotten away with insulting another victim. He
walked quietly over to the scene, being unnoticed by the other cats around the two
Backing down now, are you? asked Nightpaw, his grin widening. As always.
I would pay for someone to stand up to you, Nightpaw, said Stormpaw, his
emerald eyes narrowed as he glared at the black bully. Oh wait, thats right. I
already have. Nightpaws grin widened again as Stormpaw walked over, probably
finding this the best day ever.
What are you talking about, pipsqueak? asked Nightpaw, his voice growing to be
more teasing with every word. I have never seen you stand up to meyouve just
been in the corner, pouting over youre dead mentor for the past three moons.
Stormpaw scoffed.
I havent stood up to you because you havent stood up to me, Stormpaw
growled. You avoid me because you know that I, due to my intelligence, have
quite the capability of forcing you to try your own medicine. Face it, youre
nothing but a coward, picking on those younger and weaker than you are so that it
makes you seem strong. Yet when it comes to teasing and taunting those like me,
you run away with your tail tucked between your legs. Nightpaw continued to
grin, hiding his true emotion of fear.
Right, go on believing that, wimp, Nightpaw mocked. I could beat you any day,
especially now that youre stupid sorrow has gotten the best of you. Stormpaw
chuckled a bit, a sort of playful smile playing across his lips.
May have, but you see, thats the difference between you, and I, Stormpaw
started, making Nightpaws grin fade a few notches. StarClan, thats the
difference between you and everyone you pick on, including Rosepaw. Weve felt
grief, and we were in that war while you, silly oh you, was stuck in the kits den
because your mother wouldnt let you fight. Nightpaw was now glaring at
Stormpaw with cold icy blue eyes.
Rosepaw and her siblings were supposed to be in the nursery as well! Your
mouse-brain of a mentor, however, made the mistake of bringing kits into a war
that was already lost. If he hadnt, maybe Mudpaw would be here with us, and
Rosepaw would actually be a hunter like all good stealthy she-cats should be.
Rosepaw growled, but Stormpaw growled louder, for Nightpaw had insulted
Rainfur, something he should know not to do.
At least theyre not born out of a forbidden relationship, Stormpaw hissed,
making Nightpaw continue to glare. You may be son of Wolfstar, but you are also
the son of Thorntail, and if I use your ridiculously high standards, she was weak,
meaning that you may be strong, but only with your words. Otherwise, youre
weaker than all of us here, and have no right talking of our family, our blood, or
our intelligence, for you have none of that. Nightpaw was staring at Stormpaw,
ready to shoot another taunt at him. However, many of the other apprentices
looked ready to defend the brown and white apprentice, and so Nightpaw quickly
composed himself, putting on a scowl to hide his shame.
Fine, you win this time, but next time, Stormpaw, I will beat you at this game of
words. With that sentence, Nightpaw stood before walking away, Snowpaw
following behind him with pride in her eyes. Stormpaw smirked, happy that hed
beaten Nightpaw once again without hardly even trying.
Good job, Stormpaw! came Cloudpaws happy voice. His identical sister came
bonding up beside her brother, looking quite mischievous, as well as happy. It was
an odd look that those two shared a lot. You sure showed Nightpaw whos the
better teaser!
Yeah! Finally! Lilypaw agreed, her amber eyes and white fur seeming to glow
with pride. That big fox-hearted mouse-brain needs to remember exactly where
his place is in this territory! Stormpaw laughed slightly, even as they left to pull
whatever prank they had to do next.
I guess I should thank you too, said Rosepaw, walking up to him with a smile on
her face. If you hadnt come, Nightpaw would have made me hurt him badly
enough to keep me at camp for the rest of my training. Shows you how short-
tempered I am, huh? Rosepaw had a humble expression of embarrassment on her
face as she looked at him, as if ashamed that she got so angry.
Nah, it just shows how determined, stubborn, and feisty you are, which is more I
could say about any she-cat hereeven Snowpaw. Stormpaw told her, hoping to
cheer her up a bit. She smiled, erasing at least some of the embarrassment.
Well thank you, I really do appreciate it. Rosepaw told him, to which Stormpaw
shrugged. He didnt really understand why she wanted to thank him so muchit
wasnt like he did anything special. Sure, Nightpaw was a bully who always got on
everyones nerve, but anyone could stand up to him if they wanted to. All they
needed to know was the black apprentices past.
Eh, this just makes us even now. said Stormpaw, a smirk on his face. Rosepaw
tilted her head.
How so? she asked curiously, obviously forgetting the previous day.
You got half of one point for trying to help me that day after training, and another
half of one point for worrying about me yesterday after the ceremonies, Stormpaw
explained. Then, just now, I got a full point for driving off Nightpaw for you. So
now were even. Rosepaw still seemed confused.
What are points? she asked. Stormpaw hid his inward face palm. Of course, the
one time he was trying to explain something, he used human terms in front of a cat.
Pure luck he was having lately. Pure luck.
Doesnt matter, Stormpaw told her. J ust so long as you understand what Im
trying to say. Stormpaw looked into her amber eyes, finding the sensation of. .
.well he couldnt explain it. He just felt. . .normal with her, if that was the right
way to say it. He felt like he had a friend. Do you understand? Rosepaw smiled
and nodded, obviously understanding every part of it.
Yes, I do, Rosepaw replied.
Good, now lets eat. Im starving. Stormpaw told her, making her laugh a bit. He
tilted his head to the side, curiously wondering what she was giggling about.
What? he asked, hoping shed heard him through her giggles.
Well, its just that when I first saw you, I never thought you would be so. . .
Rosepaw drifted, looking focused now as she tried to find the correct word for
whatever she was going to say. So open, she finished then, looking into his
emerald eyes. From our argument yesterday and your bitterness after that training
session, Id thought youd keep to yourself. Stormpaw just smiled.
I do that sometimes to keep mouse-brains like Nightpaw away from me, he told
her, because though it wasnt all that true, there was some honesty residing within
it. Besides, I dont open up to anyone unless they give me a good enough reason.
And since you tried to help me, and thanked me after saving your tail, I guess its a
good enough reason. Rosepaws eye brows raised.
A good enough reason, you say? said Rosepaw, as if testing him. Stormpaws
eyes widened.
W-well I meant
I know what you meant, fur ball, now lets go eat! Rosepaw finished before
almost literally dragging him over to the fresh-kill pile, looking hungrier than a
horse as she did so. She talked a lot while they ate, mostly about how rude
Nightpaw was. She said things most she-cats wouldnt dare say, making it clear
that she was a bit of a tom boy, which made Stormpaw happy. She
was different. She wasnt normal. It made him feel something other than utterly
As Stormpaw ate with her, he found that having a medicine cat apprentice as a
brother wasnt exactly a dream come true, even for a she-cat who was probably
going to have kits. The other apprentices seemed to think Rosepaw and her other
brother, Tigerpaw, were both weak because they were related to Mudpaw.
Stormpaw felt sorry for them, but at the same time envious. They were at least only
a few miles away, not hundreds like he and Rainfur.
Stormpaw sighed, shaking those memories out of his head. For now, he promised
himselfand Matar, since he wanted to hear it as wellthat he would stop
worrying about Rainfur for the time being. That is, as long as Matar updated him
on how his brother was doing. If Rainfur was in trouble, Matar agreed to let
Stormpaw go after him, but aside from that, the brown and white apprentice finally
accepted that he and Rainfur werent meant to see each other. Not yet. Not until he

Chapter Seven
Evectri sighed as he lied down within the hollow tree, looking solemnly out into
the field of flowers. While Huntress was gone, it seemed like this was all he did,
leaving him to think, which in his case, was never good. It wasnt as if he was
bringing up memories or anything thoughit was simply because when he
thought, it always had something to do with a plan or creation thereof.
At the moment, Evectri was considering what he needed to do after all his body
wounds were healed. To Huntress, hed be perfectly fine, but the question on his
mind was, what then? Evectri knew that he wanted to protect Huntress with
everything he had, because she was his sole purpose of staying there in the first
place, but would she let him?
Evectri looked at his paws, thinking this through carefully. Huntress was very
outgoing, almost always wishing she were just a normal cat so she could have the
freedom she needed to fulfil her dreams. With him, she always seemed to have that
freedom, even if it was all still against the rules. Once Evectri thought of this, he
was sure she would let him stay.
There was another problem though. Volans constantly patrolled the area, and there
were also numerous hunting parties because of the lush amount of prey. If they
realized Evectri was alive, then he would probably either be taken back to the
Island, or killed on the spot. Even then, the latter seemed like a weak punishment.
I could ignore them, and hide as Ive been doing for the past moon and a
half, thought Evectri with hope in his eyes. But that still wouldnt be enough.
Sooner or later, something is going to happen, and Im going to get caught. Lying
never ends in a good situation.
Everything is just so frustrating! Evectri yelled to himself, his claws unsheathing
into the ground as he unleashed his anger in which was just yowling to come out.
His wing accidentally shifted as he did this, flexing uncomfortably and of course
causing a large amount of rippling pain to pulse through his body. He winced
before relaxing himself, composing the wrath within him.
A pool of clear water from the rainstorm the day before sparkled beside Evectri,
catching his attention as he looked at his shadowy reflection. Nothing much had
changed, though the scratches had grown thinner, and the cuts were now
completely gone. According to Huntress, he would heal completely in just a half-
moon at most, yet one scratch would forever be there to remind him of his betrayal.
It wasnt a long scar, though it was visible to a lot of cats many fox-lengths away.
It went from the top of his nose down to his chin, and anyone who had seen battle
would know that the scar wasnt natural. The three scratches were obviously
something that didnt just come from an unfortunate incident. They were claw
marks that would always remind him and every other Volan he would find of his
Evectri looked away before standing up, having no real desire to stay there any
longer. He arched his back after yawning quickly, refreshing himself from the
stressful talk. He walked out of the hollow tree and onto the soft grass, feeling
new-leafs quick breeze rush past him. It was soothing, especially for him.
Evectri found himself wondering exactly what was happening back home. He
wondered how Tavo was dealing with his death, as well as his betrayal. The
mouse-brain had always disregarded the fact of death, but his sensitive side was
sure to come out if it was his brother who was dead.
Evectris thoughts went further to think of his sister, Cura. True to her name, she
was a healer, and one of the best according to their mother. She was probably
devastated, and at the same time, angry at Negro at the same time. He laughed
slightly at the thought of how much Cura yelled at their father after it was declared
that he was dead.
The only other cat he thought of wasshockinglyhis father. Evectri had always
been Negros little prince, one who obeyed, one who listened, and one who always
knew what was going on and how to solve the issues. The betrayal must have been
no surprise, but at the same time, frustrating to the blood-thirsty king. So Evectri
wondered exactly what Negro was doing now.
A loud yowl-like screech caught his attention, forcing it reluctantly to the sky. His
gaze quickly picked up the flying cats in the sky, giving the signal for retire. He
caught a few small bits of prey in the Volans mouths, and recognized the call
instantly. He sighed, knowing exactly what it meant. It was the call for battle.
The reason the Volans needed a call was simple, if you knew battle and survival
strategies at least. On a normal day, most Volans would be on the island, but there
were patrols also. Hunting patrols that flew to mainland territories to get richer and
less venomous prey, scouting patrols that looked for runaways, traitors, or a weak
Storm cat patrol, and also battle patrols, which didnt matter much unless the other
battle patrol was losing horribly.
This left only one half of the Volans in the island, since more than one of those
patrols would usually be out, and even then most of the Volans left at the island
were kits, mothers, trainees, and elders. So if fighters were needed in the Cats of
the Storms territory, the call would be used, the screech part indicating their
wings, while the yowl part signified their cat-like body. It wasnt really code, but it
was enough.
Evectri knew that because the screech was just now used, the Cats of the Storms
were fighting. He also knew that Huntress could be fighting in that battle, but he
knew her father better. Having met the commander in battle a few times, Evectri
knew most of what Shadow was like, and the one thing he noticed immediately
was his protective attitude. This meant that there was no way he was letting
Huntress fight unless it was necessary.
As if on cue to wash away any doubt, a rustle in the bushes quickly made him turn
around. Evectri at first was alert, but soon he relaxed, smiling widely as the golden
she-cat before him greeted him with her usual grin. At first it was quiet as Evectri
tried to figure out why she was even there. After all, he hadnt been expecting her
until moonhigh.
Im early, I know, Huntress told him with an agitated sigh. I just had to
do something besides sitting there and watching them battle while I do nothing. Its
so frustrating! Evectri continued smiling soothingly to her, purring slightly with
amusement as she sat beside him, looking both angry and sad at the same time.
He didnt let you fight, did he? asked Evectri, surprising her a bit. However, she
just sighed again, letting a small silence take over the conversation before her
shoulders slumped.
I thought once mother died he would be more understanding, Huntress went on,
obviously really sad this time. He just gets so protective! Its like he believes he
can keep what happened to mum from happening to me. He doesnt realize how
hard it makes my life, and how easy it is for me to hate him because of it! Its like
he doesnt even care what I thinkjust so long as Im safe.
He still loves you, you know, Evectri soothed her. J ust a bit too much, and
though he has good intentions, he needs to learn how to let go, be
Exactly! said Huntress a little too enthusiastically.
Huntress, its not good to be so angry at your father. said Evectri, looking a bit
more concerned now than amused. Huntress frowned, looking up to him with
Why? You just said
I know what I said, but thats not the point, Evectri murmured to her, his voice
quiet with a certain calming edge. I was trying to tell you that everyone has flaws,
even your father. He may be the Commander, but hes not perfectnobody is. He
sighed, realizing he was wandering off topic. What Im trying to say, Huntress, is
that you shouldnt be angry at Shadow just because hes protective. J ust try talking
to him, and if that doesnt work, you could always try bringing up your mothers
death. I know its painful, but sorrow always grips a beings heart the most.
Huntress nodded, probably ignoring that last statement, for she didnt seem
confused at all, which was the emotion Evectri thought she would show. Instead,
she just looked away, leaving Evectri to frown even more.
He didnt know exactly what to say to her, because it seemed like Huntress just
didnt want the conversation to continue any longer. This made Evectri
uncomfortable, because normally he always knew what to say. Now, however, he
was clueless on what to do let alone say.
Evectri. . . Huntress murmured, sounding as if she was reliving something as
painful as his wounds.
Yes? he asked curiously, trying to figure out what she was thinking. Usually he
was good at that sort of thing, but with Huntress, it was a little harder. She was just
so happy normally, but when the distant more shady part of her personality
showed, he found it impossible to intertwine the reason behind the emotion.
Tell me about your family. Huntress said, looking up to him with hopeful icy
blue eyes. His eyes grew wide, suddenly aware of how close he was to blowing the
secret. He quickly composed himself before looking to his paws.
I-I dont know. . . Evectri murmured, trying hard not to show his nervousness
under his mask of sorrow, which was easy to compose. Its really difficult to
explain, and Id rather not go through that point. . . He tried hard to look like he
didnt want to tell her, but in reality, he did. He wanted someone to share his anger
and frustration, as well as betrayal and heart-break. However, he couldnt trust her
Oh come on! Huntress said excitedly, her smile seeming to show him that she
really wanted to know. It cant be that hard to explain to someone like me! Ive
been through it alldeath, only kit, over protective left over parentyour story
cant be all that bad, could it? Evectri continued to stare at his paws. Yes, it can be
worse. I just cant explain it. . .
Its not that interesting. . . Evectri muttered, but again, Huntress pressed on.
Hey, it may not be interesting, but you owe it to me, Huntress told him, proudly
sitting up. I told you all about me, now you have to tell me all about yourself.
Well, not everything, because I know that some things are best kept secret, but I
still want to know about your family. Its been bugging me for a while now,
becausewellIm just curious. Huntress finished with another hopeful look
into her eyes.
She has a point, Evectri thought. I mean really, she has told me everything about
her, and its only right that I give her something in return. Plus, its not that hard
now that I think about it. All I have to do is give her hints of the bad stuff and she
wont question it any further, thinking that its too painful for me to remember. Its
simple, really. With a small sigh, he looked over to her.
Fine, but you brought this on yourself, Evectri warned, though he honestly didnt
mean it that much. Huntresss smile brightenedif that was even possibleand
she quickly made herself cosy, as if expecting a bed-time story. He rolled his eyes
before turning to face her, ready to reveal as much as he could.
Well, to start things off, I have two siblings, Evectri explained. A tom and a
she-cat, which in my case, was more than my father and mother could wish for
since genetically my mother, Leona, wasnt as strong when she kitted me and my
siblings. Huntress nodded excitedly as Evectri carefully planned out his words. So
far, it was all true, aside from the fact that Leona wasnt weak, she just wasnt able
to have the average litter of four that Volans usually had.
My father and motherboth living as far as I knoware, to put it, complete
opposites. My father always used tooth and claw while my mother always
preferred to talk it out. He was black while my mother was a very light grey, and
she had blue eyes rather than amber like my father. He was sometimes arrogant
while she was most of the time modest. It worked out perfectly though, because
she was able to calm him down to a safe level while he was able to teach her to
have fun. They would always bicker about small things, and yes, there were many
fights, but it seemed like nothing that serious could break them apart. Huntress
smiled, obviously really amused by his parents.
This goes for my brother and sister as well, Evectri continued. My brother was
always first to fight the outsiders and learn how to get stronger while my sister was
always first to learn about the herbs and ancient ways. Shes now the best healer I
know, and my brother is basically my fathers son through and through. He wins
every battle, and she heals every cat, same as my mother and father. Which made
sense considering the two of them had basically chosen their kit by that point and
trained them separately. Huntress tilted her head with curiosity.
What about you? she asked. Evectri sighed, acting as if he didnt want to talk
about it as he looked at his paws while in reality, he was trying to figure out how to
explain this without giving anything away.
My father and mother trained me, sort of. It was nothing like my brother and
sisters training though. Evectri told her. Instead of being trained to absolutely
enjoy battles or healing with herbs, I was taught to find my way around them, like
a serpents shadow. I-It wasnt exactly hard, because though I was being battle
trained, it was all things I was capable of doing. And with healing, my mother and
sister taught me quite quickly. The hard part were the strategies. My mother didnt
teach me this partmy father did. He taught me everything there possibly was
about how to create an attack within seconds, even while already in the battle. I
was turning into a cold hearted killer, and thats why I left. I didnt want to be that
wayI just wanted to be me. Huntress was quiet as he finished with the look of
sorrow. It fooled her enough not to ask any more questions, which made him
inwardly sigh with relief.
Most of that was true, actually, all of it was. It was the truth, but not all of it. The
reasoning behind his fathers treatment wasnt revealed, which was good, since
that would open up the knowledge of the fact he was royalty, and she would
probably immediately figure out he was a Volan. This was why he didnt mention
his family members namesshe probably knew all of them by heart.
Wow, you must have had a harsh life, Huntress murmured, looking at him with
worried eyes. And I thought I was living it hard. . . Evectri shrugged, continuing
to look at his paws.
You dont have to worry about it, seeing as I ran away, Evectri murmured to her,
his amber gaze reaching her icy blue eyes, which were filled with worry. Besides,
its not like Im scarred or anything. Im perfectly Evectri stopped as he heard
voices, voices that were familiar. Very familiar.
Evectri? Huntress asked as he looked upward. What are you
Shh! Evectri hissed to her as he spotted the four Volans. Volans are near!
Quick, get in the tree! Huntress nodded before walking into their hiding place.
Evectri stayed behind for a few moments, look upward to realize that the four
Volans were, of course, one of the best fighters.
We wont be able to hold them off long enough to defeat them. By the time I can
shut their mouths, theyll have blown my secret. Lets just hope they dont pick up
the scent. Evectri finished with a nod of his head before quietly bounding into the
tree, hiding behind its walls as he glanced toward Huntresss determined state.
Can we fight them? Huntress mouthed to him. Evectri shook his head, mouthing
the word four and strong before pushing his senses to their full extent, trying to
listen to the Volans as he calculated their reason for appearance so close to the
border of the Cats of the Storms.
Hey, Laidia! I picked up a scent! called the familiar voice of Kien, another good
fighter whom Evectri was quite capable of beating of he wasnt wounded. Without
his wings repaired, however, there was no way he could win against one so strong.
Do you think you can figure out who it belongs to? Its Volan, but at the same
time, there is another scent mixed with it. There was a long sigh from a she-volan
seconds later.
Toms, Laidia muttered. Youre so helpless.
Hey, dont you start that tom thing again! Kien hissed, sounding irritated as
usual. Im not helpless, just confused, and since youre the best tracker in the
flock, you should be the one to figure this out. There was a bit of silence after
word before there was a confused purr coming from Laidia that sounded like a
Interesting. . . Laidia murmured as the sound of wings fluttered in Evectris ears.
The other two had come, leaving Evectris heart to race faster, because he had a
feeling he knew who they were.
What is it, Laidia? Did you find something? asked the voice of Intono, another
skilled fighter. In seconds, the tom gasped, also figuring it out quickly.
What? What did you find out? asked Azotara better hunter, but practiced
fighter as welland Kien at the same time, both sounding very interested.
It seems someone we declared dead is still alive, Laidia growled darkly. Hes
here, too, in that tree with. . .ooh, even more interesting. Hes with Huntress, it
seems like. Shadows daughter. Trouble, trouble, trouble. She finished with a
sadistic sound to her voice as Huntresss eyes narrowed, her determination
Negro is not going to be happy about this, came the voice of Intono, sounding a
bit nervous as well as thoughtful, as if planning a strategy. Neither is Tavo now
that I think of it. After a moon and a half. . .
Oh shut up, Romeo, you dont need to be all depressing about it, came Azotars
voice, Kien laughing a bit afterwards. As long as we kill him now, our king
doesnt have to know. Plus, with our numbers and Huntresss weak fighting skills,
we can take her down as well, and even if it does slip that Evectri is alive, hell be
happy enough to ignore it.
Fair point, Intono said. But how are we going to get them out of the tree.
Laidia laughed sadistically.
Leave that to me, she said darkly before taking a few steps forward. Come out
kitty kitty kitties. I know you can hear us. We are the four best fighters and
scenters of the flock, so you best come out and play, or well have to kill you
instantly. Would that be fun? Huntress growled lowly, but Evectri stopped her
with a shake of his head.
What? Huntress mouthed to him, looking confused and exasperated. We can
fight them! Evectri shook his head.
No, we cant, Evectri mouthed back to the other side of the tree where Huntress
sat. You have to go get a patrol of your cats while I hold them off. Its the only
way to defeat them. Huntresss tail flicked with irritation as he said this, and her
icy blue eyes narrowed with anger.
Oh, so youre going to keep me from fighting too? Huntress mouthed, obviously
bitterly hating him right now. He sighed, listening to Laidia as she called again.
Evectri, you know what happens to those who dont listen, Laidia threatened as
Evectri imagined an evil look on the Volans face. Or should I remind you that
youre not only surrounded, but outnumbered as well. Give up. He immediately
growled in frustration.
J ust do it, okay? mouthed Evectri. Its the only
No! Huntress mouthed back as her fur bristled. I will not stand by while you
fight for me! I dont want to be protected, I can do this myself! Evectri quickly
started thinking of something that would convince her, for at that moment, her
claws were unsheathed and icy blue eyes were narrowed. All while her golden fur
bristled completely and her long tail lashed with anger.
Huntress, please! Evectri whispered to her, his voice actually coming now. It
was a loud whisper, but not enough for the Volans outside to hear. For me, just
this once, and I promise I wont hold you back any other time. Huntress paused,
as if considering it. What hed said must have gotten to her.
Fine, Huntress whispered after a few moments. But you still owe me. The
golden princess angrily stood up and jumped onto a ledge within the large tree.
There was a hole in which lead out into the meadow behind the tree and allowed
anyone to escape from the back instead of the front.
Evectri nodded before stand up, his paws leading him forward reluctantly as he
heard Huntress run off. He walked out of the tree, standing as tall as he could,
trying to force the attention onto him instead of Huntress, who was probably
running for her life at the moment.
Wheres the princess? asked Laidia with narrowed eyes, though she still grinned
evilly. The other Volans around him stirred, growling as their claws unsheathed.
They were circling him now, obviously planning for the kill. Evectri inwardly took
a breath and let it out, calming himself down as he put on an emotionless mask.
J ust like he was taught.
That fact has yet to matter, seeing as you four were here for me anyway, Evectri
muttered coldly, making Laidias grin widen. Im important, apparently, though
Im surprised you didnt find out earlier. After all, I was declared dead a whole
moon ago. Pitiful since I left, you know? You all lost your touch. Laidia
chuckled, a wicked smile still on her face.
Irritation over pleasure, Laidia mused, a smirk now overtaking the smile. Good
job, little prince. You have not lost that point in your training. But, with the
wounds you received, could you fight? Evectri shifted his paws nervously, but
forced himself to leave the fear out of his eyes. It was hard, since he was still rusty
on the royal part of his blood, but he managed. Oh come on, little prince. Let me
see your wings!
Laidia gave him no warning before she unsheathed her claws and lunged. Her
claws sunk down into his shoulders as she pinned him down easily. Evectri cursed
at himself for being so weak, because he knew what was coming. Laidia pointed
her brown and white wings before piercing them into his own, which were flat
against the ground at that moment.
Evectri tried hard to both conceal his wings and force himself not to scream, but
failed at both. His long silver wings appeared tattered and disfigured, as well as
bloody and un-groomed as he yowled in the agony of having his wings pierced
right through. Laidia refused to let him move as the sadistic grin on her face grew
When Evectri stopped. Laidia stepped off him, obviously letting him recover so
that they could play. He breathed heavily as he stood up, carefully looking at his
wings once more. Scarred, bloody, broken, and now burning with unbelievable
pain. Laidia took enjoyment out of this, while Kien and Azotar continued to be
both angry, and alert. Intono, however, sat calmly on the side, just like any trained
scout, scenter, and adviser would do.
For having Royal training, you suck, Laidia growled, sitting proudly in front of
him after he finally stood. I remember when you were so powerful, little prince.
When you could kill at any moment, and when you could do it without hesitation. I
remember when you were completely emotionless, not this pathetic attempt youre
doing now. I remember when you were a proud Prince, even if you werent the
Heir. A good little assassin, I must say. But now all you are is a weakling with no
power and blocked training. I bet I could beat you with a paw tied behind my
You wanna find out? growled Evectri darkly as his amber eyes locked onto hers.
Ive beaten you once, Laidia, and I can do it once again. Even without my
training. Laidia, grinned wider.
I would, but unfortunately weve got strict rules to kill you, Laidia growled,
crouching low as if ready to attack. Evectri mimicked her, ready for a battle.
Intono, you give the signal. Evectri inwardly smirked. So hes the patrol leader?
Smart, father, you actually showed sense. Hes both smarter and stronger than she
Under the laws of the Volans, and Subir Code, I recite to you, Evectri, exiled
prince of Subir, son of Leona and Negro, law number sevenOne who defies the
Code and stands up against the current King Negro will be punished appropriately.
If he or she defies the punishment, death will replace the penalty, and will be
executed in front of the flock, bringing dishonour to his or her family. Since you
have lived through this, it is through law that we shall kill you, and orders from
King Negro, we shall do it quickly. I hereby order this patrol to attack! Intono
finished, forcing Evectris heart to race.
And then they lunged.

Chapter Eight
Evectri flattened his now visible wings before pushing off of the ground and
sliding under Laidia before lifting his wings and forcing it to act like a parachute to
avoid Kiens attack from the left. Intono and Azotar had both lunged to his original
point, which was now empty as he landed softly onto the ground in seconds, at the
moment ignoring the searing pain coming from the new and old wounds on his
Laidia was quick to attack once again, flying upwards toward him at a rapidly
increasing speed. Evectri flew underneath her again, his underbelly exposed as his
wings reached for the air behind him. He focused on her movements, and the
others as well. In such an unfair fight, he needed to.
Evectri swung his hind legs underneath him so that he could land before evading
Kiens quick lunge toward him. At this moment he jumped over Intonos attack,
and unsheathed his claws to slash a large gash into Azotars flank, making the tom
yowl with agony as Evectri flew upwards to avoid Laidia as she shot toward him
with her quick and agile wings.
Evectri landed on the ground seconds later, finding all four of the Volans attacking
once again. With his battle trained mind, he was able to think quickly, as if the
Volans in front of him were moving really slow. He let his eyes pick up every
movement and every believable attack that could be thrown at him.
Laidia knows more air-fighting than ground level, so I could easily avoid her by
going under, but Kien is right there waiting for me to do that. However, if I go
upward after evading Laidias fore claws, I can take her out as well as use my
wings to avoid Kiens attack. Itll hurt. A lot. I dont have much of a choice though.
Afterward it seems like Azotar will, unfortunately, be in the air right where I come
out. Hmm, since his weakness is using his wings to fight I could try the Trap
technique long enough for him to be weakened. Intono seems to know what Im
thinking, so of course hes going to be right behind me right after I do that.
Brilliant. Well, Ill have to take the blow, and hopefully get a chance to kick him in
the stomach to find an opening.
Once that happens, all I have to do is knock Kien unconscious, which means Ill
need to find a weakness. If I remember right, he doesnt find a need to evade, so all
I need is a distraction. . .Hmm, I think I know just the thing. Wonderful.
So Evectri did just as he thought.
He quickly went forward, going under Laidia in a heart-beat. He halted
immediately as her shadow covered him, and then reached above him with his
wings and flew upward to avoid Kiens long silver claws. A few flowers went into
the air as Evectris back came into contact with Laidias soft belly, most definitely
knocking all the air out of her.
After a small gasp confirming that the sadistic she-cat had been hurt, he forced her
to slide off of him, landing with a loud thud on the ground. Evectri forced his
broken wing to fly, though it was somewhat crooked. However, he stayed in place,
long enough to let Azotar reach him.
Evectri ducked under the brown tom with ease before straightening out and
bringing his wings to wrap around Azotar to form the Trap technique. He then
began raking his claws down the brown toms flanks and stomach. After he yowled
in agony, Evectri let go, watching as Azotar fell to the ground just like Laidia.
At that moment, Evectri heard Intono coming, forcing him to turn around and face
the Volan. Before he could do anything, Intono pushed him to the ground, just like
hed suspected. His head bounced off of the hard earth as his back was pushed into
the lush grass by the highly trained. . .assassin, as some would call it, though
Volans didnt usually use that word. Instead they preferred it had no name for one
reason or another.
As Evectri planned, he kicked his hind legs into Intono, forcing the tom to bite
back the pain, yet still leave an opening that Evectri gladly took. He rolled out
from underneath the fast Volan and got to his feet, quickly noticing that Laidia was
still catching her breath and Azotar couldnt stand from his wounds. Intono was
slightly winded, but Evectri knew he would have to fight the smart Volan a little
longer to therefore win the battle.
It was at that moment that Kien lunged, yowling with anger as his silver claws
glinted in the sunlight. Evectri evaded the attack before unsheathing his own claws
and raking them down Kiens flank. The silver prince smirked before remembering
the Volan had wings, and furthermore realized he was full of large openings.
Kiens left wing pushed him over, unbalancing the prince before he straightened
himself out enough to be able to stand properly. By this time, however, Evectri
noticed that Kien was gone from his original spot, and was now above him, flying
gracefully in the air with a wide grin his face.
Then, in just three heart-beats, Evectri felt a large amount of weight push into him,
as if a mass amount of wind just gusted past him, inevitably knocking him over.
When he caught sight of Laidias brown fur, he hissed inwardly to himself in
frustration, even more so as she pinned him down easily.
Not bad, little prince, but youre still a little slow with all those wounds on your
wings. Laidia slyly said as a wicked grin once again played across her lips.
Evectri didnt struggle, knowing full well that the fight was over. Intono and Kien
both recovered, along with Azotar. There was no way he could fight now.
His body relaxed completely as Laidias muscles tensed, ready for the kill which
would of course make her boast and gloat for the rest of the day. Evectri looked
into the sky, awaiting his final moments. Though part of him wanted to fight for
Huntresss sake, the other told him that it didnt matter. He and Huntress were just
friends. Close friends. Besides, with all hed done in his life, accepting death was
just like moving on to another life for him.
Laidia, stand down. came a demanding yet familiar voice. Evectris eyes
narrowed with confusion as his gaze shot over to the new Volan whod made
himself perfectly clear within the sunhigh light. He was a dark brown colour, his
eyes a perfect shade of amber to be considered scary by anyone. The strange thing
being that those amber eyes were identical to Evectris.
Laidia growled in frustration as Azotar and Kien gasped, their eyes wide as they
also realized whod just given them orders. Intono remained calm, but his head was
dipped with the deepest respect. Just like a truly trained assassin, Evectri
thought. Always ready to receive orders, as well as ready to remain composure.
By whos author Ladia stopped as she turned around, her flame-coloured eyes
also widening upon the sign of a clearly higher ranked Volan. i-ity. . . Laidia
finished with shaky words, fear suddenly creeping into her eyes as all pleasure
vanished from her face.
Prince Tavo, what are you doing here? asked Kien, who was still recovering
from the shock. I thought you were fighting the battle at the Storm cats territory
to Tavos tail silenced them, as it had given them the warning signal with ease.
Evectri, still looking confused, tried hard to study his brothers reactions.
The battle was easy to win, seeing as we had many to fight on our side, Tavo
explained, his voice calm and smooth as his usual smirk played across his lips.
Theyve retreated for now, but as always Im sure theyll come back for more.
We have good hunting grounds for today, though, and we shall feed the Mothers.
Evectri was now even more confused. Not only was his brother completely aware
of what he was doing, which was abnormal for the crowned-prince itself, Tavo also
seemed to have a plan, which was unheard of since usually Negro was the one who
came up with the battle strategies and other events such as traitor captures and
prisoner bonds.
To answer your first question, Kien, I would like to point out a simple fact.
Evectri is my brother, and traitor or not, I will always be there for him. Tavo
continued to stand there as he finished, his eyes burning into Laidias eyes as he
almost forced her off of Evectri.
Butyour majestywe are under the strict rules of your father and the rules of
That doesnt matter, Tavo interrupted Azotar cunningly. My orders are not
breaking the Subir code, Azotar. I am still following the rules. Recall number ten,
if youll be so kind. Azotar looked confused, as if he was mentally questioning
the prince why he was to say the rule allowed. Tavo narrowed his eyes, glaring at
the Volan with eyes that seemed to pierce his soul. Say it!
U-uhIf it is a royal member of the Kings family, he or she has the desire to
veto the punishment and/or penalty of a traitor or prisoner, he or she must hold a
Flock Gathering to state his or her reasoning. The Flock must then
Decide on whos right is stronger and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, said Tavo,
interrupting Azotar once again with his normal humour which made Evectri smile.
My point is, I have a say in what happens to Evectri, especially now that I know
hes alive. So, as I said before. . .Laidia, stand down. The last part was more
demanding than the others, making Laidia dip her head respectively before
reluctantly stepping off of Evectri, who inwardly sighed with relief.
With a bit of effort, Evectri sat up, his wings falling limp beside him as he stared at
his brother whod tore his gaze from Laidia to look at him. They continued to look
into each others eyes, the silence lasting only moments. It was normal, because
they were close, even if it wasnt as enough as some other siblings.
Well take him back to the island, though by the state of his wings, Im assuming
he cant fly on his own. Tavo gave a small chuckle after that with an amused purr,
but eventually turned back toward Intono and Azotar. Because I dont truthfully
trust Kien and Laidia to properly carry out the order, you two are to carry him
home. However, if either of you drop Evectri or hurt him, you will get punished.
Intono and Azotar both dipped their heads respectively, showing Tavo their
Good, said Tavo proudly. I will lead the patrol home, Laidia will follow behind
me, Intono, Evectri, and Azotar will be behind her, and Kien will be in the back.
Everything clear? Everyone gave a few nods aside from Evectri, whod forced
himself to a standing position now.
Intono came up onto his right while Azotar walked up onto Evectris left, all while
Laidia walked in front of them and Tavo before her. Kien was behind them,
readying himself for take-off as everyone looked to the sky, choosing a spot in the
sky where they wanted to end up.
Kreis Operio! Tavo yowled before jumping into the air, his legs bounding off the
ground as his powerful brown wings flapped himself into the air. Laidia followed
before Evectri was pulled up into the air, with pain slightly rippling through his
body as his feet dangled. Intono and Azotar were obviously doing all the work.
To the cats, they were probably all invisible by now due to the circle of
concealment, also known as the Kreis Operio. So basically, to the cats, all they
could see was Tavos flame coloured orb flying through the air, Laidias orb,
which was emerald, Intonos flashy black orb, which was rare, Evectris icy blue
orbit wasnt rare, but it was uncommonAzotars mud brown orb, and Kiens
mossy light green orb floating through the air toward the island.
Evectri sighed as he heard a distressed yowl of agony from Huntress, probably
morning as she figured out he was captured. He knew what he was doing was the
right thing, but it was also the hardest. After a moon and a half with her, he was
still unsure of if he was going to return.
Because now, after a moon and a half after my fatal banishment, Im going to have
to face every single Volan that I once ruled over and hope that Tavo convinces
them Im not a total traitor.

Whyd you have to be so heavy? asked Azotar, struggling to keep Evectri up
with his wings. The silver prince smirked, his tail flicking with pleasure as both
toms seemed irritated with having such a hard time keeping him in the air. Not that
Intono was showing it. Like a good little assassin, he wasnt complaining about his
Its not my fault my wings are too injured for me to fly, Evectri answered,
noticing that his brother was listening to the whole conversation as they flew
across the salty ocean beneath them. You can blame Laidia for that. Azotar half
laughed, have coughed, because he was still having to struggle to carry out his
J ust like the old days, Kien said with a small laugh, flying behind them with ease
as he watched the three of them with an amused expression. You
would always blame Laidia first, depending on if she really did it to you, and how
much it would anger King Negro. I couldnt count how many times you two got
into trouble.
Hey, I can hear you back there, pigeon! Laidia hissed, though she didnt make
any moves to attack the now smirking Volan. And for your information, it was
usually his fault! All he did was start arguments with me so technically, he always
started it. Evectri smiled, feeling quite comfortable around his old friends again. It
was like every conversation theyd have, the only difference being the fact Evectri
was at the moment a prisoner.
Well, were home, Kien announced, his gaze upon the island below them. It
seems like the King has already gathered up the flock too, so itll be easier for you
to state your reasoning, Prince Tavo. There was a silence as they flew, the
crowned-prince still trying to plan out what he was going to say to their father.
The jungle was, to put it simply, the best hide-out anyone could think of. Youd
never know how many Volans were home because of the large palm trees ad
jungle-like greenery down below, which gave lots of cover to the weak and
wounded, not to mention those who need it.
It was about twice the size of the gathering island, giving them enough room to
train, hunt to the best of their ability, play, if youre a kit, and build many hide-outs
underground. Evectri remembered many things in the island, most of which he
pushed away, especially the last one.
Hey, Intono! Azotar hissed over to the highly trained war Volan. Not so fast!
Im barely keeping him up as it is and if you The sentence was ignored by
Intono as they dove downward toward the landing streak of green grass that was
empty just in case some late Volans were to arrive. Like them.
Azotar quickly lost his grip on Evectri, forcing his heart to race as Intono also had
to pull back due to the fact he wasnt strong enough to hold the silver prince on his
own. Evectris eyes widened as he stared at the ground below him that was now
rapidly approaching.
He spread his wings out, hoping for them to act as both a balance as well as a
parachute. It worked for a while, because though it wasnt exactly straight, he was
gliding through the air toward the island, ready to land. However, the pain quickly
caught up to him, and though Evectri could easily ignore it, this time he couldnt.
Especially after he heard a loud CRACK that brought him even more pain.
His wing, now completely broken, instinctively folded to his side to keep itself
from working, but that forced the silver prince to spiral out of balance. He rolled
through the air now, falling without the ability to land on his paws. His other wing,
still trying to get him back in the air, finally folded when he hit the ground, trying
to protect itself from the hit.
Evectri was winded after hitting the ground, even more so as he rolled across the
cool grassy floor. The silver prince rolled into a palm tree, winded and dizzy after
not only rolling for so long, but also from hitting to hard surfaces in only a matter
of seconds.
He knew hed gotten every Volans attention, for after the oof from when hed
been on the ground, and the yelling from Azotar, no Volan wouldnt be able to
hold in their curiosity. He could already hear the whispers coming from the high
rock, as well as the other four Volans land smoothly upon the ground.
Slowly but steadily, Evectri stood up, ignoring the pain which had now rippled
throughout his body, and staring at the faces he knew would attack him if he
wasnt careful. So many did he know and find familiar, so many did he find new
and interesting, so many did he notice gave the look of hatred and betrayal.
Evectri tried to stand proudly, his face going emotionless under the pressure of
everyone staring at him, even his father. With his training kicking in once again, he
stood there acting as if he wasnt effected, like Intono and a few others in the
crowd he could point out were just like him.
My son, what is the meaning of this? asked Negro from the high rock, staring
down to Tavo as the brown Volan stood in front of his brother looking stronger
than anything in the entire world. Evectri flinched slightly at the sound of his
fathers voice, having remembered once again the night he was banished.
However, he made sure no one would clearly be able to see the gesture of fear.
Father, Intono and his patrol found the traitor you banished a moon and a half
ago, Tavo told Negro, standing proudly as a prince should. And hes alive, just
as you can see. Ive brought him back, because now that I know hes alive, I want
to know that youre not going to hurt him. Evectris eyes narrowed with
confusion as he looked at his brother. The silver prince knew that Tavo realized
what he was doing, but the fact that his brother was still going along with it scared
him. Did Tavo even remember that arguing with his father was how Evectri nearly
died in the first place?
How can you protect that traitor? spat a Volan nearby. He stood up against
everything we stand for! He deserves to die, for defying our King at least! Tavo
growled, baring his teeth as he glared down the Volan whod said that, his tail
flicking with anger.
He was given his punishment a moon and a half ago, and therefore should now be
allowed to live, Tavo growled, his eyes narrowed as the Volan shrunk back into
the crowd. He was fatally wounded, and thats all that honestly counts. Another
Volan in the clearing laughed.
The Code clearly states one must die after committing the crimes our previous
prince put forth, the Volan hissed, looking hostile as his fur bristled. It is only
fair that these rules be followed, and unless you want to break the Code as well, Id
suggest you stand down. Tavo looked over to the Volan, becoming quiet for a few
You, weak one, have no right to tell me what to do, said Tavo coldly.
Furthermore, going back to the original topic, I would like to point on the Code
says nothing about what happens afterword, thus a dead Volan was to suddenly
appear alive. On that note, my brother should be allowed to live. Negro growled
then, getting everyones attention. The bat-like leader looked down upon his two
sons, obviously unhappy.
I gave direct orders to everyone that should they find Evectri alive, he should be
killed. Negro pointed out, sitting as his tail flicked with irritation that could not be
found in his flawless expression. By law he should be dead, no matter his
relations or his royal blood. Tavo stood taller as his father silently challenged him.
Its not his fault that the execution failed. Tavo growled, making Evectris eyes
widen. This was going too farwith saying that sentence, Tavo was basically
calling his father weak, which would then make Negro angry, and then lead to
another crime. Besides, rule number ten states that what Im doing right now is
something that can be done.
Yes, but under smaller circumstances, Negro growled. He was supposed
to die.
But he didnt, due to your stupidity. Tavo countered, his eyes narrowed.
Shut your mouth, Tavo, or would you like the same fate? Negro hissed, his tail
lashing at this point. No one here could have guessed that Evectri could live
through that wound.
Wrong! Tavo told his father. Everyone but you could have guessed that Evectri
was strong enough to withstand the pain from that wound and persevere through it,
allowing him to not only heal himself, but to keep himself alive for one and a half
moons. If you had been smarter, you would have realized this. Negro was quiet
for a few moments, weary about what exactly Tavo was implying.
Look, what Im trying to tell everyone is that it must be some sort of sign that
Evectri is alive, Tavo told everyone, turning to face the gathered Volans of the
Subir Flock. Any being would have died with that wound, so with that, shouldnt
he be allowed to live? He was given a fatal wound that was supposed to kill him,
and no matter how he did it, Evectri survived. Also, dont forget how loyal he
previously was, and how strong and powerful he was. Remember how much he
helped us? For that, he deserves to live. There were whispers now, everyone
talking about what they thought should happen to the exiled prince. Even Negro
was thinking about it.
My son, have you made your point? asked Negro, sitting tall on the highrock
again. Tavo nodded, smirking as he noticed how many cats were now on his side.
Then by law, I must ask the rest of you, excluding Prince Tavo, Evectri, and I, of
how you think Evectri should be handled. All those in favour of his execution,
move right. All those in favour of freeing him of all charges, move to the left.
It was at that moment that shuffling across the grass could be heard, each group
moving toward their sides. Evectri watched as a seemingly equal amount of Volans
went to each side, making his heart race. He wouldnt be able to fly away this
timenot with his wings this damaged. If he was to be executed, he was surely
going to die.
Finally, the shuffling stopped, leaving Evectri to quickly count the heads for both
sides. Twenty-five. . .twenty-six. . .twenty-seven. Thats half the flock right there for
my execution. Brilliant. Now Ive got to start thinking. . .I guess I could swim, but
even then that would be difficult. Flying is faster than swimming ever was.
However, those thoughts went away as Evectri counted the other half. Twenty-five.
. .twenty-six. . .twenty-seven. . .Thats it? Its. . .Its a tie? What happens now. But
only seconds later did he realize the small trainee in the section he just counted,
standing tall with pride in her eyes. Wait, does this mean. . .?
The decision has been made! Negro announced, his voice demanding just as a
leaders should. Evectri, my son and Prince of this flock, will be allowed to return
to our family free of all crimes! He will be allowed to stay, and no one is allowed
to disturb him. With that, I
No. Evectri interrupted his father, forcing every pair of eyes to land on him. It
was quiet for a few minutes, even as Tavos fiery eyes stared at him with wide
eyes, and Negro looked as if he were about to explode with anger and irritation.
Excuse me? asked Negro, in his royal demanding voice. Evectris amber eyes
looked straight into his fathers, forcing the fear to the back of his mind as he stood
up once again to his father. What gives you the right to interrupt me after what
has happened today?
I have no right, and I realize it, but as I told you a moon and a half ago, I
will not follow your orders any longer, the silver prince told the bat-like king. I
am not your puppet, or anyone elses, and I am sure as heck not going to fight cats
for the simple reason of they attacked us first. I stand by what I said so long ago,
and I wont let that go.
Then why didnt you accept death? asked Negro, his fur bristling. You cannot
leave herethat is against the code that was given to our ancestors, and that is the
one rule that cannot be broken. If you do not live here, you will go against
everything we are. Evectri nodded.
I know that, which is why I will agree to only stay on the outskirts of the Cats of
the Storms territory. If you or your Volans see me or scent me elsewhere, I will
admit to death easily. There was quietness as Evectri finished, each of them
probably wondering if that would be against the rules or with them.
How exactly would that help your situation? asked a nearby Volan.
Rule number one of the Subir Flock clearly states that beings who know nothing
of us cannot find out, all that excluding the Cats of the Storms since they already
knew and were, at the time, allies. Evectri explained. If I simply stay near a
stretch of land by the Cats of the Storms, letting no other cat or other being see me,
I am not breaking any rules.
If the Cats of the Storms see you, they would hunt you down and kill you, Tavo
growled in a tone of complete warning. That is, unless, you choose to always
cover your wings with Kreis Operio which is near impossible. Evectri shook his
head, surprising most of the Volans.
No, Prince Tavo, its not, Evectri told him, uncomfortably choosing to use
formalities because he was, at the moment, lower than his brother, and it was only
polite. Ive been able to master it with the time Ive been gone, and it comes in
handy when running into Storm cat patrols.
Ridiculous! An eight moon old trainee cant even achieve the ability let alone
master it! Laidia hissed. You must be lying. Evectris gaze shot over to her, his
eyes narrowed as his cold side came back to him.
That doesnt exactly apply to me, now, does it? asked Evectri icily. I achieved
the ability at five moons old, and even before that, I was able to use it to
completely cover my body, and that was without any royal training. And how
could you say anything against it? Until you pierced them purposely you couldnt
see my wings at all, could you, Laidia? There was silence afterword, for most
were too shocked of how accomplished Evectri had become to say anything, while
Negro was too frustrated.
Intono, was what Evectri said true? asked Negro, looking to the trained Volan
who still sat proudly with an emotionless slightly cold expression near Kien. Was
Evectri able to fight with his wings under the Kreis Operio? With a swift nod,
Intono answered.
Yes, your majesty, it is true, Intono answered. Evectri was able to keep his
wings a secret until Laidia forced pain to break through the defence. Very well
done, I must say. Negro nodded afterwards, seeming to accept the answer with
honour, even though the king still looked agitated.
Then he has proven himself worthy of taking care of himself, Negro told the
flock, his amber eyes narrowed with thought and concentration. He may leave
when he wishes, and return when he pleases. I would suggest that he stay here for
the time being, for that landing wasnt the best in the world, was it? With those
words, the flock was dismissed, and Negro jumped off of the high rock and walked
into his cavern den.
Evectri sighed with relief, smiling slightly at the joy of finally having trust again in
the flock. With his absence, he noticed that they forgot how special he was, and
how well trained hed become. They forgot how much hed learned in such a small
time, and why Negro picked him within the litter to be secretly trained.
It was at that moment that Evectri noticed a white flash of fur before being nearly
knocked down by a small yet strong amount of weight. At first he thought he was
being attacked, but in moments he recognized the sweet scent coming off of his
sisters fur.
Evectri! Cura said happily. I was so worried about you! I thought for sure you
were dead! How did you survive? Did you use those herbs I told you about? Did
you find someone to take care of you? My word, look at those wounds! Did you
even attempt to heal your wings? Evectri smiled, standing up after being knocked
Cura, its good to see you again, Evectri told her calmly. I know how much you
want to heal me, but I need to speak with Laidia, Kien, and Azotar, so could you
hold back the urge for a few moments? Curas blue eyes made her frown, as if she
was disappointed, but then she sighed.
Fine, but be quick! Those wings will get infected if youre not careful. Cura
finished with a smile, the kindness in her heart perfectly shining at that moment.
Evectri nodded before giving her a happy smile, showing her that he was grateful.
After this, he turned around, and made his way toward the three Volans who were
already talking to each other, no doubt whispering about the very thing he was
going to warn them about. Evectri stopped when he got behind Laidia, listening
intently to the conversation as the others ignored him, probably having no idea he
was even there. I must be really quiet, Evectri thought.
. . .and then Negro will have to get rid of him! Laidia was whispering, looking
very excited and happy in a sick, cold, and sadistic way that made Evectri scowl.
The others, however, didnt seem to agree with her.
Laidia, isnt that a bit much? asked Azotar, tilting his head to the side. He looked
rather concerned, which was characteristic of him. Sort of. If you reveal this
secret to King Negro, well be sending Evectri to his second deathbed. Do
you really hate him that much? Laidia looked confused, as if wondering why
Azotar was asking those questions.
Yeah, Laida, Kien said, interrupting the short silence. He may have defeated
you in that challenge a few moons ago, but that doesnt give you the right to decide
whether or not he should die. Hes our kit-hood friend after all. Laidia, narrowing
her eyes, growled.
You and I both know that Evectri is no longer the well-trained master genius we
once knew him as, Laidia growled darkly, her tail twitching with annoyance. He
is weak, even more so now that hes befriended the princess. He is no longer our
friendhe is our enemy. He deserves to die. Evectris emotions lay calm as
Laidia spoke about him, completely understanding the reasoning behind the
Laidia, four moons ago there is no way I could have imagined you saying this
about him! Kien spoke up, his whispering growing louder and louder. You and
Evectri were practically declared mates, and now you want to leak important yet
deadly information to his father, who already hates him, just so that you can get
back at him for what he did? This is just pure murder, I dont care if he was a
traitor. Laidia looked to her paws, a small tear glittering down her brown cheek.
That was a long time ago. . . Laidia murmured, trying to hide her sorrow. After
composing herself in just a few moments, she looked up with a determined look in
her eye. I am not as naive as I was then, and Evectri isnt the same. Besides, this
is classified information that could save everyone, especially if Evectri is choosing
to side with them.
Are you saying that you believe I no longer have common sense? asked Evectri,
finally deciding to get their attention, alerting them that he was there. If I side
with the Storm cats, I would just get wrapped into another web of power, war, and
then Id probably become their weapon, something Ive already witnessed, and
dont ever want to again. the other Volans were too busy trying hard to hide their
shock to realize what hed just said, though Laidia seemed to be quick about it,
using her anger to block her fear and therefore focus on the conversation in front of
War is all weve ever known, and power is all youve had, Laidia hissed, her fur
bristling. Why then of all times did it bother you enough to defy all we stand for?
Why then, of all times, did it bother you enough to challenge me? And why then,
of all times, did it bother you enough to leave? Do you know how much pain you
caused us? You father, for having to execute, your sister and brother, for losing a
brother, and me. . .for having just lost a battle with my love. . .Why? You could
have just ignored everything! Angry tears filled the brown and white Volans
eyes, but Evectri wasnt showing a single sign of sorrow. Instead, his cold
expression had returned, forcing Laidia to hiss angrily.
There was a moment of silence in which Evectri noticed that the eyes of Kien,
Azotar, Laidia, and even Intono from the distant shadows were on him. He could
see their reaction to what was just said, and knew instantly that they all wanted to
know. Evectri had not truthfully explained the situation, forcing him to sigh.
Laidia, the fact that war and power rules this world is the same reason I left,
Evectri told her, his eyes looking deep within her as she gave the look of horror. I
was only a puppet, listening to my fathers every command. I knew what I was
risking, and I knew how much pain you and the others would be in, but I couldnt
stand it. I didnt want to be Negros assassin, and I didnt want to be a cold-hearted
killer. I wanted to be me again.
Laidias tears did not stop, but after a few moments of shocked silence, she sat up,
her tail covering her paws as she looked downward at them, hiding her sorrow as if
thinking it was honourable. She was quiet, as if ignoring everyone else to just get a
hold of herself. Just like the proud Volan she is, Evectri thought with an inward
Now let me make myself clear about the issue of the Lone Huntress, Evectri
started, turning to the other two, excluding Intono because the silver prince was
quite certain the trained Volan wouldnt say anything about the princess to Negro.
I am not in love with her, were just friends, and to repay the debt I owe her for
saving my life, I will be meeting up with her regularly, because at the moment she
honestly needs me.
If I hear that any of you leaked this information to my father, I will personally
come back to this island and assassinate you, and I wont be hesitant, Evectri
warned, his eyes bringing back the coldness within him. I will do it slowly,
painfully, and quietly, because this information is none of your business, and for
your sake, it shouldnt be meddled with. Evectri knew that they would take the
threat seriously, because honestly, hed done it before.
After a short silence, he continued, Good. Now if youll excuse me, I must go and
see Cura. Evectri turned to walk over to his sisters den, but stopped when he saw
Laidia once again, he stared at her, guilt clawing at his already broken wings as he
watched her.
Finally, after a few minutes, Evectri walked up to her side, leaning over as his
breath wondered by her ear, startling her even though she didnt show it.
You may not be my love anymore, but youre still the only one whos broken
through my barrier. Evectri whispered, listening to her gasp as he walked away,
ignoring her shocked stares as he smiled.
Sorry, Huntress, but its true. He thought.

Chapter Nine
Hey Rain! Im taking a while on these nests, and I still have to hunt for Lightning.
Could you possibly go check if Huntress needs anything? Shadow told me I needed
to check up on her, but I just dont have the time.
The grey and white servant quickly lifted his head from nuzzling the kits back to
their den as their mothers grabbed a few runaways from across the roomy cave. His
bright blue eyes looked to the light grey tom whom Rain knew as Breeze, and
smiled as he registered what the tom had said.
Okay! Rain answered cheerfully. Let me get the rest of these kits in their den,
and Ill go see Huntress. Breeze nodded to him before continuing to put in new
moss for the trainee cats. Rain bent down after that, and continued leading the kits
toward their den.
Breeze was the only other servant who was a tom like him, and they understood
each other. Both never minded their rank as the lowly servant, and neither of them
complained; Rain couldnt remember otherwise and Breeze had been there is
whole life. Apparently, Breeze had been brought as a kit, and had grown up being
a servant for the Cats of the Storms. So, with so many things in common, they
often helped each other out, and most definitely always made sure they were both
done by the time the sun set.
I dont wanna go to bed! the little kit in front of him whined, pouting as Rain
nudged her toward the den.
But you must, as your mother has told you, Rain told the kit, who was
stubbornly keeping herself in that spot. You must rest if you want to become a
fighter in training. Honey still refused to move, even as he used more of his
strength to push her.
But Rain! Honey whined, looking very sad now as she tried to give him the
puppy-dog expression. I want to be a fighter now! And I want to play! Can
I please stay out here? Honey tried to look convincing, as if a simple expression
was going to change his mind.
StarClan, kits are annoying, J actur muttered under his breath. He murmured
something else, something Rain barely caught, making his eyes narrow with
confusion, because he heard the words kits and Robinwing, as well as the part
arent as annoying. Rain was interested and curious as to what that was about,
and so he asked the voice within his head.
What did you say? Rain asked.
Huh? J actur asked, seeming to have dozed off.
Never mind, Rain muttered, inwardly shaking his head before bringing his attention
back to the small kit, who was still looking toward him hopefully. Honey, you
need to
Rain! came an angry voice from the nursery. Whats taking you so long,
mouse-brain? Bring Honey here now before I tell Shadow! Or would you rather me
get Lightning like I did last time? Rains eyes widened slightly before grabbing
Honey by the scruff and rushing her over to the nursery entrance.
Rain carefully set her down as a dark grey she-cat came to view, a smile on her
face. The grey and white servant tom sat up straight, smiling back toward the
familiar mother.
Thank you, Rain, and sorry once again about my sister, the grey she-cat told
him, making him shrug, flushing slightly as she said this. She doesnt understand
the amount of work you do each day and so she gets a little touchy with those
lower than her. Im sure its nothing personal. Rain nodded, accepting the
apology quickly before standing up and turning around.
Bye-bye, Rainy! Honey called out to him. He smiled as a warm feeling washed
over him. He didnt know why, nor did he want to find out, that kit made him so
warm inside. Rain just knew that the little golden she-kit was one of the many
reasons he didnt care how much being a servant cost.
He brought back his attention to Huntress den, taking in a deep breath as he
padded toward it. Rain knew about what had happened just a few days before, and
knew how devastated the golden princess was because of it. It was why Shadow
had ordered Breeze to watch over her, to make sure she was okay.
Rain entered the den with uncertainly, wary of the heart-broken she-cat that lay
inside. He didnt know how to cheer someone up, especially one that had just
basically had her mate ripped away from her. The fact that Huntress blamed herself
for it made the meetings horrible to listen to.
Rain walked in quickly and silently, careful not to flat out disturb the golden she-
cat as he sneaked into the large den. Moments later, he heard sobbing, something
that hed expected. However, Rain never really knew how destroyed Huntress felt.
He just figured it was a simple crush shed had on the loner.
Whos there? came the stressed yell of Huntress, making him go completely still
aside from his racing heart. There was movement near the back of the den, making
Rains breathing even quicker. All of his instincts were telling him to run, run far
away from the angry and hurt golden princess.
Ierits. . . .um
Get out! Huntress yelled just as icy blue eyes became visible from the shadows
within the den. I know my father sent you! I dont need protection! I dont need
guards! J ust get out of my den before I make you! Rain flinched at every word,
his head sinking lower.
Sorry, princess, I was just following orders, Rain told her with what he hoped
was a somewhat calm voice, though on the outside he probably looked the exact
opposite of that definition. Ierjust wanted to know if you need anything, but
ma-maybe I should just come back later. .. Rain quickly turned around, ready to
leave before Huntress did what she warned him about.
Wait! Huntress suddenly gasped, as if trying to keep him there. Im sorry, Rain,
I didnt know it was you. Rain looked into her eyes now that had she made herself
visible, stepping from the darkness of the back of the den and allowing some light
to spill on her. He was quite shocked to find that her fur was not groomed and
messy and her eyes were puffy as they looked toward him, glinting with a faint
Oh. . .well. . .I didnt know that you wanted to see me. . . Rain said, fumbling
with his words, curious as to why it was him that made a difference to Huntress.
Huntress gave him a weak smile, enjoying his mumbling as she purred with
I know, but it just seems like youre the only one who I can talk to anymore,
Huntress told him, still desperately trying to keep him there it seemed. She looked
down at her paws as she continued. My father is angry at me, the other servants
dont even know me, and the rest of the tribe just thinks Im a Princess, nothing
more. They wont think of me as a friend, not when Ive got Shadows blood
running through my veins. Rain gave her a comforting smile.
Well, I just think that youre a fun she-cat to be around, Rain told her honestly,
looking at his paws as he nervously shuffled them on the ground. I-I guess the
others think youre royal and boring like Shadow, and theyre afraid of your father
because they know how protective he is. Im not scared, of course, because he
cant do anything to me. Plus, Im not going to turn my back on someone whos as
broken as you right now. Not unless they dont wont me near them. At that last
sentence, he glanced up curiously before noticing that Huntress was looking down,
her gaze upon her small yet strong paws.
Sorry! Rain said suddenly, his eyes filled with worry as he realized what hed
just said. I-I didnt mean to bring any memories back! I was justwell, I was just
speaking the truth. . .I didnt realize it would make you rememberIm sor
Its okay, came a warm yet somehow chilling voice from Huntress, making him
stop short. It wasnt your fault. None of this was. It was mine. If I had just been
there for him, if I had stayed and argued, he wouldnt be dead. He wouldnt have
been captured, or hurt. But I guess we all make mistakes, right? Rain was
uncomfortable as he listened to her. He didnt know how to respond without
screwing himself up, or making Huntress remember once again.
It wasnt your fault at all, Huntress, it was his. Rain told her. Confused icy blue
eyes glanced up to him, narrowed as she tried to figure out what he just said.
What do you mean? asked Huntress, her voice cracking as emotions restricted
her vocal cords.
He told you leave, didnt he? He told you to go get a patrol, and even though you
argued with him, he still made you go, Rain told her, trying hard not to show his
embarrassment. For that, I think it was his fault. If hed let you fight, maybe he
would be alive. If hed let you fight, maybe your father wouldnt have found out,
and youd still be with him. Huntresss eyes clouded with emotion before looking
back down at her paws, his words probably leaving her even more devastated.
Or you could just blame the Volans, Rain went on, trying to keep Huntress
happy. After all, if they hadnt shown up, none of this would have even happened.
The constant wars, his first injuries, his death, his capture, your sorrow, and the
other deaths that go around. Maybe if you just focus on the real enemies, you
wont be as sad all the time. Youd just be a bit angrier, but thats got to be better
than being in here all day long. Huntress looked at him for a few moments before
a smile slowly replaced the frown on her face.
Thanks, Rain, Huntress told him. The smile she gave made his day, for he felt
proud and filled with honour as he was thanked by the princess. You can tell my
father that Im okay, but I just really want to be alone right now. Rain nodded
When he padded out of the den, he swore he could feel his heart dancing. To have
a friend like Huntress was like having someone you could always count on, no
matter if she was royalty or not. It made him happy since only the Servants seemed
to like him while everyone else thought of him as what he wasa lowly servant.
Rain shook his head free of the thoughts, remembering that he had a lot more
chores to do before night fell upon him. With the mood Shadow was in, who knew
what would happen if he didnt do what was required. Rain shuddered at the
thought before noticing that Breeze was already back from his hunting, and he was
just then setting down a vole in front of Lightning, who looked quite disgusted of
not only how small the vole was, but also of who had brought it to him.
It was at that moment that Rain noticed that Lightning was reprimanding Breeze,
making the light grey tom shrink as the authority figure yelled at him. The grey
and white tom didnt like this sight; this wasnt the first time Lightning had bullied
one of the servants.
. . .find something bigger if it saved your life, could you, servant? Lightning
hissed, wrinkling his nose as if the vole had rotted. This is the second time Ive
requested a squirrel and youve brought me back something like this. It just goes to
show everyone how weak and pathetic you are. Rain walked forward slowly,
listening to the conversation closely as he tried to gather up information before he
defended his friend.
I-Im sorry, Lightning, but one of the sighters spotted a Volan and the vole was all
I could see, Breeze murmured, his voice soft as he tried not to get the dark grey
fighter any angrier than he already was. However, that seemed impossible, for
Lightning had already decided to become furious.
You failed to do your job just because there was a sighting? asked Lightning
with anger flashing through his blue eyes. You are a servant, and servants are
supposed to do everything their told. Breeze was now fully crouched upon the
ground, shaking a bit as fear crept over him.
I-I know, but I dont know how to fight, a-and the Volan that was sighted was
coming right for me, and
I dont care if a hungry wild dog was after you! Lightning hissed, his tail lashing
as his fur bristled. I want you to bring me exactly what I asked for! Its
your job! Or should I remind you with a few scratches like last time? Breeze
closed his eyes after this, for Lightning already had his paw raised, ready to
punish the cat in front of him.
Rain thought quickly, worried for his friend, before leaping over to Breeze,
grabbing him by the scruff, and pulling him away from Lightnings claws. The
fighter look dumbfound as he slashed nothing but air as Breeze opened his eyes,
surprised that he wasnt in pain. When the light grey servant looked up to Rain,
however, he smiled, silently thanking the star-scarred tom.
Lightning quickly figured out what happened by looking over to Breeze and Rain.
The fighter grew even angrier as he found out that his victim had been taken away
from him. The dark grey fighter quickly stood up and stomped over to him, his
claws unsheathed as Rain struggled to remain calm and collected.
You saved him, you mouse-brain! Lightning hissed, his anger obviously taking
over now as he raised his paw, ready to scratch Rains eyes out it seemed. You
have no right to do that, fox-dung! Im a fighter! And you, a mere servant, would
dare interfere with my business? You shall pay!
Rains eyes widened only slightly before he ducked under the attack, avoiding the
pain that was to come with such a scratch on his face. Lightning hissed before
attacking again, but Rain just evaded his claws and stepped away as the dark grey
fighter walked forward.
Lightning quickly tried again, putting all his weight onto his hind legs before using
both his claws to attack. Rain easily avoided them, and though the dark grey
fighter seemed calm, the grey and white servant could tell Lightning was losing his
patience. Understandable, since a mere servant, as Lightning had put it, was
evading his attacks.
Finally, after much frustration, Lightning lunged toward him, forcing Rain to lose
focus. The fighter quickly raised his paw, and though the grey and white servant
tried to move, he was not quick enough, for in just a few moments he felt three
scratches stinging as blood oozed out of the wound.
He heard Lightning laugh, watching with pleasure as Rain felt the pain of his
wrath. Carefully, the grey and white servant opened his eyes, feeling the scratches
upon his nose sting even more. At first Rain felt weak, and somewhat disappointed
in himself for losing the easy fight. However, as time passed, he glanced toward
Lightning, and found himself very, very angry.
It was that moment that he ignored the pain and focused every bit of his energy on
the dark grey fighter, who had a smirk on his face after what had just happened. As
time ticked by, however, an expression of horror replaced the smug look, and Rain
found himself sadistically filled with pleasure.
The grey and white servant was furious at not only himself, but also the fighter in
front of him. It was unexplainable to Rain, because usually he would just walk
away in defeat. However, no matter how hard he tried, the only thing he felt was
uncontrollable fury that seemed to grow with every second Rain looked at
The cats around them gasped as they felt a powerful pressure, and Lightning now
held the expression of shock. Rain could feel the pressure pouring toward the dark
grey fighter, leaving Lightning unable to breathe as well as unable to move. Rain
wanted this; Rain was happy about this.
The emotions Rain felt were foreign to him, but at the same time, they were
familiar. It was as if hed felt this in a dream, yet had never experienced it
otherwise. This will to hurt Lightning, and maybe even kill him, was nothing like
what hed do in reality, for Rain had no reason to kill anyone. Not since his
memory had been erased.
Rainy, stop! J actur hissed, his voice also restricted it seemed as he tried to get his
master under control. Youre risking your life, idiot! Youmuststop! Rain knew
this, because if he killed Lightning, there would be no saying what Shadow would
do. However, like before, Rain couldnt stop.
Step by step, Rain walked toward Lightning with narrowed eyes, his muscles
tensed and ready to attack. J actur continued warn him, each second becoming
nothing more than a faded voice. Lightning was now shaking, the shock in his eyes
Of course! J actur yelled, seemingly to himself. Got allthe power in theworld
and y-youre wastingit onthis guy! Rain was feeling very. . .evil. It was as if he
wasnt him anymore, but someoneor somethingcompletely different. It scared
him. It shocked him. It made him want to scream, because he didnt want someone
to take over him. But he felt trapped in his own body.
Jactur! Help me! I dont know whats happening! Rain called pleading for
assistance as loud as he could. He was only a few mouse-lengths away from
Lightning now, and he was sure if he got too close, he would kill the fighter, and
that was the last thing he wanted. Make it stop! Make it stop! Please!
Yourenot doingthison purpose? Wellthen this willbe easy! J actur told
him, sounding quite happier. Rain was curious, wondering what on earth J actur
was going to do. More cats were gathering, and if they found out that he was
suppressing Lightning, there was no saying what Shadow would do.
Moments later, everything stopped. The anger, the powerful pressure, and
everything else. Rain felt empty, unable to comprehend why he was so angry at
Lightning or why everyone else was looking at him with an expression of complete
and utter confusion. It was as if hed lost his memory again.
In seconds he remembered, but he wasnt furious at Lightning anymore. He was
perfectly fine, though he was shaking slightly with weakness. Whatever had just
happened had taken a lot out of him, leaving him dizzy and tired, something J actur
probably forgot to mention.
To avoid being asked what had just happened, Rain stood up and turned around,
looking as if nothing had occurred. Rain walked toward the fighters den, using the
excuse that he had to clean out the nests to get away from the scene. However,
somewhere in the back of his mind, he knew that no one would forget this day.
Jactur, what on earth just happened? Asked Rain as he rolled up the nests. I felt
like I wanted to kill Lightning, and thats not something Id do. There was a small
stir in his mind, as if J actur had just returned instead of being there the whole time.
Rain wondered why, but ignored it. He wanted his first question answered before
that one.
Actually, killing something is exactly something youd do, J actur told him,
explaining it as if he should have known it. Rain narrowed his eyes with confusion,
wondering exactly what he meant.
What do you mean? Rain asked, trying hard to understand.
Rain, I cant tell you everything, because honestly you wouldnt believe me, but I
can say this, J actur told him. You cant fight anymore. Not unless you literally want
to go insane. Your mind is still healing, and if you get just a tad bit angry, it will go
on the defensive, and then continue on to kill whatever may be threatening you.
So you mean if I attack something. . .Ill kill it? Rain asked, his eyes wide as his
voice shook with worry. He hadnt every killed anything in his life besides prey as
far as he knew, and to have some. . .insanity that was as uncontrollable as what
hed just witness was like living in a horror movie to him.
Geez, I dont know all the answers, J actur muttered. Its not like Im a professor at
a College University. Im just someone who knows a lot about killing. Rain
narrowed his eyes, trying to figure out what J actur had just said. This created an
awkward silence that made J actur sigh.
Forget I said that, J actur told him. Anyway, did you ever wonder what that scar
was on your shoulder? Rain looked down at it, seeing the perfect black silhouette
of a star. Its the source of a certain. . .strength that you have. Its a little
complicated, but remember this: if that scar is scratched, your insanity goes up one
hundred percent, and you wont be able to control it. Unless you are gravely
wounded or killed, it wont stop, and I would think that at least half of these cats
would die.
Why? was the only thing Rain could think to ask.
I told you, its complicated. J actur answered calmly. Just avoid fighting, and/or
getting angry it seems, and youll be fine.
How did I even become this way? Rain asked, quite shocked at this point. Hed
chosen to forget what hed heard, though, and just listen to J acturs instructions
instead. He was one to worry. A lot. And what better to worry about than
accidentally turning into a killer with no heart and no limits?
Lets just say that with the loss of your memories came the loss of control,
therefore giving our powers free rein to do whatever they wanted. J actur
explained. Once you remember everything about your life, theres no doubt things
will return to normal, but right now youre just going to be forced to live with
them. Rain sighed, looking down at his paws.
I must had had a very. . .interesting life. . . Rain mused distantly.
Oh yes, very interesting, if thats what you want to call it, J actur
responded. However, I like to refer to it instead as a difficult, sappy, romantic
ish, crazy, eventful, fun, yet very creepy life. There was a moments pause and a
small laugh from J actur after that. And thats just the beginning.

Chapter Ten
So youre telling me nothing happened? hissed the dark commander, his ice blue
eyes flashing with a dangerous anger, fixed onto Rain as the scared servant
hunkered down as low to the ground as he possibly could. Half of the cats out
there saw you, telling me several unbelievable tales that all had one thing in
common: you were going to kill Lightning.
Rain flinched as the commanders voice boomed throughout the cavern den,
feeling the scorching gazes of the elders and Shadow burning his pelt. The elders,
who had come out into the open to listen to what Rain had to say, were merely
very curious it seemed, but the grey and white servant still felt their authority
burning into his insides, clawing at his belly as he nervously hoped that this would
go quicker.
II wasnt trying to kill him, I Rain started, but was cut off by Shadow, who
huffed angrily. Huntress, who sat in the back of the den merely observing at this
point, was scrutinizing him intently, her icy blue eyes searching for a different
Youre a horrible liar, J actur murmured.
Well what am I supposed to say? Im really a trained killer and can break into an
insane killing streak at any given moment? Rain retorted.
Rain, by the many witnesses outside, I know youre lying, Shadow growled low
in his chest. By the look on your face, you were going to kill him. There shouldnt
even be a question upon your execution, because of all the witnesses outside.
However, by law, I must do this.
Not to mention the fact that he didnt even kill Lightning, came a gruff voice
from the back of the group of elders. Commander, youre talking to a weak
servant who couldnt have killed the skilled fighter in the first place. Does he
deserve execution? I apologize, let me rephrase that. Is the slim chance of him
being able to kill a fighter enough to make you consider executing a valuable
servant? Think, Commander. Shadow scoffed, his tail lashing and his hackles
beginning to rise in his agitation.
Are you mouse-brained? Shadow hissed. Do you want to allow a killer to roam
our midst? Hes dangerous, and even dangerous weaklings should be put down.
There was another heavy silence, and then murmuring, each of the elders
whispering amongst themselves. Finally, after a few minutes, one of the elders, a
tall brown tom named Reed, stepped forward.
Commander, dont we crave power like this young tom has? asked Reed in his
rasping voice. He is strong, if only in mind, and do not forget the moment your
daughter brought him into this camp. She sensed the power within him, the
Flickering Flame, and so did you. We did as well, so if he holds this strange power,
shouldnt he be allowed to stay? The ultimate choice is yours, but please consider
the possibility that we have stumbled upon something great for our cats.
Yet another pregnant silence began, leaving Rain shaking with the fear of being
killed. J actur was mumbling incoherent words to himself lowly, as if trying to
decide something, which distracted Rain, with everything here being about him,
Rain felt the need to run.
The large black commander soon made his way over to Rain, standing directly in
front of him, which scared the grey and white tom into taking a few steps back. It
was obvious that he was in no way brave or courageous, which probably made the
big tom in front of him even more disgusted.
If I let you live, do you promise to abide by my rules, never again breaking it like
you did two sunrises ago? asked Shadow, his voice once again booming, making
Rain flinch. His head lowered, but he nodded. Bleakly, he thanked whatever god
looked over him for letting him live.
Then by the laws of our noble code, I will not kill you. Shadow told him. Rain
sighed quietly with relief, his eyes closing as he happily rejoiced that he wasnt
going to be executed. At that moment, however, he felt movement beside him, and
heard a loud shriek from Huntress, making him open his eyes.
Too late.
Claws raked themselves down his face from his forehead down to his nose. His
whole face seared with pain before he dropped to the ground, as if expecting
another blow. Rain shook quickly, his whole body screaming at him to run. His
eyes were screwed shut as he welcomed the darkness, hoping to free himself from
the pain.
Father! Huntress screeched, obviously shocked that the commander had done
such a thing. How could you do such a thing? You told him that you wouldnt
hurt him! Her voice was like music to Rain, soothing him slightly. However,
even she could not comfort him fully.
Our code states nothing about punishment, Shadow growled, standing tall as
Rain blinked opened his eyes, continuing to tremble violently. And not once did I
tell him I wouldnt harm him. A servant like him doesnt deserve that kind of
treatment. There was a pause before Shadows ice blue eyes locked onto him.
Get out of here, weakling!
Rain didnt need to be told twice. He quickly stood up from his spot, ignoring his
wounds as he ran out of the den, his belly almost touching the floor.
The grey and white tom didnt stop until he was near the trainees den. He breathed
heavily, his heart racing with rapid beats that he could plainly hear while he felt the
blood running down his face. It seemed like three long claw marks now scarred his
face, starting at his forehead, and ending at his nose.
At least my eyes arent damaged, Rain thought to himself, watching as three blood
drops splattered on the ground. I guess it could have been worse. . . No one else
seemed to notice him sitting there, thankfully, though it made him feel alone.
His head was lowered as he stared at his paws, and his shoulders were hunched
forward. The only thoughts going through his head scared him, but not only of
Shadow. Of himself. If he really was capable of killing, as J actur had said, was it
controllable? And if it wasnt, who would he end up killing?
I-is everything o-okay? came a frail voice in front of him. He looked upward,
looking into sea blue eyes that blinked with curiosity, though at the same time,
uncertainty. When Rain realized who it was, his head immediately shot up,
shocked that Blue had actually walked up to him. After the episode with Lightning,
he was positive that the forever frightened Blue never talk to him again.
Um. . . Rain mumbled, trying to get over the surprise. I think so. I-I mean, I
hurt, of course, but Ill get over it. I need to focus on other things. Rain was
partially lying, but at the same time, he felt as if he were telling the truth, for the
pain from the wound wasnt what was hurting him. It was the fear of himself that
was leaving him mentally discomforted.
J -just remember to smile, o-okay? asked Blue, giving a weak, yet meaningful
grin that soon faded as she took a step away, feeling it was her time to leave.
However, as Rain quickly sat up, she stopped, her eyes wide as she braced herself
for punishment. This was nothing unusual, so Rain didnt mind. It was just her.
Why did you say that? asked Rain, his eyes narrowed with confusion, though
curiosity was the only thing sparking his thoughts. His tail flicked with the
eagerness to learn the expression that was just used, because though he knew what
it meant, he wanted to know why Blue of all cats used it, especially to a higher
cat like him who usually always smiled.
IerI-it was a-a saying w-weIuse-used ba-back home, Blue stuttered
quickly, her ears swerving back and forth with nervousness as she looked down at
her paws. I-It usua-ally was-s used t-to tell so-someone to reme-member to be
happy. Rain thought about this for a few seconds before smiling brightly.
Wow, I never thought of it that way before! Rain exclaimed, his eyes bright.
That saying should be used more often! Especially if it came from where you
were born, Blue. I think Ill use it again, if you dont mind. There was a slight
pause as Rain waited for a reply. At first Blue did nothing, but after realizing that
he was actually asking for permission, she became flustered again and simply
nodded, too rattled to say anything. Rain nodded before flashing her another smile
and walking on, the pain from his wound totally forgotten about.
However, it didnt last long.
Rain froze as soon as he saw the dark grey tom standing in front of him. Lightning
towered over him, his eyes narrowed with anger, though he had the ability to
control it physically. This tom was trained well, for Lightning was so seemingly
calm it made Rain even more fearful of what was to come.
There was a small silence, both looking into each others soul as Rains eyes
searched for the toms plans, while Lightning searched for a weakness, something
that would further cause Rain to break.
Scared as ever, I see, Lightning growled at last, his cool voice sending shivers
down Rains spine. The servant trembled, taking a step back, his instincts flaring,
and sending alarms to his brain for him to run. Yet still too defiant to run.
Rain didnt speak, he just continued to step backward, his ears flicking backwards
as he inwardly pleaded for someone to help. His tail-tip twitched behind him, eyes
wide. However, he was sure of something, as if certain that the tom in front of him
wouldnt attack.
Rainy, pay attention! J actur yelled at him, voice laced with irritation and worry, as
if he knew something bad was soon to come. Anger is not the only other emotion
that could make you go crazy! You just push past this! Ive already looked into his
mind, and just know this, he isnt going to kill you or hurt you.
You looked into his mind? Rain asked, startled. What else could the voice within
his head do? How did you do that?
Dont fret about me, just remember whats going on right now! I told you, Ill
explain later! J actur snapped.
Doing as told, Rain brought his attention to the tom in front of him, who, with
every step the grey and white servant took backward, took a step forward. This
lasted only a few moments before the sly tom snaked around Rain, coming up
behind him. The grey and white tom jumped at the warm breath on his neck,
having not followed the quick movement.
Lets go hunting, shall we? came Lightnings icy voice. Rain shook with terror,
his eyes darting around frantically as he wondered why no one had noticed him or
But I-I have to help Breeze with the sighters den. Rain replied breathlessly,
hoping this would throw the tom off of his plans. He wished desperately he could
know what Lightning was thinking, for his heart was racing rapidly at the thought
of being killed by a cat he nearly murdered.
That can be put off, Lightning murmured softly. Lets go now. Rain, having
no objection to someone who could kill him with just one strike, nodded bleakly
before walking forward, out of camp and out of the protection of everyone else
who could have helped him if Lightning decided to strike.
With Lightning right behind him, Rain walked through the rocky surfaces, finding
only one or two trees in sight. The warm sun was heating up their pelts quickly as
the dry spots of grain-like weeds filled the cracks of the cavern floor, which
seemed to stretch on for miles. It was not flat, though, but instead full dips and
dives as well as sharp high rocks that protected them against other creatures.
Rain rarely saw the outside of camp because he was usually stuck cleaning out the
dens. He was unfamiliar with these surroundings, which forced him into an even
deeper level of anxiety. His paws shook and his breathing came in harsh, rapid
They stopped underneath a large oak tree that shaded a good portion of the land
around them. Lightning stepped away from him, and before Rain could realize it,
the dark grey tom was in front of him, his cold eyes staring back at him, boring
into Rain.
Shadow told me that youre not going to be punished, Lightning hissed, his tail
lashing angrily, though his eyes showed it even more. Such a little hypocrite, isnt
B-but he did punish me, Rain said softly, afraid to speak loudly in fear that
Lightning would attack him. The marks on my forehead prove it. Lightning
chuckled, a wicked grin forming on his lips.
That is not an equal punishment for what you did to me, Lightning snarled
coolly. You humiliated me, forced several cats to look down upon me. You even
tried to kill me. A few little marks wont do the deeds justice. Only death will.
Rains eyes widened, his body growing closer and closer to the ground.
Dont worry, weak servant, Im not going to kill you, Lightning continued. That
would cost me my position, for Huntress would certainly have me killed. Besides,
other cats would judge me, and I like my reputation the way it is. So, for now, I am
just going to ask you exactly how you did it. Rain, scared out of his wits, just
stood there, allowing a silence to take over the conversation. Lightning narrowed
his eyes. Answer me! he demanded.
I-I dont know! Rain answered, unable to think of anything better in his state of
mind. I was just angry! Lightnings eyes blazed.
Then how do you explain the fact you werent letting me breath? Lightning
nearly howled. It felt like a whole hurricane was being thrown in my direction!
How do you explain that? No cat has ever been able to control pressure at all!
Rain took a step back, his ears flat against his head as he cowered submissively.
I told you, I dont know! Rain pleaded, his eyes begging for Lightning to stop.
This just seemed to make Lightning angrier, for his ears flattened, and his lips
drew back into a snarl.
Dont play around with me, weakling! Even you should understand that that was a
horrible lie! Lightning yelled, standing taller as he tried to gain advantage of his
prey. Then, his paw was raised, and in just three seconds, another round of pain
was sent scorching up Rains neck.
The grey and white servant gasped as the claw marks on his chest began stinging
just as bad as the ones on his forehead. His eyes widened as he finally grasped the
concept that he was being attacked once more.
Mouse-brain! If you defy his orders, than youll be dead in seconds! Rain heard
J actur yell to him, noticing the irritation in his voice growing further into the anger.
Im trying! Rain told him, his ears quickly picking up the footsteps of Lightning,
who seemed highly amused. I just dont know what to say!
Just follow my lead! J actur hissed.
Scared, arent you, little weakling? asked Lightning, sneering. J ust answer me,
and I wont hurt you. Deal? Rain didnt reply; he was still not only getting over
the shock, but also listening to J acturs rapid orders. Lightning hissed loudly, his
eyes filled with anger and irritation. Answer me, mouse-brain!
Alright, alright! Rain cried, trying to sound believable. A-at first I was just
angry, mostly because youd beaten me. I wasnt in control, I was just too angry. I
dont know how I did the pressure thingmy past probably has something to do
with it. I-Im sorry, just please dont kill me!
Everything in that sentence made his instincts flare, as if he was supposed to be
disgusted with himself for saying something so weak. However, Rain understood
why it was needed. As J actur had said, acting weak would blind Lightnings will to
Hmph! What a despicable runt you are, Lightning hissed, his voice filled with
the disgust that Rain had hoped would be there. You dont even deserve death.
Though maybe, to put me out of my misery, I should give it to you. Rain was
about to fake another whimper, but a sound caught his attention.
Rain couldnt place it completely, but it sounded like a bird. But not only one, a
whole flock of them, and the sound was growing closer. It made the grey and white
servant curious, looking up into the sky as he tried to figure out what was
What are you looking at, you worthless piece of mouse-dung? Lightning hissed,
noticing Rains distracted gaze, which was now to the branches of the trees.
Through the small gaps, Rain noticed the birds. They were big, and they were
charging toward them, as if trying to kill them. Curious yet cautious, Rain stood up
straighter, squinting his eyes as he tried hard to figure out the reason of the birds
sudden charge.
And then he saw it.
The cold eyes of the enemy. The anger flashing through their powerful wings as
their claws unsheathed, ready to attack. The tails of balance as they flew quickly
toward the two cats, their wings grabbing as much air as they could to push
themselves through the air. They were the Volans, a creature whom Rain had never
Theyre coming! Rain yelled to Lightning, his eyes widened with fear. The
Volans! Theres an ambusha whole group coming right this way! Lightning
laughed, his anger growing.
Oh really? Then why dont I see anything? Lightning hissed. Rain pushed
Lightning, and flicked his tail toward a large gap in the tree where the leaves did
not meet. Lightnings eyes squinted with reluctance, but soon widened with fear.
Look! Right there! See? Theyre coming! Rain yelled, trying to get the tom to
run. However, the grey fighter was frozen in his spot, unable to move at the shock
of so many enemies coming closer. Mouse-brain! We have to move before they
catch us!
Too late.
The Volans were already crashing through the branches of the tree, coming down
straight for them, their eyes set on their chosen prey. Rain quickly pushed
Lightning over, breaking him out of his stupefied trance. Both of them ran off after
Lightning stood up, and the only thing on their minds was to get back home.
Lightning was faster, and he paid no attention to Rain, who was slowly falling
behind. Rain didnt mind, for J acturs constant reminders of his power kept him
going. With those words, he found his endurance, running as fast as he could while
he heard the beating of even more wings.
How many are there? Lightning yelled back to him, his grey fur bristling while
his tail seemed twice the size as it was before.
Eleven at least! Rain replied, his breath nearly gone after having not run in
moons. There could be more, though, if this is an ambush! We need to hurry and
alert the others! Rain had only half an idea what hed just said, but it was instinct,
something he hadnt felt before.
Rain hurried, smiling widely as he saw the small camp entrance. He chased
Lightning, his claws staying sheathed for just the time being. He could hear several
wings fluttering behind him, and they were just coming closer. They were only
inches from the ground, though, using their ability to fly to their ability.
Lightning was first to make it to the camp entrance, sneaking in easily. However,
Rain was too late. The Volans had caught up to them, and as their leader flew past
them, another Volan flew above him, a sick smile upon his face. Rain barely had
enough time to register this before the Volan dove down, picking Rain up by
wrapping his legs around the grey and white servants belly. After this, the Volan
drug him straight upward.
It was too fast for Rain, for he could not breathe quickly enough before another
gust of pressure knocked it out of him again. The black Volan bringing him up was
strong, for he was using his wings bring Rain upward quickly. Then, before Rain
could realize what the Volan was doing, he fell, looking upward to the black
Volans wicked smile.
Rain tried hard to claw at the empty air, searching for something to break the fall,
so he wouldnt get full contact when he finally met the grounds hard rocky
surface. However, none of what he was doing helped, for he just kept find himself
plummeting further to the ground.
Do not land on your feet! J actur yelled to him. It may be your instinct, but at the
moment, youll just sprain it. When I tell you, flip your body so that your shoulder
hits the ground first! It might hurt, but it wont break, I promise! Rain nodded the
best he could, the warm air rushing upward as the ground got closer.
Then, right as J actur told him to flip over, he did. In a sickening crack, Rain felt the
ground beneath him, sending pain up his shoulder and down his left fore-leg. It
wasnt broken, as J actur had promised, but it still hurt. For several moments, he
couldnt move, his leg numb as the shock ripped throughout his body.
He watched from his spot as all the Volans flew into the camp entrance, their
wings folding as soon as they reached the small hole. Rain coughed, realizing his
urge to go and defend his home. He wanted so badly to help, to bring down the
bird-like cats so that Huntress and everyone else could be safe.
With all the strength he had, Rain dug his claws into the ground and pulled himself
up, his leg arguing. However, Rain ignored it, panting heavily as he waited to see
how steady he was. After noticing that most of the pain in his leg was gone, he
sighed with relief before sprinting forward right into the camp entrance.
Within the camp walls, it was pure chaos. The fighters and hunters were battling
many Volans who were either on the ground, or in the air, diving down to attack.
Even Shadow was fighting, his powerful claws seeming to be the only one to
wound one of the Volans.
They cant fight like thisno one has ever trained within these walls, because its
always been guarded. Rain thought to himself, noticing how many cats were
already wounded. The Volans are too strong, and the only reason theyll leave is if
we over power them. But how do we do that? Rain quickly looked around for the
answer, hoping hed find it soon.
His eyes caught something else, though. It was Breeze, and it seemed as if he was
fighting a very small yet agile Volan as well as protecting Blue, who was shaking
like a tree in a windstorm. The light grey servant was doing fine, but the Volan had
a lot more stamina, which meant that sooner or later, the two servants would be
finished off, left for dead.
Without honestly thinking anything through, Rain quickly dashed forward, easily
avoiding the other battles as his eyes focused on the one he was going to interfere
with. Rain jumped out of the way of a rolling cat, and then ducked under a cat and
a Volan who was on their hind legs, biting at each others necks.
When Rain arrived at his friends battle, he found that the light grey servant was
already losing, for he looked exhausted while the she-Volan in front of him looked
like she could go on for a few more hours at least. Rain concentrated on her
attacks, which seemed to be mostly dodging and evading, before he knew what he
was going to do.
The grey and white tom sprung forward, unsheathing his claws. He gave a loud
yowl, surprising the she-Volan before landing on top of her, his claws ripping at
her wings. She screeched in agony, calling out to the other Volans as he attacked
the weakest part of her tiny body.
After a few moments, she rolled onto her back, smashing him onto the ground as
he tried to hold on. Rain felt more pressure on his leg, which was now screaming
in agony as he let go of her wings. The she-Volan quickly stood up, her breathing
laboured as Rain lay on the ground, trying to regain his breath.
Youre a weak one, peasant, the she-Volan hissed. In one moment, Id bet
Prince Evectri would have you killed. Rain watched her, but didnt move, having
caught the sight of Breeze coming up behind her. So, as she raised her paw, Rain
lay still, wishing that Breeze would be faster.
In just a few seconds, Rain saw a flash of light grey, and soon Breeze was doing
the same that he had done, which was claw at the she-Volans wings. Rain sighed
with relief before quickly standing up, ready to attack. However, before he could
do this, Blue got in front of him, her eyes filled with more determination than Rain
had ever seen in them.
Breeze is fine. Youve weakened her enough where he can fight alone, Blue told
Rain, whos eyes were narrowed with confusion. I saw a few Volans enter
Huntresss den a few moments ago. You must go save her. Rains eyes narrowed
even more.
But why cant Shadow do it? asked Rain, eager to defeat the she-Volan in front
of him. Blue flicked her tail toward the large commander, who was already
fighting two large Volans at the same time.
Hes already busy fighting this battle, Blue explained. He doesnt even know
his daughter is in danger. Besides, dont you want to save her? She saved you, after
all, so shouldnt you return the favour? At those words, Rain looked at his paws.
All of it was true; he needed to protect her. Not to mention the fact she was a
princess, and as someone lower than her, it was required he protect her.
Youre right, Rain admitted, his bright blue eyes staring into her pale ones. But
Im not giving up on Breeze. If he gets hurt, come and get me. Blue nodded,
agreeing to his condition. Rain left, evading more battles as he raced toward
Huntresss den.
When Rain found his way into the den, he sneaked in with as much stealth as he
could muster. His heart raced as he padded across the cavern floor, stopping when
he heard loud voices.
Aw, the poor kitty is scared, came an unfamiliar voice. Dont worry, this will
only hurt a bit. Besides, Im being nice. After what you did to me, I should have
you suffer, but unfortunately, Im on a time schedule, and if I dont return, the king
will kill me. Huntress hissed in the background.
I didnt do anything to you! Huntress hissed, obviously angry. I dont even
know you! The Volan laughed, a high and vicious laugh.
You dont know me? asked the Volan innocently. Well you should. I am
Laidia, one of the most elite fighters the Volan kingdom has ever seen. I was also
in love with Evectri, before you stole him away from me! There was a long, heavy
silence. Rain crept forward a bit further warily.
Huntress was in the back of the den, her tail lashing as she crouched low to the
ground, ready to strike. Her hackles were raised and her eyes were narrowed with
anger, but also a flicker of confusion. In front of her were three Volans. A brown
and white she-Volan, who had been the one talking, and two other dark grey
Volans, who looked ready to fight.
Looking for someone? came a hard, gruff voice behind him. Rain gasped before
turning around, finding a Volan twice the size of him. Amber eyes looked back at
Rain as he stared with horror at the sight of the enemy. He was unsure of what to
do, not that he got the chance to think.
The large Volan had already grabbed Rain by the neck, dragging him along after
warning the three others of his kind, throwing the grey and white servant into the
wall behind Huntress. The golden princess gasped as Rain fell to the ground,
Ah, so I see the princess has a knight in shining armour? the brown and white
Volan sneered. Too bad his armour is weak. Huntress, however, was paying no
attention. She was too busy looking wide-eyed at Rain, who had painfully
managed to sit up.
Rain, are you okay? Huntress asked, her voice high-pitched with the fear that he
was once again gravely injured. Rain nodded, lying just a tad bit as he felt his leg
acting up again, and the wound on his head reopened due to the pressure of the
cavern wall.
Oh, how sweet, the she-Volan said, smirking. Guess Ill have you killed early,
then. No need to waste time on two weakling bird-brains. The brown and white
she-Volan gave just one flick of her tail before the three other Volans within the
cave attacked.
Both Huntress and Rain evaded the first attack, though the princess had a bit more
training and speed, for she got out of the way easily while Rain had to push
himself. Rains ears played their part as they searched for any sign of the Volans
following him, as his tail balanced out his clumsy footing.
You three catch the weakling, Ill get the princess! the she-Volan hissed to her
subordinates. Rain had only just a few moments to think before two Volans
slammed him once again into the wall, making him hiss with pain.
Teeth sunk into his neck as sharp claws forced him to the ground. The three Volans
had him pinned and at their mercy. With the large Volans strength and the grip of
the other two, Rain was unable to move, and his attempts otherwise were in vain.
Rain was able to see Huntress also pinned down, the she-Volan grinning wickedly
as she sunk her claws into Huntresss side, watching with a sick sense of pleasure
as the she-cat yowled in agony. The pain in Huntresss voice seemed to make Rain
much more anxious, for he tried even harder to get free.
Letmego! Rain yelled, using his claws to pull him forward. The Volans had
a good grip, though, and they were good at keeping it that way. None of them
talked as Rain struggled, trying to ignore the feeling of agony throughout his body
as he tried several more times to get free.
It was at that moment that one of the Volans let go, throwing everyone off. Rain
felt his back leg come free, leaving him to kick the Volan holding him by his neck.
Rain turned around and slashed open large claw marks upon the large Volans
face, making him angry. Rain ignored this, and quickly sat up.
However, the other Volans were quicker. They had already stood up, and were
coming toward him. One of them charged, his teeth biting into Rains shoulder as
his claws sunk once again into his back. Rain yowled, but not only in pain. In
You mouse-brain! I told you not to get your scar scratched! He heard J actur yell,
though for some reason, it was distant, as if the voice within his head was getting
pushed away by something. Rain also felt the sensations of power, anger, pride,
and something else. It was something that made him tense up, for it was a feeling
that he didnt ever want to feel again.
Rain soon fell to the ground, seemingly asleep or dead to the Volans around him.
The bird-like cats let go, curious and surprised that theyd already done that much
damage to him. However, that wasnt the reason he collapsed. Rain was regaining
strength, calling it from his surroundings as he no longer held his own thoughts.
The one in his head were filled with hatred and murder.
What happened over there? asked the she-Volan. Well, dont just stand there!
He might just be playing a trick on you! Rain, after there was a few moments of
silence, grinned.
His eyes swung open as he shot up, his legs twice as powerful as they felt the
ground beneath them. Rains suddenly dark blue eyes were narrowed, and as he
grinned, the Volans could see the bright glowing scar that was once black.
Lady Laidia! one of the Volans called, his voice shaking with the fear of the
thingin front of him. Rain laughed, his tail lashing as he felt a quick and easy
battle ahead of him. He wanted to taste blood. He wanted to taste power. He
wanted to taste death. Somethings happening! He looks as if hes insane!
Cant you idiots do anything right? the she-Volan hissed. Her voice, the only one
familiar enough for Rains original thoughts to catch on to, made him turn around,
the urge to kill her being the strongest. The she-Volan, whose name was apparently
Laidia, was confused at first, but then she grinned.
Now this is more like it! Laidia yelled excitedly. You three, take care of him,
but dont kill him. Id like to play with him after killing this little freak. The two
Volans behind him nodded before taking a step in front of him. Rain grinned, his
insanity boiling as he felt the heat of the battle nearing closer.
The grey and white servant turned around, his claws unsheathed as he lunged
toward the smallest of the three Volans. He landed on top of him, quickly slicing
open his throat, and killing him instantly. Rain yowled with triumph as he felt the
blood in his mouth, ready to taste more as the other two came near him.
Rain quickly jumped off the body below him, lunging toward the other small
Volan. He went under the tom, his tail wrapping around the tall Volans leg before
unbalancing and tripping him. Rain let go before pinning the tom down, a sick grin
on his face, similar to Laidias. Never thought Id catch up, did you? His voice,
though somewhat similar to his normal one, was high pitched, like J acturs. It was
as if they were both talking in unison, creating an effect that could scare anyone
out of their wits.
The big Volan quickly lunged toward him after the grey and white tom had killed
the Volan he was on, but Rain was faster. He evaded the attack by jumping
upward, his head lightly brushing the cavern ceiling above him. When the grey and
white servant landed on the ground he smirked some more, finding pleasure in
making the tom chase him.
Quickly creating a plan, Rain let the big Volan pin him down, feeling winded, yet
at the same time, eager. Without losing his grin, he looked into the Volans eyes
before using all the pressure he could in sending the tom flying into the cavern
wall, knocking him out in seconds. Rain smirked as he stood up, shaking off the
dirt on his pelt.
He stalked gracefully toward the tom, being as calm as he could before raising his
paw, and finishing the third Volan off easily. Rain gave a hmph! as if wishing the
tom would have been a better fight. However, before he could say anything about
it, he heard another cry from Huntress.
Rain turned on his heel, his mind latching onto on sentence: protect Huntress. The
grey and white tom quickly ran over to the golden princess, growling low before
lunging, his claws unsheathed as he pushed Laidia off of the cat whom he was
The brown and white Volan was quickly pinned by the sudden amount of strength
that came from the insane form on top of her. Laidia was stronger than the others,
though, and showed no fear. Her claws unsheathed and her hind legs raked
themselves upon his belly. Rain coughed, but did not get off. He was weakened,
but he was not broken. He was stronger now, and no amount of pain was going to
take him off his goal.
Laidia grunted before her left wing wrapped around Rain and pulled him off her.
He rolled away as the brown and white Volan stood, her eyes narrowed with
concentration. She lunged toward Rain, who had already stood up, his claws
pulling himself onto the ground. He evaded the attack with effort, but he was
pushing himself forward.
Rain found himself in front of Huntress as Laidia attacked again, her teeth bared
and ready to sink into flesh. She used her wings to force herself to go faster. Rain
smirked before lunging, forcing them to crash together. Laidia screeched, but Rain
did nothing. His teeth sunk into her shoulder before gravity took over, and as he
fell, he threw her away, forcing her to hit the back of the den with a loud cracking
Rain landed on his feet, the grin on his face unable to falter. He watched as the
brown and white Volan tried desperately to stand up. When she finally ended up
doing it, her eyes were wide with shock, unable to understand what was happening
right in front of her.
How can you be so strong? Laidia asked. Im better than you are! Ive had more
training than you have! Rain laughed, forcing Laidias eyes to widen, taken aback
by the sudden change of personality. Clearly, by her expression, she had not
expected him to be so determined.
Thats where youre wrong, weakling, Rain chuckled. I have had several life-
times of training! Laidias eyes widened even more before Rain lunged, his claws
catching her leg as she tried to evade.
Laidia screeched once again before tugging him out of the den. She used her wings
to fly away, trying to call a retreat. Rain, however, was very determined to hold on,
and with his teeth and claws, he held her leg within his grasp.
Laidia still flew, though, and made her way out of the den with difficulty. When
they reached outside, Rain realized that most of the Volans were already gone,
save for a select few, who were in the air, trying to decide what to do. When they
caught the sight of Laidia and Rain, however, they were shocked.
Let go, you little bug! Laidia hissed, reaching back toward him as her irritation
got the best of her. That was a mistake, though, because that was exactly what Rain
wanted. He pulled her toward himself before reaching her left wing.
He quickly grabbed it, catching the important bone in his claws, which were now
sunken deeply within the flesh of the feathery wings. Rain was putting all of his
weight on it, and as Laidia tried to get away by flying, her wing was slowly
Rain quickly grabbed the end of the wing with his back claws, and pushed himself
further upward upon the same wing. Laidia screeched in pain as Rain bit down on
the bone that connected the wing with the body. He pulled, and pulled, and pulled,
ready to take it off.
There were several cracks, and many points of it were broken. Most of the feathers
upon the wing had been taken off, and were filled with the blood streaming down
from her skin. Rain still held his grin as he brought Laidia to the ground, forcing
her down as he bit onto the back of her neck. Several more seconds, and shed be
dead, and hed taste victory once again.
Laidia screeched with agony, right before Rain was forced to let go by the few
Volans remaining within the camp. He was pulled off and thrown backwards
before the Volans picked up their battle patrol leader and left quickly through the
camp entrance, gone to tell their king of what theyd seen.
Rain was breathing heavily as he landed on his feet, the pain of the wounds finally
catching up to him as the insanity slowly left, J actur having finally gained control
of it. Rain was shaking with the fear of it returning, and the fear of everyone in that
camp coming to kill him for what hed done, never mind the fact hed killed four
of their enemies.
The camp was silent, however, as he looked up to them, their eyes wide with shock
and surprise. Rain watched them as he felt sticky blood coat his dirty fur, caking it
once again with the horrid smell of death. Rain was tired, and though everything
was dizzy, he could still understand what was happening.
The silence made Rain nervous, but as soon as he was about to run out of camp,
ready to never come back after being exiled, Huntress walked over from behind
him, her eyes filled with hidden emotion that she only showed by helping him
stand as the others looked over to him, trying to decide what they thought of the
scene theyd just witnessed.
Are you okay? Huntress whispered. Rain nodded, though it was a complete lie.
His body was weakened, and the pain that rippled throughout his body was just a
constant reminder of how much he wanted to rest.
That was when Shadow walked up to him and Huntress, his blue eyes narrowed as
he also tried to figure out what to do with the dangerously powerful tom. Rains
head immediately ducked, his submissive instincts kicking in.
Well? asked Shadow, standing tall. Is there anything youd like to explain?
Rain looked up to the tom before looking out to the rest of the crowd. They all
gave him questioning looks, but there was no way he could answer. Shadow would
just see him as a weak coward, because he himself was still trying to understand.
Huntress, understanding the dilemma, nodded before looking to her father. A
Volan named Laidia had trapped me in my den with three other Volans. Rain came
to save me, but they were all stronger than him. At first they just forced him to
watch Laidia torture me. I couldnt see him, but in just a few heart-beats, he had
three Volans killed, and it only took him a few moments to take care of Laidia.
Shadow looked suspicious, as if he didnt believe his own daughter.
How could a servant like you have done something as miraculous as that?
Shadow demanded, his eyes narrowed. And besides, how does that explain your
glowing scar and your dark blue eyes? Rain was unable to meet his fiery gaze.
Is there anything I should say? Rain asked J actur, having absolutely no idea what
Shadow was going to do. If I tell him the truth, he might execute me because of the
fact I have no control over my insanity. However, if I dont tell him, he might do
something worse.
Correct! J actur responded, sounding happy yet at the same time his voice still
laced irritation. However, youre forgetting a key point in this conversation. Power.
These cats rely on nothing but power, and if they have a weapon like you, theyll
have the advantage over the war. Huntress has already caught his attention, now
you must give him a reason to believe her.
But how do I do that? Rain asked.
Easy, J actur answered as Rain imagined a grin on his face. Tell the truth.
Rain sighed before he looked down to his paws, trying to look as believable as
possible. I-Im not quite sure how it all happens, but every once and a while,
when I get angry enoughor too emotional, I should sayI sort of. . .snap. Thats
what happened when Lightning urged me on, but that was when my scar was not
scratched. When it was just a little while ago, I literally went insane, and I didnt
stop until the enemy was gone.
So youre telling me that you can become stronger just by getting your scar
scratched? asked Shadow, obviously disbelieving the words coming from the
lowly servants mouth. Rain became serious as his bright blue eyes narrowed onto
Shadows own icy eyes. In that single moment, Shadows expression turned grave,
realizing that the servant was indeed telling the truth. Well how can you prove
Father, I already proved it to you, Huntress said, her ears pricked forward. I saw
it with my own eyes, do you not believe me? And did you not recognize the power
around him when he was hurting Laidia? Hes special, father, and you would be a
fool to think otherwise.
It was at that moment that there was a stir in the crowd. Before long, Lightning
stood behind Shadow, looking strong, yet at the same time, embarrassed. I know
its not usually like me to mention stuff like this, but he did save my life so I guess
Id better mention it now rather than later. At that sentence, all eyes were on the
grey tom, who tensed as he was put under the pressure of the tribe.
What is it you have to say, Lighting? asked Shadow, curious, yet at the same
time, amused.
Well, the reason Rain and I were out of camp was because I wanted to know what
happened a few sunrises ago, Lightning explained, looking very flustered. I of
course asked many times, but he refused to answer. In the middle of our
conversation, he suddenly seemed distracted. At first I didnt know what he was
looking at, but then I saw itthe Kreis Operio of several Volans coming straight
for us.
So youre admitting youre blind, came a voice within the crowd. Lightning
sighed, tail twitching irritably.
No, Im saying that Rain has an eye as great as Moon, Lightning told him. He
was able to see those small little orbs right through the tree without any hesitation.
So I guess what Im trying to say is, Rain isnt the enemy here. Hes an ally.
Wait, Rain interrupted, his eyes narrowed with confusion. What is Kreis
Operio? Everyone looked at him as if they were waiting for a joke. However, he
honestly didnt know.
Its the hidden state of a Volan, Huntress explained. It means, in an ancient
language, the cover. With it they can hide themselves, or if theyre really
powerful, they can hide only their wings. However, weve only known one Volan
to do that, and he died moons ago. Rain tilted his head, very confused now.
But if the Volans were under the Kreis Operio, werent they supposed to look like
coloured orbs to me? asked Rain curiously. Huntress nodded. But I, er, didnt see
orbs. I saw real catsI mean flying cats. Now everyone around him looked
puzzled, and there were a few murmurs in the background. What? Rain asked.
No cat has ever been able to see past the Kreis Operio, Huntress told him.
You are special. There was a few moments of silence before Shadow nodded to
Rain and turned around to face his tribe.
Cats of the Storms, I have decided on what to do with our servant. He has shown
great power today. By not only killing three Volans, and wounding a strong one, he
also protected my daughter. I have decided on letting him take the last spot for the
sighters position, Shadow announced. There were many whispers, all of which
were confused or shocked. In a few days, when he has healed enough to meet the
elders, he will receive his name, and move onto the duties of the sighters. After this
day, he will be respected. On another note, due to his power, he will also have
fighter duties if he is needed. Our tribe has never had this opportunity, and I shall
take it.
He doesnt even get training? asked Lightning, looking slightly annoyed.
Shadows blue eyes looked coolly over to the grey tom, who ducked his head as
soon as hed realized how rude hed been.
Seeing as hes already proven himself worthy, I dont think training would be
necessary, Shadow hissed before looking back to his tribe. You are dismissed.
Please report to Ripple for healing. Oh, and Flame, if you are to come with me, I
would like to hear the reports for today. The flame coloured tom left with Shadow
into his den as Rain sighed with relief, sinking to the ground gratefully. Huntress
smiled. Her smile was the last thing he saw before he accidentally fell asleep.

Chapter Eleven
Youre it! came Spiderkits voice from behind Demonkit as a paw touched her
shoulder. The long black she-cat quickly jumped out of the way from Demonkits
swipe before dashing away, watching as the tagged one ran after her. Demonkit
wasnt very fast, so she found this entirely unfair; Spiderkit was older, too, with
much longer legs and better control. However, she would play the game anyway.
Demonkit pushed herself, chasing after the quicker, older she-kit, long black tail
flicking just in front of her. She had to dodge and weave between cats along the
way, careful not to trip anyone. Since a ceremony was about to take place, this
became twice as hard, because no matter where they went, there were cats
Demonkit ran faster and faster, her speed not quite matching Spiderkits as the
black she-kit followed the edge of camp, becoming sneaky. The white and grey kit
looked forward, finding her brother in front of her, eyes wide as he stared up at
their mother. She calculated where Spiderkit would be before smirking.
She forced herself just a stride faster, quickly jumped over Bravekit, who was
standing near Robinwing as the ceremony was about to begin, and pounced right
onto Spiderkit, who tumbled under Demonkits weight. They rolled over, bumping
right into Blackstar as she came out of her den.
Demonkit was laughing with joy as Spiderkit sat up, smiling as she was once again
tagged. The white and grey kit sat up with fur that was now twice as dusty as
before because of all the rolling they did. Demonkit wasnt one to worry about
looks, though. She just wanted to have fun.
Well it seems youve inherited youre fathers intelligence, Blackstar growled,
the iciness in her voice forcing both kits to look over to the leader, their smiles
vanishing like dew in the afternoon sun. There was a look of disgust and utter
hatred on the young leaders face. And his rudeness as well, it seems. Demonkit
tiled her head to the side, having no idea what Blackstar was talking about.
Demonkit! Whyd you jump over me like that? You could haveBravekit
walked over with Robinwing right behind him, his confused expression
immediately gone when he spotted Blackstar behind his sister. Oh. Hi, Blackstar.
Out of respect, he dipped his head before meeting his sisters eyes again.
Blackstar glared at the pale grey kit before turning her amber eyes to Robinwing,
who looked ashamed, but at the same time, stood her ground. The black leader
narrowed her eyes and stood tall with importance and pride in her eyes, shoulders
squared, eyes gleaming with impatience and annoyance.
Keep your kit away from me, Blackstar hissed. Shes already inherited a certain
amount of anger issues from her father, so try not to let me think Rainfur also
passed down his stupidity and knack for getting in trouble. If she continues to do
mouse-brained things like this, I might not even give her an apprentice name next
moon. Robinwings eyes narrowed, seemingly angry.
Thats not fair, Blackstar, shes only a kit, and so is her brother, Robinwing told
the leader as calmly as she could. I would think youre still fair after all these
moons? The black leader gave a cold look to the grey she-cat before walking
forward, ignoring the question.
J ust dont let it happen again, or I will let Sharpmoon know, Blackstar muttered.
After that, however, she stopped suddenly, turning around as if remembering
something. Theres another thing I think I should mention. Sharpmoons made his
decision regarding your placement after the rats have gone off to ShadowClan.
Blackstar smirked, as if amused. Hed like to see you the day after in his
quarters. With those words, Blackstar continued forward, her eyes glinting with
dark pleasure. However, Demonkit still tilted her head. What was that all about?
Demonkit shrugged before padding away, her eyes focused on her two friends that
stood nervously near the Highrock, their heads held high with pride as they
awaited their ceremony.
How does it feel to be an apprentice already? asked Demonkit as she bounced up
to Flowerkit and Spiderkit. Bravekit followed behind her, though he was a little
less rambunctious. Its already been two moons since I first met you two!
Flowerkit stayed behind as usual, but Spiderkit happily greeted Demonkit with a
lick on her forehead.
It feels so great! Finally we get to explore things other than this den! Spiderkit
answered energetically, tail swishing behind her. Her ears flicked sideways before
she looked over to the high rock, Demonkit following her gaze. Blackstar had
already called the Clan to the gathering.
See ya soon, Spiderkit! Demonkit told her friend with a wink. Sooner or later,
Ill be an apprentice right there with you! With a final smile, Demonkit bounded
over to her brother who had already saved a spot for them. His eyes were shining
with warmth as he gazed at Flowerkit, who blushed as she noticed. Demonkit,
however, just rolled her eyes. Hes in looooove!
WindClan! Blackstar started, jerking Demonkit from her thoughts. The day has
once again come to bring a kit out of their naive dreams, and into the reality of the
world! Flowerkit, Spiderkit, please step forward. The two did just that, the
excitement in their eyes almost palpable.
Do you, Spiderkit and Flowerkit, promise to do all you can for the Clans, and for
your king, Sharpmoon, as you train to become the best warriors, hunters, guards, or
mentors you can be? Blackstar asked, repeating the ceremony Demonkit had
heard at least three times.
I do, Spiderkit replied, nodding her head in response, not the least bit of
hesitation in her voice or eyes.
I-I do, Flowerkit said shyly, her head lowering just a bit.
Then by the powers of StarClan and the wish of our king, you shall be called
Flowerpaw and Spiderpaw until you receive your warrior name. May the stars light
your path. ShadowClan cats have already come to bring you to your new home, so
I will ask that you please say your good-byes now before you forget to. Blackstar
gracefully leaped off of the Highrock as two unfamiliar cats walked up to
Spiderpaw and Flowerpaw, whispering in their ears as they nodded.
So what do you think theyll be doing in ShadowClan? Demonkit wondered
Nothing wed like to know of. Bravekit murmured, standing up before walking
away. Demonkit opened her mouth to say something, but decided against it after
realizing her brother was probably just sad that Flowerkit was leaving. She
smirked, once again teasing Bravekit with her thoughts.
Is everything okay, Demonkit? asked a familiar voice. Demonkit quickly turned
around, her excitement growing as she realized just who was behind her. The grey
and white kit smiled as she saw the medicine cat apprentice who was already twice
the size of her, and still growing.
Yeah, just fine! Demonkit said, her dark blue eyes met his emerald green ones,
making her smile widen. Why? Its not like I look sick or anything, right? Her
head was tilted to the side, curiously awaiting the answer.
No, no, I just thought Id check, Mudpaw told her, giving a bleak smile in return.
Er. . .do you think you could come into my den for a few seconds? Demonkit at
first narrowed her eyes in confusion, wondering exactly what he meant, but after a
few moments, she shrugged.
Sure! Demonkit responded. I sure hope its excitingIm really bored now that
Flowerkit and Spiderkit are gone! Hey, maybe you can give me something to do!
Mudpaw chuckled.
Probably just something to think about, Mudpaw answered before turning
around and leading the grey and white kit toward his den. Demonkit pranced
happily beside him, her head held high as always, her tail twitching with eagerness.
When they entered Mudpaws den, Demonkit found herself looking for
Yellowstreak, curiously wondering where the elder medicine had gone. Usually he
was always in here. However, Mudpaw didnt seem worried, so she let it slide,
even though she really wanted to ask.
So, Demonkit, Im going to have to ask you to be quiet, and also very, very
serious, Mudpaw told her, his eyes boring into her soul, showing her how much
he meant it. Demonkit nodded, sitting down as she smiled to him, still having not
grasped the serious concept.
So what are you going to tell me? asked Demonkit. Im sure its exciting. You
always seem to have some sort of story to tell me, especially when I have to come
to your den for you to explain it to me. Like that one time when you told me I need
to stay close to Bravekit, and that other time when you told me StarClan was
watching over me. Mudpaw nodded, though his gaze was far away as though he
werent really listening.
Exactly, and you havent told anyone about those things, have you? Mudpaw
asked. Demonkit shook her head, leaving the brown medicine cat apprentice to nod
and sigh with relief. Good. Now, Im going to start off with another question.
Have you been doing as I told you by staying near Bravekit? Demonkit nodded
again, making him smile. Great job. Now another question, have you been getting
visions or dreams of strange starry cats that tell some sort of riddles to you?
Demonkit paused, having to think hard about that one. She seemed to always have
a voice in her head, but she wasnt sure if thats what the tom in front of her meant.
Well, for over two moons Ive had a voice calling me in my dreams, Demonkit
answered, her voice high-pitched as usual. I dont know what its saying, but Ive
managed to pick out a few words that have helped me.
Like what? asked Mudpaw, looking very curious now.
Something along the lines of, listen to me, and come closer. I also heard this
one time that she
She? Mudpaw asked, his head tilted to the side as his eyes narrowed with
confusion. Demonkit nodded, her eyes alert and focused, but at the same time, she
was smiling. She didnt know why Mudpaw was so confused and serious.
Ive never seen her before, but the voice is definitely from a she-cat, Demonkit
explained, looking at Mudpaw with wide and excited eyes, which were normal for
her. She almost sounds like me, but its a little higher, as if shes amused by
something. And when she laughs, it echoes. Its scary. Demonkits smile vanished
at that moment before looking into Mudpaws emerald eyes and tilting her head,
her eyes filled with curiosity. But theyre just dreams, right? Mudpaw looked at
her nervously before changing the subject.
Right, um, anyways, if you havent seen StarClan then that means youre
probably not going to understand a word Im saying, but. . . Mudpaw was
mumbling, but Demonkits ears caught every word. Anyways, Im going to tell
you something that you cannot reveal any of this to anyone, including your family.
Got it? The excited grey and white kit nodded eagerly. Okay, now listen
carefully. The brown tom closed his eyes, sitting still for many moments. At first
Demonkit thought he was just going to go sleep, but then she heard him speak.
The one we await has ignored us,
He will not give in to fate,
To those who are in danger will hate us,
If the leader continues to hate,
The moon shall arise, with stars at its side,
And the ones of the clouds shall continue to fight,
So shall the sun, with knowledge unlearned,
And the storm shall become one with the sun,
Justice, Power, Leadership, and Loyalty shall be tested,
The One who deceives shall vanish,
The One who seeks shall be found,
The One who receives shall be tested,
And let those who plays in the shadows be rested,
They are coming,
There was a small silence where nothing happened, but as Mudpaw opened his
eyes, Demonkit let out a breath. The chilling words from Mudpaws mouth had
definitely sunk in, but she was confused. It sounded like a few cats were going to
die, and then everything else seemed like something shed hear from her mother in
a lullaby.
What was that all about? asked Demonkit, her tail twitching with curiosity as she
tilted her head to the side.
I dont know for sure, but the dream that came with the words gave me a hunch,
Mudpaw told her, his voice calm, cool, but with underlying worry and anxiety, as
if he expected something bad to happen. Demonkit, remember this as you grow
into the warrior you truly areno matter what happens to you, or how screwed up
everything becomes, you have a fate, and you will become the strongest cat this
clan has ever known.

Stormpaw was sitting patiently in front of the clan, looking up to Snakestar as the
rest of the cats sat quietly behind him, waiting for the ceremony to begin.
Stormpaws fur was cleanly groomed, and it shined brightly in the sunhigh light.
However, he was not smiling. The only thing on his face was that of boredom, as if
he didnt even want this.
ShadowClan, on this day, another apprentice of ours has finally finished his
training! Snakestar announced, a proud look on his face. With my teaching,
Stormpaw has become a fine warrior at heart, and deserves once and for all to
receive his warrior name and be taken to ThunderClan! The cats around
Stormpaw cheered, and it wasnt just because they had to. A lot of them meant it.
Stormpaw, do you promise to uphold not only the warrior code, and to not only
protect and defend your territories, but your king as well? asked Snakestar, hiding
his resentment easily as the word king came out of his mind.
I do, Stormpaw said, the words sliding out of his mouth smoothly as well,
though he felt like coughing afterword. He knew that words inevitably meant
nothing, but he still hated agreeing to something he wouldnt do.
Then by the power of our king, I give you your warrior name, Snakestar
continued. Stormpaw, from this day on, you shall be known as Stormheart, and
we welcome you as a full warrior of ThunderClan. When the dusk patrol arrives,
you may leave with them. Stormheart nodded, and as this happened, the Clan
cheered his name, Rosepaw being the loudest.
When the clan returned to their normal duties, Stormheart found himself in the
same spot as when the ceremony started. He wanted to move, but an awful pit in
his stomach had formed, and an awful, cold voice in his head whispered, You wont
be returning here anymore. Youll be moving to a new home, the one your brother
was killed at.
Stormheart sighed. Why does everything have to be so complicated? He asked
himself. I finally get my brother back, and now hes gone. Worse yet, Im going to
now defend the bastard who took his memories. Stormheart thought some more
about it though, eventually leaving an empty smirk on his face. At least Im not
under the power of a prophecy anymore.
Having trouble, Stormheart? asked Rosepaw, breaking him from his trance. His
emerald eyes met hers, which glittered under the sunlight. Stormheart smiled as
soon as he knew who it was, purring slightly with happiness as she sat down beside
him. Its going to be hard living in ThunderClan, but please dont give up.
Dont worry, I wont, Stormheart told her with a smile. Besides, Ive got
Thunderheart to help me. Rosepaw nodded, though by her expression Stormheart
knew that she was far from happy with what hed said. And besides, I need to be
strong for the cats of these Clans. I cant be crying while theyre depending on me,
can I? Rosepaw looked up, her expression puzzled.
What? she asked. Stormheart blinked, unable to understand why she didnt know
about Snakestars plan to defeat Sharpmoon. Right then, it occurred to him that
not everyone knew, and Stormheart mentally slapped himself for blurting
something like that out.
Er, never mind, it was nothing important. . . Stormheart murmured, looking
away for a few moments. Anyway, no matter how far were apart, well always be
friends, right? Rosepaw hesitated, as if shed expected him to say something else,
but she then she moved on with a twitch of her ears.
Right. she told him, looking as if she were blushing. Her name was called from
across the camp, interrupting them, and she rose to her paws gracefully, flicking
his shoulder with her tail as she padded away. His head lowered as he sighed with
relief, having for some reason been holding his breath.
Hey, Matar, got any news from Jactur? Stormheart asked as he stood up, walking
toward the fresh-kill pile before anyone thought he was a mouse-brain for sitting in
the middle of camp. I kinda felt something yesterday during my hunting
assessment, but I just forgot to ask.
Hmm, thats unlike you, Matar observed. But again, I hardly felt anything either,
which is odd considering what Jactur claimed happened. We should have received
a splitting headache instead of just a stirring sensation. Upon hearing those words,
Stormhearts eyes widened, though instantly he made it seem like he was perfectly
fine, hoping that no one around him had caught his suddenly shocked look.
What happened? Stormheart asked quickly, his heart beginning to race as he
brought his food over to the warriors den, rudely ignoring a few apprentices
congratulations. There was a hesitation, however, in his mind, as if Matar was
unsure of telling him. Matar, tell me! I need to know what happened to my brother!
Alright, alright, said Matar, seeming somewhat irritated. Ill tell you, but first hear
me out. What youll hear is. . .concerning. You wont really like it. Matar paused,
as if expecting Stormheart to lay off, but of course, the brown and white warrior
was just listening to the story his partner had to tell. Matar sighed. The scar was
scratched, Stormheart, and his insanity returned. Stormheart felt his heart stop for
a moment as he stared in shock at the ground, forgetting about everything around
No. . .no, no, no, no! Stormheart yelled to himself. It cant be! If his insanity
returned, that means something bad was happening to him. Do you know who was
attacking? Do you know who he was trying to save?
Jactur was entirely too angryor was it happy? I couldnt tellanyway, he wasnt
able to explain everything, Matar explained. It seems. . .it seems as if whatever
clan-like group Rainfurs been in lately was under attack, and so he fought despite
having absolutely no idea how to do so.
He lost those memories as well? Stormpaw asked.
Yes. Before this even happened, he was a mere tom who had the wild instincts of a
kitty-pet. That is, until he began to protect again, Matar continued. The instincts
returned and he protected the princess of the group, killing three cats and nearly
ripping a limb off of their leader. Now, according to Jactur, hes asleep, and hes
been that way for a few days.
Wait, how did we only feel a slight sensation? Stormheart asked. My brother
went insane again!
No, he didnt, Matar said. He only regained his protective instincts. In reality, the
insanity has just become a part of him, something hell never forget. Its in Jactur,
though, so it was as if the insanity never left. Jactur just let it flow out of him to
help with what Rainfur had set his goals to.
But what about his scar getting scratched? Stormheart asked.
At that point, it reacted just like a volcano. The insanity erupted as soon as it found
an opening to flow out of. Matar told him.
Oh. . .well, is he okay? Stormheart asked.
Hes exhausted, apparently, and very wounded. However the medicine cat in the
groupor the healer, as they call itis quite talented. He should wake up in a few
hours at least, a few more days being the most. Stormheart sighed with relief.
Thats good. He said.
Oh yes, considering hes now been promoted from being a weakling to a There
was a pause, as if something had disrupted the conversation. Stormheart, being
afraid of what happened, quickly swallowed down the rest of his meal before
running out of camp, ready for the worst. He stopped after going behind the camp,
hoping to be concealed from everything else.
It was at that moment that he felt as if something was invading, and he crouched
low to the ground, baring his teeth with a snarl at the invisible enemy. Something
within him was not supposed to be there, and this made him growl lowly. Matar,
whats going on?
Jacturs decided to talk to you, said Matar, sounding suppressed. Its going to be
uncomfortable, but you must hear this from him. Ill be momentarily blocked, so
please, please, please dont screw anything up while Im gone. And with those
words, Stormheart couldnt hear him.
Yo, came an unfamiliar voice. Stormheart, at this point, was completely tensed up,
almost unable to concentrate as he tried to blink away the fuzziness. Nothing was
affecting his eyesight, but still, it was bothersome to have something unexplainable
in your head. It was as if J actur was blocking everything. Hard, isnt it? Hmm,
maybe thisll help.
In seconds, Stormheart was relieved of the unfocused feeling, but now he had little
to no idea where he was. It was a room full of large flat screen TVs, all twenty of
them being at least the 80 inches that had barely been known to humans when he
was a human. Everything aside from the TVs was clear blackeven the floor was
black marble.
The thing that disturbed him the most was the figure right in front of him. Instead
of Matar, like hed been expecting, a cat almost similar to Rainfur stood in front of
him, a wicked grin on its face. As Stormheart peered at him closer, he found that
the figure was nothing like Rainfur. The grey and white spots were reversed, his
eyes were a dark blue, and the scar on his shoulder glowed with golden brilliance.
This was, in fact, J actur.
Scary, isnt it, to see someone unrecognizable stand in the place of your other
half? asked J actur, his demonic voice echoing throughout the seemingly large
room. Ive never exactly felt this way, though this is still odd to me. I would have
never guessed that you had a million TVs in your head.
Waitthis is my head? asked Stormheart, his eyes narrowed in confusion.
J acturs dark blue eyes locked with his.
Well of course it is. Thats why you feel so hostile toward meIm not supposed
to be here, J actur told him, his tail flicking with amusement by his side. Thats
also why it took me so long to make the connection. Turns out I cant actually visit
you unless one: Matar agrees its okay, and two: its an urgent emergency.
Considering I just nearly lost Rainey, this is an emergency. Stormhearts eyes
Did something happen to him? asked Stormheart quickly, his long fur swaying in
an unexplainable breeze. J actur nodded and rolled his eyes in a decidedly human
You already know what happened, idiot, J actur hissed. Your brother nearly
died. Again. Anyway, what Im really here for is the fact that you need to start
paying attention. Stop ignoring everything. Stormhearts eyes narrowed in
confusion as his ear flicked backward. Something behind the TVs was moving,
and it was making an odd noise as if trying to yell, but yet it was unable to.
What do you mean? Im paying attention to everything, arent I? asked
Stormheart, ignoring the thing behind the TVs for now. J actur sighed.
I was afraid youd say that, the grey and white cat sighed. Yes, you are paying
attention. However, not to the more important things. Sure, youre supposed to
take care of your brother and all that, but honestly, you need to pay attention to
whats right in front of you.
Right in front of me? asked Stormheart. But nothings right in front of me. I
dont know if youve noticed, but theres nothing right in front of me anymore. Im
alone, and nothing truthfully matters anymore. Im just me now, nothing else.
J actur gave a cold laugh.
Wow, youre more of an idiot than I thought. J actur laughed.
Excuse me? asked Stormheart, getting angrier every second.
Everything is right in front of you, J actur answered him, his dark blue eyes
continuing to look straight at him as they seemed to flash with wisdom. The past
is still there, ready to be forgiven. The present is continuing to listen, trying to
create the future. And the future is in your paws, ready for your command.
What do you mean, ready for my command? asked Stormheart, his tail flicking
with annoyance. I thought the future was Rainfurs deal. J actur laughed again.
Stormheart, if you havent forgotten, Rainfur is stuck in the present, J actur
reminded him, his voice still echoing even though Stormhearts did not. He cant
remember the past, and because of that he has no idea whats in store for him.
But you, however, have everything.
I still have no idea what youre saying. Stormheart muttered.
Well then figure it out, because Ive wasted all my time with you, J actur said
icily, his figure fading quickly. Oh, and please do make your decision soon. That
one decisive movement could make it so Rainey and I will never return to you. J ust
lettin you know.
Wait! Stormheart yelled, getting up from his spot. What decision? However,
no one answered. J actur had already faded away, making Stormheart sigh.
Then, suddenly, the movement behind the TVs sprinted away, as if finally free
from whatever was holding it. Stormheart watched it, his eyes widening as it
walked through the glass of the TV, not even damaging the screen. It was at that
moment Stormheart found that it was Matar, smiling at him.
Well, that was unpleasant. Matar said. Nevertheless, it had to be done. Did
J actur tell you anything important? Stormheart shrugged, looking at his paws.
I feel like he was trying to tell me something that will affect everyone,
Stormheart answer him. But I just dont understand. . . He closed his eyes, to the
point of crying as he felt the soft breeze pick up, making him flinch as he opened
his emerald green eyes.
He wasnt in his head anymore. Instead, he was back in the forest, under the tall
pine trees as they swayed in the wind. Stormheart sighed once more as he sat up,
finding that hed most likely passed out after J actur had brought him in that TV
room. The brown and white apprenticeno. The black and white warrior stood
up, noticing the dim light from the upcoming sunset, meaning dusk was near.
And now to continue on with my newfound interesting life, Stormheart muttered to
himself. I would really like to see Rainfur right now.

Little did the ThunderClan warrior know that Rainfur wasnt in any position to
comfort anyone. Laying in the back of the healers den lay the white and grey
servant, his eyes just barely opened as he stared at the same wall of the cave that
hed been looking at for hours. He couldnt move. He couldnt sleep. He couldnt
do anything. And the worst thing? He couldnt regain his strength. All the while he
listened to a distant argument that seemed a thousand miles away, as if the cats
talking were merely spirits.
Hes growing weaker. . .were growing weaker. . .We must help him! . .
.We cant help him. . .He can help us! . . .No one can help up us. . .But hes who
weve been waiting for!. . .How do you know?. . .He knows something like us!. .
.How do you know?. . .I can feel him!. . .Yeah right. . .I can, really! Its as if Im
being pulled toward him!. . .Youre making that up. . .No, look! Listen! I can hear
him! . . .I can too. . .You can?. . .Slightly. . .So will we help him?. . . . . . . .Yes. .
.Yay! Hold on, young one, hold on! . . .For my sisters sake, hold on. . .

Chapter Twelve
Rain felt. . .different. He couldnt quite explain it, because after about three days in
the healers den, he found himself unfocused, and his mind couldnt catch things as
easily as before. It was as if with every moment that passed, he seemed to be
His leg wasnt broken, and his shoulder wasnt dislocated, but it was injured
nonetheless, and boy did it hurt. With every day that passed, it became even more
sore, leaving him to be kept in one spot and position, unable to move without
shooting a large amount of rippling pain up his leg.
His other wounds werent helping him much either, but over all, it was the fever
that forced him into such a lethargic state. He literally stared hopelessly at the other
side of the den, his breathing becoming laboured as his fur allowed his ribs to show
slightly. He was hungry and thirsty, but moving was nearly impossible without
feeling pain. Not to mention the fact that he knew with only one bite of food, he
would vomit.
Hed heard Ripple talking to Huntress often in a whisper, as if trying to keep Rain
from hearing her. Sometimes, even Shadow would want an update on his
condition. Truthfully, he didnt really want to think about that. To know that he
was no longer going to be a servant was fine, but he just couldnt grasp the fact
that hed killed so many cats in just a few moments. He was scared, but again, it
was a thought he didnt often think of.
Still not feelin so good? J actur asked, his voice actually seeming sincere at this
point. I wish I could help, Rainy, but unfortunately, I cant. Whatever youve got is
somethin spiritual. . .its too different. Rain didnt replyhe just wasnt in the
mood to think about it.
I-Im not going to make it, am I? Rain asked, this being the only form of social
interaction all day. After all this time. . .after all Huntress and the others did for
me. . .after finally figuring out Im special, and useful. . .after getting promoted
and worshiped. . .Im going to die. . .Im going to pass on. . . There was no reply. It
was just solemn silence.
Rain couldnt tell when he drifted on to sleep, only that when he was dreaming he
wished he was back in the real world. The dream mainly consisted of him running
away from something that he somehow knew was going to kill him if it got the
chance. It was a dark figure with bright amber eyes that whispered the name,
Rainfur as well as a few others that made him feel protective, even though he
had no idea who they were.
Suddenly, within the dream he came across a scene of horror. In front of him lay a
spitting image of him with dark blue eyes, but it was a she-cat, and she was young,
lying flat against the ground with a pool of her own blood surrounding her. Beside
that was a brown and white tom who had emerald eyes, but he was also still and
covered in the crimson liquid. Then, beside the she-cat, was a pale grey tom with
pale green eyes, his fur mixed with red blood as he breathed his last breaths. The
biggest cat of them all lay closest to Rain. The tom was a grey tabby tom with
sharp amber eyes, his wings sprawled out in front of him.
For some reason, Rain felt sorrow looking at these cats, and when he looked
behind him, he found that the monster had jumped, and was soon upon him. The
monsters claws was digging in his fur, ripping it to shreds as he screamed for help.
When the dreams became reality, when he woke up screaming as his wounds all
pleaded with the screams of agony, he felt like hed rather be sick than be nearly
pulled apart by an unknown monster like the cats in his dreamswell, nightmares.
Ripple was at his side at once, feeding him the poppy seed as well as continuing to
sooth him down. Rain was calm in seconds, and back to the same old position, his
breathing still heavy as his face resumed to show the hopeless expression as
The grey healer sighed with relief, but there seemed to be pity in there somewhere.
StarClan, please help him. He has done nothing wrong. The she-cat turned and
left, her tail dropping as she walked out of the cold den. Rain ignored her wish, his
eyes continuing to stare out into the distance.
Wow! This place is cool! came an unfamiliar female voice. It was abnormally
cheerful, which was something that Rain hadnt witnessed in what seemed like
forever. It seems darker than Owls mind, though, huh? Hers was all unique with
his jungles and caves while this one seems completely blank.
Were here for a reason, remember? came another voice though this one was
male. Jactur, where on earth are you? Were on a time constraint,
remember? There was another stir in Rains head, one in which Rain knew. He
was now curious, but he still couldnt move.
SorryRainy had a nightmare, so I had to go fix a few things, J actur said, his
voice now coming to Rains ears. Curious, eh, girl? You shouldnt be. In Rainys
mind, you could get lost in memories you do not want to wander. The girl seemed
to stop after that, becoming quiet instantly.
Who are they? Rain asked, his eyes narrowed with confusion.
Theyre like me! They justwellStarClan, I hate thisjust close youre
eyes, J actur told him. Rain narrowed his eyes in confusion.
What? Rain asked, utterly confused by this point.
Trust me, thisll be a lot easier. Just close your eyes. J actur told him. Sighing with
irritation, Rain did just that, but he was shocked to find that he fell asleep as soon
as he did so. When he woke up, he found himself sitting in darkness, which made
him narrow his eyes with confusion.
Wow, he looks almost exactly like you, J actur! came the female voice again.
Rain instantly found her, having been drawn to her pure white coat with nothing
but a chain link looking grey spot on her shoulder. She also had emerald eyes,
which seemed to glow in the darkness for whatever reason. Its so cool! How
were you created again? From the looks of it, despair, but it seems like theres
insanity too.
Eh, both, J actur answered, his figure coming into view now, right beside the
other tom. But lets not go into that right now. Remember what I said about
Rainys memory. The she-cat nodded, obviously being way to hyper than Rain
liked, especially since he still felt sick.
So why are you two here again? asked Rain before looking at J actur, who
seemed to be a spitting image of himself, only the splotches were switched, his
scar was glowing yellow, and his eyes were dark blue. And how are you real? I
thought you were only a voice in my head! J actur grinned.
Im much more than that, he said with a wicked smile. Moving onI think I
have a few introductions to make. The tom flicked his tail toward the she-cat.
Her name is Catena, and her brother over there is Cadeno. Rain tilted his head,
blinking curiously.
Chain and cuff? Thats. . .odd. Rain commented, his tail switching slightly. He
then noticed Cadeno, over his dark grey coat, was black rings, probably being
whatever cuffs were. He flinched away, however, as he saw Cadenos scary glare,
which basically told Rain that this was the last place the dark grey tom wanted to
So you remember how to speak Latin but you cant remember anything else?
J actur retorted. Brilliant. Only you, Rainy. Only you. Rain narrowed his eyes in
confusion, but J actur had moved on to other things. Anywho, these two are here
because they think they can help you.
Help me with what? asked Rain, getting quite confused.
Your health, idiot, J actur said, a smirk forming on his face once again. One
more day of this and youll be dead for sure. Have you even noticed that your body
is too exhausted to heal? Do you know that your body is too exhausted to hold off a
simple fever? Do you know that your body is too focused on healing itself to even
fight that fever? Do you know, that because you havent been able to eat or drink
for three days that youve now developed green-cough and a bad case of what the
humans would call phenomena? Rainy, at the moment, youre the equivalent of a
doll who can breathe, which wont be happening much longer if you continue on
like this. Rain tilted his head in curiosity. That was definitely not something hed
expected from J actur, but obviously the tom was worried about him.
Okay. . .but then what could they do about it? asked Rain, flicking his tail toward
the two new cats who seemed to be waiting patiently for the two of them to stop
talking. J actur shrugged.
Apparently, from what Ive gathered, their masterwhich is basically the
relationship between you and I, you being my masterdied, J actur explained. It
happens from time to time, so
There are others like me? asked Rain, his eyes narrowed in confusion as he
looked toward the two twins. Or, at least thats what they seemed like.
Yes, but only a few, J actur answered. These two came from a she-cat called
Owl, but she seemed to have been defeated, and once that happens, theyre literal
wandering spirits. They cant move on, they cant be noticed by any of the five
senses, and they cant live inside anyone else. Rain looked over to the two cats
with curiosity, but also worry. He wondered if J actur had just sparked a few
If they cant live inside anyone else, then how are they here? asked Rain, looking
back to J actur. The tom shrugged.
StarClan,dont askand I allowed them, plus they need your help. J actur
answered, his tail covering his paws as a small breeze blew in. Rain looked toward
the twoCatena looking helpful, and Cadeno looked protective, as if expecting
either Rain or J actur to attack.
What can I do to help you? Im not special like J actur or anything. Rain
murmured. His head was somewhat lowering. J actur gave a loud laugh that
sounded extremely creepy. However, from the looks on Catenas facewhich was
plain amusementand from the smile on J actur, Rain could tell that they knew
something he didnt.
Rainy, Rainy, when are you going to figure out youre much more than I am?
J actur asked, mainly to himself, it seemed. Rain narrowed his eyes with confusion,
but he didnt have time to ask the question that formed. The only way they can
move on is for you to allow StarClan to bring them into the stars. In return, they
will do something brilliant to you so that you can continue on living. Rain was
now thoroughly confused.
How could I do that? Im not special or anything Rain was cut off by J actur
sighing with irritation, his tail flicking with annoyance. It was as if J actur was
getting frustrated that he kept thinking he was useless. I am, arent I?
No, you are not useless, J actur hissed, making Rain jump. Did the voice in his
head just read his thoughts? You are quite special, Rainy, and besides, if you
dont know how to do it, just follow my directions, and then theyll be on their
way. Rain tilted his head with curiosity.
On their way where? he asked, hoping for a straight answer. There was a pause
as the twins behind J actur gave each other sorrowed looks. Rain soon regretted
speaking his question aloud as he saw the look on J acturs face, which also looked
quite dark.
Home, Rainy. They will be on their way home. J actur stood up and turned away
as he said this, ending the conversation. Rain sighed, his hope of a good answer
fading quickly. Catena, Cadeno. You will hold up your end of the bargain first.
J actur murmured, surprising Rain as the grey and white servant caught sight of the
toms face as well as heard his voice. It seemed as if J actur was now more focused,
and though he still held a smirk, Rain felt the demanding sensation that was
radiating off of the dark eyed demon cat.
How do we know you will live up to your promise? Cadeno asked, his ears
flattened above his head as his narrowed eyes of awareness stared at J actur with a
suspicious emotion. We want to go home J acturI am tired of living this life.
J actur nodded in understanding.
I swear by the soul of Santus that Rain will use his powers to transfer your spirit
to the Haven Of Sileo. Good enough for you? J actur was definitely getting
impatient, Rain noticed, though he was still trying to figure out at least some of
what the grey and white demon had said. Cadeno growled slightly before nodding
toward Rain, his eyes on his sister, who nodded.
Rain, close your eyes. Catena ordered him, her sweet voice making Rain do so
easily. J actur hissed slightly with nervousness, but it was too late to change
anything. Rain felt himself being lifted up even though he was quite sure that there
was ground beneath his paws.
Remember the best thing you know, something or someone that made you feel
like you were flying, or even like you had meaning in life. came Cadenos voice,
soothing yet still very mature-like. Rain tried his hardest, though it was difficult.
He wanted to remember Huntress, but something was preventing him to do so.
Hes not ready for this! J actur yelled, seeming very irritated and angry now. A
small grunt of pain followed, and that definitely came from J actur, making Rain
almost open his eyes. He wont be able to remember! He cant, its too
J actur, shush, Cadeno growled lowly. Hes fine, and if you disturb him, his
brain might be too dysfunctional to stop what would come. J actur growled,
furious at this point, but he was quiet afterword. Rain shifted nervously in his
place, wondering if J actur was actually in pain.
Rain, stay still, and keep your eyes closed, Catenas sweet voice whispered,
echoing. J actur is fine, and you will be to. J ust listen and do as we command.
Rain nodded, now trying to remember what Cadeno wanted him to do. It was hard,
but finally, he managed to have Huntresss image in his head.
The image faded, though, and became someone different, someone he could barely
see, yet he yearned to look at fully. Rain felt what he thought was his soul trying to
pull himself toward the tom who stood there, still as a rock as the grey and white
servant fought with himself as to what he was supposed to doing.
What in StarClans name is going on? Rain shouldnt be able to see him! His
mind has been completely wiped if the memory of J actur stopped before letting
out a very loud scream that made Rain jump. He was scared for his friend, and he
wanted to help. However, his body was too busy to pushing through an invisible
barrier to reach the tom.
Moments later, Rain was able to see the tom in front of him fully. It was a grown
tom with long brown and white fur that seemed to shine in the sunlight. The toms
emerald eyes showed happiness as they looked into Rains blue eyes, and for some
reason, the grey and white servant felt proud of this tom.
Yes! Catena cried out with an excited tone in her voice. Now hold on to this
memory! Think to yourself now, Rain: what would happen to him if you were to
die? Where would this tom be if you died? Rain was clueless, having no idea who
this tom was, but something answered for him.
Hold on, Rain, for if you die, he will have no one, and he will be lost and
condemned to making the wrong choice. Please, for his sake, hold on!
Other figures showed up in his vision. There was a light blue grey she-cat with
jade green eyes, two small kits, and so many more.
Rain. . .came a distant, familiar voice. Remember the. . .keep your. . .please. .
.dont go. . . More voices came, all of them overwhelming to his mind. He felt a
sickness in stomach, and it continued growing, making him cough slightly. He
could hear J acturs screams, and he wanted to help, but something was keeping
him right there.
Sana tuum, qui tenet onto ones diligit. Sit eum finisse fata, vivat, vita eius,
anathema mutare semit tu in sempiternum salvum mundo circumiacente eum.
Santus vi et virtute divinitatis suae potestatis mortis hic omittantur ne. . . came
the distant voices of Catena and Cadeno, speaking in the ancient language that
Rain could only understand a few words out of.
And then he felt it.
A great deal of pain was what he felt. Flickering in every direction as if a huge
hurricane was raging under his skin, making it impossible to move. It was so much
that he collapsed, feeling his weak legs grow weaker as if hed actually been
feeling his pain for a long time. Rains eyes closed, the vision before him faltering
before it faded into an abyss, filling his sight with nothing but darkness.

You could have destroyed him. . .I dont care! Those cats werent supposed to be
within him anymore. . .Oh, so that is your excuse?. . .How could that be even
possible? The mind overthrows the heart, doesnt it?. . .You meaning to tell me that
if he thought hard enough he could. . .?. . .StarClan, this is an impossible
situation!. . .Yes, you will be sent, just wait until he wakes up. . .How much did you
push him? He looks worse than this morning!. . .
Rains eyes fluttered open to the same scene as before. He stood up, feeling very
winded and numb, though also very, very dizzy. He swayed in his spot for a few
seconds, his vision fuzzy and unreadable, but finally he was able to see things
clearly as well as stand without feeling anything.
The scene in front of him was quite normal. Well, to Rain anyway. J actur was
pacing back and forth, his eyes on the ground as he seemed to be deep into
thought. Catena and Cadeno were watching him, as if expecting another rant,
which seemed far from happening.
Rain! Catena gasped, smiling widely. J actur heard this and stopped pacing, his
dark blue eyes darted over to Rain, slightly surprised but at the same time hopeful.
The demon put on a smirk before running up to him, obviously excited and glad
that Rain was back on his feet.
How do you feel Rainy? asked J actur, tilting his head slightly as Cadeno
followed his sister, who had already begun to prance toward the two grey and
white toms. Rain shrugged, having little clue himself of how he was feeling since
everything was honestly just a shock.
Okay, I guess, Rain answered, feeling a bit overwhelmed as the other two cats
surrounded him. I-Im a bit sore, and my head feels like its going to explode, but
aside from that Im fine. J actur nodded in understanding, as if hed expected that.
He then turned toward Catena and Cadeno.
Hes well enough to send you. . .home, J actur told them, which seemed to make
the twins very, very happy. Even Cadeno smiled, which surprised Rain a bit. Take
a few steps back as I explain to him what he needs to do. The two cats nodded
before taking a few steps back. Rain was slightly nervous as they did this, but he
trusted J actur in whatever they were doing.
Im going to join my powers with you, which may or may not be exhausting, so
be aware, J actur told him seriously before Rain nodded in understand. The dark
grey and white demon exhaled deeply, closing his eyes as he narrowed his eyes in
concentration. Within seconds, Rain saw J actur fade away.
Instantly, Rain felt powerful, more than he had since his fight between Laidia. He
felt his heart-beat quicken, his muscles tense, ready for battle. He felt his scar
twinge, and his strength rise tenfold, leaving his eyes to widen with the shock of
the sudden change.
Come forward, Catena and Cadeno, for the judgment of your advisement. came
a strange, unfamiliar voice. It was actually many voices, including J actur and his
own, and it was coming out of his mouth, which made Rain feel very, very strange.
As the two came forward, he felt himself prepare for whatever was to come.
You have served StarClan with bravery, and through many moons of sacrifice and
suffer, you shall be rewarded, the voices continued, forcing Rain to become even
more nervous. Catena and Cadeno, for your deeds, you will be sent home, and
you will go back with the spirits who have served us as well as you have. Through
Jactur and the Master of Insanity, you shall return! Rain saw the two of them
close their eyes before a bright light shined up above them as if it were the gates of
Strange voices came to his ears at this moment. They were cries, sorrowful
whispers, and happy reunions. Most were talking to someone else so softly, it was
as if they were saying good-bye, telling the other if it was alright. Rain heard
voices of laughter, and excitement, and then it dawned on him.
Yes, Rain, you are hearing voices from the cats who have passed. When J actur told
him this, he gasped in shock, and then realized that a few voices were calling out to
Catena and Cadeno. They both looked up and smiled with tears of joy streaming
down their faces. They then formed into white lights that shot up into the sky,
joining the voices and light from above. Seconds afterwards, the light disappeared,
and J actur formed outside of him once again.
Rain exhaled sharply as if hed been holding his breath the entire time. He
stumbled forward slightly, but caught his balance quickly, breathing fast. His blue
eyes flickered over to J actur, looking somewhat frightened, though at the same
time confused. J actur smirked.
You will know what this means sooner than you think, J actur told him, his smirk
forming a twisted yet meaningful smile that Rain couldnt really figure out.
However, you have another visitor. I would listen to this oneshe will provide. .
.valuable information that you might need later. J actur faded after that, leaving
Rain alone in the darkened forest that he stood within.
Rain stood in silence for a long while before he felt a stir. He stood, walking
forward as he followed the sensation, having absolutely no idea where he was
going. Basically, he was following instinct, no matter how stupid that was, and he
hoped that it would lead him somewhere.
Rain stopped as he no longer felt the sensation. His eyes darted in every direction,
feeling a very strong need to find this cat quickly. He caught sight of a grey flash,
which made him almost jump with excitement. Rain found his curiosity bringing
him forward, and so he dashed, trying to catch up with the cat.
When he did, he gasped again, shocked as his eyes glanced over the she-cat in
front of him. Her pale golden tabby fur was flawless, and her blue eyes were
glittering underneath what seemed like the stars. She looked familiar, too familiar,
as if in a very interesting dream. Rain stared at her, noticing that shed smiled.
Hello, Rain. It is nice to see you again. the she-cat greeted, her tail flicking as
she moved her body around with elegance in her step. Dont you remember me? I
saved youre life many times. Its me, Rain. Cheetahfur.

Chapter Thirteen
Evectri hissed under his breath as his unsheathed claws dug themselves further into
the ground. His amber eyes remained narrowed with concentration and focus as he
stared at no spot in particular. He felt Cura moving his wing, just like she had since
sunrise, and immediately he felt pain, which made his muscles tense even harder.
Stop moving, Evectri! Evectris sister ordered him as she continued to prop up
the wing. Youre just going to make it worse! He heard movement behind him,
and once again he felt more pain. He wasnt able to tense further, so he began to
hold his breath.
How broken could it be? asked Evectri impatiently. Youve been working on
my wings for what seems like moons! The grey Volan exclaimed, though he
wasnt really mad at Cura. In fact, he was glad that he was finally getting his wings
properly treated.
Its not my fault this wing is broken in twelve places! Cura yelled back to him,
though she, too, wasnt angry at him. She was probably just irritated with the state
of his wings. I mean honestly, the next time our father fights with another Volan,
Im going to make sure I have at least twice as much cobwebs! Evectri smirked,
laughing a bit as he tried to think of things that had nothing to do with the pain.
Whats exactly wrong with them? asked Evectri, trying to continue a
conversation. I can feel that the bones have not exactly healed together since Ive
been gone. Another round of pain shot through his body, making him suck in his
breath as Cura laughed slightly.
You think? It all healed together like a knot in a line of moss. Cura stated. It
would probably be less painful if it hadnt healed so strangely. No wonder you had
a crash landing. Evectri laughed, though it transformed into another hiss as more
pain came to him.
Alright, she told him a few a few moments of comfortable silence that wasnt
filled with pain. I just have one more thing to do before I can wrap it in cobwebs,
but it will hurt a lot more than the other twinges. Evectri nodded in understanding,
though he was reassuring himself more than his sister. One. . .Two. . .Three!
Evectri gave a very loud hiss, the agony coming from his right wing scorching
through his skin as it rippled throughout his body. He closed his eyes, as if hoping
that would mask the pain, and waited quietly as Cura wrapped it in sticky cobwebs.
The pain ebbed away the more she wrapped it, and soon, he opened his eyes to see
his sister in front of him.
All done. She said, sighing with relief. Evectri nodded, carefully standing as he
noticed that his wings were wrapped up to allow him to move. His sister noticed
this, and smiled slightly. It turned into a smirk slowly after, as if she did that for a
selfish reason. Now you cant make it worse by moving it. She said, proudly
walking out of the den as if shed won some sort of verbal battle. Evectri rolled her
eyes before following her.
So is there any news that I should know about? asked Evectri, hoping to get an
edge on what was being planned out so that he could figure out how to protect the
cats. Curas expression grew darker, her eyes looking to the ground as they
Ever since you left, there hasnt been a balance in the flock, Cura murmured
softly after a few moments of silence.
With your intellect, battle strategies were less of a massacre and more of an actual
plan to keep the cats down like all of our generations have done. With that
intelligence and balance gone. . . Evectri stopped as she finished, his eyes
narrowed with determination. She looked at him, giving an expression that made it
seem like she accidentally told him something that he wasnt supposed to know.
How many have died? Evectri demanded. How has my father and brother been
sending out battle patrols? How. . .have the little ones been trained? Cura shrank
back a little, as if his shouting was hurting her. He didnt let up on his expression
thoughhe needed to know.
Evectri, dont think badly of our brother or father, Cura pleaded. She sighed,
looking at her paws again. Patrols are sent out daily, and they are of large
numbers. The deaths are increasing, and now its not uncommon to have fifteen
cats set in their graves every moon. A-and the little ones. . . Cura drifted again,
probably having an idea how much the last answer would affect her brother.
Cura, its okay, just answer my question. Evectri reassured her, though he still
made sure he sounded demanding. This was one of the most important question,
because training effected everything, and since training was what forced him into
this situation in the first place, he really, really wanted to know.
More of them are turning out to be soldiers than solid fighters or hunters, Cura
said, looking angry with herself. I see at least three of them in my den a day, and
all of them have wounds that no kit should carry. Its like theyre creating more
grown cats like you and Intono than Tavo and Laidia. Its not right, though. The
training you received was for a valid cause, not a selfish need, and
Cura, stop, Evectri told her, interrupting her rant. His amber eyes shined with a
certain knowledge that only few would understand. I know that if they push the
younger cats into the training that I had to commit myself to, it will only end in
more rebellions. I will deal with this, no matter what our father says. However, at
the same time, you need to stay strong. He looked at her with a reassuring
expression to which she smiled slightly at. Lets move onto brighter newshow
many mothers have there been since Ive been gone? Cura smiled widely at the
change in subject.
Many! she answered gleefully. Klan, and Lucio and Ferg are all expecting kits
now, and the orphan Faliva opened her eyes a half moon ago. Oh, and Iveria has
raised Zinder, Siseo, Vidius, and Mofeta very well. In fact, they will be put into
training really soon. Evectri ignored the last sentence and raised his eyebrows.
Really? Well then, Id say youre doing a very good job, Cura, Evectri said,
making his sister look at him happily. If youve managed to have such patients
with three expecting mothers, and have raised Faliva on your own with the help of
Iveria for the milk, Id say that youre one of the best Healer this Flock has seen.
Not to mention the best Princess. Evectri winked, and Cura blushed slightly.
Well, I must say that you
Prince Evectri! Prince Evectri! called Tanzen, a very young fighter. The dark
brown sprinted toward him, that being faster than flying in a crowded jungle in
which they lived in. Tanzen breathed heavily as he explained. Lady Laidia has. .
.returned!. . .She is. . .heavily wounded. . .And th-three fighters have. . .been killed.
. . Evectris eyes narrowed once more, his mind formulating what could have
happened. The King. . .wants you. . .there. . .
Evectri nodded, before looking at his sister. Cura also nodded, her eyes narrowed
in determination. Both sprinted forward, making their way through the J ungle to
the landing area. Evectri wasnt worried for Laidia. He was worried of what his
father would do once he figured out that three of his fighters were killed in one
battle patrol.
My father isnt one to let these things slide so easily. Hell want to take immediate
action against the cats, and kill the ones who killed his fighters. Tavo will jump
right into that, probably, and so will everyone but probably the pawns. Intono will
definitely have a smarter solution, and so will I, if Im allowed any say in this
matter. Hopefully, with any luck, I will be.
As Evectri broke through the bushes and ran to the centre of the landing area, he
found himself shocked at what he saw. Eight cats lay remaining from the eleven
that went out, and they were all stained with their own blood. All of them could
barely stand, and their leader, Laidia, was one of the worst.
Her wing was unquestionably broken, which seemed to give her the most pain, and
her wounds were deep enough to make Evectri wonder who had done such a thing.
No average cat could have defeated Laidia so gruesomely, and that was something
Evectri knew for sure.
What happened? asked Evectri as soon as he stopped beside his brother. Across
from him stood his mother and father, who looked just as curious about the events
that led up to the catastrophe in front of them. Cura didnt need an answershe
quickly got to work by cleaning out the wound and sending others out to go get
some herbs that she knew she needed.
What didnt happen? Laidia hissed with irritation, her fur bristled with
frustration as she bared her teeth. She was furious, and her eyes were narrowed
tightly. It made the younger ranked Volans flinch. I attacked just like Id
That was not an authorized attack! Negro growled loudly, his voice booming
throughout the clearing. I was not informed of any of this until just now, and if
any of you remaining here were aware of it, I would like to know now so I can slit
their throats! Evectri growled lowly in warning to his father, having not seen him
this angry in a long time.
Never mind thatwhats happened has happened, Evectri told his father, his
amber eyes glancing over to Negro carefully. Whats important now is to figure
out exactly how their strategy failed. With those words he looked back toward
Laidia and nodded for her to continue.
I dont need your permission to continue speaking, prince Evectri, Laidia hissed,
her eyes narrowed dangerously before she went on. But anyway, as I was saying.
We successfully managed to break past their guards, making it into their camp. It
was easy enough to scare them, and we were actually defeating many of their best
fighters by surrounding them and fighting them in their own home. Laidia paused,
as if trying to decide something. She sighed as she seemed to choose.
I went into the Commanders den, and I managed to find the Princess, Huntress,
standing like a scared kit in the back of the den so I played with her. Laidia said.
Evectris heart leapt, but he didnt show the emotion that he was feeling. He was
now furious at Laidia for trying to hurt Huntress, but he couldnt say anything.
Three fighters followed me, leaving the big back kitty cat shake as if an
earthquake was beneath her. I talked to her for a while, but then I was interrupted.
Apparently, shes gained a friend lately. A new servantone Id never seen
before, at leastwas caught sneaking into the den, and so I ordered the three cats
to kill him so that I could kill the princess. I was just about to do that when I
realized all three of the Volans that had come with me were dead. He came toward
mequite quickly might I addand he attacked. I attacked back, of course, but he
was different. His blue eyes were darker, the star scar on his shoulder was glowing
and his was powerful. Very powerful.
He managed to almost rip my wing off, and the worst part is I didnt even get to
kill the princess! I managed to get out before he could actually do some real
damage, and these seven followed me. Laidia stopped, hissing slightly as Cura
tended to her wounds.
So youre trying tell me that a servant did this to you? asked Negro, his amber
eyes flashing with anger. Laidia hissed, her eyes getting dangerous again.
Yeah, but hes not just a servant, Laidia growled, her tail lashing. Hes faster,
stronger, and more insane than anyone here is. He has a certain power residing
within him, and hes no doubt getting worshiped by Shadow and all of the other
cats. After all, with the fact that he can see through Kreis Operio, hes probably
becoming a sighter right now.
What do you mean? asked Evectri, his stomach churning slightly. No cat can
see through the Kreis Operioits impossible. Laidia laughed. It sounded so
dark, and it as something hed only heard himself do, which scared him slightly.
Everything impossible with this cat could be possible, Laidia hissed, her eyes
narrowed still. A mere servant shouldnt have been able to defeat me, and yet here
I lay almost dead. At this point, I dont think anybody but your royal family could
kill this monster. Evectri narrowed his eyes in confusion, this having not been his
first thought when he heard Laidia had returned from her three day disappearance.
This cat must be destroyed! came a voice in the crowd. No being that is able to
defeat us so quickly shall be left untouched! We need to get revenge! The crowd
gave loud murmurs and shouts of agreement, and Negro had the only choice of
We shall get our revenge. Negro said confidently, standing as tall as a leader
should. Tavo, get your fighters together and make sure theyre ready. We shall
attack the Cats of the Storms tomorrow at dawn, and they shall feel the wrath of
claws. Evectri tensed slightly, his heart beating quickly as he tried to think of a
way to save the cats, or at least by himself some time.
King Negro, Evectri interrupted the cheering crowds. The cats will already
know that this patrol will be coming, having also witnessed how many that servant
killed. Wouldnt it be a smarter idea to wait, and then surprise them once they
believe we didnt have the cats to send out an ambush? Negros eyes narrowed,
his tail lashing furiously as Evectri finished.
You want us to look like cowards? asked Negro, a low growl erupting from his
throat. Are you that incompetent that you would suggest leaving the
cats alone? What kind of
Father, wait, I think Evectris plan actually makes sense. said Tavo, interrupting
the angry king. Negros eyes flashed over to his first son before narrowing tightly
once again. Hear me out. Maybe we could wait, and make it seem like we dont
have enough fighters to ambush, and then attack. They will be surprised, and we
will have the advantage. Heck, we could surprise them further by retracting all
current battle patrols from their land. Negros narrowed eyes changed into that of
confusion, his tail staying still for a few moments.
If we were to do this, Negro said after a few minutes of silence. We would be
risking the possibility of losing our own territory as well as the borders weve
already set up in their land. It would go against everything weve ever done or
known. Tavo nodded in understanding.
Yes, but what about the good things? Evectris brother asked. We could
surprise them enough to make them retreat. The ambush could finally leave us with
victory over the whole war! Evectri listened to his brother with worry clouding
his thoughts. This could definitely make the tables turn, but that wasnt what he
wanted. He didnt want the possibility of Huntress being dead in his mind. J ust the
thought made him shiver slightly.
I could just tell them to send a spy in to kill the servant, Evectri thought. He
decided against it a moment later. No. . .Im treading on thin ice, and if I suggest
that theyll think Ive made alliances with the cats. All I can do is think of a way to
warn them about the attack.

Rains blue eyes looked at the she-catwho identified herself as Cheetahfurand
wondered exactly why she was in his mind. However, other thoughts also clouded
his thoughts. He couldnt get over the fact that he was supposed to know the pretty
she-cat, and that shed saved his life.
Dont act so surprised, Cheetahfur scolded, a small smirk on her face as her blue
eyes glittered. Its not like Im Windstar or anything. Besides, youve seen me
before so you shouldnt be this caught up in awe. The last sentence snapped Rain
out of his thoughts, making his head tilt slightly as he narrowed his eyes with
Ive seen you before? he asked curiously. I-I dont quite remember. . .
Cheetahfur frowned as she heard this, being slightly disappointed, it seemed, that
he didnt remember her.
I was afraid youd say that, she murmured softly, her eyes glimmering more as
she seemed to fight back tears. It was expected, sadly enough, but I was still
hoping that you would remember. Rain sighed as well, his eyes narrowing slightly
with frustration.
Why cant I remember? Rain asked, looking at his paws as he tried to hide the
sorrow he felt. I know that whatever happened to me was really important, and if I
remember I could probably save or help the cats who seem to be calling. But I just
cant. Cheetahfur gave a small purr of encouragement.
Dont worry, little one, you will get your memory back soon, Cheetahfur told
him softly, her angel-like voice soothing him. There was a few moments pause
before she continued. Come with me, Rain, and I will show you some answers to
questions you may have. Rains eyes looked up, and his expression turned
hopeful as she smiled and started walking away.
The grey and white servant quickly stood up and followed Cheetahfur the best he
could. She was walking briskly, though, so it was difficult. Rain couldnt exactly
tell what their surroundings were, mostly because everything came out so fuzzy. It
was a light grey and green colour, making it look eerie, and it was too blurry for
him to make out.
What is this place? Rain asked curiously as they walked. Its familiar, but at the
same time, distant. Is it a place I visited before I lost my memory? Cheetahfur
nodded, answering his question as she took on a sudden look of vacancy, as if
shed just lost herself in her own thoughts.
Yes, Rain, this is a place you knew when you were younger, Cheetahfur
answered, her eyes narrowing as she seemed to focus once more. Were still in
your mind, trust me, but because youre memories are gone, it is filled with almost
nothing. Rain tilted his head to his side.
Almost? Why almost? asked Rain, picking up his speed as she did. His tail
flicked with curiosity, and his eyes glanced around the forest every once and
awhile to see if his surroundings had changed. They didnt.
There are a few things that have been shown or told to you that your mind has
kept close, because it realizes that is linked to the memories its missing.
Cheetahfur explained, making Rain narrow his eyes in confusion.
Wait, the memories are still there, arent they? Theyre just locked up so that I
cant reach them. . .right? Rain asked, tilted his head. Cheetahfurs face darkened
once more, and though she continued walking, he could tell by her eyes that she
was remembering something unpleasant.
No, unfortunately that was not what happened, Cheetahfur answered, her voice
softer than before. Someone took your memories, Rain, and thats why they wont
return to you. However, not all hope his lost. Soon, you will be able to remember,
you just have to keep living. Cheetahfur walked a little faster after that, forcing
Rain to speed into a trot, which was choppy and very gruff compared to
Cheetahfurs smooth gait.
I guess. . .I guess I shouldnt worry about it too much. She said Ill remember
sooner or later, and for some reason I cant help but believe her. Besides, what
could I do about it? Its not like I can go looking for whoever took my memories
that could take a life time!
StarClan, youre annoying, J actur said irritably, startling Rain slightly. All you can
ever think is how weak you are. I know its because of how much you dont know,
but still. Its frustrating some times when someone with your past refuses to
recognize his power. And dont give the excuse that you dont know your power
youve witnessed it more than a few times. Rain shrugged.
I was just wondering why youre still here, Rain said honestly. I mean, Im in my
head. Shouldnt you be in actual cat when Im in here?
Eh, not when StarClan is around, J actur answered, sounding as if he didnt
truthfully like the she-cat he was following. I kinda like our stuff to be secret. Rain
shrugged again.
Okay, easy enough to understand, he told the demon cat before once again
focusing his thoughts on Cheetahfur, who had now stopped. In front of them was
nothing but darkness. Rain stopped, his eyes widening at the sight. He didnt dare
look down, but his eyes were drawn to the scene, so he looked to Cheetahfur.
What is this? he asked aloud.
Its the place where your memories should be. It was once plentiful with friends,
family, enemies, and even important events. Cheetahfur explained, her tail
flicking slightly. Every dream, every nightmare, and everything told to you is put
here. J actur, when youve had a very stressful day or night, comes here to sooth
down the emotions, considering how dangerous it could be otherwise. Rain
looked back to the abyss, his senses reaching out to see if he could find anything in
Rain. . .remember the. . .keep your. . .please. . .dont go. . .
Ah! Rain shrieked out, quickly jumping back as the whisper caught him by
surprise. He hadnt seen anything, but the voice was familiar. It was just like the
one hed witnessed earlier when Catena and Cadeno was healing him. The she-
catat least, by the voice, thats what he thought it wasseemed to be calling out
to him, and because it was unfamiliar as to who the voice belonged to, he was
somewhat scared.
Be careful, Rain, Cheetahfur warned him, her eyes flashing with a serious
expression. In there lies the key to many memories that you do not want to open
at this time. The voice you just heard was from your past, but because you dont
remember her completely, you will become crazy by listening further. You must
never come here, not until youve taken back the memories stolen from you. Rain
narrowed his eyes in confusion as he tilted his head.
Is that what youve come to tell me? he asked curiously.
Yes, Cheetahfur murmured, her voice strong now. Keep in mind, however, that
in your past, you have cats and relatives that are counting on you. As an sign from
StarClan, take the next words seriously: when someone worth saving has been
accused of something worth death, help them. This cat will in turn help you with
the upcoming confrontation. Rain nodded, his eyes narrowed with determination
as he took in the advice. This turned into confusion as she began to fade.
So. . .will I ever see you again? he asked. Rain had to admit that she had told
him more than usual, so he was very disappointed that she was leaving after only a
short time. Cheetahfur smiled warmly, her expression becoming bright once more.
It depends on your choice, and the choices of those around you, Cheetahfur said,
speaking in a riddle now. It would be nice to see you once more, though. Good-
bye. She faded completely after that, leaving Rain alone for a few moments.
Oi! J actur called to him through his thoughts. Miss Ripple sunshine has noticed
youve healed, and shes calling the whole clan in to her den to see the
miraculous event. If I were you, Id wake up before youre shaken rudely.
Besides, theres a ceremonial day ahead, and the title will be taken away if you
dont wake up soon. Rain smiled slightly, curling up into a ball and closing his
eyes before he replied.
Then make me wake up, oh great one. Rain remarked, making J actur laugh slightly.
Hey, I could get used to that nickname! J actur responded.
I bet you could, Rain replied before letting himself drift away into reality.

Chapter Fourteen
Demonpaw, Bravepaw! called a light grey she-cat with deep blue eyes, a dark
grey she-cat with light amber eyes, and a brown tom with yellow eyes. Their
names were Greykit, Darkkit, and Thornkit, and they just so happened to be only a
moon younger than the two newly named apprentices.
Demonpaw, now slightly taller than before, turned around as Bravepaw did the
same. He was a good four inches taller thanks to his long legs, and his once blue-
grey fur had grown darker into a paler grey that looked even more like whom he
was named for.
Youll wait for us right? asked the light grey she-cat who went by the name of
Greykit. Her dark blue eyes were looking at Demonpaw with hopefulness.
Youll tell everyone about our awesome adventures, right? asked the optimistic
dark grey kit. Her name was Darkkit, and though she looked hopeful, Demonpaw
knew well what she was thinking.
Yeah, and youll definitely tell them all about how cool and wonderful we are,
right? Thornkit, the brown tom, said with a smirk on his face. Demonpaw scoffed
at his arrogance, her tail flicking as she, too, put on a playful smirk.
Cool and wonderful? As if! You are far from that, Thornkit. Demonpaw stated,
holding her head high with pride. Thornkit rolled his eyes before Demonpaw heard
Bravepaw laugh, a regular smile on his face.
Must you two always fight? Were kin! Bravepaw reminded the two. Both of
them scoffed, though Demonpaw looked the happiest, having come up with a good
come back.
Bravepaw, Demonpaw! Were ready to go when you are! called the two
ThunderClan cats standing near the entrance of camp. A jolt of excitement was
sent through Demonpaw as she heard the voices, leaving her to shiver. She and
Bravepaw were just about to leave, but the sight of their mother kept them back.
Im an apprentice, mum! Finally! Ill get to train, fight, and show all of those
losers that Im the best! Demonpaw boasted, her chest puffed out with pride.
And then maybe Bravepaw can become a guard so he can see you again while Im
in ThunderClan! Their mother gave a sort of sorrowed expression, but Demonpaw
just guessed it was because they were leaving the nest.
We will be seeing you again, right? asked Bravepaw, concern clouding his pale
green eyes. Robinwing seemed to blink back the tears, obviously sad about what
was happening. Demonpaw never understood whyshouldnt her mother be
happy that she was finally going to train?
I love you, she whispered, her voice very quiet. And while youre away I want
you to promise me that you wont do anything mouse-brained. There are dangerous
things in this forest, and I-I wont be there to save you. So no matter how hard it is,
no matter whats happened, just please help each other out. For me. Demonpaw
nodded with a smirk on her face.
Yeah, Ill keep Bravepaw away from all of the she-cats, Demonpaw said
playfully. Ill make sure he follows the rules, too. Despite what she said, the grey
tom just laughed slightly, as if the joke was about someone else.
Ill take care of her too, mum, Bravepaw told Robinwing with a warm smile on
his face. Like always, he was trying to make her feel better. Ill make sure she
follows the rules. Although, then again, no one likes messing with her anyways.
This made Demonpaw stand tall. Robinwing chuckled.
Okay, thank you, Robinwing told them, giving a lick on their forehead. Now
goI mustnt keep you from your duty to these clans. Demonpaw nodded, her
tail flicking with excitement.
Bye, mum! Ill see you soon! Demonpaw called over her shoulder as she ran
toward their escorts. Bravepaw caught up to her soon after. They looked back to
their mother, who smiled in their direction. Bravepaw still seemed concerned, but
Demonpaw knew that their mother would be fine. After all, she was going to
RiverClan next.
Alright, you two, said a dark ginger tom with bright green eyes. We arent
exploring, were just traveling to ShadowClan. So dont wander off. Hunting isnt
allowed eitherleave that for RiverClan, okay? Anyway, were going pretty far,
so make sure to keep up. The two of them nodded, and then they were off, leaving
Demonpaw and Bravepaw to follow.
So what are your names? Demonpaw asked randomly as she padded beside a
dark grey tom with sharp yellow eyes. The two looked at her questioningly, as if
that question wasnt one often asked.
I am Tigerpelt, claimed the cat who had been talking first. Im third best fighter
in ThunderClan with Thunderheart here and Flamestar the only ones above me.
Demonpaw smiled widely, but then she noticed that Bravepaw wasnt speaking.
His eyes were on the ground, avoiding the eyes of both pairs of cats.
I am Thunderheart, and as Tigerpelt already implied, I am the deputy of
ThunderClan, the dark grey warrior stated, making Demonpaw go just a little
faster as the excitement buzzed in her brain. Which clan do you guys want to end
up in? Bravepaw opened his mouth to answer, but Demonpaw answered first.
ThunderClan, duh! she stated, walking with her chest puffed out again. Im
gonna be the best fighter there ever was, just like you! Thunderheart chuckled, a
warm smile on his face.
Quite like your father, I see, the dark grey tom observed, his yellow eyes making
Demonpaw calmer. He was a very good fighter, you know. He was a war leader,
and one of the best I have ever seen. He had some moves that no one in the clans
know. If youre lucky, you could have inherited his skill. Demonpaw smiled,
holding her head high with pride. Tigerpelt muttered something, but Demonpaw
didnt catch it. So what about you, Bravepaw? There was a small pause, but he
just gave a weak smile.
I-Im not sure, Bravepaw responded, looking as if his mind had been elsewhere.
A guard would be nice, but then again Im not quite built for that. So I guess I
want to go in RiverClan. There was a small silence once more, as if Thunderheart
didnt know how to reply to that.
Well, you never know until you train, and judging by how Stormheart has turned
out, you will have to work very hard. Thunderheart said, though he was now
avoiding Bravepaws gaze. Demonpaw scowled. Do they know something that I
dont? She thought.

When they got to ShadowClan, Demonpaw couldnt help but to gasp with a large
smile on her face. The place was so huge, and it was so different from what the
others had told her. She could see apprentices everywhere, their mentors talking to
them as they ate.
We must leave now, kits. said Tigerpelt. You must see Snakestar, so that he can
assign you your mentors. Tomorrow, you will start training. See ya. The brown
tom left, followed by Thunderheart who gave a smile of apology to Demonpaw as
if shed done something wrong before he left.
So where do we go? Demonpaw asked Bravepaw. The grey tom was already
observing everyone and everything around him. His eyes were narrowed in
concentration, but eventually his eyes brightened up.
Snakestars over there! he told her, his tail flicking to a spot next to the leaders
den. Come on, lets go! Bravepaw surged forward with Demonpaw right behind
him. It was hard, considering he was definitely faster than her, but she managed.
They stopped about four tail-lengths away from the sleek leader before walking
toward him the rest of the way. He was talking to his deputy, it seemed, along with
a few others. When the leader caught sight of them, he smiled warmly, as if hed
been expecting them.
Ah, so I see that you two have finally arrived! Snakestar greeted, sounding
relieved. I am Snakestar, leader of this clan. I am assuming you two are
Demonpaw and Bravepaw? The two of them nodded quickly. A lot of talk has
been going on about you two. Everyone is excited to finally have you with us.
Demonpaw had no idea what he meant by that, but she ignored it. Anything she
didnt understand was obviously unimportant.
When will we be welcomed into the clan? asked Bravepaw, using his fancy
words again. Snakestar stood up, shaking his pelt slightly.
Right now, young ones. Follow me, please. Snakestar walked forward toward a
large rock in which Demonpaw recognized as the highrock. Excitement once again
jolted through her as she padded beside Bravepaw. Snakestar jumped upon the
high rock.
ShadowClan! May all of you gather for a very special ceremony! Snakestar
called. One by one, the cats gathered, but no one closed the gap between the crowd
and the two kits sitting proudly beneath the highrock. ShadowClan, the time has
come for two kits to receive their mentors for their training! There was silence as
Snakestar paused.
Demonpaw and Bravepaw, offspring of Robinwing and. . .Rainfur, are both ready
to receive warriors willing to train them to become the best they can be. Snakestar
announced. I have chosen carefully, considering their status, and it has been
decided that Eagleshade be the mentor of Bravepaw. May you teach young
Bravepaw all you have to know, and guide him to what clan he wishes to serve
when he has trained hard enough. They chanted the names Eagleshade and
Bravepaw for a few moments before Snakestar quieted them.
For Demonpaw, I have chosen myself to be her mentor. She is strong and willing,
so with that I must train her to become stronger, so that she can reach her goals.
Anyone who disagrees with this will need to meet with me in my den. Snakestar
flicked his tail in dismissal, but the clan didnt cheer. Instead, there were whispers,
as if the choice for Demonpaws mentor wasnt all that great.
For Demonpaw, this was the best thing that had ever happened to her. She was
being trained by a leader, and a strong one at that. Shed be the best fighter in the
clan, and then she could become the best fighter in ThunderClan! Her plan for her
future was looking must brighter.
Demonpaw, came the cool but calm voice of Snakestar. Why dont you go see
Skyfur? Her apprentice, Duskpaw, can show you around and introduce you to the
other apprentices while I speak with a few of my comrades. Demonpaw looked up
to him and nodded quickly before dashing off.
It was about two minutes afterword that she realized that she had no idea who
Skyfur was, but when she looked around to ask, Snakestar had already disappeared
into his den. Demonpaw shrugged, figuring that Skyfur must be white considering
her name. That or blue, which she highly doubted.
So, Demonpaw walked over to the first full grown white cat she could find.
Without a thought of being nervous, the grey and white apprentice got her attention
quickly by just standing their a few moments. Are you Skyfur? Snakestar said I
had to go see Skyfur, but he didnt point her out. The white she-cat smiled.
Yes I am, young one. What did Snakestar say I needed to do? the white she-cat
asked. Demonpaw gave a smirk of pride before she answered.
He told me that I should go see your apprentice to get shown around. Demonpaw
said simply. Got any idea of where he is? Skyfur suddenly frowned, her head
lowering slightly. Did I hurt your feelings or something? the curious grey and
white apprentice asked. Skyfur shook her head.
No, no, it was nothing, Skyfur murmured. Duskpaw is just a little. . .shy, so be
careful. Hes been through a lot. Skyfur paused, as if expecting Demonpaw to run
off yelling for help. Instead, the grey and white she-cat continued to look at Skyfur
with curiosity, just waiting for directions. Hes in the corner of the den over there.
Make sure to announce your arrival or hell go nuts. Demonpaw nodded, but
honestly didnt hear the last part.
Demonpaw bounded over to the corner of the camp, looking around and admiring
the camp even more as she did so. Eventually, she saw the small golden tom sitting
while facing the wall of the den, which was the weirdest thing Demonpaw had ever
So, she ran right up and yelled, Hi, Duskpaw! Duskpaw was startled so bad that
he jumped upward and spun in mid-air, hissing wildly. When he realized who it
was, he bared his teeth and made his ears go back. Demonpaw found it obvious
that he was frightened.
Geez, I didnt mean to scare you. Demonpaw said, looking unfazed by his
reaction. Anyway, Snakestar told me that you had to show me around and
introduce me to everyone. So. . . Duskpaw continued glaring at her while keeping
low the ground. It looked like he wanted to attack.
Stay away from me, you naive little mouse-brain! Duskpaw hissed, his voice low
enough to be an adults voice. I am not moving from this spot! Demonpaw tilted
her head, her eyes bright with curiosity even when Duskpaw unsheathed his claws.
You want to stay in this spot all night? But thats weird! Demonpaw exclaimed,
making Duskpaw blink with confusion. Wouldnt it be cosier to just sleep in a
nest? And what about training? Isnt that more important than this spot?
Duskpaws ears went further back.
I sleep in a nest, you mouse-brain! Duskpaw hissed, his tail beginning to lash
right to left. And training is something I do when I feel like it! You wanna know
why? Go talk to that bird-brain Nightpaw. Hell tell you everything you need to
know about the poor, helpless, small, weak, anti-social Duskpaw. There was a
moment of silence before Demonpaw burst out laughing, which once again made
Duskpaw put on an expression of confusion. What?
That was so hilarious! That whole rantit was so funny! I cant believe you fell
for it! Demonpaw said between laughs. She continued giggling, closing her eyes
it hurt so much. This was all truly funny for her.
What do you mean, fell for it? Duskpaw asked, his fur bristling as he became
hostile once more. The jerk may be my brother, but he means what he says!
Demonpaw tried to stop laughing, and when she did, her eyebrows were raised as
if to say, really? You dont get it?.
Duskpaw, hes doing it purposely to make you angry, and youre just giving him
the satisfaction. Demonpaw explained, sitting up straight now. I saw it all the
time back in WindClanThornkit was the biggest bully you could ever think of.
Well, big being figuratively. The tom was smaller than a twig. Anyway, he used to
make Bravepaw feel like a brainiac with no chance of being anything but a
medicine cat. Then I told Bravepaw that he needs to stick up for himself, and ta-da!
Thornkit was put in his place, and Bravepaw thinks more of himself. Duskpaw
looked away, his head lowering as he sat down.
Its different, though, Duskpaw murmured. Nightpaw is my brother, and all the
things he says are actually true. I am short, I am weak, and I always get things
wrong. Demonpaw shrugged.
So? Prove him wrong. Demonpaw replied as if it was all that simple. Stand up
to him and prove that youre stronger than even he is. Stand up to him, and act like
youre taller, because physically you might be small, but mentally, you could be
bigger than the cold hearted brat. Oh and trust me, if you stand up to him,
youll know youre doing the right thing. Trust me. Demonpaw smiled, happy
about her speech. Demonpaw narrowed his eyes in suspicion.
You remind me of someone. . . he murmured. Who are your parents?
Didnt you hear at the clan gathering? My mum is Robinwing, and my father is
Rainfur. Demonpaw said proudly, puffing her chest out. Duskpaws eyes widened
slightly, but he quickly covered up the emotion with a small smile that reminded
Demonpaw of Bravepaw.
Now I see why youre so familiar, he whispered, mainly to himself. Demonpaw
tilted her head to the sight, very confused as to how her parents had anything to do
with being familiar to the apprentice. Anyway, if I remember right, I was ordered
to show you around, right? Demonpaw blinked away her pervious question and
nodded. He gave another smile.
Alright then, follow me. Duskpaw said, standing. Youre going to be introduced
to everyone first, considering Im pretty sure you already know a lot of them. The
mentors thoughthats something youll need figure out. Demonpaw nodded in
response as they walked toward a large group of cats. Mentors and apprentices
stood together as Bravepaw stood in the middle, his eyes narrowed in
Its a strange tradition, but since its good to know everyone, Snakestar gave the
approval. I dont usually take part in it, but since Snakestar ordered me, I guess I
have to. Duskpaw explained as a few cats glanced in their direction. The light
grey she-cat over there is Willowshade, Nightpaws mentor. They get along great,
but thats a bad thing to most cats around here. My sister Snowpaw, on the other
hand, doesnt really have a good mentor. Everyone knows that Russetfoot is a
grumpy old elder at this point.
Hey, are you gonna talk about us two or not? We are the oldest after you. came a
voice from a white tom. When Demonpaw glanced over, she found that there was a
she-cat that looked identical to him. Both had amber eyes and pure white fur.
Oh yeah, who could forget the biggest trouble-makers in the clans? asked
Duskpaw, smirking slightly. A few people seemed surprised by his happy nature,
but they didnt question it. The tom is Cloudpaw, and the she-cat is Lilypaw.
Theyre twins, and in just two moons, theyre gonna find their way to RiverClan
together. Their mentors are Badgerstripe and Addertooth. The she-cat and tom
smiled when Duskpaw introduced themselves.
Foxpaw and Mosspaw are siblings as well, but theyre going two different ways,
Duskpaw explained, his tail flicking toward a ginger tom and a dark grey she-cat.
Foxpaw is going to be a guard, and Mosspaw is going to be. . .a fighter? Yeah,
thats right. Nightpaw mentioned that to me. He gave a death glare to the sleek
black tom who smirked in response. Anyway, their mentors are Blueblossom and
Hollyblaze. Two very good warriors may I add. Both siblings smiled in
Demonpaws direction, and she returned the favour.
Leopardpaw over there is an only child. Hes gonna be going on to the guard
himself in just a moon. Duskpaw explained. His mentor is Harefrost, but we
dont see them much since were not even close to his records of achievement.
The grey tom smirked, but he wasnt one who seemed arrogant.
So that would leave
Hey, Demonpaw! Its good to see youve finally made it. came the familiar voice
of Spiderpaw. Demonpaws gaze whipped around to see the familiar black she-cat
sitting beside her sister, Flowerpaw. The grey and white she-cat noticed that the
white she-cat was slinking further to the ground, and her eyes were filled with a lot
more caution than when shed left WindClan.
So Im guessing you know Flowerpaw and Spiderpaw, Duskpaw observed. In
just a half moon, theyll be set to training in only one of the abilites right after their
mentors Fishpelt and Cindertail decide where they go. Spiderpaw wants to hunt,
and Flowerpaw. . .well, we dont know what she wants. She hasnt told us yet.
The she-cat blushed as if embarrassed by those words.
And finally, Twigpaw, Redpaw, and Mistpaw. Im sure you know them.
Duskpaw said. Their mentors are the famous Rosefire, Squirrelwhisker, and
Brindleleaf. Demonpaw gave them a smile, and they all shared the excited
Well, now that thats all over with, us mentors are going to talk privately. You
may do what you like until sundownbut make sure youre in your nest by then.
Willowshade ordered. The apprentices all agreed in muffled answers before the
adult cats left the group.
Demonpaw walked over to Bravepaw and gave an excited squeak. Can you
believe it? Were in training now! You and I are going to break every rule here,
arent we? Bravepaw chuckled, a warm smile coming onto his face. He opened
his mouth to reply, but Nightpaw came into view, making Demonpaws brother go
lower to the ground, as if aware of the black apprentices status.
So, it seems like we have two more weaklings with us today, Nightpaw sneered,
his face twisted into a smirk as he stood tall. This tom was already annoying
Demonpaw. Only this time, I guess they can throw that theyre father is Rainfur
in my face. Then again, even that isnt a good fall back. He did betray everyone in
the clans, and Sharpmoon. And he was known for killing innocent cats for no
reason at all. Demonpaw narrowed her eyes with confusion.
Shut up, Nightpaw, Duskpaw hissed. You of all cats know that that isnt true.
Rainfur was a powerful tom with a second mind, nothing more. Nightpaw
So what? He still killed a lot of cats. Nightpaw pointed out before his eyes
looked over to Bravepaw. You seem to have less strength than your sister, which
sucks considering toms are supposed to be better fighters. Bravepaw narrowed his
eyes tighter.
She-cats can be superior to toms. It depends on their parents. Bravepaw
murmured. Besides, becoming a guard is the only thing I wish to do. Demonpaw
will be the fighter. Nightpaw rolled his eyes.
Meaning that youre too weak to actually tell your sorry little sister that she-cats
arent supposed to be in ThunderClan. Nightpaw sighed, a smirk still on his face.
Whatever. Its your loss, not mine. You might as well be as bad as Duskpaw,
which is hard to do with his short size and his weakling of an attitude. Demonpaw
growled loudly, getting the toms attention. What are you mad about, she-cat?
Hey Nightpaw? asked Demonpaw, her anger rising. Go take a walk off the
mountain and into the water for us all, would you? I think all of us here wouldnt
mind if you did that. Nightpaw narrowed his icy blue eyes, making the grey and
white apprentice smirk. She even caught a few smiles from the kits around her.
So what, you think a small remark would set me off? Youre wrong, pussy-cat,
and youre just as bad as your brother. Nightpaw hissed. Demonpaw shrugged.
Doesnt matter, because youre the only one who thinks that, Demonpaw
responded. Honestly, you have no followers, so why should I worry about being
weak when youre the only one who seems to know that? To everyone else, I could
be stronger than you. Demonpaw smiled, which really made Nightpaw mad.
Listen here, you little mouse-brain, I have a lot of followers, and I say the things I
do just so you know because others will only speak behind your back. Nightpaw
growled, his tail lashing as his ears lay flat against his head. Demonpaw grinned.
Lets test that, shall we? Demonpaw stated, her face twisted into a smirk that she
knew everyone around her enjoyed. The grey and white apprentice looked to the
other young cats surrounding the scene. Who here thinks that Im weak? Silence.
Who here things that Bravepaw is weak? No one said a word. No? Okay then.
Listen to this, and speak up if you actually think these things. Demonpaw paused,
watching as curiosity and exctiement flashed through the apprentices eyes.
Nightpaw thinks that Bravepaw is weak for being just a guard while Ill be a
fighter. Nightpaw thinks that I should be a hunter instead of a fighter. Nightpaw
even things that Bravepaw is as bad as Duskpaw, which just proves hes ignorant
because this golden tom right here is anything but weak and hopeless. Duskpaw is
Nightpaws brother, dont forget, and yet this sleek mouse-brain still thinks he has
to make everyone feel lower than himself. I believe, however, that this is all a loud
of mouse-dung, and the only reason Nightpaw does this is to feel better about
himself. Anyone agree with me? At first, Demonpaw was disappointed. No one
spoke up, even though they looked like that really did agree with what she was
saying. Finally, Spiderpaw stepped forward, her eyes narrowed in determination.
Demonpaws rightnone of us deserve this. the black she-cat announced.
Flowerpaw followed her, and she didnt speak. She did, however, step forward and
stand tall with a determined expression on her face, which was good enough for
Who wouldve known, sis? asked Bravepaw, stepping forward as he gave her a
wink. You can actually recite a speech and get followers. Demonpaw stuck her
tongue out at him, but it was playful as always.
A forced system controlling the apprentices of this clan isnt something Id ever
stand for. said Leopardpaw, quickly taking a step forward. He was scowling, but
it looked more like he was concentrated than angry. That was what Demonpaw
chose to believe anyway.
Why not? said Cloudpaw after the twins had looked at each other. Both stepped
forward at the same time with the same paw, leaving Demonpaw to think they
were now freakishly alike instead of just strangely.
Nightpaw has been getting on our nerves lately. Lilypaw finished, smiling as she
found that her brother was doing the same. Demonpaw chuckled slightlythose
two where very, very interesting apprentices.
The newest apprenticesRedpaw, Mistpaw, and Twigpawdidnt move up. They
looked nervous and scared though, so that was probably the issue. Snowpaw also
didnt stand up, though with how she was standing right by Nightpaws flank,
Demonpaw guessed that the white she-cat was his little minion.
The grey and white apprentice looked to Duskpaw questioningly, very confused as
to why he hadnt stood up. The golden apprentice looked very tense as he glanced
in Nightpaws direction, but eventually he sighed and gave her a smile.
Looks like someone pays attention to my words, Duskpaw observed as he stood
up and stepped forward. No one I know would have remembered any detail that
small. He glared toward his brother and sister, but then looked back to
Demonpaw, who smirked.
Well, Nightpaw, it seems that the majority wins in this case, Demonpaw said,
standing tall. Ive got seven, youve got four. Three of those, I might also mention,
are too scared to stand up to a mouse-brain like you, so they hardly count.
Anyway, this means that your statement of everyone being behind you is wrong,
and nothing evil that you say about us really matters. Is that understood? At the
last sentence, Demonpaw tried to make it sound like she was his mother, and
judging by his lashing tail and bared teeth, that made him less than happy.
You will pay for that! Nightpaw hissed before he lunged forward and raked his
claws across her face. It stung, but the cuts werent deep. Heck, that wasnt even
the problem. As Nightpaw smirked, Demonpaw growled loudly, her fur bristling
with hostility as she glared at him. Her tail began lashing, her claws unsheathed,
and her teeth were bared. She was ready for another attack.
The anger in her eyes must have scared Nightpaw, because he quickly backed
away from her in fear. A lot of the apprentices took a step back. Demonpaw,
however, paid no attention to them. Her eyes were locked on the black apprentice
in front of her, and then she heard it.
This idiot should pay, claimed Demonpaw, only she didnt know why she thought
it. He hurt me and my friends, and hes an idiot. He should die in return.
I hate him, sure, but isnt that a little harsh? Demonpaw thought to herself,
somewhat in confusion. Bravepaw was talking to her, but the voice was inaudible
in her mind. The only thing she could hear was herself thinking.
No, death is the only payment for those who do wrong. Demonpaw thought, as if
reminding herself. She took a slow step forward, aware of all the eyes watching
But thats also a scary thing, Demonpaw told herself. A-and its not right. It could
get me exiled. . .
Death is quick and easy to do, and then they will all be afraid of me. Theyll notice
my strength, and then Ill go straight to ThunderClan! Demonpaw thought
excitedly, leaving her to grin evilly, which seemed to freak even more apprentices
I guess. . .but I dont want to kill Nightpaw. That would probably devastate
Duskpaw, and again, it would get me in trouble. Demonpaw argued with herself,
very, very confused at this point. And why am I even thinking of this? I normally
dont think like this. Am. . .am I being possessed?
A cold nose against her shoulder interrupted those thoughts. It seemed to jolt her
upward so that she was standing instead of crouching, ready to attack. Her eyes
blinked several times before she looked around, once again aware of everyone
staring at her.
It happened again, just like last time when you got angry at me, Bravepaw
whispered into Demonpaws ear. Well talk about this later. The grey and white
apprentice nodded slightly before she put on a big smirk and looked back at
See? Even you can get scared, Nightpaw, Demonpaw sneered, thinking quickly
as she tried to make it look believable. You should have seen yourself, by the
way. You looked like a two-moon old kit, right guys? Demonpaw looked
anxiously toward the apprentices who had stood up with her. The seemed to get the
Totally! said Cloudpaw, starting to laugh. What did you think Demonpaw
wasa pack of wild dogs? Lilypaw and the others joined in with the laughing.
Finally tasting your medicine, arent ya, Nightpaw? asked Spiderpaw, who
looked quite relieved of saying that even though she also looked very uneasy. This
went on for a little bit before Leopardpaw stood up straight and shook off his pelt.
Tomorrow is going to be a big day, he reminded them. We should all get some
rest before then. With a few muffled agreements, the crowd of apprentices moved
into the den. Nightpaw rushed by her, his gaze cold as ice as he passed.
I think I did well, Demonpaw thought as she put on a grin. I sure made him made,
thats for sure.

Stormheart had to admit, whoever planned this little get together was crazy.
He barely managed to contain himself as the guards walked him toward the island.
The whole way he was thinking, I can walk on my own now, you mouse-
brains. That or, Sharpmoon must still thinks Im a useless kit, apparently. And that
was only the beginning.
Stormheart had arrived at moonhigh, and though he already felt himself becoming
quite tired, he was a lot more worried about the scene in front of him. Robinwing,
his sister-in-law, and Sharpmoon along with quite a few guards were all standing
there, waiting for him.
Ah, it seems our guest has finally arrived to watch the show. Sharpmoon said
with an evil grin upon his face. The brown and white ThunderClan warrior glared
at the king who hurt his brother, but didnt say anything. This day was destined
to come, Stormheart. Please tell me you saw it coming. Stormhearts eyes
flickered with confusion
What do you mean? Stormheart asked, his muscles tensing. Why am I here?
And why is Robinwing here? She should be in RiverClan! Sharpmoon continued
grinning, which confirmed Stormhearts assumption.
This beauty was never going to RiverClan, Sharpmoon explained, his tail
flicking with pleasure as Stormhearts eyes widened more than two moons.
Robinwing was cowering, her eyes filled with tears. Robinwing will die tonight
so that if your brother returns, he will be broken when he hears of his mates
death. Stormheart quickly thought of something to stall the action.
Why not kill me? the ThunderClan warrior asked, aware of the news he was now
giving everyone there. You saw his memoriesyou know what I am to him.
Wouldnt his brother be better to kill than his mate? Robinwings eyes narrowed
in confusion at this, but Sharpmoon just chuckled.
Youre smart, Ill grant you that. Sharpmoon said, still grinning. However, you
will die later at a more. . .appropriate time. So no, Im afraid I cant kill you.
Robinwing will die first, then his kits when they have made an impact in their
clans, and then you. Now, though, you shall watch carefully as I destroy her once
and for all. Sharpmoon turned around and walked toward Robinwing.
Stormheart lunged forward, ready to attack the stupid king. Apparently, the bird-
brained guards didnt realize he was going to do that, for they didnt stop him. He
ran in between the king and Rainfurs mate with his claws unsheathed and his teeth
Stormheart was about to attack, but Sharpmoon easily unsheathed his claws and
swatted him to the ground. The guards caught up with him then, and they pinned
him down so that the ThunderClan warrior could not move as he watched the king
get closer and closer to Robinwing.
When they were only a tail-length apart, Sharpmoon raised his paw and struck the
light grey she-cat. Her neck was sliced open, and within seconds, she was on the
floor with her pale green eyes lifeless. Stormheart stared in horror for a few
seconds, completely frozen.
No. . . Stormheart murmured. No! The brown and white tom called for Matar,
using his Mentors strength to break free of the guards and run toward Robinwing,
praying that she was alive. Claws entered his skin before he managed to reach the
body, and several more sets followed.
You little brat, Sharpmoon spat, disgust in his tone. Your brother may be alive,
Stormheart, but he wont be for long. If the Volans havent killed him yet, and he
somehow manages to return here, he will become broken, and he will die in my
claws. Sharpmoon flicked his tail, looking at the guards. Take him back to
ThunderClan, and dont let him go. The cats drug him to his feet before pushing
him forward toward the fallen tree. As Stormheart limped along, his head was low.
Was death still going to continue even after the war had been finished?

Chapter Fifteen
For the next half moon, it had become a routine. Get up, go hunting with her
mentor, come back and have a quick meal before going to the training grounds,
come back around dusk, clean out a few dens, feed the elders, eat something if she
was hungry enough, and then go to sleep.
Demonpaw had barely enough time to speak with her brother, and even less time to
talk with anyone else. It was just training, training, and more training. Not that
Demonpaw rejected the ideashe loved it. She could feel herself becoming
stronger, and though she hadnt gotten angry lately, she obviously didnt need to.
Nightpaw and his minion of a sister had stayed away from her and her brother.
Meanwhile, almost all of the other apprentices looked to her for advice, and also,
theyd give her advice for free. They even allowed her into a lot of conversations
regular newbies could only dream of listening to.
Straight forward, Demonpaw! called Snakestar from the mentors place.
Youve got to read his movements before they happen! Demonpaw flicked her
tail in acknowledged before evading another quick attack from Duskpaw, who
seemed equipped for this kind of fighting no matter his size.
Ah, so youd rather be a defensive she-cat? asked Duskpaw with a smirk. While
with her, Demonpaw found that it was the only time hed show any emotion, so
Demonpaw took it in. Plus, Duskpaw was now playfully edging her on.
In your dreams! Demonpaw shouted back before lunging toward the golden tom.
Out of sheer luck, she managed to unbalance Duskpaw and send him to the ground.
She became too surprised, however, and didnt follow up with the attack.
Duskpaw jumped upward and pushed Demonpaw to the ground, easily pinning her.
Out of instinct, the grey and white apprentice kicked Duskpaws stomach before
unbalancing him again. And this time, she pinned him to the ground, standing
slightly to the side so he couldnt kick her stomach.
I win! Demonpaw announced, smirking at Duskpaw as he began laughing.
With beginners luck, Demonpaw. Thats the only way you won. Duskpaw said
playfully as he sat up. If you hadnt decided to kick me, I would have easily
won. Demonpaw stuck out her tongue.
In a real battle, though, I would have won. Demonaw pointed out, her head held
high. Duskpaw just continued to smile, though even then, the smile became a little
weaker when the mentors walked over.
While all that is true, Demonpaw, you were not supposed to win, you were
supposed to perfect the unbalancing technique. Snakestar growled lowly, making
Demonpaw shrug.
So? I still did that, didnt I? asked Demonpaw. Besides, what fun is training
without a realistic fight every once and awhile? Snakestar sighed, but shook his
head as Duskpaws mentor tried to say something.
Leave it be. Snakestar told the irritated mentor. Demonpaw was quite quick in
her mock battle, and so was Duskpaw. Im sure they both learned something today
anyway. Demonpaw puffed her chest out as she heard that, and she saw a hint of
pride in Duskpaws eyes as well.
Can we go hunting now? asked Duskpaw. Sundown is fast approaching. Both
Snakestar and the other mentor looked to the sky, and saw the orange streaks
within the blue sky.
Ah, so it seems. Snakestar replied before looking back to the two apprentices.
You may hunt, though because it was a little later than I thought, please do so
together. Both apprentices nodded before bounding off, grateful that it was just
about time to go back to camp and eat.

It wasnt too long before they managed to catch a squirrel, two mice, and a vole. It
was easy to trap them with the breeze and other sounds that were easy to make.
Duskpaw caught the majority of them, though Demonpaw caught the vole.
That vole was so fat, a kit could have caught it, Demonpaw. Duskpaw said
playfully, smirking as he saw Demonpaws expression. She scoffed loudly as she
walked beside him.
As if! Demonpaw said, proudly lifting up her legs now. I was just way stronger
than you, and so I was able to climb up those rocks. Duskpaw chuckled slightly.
You go on thinking that, Demonpaw. Duskpaw told her. His gaze drifted to the
sky as they came to a clearing of the shady trees. Demonpaw followed his gaze,
and her jaw dropped as she saw the sunset before them. Perfect, pink, fluffy clouds
dotted the orange sky as the fiery sun blazed through the sky, have below the
Wow. Demonpaw said, sitting down as Duskpaw did. They stared at it for a few
more moments before Duskpaw looked down at his paws, his eyes filled with
distant sorrow. Demonpaw narrowed her eyes and tilted her head. Are you okay,
Duskpaw? He shrugged.
Depends on what you mean. He murmured, continuing to gaze at his paws as if
there was something interesting about them. Im not sick or injuredjust
mentally scarred. Demonpaws dark blue eyes grew bright with curiosity.
What do you mean? she asked. Duskpaw sighed.
Every time I look at the sunset, I realize that dusk is just the ugly and quite
useless place between sunset and moon high. So, if I was named after dusk, does
that make me useless and ugly as well? Demonpaw laughed a little bit.
No, you silly mouse-brain, said the grey and white she-cat playfully, nudging
him slightly with her paw. Dusk is more than that! If there were no dusk, how
could the sunset transfer into night? And dusk isnt ugly, because it takes the
wonders of sunset and then creates the beauty of moon high. Duskpaw looked up
to her with his eyes soft with emotion.
You really do have a way with your words, even if you dont realize it. Duskpaw
observed, smiling bleakly. You remind me so much of your father as well. Not
just by looks, but by how you put things. Demonpaw shrugged, looking away as
he mentioned Rainfur.
I wouldnt knowIve never met him. She put simply, even though she knew
that Duskpaw understood that. How do you know him, anyway? Arent you a bit
young to be his friend or something? Her gaze was upon him now. Duskpaws
eyes grew distant, as if remembering something.
I. . . Duskpaw drifted, obviously having a difficult time finding the words to
explain. If it werent for your father, I wouldnt be alive. Duskpaw said finally.
Rainfur saved my life, and my siblings lives. He also named me, which makes
what you said so much more believable. Demonpaw looked at him for a few
moments as silence over came them.
So, he saved you. Demonpaw said bluntly. That cant be all, can it? Theres no
way that just saving you can be all, because you could never be that reluctant to
talk about such an experience. Duskpaw looked at her again before he sighed.
I saw a very bad part of him, Demonpaw. Duskpaw told her after a few moments
of hesitance. He wasnt. . .sane, and his voice became different. That foxall it
had to do was bite the scar on his shoulder before Rainfur went insane. He said
some creepy things, and he slaughtered that fox. And he was still an apprentice!
His eyes were as dark as yours, and his scar was glowingit was like I was in a
bad dream. It actually was my nightmare for many moons, and with me being only
kit then, the image continues to haunt me. Demonpaws eyes were wide as the
pieces started coming together in her head.
Was the scar shaped li-ike a star? asked Demonpaw. Duskpaw looked at her with
narrowed eyes before he nodded. And did he get stronger, faster, and a lot more
out of control? Duskpaw nodded again.
Demonpaw, whats going on? asked Duskpaw, his eyes filled with worry as his
ears twitched with nervousness. Demonpaw was about to tell him, but she decided
against it, repeating Bravepaws words:anyone who finds out will be afraid of
you. Demonpaw shook her head, quickly calming herself down.
N-nothing, she murmured, smiling bleakly. L-lets just get this prey back to
camp. Duskpaw stared at her suspiciously. They stared at each other in silence for
a short time.
Demonpaw, you know you can tell me anything. Duskpaw told her. Demonpaw
nodded, before quickly picking up all she could and walking toward camp.
Duskpaw quickly caught up with her, leaving the rest of the trip to be in silence.

For the next few days, both Duskpaw and Demonpaw forgot about that
conversation. Or at least thats what she did. It was so awkward once she thought
back to it, but the grey and white apprentice didnt let that ruin her training. She
went along as usual, and continued to suggest training with Duskpaw. After all, his
influence was helping her.
Demonpaw halted, barely able to save herself from getting run over by a crying
she-cat. The grey and white apprentice was curious as to who it was, but figured it
was just Flowerpaw getting picked on by her mentor. Its the only way youre
gonna get better. Demonpaw thought, recalling the first time shed told Flowerpaw
Hey, Demonpaw, we want to show you something! claimed a white she-cat,
bounding over with her identical brother.
Youre gonna love it, we promise! Cloudpaw stated clearly as he nudged her
forward. Demonpaw walked, but her eyes became narrowed with confusion. She
found out later that she was being led by the twins over to the corner of camp,
which confused her further.
Erguys, what are we Demonpaw began, but was cut off as Cloudpaw
shushed her.
Weve been seeing how you two look at each other, so Lilypaw began.
We made Nightpaw and Snowpaw buzz off long enough for you two to
Cloudpaw continued.
Share your meal together! They both finished. Demonpaw looked closer at the
corner of camp and saw Duskpaw along with two mice, glaring at the dead
creatures with suspecting eyes.
But what if someone Demonpaw started, but she was once again interrupted
by the twins.
The other apprentices are all nearby watching out for the mentors and what not.
Lilypaw explained, standing proudly as if this was the best plan theyd ever
created. Cloudpaw nodded.
Well be occupying Nightpaw and Snowpaw until nest-time, so dont worry about
them. Cloudpaw went on, continuing the conversation as he puffed his chest out.
So just have fun! They both ordered her cheerfully. They gave her a push before
disappearing to where ever they were going to keep Duskpaws siblings busy. At
first she hesitated, but eventually she walked up to the golden apprentice.
Demonpaw opened her mouth, but Duskpaw spoke first.
Did Cloudpaw and Lilypaw do this? he asked bluntly, his eyes filled with
confusion. Demonpaw smiled, quite surprised that hed caught on so quickly.
Yeah, they did. she said, having no desire to lie about something so silly. It
doesnt mean we cant have our meal together, though. She walked around him
before lying down and taking one of the mice. Duskpaw shrugged.
I guess it doesnt matter. . . Duskpaw said. His eyes suddenly widened with
realization. U-uhI-I mean. ErI dont mind. . . Duskpaw murmured, trying to
find the right words. Demonpaw chuckled lightly.
Did you bite your tongue, Duskpaw? Youre not usually at a loss for words.
Demonpaw teased slightly, her tail flicking with the pleasure of making him
flustered. He looked at his mouse, his tail twitching with nervousness as he tried to
Um, yeah, I guess I must have. Duskpaw answered, looking quite humiliated.
Demonpaw rolled her eyes and laughed a little harder.
Youre so sensitive! Demonpaw exclaimed, making the golden tom look at her.
Lighten up a little! I wouldnt be so cruel as to embarrass you. I was just teasing!
Demonpaw continued to giggle, which seemed to make the tension in Duskpaw
Eek! What is this feeling? Demonpaw asked herself as Duskpaw looked at
her. Bravepaw, where are you when I need you? This is just too weird! The feeling
was quite warm, and she herself grew warmer, as if the sun had just grew hotter.
So, how has your training been going? Duskpaw asked. Got any idea of what
youre going to be yet? Demonpaw shrugged.
Im really not good at anything but fighting, she admitted, giving a bleak smile.
Its just something I love doing, you know? Ever since I was a kit, my mother told
me of stories that got me hooked on the idea of going to ThunderClan. So, Im
honestly going to strive for that dream. Duskpaw nodded.
Well, thats a good thing. he stated. Its very empowering that youre able to
follow your dreams, because I never got the choice. Demonpaw tilted her head.
You didnt? But why not? the curious grey and white she-cat asked. Duskpaw
Ive not once showed the ambition for anything in particular. Duskpaw told her,
seeming to have no care on the matter. I really just want to go back to RiverClan
and stay there just as I would have done if the war hadnt happened. Demonpaw
narrowed her eyes in confusion.
But whats life without ambition? Demonpaw asked, her tail flicking a bit. I
mean, what have you got to strive for if you dont want something for yourself? A
dream is a goal, Duskpaw. Its a passion that allows you to go further than anyone
else would ever think. Without it, youre just. . .there. Nothing more. Youre not
truly living for anything.
Duskpaw stared at her for a long time, sending that warm feeling through her once
more. Eventually, he smiled with a certain knowledge in his eyes.
Ill never get tired of the words that come out of your mouth, Demonpaw. he
said simply. They are empowering, poetic, and movingthree things I honestly
need more of. Demonpaw giggled like a kit, and they continued talking. Now,
however, it was less awkward between them.

Bravepaw was quite irritated when he managed to finally get to sleep. Between
being told that his sister was off flirting with an older apprentice, and once again
having to comfort Flowerpaw, he was angry, almost furious. Still, he kept calm.
No matter his age, he was one of the most mature apprentices in ShadowClan, and
he wished to stay that way.
When he woke in his dream, Bravepaws frustration doubled. He was at the same
place, at the same time, and in the same dream hed been going to for the past
moon. Usually, Bravepaw became curious, and would wander. However, today he
just wanted to sleep normally.
Why do I keep coming here? Bravepaw yelled into the field before him. Why is
this so important? The field was filled of light green grass that swayed in the cool
breeze that Bravepaw could easily feel. He would always run into the end of the
clearing and find mountains. However, when he went the other way, he witnessed
a river, and trees. In both directions, however, he could barely see the outline of
another cat before he would wake up.
Its your destiny, young one. whispered a new voice. Maybe this wasnt the same
dream. This is the end.
What are you talking about? asked Bravepaw, quickly trying to spot the cat who
was talking to him. This is the end of what? A life? My destiny? He couldnt see
anyone, but the voice was as clear as the sun high sky.
Suddenly, a faded figure appeared before him, staring off into the distance. It was a
tom in which looked identical to Bravepaw, though a little older. A certain
mystical part of the older tom made Bravepaw become cautious as he walked
Who are you? Bravepaw asked, even though he had a very good idea. The tom
continued to look at the stars, his eyes dazed.
Did you know that the sky represents a certain pattern of emotions? asked the
tom. When it is dark, and the slightest rays begin to rise, there is hope. When
dawn arrives, and the sky turns a bright ginger, that hope turns into courage in
which we use to fight. When the sun is directly above us, that fire continues to
move us through the day. When that pushes into the sunset, the fire dims, no longer
needed because the fighting has subsided. When the moon rises, then, we sleep,
resting under the stars in which protect us. Bravepaws eyes were bright as he
found himself mildly interested in what the elder tom was speaking of.
But there are other patterns. Bravepaw ventured, deciding that he could just play
along with the dream. Clouds could cover the sunor fire, as you call itand
bring down the depression of rain. The fire may fight back using the lightning and
thunder, but tragedy and death continue to outweigh the fighting. Fog, however,
simply tries to blind the fire into submission. And snow tries to force the fire into
boredom, for what is life without color? The tom broke his gaze from the stars,
then, and looked to Bravepaw with a proud smile.
You have done well, young one. Far beyond that in which I originally thought.
Since Ive deemed you ready, I will introduce myself. The tom suddenly took a
deep breath in, as if trying to gain the courage. I am Bravestar, a former leader of
What? asked Bravepaw, his eyes wide. Waitthat means that youbut that
would meanHow are you here? Bravestar smiled, chuckling slightly.
I have always been here. Bravestar explained. From the moment Mudpaw
arranged that you live, I have been within you, watching over your soul. My very
existence has always surrounded you, protecting you from other harms. However,
as your destiny draws near, Ive been allowed to speak with you. Bravepaw
narrowed his eyes in concentration.
Thats what the other voice said. Bravepaw stated. What is my destiny, and
why is it so important? I know that this conversation is more than just a dream.
Bravestar nodded.
I am quite aware of how you think, Bravepaw, Bravestar told the grey
apprentice. And Im very sure I know the knowledge youve acquired. However,
in a half moon is the only time I am allowed to trust the secret I know to you.
Why? asked Bravepaw, his head tilted to the side.
I am not allowed to tell you. Bravestar explained, his eyes deepening with
You keep saying allowed. Does StarClan have that much of a grip on you?
Bravepaw asked curiously as his ears twitched with anxiousness. He felt that
something dangerous was near.
Yes and no. A lot of the decisions I am making are nothing more than protection
for your mind, and for those around you. Some decisions, however, are made by
StarClan because of how much impact your destiny will have on the prophecy.
Bravepaws eyes were focused on the tom now.
The prophecy? asked Bravepaw.
Yes, but please, I must show you something. Bravestar stood up, his tail flicking
toward the centre of the clearing. There, in front of him, was a black Volan with
bat-like wings that were stretched out as he landed onto the ground.
What is that? asked Bravepaw, his eyes widened as he stared open-jawed at the
black tom. It cant be real, can it? I mean, I believe that they could be real, but I
never thought they would come here. Bravestar chuckled slightly.
Young one, this is simply a memory of my past. The tom cannot see me, as it
didnt manage to spot me in the memory, but it is very real. Ive learned that the
species is called Volan, and there are several far off toward the Sun-drowned
place. This tom, however, took the unwelcome adventure into these lands. He left
soon after, but that is not the point of this memory. Bravestar looked at him,
scowling as Bravepaw figured out that the former leader of RiverClan was very
serious now.
Bravepaw, these creatures are not to be welcomed. Bravestar warned. In the
prophecy I mentioned before, the Volans are the enemy. Not the main enemy, but
they play a part in the ingenious plan fate has set out for us. Only one can be
trusted, and he will not arrive for some time. You must keep an eye out for these
creatures, even if only for the sake of your sister. Bravepaw looked away.
And why would I want to do this for Demonpaw? Ive been finding out lately
shes got better things to do than helping me or anyone else. Bravepaw muttered.
Bravestar gasped.
You mustnt think this, young one! Bravestar exclaimed. Your destiny depends
on your relationship with your kin! You must stay strong, and instead think of the
good qualities of your sister. Bravepaw scoffed, but tried anyway. A suggestion
from a former leader of RiverClan was practically an order in his mind, and then to
add the fact Bravestar was the tom whom his mother named him after.
He thought back to when they were kits, and brought back many memories.
Demonpaw may be stubborn, too ignorant, and sometimes a brat, but her
ignorance allows her to look past the horrible, ugly pasts of some catslike
Duskpaw. She knows how to word her sentences into powerful and enticing
speeches that leave others empowered, and she is very strong. Both in mind and
body, but also in soul. I think someone would have to break all of her legs before
she stopped fighting for something she wanted. Bravestar chuckled again, his lips
forming into another warm smile.
Ah, yes, that describes your sister perfectly. Bravestar murmured. So, whenever
you think ill of your sister, remember the other parts of her. It will help.
Bravepaw nodded.

Demonpaw had come back from her dusk training and was now planning on
finding Bravepaw. She was honestly starving, but she knew the elders came first.
So, the grey and white apprentice bounded over to her pale grey brother, hoping to
have him help her.
Demonpaw found herself curious, however, when she saw Bravepaw comforting
Flowerpaw in the corner of camp. She listened, careful not to alert the two of them
that shed arrived.
Flowerpaw, its okay, just tell me what he told you. Bravepaw murmured
comfortingly. Demonpaw had been hearing that side of her brother a lot,
considering how fast she could get angry. However, it was different now, as if he
had a different way of approaching the older she-cat.
Its t-too horri-ible. . . Flowerpaw sniffled, obviously crying. Hes so cru-uel, a-
and I-I shou-ldnt bo-bother y-you wit-th my pro-oblems. . . Demonpaw scoffed
under her breathcouldnt the white she-cat understand that Bravepaw was trying
to comfort her?
Spiderpaw is too busy, Fishpelt could care less, and everyone else doesnt believe
you, Bravepaw pointed out. I seem to be the only one who can help you, so
please, tell me what he did. There was a pause, and a bit of sniffling. Eventually,
the white she-cat sighed, gathering up her courage, it seemed.
I-I came back from training, a-and he blocked my way to the fresh-kill pile.
Flowerpaw explained. He-e told me I-I was. . .wea-ak, and pa-athetic, and
Flowerpaw cut herself short. Bravepaw, hes so mean! He thinks hes so great and
then he goes and picks on me, and Rosefire, and Twigpaw, and Redpaw, and
Shh, Bravepaw soothed, interrupting her rant. I know hes mean, and I will talk
to Demonpaw about this. Nightpaw is far worse than I first thought if he is
torturing the four of you everyday of every moon. Flowerpaw sighed with relief.
Thank you, Bravepaw, Flowerpaw told him. You make everything better.
Demonpaw smirked, happy that Bravepaw could not see her. Someones in
loooo~veeee. She thought.
Youre welcome. Go get some food from the fresh-kill pile, and go to sleep.
Youve had a hard day. Bravepaw suggested, sounding a lot like he was talking to
his own kit. Flowerpaw rushed by her seconds later, followed by Demonpaws
brother, who simply glared at her before walking forward.
Whats got your tail twisted in a knot? asked Demonpaw sarcastically. Bravepaw
turned around, his tail twitching as his narrowed eyes revealed his irritated
You really dont pay attention, do you? Bravepaw asked, making Demonpaw tilt
her head. Her brother rolled his eyes before walking in the other direction.
Hey, wait a minute! Demonpaw called. She ran forward and stopped him from
going any further by blocking his path. What do you mean I dont pay attention?
I know everything thats going on! Bravepaw narrowed his eyes with a sense of
distance that shed never noticed before.
Did you know about Flowerpaw and Nightpaws obsession with ruining her life?
asked Demonpaws brother. Do you know about how broken Duskpaw is because
of his brother? Do you know that, behind your back, people call us the demon
twins? Do you know that Robinwing has been missing for a half moon?
Demonpaw narrowed her eyes tightly at the last question.
Mums gone? Demonpaw asked. Bravepaws eyes tightened harder.
So you dont know? asked Bravepaw. That makes it worse! Demonpaw, you
need to listen. Didnt you see Robinwings face when she left us? It was like she
was never going to see us again. Didnt you hear where she was going? I knew you
heard them talking about meeting Sharpmoon. Did you pay attention to any of
that? Demonpaw shrugged.
Yeah, so? Demonpaw asked. Bravepaw growled with irritation.
Our mother is dead, you bird-brain! Bravepaw shrieked, tears starting to well up
in his eyes. She was taken away as soon as we were old enough to become
apprentices, and then Sharpmoon killed her! And do you realize that? No. You
keep training as if this world is as innocent as Robinwing made it out to be. News
flash, were different, and you should know that by the powers both you and I
Powers? What are you talking about? Demonpaw asked, her tail flicking as she
sensed the hostility in the air. Bravepaws fur bristled as he bared as teeth,
growling loudly with frustration.
Youre kidding me! Bravepaw hissed, becoming very tense. Ive told you
before how you can get so angry and nearly kill someone, havent I? Demonpaw
Yeah, but I never thought
And Ive let you in on the little secret that Im the only one who can calm you
down because of a special connection, havent I? Bravepaw asked, his eyes
narrowing tighter.
Wellyeahbut thats not really different
Yes it is, Demonpaw! Bravepaw hissed, his tail lashing now. Your condition
was inherited from our dad, and my connection is because we both share his blood!
Isnt that obvious? Cant you see? No, of course not, because youre stuck in your
wonderful little fantasy of being the perfect apprentice that everyone listens to,
making it to ThunderClan with the greatest honor and then being able to give birth
to strong kits with your new friend Duskpaw!
Hey, dont you dare
Do what? Insult your new mate? Bravepaw asked, interrupting her. Too bad,
miss princess, because while youre off living your dream, Im actually doing
important things like helping Flowerpaw and saving your tail every time you mess
up! There was movement behind Bravepaw.
Um, do you two need to see Snakestar about this or something? asked the
apprentice Demonpaw recognized as Spiderpaw. Her yellow eyes were narrowed,
and she was tensed.
Stay out of this, Spiderpaw! Bravepaw hissed. Its under control. Demonpaws
brother was glaring at her, completely tense as if ready to attack. His fur was
bristled, and his tail continued to lashing.
Speak for yourself. Demonpaw muttered, her eyes narrowed. This isnt you
Bravepaw. Did something upset you? Bravepaw growled in frustration.
You did, mouse-brain! Bravepaw screeched. I am angry at you and not
anything else! Get it through your thick, blinded brain that you need to stop going
after your dream and start looking into reality! Demonpaw tensed, feeling
herself getting just that much angry.
I at least have a dream! Demonpaw yelled, her eyes narrowed with fury. You
do nothing but care about others, leaving you with nothing to strive for! Youve
got no one you want to make proud of you, no one to prove yourself to, and
especially no one to congratulate you when you reach your goal! Bravepaw was
gritting his teeth, his whole body almost shaking as he remained tense.
Shut up. . . Bravepaw hissed through his teeth. You dont know anything!
Oh, so youre saying Im dumb now? Demonpaw spat, her tail flicking with
irritation. Well go ahead and think whatever you want, because at least Im not
eavesdropping on other conversations. No wonder Nightpaw wishes to make you
his puppetyoud be perfect for it!
Shut up, Demonpaw! Bravepaw hissed again, a hint of desperation in his voice.
I can do whatever I want without you approving it, because no matter what you
say, I can look after myself! Demonpaw yelled furiously at her brother.
Bravepaws next movement was too quick for her to notice. One moment he was
there, and the next, a grey blur was rushing toward her.
A sharp pain made her give a loud screech. Demonpaw quickly unsheathed her
claws without thinking and swiped in the attackers general direction. Whoever it
was evaded that and backed away, leaving her alone with her bleeding shoulder.
Bravepaw! What have you done! shrieked a nearby she-cat. Apparently, all the
apprentices had gathered to listen to the large commotion. Demonpaw looked up to
see Bravepaw glaring at her, though he also looked a lot less angry. The grey and
white she-cat narrowed her eyes, fury raging through her body. That was your
You will pay for that! Demonpaw screeched before lunging forward toward her
brother, attacking with her claws unsheathed. Somewhere in the back of her mind,
she knew that attacking wasnt the right thing to do. However, she was blinded by
fury, and so attacking was the only way to go.
Her movements were quicker than shed ever imagined them being, and her
strength was far beyond the level she usually trained at. Bravepaw was barely able
to keep up thanks to his wonderful speed, but as she went forward, he began
moving backward without any way to escape.
Demonpaw caught clumps of his fur in her claws, and a few times she heard
Bravepaw whimper in pain. He was definitely slowing down, though then again,
she was just getting faster. Eventually, Demonpaw hooked her paw around his leg
and pulled him down, quickly pinning him to the ground as she growled loudly.
I need to kill him for what he did! Demonpaw yelled at herself furiously. No one
attacks me and gets away with it! No one can make me look so weak in front of all
those apprentices! She raised her paw to slit his throat, but a small part of her made
her hesitate. It was a little part of her mind, something as weak as an ant. But it still
made her pause.
Suddenly, someone collided into her, forcing her off of Bravepaw. When
Demonpaw found herself looking into the icy blue eyes of a golden tom, her heart
Demonpaw, stop, you dont want to do that. Duskpaw said, seeming to force her
anger down a bit. Youre okay. . .Bravepaw is your brother, so you cant be angry
at him. You need to just calm down, and breathe. Demonpaws thoughts were to
jumbled and out of order for her to truly figure out what to do, and so she remained
Duskpaw, I can handle this. came Bravepaws voice, once again mature like he
usually was.
Are you insane? She almost killed you, and shell try again if you continue to
fight! Duskpaw spat back at her brother.
No, I dont want to fight her. Bravepaw explained to the golden she-cat. J ust
watch. Demonpaw fidgeted as her brother got closer. Her whole being seemed to
brand Bravepaw untrustworthy, and so she tried to squirm out of Duskpaws grasp.
A cold nose suddenly nuzzled itself into her shoulder, stinging a bit from
Bravepaws wound. In heart-beats, her anger faded, and she calmed down. Her
breathing was no longer fast, her body was no longer tensed, and she was overall
quite relaxed.
Demonpaw blinked a couple of times before realizing that Duskpaw had stood off
of her. Quickly, she sat up, staring with shock at the horrified expressions looking
back at her. Everyoneyes, everyone, even the mentorswere staring at her.
Bravepaw, Im so sorry! Demonpaw cried.
You should be. growled the familiar voice of her mentor. Demonpaw looked
further beyond her brother to stare into the adder-like eyes of Snakestar.

Chapter Sixteen
[ Demonpaw]
Snakestar, I swear I didnt do any of that on purpose! I was just angry, a-and I
freaked out, and I
Became controlled by something else. Snakestar growled, his tail flicking with
irritation as his expression continued to stay in a scowl. That still gives you no
excuseyou know what could happen if you got furious, so why not avoid that by
avoiding the fight altogether?
Wait, how do you know about Demonpaws condition? asked Bravepaw, his eyes
narrowed with focus. Snakestars cold yellow eyes looked over to Demonpaws
brother without a change of emotion.
Your father had something similar, and judging by how insane your sister looked
today, I simply made an educated guess. Snakestar hissed, his voice becoming even
darker. Your connection with your sister must be strong if you were able to stop
it. Bravepaw narrowed his eyes tighter, and the two stared at each other for a long
timeor at least thats what Demonpaw felt like it wasbefore Snakestars gaze
shifted back to her.
How many times has this happened? asked Snakestar. And be honest, or I will ask
the other apprentices. Demonpaw lowered her head slightly, knowing that
Nightpaw would easily spill the beans if she didnt become truthful.
Its happened twice, once in WindClan, and the other on our first dusk here.
Demonpaw murmured softly. But I didnt know you knew, so thats what I didnt
tell you! Bravepaw said that anyone who finds out will be scared of me! Snakestar
growled lowly.
And they will, but for a different reason. Snakestar told them. No doubt most of
them are recounting the events or stories of your father, and are probablybecause
of thatscared to death of the fact they have to spend the next four moons with
you. Demonpaw narrowed her eyes in confusion.
What did our father do that was so bad? asked Demonpaw. I heard a few stories
from Duskpaw, but he didnt tell me every detail. Snakestar sighed.
And I dont blame him. Snakestar grumbled. Demonpaw, you are not ready to
realize what your father did, even if all of it was just a misunderstanding.
Demonpaws went back, and her fur bristled slightly.
So why arent I ready? Im perfectly capable of handling the truth! Demonpaw
hissed. Snakestar growled lowly with warning.
No, youre not, Demonpaw. Snakestar hissed. In fact, I must ask your brother
some questions. You, however will not be in this den as I do. Demonpaws eyes
were wide as her jaw dropped. What the heck? Why on earth does he want to speak
with Bravepaw and not me?
But why? Demonpaw asked.
Because you will be cleaning out the apprentices dens by yourself until nest time.
Snakestar hissed, his tail flicking roughly. Now go, before I make the punishment
worse. Demonpaw growled as she glared at her mentor, but followed his orders and
left the den.

[ Bravepaw ]
Bravepaw sighed and shook his head when his sister finally left the den. Im sorry,
Snakestar. Demonpaw can be stubborn at times. Snakestar didnt reply instantly
his gaze was still fixed on where Demonpaw had left.
That personality trait can be both a good thing, and a bad thing, Snakestar
murmured as his gaze drifted back to Bravepaw. While she will never back down
from any fight, she will also not back down from her elders when it is good for her.
Bravepaw nodded, fully agreeing with the leaders statement.
So what kind of questions did you want to ask me? asked Bravepaw. They must
be important if my sister cant be here. Snakestar gave a bleak smile that quickly
That isnt quite right. Snakestar told him. Though mostly true, Ive realized that
you yourself have kept secrets from your sister. Bravepaw narrowed his eyes in
hostility and focus, though wasnt angry.
How did you know that? Bravepaw asked. Snakestar stayed still, his emotion
without change as Bravepaw became suspicious.
Our ancestors in StarClan do not only speak to you, Bravepaw. My deceased brother
and many others have been informing me of the situation of you and your kin, and
how your fates have been progressing. Snakestar finished just the way he ended,
leaving Bravepaw to stay the same as well. Im not about to start an argument I
cant finish. Bravepaw thought.
What have they told you? asked Bravepaw. Snakestars lips formed a sly grin.
I see that your intelligence is far better than your sisters. Snakestar mused.
Bravepaw didnt movehe was in no mood for humour. I have heard that Bravestar
has finally revealed his full connection with you, as well as half of your destiny.
With this information, do you honestly think your sister will be able to continue
through her little fantasy? Bravepaws eyes darkened as he sat up straighter and
looked at his paws.
Honestly? No. Bravepaw told Snakestar. I dont know what it says about the
future of any cat closest to Demonpaw, but I do know that she will wreck havoc
upon your clan. As for the clan shell be going to afterword, they will be fine. By
then, shell be over it. Snakestar raised his eye brows.
Are you so sure? What shall happen to her will push her into the most fury that
shes ever had to endure. Snakestar reminded him. Bravepaw chuckled slightly.
You didnt let me rephrase my answer. Bravepaw murmured darkly. Shell be
over it. . .to everyone else. Inside, shell be at war with herself. Snakestar was quite
for a few moments, before he looked up with a scowl.
But what about you? asked Snakestar, his voice sounding almost. . .emotional.
Surely you had some argument with Bravestar? Bravepaw could hear his heart-
beat and his breathing, both becoming rapid.
I thought about it, yes, but I didnt debate the decision. Bravepaw explained, trying
the best he could not to say it aloud. I must do things my sister cannot, for the sake
of my motherat leastand the promise I made to her. Snakestar gave a real smile
at that point.
Bravepaw, there is more to you than I originally thought. Snakestar stated. He then
sighed. The important question must be asked. How long before this happens, and
what is our warning? Bravepaw closed his eyes, trying hard to remember back to
his dream.
A half moon. Bravepaw replied, his gaze locking with Snakestars. And as for a
warning. . .I should say that we must keep a closer eye on Demonpaw. When she
disappears, that is when the plan shall unravel. Snakestar was quiet again, this time
seeming to study Bravepaws mask of emotion to hide what he was really feeling.
Are you afraid that she will blame you? asked Snakestar. This will be, inevitably
and as planned, your fault. Bravepaw winced at those words, but took a deep,
calming exhale.
No, she wont blame me. Bravepaw answered, giving a small smile. She is much
too proud for that. She may blame others, such as StarClan, Bravestar, or you, but
not me. Her connection with me can prove that. Snakestar nodded, seemingly at
ease with that answer. Even if she does blame me, it will be brief. Bravepaw
continued. Stormheart will persuade her to think otherwise, or make her too angry
to think of me.
Good. Snakestar said. Come to my den in two sunrises. As Bravestar said, we
will be telling Demonpaw that youve been getting some strange dreams from
StarClan, and I have asked you to reveal them to me. Also, tell Demonpaw that you
are talking to me about her condition as well. Bravepaw nodded.
Yes, Snakestar, I will. Bravepaw said before dipping his head with respect and
leaving quietly.

[ Demonpaw]
Demonpaw was angrily cleaning out the dens, her thoughts bursting as she thought
of the conversation that just happened. What is it with everyone thinking Im not
ready, and then yelling at my face when I cant figure it out? Im not a super-cat!
And wouldnt it be better to just tell me what my dad did?
She quickly rolled up the dry moss and nudged it out of camp, still muttering to
herself. Eventually, she found that she was done. Not with all of the dens, but the
main one. Demonpaw sighed with relief before padding over to the medicine den.
Poppyheart? Demonpaw asked, sniffing the den as she prayed to StarClan that the
medicine cat would be able to help her sore paws. A soft meow of surprise made
Demonpaw smile, and soon she was staring into the yellow eyes of Poppyheart.
Ah, Demonpaw. I didnt see you. Poppyheart said sweetly. What can I do for
you? Demonpaw smiled slightly in greeting to the young she-cat.
I was hoping for some poppy seeds. Demonpaw told the medicine cat. Im tired,
but I dont think Ill be able to sleep tonight after. . .well, after that. Poppyheart
I dont see why you couldnt have them. Poppyheart responded cheerfully, giving
a gleeful smile. Ill go get them for you. The golden she-cat disappeared into the
darkness of the den while Demonpaw sat down, her feet aching even further.
Hey, Poppyheart? asked Demonpaw. She heard somewhat of a purr in
acknowledgement. Where would you go for answers? Poppyheart seemed to
pause, for Demonpaw could no longer heart the rustling of a few plants.
W-why would you ask me? Arent questions better asked to your mentor?
Poppyheart asked, continuing, though slowly. Demonpaw lowered her head.
Snakestars angry with me, and hes the reason Im confused in the first place.
Demonpaw admitted. I came to ask you because youre a medicine cat, the same as
Mudpaw, and Mudpaw always knew the answer. Poppyheart reappeared from the
darkness smiling bleakly.
Im not Mudpaw, though. Poppyheart said kindly. Still, youre right with the fact
that we medicine cats are very informative. Or was considering that we no longer
can visit the Moonpool without permission, and even then its a slim chance.
Demonpaw tilted her head with curiosity, her eyes brightening.
You mean that the Moonpool stores information? asked Demonpaw. Poppyheart
Its a cats direct connection with StarClan, Poppyheart explained. Since
StarClan has seen everything, Im pretty sure that you could say that yes, it does hold
information. You cant cross the border as an apprentice, though. Demonpaw
I know. Demonpaw said. I would just like to know whats going on. Poppyheart
smiled warmly to her.
If there is any secret being kept from you, Im sure it is for the best. Poppyheart
told her. Demonpaw narrowed her eyes. If it was for the best, Bravepaw wouldnt be
a part of it either. Were together, forever! How come he gets to know and I dont?
Demonpaw quickly took her poppy seeds and left, her tail flicking with irritation as
she did. The grey and white apprentice was just about to walk into the den she slept
in when she caught the color of her brothers coat in the corner of her eye.
Immediately, Demonpaw looked behind her and saw Bravepaw walking toward the
den as well, his head low as his gaze locked onto his sisters. Demonpaw bonded
over, hoping to this time get some information.
What were you two talking about? asked Demonpaw quickly. Bravepaw narrowed
his eyes, putting on the same scowl that he did when he was becoming protective.
Why must you know everything? Bravepaw asked sharply, catching Demonpaw
by surprise. She tilted her head.
Can it be just because Im curious? asked Demonpaw. Bravepaws tail flicked
with irritation.
Ive already told you that you dont need to know, and if you were curious, youd
stop asking. Demonpaw smirked, her expression now playful.
Bravepaw, you know very well that Ill never stop asking. Demonpaw said
proudly, her head held high as she ignored Bravepaws hardened expression. Its
just something that makes mewellme. Bravepaw growled lowly in warning.
And thats what got you in trouble! Bravepaw spat. You dont need to know
anything other than what Ive already told you, so please, just leave me be.
Demonpaws eyes narrowed as she paused mid-step. Eventually, after a few
moments, she responded.
Bravepaw, what is wrong with you? Demonpaw asked. Whats with being so
secretive all of a sudden? We used to tell each other everything, and then some!
Cant you see that all Im asking for is an explanation? Bravepaw looked away,
emotion flooding his jade green eyes.
I stopped telling you everything when you started to become an arrogant and
ignorant apprentice of ShadowClan. Bravepaw stated simply. Now let me go to
sleep. Its nest time, if you didnt notice. Bravepaw quickly returned to the den after
that, leaving Demonpaw to stare with wide eyes to where her brother disappeared.
Demonpaw, is everything okay? asked Duskpaw, approaching her gingerly. I saw
you two fighting, and I, well
Duskpaw, whats going on with him? Demonpaw asked desperately as she turned
instantly to meet his gaze. I thought I knew him, but now its like Bravepaws not
even my brother anymore! Duskpaw looked a bit taken back by her sudden
movements, but after a slight pause, he gave her a warm, encouraging smile.
Everyone who comes here changes, whether that be big or small. Duskpaw
explained. Lilypaw and Cloudpaw were once very innocent kits before they came
here, and Leopardpaw was a very cheerful tom. Heck, even I was a little. . .happier
back before I was forced to come here. Demonpaw sighed.
I know. Demonpaw murmured. But it shouldnt matter! He and I have a
connection thatwell, you saw it, didnt you? If its that strong, then why doesnt
he tell me everything? Duskpaw shrugged.
Maybe it isnt very good for you to know. Duskpaw told her. Maybe he could be
trying to surprise you with something spectacular, or he could be discussing your
future with Snakestar. Demonpaw narrowed her eyes with suspicion.
Then why wouldnt I be included in the conversation? asked Demonpaw.
Duskpaw raised his eye brow.
Would you ever be serious about your weaknesses? Duskpaw asked, raising his
eye brows. Demonpaw shook her head, lowering it a little bit. Hey, dont worry
about him, Demonpaw. Youre too lucky to have anything bad happen to you, so
just cheer up. It will all come together in the end. Demonpaw smiled, looking into
his icy blue eyes with ease.
Thank you, Duskpaw, Demonpaw said, leaning on his shoulder. Youre a good
friend. Duskpaw was silent for a few moments before he responded.
You too, Demonpaw. he said.

King Negro, its been a moon and weve had to put up with those bird-brain mouse-
dung cats for what seems like an eternity. growled a brown and white she-cat whos
left wing didnt lay quite right. When are we going to attack those cats and win
back our territory?
A movement in the shadows was followed by a glint of amber eyes. Soon, Lady
Laidia. Soon. claimed a cruel, ambitious voice. Our defenses and traps have been
set up. Those in training are ready to achieve their rank, and the strategies are being
practiced as we speak. Then he paused. Are my sons ready? Laidia nodded.
Prince Tavo is more than ready. He is undefeated in the mock battles, same with
Prince Evectri. Laidia explained. I must ask you if you fully trust Prince Evectri.
He may no longer be a traitor, but he may be a spy. Do you really think?
Lady Laidia, your suspicions are the same as mine. Negro told her. However, for
the sake of my honour, I must trust him as my own son. If he defies my wishes again,
he will never be welcomed back in this flock, and neither will he be allowed to live.
Laidia smirked, though she also looked slightly worried.
A few fox-lengths away, amber eyesidentical to that of the kingstared straight
at the royal King. With the information that he needed, Evectri turned around, and
walked away quietly, a plan form in his head as he realized what Negro meant.
I am no longer allowed to say anything for the cats. They are defenceless, and I. . .I
must leave them like that. Otherwise, my title, my royal blood, my royal training,
and my status of a Volan all vanishes, and I cease to be a part of my ancestors
creation. Evectri sighed, thinking of how cruel and cold hed be if he left the cats. If
I dont save the cats, though, I my potentially end up forcing several of my kin into
unnecessary deaths and my cat friends into an unnecessary extinction. Evectri
smiled bleakly.
Looks like I lost.

Chapter Seventeen
Can you see anything? asked Rain, giving a warm smile as he felt the summer
breeze upon him. The small golden she-cat pouted, her eyes narrowed as she
looked ahead.
No! I already told you that. Honey stated as she gazed around the rocky plain of
the hill. All I can see is boring green grass and a few stones. Why is this so
important anyway? Rain chuckled slightly, his light blue gaze resting on the
Youll see in a moment. Rain promised. Now, can you smell anything? Honey
Of course not! The breeze is going away from us, so all of the scents are drifting
away. Honey answered with a slight grumble to her voice. And I still dont see
the point. Rain continued to smile before he went on.
Okay then. he said. If the breeze is heading away from you in one direction,
what must you do to change that? Honey paused, looking at him with a puzzled
expression. She then narrowed her eyes in concentration before flicking her ear left
and turning that way she was standing oppositely. Rain then did the same.
But we came from this way. Honey told him. Weve scared off all the prey, so
what could possibly be there? Rain just went on smiling.
Prey was created mouse-brained for a reason. Rain explained. Every tiny bug is
more mouse-brained than the roaring river, the trickling stream, or the temporary
puddle. And yet the frog and water vole is smarter than that river, stream, or
puddle. Both can swim, and so both can retrieve that bug from the river, stream, or
puddle. The water vole and frog, however, are more mouse-brained than us, and so
we can catch them as prey. The eagles are sometimes smarter though, as is the fox
or dog. Humans are smart as well, but they tend to keep to themselves. Honey
narrowed her eyes in confusion.
And your point is. . .? Honey asked.
J ust because we scared them off, doesnt mean theyll come right back. Rain
answered. Now, can you see or smell anything? Honey sighed before sniffing the
air and quickly looking around the grassy plain. Her expression suddenly turned
into a scowl.
No. she replied.
No? asked Rain, acting surprised. Well then, lets try a different approach.
Close your eyes. Honey looked at him as if he were a ghost. Rain stared right
back. It will work, trust me. Honey shrugged after that before doing as told.
Now, listen to the sounds around you. Rain ordered her. He was quiet, waiting to
hear her response.
Good job, Rainy, came J acturs amused voice. Howd you learn all this stuff? I
know you know it, but not after losing your memory.
I think it comes naturally, whether I remember learning it or not. Rain replied.
Wow! Honey exclaimed, her eyes opening quickly. I can hear so much, and
even though its far away, I know where it all is and what it all is! Rain looked at
her more closely.
What is it that you hear, Honey? asked Rain, hoping that shed gotten it.
Theres a crow just four fox-lengths that way, a few mice if we go that way for a
bit, and a vole if we go straight! Honey looked as excited as she did when she was
allowed to train, making Rain look better than he felt he did.
Alright then. Rain said. You choose the easiest piece of prey, and Ill watch you
from the shadows. Remember what I taught you earlier this mooneyes straight
forward, and tail down. Honey nodded eagerly before bounding off through the
tall grass.
Rain turned around, running toward the sighting hide-outs. Hed been in them
quite a lot since his time as a Sighter, even though it had only been one moon and
he hadnt sighted a Volan since that declaration. The Cats of the Storms deemed
that he was good-luck after that. He believed it was simply a warning.
He climbed up the steep part of the hill, using his claws as leverage and his back
legs as boosters. Eventually, he made it to the hide-out and entered with ease,
smiling in greeting as he saw Moon and Crow lurking within the Shadows.
Finally, the great and powerful Rain makes an appearance. claimed Crow in an
announcer-like voice. The black tom emerged into the light, his gleaming black
coat shimmering. A playful smirk lay on his lips. Finally finished training
Her hunting has gradually become as good as her fighting. Rain told his black-
coated friend. Shes off catching a few pieces of prey. Crow raised his eye
Ah, so you think shes good enough to be left alone? the black sighter amused.
You know thats kind of against the rules, right? No cat is supposed to go out
alone in case of an attack. Rain rolled his eyes.
Volans havent landed here for over a moon. Rain reminded his friend. Why
would they suddenly show up now? And besides, Ill be watching for them. Why
else would I be here? A movement caught his attention, forcing his gaze left. The
white she-cat had also stepped into the light, her long white fur standing out
against Crows coat.
Youre wrong. Moon began, her light blue eyes gazing straight into his. The
Volans are simply setting up a trap. It would be smart to keep looking, just in
case. Rain narrowed his eyes, seemingly being challenged by the she-cat.
Rainy, I kinda have to agree with her on that one. J actur said. The Volans would
have put up more of a fight if the war was truly going to end. Its good to keep an
eye-out. Rain smiled, shaking his head.
So when did you start agreeing with Moon? Rain asked.
Just now, and dont expect it to happen again. Im still angry with her for what she
thought of me last time. J actur pouted, making Rain chuckle lowly.
Anyway, future Commander, what
Would you stop calling me that? Rain interrupted Crow, his eyes narrowed while
his tail flicked with irritation. I dont like that title, and its getting annoying.
Crow shrugged, looking innocent.
Well its true. Crow reasoned. After all, youre going to become mates with
Huntress, and
I know! Rain yelled, his tail lashing now. I know. . .Its just, I never wanted to
be Commander, and I dont think Im the right cat for it. I feel like. . .like Im
letting someone else down. There was silence to which J actur used to his own
Youre both wrong and right. J actur said, amused. You are definitely the best cat
for the job, and yet you are pretty much lettingoh, right. Cant tell you. Never
mind. Rain wanted to growl at that voice, but he let it slide. For now.
Hey, Rain, where exactly did you send Honey to hunt? asked Crow. Rain broke
out of his trance, looking up from the ground as he walked over to where his black
friend now stood. Theres a strange movement down there, and its not one of us.
Rain followed Crows gaze and locked his own onto the animal down below. It
was no bigger than an ant from where Rain was standing, but that just meant it was
huge. Growling lowly to himself, Rain searched the ground for Honey.
Where exactly did she decide to hunt? Moon asked, repeating the question as she
joined them. Apparently, she had sensed the seriousness of the situation. The three
sighters were using their sharp eyes to look for the small trainee, but they were
failing. Honeys coat blended in too well with the grass below.
I wasnt sure. Rain replied honestly. She took off behind me, but she could have
easily changed
There! Crow yelled, his eyes locked onto a small movement in the tall grass.
Honey was hunting too close to the large, ginger animal. Rain put the pieces
together as quickly as he could before he lunged out of the den and sprinted down
the mountain.
Rain! Both Crow and Moon yelled at the same time. The grey and white tom
didnt stop when he heard his namehe went faster. He knew that the large animal
was a fox, and how angry it would become to find Honey in its new territory. He
didnt know quite how to fight it, but that wouldnt stop him.
Rain slipped off a smooth rock, sending him falling down the rocky hill. Growling
at himself for being so clumsy, he unsheathed his claws after hitting one stone of
the hill and grabbed onto it, keeping him from falling further. After that, Rain let
go and fell onto the next rock on all four paws, quickly taking off afterword.
Honey has no experience fighting something that big. Rain thought as he ran. If the
fox attacks, shell have no chance, and it will be all my fault. I didnt even think of
such a creature being able to live out here, though I guess that was naive.
StarClan, what on earth have I done?
Rain finally made it to flat ground, leaping off the last rock as he tried to go as fast
as he could. J ust as he did that, Rain heard Honey shriek as loud as she possibly
could, probably scaring off any possible prey. He thanked her thoughmaybe the
guards heard that and would send out a battle patrol.
The grey and white top finally made it to Honey after pushing through the tall
grass. However, the fox had already spotted the golden trainee, and had her in its
jaws. Blood seeped out of Honeys fur as she tried to squirm. Her eyes were wide
with fear, and though she tried to move, Rain could only imagine how much that
had to hurt.
Rain let out a loud caterwaul, alerting the fox of his arrival before lunging forward
and raking his claws across the ginger animals face. It yelped, letting go of Honey
before quickly backing away from the predator in front of it. Rain continued
growling while he bared his teeth and lashed his tail.
R-Rain! Honey cried, somewhat it pain, somewhat with relief. Youre here!
Rain heard the small she-cat, but didnt look back to say anything. I need to be
concentrated and controlled if I am to force this thing past the territory.
Rain, what do you think youre! Crow started, but stopped as he saw the
ginger animal in front of Rain. Wow, that thing is huge.
I like him. J actur commented. Hes humorous, like me.
Crow, go back to camp and get a battle patrol. Rain ordered, staring at the fox as
it seemed to recover from the near blinding experience. The fox growled at him,
and he growled back. At the moment, he was just trying to figure out how to fight
No need. came the familiar voice of Lightning. Crow and Moon ran into us
literallywhile following you. Do you have a plan? Rain felt Lightning walk up
beside him, which almost broke his focus.
No, I was hoping you would. Rain admitted, his teeth still bared at the fox as it
got ready to attack. Lightning was standing nervously now.
Weve never had to fight such an animal. Lightning explained. Theyre all
scared off by the war thats usually going on. So. . .
Neither of us know how to fight the fox. Rain finished. He sighed, unsheathing
his claws as the fox suddenly stopped moving. Then lets improvise. Lighting
Are you crazy? asked Lightning. Improvising never
At that moment, the fox lunged forward toward the both of them. Rain evaded the
attack, and he noticed that Lightning did as well. The fox bit into the ground, but
his teeth was way too close to Honey. Rain growled again to alert the animal
before lunging forward and scratching a gash on the animals flank. It yelped
again, snapping in Rains direction.
Rain leaped out of the way, continuing to growl at the fox as it turned to face him.
A few of the other cats all clawed at the animal at one time, and it seemed defeated
at first. However, it quickly bent sideways and grabbed a tom by his tail before
ripping the cat off its pelt.
The fox bucked and reared, eventually managing to get all of the cats off it before
they lunged forward again. It seemed like the cats were winning, but Rain could
see past that. There was only so much being thrown around or pulled away that a
cat could take, and the fox was much stronger than them.
Rain lunged finally, finding an opening that he would easily take advantage of.
Rain bit down onto the foxs ear while using his back legs to scratch its shoulder
while using his front legs to scratch its head. The fox yelped and yipped, turning
around sharply while trying to snap at Rain.
Sensing that Rain was not going to come off easily, the fox quickly bent down into
a roll, which in turn forced Rain to let go. The fox quickly stood up after that,
trying to fight the others off him. Rain yowled, alerting the fox once more.
Rain lunged, his claws unsheathed as he aimed for the head. The fox had also
lunged, though, and made a quick movement that Rain didnt have time to see.
Pain rippled through his leg as he was sent flying through the air, and a familiar
insanity shot through his body as he lay on the ground.
Oh, StarClan, not again! Why is it always with a fox? J actur hissed with irritation.
Rainy, stay with me here. Dont give into the insanity! Ihmm, maybe I could just.
. .Ha ha! There, now this wont be so much of a disaster. Rainy, can you hear
me? Rain coughed, fear rising in his belly as he realized his vulnerability.
Every word. Rain answered.
Good, now listen. The fox wont be used to high places, and so it is very hard for it
to climb. So, if I were youwhich I technically amI would head over to the hill
and try to climb it. The fox will follow, and also try to climb it, but it will fall. Just
so long as you dont fall, this should be a brilliant plan! J actur finished with a bit
of pride in his voice.
Assuming I can walk. Rain muttered. Immediately afterword, the grey and white
tom unsheathed his claws into the ground before pulling himself up. Right as he
did this, Lightning landed right behind him, a nasty gash on his flank. This did not
stop the dark grey tom, though, for he was up and growling at the fox.
Lightning! Rain yelled. Get the foxs attention and run toward the hill!
Lightning looked over at him with suspicion, but gave a loud yowl with Rain
instead. The foxs amber eyes instantly shot over to them before the both of them
took off toward the hill that Rain had come from.
So youve finally come up with a plan? Lightning called over to Rain as the grey
and white tom shot ahead. Rain made sure to take the easiest route he possibly
could, and yet it was hardest for the fox.
Yes, but not a good one. Rain called over his shoulder. Be careful of where you
step when we get to the hill, and be focused on nothing but getting to the top!
Lightning nodded in response, and so with that, Rain continued running through
the tall grass.
When they came to the hill, Rain easily leaped upward and onto the first rock. He
heard Lightning quickly behind him before he jumped onto the second rock. Is the
fox following us? Rain yelled over to Lightning.
Yes! came Lightnings voice, though it was weakened by the length that they
were apart and the roaring wind that had just stared up. This darn thing can
Lightning cut himself out and yowled in agony. Rain turned around and his eyes
widened with fear.
Lightning was using his claws to keep him from falling while the fox had bit onto
the dark grey toms thin tail. Quickly and honestly without thinking, Rain gave a
defiant yowl and started down the hill, evading any sharp rocks before getting a
fox length away.
Rainynoyoure notthinkingcorrectly! J actur yelled. This is suicide! You
dont have nine lives! Despite his warnings, Rain jumped, leaping straight into the
fox and hooking a claw into its mouth. The fox let go of Lightning, choosing to
snap at Rain instead.
The grey and white tom pushed the fox off of the rock, sending them down to the
ground. They were about a tree-lengths up, whichthough not muchwas
enough to send Rain into an adrenaline rush. They hit one of the rocks hard, but
that was it. From then on, they were soaring through the air.
The fox landed beneath him, a loud crack! Ringing in Rains ears. The grey and
white tom had used the fox to break his fall, and as far as he could tell, he was
okay. In a matter of speaking, of course. There were scrapes on his paws, the bite
on his lower shoulder, and he knew he was going to be very sore afterword.
Rain stood there, his wide eyes gazing down at the body of the fox as his breathing
grew slower and much more controlled. He heard movement from the hill behind
him, and from the grass west of him. They were all quiet, looking at him with their
eyes wide and their jaws dropped.
Rain. . . Lightning murmured, his breathing also quite rapid. Why would
you do that? That could have easily killed you! Rain didnt move from his
position, not even taking the chance of suddenly switching from sane to insane.
I wasnt thinking correctly. Rain admitted, his eyes continuing to stay wide. I-it
was a last moment decision, and the only thing that could help you. Lightning
growled lowly in warning.
You didnt need to help meI had all under control. Lightning growled. Rain
felt his anger rising, but he stopped it, knowing that his emotions could not
recklessly break loose.
Was anyone hurt? asked Rain, changing the subject on purpose.
Yes, and Honey is seriously injured. However, no one was killed. responded
another tom. Rain sighed with relief, closing his eyes before opening them and
changing his gaze to the cats on the battle patrol.
Thats good. He said, looking at them. His shoulder twinged as he stepped off of
the fox, but he didnt let it affect him. How. . .How is Honey injured? They were
quite for a few moments before one of them stepped forward and gave him a pitiful
She cant walk the she-cat said. Her leg is broken, probably permanently.
Rains expression faded into that of sorrow, which anyone could understand. There
was a silence in the air, and though the wind kept it from being completely quiet,
Rains ongoing thoughts kept it loud in his mind.
Where is she now? Rain asked.
Moon and Crow brought her back to camp. the she-cat explained. Shadow
wont be too happy, and neither will the kits mother. Rain sighed again, but
We need to return anyway. Rain told them. Everyone will be wondering of the
outcome. The grey and white tom walked forward, heading back to camp with
difficulty as he attempted to disguise his pain and ignore it. This is going to be a
long day.
Did they defeat the fox?
It doesnt look like it.
Do they know about Honey?
What will Shadow do?
What happened to Rain?
Did he fall down a hill? But they were fighting in the grass!
Whispers followed Rain and the others as they entered camp, ragged and bloody.
The rumors had definitely spread, for every cat of the rocky camp seemed to be out
staring at him as he walked passed. Rain looked forward to Shadow, however, and
the crowd that had spread around him.
Ripple was tending to Honeys wound while her family surrounded her. Shadow
and Huntress stood nearby, both having completely different expressions. Shadow
had a scowl while Huntress looked quite worried. For good reason, Rain thought.
Rain stopped a few tail-lengths in front of Shadow and Huntress.
Well? asked Shadow, his tail flicking with irritation. Is what Moon and Crow
has explained to me true? Rain had his head low in both respect and in shame.
Yes. Rain replied. I allowed Honey to go off on her own when I went up to the
sighters hide-out. Its my fault. More whispers followed, but Rain didnt move.
Hed prepared himself for this.
You did this, knowing full well its against our code to let a fully grown cat go
out on his or her own let alone a new trainee thats only been in learning for a
moon. Shadow growled. Rain flinched, but nodded.
Yes. Rain answered again. But I wasnt aware that a fox was even close to
where she was hunting. I was going to watch her from the hill, and then come
down when she was doneI had full supervision over her. Shadow hissed before
growling again.
The code tells you never to leave a cats side, even when they are hunting.
Shadow spat.
It was instinct! Rain reasoned, looking up at the black tom with pleading eyes. I
was trained that way, so I just figured that it would be the right way to train
Shadows expression changed suddenly, forcing Rain to cut off his explanation
So you remember? asked Shadow. Rain shook his head.
No, the idea was just familiar. Rain explained, but he didnt know how to follow
that up. After a few moments of silence, the grey and white tom sighed. Im sorry
for the damage Ive caused. He dipped his head with respect, holding that position
as he waited to be dismissed.
You shall not leave this camp until I say otherwise. Shadow growled. From
tomorrow on you will help Ripple heal Honeys leg in every way possible.
Understood? Rain nodded before standing up and limping over to the sighters den
and disappearing into the darkness of the den.

Evectri sat upon the royal den, looking down at the battle-ready Volans. All of
them were speaking, talking about possible strategies. The silver prince was
watching his brother mostly. The dark brown Volan was arguing with Negro, as
usual, but it seemed to be about a touchy subject, for Evectris father looked
extremely irritated.
This whole thing is going to destroy those cats. Evectri thought. Im being watched
everywhere I go, so I cant just get up and leave. I really want to warn the cats
though, even with that super tom that they have. Evectri sighed before jumping off
of the cave den and walking over to this father and brother.
Well finally! Tavo said, smirking. Which position are you taking, Evectri?
Everyone is pretty much ready to take charge. Evectris amber eyes narrowed.
Tavo, can I talk to you alone for a short moment? Evectri asked. As dangerous as
that was, Negro simply scoffed before walking away toward the other Volans.
Evectri watched him go with a suspicious expression.
So what is it you want to talk to me about, Evectri? Tavo asked, tilting his head.
Evectri stared at him, wondering whether to trust his brother with the information
the silver prince had gained.
Im not telling you this because youre the prince. Evectri told Tavo. Im going
to tell you this because you are my brother. Tavo nodded in acknowledgment.
Evectri sighed, hesitating slightly. Im going to reach ahead and warn the cats,
Tavo. Tavos smirk vanished, shifting into a frown.
Do you realize how much youre risking? Tavo asked. Evectri nodded.
Yes, but I dont care. Evectri growled. This war has no meaning to it, and those
cats do not deserve extinction. Besides, Ive created a plan thatif played
correctlywill hopefully show Negro that this war needs to stop. Tavo gave a
short laugh.
Good luck with that, Evectri. the brown prince muttered. Our father is not
easily persuaded. Evectri narrowed his eyes tighter.
I need to do this, Tavo. Evectri stated in determination. Tavo sighed.
Fine, fine. But dont say I didnt warn you. Tavo said, regaining his smirk. The
brown Volan then ran in front of the perfectly trained group of Volan soldiers,
yelling out some encouraging words while Negro sat a few fox-lengths away.
Evectri sat by Tavo, listening with a plan forming in his mind.
Warriors! As we fly into the fray, do not forget what we are fighting for! For the
right of wealthy territory, and for the right of life, well drive the cats away from
their camp and claim their land for our own! Today, we do not fight for nothing.
Today, we fight for the end of this long war! The Volans cheered after the speech,
yowling and growling battle cries as they became ready to fly.
Evectri stood after that, facing the water beside his brother. They both glanced at
each other before dashing forward and reaching out their wings. Soon, they lunged
into the air, flying like eagles in the sunhigh sky. To Evectri, it was nice to be able
to fly again.
Row after row, the Volans behind him also lifted themselves up into the air. In all,
there was over fifty Volans, which scared Evectri even further. He pushed on,
daring himself to fly in sync with his brother until the right time in which he would
fly faster and away from the crowd.
They flew, all of them quiet as their eyes locked into the horizon. The Volans
varied from six moons old to forty moons old, but all of them were trained to do
something specific. It was amazing to Evectri, but since it had also been done to
him, he was quite aware that it could be done to others as well.
The cats wont believe me at first. Evectri thought, shifting his thoughts
elsewhere. Ill need to seek out that servant, and ask him to look. The other sights
may look as well, but since everyone here is in the Kreis Operio, hell be the only
one who can see them so far away. If that still doesnt convince them, I know
Huntress will be on my side, and so will the sighters. Its not the best plan but at
least the cats will all be in wonderful shape, so theyll be able to fight when the
Volans land.
Evectri suddenly saw the faded land in front of them, and with that, he took his
cue. The silver prince spread his wings further, and flapped them hard. This made
him fly faster toward land, and though he heard his name being called
convincingly by his brother, he continued.
Eventually, Evectri managed to see land beneath him instead of the sea water. He
swiftly dove to the ground like he had countless times before, landing with ease
before sprinting forward toward camp. It was going to be easy to find it, because
not only had Evectri been there before, fresh scent marks led him straight toward
the cave.
Tall green grass passed by him as he continued running, and though this was all
normal, he could sense that something was different about the territory. More prey
was scurrying away from his loud running, and the border markers grew stronger.
It was as if that long war had never happened.
When Evectri passed the body of a large ginger animal, he confirmed his suspicion
of how much the pausing of the war must have caused the territory to change.
Large animals were no longer afraid of the fighting, and prey had begun to
Evectri finally got to the hill in which he knew the camp was within and climbed it,
using his wings as extra support. He managed to jump up in very good time, and
eventually he was entering the camp with ease.
Intruder! several cats yelled before the yowling of battle cries rang through the
camp. Evectri managed to evade all of the cats near him before jumping high into
the sky and landing in front of a large black tom in which stood right next to
Father, no! Huntress cried as Shadow raised his paw. The pretty golden she-cat
pushed herself in front of Evectri in a defensive position, her ears back as she
protected the silver prince. This is Evectri, the rogue I told you about. Hes not
dangerous. Shadow glared down at his daughter, but eventually set down his paw.
What is it you want? Shadow asked impatiently. Huntress stepped out of the
way, turning to face Evectri with warmth in her smile. Evectri stood up straighter
and dipped his head respectfully.
I come bearing important news. Evectri told the Commander. In just a little
while, the Volans will strike with over fifty on their side. One of the Princes are
leading them, and their headed straight here. Shadow growled lowly, his ears
going back as his claws unsheathed.
Is this a joke? Shadow hissed irritably. The Volans havent attacked for over a
moon! What makes you think theyll do so now?
Im not sure, but I believe it was the plan from the beginning. Evectri explained,
trying to talk as quickly as possible so that Shadow would have enough time to set
up his troops. They purposely stopped attacking so that they could recover and
trick you. Then, a moon later, they would attack and have the advantage of
surprise. Shadow narrowed his eyes, but ordered a ginger tom to come forward
with a flick of his tail.
Get Rain and ask him to check. Shadow ordered. The ginger tom stood straight,
but his head seemed to lower slightly.
Sir, Rain is currently being healed by Ripple. Would it be
Do it! Shadow snapped. The ginger tom flinched, but soon turned around and
vanished inside a den. Evectri watched the tom, for he knew that Rain was going to
be the special servant in which could see past the Kreis Operio.
Interested, are we? Shadow growled, forcing Evectris gaze back to the black
Commander. You better hope that youre right, Evectri, or there will be debt to
pay for intruding on my territory. Evectri stared right into the eyes of the
If I am right, I ask that I have permission to stay long enough to defend your
camp, and fight alongside your fighters. Evectri told the black tom, trying to
speak the right words to be accepted at the least. Shadow glared at him, but
eventually nodded.
You may, but only if youre right. Shadow said.
Suddenly, there was movement in the den that the ginger tom had vanished in.
Evectri shifted his gaze over to the noise, and saw a strong grey and white tom
with a star-shaped scar and light blue eyes emerging from what the silver prince
assumed was the medicine den.
Rain paused as he laid eyes on Evectri before reassuringly glancing over to
Shadow. The grey and white tom eventually walked past the two, probably
accepting that Shadow didnt want to kill the silver prince.
Rain walkedwell, limped, more like itover to the camp entrance, easily
looking out into the horizon. His eyes squinted to see what was out there, but
eventually he gasped and looked wide-eyed toward Shadow.
The Volans are coming! Rain confirmed. And there are many of them!
Shadow nodded before turning around to face the crowd of cats.
This is a full on invasion! Shadow yelled to his group of fighters and hunters.
Hunters, ready the defence markers at the base of the hill upward. I dont want
any Volan in this camp, or on this hill! Several cats stood and ran out of the camp
entrance in a hurried manner.
Fighters, expand outward through the grass and the sighters hide-out! Kill any
Volan you come across, but do not chase any that get too close! As Shadow
finished the order, more cats sped out of the camp, seeming to understand what to
Moon, Crow, climb up to the second hide-out and stay there! Shadow yelled
over the bustling cats that were left. Alert me if there is a second patrol! A long-
haired white she-cat and a sleek black tom left the camp after that, jumping upward
instead of spreading out down the hill.
The rest of you defend the densRipple, take point at your den, while the elders
and mothers defend the kits. If any Volan manages to sneak their way in here, use
your skills and attack! There was a muffled response, but eventually only Evectri,
Huntress, Shadow, and Rain were left.
What is it that you want me to do? asked Rain timidly. It was clear he was afraid
of Shadow.
You will stay with Evectri and fight with him as partners. Shadow answered.
Neither of you two are to break apart, for the consequences will be severe. Also,
Rain, note that the only reason you arent with Moon or Crow is because of what
happened earlier today. Rain flinched, ducking his head.
I understand. Rain murmured softly.
Huntress, you may help defend this camp. Shadow ordered his daughter. If I see
you anywhere near the fighting grounds below
I know, I know. Huntress muttered, beginning to walk toward the camp entrance.
Ill be in big trouble. The golden she-cat left through the entrance after that,
taking a hurried leave. Shadow stood shortly after and dashed forward, Evectri and
Rain following him.
Let the fighting begin.

Chapter Eighteen
Rain was running blindly toward the battle of cats and Volans.
He was confused as to why Shadow would be anywhere near a Volan, let alone
listen to one about an invasion in which could just be a trap. Rain was confused
about what exactly was happening, and why Shadow would even allow him so
close to a battle field.
Are you the servant who almost killed Laidia, the she-Volan who attacked
Huntress? the grey Volan beside him called as they sprinted forward. Rain
glanced over in his direction, deciding whether or not he should answer.
Eventually and intentionally without thinking, he did.
Yes. Rain replied, though his voice showed his worry. This Volan could be
Laidias brother, or a friend. This Volan will probably kill me now that he
knows. Even with those thoughts, something in the back of his mind told him that
hed made the right choice.
Then you should know, Evectri called back as Shadow departed from them.
That even though Im a Volan, Im not going to hurt you or your friends. Im
simply trying to help you, something my family will never do. Rain narrowed his
eyes in confusion.
Whyd you ask if I was that servant if thats what you were going to tell me?
Rain questioned.
Because the others dont know Im a Volan. Evectri answered. I have the ability
to hide my wings, so not even Shadow can see them. They think Im a regular
rogue. Rain gave an uneasy laugh.
That would explain much, I guess. Rain murmured. His heart began beating
quickly as he heard the yowling of battling cats and Volans. He could see many of
them up ahead, but he refused to think about it.
Please, dont tell anyone. Evectri pleaded, his expression changing into a hard
scowl. Still there was a certain softness in his amber eyes that reminded Rain of
someone. Id be killed on sight of anyone found out. Even if I dont mean any
harm. Rain nodded in understanding.
Since you told me that, I guess I should tell you that if my eyes grow darker, and
my scar glows, you should run. Rain told the grey Volan. Evectri narrowed his
eyes in confusion.
Why? he asked.
Because that means Ive become insane and Ill kill any enemy I see. Rain
replied. Considering youre a Volan, youll probably seem no different to me in
that state. Evectri stared at him, but eventually nodded.
Good to know. he said before the both of them ran into the fray of the war.
At first, it was quite normal. Rain lunged first, distracting the Volan while Evectri
gave him or her a wound on the wing that forced them to fly away from the battle
in pain. Evectri didnt kill anyone though, and Rain actually understood why.
I dont like fighting with this guy. J actur said flatly, though his voice made it seem
as if he was suspicious of Evectri. He isnt direct on any of his attacks, if youve
noticed. Plus, he can easily kill all of our victims and yet he just makes them writhe
in pain until they can fly away. Its like hes been specially trained.
And that changes why you like fighting with him because. . .? Rain asked, lunging
straight into another Volan.
Im used to simply charging forward! J actur said, acting as if it were obvious. Our
fighting styles are completely different, and I can tell hes been trained. Assassin-
like, if you ask me. Rain rolled his eyes, jumping away as Evectri unsheathed his
claws and sliced through a Volans flank.
As that Volan flew away, the two paused to catch their breath. Rain looked over to
Evectri, giving a bleak smile before saying, You fight like a snake, and thats not
a bad thing. If you werent a Volan, Shadow would probably make you head of all
the fighters he has. Evectri shrugged.
Its training, thats all. the grey Volan admitted, his voice wavering slightly.
You dont fight too bad yourself. However, its pretty easy to tell you can go
harder. Rain nodded.
Yeah, I know. Im just scared of Rain was cut off as two Volans landed in
front of them. One seemed emotionless with deep amber eyes that stared straight
over to Evectri. The other onea dark grey tomlooked battle-crazy, and ready
to attack.
What is the meaning of this, Evectri? asked the emotionless one. His tone was
quite dark, though it didnt seem to frighten Evectri. You know the rules you are
breaking, and what must be done because of it. Your father will not be pleased.
Evectris expression turned into a scowl.
I never wanted this to happen, Intono. Evectri explained. But I cant fight for
my father anymore, you must understand this. I realize the consequences, and I
accept them just as a true Moon-warrior should. The emotionless warrior sighed.
You still understand what I must do now, though, dont you? asked Intono.
Why must you? Cant you run away, and lie like weve been trained? asked
Evectri. Intono shook his head. Intono, we were trained together! We fought
together, killed together, and
Im sorry, Evectri. I cannot disobey the King.
Intono attacked Evectri, and the dark grey Volan lunged toward Rain. The grey and
white tom worried for Evectri, but he soon had no time to, for the dark grey Volan
was fast. Too fast. Rain evaded many of his fast attacks, but he knew that he had
nowhere near the stamina that the Volan before him did.
Fighting with a traitor, are you? asked the Volan, smirking as they paused for a
small breath. That deserves death itself! The Volan lunged forward and
unbalanced him with a movement Rain could barely even see. Sooner than hed
liked, Rain was pinned down by the Volan, and he was unable to move.
Rain, this isnt the time to lose! J actur hissed. I cant keep it back like last time! If
you go insane, youll be invincible! Rain growled with irritation and fear as the
dark grey Volan hummed with the pleasure of catching his prey.
Then help me get out of this! Rain yelled frantically.
I cant! Our connection isnt as strong as it once
Too late. The dark grey Volan had already slashed a large gash across his flank,
barely touching the scar. However, it had been enough. The simple half-inch part
of the gash that was within the star-shaped scar was enough to send his instincts in
a flare.
Aw, is the little kitty dead already? asked the dark grey Volan as Rain went
No, hissed a high, demonic voice that come out of Rains mouth. But you
are. The sound distracted the Volan long enough before Rain kicked him in the
stomach, sending him flying away. Literallythe dark grey Volan unfolded his
wings and attempted to fly away. However, Rain grabbed onto his wing with his
claws, bringing him to the ground with enough strength as a full grown dog.
A yowl escaped the dark grey Volan as Rain pinned him to the ground, but it was
cut short as the insane grey and white tom slit his throat. With a smirk he looked at
another Volan flying his way.
The next victim is ready, it seems. . . Rain hissed.
The Volan dove right into him, but Rain lunged upward with enough strength to
not only crash into the tom-Volan, but also pin him to the ground. The flying cat
yowled in alarm, but once again, it was cut off as Rain slashed through the only
life it had.
The battle around him seemed to stop as he stepped off the tom. The cats were all
smirking, though they seemed quite relieved to back away slowly and allow Rain
to take over the battle. The Volans all advanced toward him, a determined look in
their eyes as they realized Lady Laidias attacker.
Rain smirked, staring at all of the Volans in which were flying toward him. Come
to play, have you? Hmph! That just means that theres more fun for me! Rain
evaded one Volan, jumping to the side before turning quickly on his heal and
lunging toward a different flying cat. He unbalanced the she-Volan before
grabbing her wing and giving it a strong pull. She yowled in agony, but rolled over
like he wanted. With that, Rain slit her throat and turned around to face her next
victim, happy that hed killed the she-Volan in just under thirty seconds.
The black Volan gave a long caterwaul as he lunged toward the grey and white cat
with the glowing scar and dark blue eyes, but Rain only had to evade the attack,
and slide under the Volan before raking his claws through the black tom-Volans
neck. When Rain stood up, he smirked once again toward the ambitious Volans.
All of the Volans yowled battle cries as they met his claws, and all of them died
moments later. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. They all kept coming. They were
ready and prepared to die in battle, but as the number continued to grow heart-beat
by heart-beat without him getting a scratch, they became wary, and hesitant.
Eventually, all of them found themselves completely safe in the air, flying in place
as they stared at him.
Whats the matter, bird-brains? Rain taunted, his demonic voice reaching
further to coat his appearance with insanity in which freaked out his enemies
further. Afraid that Ill bite? Im not as cruel as to make death painful, I promise.
Just dont make me angry! He gave a laugh that could only force nightmares into
the eyes of kits, pacing in his spot as he waited for one to attack.
Murderer! hissed one of the Volans. Youve killed so many, with your bare
claws, and you have yet to hesitate or become aware! Rain chuckled, grinning
evilly to the Volan as she looked down upon him.
It was the general idea, but you and your little friends dont seem to grasp
that. Rain chuckled darkly, continuing to pace. But lets not bore ourselves to
death. Come down here and fight like real warriors!
Dark Forest scum!
The real weapon of the Dark Forest!
Traitor to
Silence! bellowed an unfamiliar voice. Rains dark blue eyes turned toward the
voice, his gaze locking onto a bat-like tom that flew just in front of the grey and
white tom, but still too high to reach. Why are you not attacking this tom? Are
you afraid?
N-never, my king! claimed one of the Volans closed to him. But he has killed
over twenty of our best warriors, and we have long since declared him the attacker
of Lady Laidia. We were waiting for orders. The bat-like Volanthe king,
obviouslyraised his eye brows.
Oh really? he asked, though Raineven in his insane formknew exactly how
cold this Volan was by that voice, and not an ounce of questioning was really
being revealed. It was all to create fear. Those twenty warriors were weak if they
were to die by a cat so young and vulnerable, and we mustnt waste any time with
them. Attack just as you would any other cat.
But sir, hes too strong for us! the Volan exclaimed.
Doesnt matter. the king hissed.
Father, said a dark brown warrior. Though I would rather not retreat, that cat is
too different for us to defeat. He is to fast and strong for any normal Volan to
conquer. If you were to fight, however, I believe the outcome could be different.
There was a slight pause in which Rain chuckled demonically.
Yes! My nose detects battle! My nose detects blood! Attack, warriors
attack! Rain was pacing back and forth, becoming anxious as he continued
listening to the boring conversation.
No! Evectri yelled, running over from the ground. He was bloody, but no more
close to dying than Rain was. Negro, you cant! He may be dangerous, but he
does not deserve death! Not this cat, not right now! You can sense the power
around him, you know that he must be an important piece to the game!
Dont say such things to the King, peasant! You are a traitor, and nothing more!
hissed a Volan.
Shut up, Razavi! The king hissed, his tail lashing. The bat-like Volan then
looked over to Rain. I am no coward, and I believe Prince Tavo is correct. If you
are so arrogant, cat, I will show you how a true warrior fights. Rain smirked.
Bring it on, you winged demon! Rain hissed. The king swooped down, faster
than many of the other Volans hed fought. However, Rain still managed to jump
upward and crash into him. They fought in mid-air for a heart-beat before the king
dropped Rain and flew off. The grey and white tom landed on his paws before
immediately looking to the sky for the bat-like Volan.
In a flash of black, the king flew straight into him in which Rain responded by
kicking into the Volans stomach. This in turn sent the two tumbling forward
through the tall grass before the king used his wings to fly upward, away from
Ha-ha! Didnt think Id do so much damage, did you, you royal pain? Rain
screeched demonically into the air as he searched for the king. Ive been through
more battles than even this mind can remember! And most of which were through
obstacles youll only dream of facing! A shadow from above clouded over Rain,
which made him look up. He smirked as he caught the king shooting downward
toward him.
Rain used his agility by staying put until the king was just reach able. Then, he
jumped upward, twisted in mid-air with all the flexibility he had. After that, he
unsheathed his claws and brought them down upon the kings back, forcing him
down into the ground.
The king quickly rolled over and exposed his belly, but he used his claws to
distract Rain from the vulnerability by raking his claws over his the scar and his
other shoulder. The insane grey and white tom yelled before the bat-like Volan
kicked him in the stomach, forcing him off.
Rain backed away quickly so that they were a safe distant apart. Pain gripped some
of his fear-ridden, timid personality, but that wasnt enough to stop him. He was
still insane.
You still hold some weakness, I see. The king said smoothly. Still up for the
fight? Rain smirked, holding his leg up slightly.
Probably not. he hissed with the echo of a demonic voice. But the question still
remains: are you up for the test? The king narrowed his eyes, but had no warning
for what was to come.
Memoriesall of which Rain had no time to watchfilled his mind. The
information flowed into a separate chamber of his mind in which was completely
locked, and fed Rain with pleasure. He had no clue as to what was making him do
this, but it seemed as if J actur was pushing him through it.
Then a set of words came to his mind. The enemy shall be executed.
Naughty, naughty little king. Rain hissed as the king tried to recover from
whatever had just happened. You have made me angry, and the smarter of us all
know what happens when I become that way.
A screeching sound forced everyone to look above the king. Several sharp objects
zoomed in together, all forming some sort of sign. When flames connected,
burning nothing but an invisible line, it was obvious that a star had formed, and the
sharp objects were ready to attack.
StarClans sign! a Volan shrieked.
Retreat! screeched another.
Fall back! yowled the prince.
All of the Volans flew off, but a few were picked off by the flying objects that shot
right through their bodies, sending them falling to the ground. The twenty Volan in
which were left made it out, and Prince Tavo flew behind the king after he had
The blades vanished quickly after that, and sooner than hed liked, Rain was on the
ground, struggling to stay on his feet as all the stamina hed had before suddenly
vanished. He heard the rushing of a few cats around him, but as he carefully lay
himself on the ground, his vision was also seeming to fade.
Rain! Are you alright? The voice was from Evectri, who seemed genuinely
worried. But hes a stranger, so why would he care so much? Rain thought
immediately after hearing the grey Volan speak. Youre not. . .insane, right?
Rains breathing became heavier as he gathered the energy to speak.
It seems. . .to have. . .faded. . . Rain rasped.
What has happened here? came Shadows commanding voice. Shuffling paws
seemed part the ways for the black tom. There was hesitance as a few whispers
spread through the group of cats.
He killed all of these Volans. Evectri explained smoothly. He fought their king
as well, and he was swifter and stronger than any cat Ive ever seen. He. . .he even
surprised their king as well. There was another pause before Shadow spoke.
Rain, did you kill their king? he asked.
A-almo-ost. . . Rain answered. The grey and white tom smiled slightly. He. .
.wont be. . .returning to battle. . .any time. . .soon.
Good work, Rain. Shadow told him. Flame, Fangtake Rain back to Ripple
immediately! The order was quickly carried out as the grey and white warrior felt
himself being carried away, but he didnt stay awake for long. He felt himself
slipping, and almost immediately, he fell asleep.

Evectri watched Rain as he was taken to the safety of camp, feeling quite sorry for
the warrior. It was obviousquite obvious, actuallythat the stamina it took to
keep up with Evectris father was quite arduous. The strain it must have put on
Rains body could have killed a normal cat.
Take the bodies of the Volans and throw them out to the water! Shadow ordered
before his yellow gaze shot toward Evectri. Youroguecome with me. We
have matters to discuss away from the battlefield. Shadow left after that, and
Evectri followed quickly behind him. Thisto himwas familiar.
They padded through the dead bodies, some of them cats, while most of them had
wings. The silver prince wasthough mentally strongnearly broken at the sight
of the deaths of his own kind. It made him angry, yes, but the image of Huntress
seemed to calm him down.
The tall green grass was annoying, considering he couldnt tell if there was anyone
following him. However, Evectri knew that hed have to get used to it. If his plan
worked. . .hed have to get used to it really quick.
There was silence as the two walked, and as Evectris thoughts wondered, a
conflicting feeling did as well. No ones around, the silver prince thought. I could
kill him now, and make up a story when I get back to camp. Ive done it enough
times in reverse. . .No, Huntress would be distraught. But. . .Shadow would be
dead, and she could become mates with me!. . .But she may not want to.
It would be easy. All hed have to do is show his wings, shock Shadow, and then
kill him quickly. Thats all hed have to do. However, Evectri chose the better way,
reminding himself of his promise.
They managed to get to the camp just as the sun began to set and the sky began to
turn a ginger colour. Evectri wasnt used to being so high, so the view forced him
into a state of awe. The ginger glow of the trees, the faded pink clouds, and the
deep blue water of the everlasting sea. It was just so beautiful.
Eventually he managed to tear his gaze away from the sunset and into camp, where
things looked perfectly fine. Most of the cats were standing outside a visible den in
which Evectri guessed was Ripples den.
The cats didnt spot him, and so they had a quick and easy trip into Shadows den,
which was quite large obviously. Evectris thoughts began comparing this den to
his own, which was also large considering he was a prince.
Those thoughts cancelled themselves as he spotted a golden she-cat emerging from
the back of the den. At first her eyes grew wide, but then she gave a warm smile of
pleasure. Its good to see you both arrive in one piece. Huntress murmured,
sitting with her head held high. After Rain was carried in. . .I-I didnt know what
to expect. Shadow nodded.
Rains bravery has shown in the battlefield. Shadow explained to his daughter.
He took the lives of at least twenty of our enemies. Evectri, however, the black
Commander continued after flicking his tail toward the silver Prince. Is still a
concern. Huntress frowned, her eyes narrowing slightly.
Father, I thought weve already establish that he could stay. Huntress mewed.
He saved my lifehe deserves it!
Yes, but welcoming two loners into our camp could be risky. Shadow reminded
her. Especially if he is all that you say he is. The fighting skills I witnessed today
were not simply learned, and if he were to suddenly turn on our beliefs and rules,
he could kill too many of us. Evectri cleared his throat, getting their attention.
If I may. Evectri began. Shadow glared at him, but said nothing, so the silver
prince continued. I was trained as a warrior, yes, but I dont seek revenge. I
actually seek quite the oppositepeace. Thats why I came here and warned you
of the upcoming battle. Thats why I saved Huntress and allowed her to get to
safety. Shadow narrowed his eyes in suspicion, his teeth baring slightly.
And how exactly did you know of the ambush upon the Cats Of the Storms?
Shadow asked. Evectri remained calm, despite the growing accusations.
I knew simply because I know where to look. Evectri answered. I was confused
that after so long of fighting, that suddenly, they give up their territory. So, I
patrolled the forest side of the border as much as I could. This morning, I just
happened to be at the right place at the right time of day.
And what of my daughter? Shadow hissed. What happened then? Evectri
paused, lowering his head somewhat before sighing and answering the question
with all of the honesty he could spare.
When I first met your daughter, I was in pieces due to a battle I shouldnt have
lived from. Evectri explained. I knew it was against your code, and it was
dangerous, but every day from then on out, we met just outside your borders. We
soon became friends, because though I knew she was very important to you and
your Cats of the Storms, she wasand still isthe exact definition of peace,
something Ive been seeking for over half of my current life time. Your daughter
gave me hope, Commander, and so I did as she told me.
On the day we were ambushed, however, I couldnt stand forcing her to become
killed. If she was the future peace, then I swore I would protect her. Once I
convinced her to leave, I distracted the Volans long enough for her to escape to
safety. Only then did I realize I was in the presence of King Negros son and three
other great fighters of the Volans army.
For a half moon, it was a blur. I healed myself with the help of Huntresss lessons,
and I managed to live after another fatal experience. Evectri finished with silence
filling the air. Shadow was glaring at him, Huntress was smiling at him, and he
himself was acting quite sure of how the Commander would react.
You may feel something for my daughter, but alternative motives may enter the
game thus fate decides it. Shadow growled. For gratitude toward saving both my
daughter and the cats under my rule, I will allow you to stay. However, if you step
one paw out of line, I will destroy you. The black tom then flicked his tail in
dismissal, to which Evectri dipped his head, and left the den.
Evectri was grateful to the Commander for letting him stay, and as the stars above
him seemed to glitter as he walked to the middle of camp, he felt a sense of
protection, like someone was still watching over him. I dont know what to believe
anymore, Evectri thought to himself. However, if I am allowed to, I will pray to the
stars, even if they are not spiritually connected to me or anyone else.
It was an odd thing to think, considering his species was based off a legend that
they were demons of the Dark Forest, a place opposite from the stars.
Suddenly Evectri heard a she-cat yelling, both angrily and with worry. He rushed
over, and discovered that he was near the den in which Rain was in. While tilting
his head, he waited outside the den, observing the fact that every other cat in the
camp was now emerging from their dens, also curious as to what was going on.
Rain, I told you to stay put! screeched the she-cats voice again. Rain? Rain!
Are you even listening to me? Soon, the familiar grey and white tom walked past
Evectri, seeming to ignore the she-cat in the den.
As Rain continued walking, the she-cat dashed out of the den as well, her eyes
narrowed with concern. Rain, what are you doing? Your wounds have barely
begun to heal! Evectri took a step in front of the she-cat.
Whats wrong with him? he asked.
I dont know! the she-cat cried. I was finishing up with his wounds when all of
a sudden he stood up, and without a word, started walking out of the den! He wont
listen to me when I say he shouldnt be up so soon. Hes just ignoring me, as if
hes asleep, but still walking!
As Evectri looked over to the grey and white tomwho was looking over the
bodies of the dead in the middle of camphe had to admit, it did look like Rain
was still asleep. After all, his eyes were glazed over, and he wasnt really looking
at anything in particular. It was as if he were a ghost.
The silver prince padded over to Rain, his eyes also narrowed as he made sure the
grey and white tom could not go any further. Rain, what are you doing? You are
supposed to be resting, so that you can be healed. Evectri told him. Rains glassy
eyes just continued looking at a space toward the bodies.
But the souls need to be sent. Rain responded, his voice also strange. It was soft
and angel-like. Also, it made him seem even more asleep. If you dont wish to
move, Ill just have to do it here. The grey and white tom turned to face the circle
of bodies, and closed his eyes, whispering something Evectri couldnt hear.
A chill seemed to pass over the silver prince, forcing him to shiver. Then suddenly,
a bright light appeared above one of the bodies. Evectri stared at it for a few
moments before a ghostly figure rose from the body, and stood above it in mid-air.
The figure looked exactly like the body below it, but it was perfectly groomed and
its expression remained emotionless.
More and more lights appeared, and more and more spirits seemed to rise. After
only a few moments, there was a spirit for everyone standing above its owner. A
small breeze seemed to rush through the camp after that, which forced the spirits to
run in an upward spiral towards the sky.
Evectri watched as they disappeared once they got high enough, and he could have
sworn that for every spirit that disappeared, another star appeared in the sky. When
all of them had vanished, Rain collapsed onto the ground, literally asleep now.
There was a silence in the air for a few moments, but then whispers suddenly burst
from everyone. They all seemed to stare at Rain with wide eyes, shocked at what
theyd just seen. Where were the souls sent? Evectri asked himself. The Dark
Forest? No, the Dark Forest was destroyed, and the process was brighter than
that. StarClan? No, StarClan was also destroyed, so there was no way Rain could
have sent them there. But then where?
The she-cat that had been trying to stop Rain before the event suddenly walked
over, the concern still plain on her face as she glanced over his wounds. Stupid
catsthinking that hes so strange now that theyve seen something so common.
the she-cat was muttering. Excuse me, but could you move over a little? I need to
get him to my den quickly. Shadow would not appreciate it if this tom died.
Evectri nodded, easily backing away a few steps so that she would have room.
Yeah, I understand. Evectri murmured. Hes a strong tom, and a good sighter. It
would be a shame if he were to pass on. The she-cat gave a small chuckle.
No, thats not it. the she-cat corrected him. If you didnt already know, Rain is
betrothed to Huntress. Hes pretty much Heir to Shadow, so the Cats of the Storms
rests in his paws. Evectri widened his eyes.
What? Evectri asked, his eyes widening. When did this happen? The she-cat
looked up to him, shrugging.
About a moon ago, right after the Volan attack before this one. the she-cat
answered. Huntress seemed just as shocked as this poor tom was, and I still dont
think either of them have accepted it. With those words, the she-cat grabbed Rain
by the scruff and drug him into her den.
The silver prince was frozen, his thoughts becoming cramped and disorganized
very quickly. She has to become mates with him, a tom whos only been noticed
here for a moon! I have nothing against him, but honestly, he has no qualities of a
leader! Hes too timid, and too unsure of himself. Power must mean everything to
these cats if they dont even consider the emotional aspect of leading. Evectri
stopped himself, sighing as he realized how selfish he was being.
Now Im starting to sound like my mother. He growled to himself. Well, at least
its better than my father. With those irritated thoughts, he stood and walked out of
camp, deciding to find a place outside of camp to sleep for the day.

Chapter Nineteen
Demonpaw had decided that she didnt like her mentor anymore.
Snakestar had changed over the past half moon. Instead of training her, the
ShadowClan leader had taken to giving Bravepaw advice on how to get rid of the
nightmares. Right, because he couldnt just come to me, oh no. He wanted to tell
Snakestar like a wussy puss.
Also, Snakestar had grown a lot more anxious and fidgetyit was as if he was an
apprentice in ThunderClan getting ready for a battle or something. Demonpaw
spent less time with her mentor than she wished, though, and instead was forced to
train with another free mentor in which she didnt really like.
At the moment, Demonpaw had a free day. Rain pour had made it so that no one
could train, which meant that she had a free day with her brother. Shed had it all
planned outthey would talk about rumours in the apprentices den, grab a bite to
eat, and then probably talk some more before shed get bored and go exploring on
her own. That was, however, until Bravepaw went to the leaders den to speak with
Snakestar again.
This is the fourth time in seven sunrises! Demonpaw thought angrily to herself as
she narrowed her eyes and dug her claws into the ground. Does he think Im too
stupid to ask? And why does he keep me from knowing about whats going on up
there? Does he think Im too mouse-brained?
Hi, Demonpaw! came Twigpaws voice from the entrance of the den. Are you
still sulking over Duskpaw? Cause if you are, I might just have to swat you with
my paw. Demonpaw looked up and smiled slightly.
Im not sulking over DuskpawIm actually quite happy for him. Demonpaw
stated, holding her head high. He did what he wanted to do, and is now a happy
hunter in RiverClan. Twigpaw rolled her eyes as she shook of the rain drops and
padded over to the grey and white she-cat.
Whatever you say. Twigpaw mewed as she curled up on her nest. The curious kit
looked around before narrowing her eyes with confusion. Hey, wheres
Bravepaw? Hes not training, is he? Demonpaw shook his head.
Snakestars den. She growled, a bit of distaste in her voice.
Apparently Snakestar is better than me. Twigpaw laughed a bit.
Get real, Demonpaw. Twigpaw told her. Bravepaws just going through a hard
time, thats all. And besides, how can anyone be better that his sister. No ones
better than family. Demonpaw smiled warmly to her friend.
Thanks, Twigpaw. Demonpaw said. The grey and white she-cat walked over to
her own next, and soon she and Twigpaw began to gossip while throwing out some
teasing comments about themselves every once and awhile. It was a great day to
spend with friends.
But a nagging thought kept her on edge.
Demonpaw wasnt sneakyshe knew that. However, there were many ways to get
to the leaders den without being noticed. If I could just get up there with no one
noticing, I could probably try and eavesdrop on what their talking
about. Demonpawseeing no other optionstood up, ready to go.
Hey guys, Im gonna go get some prey. Demonpaw told them. They all laughed,
but she rolled her eyes and brushed it off. Come on. It may be soggy, but at least
its food. They all continued giggling, so the grey and white she-cat ignored them.
Demonpaw bravely stepped outside the den, soon becoming soaked as she walked
through the pouring rain. It felt more like she was going under a water fall than
rain sprinkling upon her. Eventually, however, she stood before the slippery rocks
that formed the high ledge.
Well, Im already out here. Might as well go for it. Demonpaw thought. She wasnt
rethinking her decision, just realizing how dangerous it was climbing up the ledge
in this weather. She made the first jump soon after that thought, though, just in
case she psyched herself out.
Thanks to her strength, she managed to climb up the ledge rather quickly. Once
there, she made sure to stay near the corner so that no one from the inside of the
leaders down could hear her. Quietly, she settled herself comfortably on the rocks,
and listened silently for the conversation that was going on inside.
. . .yes, and I realize that, but the time is getting close and she is still as ignorant
as ever. Snakestar seemed pretty irritated from what Demonpaw could tell. She
heard her brother sigh, which made her excited.
StarClan confirmed of what she already knows, so everything is still in play.
Bravepaw began. Something extreme must happen nowsomething big enough
to force her into action. After that, her personality will take care of the rest.
Well, what do you think will get her angry enough? Snakestar asked, sounding
I dont know. It seems like everything could Suddenly, Bravepaw cut himself
short. There was a silence, and then sniffing. Snakestar seemed to follow in a few
moments later.
Shes here. Snakestar hissed. That was all Demonpaw needed before widening
her eyes, and making a U turn down the ledge. She tried to jump down as fast as
she could be she slipped on the way down and began rolling all the way to the
When the grey and white she-cat finally landed, it wasnt on her feet. She carefully
stood up, feeling her sore body disagree with every muscle that moved.
Hurriedly, she tried to run forward, but it was too late. Bravepaw had already
spotted her, and so had Snakestar. Im doomed! She thought. Im doomed! Im
doomed! Im doomed! She tried desperately to make it back to the apprentices
den, hoping to find shelter there.
Demonpaw, get back here! Bravepaw yelled furiously. Demonpawquite
surprised by his reactionkept running. Hes angry? Why? . . .Doesnt matter! I
gotta run! However, her body was quite exhausted from the fall, and soon she
could hear Bravepaw sprinting toward her.
Bravepaw rushed out in front of her, his eyes narrowed to a dangerous extent.
Demonpaw stopped short, backing up many steps as she felt the pure fury from her
brothers tensed muscles and bristled fur. Though she didnt want to admit, she
was scared of him.
Demonpaw backed up until she stepped into another cat. Out of surprise, the grey
and white she-cat gave a gasp and quickly turned, her eyes wide as Snakestars
familiar form stood over her. Shed realized now that whatever they had been
talking about was private and very concerning.
Demonpaw, what were you doing on the ledge? Snakestar asked, his voice calm.
The grey and white she-cat only seemed to feel ten times smaller than the leader,
and she seemed to stutter out an inaudible answer. Demonpaw, you knew we
didnt want you there.
Yes, but she did it anyway! Bravepaw screeched. Demonpaw flipped around
once again to face her brother. You tried to get information even though
I told you that it was private! Demonpaws eyes remained wide, but only for a
few seconds.
Why is he so angry? I disobeyed, sure, but everyone does that, dont they? The
twins do! So why are they angry? Why is he angry? It was private, but I
know everything about my brother! So why is Bravepaw so furious? Soon, she was
standing tall, her eyes narrowed tightly.
Who cares if its private? Demonpaw yelled. Youve done nothing today but
stayed in that stupid den. Dont you even know I exist? You promised wed get to
train together soon, but every time you say that you end up spending your spare
time in the leaders den. Dont you know how much that hurts, Bravepaw? A
flicker of emotion flashed through the jade green eyes of her brother, but it was
only a flash.
Of course I do, but my dreams are important, Demonpaw! Can you see that?
Bravepaw asked, his voice raised high.
Oh, so theyre more important than I am? Demonpaw asked. Bravepaw
hesitated, but continued shortly after.
Demonpaw, you have to understand! Bravepaw pleaded. These dreams are
from StarClan. They cant be told to anyone else but Snakestar. These dreams. .
.These dreams mean more than you will ever know. Demonpaws tail lashed.
Then tell me, mouse-brain! Demonpaw shrieked. Tell me why theyre
important, and then Ill understand! Tell me why theyre bothering you,
and then Ill be okay with you missing our training dates. Tell me, Bravepaw, just
like when we were in WindClan. Bravepaw stared at her, his eyes watering. Oh,
so now he realizes it? Why now, of all the times he
No, I cant tell you. Bravepaw explained, looking down at his paws in an attempt
to shade his face. Maybe when you grow older, but not now. You wont be able to
handle it. Demonpaws eyes widened, and for a moment, there was silence aside
from the pouring rain.
I wont be able to. . .to handle it? Demonpaw asked, her voice cracking. Is that
code for Im too ignorant? Is that it? Im too naive, and Im too oblivious to
understand? Bravepaw looked up, his eyes opening widely.
Demonpaw, you know thats not exactly what I Bravepaw started, but
Demonpaw interrupted him.
I dont care! she screamed. I dont care at all! If you want to keep it private,
fine. Go up in the leaders den and be Snakestars little mouse. J ust dont expect
any sympathy from me. In fact, dont expect anything from me. If you think
dreams are more important, fine. J ust stop getting my hopes up and leave me
alone. After she spat that last part out, she padded around him and disappeared
into the apprentices den.

Bravepaw stared at the entrance to the apprentices den his sister disappeared into,
longingly wishing to go forward himself. However, the thoughts he knew were
right continued vibrating in his brain. This is how it was meant to be. This is how
fate has designed it.
That was very brave, Bravepaw. came Snakestars sympathetic voice. And you
have served StarClan well. Demonpaw will no doubt be forced into understanding
with the anger she has now. It was meant as a gesture to cheer him up, but
Bravepaw continued to stare.
Yes. he said after a few moments. I just made my sister cry, which is what
we all wanted, wasnt it? Bravepaw stood quickly after saying this, and entered an
apprentice den in which he didnt belong in. I dont care if I shouldnt be here. He
decided. I just need to get a good nights sleep before I break Demonpaws heart
even further.

Demonpaw, are you okay? asked Twigpaw, her tone wavering a bit. We heard
some of the fightBravepaw should have apologized.
Well he didnt. Demonpaw spat, her tail flicking with irritation. Now go away!
The last thing I want to do is pretend to be happy while hes over their keeping
everything a secret. Twigpaw and the others paused, but eventually left her alone
as shed asked.
This will never end! Demonpaw screamed to herself. Bravepaw gets mad at me, I
get mad at him. Were never on the same level! Well never be the same like when
we were kits, never! Not unless he tells me about the dreams, or I become smarter
and less oblivious. That, or figure out the dreams myself.
Suddenly, she widened her eyes, taking that thought and expanding it further. Wait.
. .maybe I can figure it out by myself! Poppyheart herself told me that the
Moonpool is the best place to get answersmaybe I can make the journey. Scratch
thatI will make the journey if thats what it takes for Bravepaw to realize that
Im more important than those dreams.
Demonpaw grinned before standing up and quickly and walking out of the den and
back into the pouring rain. The good thing: Bravepaw and Snakestar were gone.
The bad thing: there were two guards that wouldnt let anyone in or out unless they
had a mentor or were a mentor.
Well this complicates things. I wont hurt themthats just stupidbut I could
possibly pass by them if I took the back route or distracted him. . . Demonpaw
thought hard, and as fast as she possibly could.
I have a movement that could knock them out long enough for you to make a run
for it. Came an unfamiliar voice. Demonpaw brightened up.
Really? How do you do it? She asked, eager to get out of the camp.
Theyre are tender spots near the back of their neck, the voice explained. Hit that
place hard enough, and they will be out for at least a few moments. Demonpaw
But wont that hurt them? Demonpaw asked.
No, just leave them a little sore. But would you rather leave them be or sort out the
situation with your brother? The voice asked. Demonpaw hesitated, but eventually
sighed and nodded her head.
Okay, but I think Ill need to sneak up to them. Otherwise, theyll cause a
racket. Demonpaw thought. Hey! Ill just play it normally! Hehe, this is going to
be fun. Demonpaw smirked to herself before walking straight up to the guards.
Both guardsa grey tom and a ginger tomturned toward her with a confused
expression. They blocked the entrance of course, but Demonpaw no longer cared.
Hey, you think I could go out for a bit of fun? Snakestar told me that I needed to
hunt. Demonpaw said. Both guards glanced at each other before looking back to
the grey and white she-cat.
Sorry, kit. growled the grey tom. No apprentices are allowed without a mentor.
Demonpaw tilted her head and looked innocently at both guards.
Really? But what if I just take a teeeeeny step outside? Demonpaw asked as she
tried to take a step between them. Both closed the gap, and attempted to push her
back. Demonpaw just gave a small chuckle.
Demonpaw used her left paw to unbalance the ginger tom, sending him down on
the floor before she raised her paw and hit the tender spot on the back of his neck.
The grey and white she-cat quickly turned and unbalanced the grey tom and did the
same to him.
After that, she leaped through the entrance and smirked at the two guards now
sleeping soundly on the ground. You know, its a good thing its
raining. Demonpaw thought as she looked back to the camp. Otherwise, that stunt
would have caused much more of a reaction.
Very good indeed. Said the voice. Now go eastThunderClans border will be
awaiting you. Demonpaw gave a swift nod before dashing forward through the
shadowy brush.
It was dusk by the time Demonpaw scented the ThunderClan border, and the only
reason she knew that was that the voice told her so. That, and she was incredibly
tired of walking through the dark landscape. She was sore, and she wanted to sit
As the ThunderClan scent became clearer, Demonpaw continued walking without
a care in the world. She was happy to finally enter the open forest after becoming
close enough to see ThunderClan territory. She was incredibly wary, however, of
what she might stir up while walking forward.
Be careful, said the voice. I smell danger up ahead. Demonpaw crouched low to
the ground, her eyes reaching far out to search for the danger. She could see long
shadows against the sunset coming her way, so she easily tried to avoid them.
Soon, she found herself crossing the border.
Demonpaw hid behind a thorn bush, waiting for what the voice told her to do.
When she got no response, she went on her own. The grey and white apprentice
stood up straight and padded forward with a proud pace. One of her ears was
flicked back as she hoped that the patrol shed been near didnt find her.
Stupid ShadowClan apprentices! hissed one of the cats suddenly. Fan out and
find it quickly! Demonpaw froze, her heart beginning to speed up at a rapid rate.
Her eyes were wide, and her fur was on end. How did they find me? She thought.
Never mind thatrun! Demonpaw heard this from the voice and sprinted forward,
hoping that her speed would carry her through the forest faster than the cats behind
her. She heard yelling, and then several cats seemed to be chasing her.
Demonpaw reached as far as she could possibly go. Tree by tree passed like
monsters passing on a thunderpath, and somehow she managed to avoid each and
every one of them. The grey and white apprentice heard the elder cats closing the
gap between them with every stride, worrying her further.
Suddenly, a fallen tree lay in front of her. Demonpaw knew that she couldnt go
around it fast enough, so she sped up and pushed her muscles far beyond their
capability. The grey and white apprentice came upon the base and leaped into the
air, managing to clear the log with her strength.
It was to early to celebrate, however, for her hind leg was too low and so she
hooked it upon a dead branch sticking out from the log. Demonpaw tumbled
through the undergrowth, and suddenly she felt as if shed been stopped by a large
next of twigs and stones.
The impact broke most of the twigs, and so as she attempted to stand up, the
ground below her sank thanks to the moist ground. She fell into what she believed
was a tunnel and found herself once again tumbling, though this time it was
It was a tight fit, but she was still falling. When she finally stopped, she felt cavern
ground beneath her. Demonpaw waited a moment to catch her breath before she
gingerly stood up, careful not to go too quickly. The grey and white apprentice
then found herself in complete darkness, and she was unable to see.
Do not fear, young one, for I know the way out of these tunnels. Just go straight
forward. The voice told her. Demonpaw narrowed her eyes, cautious of whether or
not to trust the voice. However, it had helped her this far, so the grey and white
apprentice went forward. Or at least thats what she thought.
Sooner than she thought, she once again felt soft dirt under her paws, which made
her smile. Okay. She thought to herself. I can do this. Demonpaw continued
following the upward motioned tunnel, putting one foot in front of the other.
Minute by minute passed, and soon she began thinking of strange things.
Now go left to where you see the drift. The voice told her. Demonpaw smiled once
more as she felt a certain chilly drift coming from her left. She followed that
tunnel, immediately finding comfort as she realized that the voice did actually
know what it was doing.
Tunnel after tunnel came her way. The place was like a maze, and it was
dangerous. However, Demonpaw felt too proud of how close she was to be solemn
at the moment, so she continued on.
Finally, though it was a small amount, Demonpaw found light shining through
another pile of twigs and stones. They must have tried to cover these tunnels up at
one point. Demonpaw thought to herself before clawing her way through the slick
Now stand still, be quiet. Listen to the sounds. The voice told her. Demonpaw did
such that, her ears perking forward and her eyes flicking in every direction.
After discovering that there was no one there to catch her, Demonpaw rushed out
of the tunnel, happy to have finally made it through. It was nightfall, and the half
moon was set high in the sky. Demonpaw smiled before padding through the cold
Soon, she found that she was near the marshy plains of WindClan. She avoided its
deep puddles and settled on the border, climbing up the hill at last. Demonpaw
wasnt sure where to go, but for some reason instinct told her she was on the right
The wind picked up about half way there, and the temperature dropped. It sent
chills down Demonpaws back, and then she wondered what Bravepaw was
doing. Hes probably sulking to Snakestar. Demonpaw thought bitterly. Well, soon
Im going to figure out why.
Moment after moment passed, and finally the land flattened out. The grey and
white apprentice walked forward and found herself stepping onto flat stone ground
that was icy, as if the snow had just melted from on top of it. Sand dust swirled
around with the wind whipping it in many directions, but the most stunning part of
this place was the pool.
It was bright blue, like lightning bolts in the cold. It shined brighter than any star
Demonpaw had ever seen and it seemed to beckon her forward. As the grey and
white apprentice walked up to the pool, she heard voices. They were soft, angelic
voices that made her relaxed instead of nervous.
Drink from the pool, came the voice. Demonpaw nodded before crouching down to
lap up some of the water into her mouth. Then she lay down, her body too mellow
to stand any longer. Soon, she closed her eyes unconsciously, and darkness over
took her.
When Demonpaw woke, she found she was in a green grassy plain that seemed to
stretch for fox-lengths. It made her curious, and as she smiled to herself, she stood
straight up and glanced around. There were no trees or bushes in the distance, just
grass. It was so different to her that she leaped through it, falling into the gentle
grass after landing.
You are a curious little one. came an unfamiliar voice. Demonpaw looked up,
her smile vanishing. In front of her, a bright silver tabby stood in front of her. She
had stunning blue eyes and she was very tall.
You cant take me anywhere! Demonpaw hissed hostilely , her eyes narrowed as
she unsheathed her claws. Im here to figure out why Bravepaws being so
mouse-brained, and I wont leave until I figure it out! The grey she-cat only
chuckled, a warm smile erasing the scowl.
Demonpaw, I am not here to force you to leave. the she-cat explained. I am here
to guide you through what you wish to know. It will be a long journey through
memories of my own, but your determination will drive you through it, Im sure.
Demonpaw sheathed her claws, relaxing her muscles slightly.
Who are you? the grey and white apprentice asked. The she-cat smiled for a few
A friend of your fathers. she answered, leaving Demonpaws eyes to widen
slightly. Now be stillwe must now visit the memory in which it first began.
The air around her faded into blackness, but she couldnt look around to see if that
was true.
When it became light again, Demonpaw found herself in a Twoleg nest with many
weird tools and things that shed never seen before. When she turned around, she
saw several large Twolegs huddling over two injured Twolegs kits. She heard them
yelling in their language, and the scene didnt look good at all.
Suddenly a loud sound forced Demonpaw to shut her eyes, for it scared her.
However, what she saw later was what scared her even more. Crimson blood
poured out of one of the Twoleg kits, and the other just seemed still. Demonpaw
watched as it struggled, but it couldnt move.
Why are we looking at Twolegs? Demonpaw asked the tabby she-cat, who was
now standing right next to her.
You shall see in time. the she-cat told her. Now watch. See that star now burned
onto his shoulder? What does it look like to you? Demonpaw looked over to the
Twoleg kit again, and when she saw the star she immediately thought of herself.
Bravepaw said he saw that on me once! Demonpaw exclaimed.
Yes. This is what I should call the incident that started it all. the she-cat
explained. Had this not have happened, you would not be born, and neither your
brother. Demonpaw looked over with narrowed eyes.
Why? she asked.
J ust wait. the tabby told her. A few moments passed, and suddenly Demonpaw
found herself in a Twoleg yard. The Twoleg kit had grown, but he didnt look
right. As a younger Twoleg kit bounced a play-thing, he just stared off into space.
It was weird.
The scene changed again, and Demonpaw found herself near a thunderpath. She
stared to back up, but the tabby stopped her and gave her a scolding look.
Demonpaw narrowed her eyes once more, but then looked back to the thunderpath.
The first Twoleg kit and the younger one came up from across the street on a
corner where two thuderpaths met. The younger one was quite happy, and even
more so when he saw another Twoleg kitwhich was barely a fox-length away
from Demonpaw and the tabby.
The Twoleg kit foolishly ran onto the thunderpath when a monster zoomed
forward, and though the first Twoleg kit yelled at it, it still managed to stop right in
front of the roaring monster. You mouse-brained Twolegeven I know not to do
that! Demonpaw thought.
Then suddenly, the elder Twoleg kit dashed over and pushed the younger Twoleg
kit out of the way. The monster didnt stop, though, and it ended up hitting the
elder Twoleg kit. The Twoleg kit fell, crimson red blood pouring all over the
The scene changed again, and now it was just darkness. All aside from the elder
Twoleg kit who stood right in the middle of it all. Then a tabbythe tabby who
was also right next to Demonpawstood up and spoke many words. Four other
cats walked over as well, and they seemed dazed as they ceremonially spoke to the
elder Twoleg kit.
Then suddenly, the Twoleg kit turned into a cat. A small cat, but a cat nonetheless.
He was grey and white, just like her, and his eyes were a light blue. He still had the
black star on his shoulder.
Wait, howd he turn into a cat? asked Demonpaw. And why does he look so
much like me? The tabby looked over with a frown.
This tom turned into a cat because his life as a Twoleg was not fulfilling. the
tabby answered. He is, to say, a special case. Several things went wrong,
however. In this scene he is only six moons old, but he doesnt grow much.
Continue watching. Demonpaw did.
Demonpaw watched as the grey and white tom was captured by a patrol, and then
taken to the camp. She was amazed at how different the place was. There were
apprentices, warriors, and elders everywhere, and there seemed to be no guard.
Is this before it was changed into the Queen Clan? Demonpaw asked. The tabby
Yes, young one. You shall see now division between rank throughout these clans.
They all have many ages of cats here. The tabby answered.
Demonpaw watched closer as the grey and white tom was taken to the leaders
den. A golden she-cat was taking to him, and she didnt seem pleased. After a
while, she sent him away, and then he was taken to ThunderClan. Once he crossed
the border, he was found by a small blue-grey she-cat with jade green eyes.
Thats Robinwing! Demonpaw explained, her eyes widening. The tabby didnt
say anything, so she looked back. The grey and white tom fought what Demonpaw
figured out was Sharpmoon. However, Sharpmoon was taking orders from a grey
tom. Does that mean this is before he was appointed king, too? Demonpaw asked
The grey and white tom was once again taken to ThunderClan, and that was where
he was taken to a long-haired dark colored tom, who looked at him closely.
Finally, the grey and white apprentice was taken outside where it took a lot of
convincing to allow the clan to let him join.
Eventually, however, the grey and white tom was given his apprentice name. It
rang in Demonpaws ears as she heard it, though, and it forced time to literally
stand still.
H-hes my father. . . Demonpaw murmured, her eyes wider than two moons.
Its Rainfur. . .
Yes. the tabby answered. He is your father. Do you see now why he is so
important? If you wish to figure out why you are angry a lot, and why you want to
kill your brother at times, you must see Rainfurs story. You must see what your
father had to live through in order to get where he is. Demonpaw was so shocked,
she didnt want to find out more. My father was a Twoleg. . .Demonpaw
thought. Does that make me one too?
The scene changed. Rainpaw seemed to be getting along well with all of the
apprentices. Sharpmoonor Sharpfang, at the timechallenged him, and at first
the grey and white tom was losing. Then suddenly Sharpfang bit down onto his
shoulder, the one with the scar, and Rainpaw went crazy. He was knocked out, and
when he woke, he was almost shunned by the clan. However, he made a dangerous
promise, which allowed him to stay.
Demonpaw watched as incident after incident forced Rainpaw to become crazy. He
was insane, and then he was fine. Demonpaw watched as he saved Thorntails kits,
noticing small Duskpaw and his brother and sister. Demonpaw watched as he
saved Blueflash and Liontail from the rogues after they went looking for the
deputys body. Demonpaw watched as Rainpaw fought for his clan, fighting
Rosestar and taking several of her lives before bringing back everyone else hed
killed. Demonpaw watched as he got his warrior name and then took a life of
Ravenstars and the life of Blackpelts at a gathering. Demonpaw watched even
further as the voice became more and more insane, asking for a name
Demonpaw watched closely as fire surrounded ThunderClan. Demonpaw watched
as he saved Robinwing, helping her swim over to the island to safety. Demonpaw
watched as Robinwing almost died, which made Rainfur go insane again.
Demonpaw watched as Rainfur fought all four leaders, and nearly died himself.
Demonpaw watched as when dawn came, he was exiled. Demonpaw watched as
Sweetpaw followed him, and after he told the clans that the fires were taken care
of, Demonpaw watched how he left the clans and made his way toward his old
Demonpaw watched as Rainfur travelled back to the city, and managed to get
through the bad part of town. Demonpaw watched as he was helped by the
pregnant she-cat, and then managed to get away from other cats. Demonpaw
watched as he found his own home, and then walked in it. She watched as he
realized his brother was dead, and she watched as he gave the demon the name
J actur.
Demonpaw watched Rainfur return to the clans, giving Robinwing a single
promise. Then she watched him travel to ShadowClan, where he was appointed
deputy after the other one was killed. She watched him communicate with
Stormpaw, and become the brown and white toms mentor. Demonpaw watched
Rainfur prove to the clan he was normal again. Demonpaw watched Rainfur make
Flamepelt a spy. Demonpaw watched Rainfur help create an alliance with
RiverClan, while Stormpaw began to act quite crazily. She watched him then try to
connect with Stormpaw.
Demonpaws eyes were wide as she watched the next part. Stormpaw is Rainfurs
brother, which means. . .hes a Twoleg too. It was complicating to think about,
which is why she just stared. But then she continued watching as Rainfur trained
him, and then as the war began. She watched Rainfur nearly beat Sharpstar, but
then fail. She watched his memories being taken, and as he was pulled away. And
then, she was back in the grassy plain, watching the tabby in front of her.
W-why did all this happen? Demonpaw asked, her eyes still wide. W-what does
that have to do with me and my powers?
Because you are a daughter of Rainfur, you inherited his power. You have a thirst
for blood, but it is not two cats within you. Its just you. Your conscious is making
you kill, and that is why you are dangerous.
What did this have to do with my mother? Demonpaw asked.
She agreed to be executed in your place shortly after your birth. the tabby
explained. She knew she was going to die when you were sent to ShadowClan,
but the point is, she did it for you. Demonpaw had gotten over the shock. She was
nearly in tears, however.
What about Rainfur, what happened to him? Demonpaw asked.
Hes alive, but he doesnt know you or your family. the tabby answered. He has
no memories of his life here. Demonpaws muscles tensed.
And what about Bravepaw? Demonpaw questioned.
He has a plan, one hes constructing with Bravestar and Snakestar. the tabby
answered. Its a plan to get you to be normal.
Will it work? asked the grey and white apprentice.
No. It will never work, and it is far too dangerous for you and him. the tabby
explained. He plans to get himself caught in ThunderClan for you. Hell probably
spend his time there as a prisoner after that. Tears streamed down her face.
Why would ThunderClan take him prisoner? Demonpaw asked. How long
would he be there?
You and your brother are dangerous. the tabby told her. One step out of line,
and you will be punished. Bravepaw believes that if he disappeared, you wouldnt
be crazy, and everything would return to normal. Demonpaw narrowed her eyes.
But once Im a warrior, I would see him! Demonpaw pointed out.
No, you wouldnt. Hed be a prisoner of Sharpmoon, and you would never be
allowed to see him. the tabby explained.
But why? Demonpaw cried. Why would he want to do all that?
Because youre his sister, and only he has the ability to do this. the tabby
answered. It is all part of what Snakestar believes is fate. There was a moment
of silence as she tried to think things through.
I cant let him do it. Demonpaw growled, determination in her eyes. The tabby
narrowed her eyes, taking a step forward.
Demonpaw, you mustnt disregard his decision, he
I dont care! Demonpaw screamed, her tail lashing as she stood up. Her fur
bristled, and she bared her teeth. Hes my brother, and now that I know why Im
like this, Ill train myself out of it! So I dont care what he thinksI wont let him
go through this! Suddenly, everything faded, and she was by the pool again.
Immediately and without thinking, she stood up and sprinted away from the pool,
one thought in her mind.
He wont sacrifice his freedom for me!

Bravepaw finally managed the courage to try and talk to Demonpaw. After almost
spending the whole night worrying about it, Bravepaw finally took the steps
through the apprentices den. However, when he looked within it, he didnt find
her there.
Wheres Demonpaw? he asked the other apprentices. They shrugged. Bravepaw,
instead of getting stressed, sighed, the light in his eyes fading. Its time. He
thought. Quickly, Bravepaw turned around and walked back over to Snakestar,
who saw his expression and ran over immediately.
Is it time to carry out the plan? Snakestar asked. Bravepaw nodded.
Shes disappeared. By now, she should be coming back to save me from getting
captured. Bravepaw told him. Snakestar nodded.
Go ahead. Snakestar said. Ill get a patrol to constrain her after youve been
taken, but you must go ahead first. Bravestar dipped his head before turning
around and dashing out of the camp.
Im sorry, Demonpaw.

Chapter Twenty
Demonpaw had sprinted down the hill, her legs tired yet still able to go on. She
wasnt going to stopnot after what shed just seen. She wasnt going to stop
not after what shed discovered. Demonpaw was going to prevent her brother from
doing something stupid, and she was going to sort out all she finally understood.
Bravepaw was hiding all of this from me, and now he wants to never see me
again? Demonpaw asked herself. How stupid! And Stormheart. . .he was a
Twoleg? Ive met him beforehe doesnt seem anything like it! Did he know about
everything? Is he a part of the plan?
Demonpaw made a quick turn, the cold air warming as a small ray of sunshine
showed in the horizon. She made it back into the forest, but did not stop running.
She couldnt, not with how angry she was.
My father is a Twoleg, and he went through all that just to get his memory taken
away. Stormheart was finally reunited with his brother, but only for a short time
before they were separated again. My father didnt even get to see Robinwing after
he returned from exile. My mother sacrificed herself for me and Bravepaw. Why?
Why would someone need to do that?
Demonpaw rushed passed the tunnel entrance, forgetting all about the secret short-
cut. She had no idea where she was going, but the trees rushed passed her, and in
the distance she could see the thick greenery of ShadowClan.
I thought we were just really powerful, and that people didnt like us because of
that. I thought I was looked at oddly because of how strong I looked, not because I
look so much like Jactur. I thought I just got really angry, not that it was a trait
that was inherited from my father. I thought that Stormheart was just a good friend
of my fathers, not my own kin. I thought that my father just died in a meaningless
battle, not that he was the war leader of the whole thing. I thought that my brother
and I would grow up to be strong warriors, not killed or captured by Sharpmoon.
Why is everything I thought wrong?
Demonpaw jumped over the log, her scent from earlier still there. She cleared it
easily without thinking.
Why was I so stupid? Why did I think everything was fine? Why did I believe that
everything was just how it had to be? Why did I overlook our mothers good-bye?
Why did I think this voice was nothing? Why did I let it take control of me? Why?
Demonpaw, watch out! a voice suddenly warned. Demonpaw, however, could
not stop in time. She crashed right into something grey, which sent both of them
tumbling for a few fox-lengths. Then, when they had stopped, Demonpaw stood
up, adrenaline already pulsing through her body.
Bravepaw? Demonpaw asked as the familiar pale grey tom sat up. What are
you doing here? Her eyes were wide and her legs were shaking.
I came looking for you. Bravepaw told her, his jade green eyes looking into hers.
You disappeared, and I was worried that you would
What, ruin your stupid, idiotic plan? Demonpaw hissed, her fur bristling as she
saw her brother. He kept things from me, and lied to me! Brothers arent supposed
to do that! How come you didnt tell me everything? How come you didnt tell
me the truth? Why did you keep all that information from me? I needed to know!
Bravepaws eyes grew wide at the side of his angry sister.
Demonpaw, I didnt mean it, I swear! Bravepaw explained quickly. I really
couldnt tell you anything, Snakestar
Dont blame anyone but yourself! Demonpaw hissed, her tail lashing. You
could have told me any time! You could have explained to me your little plan to
get captured! You could have mentioned, if only slightly, that our father was more
than just someone who died in battle! Bravepaws eyes narrowed.
Well you should have paid more attention! he growled. Besides, my plan would
work perfectly had you not run off on a very dangerous adventure! Demonpaws
muscles tensed as her eyes narrowed.
That dangerous adventure wouldnt have happened if you had just told me
everything! Demonpaw yowled.
If I had told you everything, the plan wouldnt work! Bravepaw hissed, his fur
bristling. You would never have let me go through with it!
Well of course not! Demonpaw growled. This plan is mouse-brained, flawed,
and insane! How would never seeing me again solve the problem?
I have a StarClan spirit living within me, Demonpaw, and because of StarClans
abilities, they are unconsciously and uncontrollably awakening your powers!
Bravepaw hissed. If I left, maybe youd be less likely to kill someone! If I left,
maybe youd be less likely to let your anger get control of you!
What a selfish way of doing it! Demonpaw screeched. How did you think that
would make me feel? Happy? Bravepaw, if you suddenly disappeared, Id destroy
myself, especially after what I learned to day! Bravepaws eyes suddenly went
wide. It was as if he just then realized something.
Im sorry, Demonpaw. Bravepaw suddenly murmured, his gaze on the ground as
he seemed to have calmed down. But the plan is already in motion. This will be
one of our last moments together. Demonpaw tensed, her anger boiling quickly
She lunged at Bravepaw, pinning him down easily. Demonpaw growled at him
loudly, her grip too strong for him to get free. You will not get yourself captured
for me! I am fine with you being here, and I wont let you go through with your
mouse-brained plan!
Then Bravepaw did something unexpected. He kicked her stomach, forcing her to
release her pressure. She coughed, backing off him. He attempted to stand, but
Demonpaw simply glared at him before lunging once more. Bravepaw put enough
force into it so that she wouldnt pin him down, and so they crashed together.
Demonpaw angrily snapped at Bravepaws neck, unsheathing her claws as her fury
took control. Bravepaw did the same, though he seemed hesitant. Both reared upon
their hind legs, slashing their claws toward the vital parts of the body. Demonpaw
ended up gashing his shoulder, and Bravepaw managed to send a large scratch
down her chest.
You want to fight? Demonpaw asked, her fur bristling as her tail lashed. Well
then so be it! The grey and white apprentice lunged forward as fast as she
possibly could, but Bravepaw was faster. He darted away before turning around
and jumping onto Demonpaw.
The grey and white apprentice yowled with fury before bucking him off. Bravepaw
fell to the ground, but immediately stood up and lunged toward his sister.
Demonpaw did as well, but Bravepaw managed to have the upper hand. He bit
down upon her shoulder, sending several ripples of anger through her body once
Youll pay for that! Demonpaw growled to herself. With narrowed eyes and bared
fangs, the grey and white apprentice, jumped upward through the air, landing
flawlessly on her pale grey brother. Bravepaw, however, managed to roll, sending
them both tumbling through the undergrowth again.
Demonpaw stopped herself by digging her claws into the ground. Bravepaw
continued to roll, so the grey and white apprentice took this chance to dash up to
him and pin him down. Right after this, she raised her unsheathed claws and
slashed through his chest, making him yowl in pain.
Yes, yes! He needs to feel pain for what he did! Came the familiar voice. It was the
voice she heard earlier, the one that helped her to get to the Moonpool. The scary
part was, however, that the voice was Demonpaws. It was her thoughts, and it was
her ideas. All of them.
Bravepaw kicked her stomach again, pulling himself away from his sister as his
belly became covered in his own crimson blood. His eyes were wide with fear, but
Demonpaw did not register this. Her fury was just too much for her to control.
The grey and white apprentice chased her brother, and though he was usually quite
fast, he was wounded. So he turned around and crashed into her, something she
hadnt expected. Bravepaw pinned his sister down, his legs shaking as he tried to
contain her.
Demonpaw cried out with fury before raking her back claws down Bravepaws
belly. He yowled with agony as Demonpaw then bit his neck before kicking him
off of her. Bravepaws body hit the ground hard afterword, and he did not stand up.
Feel my wrath, you liar! Demonpaw thought. Feel what I have felt! She raised her
claws, ready to send another blow at Bravepaw, but movement stopped her.
Demonpaw, stop! yelled an authoritative voice. Demonpaw hesitated, her
thoughts becoming interrupted. Youll kill him if you go any further! Demonpaw
looked up, blinking.
Wait, what? Demonpaw asked. Kill him? But Ive only done a little bit of damage. .
.Right? Demonpaw looked down at the body below her, and soon her eyes grew
two moons. The grey and white apprentice backed away, all four paws on the
ground as she stared at Bravepaw.
His sleek grey fur was matted with dirt and small drops of blood, and his eyes were
dull. He breathed heavily as crimson liquid oozed out of his chest and stomach. His
fur was stained red, and he looked very weak.
No. . . Demonpaw murmured, water welling up in her eyes. No, I didnt do
It sure looks like it to me. growled a mentor from the patrol behind Snakestar,
whod been the one to stop her. There was a silence, one that Demonpaw didnt
like. I barely touched him didnt I? No, I remember hurting him. But I didnt want
to! I didnt mean to!
Let me through! hissed the impatient voice of Poppyheart. Quickly, the dusty
ginger she-cat rushed through the crowd and dashed over to Bravepaw.
Immediately, the medicine cat began to look over the wounds, all the while
ThunderClan cats rushed in.
Whats going on? asked a strong voice.
An accident. Snakestar growled. A very bad accident.
Well that much is obvious! hissed a familiar voice. It was Stormheart, and as
much as Demonpaw wanted to yell at him for hiding the truth, she was frozen to
her spot.
What have I done? Demonpaw asked herself. What I have let myself do? I was just
angry. I didnt mean to. What will I do now? What will Bravepaw think of me?
Whats going to happen to me? Will Sharpmoon execute me too? Will he take my
memories, and send me to where Rainfur is? Bravepaw didnt deserve this.
I should be executed. He didnt need this.
Poppyheart, how bad is it? asked Stormheart after bickering with Snakestar. The
medicine cat paused, staring at Bravepaw with sorrow in her eyes.
These wounds are deep. . . Poppyheart murmured. She then looked up to
Snakestar. Im sorry, but he wont make it. Even with all the herbs available to
me, these wounds wouldnt be able to heal fast enough for him to survive.
Demonpaws eyes grew wider, if that was possible. All of her thoughts seemed to
stop as that answer rang through her ears. Her throat tightened, and she couldnt
breath. Most of all, she was numb. She couldnt feel her body at all, and the only
thing she could see was Bravepaw.
D-demonpaw. . . Bravepaw suddenly rasped, his jade green eyes locked straight
onto her gaze. I-its oka-ay. . . Thi-is was supo-osed to. . .happen. Demonpaw
looked down at him, her eyes still wide.
What. . .? she asked absently.
Thi-is was a-all. . .par-rt of the. . .plan. . . Bravepaw gasped, managing to put a
warm smile on his face.
You mean you had this planned from the beginning? asked Stormheart, seeing as
Demonpaw couldnt seem to get her dry mouth to work.
Y-yes. . . Bravepaw rasped. Iv-ve kno-own for. . .a m-moon. . .
Why would someone plan their own death? Stormheart asked, his tail flicking
with irritation.
It was fates design. Snakestar growled. And it was StarClans orders.
Bravepaw was meant to live a short life from the beginning.
And what did this accomplish? Stormheart hissed, his ears flat against his head.
Demonpaw now has a better understanding of life. Now, when the time comes,
she will know what to do, and she will no longer be stuck in her fairy tales.
Snakestar answered, his voice calm.
How could you be so cruel? Stormheart asked. Youve mentally destroyed her!
And for what? Nothing but insight, and for your own personal gain in this constant
The kit agreed, though, so I believe it isnt really my fault. Snakestar pointed
Yeah, because you and StarClan preached him into thinking it was the best idea
for him! Stormheart hissed.
Stormheart, stand down! a powerful voice hissed to the brown and white tom.
Remember who you are talking to. Stormheart mumbled something after a long
pause, but he seemed to retreat from the argument with reluctance.
Demonpaw and Bravepaw werent listening to this conversation. They had their
gaze locked, and though Demonpaws eyes were wide, she found herself
thoughtless. All she did was watch her brothers jade green eyes fade, and soon,
they were closed, never to open again.
Come on. said Snakestar after he noticed this. We must give a proper burial for
Bravepaw, and Poppyheart must tend to Demonpaws wounds.

After that, Demonpaws vision was a blur. She wasnt really sure what happened at
The next few days seemed like a mere half day to Demonpaw. Several things
happened, but since the grey and white apprentice had no desire to pay attention to
anything, she just stared. Most cats noticed this, so her normal friends just avoided
her. Others, however, were forced to make sure she was okay.
Demonpaw, do you need something to eat? one of the guards had asked one day
when she was in the apprentice den. There was a pause. Then she shook her head.
Do you want to walk around for a few heart-beats? Another pause. Then she
shook her head again.
And that was how it was every time she was asked a question. Demonpaw didnt
want food, or water, or exercise. In fact, she no longer trained with Snakestar, and
she never spoke with anyone. It was just too hard for her thoughts to transfer.
Sharpmoon had come over. She remembered being escorted from the apprentices
den to the leaders den. There were a lot of cats in that den, so Demonpaw
purposely blocked out the conversation. The few words she did hear, however,
made her realize her dream was going to come true. She was going to be a warrior
of ThunderClan. The only problem, however, was that that wasnt her dream
Twigpaw was talking about her. It was a faint sound, but Demonpaw heard the
conversation loud and clear. Nobody trusted the grey and white apprentice
anymore. Nobody wanted to be there for her. Am I all alone?
Three days. It had been three days since his death. Nothing significant had
happened. She was just going to ThunderClan soon. Yes, shed have to go right
past the only scene she had replaying in her mind. That was okay. Or was it?
Maybe it wasnt.
Three emotions clung to her. Anger and sadness were the large ones, but shock
cancelled them both out. It was as if it had happened too quickly for her to really
register that he was gone. Dead. Deceased. He wasnt coming back.
But he wouldnt die, would he? Im too important to him. . .arent I? Hes just
scaring me. Yeah, thats all hes doing. He just wants me to make sure I dont wish
ill on him again. Those were happy thoughts. Thoughts that werent filled with
sadness or anger.
The day of her warrior ceremony wasnt stressful or exciting to her. It was just a
normal day. She only remembered half of it. She remembered the clan looking at
her. She remembered her new name being called out. She remembered no cheering
afterword, only whispering. Then she remembered being taken away to
Demonfang? she thought. Thats a good name. Its a cool name. Hell probably
think so too once he returns. I wonder if hell be jealous that Im getting my name?
Probably not. It was Sharpmoons orders.
When she was at ThunderClan, things were normal. For a half-moon, all she knew
was that she slept with Stormheart, and that she went out to get food every once
and a while. She was far from finding it odd that Flamestar didnt ask her to go on
any patrols, and most other cats in the den she stayed in avoided her.
At the moment, Demonfang laid right in her nest, staring off into space. There
were no thoughts going through her head. There were no sights to see. She was just
empty, wondering how he was doing.
Demonfang, you missed a wonderful fight. Stormheart said as he padded into the
den. There was a fox in WindClan today, and boy was it a good change for our
patrol. We fought it easily, and we even saved a few hunters. It was awesome.
Demonfang just nodded, but her gaze did not change as Stormheart sat down
beside her.
Not going to talk yet? Stormheart asked, frowning. Well, sorry, but youll have
to do it sooner or later. Sharpmoon wants you on a patrol soon. Demonfang
nodded. He stared at her for a few moments before he sighed.
Hey, did you know that Bravepaw showed up again yesterday? Stormheart
asked. He was so happy you got your warrior name, and he says he wants to see
you at the gathering if you want to go. Demonfang blinked, her eyes becoming
bright again.
Really? she asked, smiling. Whens the next gathering? Stormheart sighed.
Demonfang, I cant believe you fell for that. Stormheart growled. I thought you
were stronger than to think he was still alive. Demonfang narrowed her eyes.
But he is alive! You just said so! Demonfang hissed.
I was lying to see if what I thought was right. Stormheart told her. Bravepaw is
dead. He was killed by your in a planned situation thanks to Snakestar and
StarClan. He isnt living, and he wont come back. Hes gone. Demonfangs fur
And how would you know? Demonfang asked.
Because I did this same thing when your father died for me in my first life.
Stormheart hissed, his tail flicking as irritation crawled within him. If I had been
paying attention, Rainfurno, Matthewwouldnt have died. It was my fault he
died, just how it was your fault Bravepaw died. I thought Oliver would show back
up again, but he never did, so I killed myself. Demonfang looked to her paws.
You didnt kill him with your own claws, though. she muttered.
Does that matter? Stormheart asked. Demonfang, all Im trying to do is get you
to accept reality. Once you do that, youll be more likely to recover than end up
destroying yourself like I did. There was a small pause.
Is he actually dead? Demonfang asked herself. No, hes alive. He wouldnt leave
me like this. But now there was a nagging voice that kept getting louder. Reality
was catching up.
Hes not dead. Demonfang growled lowly.
Yes he is! Stormheart yowled. Your brother, my nephewBravepaw is dead!
That rang in her ears. The echo repeated itself over and over. And suddenly, it
came to life.
He is dead. She thought. Demonfang replayed the vivid image of his death, and
then every memory since then. Flowerpaws melt down after they returned, the
other apprentices horrified expressions, the ceremony of his burial, Twigpaws
conversation with the other apprentices, Sharpmoons decision to make her a
warrior of ThunderClan so she wouldnt destroy the forest, the walk over to
ThunderClan. . .
Tears streamed down her face. Her head ached, and she suddenly felt darkness
creep up on her. He was dead. He was gone. He wasnt coming back. He was the
only one who seemed to care about her dreams. He was the only one who gave any
sympathy for her. Her leader, her brother, her only family. . .
Why has all my family been taken away? Demonfang cried. Why did everyone
have to sacrifice themselves for me? Stormheart laid down with her, a look of pity
in his expression.
Its okay, Demonfang. he soothed her. I am still with you, and one day,
Rainfur will return. Youve just got to be strong. Demonpaw didnt reply. She just
continued crying. For the rest of the evening all up until the next afternoon, she
was crying.
Hes dead.

Chapter Twenty-One
Rain was doing fine after a half moon of complete silence. Both the Volans and the
cats had stopped fighting simply to help each other recuperate. It was nice, but it
was nerve-racking for him because that mean more time for Shadow to plan how
his daughter was going to become his mate. Apparently there was a ritual.
Evectri was often at camp, and if not, he was in the fields with Huntress, which
made Rains life a lot easier. The grey tom had established hope, for when he had
come, he had brought the Cats of the Storms a miracle. So, in other words, he was
a hero that everyone looked up to.
Rain was. . .well. . .the one everyone was unsure of. After that show that he put on
the night after the battlewhich he had no recollection of, might he addhad put
everyone on edge about him. They were uncertain as to what the ghosts were, and
where they were going. No one had confronted him, however.
Rain! Rain! called a high voice. Honey, almost fully grown now, came bouncing
him with her brothers behind her. Rain, we want to go hunting and youre the
only one available. Can you please take us? He smiled.
Okay, but be patient. I need to see if Shadow will let me. Rain told them. They
nodded and sat, willing to wait as he stood and walked over to the Commanders
Quietly, Rain slid in the den, but then he heard an argument brewing. Immediately,
he hid within the shadows, hoping no one would scent him as a guilty feeling
overcame him.
Youre kidding, right? Shadow asked.
No, Im not. Huntress hissed. I know Rain is a wonderful cat and he would be a
brilliant and powerful Commander, but my heart doesnt belong to him. Evectri is
the one I love, and hes already proven to you that he has the leadership skills and
the strength to protect this camp. Shadow growled.
Impossible! He is no more than a normal rogue! Shadow hissed.
And so is Rain! Huntress hissed. The difference is that I want Evectri.
Its too late, Shadow growled. Ive already made the ceremony for you and
I dont care. Huntress muttered. I dont want to be mates with Rain. Hes a
good cat, and hes a wonderful friend, but he is not going to be my mate! I dont
feel the same with him as I do Evectri. Shadow growled defiantly.
We dont know enough about that rogue! Shadow hissed.
And how much do we know about Rain? Huntress countered her father. We
dont know why hes as strong as he is. We dont know what happened when those
souls left us. We dont know why that star erupted into the sky. We dont know a
lot of things. It was quiet for a few moments.
Evectri will not be your mate if I have a say in it, Shadow finally muttered.
Rain is best suited for my role, and Evectri is too mysterious. Huntress didnt
answer at first.
Fine, Huntress snapped. However, when this camp crumbles and is
destroyed, you will be the one everyone blames. Rain suddenly heard the golden
she-cats paws coming toward him, and before he could hide, Huntress spotted
him. She stared, but then walked away, confusing Rain.
Huntress doesnt trust me? Rain asked himself. But why? Im capable of leading. .
.arent I?
Er, not really, said J actur. Well. . .you were better back in the old days. In others
eyes you could very well be just a great fighter. Rain frowned.
She could have just told me. . .

Rain, look! I found a squirrel! claimed Honey as she bounced forward with the
dangling prey.
Well too bad, said one of her brothers, sitting proudly. I found two mice.
Honey glared at him after dropping her prey within the clearing. Rain chuckled.
Your other brother got a rabbit, Rain told her. Dont feel bad, though, because
that means you all have different strengths when it comes to hunting. Honey and
her siblings looking at each other and then they smiled.
Youre a good mentor, Rain! Honey exclaimed. Have you ever been a mentor
before? Rain wanted to say yes, but he didnt remember. Had he ever taught
someone before? He felt like he did, but that was such a distant memory. . .
Just say yes, J actur growled. Its the truth. Rain nodded after that.
Yes, I believe I have been a mentor before, Rain answered. But then he frowned.
I dont remember, though. The kits shrugged.
Oh well, said Honey. Eventually youll remember everything, and then youll
be the most powerful cat in the whole entire world and youll be able to take down
that stupid King! Rain smiled bleakly. Will I really do that? It was pretty far from
what he believed hed do in the future.
Suddenly, Honey stopped and sniffed the air. Her eyes lit up like the midnight sky,
and she smiled widely. Its Evectri! she claimed. Oh, and Huntress! Theyve
come back from their day at the fields! The three of them disappeared from the
clearing and appeared moments later with the grey winged cat and the golden she-
. . .and I caught a squirrel! And then we came here, and Rain said that we all had
our own specialties! Honey finished by bounding over to Rain with her chest
proudly puffed out. Rain smiled warmly at her.
So I hear youre quite the mentor, Huntress told him, also showing her smile.
Do you remember where you learned how to teach? Rain shook his head.
It just comes naturally to me. And. . .well, I think I actually trained someone, but I
cant remember who. Rain said. The clearing grew silent as the conversation fell
into space.
Well, you may be a good teacher, but I bet Im faster than you. claimed Evectri
playfully. What do you say? Want to show these kits what they can become if
they tried hard enough? Rain was hesitant, having no confidence of being able to
defeat the grey Volan.
Um. . . he said with uncertainty in his voice.
Please? asked Honey, looking electrified. Rain sighed, but nodded.
Okay, but dont make any bets, Rain warned them. Im, er, not sure I can win.
Honey scoffed.
Of course you can win! Honey said. Youre the best warrior the cats have ever
seen! Rain gave a small smile before taking his position at the other side of the
clearing. Evectri got ready also, his muscles tensed with the anticipation of the
And Rain had to admit that he had no idea what he was going to do.
A few seconds passed before Honey told them to go. Immediately they both lunged
forward, Evectris strength bringing him forward quicker than Rain. They crashed,
and though Rain overpowered him easily, Evectri moved himself sideways,
making Rain nearly fall on his face.
Rain saved himself by stumbling slightly, and though it kept him from falling, it
cost him time. Evectri came flying in from his left sideno, not literally. The grey
tom slammed into his side and pushed him over. Growling at his failure, Rain
hooked his claws into the ground and pulled himself up. Evectri rolled away.
However, the grey Volan found his footing quickly, and with a fast movement he
lunged toward Rain. The grey and white sighter darted to the side, allowing the
silver tom to pass him, and then leaped forward with all the strength he had.
Both toms went rolling, trying to pin one another down. Unexpectedly, Evectri
unbalanced Rain, forcing him to take a nose-dive into the moist ground. Rain
gasped with surprise, but had no time to react. He fell, tumbling through the
Evectri pounced on him after that, pinning his shoulders to the ground. The back of
Rains neck was pushed into a sharp rock, and immediately he felt abnormal pain
shoot up his body.
An image came to him. It was a tom. Familiar, but still not clear. He was a sturdy
tom, with long fur that waved. It was dark brown with white splotches, and his
eyes were the deepest green. Almost like the spring grass. He smiled at Rain,
seeming to be very close to him.
That was a good one! Can you teach me how to do it now? The toms voice was.
. .soothing. The familiarity was so calming to Rain, and he felt at ease. It was as if
an unconscious sort of anxiousness was always within him, and it had just been
Rain! called Evectri, dragging him out of the dream. Rain, are you okay?
Answer me!
Rain blinked his eyes open, hurriedly sitting up as he felt a certain rush flow
through his body. He panted heavily, his eyes wide. All was quiet for a second as
he caught his breath. Then, as he looked around, he noticed everyones staring
eyes. Hoping to let them know he was okay, he smiled.
What happened? Huntress asked. Evectri didnt mean to force you
unconscious! Rain shrugged.
I just fell asleep, Rain reassured her. He rethought that response. Well, wait a
minute. I think it was just a memory. Yeah, Im going to guess thats what it was.
A memory? Evectri asked, tilting his head. I thought you didnt remember
anything from your past.
I didnt, but just then I had a vision of a tom whom Im pretty sure I knew. Rain
explained carefully. He. . .he was important. I know that. I think he was the tom I
mentored, but he seemed more than that.
Well how do you know that? Huntress asked, her eyes narrowed.
He just felt important, Rain answered, frowning. Look, I dont know what
happened. I just know that it was a good dream. . .or vision, or whatever it was. I
liked it. Another silence had overcome them.
You should go see Ripple, Evectri told him, worry clouding his amber eyes.
That looked like it hurt a lot. . .
Im fine, Rain told them, force edged into his voice. He stood up, but lifted up
his paw immediately. He winced at the sudden pain, realizing he was actually quite
sore. He sighed. Ill go. Would you like me to take the three of them back?
Huntress nodded, and then he was off, limping as Honey and the others made sure
he could walk okay.

Moments passed in silence as Huntress tried to figure out what he was thinking of.
In all honesty, Evectri was being the weak one and decided to worry about Rain.
He hadnt meant to hurt the grey and white sighter, but it had just turned out that
way, and now he was worried.
I havent done something like that in moons. . .Evectri thought, looking at his
paws. My movements were too quick for Rain. All because of that stupid training
Ill never be able to get rid of. Thanks, dad, now Ill always be an assassin. He
didnt realize he was scowling with anger flashing through his eyes.
Evectri, it wasnt your fault. Huntress finally said. It was an accident, thats it.
Evectri nodded.
I know, he told her. Its just. . .its just that I cant. . .Im really just. . .
What are you trying to say? Huntress asked. I wont judge you, I promise.
Evectri shut his eyes tight. If only that was true. . .he thought before opening his
eyes again to look at her.
I was trained in a ruthless way, Evectri said. If accidents like this happen just
because Im too fast and my fighting style is too rough, then what will your father
or anyone else think of me? My. . .mentors designed me to kill, and it seems like
no matter what I do, I cant shake that training from my head. Huntress stared at
him as a silence interrupted the conversation. Her blue eyes seemed to see right
through him, which scared him.
Suddenly, she smiled and said, Come on, lets go back to the fields. Evectri
shook his head.
We need to get you back, he insisted. Its almost sunset, and your father
would kill me if I wasnt back by nightfall. Huntress laughed.
No, youre coming with me, Huntress told him simply, holding her head high.
Youre supposed to be happy when we leave the fields. Youre not. So now Im
going to make you happy. Evectri smiled warmly.
Youre seriously not making me go back? he asked. Huntress nodded, making
him roll his eyes. Lets not stay too long, though, alright? She nodded again
before walking forward, licking him on the cheek before giving a sly smile. After
that, she turned around and walked back toward the fields.
Evectri stood and followed her. She sped up, and so did he. They did this until they
were at a sprint toward the grassy fields. And so they ran through the tall grass,
feeling it brush against their pelts with a certain pleasure they both loved.
It was like running through a dream as they came upon the tree that theyd shared
so many memories with. Under the pink petals, they lied down, talking to each
other happily, a certain flowing tune to it. Both were smiling at each other, trapped
in the most wonderful, magical place in the entire world.
However, it was interrupted with a loud howl.
Both cats stood and looked around, finding a large, dark shadow prowling toward
them. Evectri sniffed the air, danger filling his nose as he figured out what it was.
Run! he yelled to Huntress. Blindly listening to his advice, she turned and darted
into the hallow tree.
Evectri did the same, but he narrowed his eyes, remembering what hed promised
himself. He climbed up the tree and leaped off, flattening out his invisible wings to
allow him to fly a little longer. After that, he folded his wings again and dove into
the predator with his claws unsheathed and his teeth bared.
He crashed into the dark creature, clawing a gash near its chest. It growled, rearing
up before bucking the silver prince off of him. Evectri was sent back toward the
tree, and when he stopped sliding, he immediately stood up and lunged at the
The creature snapped at him, its long teeth coming close to his wings. Evectri
moved in flowing movements that allowed him to use the advantage of size to
outsmart the creature. Eventually, however, this predator caught on to what he was
doing, and without warning, the creatures long teeth grabbed on to his leg and
Evectri was so surprised he had no idea what was happening. His focus was lost,
and instantly he was pulled under the creature, who so unknowingly kept the silver
prince down by stepping on both of his wings.
Evectris vision was no longer as sharp as it was before. He attempted to move his
wings, but the muscles were only straining themselves under the pressure of the
creatures large paws. It growled at him, its teeth bared. Evectri could feel his
wings becoming numb, which forced him into a state of panic.
The silver prince slashed his claws through the creatures skin, making it yelp in
pain. It backed away, but it was already too late. He couldnt feel his wings at all,
and moving them was out of the question. With blurred vision, he stood up,
wobbling as he did so.
If I cant feel my wings, I cant control the invisibility! Evectri yelled at himself. A
fast movement caught his attention, but again, he had no time to react. The creature
crashed into him, pushing him in to the tree. He hit his head hard, but with his
promise to Huntress in his head, he unsheathed his claws and wounded the creature
in the eyes.
Again, it yelped and backed away. Evectri hissed loudly, his tail lashing as he
landed on the ground. He bared his teeth and allowed his fur to bristle. All the
while, he raised his wings to make himself look many times bigger than he already
was. The predator whimpered before running away with its tail between its legs.
Evectri watched it leave, but after long moments, he fell, the world around him
The silver prince woke, sitting up as fast as he could. With a groan he suddenly felt
the sores and aches of his body, which sent the memories of fighting that creature
shooting back to him. Evectri sat there, attempting to get used to his sore body.
And then he saw them.
His silver wings, completely visible to everyone, lying beside him. Evectri sighed
before turning himself away, his amber gaze locking onto Huntresss icy blue eyes.
They stared at him, wider than two moons. There was silence, even as the sun
began to set.
Huntress, I
What are you? Huntress asked, her voice wavered.
Its not what itHuntress, I promise
A Volan? she asked angrily, her tail lashing furiously. All this time, youve
been hiding your wings, thinking you can justjustplay with me? What kind of
sick monster are you? Evectris eyes widened
Nothats not it at all, Evectri tried to tell her. I really do you love you.
In what world? she spat, her eyes narrowed. Youre nothing but a lying,
decieving, little son of a
Huntress, please try to understand
How can I? Huntress cried. How could I even possibly try to understand a lie
this huge? Volans are my enemy, Evectri, so why should I trust you any further?
Evectri sighed.
Because Im not like the other Volans, Evectri answered. I dont want this
territory, and I dont want to kill anyone. All I want is for there to be peace, and for
you and I to be together. Thats it. Huntress growled, suspicion in her eyes.
And how do I know youre telling the truth? Huntress asked.
If I didnt want peace, why did I fight against my own kin during that battle a half
moon ago? Evectri asked. If I didnt love you, why did I protect you? And why
do you think I showed up here half dead all those moons ago? Huntress gave a
sorrowed look.
This could all be a trap, she murmured to herself. Those days I healedcome
back and warning usgetting Shadow to accept ythis makes no sense! That day
could have been perfectly planned to get to me so you could find a way into the
camp. . .
No, Huntress, it wasnt, I promise, Evectri told her.
Then what was it? Huntress cried, her icy blue eyes looking into his. What
happened that night? What was the truth? Evectri hesitated, and then sighed.
I tried to explain to King Negro that I didnt want to be a killing machine like I
was trained, Evectri answered smoothly, leaving out the part that he was related to
the king. He got angry, and attacked. I did my best, but that wasnt enough, and so
all I could do was escape and die here.
And did you expect to find me? Huntress asked.
No, not at all, Evectri explained. I wanted nothing more than to die by that
point. After all, with all the wrong Id done, it would have been best. However,
youre words and healing and movements all made me curious. You gave me
another reason to live. Huntress narrowed her eyes.
What do you mean? she asked.
You reminded me that there could be peace between any rivalries, Evectri
explained. You reminded me that this war could be quenched by just the two of
us. And most of all, you reminded me that I could be loved. No matter how much
my father, brother, sister or mother hated me, I could be loved. It was a concept Id
forgotten. Huntress looked at him, and she attempted to read through him for
several moments in which he spent in silence.
Eventually, she blinked and gave a long sigh. Her smile had not returned. I-I dont
know what to say, but I think its okay to trust you. She gave a bleak smile. It
would be best to return, though. Nightfall is upon us. Evectri nodded, and then
they stood. After that, they walked back to camp in complete quietness, neither
meeting each others eye.
Finally, she knows, Evectri thought, smiling inwardly. And now everythings going
to be okay.
But a nasty voice in the back of his head disagreed. No one is trust worthy.

Chapter Twenty-Two
The next day made Evectri anxious. Huntress had told him to go to fields and wait,
for she had do a few things. However, the golden she-cat had also told him that she
wanted to speak with him about a few things. So, naturally, Evectri was excited.
On normal days when Evectri was sent to the fields before her, there was an
interesting day to be spent.
It was a cloudy day, actually. It was darker than the day before, and though these
usually made the silver prince solemn, it didnt seem to bother him at that moment.
After all, he was excited to talk more about his past and why being a Volan wasnt
that big of a deal. He felt as if he hadnt explained it well enough.
Rain had turned out to be fine, just a little sore. Ripple was furious to have him in
his den again, but it was a laughing matter by morning.
A rustle in the grass made Evectri pause. He waited for the tree for a few seconds
before Huntress emerged, her eyes looking into his for only a second before
looking back to the ground. Confused, he padded up to her, making sure his visible
wings did not disturb the golden she-cat.
Is there something wrong? Evectri asked, tilting his head. Huntress shook her
head and remained silent. Did your father say something about the accident
yesterday? Did Honey say something? Huntress sighed.
No, no, its none of that, she murmured, still refusing to meet his gaze. I just
have a lot to think about, you know? I dont know how to. . .to deal with all of
what youve told me. . .For so long I thoughtI thought you were someone else. .
. Evectri smiled warmly and licked her on the cheek.
Its okay, Huntress, well get through this barrier, Evectri promised. One way
or another, youll figure this out, and well go back to the old days. Huntress
nodded and gave a bleak smile. However, she still hadnt looked into his eyes,
even as a silence continued. Huntress, what
I-I need to show you something, Huntress said hurriedly, standing up quickly.
She padded forward, having no intention to wait for him. Curiously, and with a
worried scowl, Evectri followed her. He kept an ear out for more predators as well.
They traveled further into the grassy fields, almost back to camp. Huntress glanced
back every few moments, as if making sure he was there. She never looked at him
for more than two heart-beats, however, and she hurried her pace after about ten
Suddenly, Evectri heard a rustle in the grass behind him. He paused in the small
clearing, sniffing the air. Familiar yet hostile scents came to his nose from all
around him, and immediately he knew that he and Huntress were surrounded with
great strength as their difference.
Huntress, ru Evectri began, but the golden she-cat just stared into his eyes
with sadness in her eyes. Instantly, he figured out what happened, and his heart
stopped beating.
All at that moment, cats flung themselves from the undergrowth and the tall grass.
They all had their claws unsheathed and their teeth bared, and as they pushed the
silver prince to the ground, gashes and scratches forced a screech out of him.
Evectri flapped his wings, attempting to shake the attackers off of him. He stood,
or at least tried to, and began moving in movements that would usually shake a
normal cat. However, with the ten that were there, he soon figured out that there
was no way that hed get away.
Flame, Midnight, grab onto his wings! ordered Shadow, who also seemed to in
the fight. Immediately, Evectri raised his wings high in the air, attempting to fly
off. However, Flame and the Midnight were both upon him quickly, pinning that
part of his body to the ground.
Evectri struggled against their grip, but soon Shadow had ordered everyone on
him. He was pinned, unable to do anything but stare at the golden she-cat who had
done nothing but stand their.
Huntress, why? Evectri asked. Why did you tell him? Huntress looked at him,
her icy blue eyes becoming emotionless.
You may have fallen in love with me, Evectri, but I must follow the code I grew
up with, Huntress told him, her voice low and quite soft. You are my enemy, I
am your enemy. Im doing what I saw fit. Evectri yowled furiously, struggling
once more as he narrowed his eyes.
Youre wrong! he hissed. You didnt do this because you want to, you did this
because you think you had to! Open your eyes, Huntress! We could have peace!
We could live together! We could
Shut up, bird-brain! Shadow interrupted him, gashing Evectris cheek roughly.
You dont have the right to talk my daughter that way! Evectri stared at the
golden she-cat longingly, but she only looked away and began walking back to
camp, her tail drooping.
Its over, Evectri suddenly thought to himself, his eyes wide. Im going to die. .
.There will be no peace. . .Huntress doesnt love me. . .Im going to die.
Commander, what shall we do with him? Flame asked. Shadow sighed.
Well, I was thinking about killing him, but unfortunately, hes a prince, Shadow
hissed. Well take him as prisoner, and attempt to blackmail the King.
That wont work, Evectri muttered as he scowled. King Negro hates me.
Shadow gashed his cheek again.
I gave no permission for you to speak, you pile of mouse-dung! Shadow hissed.
Be quiet!
But how are we going to get him to camp? asked Venom, a ginger she-cat. Hes
too strong for us to just let him go, and hell fly away. Shadow opened his mouth,
but then shut again. Apparently his first idea wouldnt work.
Damage the wings, Shadow ordered. Ill deal with him from there. Evectri
wasnt shocked that this was their form of keeping him on the ground, for hed
been trained to prepare for that. However, he still feared the pain, no matter how
much if it he was already feeling.
One by one, they ripped his wings apart down to the very bone. Their claws tore of
the skin while their weight broke the many tiny bones that were not strong enough
to hold up that many pounds. Some even attempted to crush the bones with their
Evectri didnt cry out once. It was painful, sure, but it wasnt enough to match with
the emotional loss of Huntresss betrayal. And eventually, when it stopped, Evectri
could smell the oozing blood that poured from the wounds. It did not faze him.
That was when Shadow stepped forward, the look of disgust in his eyes. The black
tom bent forward, and bit into Evectris neck. The silver prince tried to stay awake,
but black spots covered his vision, and he soon fell asleep unwillingly.

When Evectri awoke, he awoke in darkness. The den was so stingy, dark, and
damp that he was sure theyd dumped him in a cave that he could never get out of.
However, he saw two guards in front of the small den, sitting as if they were
The silver prince winced as he sat up. Not only did his wings send sharp pains
through his body, he was too take for the den, and so he had to lay back down in
order to fit. Even then, his legs touched the sides of the den, forcing discomfort
through his body.
Evectri looked emotionless for the rest of the day. Escaping was hopeless with the
condition his wings remained in, so even if he could take down the guards and get
outside of camp, there would be no chance of him running or flying away without
causing mass destruction to himself.
Evectri suddenly heard yelling, which forced his ears to perk and listen in
You were trusted beyond all else to protect this clan, not allow scum
like him enter this camp! hissed the voice of Shadow. If Huntress allowed me,
Id have you exiled and sent back to where you first came from!
Im sorry, sir, but he said he was going to help us, whimpered Rains voice.
And he did, didnt he? There was a sudden cry of agony.
Mouse-brain! the Commander hissed. You honestly think he helped us because
he simply wanted to? Prince Evectri was an assassin, Rain, and he was doing
nothing more than planning an ambush! Rain didnt protest. He just stayed silent,
it seemed.
Shadow, theyre here! called another voice. There was a small pause.
Go back to your den, the Commander growled. Ive got other things to do, but
you will be punished for neglecting to tell me there was a Volan in my camp.
Shadow seemed to leave after that, and then there was silence once more.
That day, Evectri ate all of one meal and he was given no water. His tongue was
dry by nightfall, and he could feel his strength leaving him. No matter how much
pain came to him, however, he could think of no one but Huntress.
And when he fell asleep, he dreamed of her.
Another day passed easily. His health was slipping, and still, he had been offered
no water. A small meal once, he believed, but that was it. His wounds were
infected, probably, and he had no sense of ambition to attempt to keep it from
getting any further.
Evectri began to sleep more after a while. It was the only way to escape the harsh
reality that had finally become a realization. One time he dreamed of when he was
a kit, playing with Tavo and Cura without a care in the world. It was a glorious
day, and that dream had made him happy.
However, the silver prince soon began to have dreams of other things. His
assassinations, for one thing, as well as many other deaths he helped plan. It was a
nightmare that never seemed to end. His dark, emotionless eyes staring into the
pair of another, ready for the painful death to be committed.
After that, Evectri refused to sleep. His thoughts had been the wall from the
outside world from then on. It wasnt that much better, though, for his thinking had
become as dark as the dreams he tried to hide away from.
My father forced me to kill, he kept thinking to himself. He was the one who forced
me to trust no one. He was the one who forced me to always cover my tracks and
hide behind my brothers shadow. So shouldnt I be blaming him? Of course, those
thoughts were ones hed had often.
Evectri sighed. Two and a half days of doing nothing could bore a mind by far.
Only, with all the thinking and sleeping hed been doing, he wasnt bored at all.
Mentally stressed to be showing no emotion was the better set of words for it, he
It was nightfall when too many things happened at once.
The guarding cats were knocked out, rousing Evectri from his long sleep. At first
there was nothing but silence as the two cats lay on the ground, seeming to have
done nothing but fall asleep. However, Evectri knew better, for hed seen a cat
unconscious before.
Sorry, Rain said calmly, his light blue eyes shining through the darkness. I hope
I didnt hurt them. . .
Which part did you hit? Evectri asked, dragging himself to his feet after two
days of laying down.
The neck, Rain murmured. J actur said it would be best. Evectri nodded.
Hes right, Evectri told him. The neck is the most tender of the three areas with
the ability to force a cat unconscious. Volans, on the other hand, have spots in their
wings. Rain looked curious, his head tilted. Then suddenly he scowled as if he
were receiving silent conversation.
J actur asked me how you knew that. Rain said. Evectri stared at him, confused at
My father told me, Evectri answered. I learned things like that at an early age.
Rain nodded, and then there was a pause.
Well, what are you waiting for? Rain asked. Evectri blinked.
What? he asked. Rain chuckled.
I didnt make them fall asleep simply because I wanted to talk with you, Rain
said, smiling kindly. Im allowing you to go free. Evectri narrowed his eyes.
But wont you get in trouble with Shadow again? the silver prince asked
curiously. Rain shrugged.
Ive got nothing to lose, Rain answered simply. And besides, Im too valuable
for him to kill. You were a good help as well. I appreciated the hope you gave to
Huntress. Evectri frowned, which made Rains smile disappear. Come on. We
better hurry before Shadow wakes.
Evectri nodded a bit before limping forward with Rains help. They managed to
get to the middle of camp before Flame walked out of his den, immediately
figuring out what had happened. Hey, what are you doing! Suddenly, he sounded
the alarm, jumping into the Commanders den.
Evectri hurried the best he could, and when he got to the edge, he flexed his wings,
wincing at the pain. With a sigh, he flapped them quickly, hoping to send himself
into the air. He made himself disappear, and fly into a nearby tree where he
watched Rain.
Rain! Get out of the way! Shadow hissed. However, the grey and white tom
attacked the Commander, pinning him down easily with strength he hadnt had
Sorry, Commander, but you cant chase him. Rain murmured. His darkish blue
eyes looked up to meet everyone elses gaze. If any of you try to attack Evectri,
Ill kill him. Whether that threat be empty or not, the others did not challenge
That was Evectris cue to fly away back to the far off forest past the fields.

The night was too energetic for Demonfang. While she sat in the far corner of the
island, several others lay around chatting endlessly to each other as if had been
moons. The elders enjoyed themselves, as did the apprentices. Most of all,
however, the fighters and hunters talked to each other.
Demonpaw! Its so nice to see you! claimed a familiar voice. Demonfang looked
up to see Duskfeather. Hed grown quite a bit since the last time theyd seen each
other, and his warm smile made her sigh with relaxation. However, she never lost
her scowl.
My names not Demonpaw, she muttered, her dark blue eyes flashing. Its
Demonfang, remember? Duskfeather ducked his head slightly.
Oh, right, Duskfeather murmured. I forgot. Demonfang sighed.
Dont worry, youre not the only one, she growled, her tail flicking. Everyone
else erased it from their minds as soon as they believed I was okay. Duskfeather
stared at her.
Are you? he asked.
Of course not! she snapped, her ears pinning to her head. How could I be okay
only half a moon after I killed my own brother? Duskfeather took a step back.
Im sorry, I was just asking as a friend, he said in his defence. She calmed
herself, once again laying down on the ground. So. . .how are you?
Duskfeather, do you really want to talk about that right now? she asked. He
narrowed his blue eyes.
All I want to do is make sure youre okay, he growled. I guess thats not
allowed, though. Demonfang sighed.
You know thats not what I meant, she muttered, her head lowering. Its just. .
.with everything going on. . .I dont know. I cant go back to normal, and anything
normal or joyful seems to annoy me. Duskfeather was quiet for a few seconds.
Well, Id best be seeking out Cloudstreak, Duskfeather told her awkwardly. It
was nice to see you. As he left, Demonfang hissed to herself. And I screwed up.
Again. She thought, her eyes narrowing even tighter. Oh well. Its not like anyone
cares anyway. Frustrated, Demonfang continued to lie there.
Many moments passed before Sharpmoon called the gathering together.
Demonfang listened, but only half-heartedly. Any news wasnt news to her in her
Wolfstar went first, talking about how brilliant the prey was. After that, he spoke
about Duskfeather, and about how one of the she-cats was going to WindClan.
Blackstar spoke of that as well, mentioning also of how a few kits had been born
and others had gone into ShadowClan. The cycle was continuing. Flamestar was
speaking quietly of how well the borders had been kept guarded, and about the fox
that had appeared a half moon ago.
And after that, Snakestar spoke. He told the clans about cats that had advanced in
their training, and others whod entered his clan. He also mentioned Duskfeather
and his siblings, as well as a few others whod been given their warrior names.
And then he told them of Bravepaws death.
. . .Bravepaws death was tragic, but may we remember him for the brave hero he
was. After all, young toms like him wouldnt all save their sister from a fox like he
did. There was a solemn silence, and murmuring. Everyone was talking about
how brave he was, or at least those who hadnt heard the real story.
Demonfangs claws had sunken into the earth. Her teeth were clenched as she
heard this fake story that almost everyone seemed to believe. Even those who
knew the truth seemed to think that this story was more likely. After all, what sister
would kill their own brother?
But I did kill him and they need to know that. They need to know everything so that
they dont think of Bravepaw the wrong way.
Demonpaw, now named Demonfang, was moved to ThunderClan after
Oh, so thats it? Demonfang yelled up to the leaders. Several pairs of eyes
looked up to the angry she-cat, but she didnt care. Her eyes only stared at
Snakestar. So, after forcing Bravepaw to die just because you thought it needed to
happen, you just forget to tell the rest of the story?
Demonfang, this isnt your place to talk. Wolfstar hissed. She glared at him.
Does it look like I care? she hissed. Im doing this for your benefit! After all,
wouldnt you like to know how I personally killed my own brother after getting so
angry I couldnt control myself? Wouldnt you like to know how Snakestar and
Bravepaw planned that event for a moon? Wouldnt you like to know how I ran
away, and instead of getting punished, got sent to ThunderClan for what
Sharpmoon described as safety precautions?
That was secret information, and it was not meant to be shared, Snakestar hissed,
his tail flicking. Demonfang growled. And now that youve told everyone, I
demand that you sit down and be quiet like the rest of your clan. Demonfang
yowled furiously.
But they need to know! she yelled. They need to understand that I did it, not
some animal. They need to see Bravepaw as a brave tom who didnt die from a fox
unknowingly, but instead from his sister as hed known for moons! They need to
see that Bravepaw was courageous, and that I was stupid enough to fall into your
forsaken plan that did no one any good.
It was not a plan, Snakestar growled, looking at her as if shed blown a huge
secret. It was an event StarClan warned us would happen. Demonfang laughed,
and the way she did it scared everyone around her.
And yet you didnt prevent it? Demonfang asked. Shame, Snakestar. My father
would be disappointed that you let one of his only kits die. The leaders didnt
respond at first, and so there was silence.
Its true, claimed a strong voice. Demonfangs eyes looked around to meet the
dark green eyes of Stormheart. Rainfur put his faith in you.
Yes, but he has long since passed on to StarClan, Snakestar growled, his eyes
flickering over to Sharpmoon. For some reason, the tabby tom hadnt moved. He
just seemed to be observing the situation.
Indeed, Sharpmoon said after a few moments. Anyways, as I am sure youre
finished, Snakestar, I would like to announce
Rainfur isnt dead! Stormheart hissed, his eyes narrowed tightly as if he wasnt
so sure this statement should be told. There were gasps and whispers, some of
them claiming that her kin was crazy. Hes alive, and I can prove it. There was a
small silence.
You are not permitted, Stormheart, so if you would allow me to continue. . .
Sharpmoon murmured
Its as Demonfang said, Stormheart said, smirking. Does it look like I care?
Sharpmoon narrowed his eyes, ready to attack. However, he had to get down from
the tree first.
Demonfangs excited and shocked state forced her to run over to her kin with wide
eyes. Stormheart, you cant be serious. Telling the clans in front of Sharpmoon

I know, but I must, he told her, his eyes looking elsewhere. J ust stand back and
watch. Suddenly, something happened in which forced Demonfang to take a step
Without her totally losing her own conscious thoughts, she could see a glowing
star on her shoulder. However, it had gained four more points, making it look more
like a golden sun. Stormhearts shoulder was also glowing with a bright blue. The
mark that looked like the crescent moon changed into a full circle, outlined in
bright blue.
The glowing symbols suddenly showed up in the sky, bright and connected as if it
meant to happen. Demonfang quickly looked to Stormheart.
What in StarClans
I dont know, he answered quickly. Matar never told me that this would
happen. Both of them glanced back upward, and somehow, the transparent
background beyond the glowing silhouettes disappeared. Now, what was in
between the glowing lines was a white abyss that didnt seem to show anything.
Then, after several moments, the ThunderClan camp came into view. It was
normal, aside from the fact that several cats seemed to be fighting each other. It
was complete chaos with battles everywhere.
The most noticable one, however, was the one right in the middle. It was
Sharpmoon and Rainfurs battle, and the movements being used were to fast and
too strong for Demonfang to even recognize them. The battle was insanely
advanced, and it was impressive.
Rainfur almost won, but his memories were taken. The clans around Demonfang
watched as this happened, and as Sharpmoon gave the grey and white tom a large,
fatal wound. They watched as he was drug away to a faraway place, and then left
there. They watched even more as he was healed by a clan far, far away from
everyone else.
The scene vanished, as did the colourful outline. All that was left was the normal
background that was there before. Stormheart, however, had apparently seen this
before, for he recovered quickly.
Rainfur is alive, and without his memories, Stormheart told them. He doesnt
remember anything, but his memories are returning. Once he knows everything
thats going on, he will return to us. Whispering had erupted, and Sharpmoon
growled with frustration as he narrowed his eyes tightly.
Oh, so you believe you can be saved? he asked. Well see about that. He
turned to face two cats who had began to step forward. Tigerpelt, gather up a few
warriors and return to that place. Get Rainfur, and I dont care what you have to do
in order to follow out this demand. The dark brown tabby nodded, and
immediately called a few warriors to him before setting off.
See, Stormheart? I guess you will not be facing death before your mentor,
Sharpmoon hissed. J ust like Demonfang, youll watch him die, and you wont be
able to do anything about it. Demonfang shrieked loudly.
Demonfang! Stormheart called after her as she darted forward. He, being faster
than her, caught up and blocked her from moving any further toward Sharpmoon.
Hes not worth it. Not right now. Sharpmoon, however, only smiled evilly before
turning to face the other leaders.
Take your clans back to your camps, but remember, after the moon has risen four
times, return. Sharpmoon ordered them. Everyone will witness his death, and
this time there will be no doubt. The clans gathered within groups, but
Demonfang nor Stormheart moved from their spot.
Ill kill him. . . she murmured, tears streamed down his face. Ill him for forcing
you to go through everything that I did. Ill kill him!
Shush, Demonfang, everything will be okay, Stormheart said, his voice soothing,
yet authoritative. It was strong, and it was nice to know that she had someone to
lean on. I dont know what will happen, but Rainfur is one who never disappoints.
When he returns, hell have his memories back, and hell fight for us.
Even though it was a long shot, and there seemed to be no way for that to happen,
Demonfang believed him.

Chapter Twenty-Three
Rain had to say that for once in his entire lifewell, the life that he remembered
he was very sure about what he had done. There was no doubt filling his head, and
he was proud.
This still didnt exempt him from punishment, of course. Shadow had hurt him
pretty bad after Evectri had flown off, and by that he meant that his shoulderthe
one without the scarwas thrashed horribly. Oozing blood seeped down his leg to
the ground.
He was in the same den Evectri was. However, he wasnt going to be executed.
This was just going to be his life for a few days. Not that he caredhe was still
happy about it, enjoying the naps hed take just for the fun of messing around in
his head with J actur.
Oh, and the other thing that happened was that he was no longer Huntresss mate.
That was implied, anyway, for Huntress wanting nothing to do with him, and he
was now too dangerous to become the Commander of the camp and the cats
within it.
Rain was delighted to hear it.
It had been only a day since hed been kept in the den. At that moment, he was
refreshed and though he was hungry, he knew somehow hed felt worse.
Well, you have starved yourself at one point. J actur commented.
Really? Rain asked. Why?
It was either that time you were depressed or that time you were travelling and you
got chased by a dog. J actur answered. Either way, youve been in worse situations.
Mmm, Rain hummed, smiling to himself. So, I know you dont like answering these
questions, but what was my family like? There was a pause, causing silence to ring
Well. . .this may be complicated, J actur warned. Just bare with me. Okay. . .where
to start? Well, you have a brother for one. Hes a smart kid, though a little
arrogant and naive at times. His name is Stormheart, and hes helped me through
the last eight moons. Also, you have a mate. Shes pretty, and I mean pretty pretty.
I got a good one, then? Rain asked, smirking slightly.
Oh yeah, and I was quite surprised, J actur teased. Anyway, she had your kits a
little while back. The tom is a mature, mentor-like grey cat who takes care of his
sister. Now the she-catshes a handful. And I mean it. Shes got a rebellious
streak. Rain chuckled.
So, did either of my kits get my powers? Rain asked.
You didnt get to see them grow up, J actur explained. Theyd be about. . .wow, has
it already eight and a half moons since that all happened?
It seems you lost track of time, Rain mused.
It doesnt help to half spent two moons shut down thanks to StarClan, J actur
reminded him. And then I had to make sure you didnt get yourself killed by this
strange new species. Rain laughed out loud this time, forcing a few confused looks
from the cats keeping him in.
By late afternoon, Rain was ready to fall asleep again. However, something
stopped him, for strange scents had entered his nose.
There was movement, whispers, and strange sounds that made him curious. Rain
laid straight, listening carefully for what was out there.
Who are you? came Shadows harsh voice. This is my camp, and my territory.
What purpose do you have here? There was a small silence.
We are to believe that you have a rogue who belongs to us, came a calm,
composed voice. Rain hear J actur growl lowly.
Tigerpelt better have a good reason for showing up here, J actur hissed.
No rogues have passed as far as I know, Shadow growled. Tigerpelt, the cat who
had spoken, chuckled a bit.
Oh really? he asked, sounding amused in an evil, creepy sort of way. Hmm, too
bad. Maybe more information? Like if he was to have shown up here eight moons
ago, perhaps? There was more murmuring, seeing as everyone now knew what he
was talking about.
Why would you need this rogue? Shadow asked.
He simply needs to return home to where his wonderful family and friends have
been missing him. Tigerpelt said smoothly, as if hed taken lessons from an adder.
No, hes taken lessons from Sharpmoon. J actur hissed.
You mean Sharpstar? Rain asked.
Same difference. J actur growled. Rain, feeling incredibly scared, took a few steps
back so he hit the back of the den.
And why have you not returned earlier? Shadow asked.
Because we had things to take care of, Tigerpelt said, his voice becoming
forceful. You see, where he lived was at the end of the war when he departed,
taken out here by our enemy who fatally wounded him. The enemy was defeated
soon after, and it took us many moons to rebuild our camps and territory. Now,
however, weve had the ability to track our young friend down and attempt to bring
him home. Shadow growled suspiciously.
Do you know of the power this tom is capable of? Shadow asked. Tigerpelt
nodded. Then why on earth do you want him back? Tigerpelt chuckled.
The power to become insanely strong and fast when the scar is scratched,
Tigerpelt began, his voice flowing in such a way that made him sound as if he were
listing something. The power to deliver spirits. The power to take memories and
give memories. The power to have not one mind, but two controlling ones every
moment. Yes, I know of it. Everyone does. That is why we want him backhe is
our war leader. Shadow growled, obviously having second thoughts of handing
Rain over.
The poor tom has lost his memory, Shadow warned. He knows not of how to
fight with pride, and instead wishes peace on a place that has known war for
generations after generations. Tigerpelt nodded.
We are quite aware of that, Tigerpelt explained. We have sources that will
allow him to get those memories back, so that he will remember his friends and
family. There was a moment of quietness.
Frost, Iceallow Rain to step out, please, Shadow ordered them. Both guards
nodded before stepping aside, leaving the grey and white tom free. He hesitated,
but soon walked forward slowly, feeling warmth as the sun touched his fur.
Rains eyes went immediately to Tigerpelt, the tabby tom who was talking earlier.
He stopped and stared for many moments, recognizing him immediately. You see,
when one doesnt have that many memories, he can honestly say he
remembers everything.
Hes the tom that drug me here, Rain said, his eyes wide. He doesnt want to take
me home, he wants to kill me. To destroy me, and hurt me, and force me to go back
Oh, StarClan, will you shut up? J actur asked. Ive just finished speaking to
Mataryou need to get over your fear and go with Tigerpelt.
Why? Rain asked. Hes no good!
Obviouslyhes talking like Sharpmoon, J actur hissed. But listen to me on this.
The Clan cats are in trouble. Your home is in danger. And besides, if you dont go,
Tigerpelt will remove you himself. Rain paused.
But what if they kill me on the way? He asked with uncertainty in his voice.
They wontthose are Sharpmoons orders, J actur reassured him. Put it this way
if you go, Ill be able to get your memories back. Rain lit up. The idea of
remembering everything hed forgotten made him curious.
Rain, is everything alright? asked Tigerpelt. Rain nodded.
I-Im just startledI wasnt expecting to see you here, Rain lied, improvising
Nice, J actur commented. Rain smiled inwardly.
Well we were surprised to find you, Tigerpelt agreed. His frown from when Rain
had first seen him had transformed into a smile of relief. So would you like to
return him now, to your kits and mate?
What about my brother? Rain asked quickly, forcing Tigerpelts eyes to widen.
When the tabby tom didnt answer, he began to panic. Whats happened to him?
What happened to Stormheart?
Oh, Stormheart? Tigerpelt said, his wide eyes vanishing quickly. Hes fine. He
was actually the one who sent me here, for hes been worried about you. Rain
sighed with relief.
You idiot! J actur yelled at him. Rain tilted his head.
What? Rain asked.
No one but your daughter knows that Stormheart his your brother! J actur
hissed. Now youve just given them something to torture you with! Rain once again
forced himself into a panic.
What do I do? Rain asked.
Nothing for now. . . J actur growled. Just lay low. Rain nodded and stepped
Should we go then, Rainfur? Tigerpelt asked. Or would you like to say farewell
to a few friends? Rain tilted his head.
Rainfur? he asked. Was that my name? Tigerpelt nodded.
Um. . .I believe I dont really need to say good-bye to anyone, Rain replied. It
would be better if we used the remaining daylight to travel. Tigerpelt nodded
Rain turned to find Ripple running toward him, her lean body giving her the ability
to reach him quickly. When she got there, she smiled warmly. There was no
sadness in her eyes, though. Only hope.
I hope you do fine when youre back home, Ripple told him. Im sure there are
going to be many struggles, but knowing you, itll all work out in the end. She
stepped forward, whispering in his ear so lowly that only he could hear. And then,
to his shock, she said, May StarClan light your path.
After that, she took a step back and dipped her head in respect. I hope no one here
forgets you, Rain After the Fire. There were a few whispers of agreement, leaving
Rain to smile.
They left quietly after that, Tigerpelt leading while the other two cats walked
behind him. Rain frowned after they left camp.
I hope this was the right thing to do, Rain thought to himself.

Evectri had spent the next few days in the forest, healing slowly as he began to
wonder what would happen to him next. Physically he felt fine, but mentally. . .he
was lost. He had time to think, though. Whether that be a good or bad thing,
however, he was unsure.
Why would Huntress do such a thing? She never believed in what her father stood
for, so why did she do so now? Did she plan that all along? Noher face told me
so after she figured it out. Did she just choose her father over me? No. . .it was
something more. . .Evectri sighed.
Rustles suddenly made his ears perk and his eyes focus. Evectri sniffed the air,
scenting both a familiar tom, but also a tom he wanted to be cautious of. Quickly,
Evectri brought himself up and darted forward through the tall, dry grass. It was
painful, but it was better than being seen.
The creatures that were coming toward him also seemed to rush forward. Evectri
didnt bother to become invisiblethese werent cats, and so it would be wasted
effort. The silver prince ran as fast as he could, his old training returning as he
searched for a place to hide.
All of his instincts told him that he needed to fly. Evectri agreed, and he knew it
would be faster, but his wings werent ready for that, which was another thing he
knew. The unfolded, however, ready for take off. Evectri hissed at himself, but
obliged. It was the only way to escape through this tick overgrowth.
As the silver prince flapped his wings, he heard the distinct sound that the air made
when one lifted from the air. A little bit later, he heard several other similar sounds
behind him as the chasing Volans brought themselves up as well.
Evectri flew straight up. He didnt want anyone to get hurt, so this was the only
way to avoid a fight. His ears went back, listening to the others following
him. Intono. . .Laidia. . .Cura. . .and Tavo. He thought sadly. Why did it have to be
all them?
The further he went up, the colder he seemed to be. The oxygen tightened in his
lungs, unable to allow the right substances to reach his body. He shook horribly,
but he still flew, even as he could feel his muscles straining.
Evectri! called Cura through the roaring wind. If you go any further, youll
damage yourself! The silver prince ignored this, forcing the pain upon his body.
Retreat! Tavo yelled. Back down to the ground! Evectri smirked.
Success! The silver prince thought as he continued to flap firmly through the thick
air. The sounds disappeared, and he knew it was only him. However, once he
flattened out his wings, it was too late.
Evectri gasped for air, but it wouldnt come. He felt as if he were drowning, aside
from the fact he was several feet above ground. Unable to control his wings, he
fell, and he felt something hed never felt before.
Evectri struggled to remain awake, but as the ground became closer and closer, he
wanted to pass out. The silver prince closed his eyes, ready for what was to come.
And of course, thats when he fell asleep.
When Evectri woke, his whole body remained sore. His lungs felt as if they were
burning, and his wings were numb. His legs were even throbbing from the
experience he had just faced. However, he didnt feel as if anything were broken.
He felt fine in that regard.
How can my brothers be so crazy! Cura. That was Cura.
Hey, hes fine, isnt he? TavoEvectri would never forget that voice.
Barely! Cura spat. If you hadnt gone and saved his sorry tail, hed be
shattered! Stupid, idiotic, bird-brained
I still dont understand why hed break the most important rule. Laidia. Right?
He thought so. Thats taught to us from when were kits all the way up to when
we finish training!
It was sacrifice, Lady Laidia, Intono explained calmly. Since he knew he
couldnt outrun us, and he was quite sure his wings could take him to safety, he
chose the path that only a few would take for the sake of his pride. He knew it was
dangerous, but with PriI mean, with Evectris training, he knew it was the only
You mean to tell me that this is what those select few train for? Laidia asked.
Precisely, Intono answered. Sacrifice is one of the most valuable lessons we
learn. If a kit of their own kind is in danger, save them before yourself. If you have
the ability to allow someone to fly away freely by diverting the cats attention to
you, you get their attention and let yourself be captured or killed by the cats while
the others fly away.
Thats sick. Laidia hissed.
Thats life. Intono pointed out. There always has to be the protector, and thats
what we were trained to become, no matter the consequences.
Wait. . . Laidia murmured. Does that mean that King Negro purposely forced
Evectri into that training so that he could protect Tavo?
In a sense, yeah, said Tavo, choosing to answer that on his own. Evectri didnt
know what he was being trained to do at the time. By the time he did know, he
already had it in his mind that it was what he had to do in order to make Father
That was when Evectri forced his eyes to open. That part of his past was not
something he wanted to relive, and honestly, he wanted to get whatever was to
come over with quickly.
Shhh! Cura scolded. Hes awake! Immediately, the three cats shut up and
watched him closely. Evectri blinked several times before he sat up, a movement
that forced him to ignore more pain. He sucked in, and after a few moments, it was
all gone.
Evectri, you bird-brain! Cura yelled, her fur bristled as her eyes narrowed. You
could have killed yourself going up that far!
It was the only way I could escape, Evectri muttered, his amber gaze locking
onto Tavo.
Escape from what? Cura spat. We were only trying to see if you were okay!
Evectri broke his glare and quickly shifted his gaze to his sister with his eyes
What do you mean? he asked. I thought our father sent you to kill me.
As if! Cura yowled. Our father has been gone since last night! When we figured
out how long he was going to be gone, we decided to get you back to safety!
Evectris eyes widened as they shot to Tavo.
Father is gone? the silver prince asked. Why? Where has he gone? Tavo
Dont ask me, Tavo said. He didnt say anything to me.
Scouts have found groups of cats near a forest closer to the mountains, Intono
explained. Their government is organized to great extents, and it is quite capable
of sustaining life. He wanted to meet their leader and establish our existence.
Evectri growled.
So in other words, King Negro wishes to destroy that forest and build it up as his
own home? Evectri asked. Intono nodded. Evectri sighed. This wasnt supposed
to happen! He looked to Intono. Other than power and territory, what would this
gain him?
Informants and spies have all spotted a group of cats heading in that direction,
Intono told him. One of those cats was the one that nearly killed him. Evectris
amber eyes widened.
King Negro wishes for revenge? the silver prince asked. Intono nodded. Mouse-
dung! Hes going to kill Rain, after all that tom did for me! Tavo stepped forward.
What do you mean? his brother asked. Evectri stared into Tavos amber gaze.
That cat is the only reason I wasnt executed by the cats, Evectri explained.
But that cat knew you were a Volan the whole time! Laidia hissed. Why would
he care enough to set you free?
Rain is different, Evectri said simply, acting as if that explained it all.
Nevertheless, I have a debt to repay him, and so I must go after our father. Tavo
growled with warning.
He gave me instructions to stay here and lead the current invasions, Tavo
reminded him. If he sees us there, hell kill us. Evectri unsheathed his claws and
yowled loudly.
Does it look like I care? Evectri spat, feeling his tail lashing roughly. I am sick
and tired of being under his control, and I want to his little life plan for me to
backfire. I want to force him to taste what Ive become, and die just like the
peasant he is!
Evectri, youre speaking like the leader Dark Forest! Cura scolded. Control
yourself, and please, for the love of StarClan, make a rational decision for once in
your entire life! Evectri glared at her.
I am making a rational decision, he hissed. His gaze shifted to Tavo and Intono
after that. Well, are you with me or not? Tavo looked unsure.
Evectri, your heavily wounded, his brother reminded him.
It doesnt matter, Evectri growled. Ive felt worse pain the night King Negro
fatally wounded me. There was a few moments silence after that. The other
Volans were obviously taken back by that reminder. Tavo nodded after a few
moments though.
Im with you, Tavo replied. Intono stepped forward as well.
The Moon-warriors are with you, Intono reassured him. Ill gather the others as
soon as I fly back to camp.
No need, Tavo said. I have to go back anyway to gather the other Volans. Ill
gather the Moon-warriors as well, if theyll listen to me.
Tell them that I said, The feather is weak alone, but with others it can lift
anything from the sky. Intono ordered. Tavo narrowed his eyes, but nodded his
Ill go with Tavo, Laidia muttered. Hell need witnesses on his side. Evectri
Cura, you
I am going with you, Cura said, her head held high. If I dont, youll end up
killing yourself. Evectri smiled.
Okay, so does everyone know what to do? Evectri asked. They all nodded before
shooting off into the sky, Tavo and Laidia flying into the distance.

Chapter Twenty-Four
So, Rainfur, what is it that happened in that clan? Tigerpelt asked, just as he had
been doing for the past two days. They were nearly there, as J actur had told Rain,
and the tabby tom insisted in figuring it out.
Er. . .well, nothing important, Rain lied, just as hed been doing for a while.
J actur sighed.
You know what? Tigerpelt has seen worse, and I have a feeling that evil king is
going to figure it out anyways. Go ahead and tell them. J actur growled. It will at
least shut this stupid guy up.
If they already figured out your power, something must have happened, Tigerpelt
pointed out again.
Y-yeah. . . Rain murmured. I just dont like talking about it. . .
It couldnt have been that bad, Tigerpelt urged.
I almost destroyed a. . . Rain paused, acting as if he was searching for the right
Dont tell him about those creatures, J actur warned.
Well, Im not sure what the right word for that rank is, Rain explained. I think it
was something similar to a deputy. Anyway, I almost killed her in a very torturous
way. And I almost killed a powerful leader too. Tigerpelt chuckled.
Youve done worse, the tabby tom pointed out. Rains ears perked and he tilted
his head.
Really? Rain asked.
Yes, Tigerpelt answered. Youve killed a whole band of rogues before, and not
in the prettiest way possible. You killed a leader, and took eight lives of another
leader and gave them to a few other cats youd killed. Rain blinked.
Thats a lot more than I expected, Rain murmured.
You are quite famous back in the clans, Tigerpelt pointed out. A lot of cats are
scared of you. However, there are many who stand by your side. Rain tilted his
head again.
Why? he asked.
Because they trust you, Tigerpelt answered. A lot of cats back then did for
some reason. Apparently, you were the only one who knew the answer to that
question. Tigerpelt gave him a smile before continuing forward down the path.
As Rain walked, he watched the sun sink deeper upon the horizon and thought of
what would happen next. Also, he began to wonder why Tigerpelt was being so
nice to him.
Hes just trying to get information out of you, J actur warned. Sharpmoon will want
to know if youve evolved any further so that hell have warning when Stormheart
does so. Rain nodded in understanding, but he felt bad about it.
Soon, the forest was in their sights. It was beautiful, and the familiarity that Rain
felt when he saw it made his heart beat faster. They soon entered as the sky
darkened and stars began to show. The scent changed so that they smelled fish.
Lots and lots of fish.
RiverClan, J actur told him. Theyre known for their fishing techniques. Bravestar
was your friend here.
Was? Rain asked, his eyes narrowed.
Yeah, he died during battle protecting your mate and kits, J actur explained. But
anyway, I believe weve got a bit more traveling to do before we get to where Im
guessing were going. Rain nodded once more before he noticed that Tigerpelt had
What are we waiting for? Rain asked, tilting his head. His eyes were bright with
The RiverClan patrol, Tigerpelt explained. Theyll be escorting us through their
territory since none of us originate from this clan. They waited only a few heart-
beats before dark silhouettes found their way in the distance. They became closer
and clearer until Rain could see all their faces.
Is Rainfur here? asked a large grey tom with dark blue eyes.
Yes, answered Tigerpelt. The tabby tom moved out of the way for the others to
see him. Many gasped in shock, looking at him as if hed woken from the dead.
Logically, you did, J actur pointed out.
Yeah, yeah, Rain murmured. However, his attention was drawn to a black she-cat
with white streaks that stood beside the massive grey tom, and the young golden
tom that stood beside her.
The she-cat is Cloudstreak, and the tom is Duskkit. He must have a different name
now, though. J actur explained.
The moon is almost brighter than the sky, the massive grey tom called out. We
must get moving. Tigerpelt nodded, and so the clan was off.
Rain was now surrounded by a lot of cats, all of them somewhat familiar, yet just
too far away for him to recognize. It made his head lower and his tail drag on the
ground, for the tension in the air was too think for him to deal with it.
So, idiotically, Rain attempted to listen to Cloudstreak and Duskkits conversation.
. . .exactly like her. . . Duskkit was saying.
. . .was the point, Duskfeather. . . Cloudstreak hissed.
. . .he remember us. . .? Duskkitor featherasked.
. . .would have said something. . . Cloudstreak pointed out.
. . .shocked to really Duskfeather said
. . .memories, mouse-brain! Cloudstreak interrupted.
. . .my life, so I feel like I need to. . . Duskfeather whispered.
. . .would kill you immediately if you tried to. . . Cloudstreak hissed.
. . .Demonfang will be broken once she. . . Duskfeather murmured.
. . .regain his memories before that. . . Cloudstreak told him.
Rain stopped listening as a raging headache suddenly erupted in his head. He
winced, but continued walking in fear that someone would notice him
Idiot, J actur hissed. If you try to figure out your memories, youll hurt
yourself. Rain sighed, still anxious about what was to come. Sharpmoon wanted to
kill him, J actur wanted to take back Rains memories, and everyone else was too
stunned to know what was really going on.
Rain tried to become invisible the rest of the way there, his head still throbbing as
he his mind wondered to how he knew Duskfeather and Cloudstreak. Was the she-
cat a close friend, and did the young tom look up to him as a mentor? Was the she-
cat once a crush, and the young tom a friends kit? Was the she-cat forbidden love
that he could never have? Was the young tom a kit he never knew he had?
Another pulse of pain rippled through his body, making him wince once more.
J actur yelled at him and began to lecture, but Rain ignored that. J ust thinking about
what his life might have been made him nervous, and at the same time, excited.
Eventually, they came upon a fallen tree. The massive tom went first, along with
Cloudstreak and Duskfeather. After that, Tigerpelt lead Rain across, aware of the
slippery wood. The grey and white sighter walked easily across as if it were second
nature. That scared him.
Tigerpelt continued leading him through the brush before they finally walked into
a clearing. Several gazes watched him as he walked forward to the middle, doing
as he was told.
Stay here, Tigerpelt told him. Sharpmoon will want everyone to see it happen.
Tigerpelt paused, as if waiting for Rain to ask something. But the grey and white
warrior only nodded.
The tabby tom left the clearing, which meant Rain was a least four fox-lengths
away from another cat. He felt vulnerable, as if something was going to come from
the sky and attack him.
Sharpmoon, why is he herealive? asked a ginger tom upon the lowest branch.
His amber eyes were narrowed tightly as Rain watched him. You told us he was
deadyou lied to us!
Thats Flamepelt, or Flamestar now, J actur told him. He was a spy, and probably
still is. Oh, and the massive tom is Wolfstar, and the skinny light ginger tabby tom
is Snakestar, while the black she-cat is Blackstar. Those are the ones you need to
He was supposed to die, Sharpmoon hissed. As you saw, he was fatally
wounded. Any normal cat would have died immediately after the injury was given.
However, Rainfur was not.
Search for his eyes, J actur instructed. Look into Sharpmoons eyes if you want to
regain your memories. Rain did as commanded and tried to lock his gaze with the
dark tabby toms. However, Sharpmoon knew what he was doing, and so he
avoided the grey and white warrior.
You still lied, Wolfstar pointed out, glaring at Sharpmoon. The dark blue gaze of
the RiverClan leader switched to Rain. Rainfur, what do you last remember
happening to you here? Rain hesitated to answer, his tail under his tail. With the
cats being so high, he felt so low.
S-Sharpmoon tried to k-kill me, Rain stuttered. A-and then T-tigerpelt lead m-
me s-somewhere unsa-afe. . .
You remembered? Tigerpelt asked, his eyes wide. Rain nodded. But then why
did you come with me?
J -J actur told me I-I need to c-come back, Rain answered. Gasps of shock and
disbelief echoed behind him. Wolfstar and Ravenstar narrowed their eyes.
J actur is still alive? Ravenstar asked, her deep voice scaring Rain even further.
The grey and white warrior nodded bleakly.
From the b-beginning, yeah. . . Rain murmured as he took a few steps back.
Can you control him? Wolfstar asked. Rain hesitated before shaking his head.
W-we try, but we cann-not fu-ully control-l ourse-elves, Rain answered. More
gasps filled the tension-filled air.
He must be killed! Someone from the crowd yelled.
He cannot be trusted! Another pointed out.
And that is what I intend to do, Sharpmoon hissed, quieting them quickly. It
was not I who wished to interrogate them. He glared at the other leaders before
jumping off of his branch and making his way to the ground. After that, he walked
forward toward Rain.
I should have killed you when I had the chance, Sharpmoon growled, his gaze
searing through Rains. However, he soon moved away, being smart about
allowing Rain to take his memories back.
Rainfur, fight him! hissed a familiar voice. Rain looked in that direction, his eyes
wide as he searched for the owner of the voice. A brown and white tom with
emerald green eyes stood with a she-cat who looked exactly like J actur was what
he found. He knew them. Their names and why he knew them were gone from his
memory, but he was sure he knew them from somewhere.
Rain looked back to Sharpmoon, suddenly becoming aware that the tabby tom was
sprinting toward him. The grey and white sighter gasped, shrinking further to the
Rain, what are you doing? J actur asked. Hes right there! Meet his gaze! Rain
shook his head. He was afraid, and as he made himself seem smaller, he figured
out just how weak he must have looked to these cats who thought he was some sort
of monster.
Sharpmoon suddenly lunged straight toward him, and so Rain allowed his instincts
to take over. He quickly moved out of the way with enough speed for two lifetimes
before hooking his paw around the dark tabby toms leg. The leader tumbled to the
ground, allowing Rain to dash forward and pin him to the ground.
The grey and white sighter forced his gaze to meet with Sharpmoons, and soon he
found that he was up against a familiar brick wall. Rain searched for a way to
break through it, but before he could find it, he heard a voice. It longed for him,
which forced the wall to shake.
Suddenly, the wall exploded, and a river of memories flowed into him. He felt as if
he were being drowned by the memories as they pushed themselves in alignment.
Rains headache had returned, but he could feel it was going to be a lot worse than
that. He cried out, but as darkness engulfed him, he knew that this was only the

Demonfang watched in fear as she saw her father fall to the ground unconscious.
Her disordered thoughts continued to tangle within themselves, but they were
pushed aside. Now the only thought that was going through her head was: Thats
my father.
As the moments passed, however, she managed to go back to her previous
thoughts. Everyones afraid of him, but hes so cowardly! He cant even stand up
without whimpering because of all the authority hes facing! Was he truly what
everyone made him out to be?
Jactur. . .that was the crazy tom. He was the one everyone feared. And hes
uncontrolledbut why? Didnt he learn how to control Jactur a long time ago?
And why did Jactur want him here? What. . .What happened out there? Why does
he have more scars, and such ignorant eyes?
Demonfang looked to Stormheart for more answers, but his gaze lay only on his
brother. His piercing green eyes were narrowed and he was on his paws, ready to
pounce if Sharpmoon thought about finishing his task.
Sharpmoon had pushed Rain off him, and was now looking at the grey and white
warrior with complete and utter disgust. The tabby tom raised his paw for the kill,
but Stormheart ran forward and stood between his brother and Sharpmoons claws.
The dark tabby tom paused, his eyes narrowed on to Stormheart as he said, What
a stupid little tom you are. Dont you know that what you are doing is pointless?
These cats are all afraid of him, and so he will die as a danger to the clans.
Stormhearts tail was lashing, and his teeth were bared.
Rainfur will not die, for as long as I am alive, I will protect him! the brown and
white warrior hissed. Sharpmoon put his paw down.
You will obey me, Stormheart, Sharpmoon hissed.
I will obey no one but Matar! Stormheart snapped back.
Well then prepare to die! Sharpmoon growled, raising his paw once more.
No! Demonfang cried. She dashed forward and pushed Sharpmoon away from
Stormheart. Her claws were unsheathed, and her eyes were narrowed. You
will not take anything more away from me! Sharpmoon got back up and growled
lowly before looking up to Flamestar.
Control your warriors and get them out of my sight! he hissed. Flamestar just
blinked. Well, what are you waiting for?
Excuse me, sir, but I dont believe it would end without death, Flamestar pointed
out. Demonfang still has no control over her anger, and we know not of what
Stormheart will do if you threaten his brother. Sharpmoon bared his teeth.
So youre a coward! Sharpmoon yowled. Flamestar ducked hishead.
No, I am just cautious of what could happen, Flamestar said. There was silence
after that. No one spoke as Rain slept soundly behind Stormheart and Demonfang.
Ill just have to do it
Something interrupted Sharpmoon. Spheres. . .small round circle things floated
around the island, all of them a different colour. A large yellow one floated just by
the tree while the others continued to scare the clan cats easily.
Demonfang looked closer after a few moments, finding that there were ghosts
surrounding each of the sphere. They looked like cats, but they had wings.
Feathery wings, just like a bird.
Stormhearts eyes were wide as they looked at the spheres. He even took a few
steps back as one floated toward him. Eventually, a dark blue one got a bit too
close, and so the brown and white tom easily jumped forward and pinned it to the
ground. Thats what Demonfang assumed anyway.
What are you? Stormheart asked, looking down at what seemed only the ground.
Why have you come here? The sphere stayed still, but it shook as the ghost
Ah, so you can seem them clearly as well? asked a sly voice from the tree.
Stormheart and Demonfang looked up to find a bat-like cat standing on one of the
highest branches. You must be related to Rain, then. The yellow eyes of the
black tom seemed to lock onto Stormhearts gaze, but nothing happened.
Soon, the spheres all revealed their true form. They were cats with feathery wings,
and all of them flew over to the tree easily and picked a spot. The other leaders
rushed over to Sharpmoon immediately, unaware of what these creatures could do.
Who are you? Sharpmoon asked, his amber eyes narrowed.
I am Negro, King of the Flock of Subir, the black tom answered. I have come
from an island not far from where the grey and white tom over there has lived for
many moons. Whispers and gasps echoed, and Demonfang found herself alert
once more. She didnt trust them at all.
What are you? asked Snakestar. We have never seen creatures like yourself.
Volans, Negro answered. We were created after the Dark Forest and StarClan
destroyed each other generations ago.
Preposterous! screeched Mudroot yelled. StarClan has had contact with me for
moons! The Volans looked at the small brown tom.
That it is an idiotic assumption, Negro growled. Then he looked back to
Sharpmoon. We have come to make a deal. You see, our island is very small, but
we are rapidly expanding. Sharpmoon bared his teeth and unsheathed his claws.
This land is ours, and you will have to fight us if you wish to take it! Sharpmoon
I dont wish for a bloody battle, Negro said calmly. Only a deal. You see, if I
have some of the land, I will not bother you at all. Sharpmoon growled.
These clans have settled here since Firestars era! Sharpmoon hissed. I will not
allow evil creatures of the dark take it over!
Then your cats will die. Negro growled, now frowning.
I will die seven more times before I allow you to hurt any cat you see here!
Sharpmoon growled. I will protect them with the lives given to me by StarClan!
Demonfangs eyes widened. After all he did to them, he still wanted to protect
Negro jumped into the sky and flapped his wings, allowing him to fly quickly
toward Sharpmoon. In what seemed like a flash, the tabby tom was on the ground
with blood oozing out of his neck. Demonfang gasped, backing up quickly as she
widened her eyes.
Those movements were so fast! Demonfang thought. From the sky, he could do
anything! Sharpmoon was not dead, though. As Negro stood staring at the body,
Sharpmoon rose and lunged toward the bat-like Volan. Negro flew upward before
attempting to strike once more.
Another tom jumped into the fray, however. Demonfang couldnt see who it was,
but the tom managed push Negro out of the sky and onto the ground where he
pinned the bat-like cat to the ground. Negro hissed and kicked the toms stomach
and jump back into the sky, but the tom still managed to pull the bat-like leader
down with his claws and pin him down once more.
Get off me, peasant! Negro hissed. Demonfangs eyes widened once more as she
figured out exactly who the tom was. Stormheart. He was different thoughhis
eyes were a ghostly grey, and the crescent moon on his shoulder had become full
once more.
Not going to happen, Stormheart hissed. What youre are doing is unjustified,
which means my powers have ignited. Negros eyes narrowed.
So you are related to Rain, Negro growled. And yet you are stronger.
Stormheart didnt answer. He just held the tom down. They stared at each other for
many moments, a silence ringing in the air.
Suddenly, Negro moved faster than Demonfang could see. Blood oozed out of a
gash on Stormhearts face, though it was too close to his eye for him to ignore it.
Negro flew upward, too high for Stormheart to reach. The brown and white tom
hissed with irritation, pacing underneath Negro.
If you do not wish to make a deal with us, then we will take this land as our own.
Negro announced. Kill them all! The black bat-like tom dove, the other Volans
following quickly afterword. Demonfang avoided them, but she heard many that
did not.
The Volans were unlike anything theyd ever fought before. They dove, gave a
vicious blow, and then went straight back up again to be safe from the cats claws.
Several cats died as quickly as blinking an eye, and Demonfang could only watch.
Stop! screeched an unfamiliar voice. Negro looked toward the noise as a silver
flash sped toward him. Both catswell, Volans, really, went tumbling to the
ground. Eventually, the silver Volan had Negro pinned.
By the order of the prince of the Subir Flock, everyone here must to stop! the
silver Volan hissed.

Chapter Twenty-Five
Evectri had a hard time flying through the air on his way toward the territory his
father wished to claim. His wings were damaged greatly, but he pushed on. After
all, he knew that Negro wouldnt be stopped. Not this time. Not when he had such
an advantage over these cats.
Evectri, do you want to take a break? Cura asked him.
No, Im fine, he lied quickly. Curas icy blue eyes narrowed tightly.
Fly down. she demanded.
Im fine, Evectri repeated, avoiding her harsh gaze. Her glare intensified
immediately, forcing him to cringe slightly. She always had a way of scaring him
when she was right.
Fly. Down. Cura growled. The silver prince sighed, but flew down quickly to the
ground. It was all yellow grass from here to as far as he could see, and the ground
was hard under his feet.
I was fine, Evectri insisted. Cura scoffed as she and Intono landed. Oh, so you
dont believe me?
No, I dont, and I never will, Cura told him honestly. You were never truthful to
what you really felt, so Im just going to do this from now. Evectri gave a bleak
Thanks, sis, Evectri said. However, he frowned and looked at his paws. Right
now wont be the only time youll have to deal with this, it seems. Curas smile
also vanished as she watched her brother.
Itll be okay, she reassured him. It wont be like normal. Evectri sighed, sitting
down as his feet became hot in the warm dirt.
These cats dont even know how to defend themselves against our kind, Cura,
Evectri pointed out. How do you know that the outcome wont be worse than all
those times before? Cura shrugged, successfully putting on a soothing smile.
You and Tavo can do great things together, Evectri, Cura answered. Youll be
able to save these cats. Evectri just looked away.
I barely lived through my father last time he tried to kill me, Evectri reminded
her. What if he succeeds this time? Cura hesitated, her blue eyes clouded with
emotion. After a few heart-beats, she sighed.
Evectri, what happened with you and Negro is in the past, Cura tried to explain.
No, it isnt! Evectri hissed. J ust because I made one defiant moveone
movement that wasnt a direct orderhe had to attack me. J ust once in my life I
wanted to stand up for what I believed in. J ust once in my life I wanted everyone to
see what I saw. But no, because of course, all cats are apparently evil.
You know it wasnt anything like that, Cura reassured him. Negro was just
angry you were defying him. He doesnt really care about the cats, just the fact that
you didnt protect Tavo when needed. Evectris amber gaze shot toward her blue
eyes and narrowed tightly.
Tavo could take care of himself by that point, so there was no reason for me to
assassinate a whole army of cats when he could have escaped on his own! Evectri
snapped. Cura took a step back, her eyes wide. Intono, who stood in the distance
keeping watch, gave a sorrowful look to the silver prince.
Thats what Negro wanted you to do? Cura asked. I thought he just wanted you
to save Tavo. . .
No, otherwise I would have been more than happy to do it, Evectri mumbled.
Negro wanted me to be useful, though, and told me the army of cats also needed
to go. I refused, and, well, you know the rest. Cura was stunned.
Was that always how father used you? Cura asked after a few moments. Evectri
Id never had to flat out ambush an army on my own, Evectri stated truthfully.
But sneaking into their camps and killing spies and Betas were in the everyday
agenda for me. Sometimes I had to torture them for information, sometimes it was
just a simple kill. On rare occasions he let me simply fight, but still I was trying to
kill only one cat and the rest were just in the way. Cura stared at him.
I never knew our father had such a secret group of warriors, Cura murmured.
It was meant that way, Evectri explained. After all, who would want their kit
training for such things? Our mother didnt know about, and neither does anyone
else. That way it stays simple. Cura nodded.
There was a few moments silence before familiar silhouettes came closer from the
distance. Evectri watched as Tavo flew toward them with the rest of the flock.
Well, we better get a move on then, Evectri murmured. He spread out his wings
and took off toward where Negro had flown.

When Evectri and the rest of the flock made it, he could see the Volans attacking
the cats. His flock was defeating the cats easily with their advantage, and the
unfairness made Evectri angry. Stop! Evectri screeched. The silver prince dove
from high up toward his father, immediately tumbling to the ground as he did so.
Evectri struggled to pin down Negro, for the black king was quick and strong, but
eventually, he had his father pinned. By the order of the prince of the Subir Flock,
everyone here must to stop!
You have been exiled! Negro hissed, struggling under Evectri. You cannot
order my Volans to do anything! The silver prince growled, pushing Negro down
harder. His amber gaze was locked onto the ambitious king.
I didnt say that I was the prince, he growled. Tavo suddenly landed behind him,
standing tall as the other members of the flock joined them. Now, everyone was
standing behind Evectri and his brother. See, father? I am not the only one who
thinks you have gone over your limits on this decision.
You have no right to tell me what to do! Negro spat. His amber eyes looked over
to Tavo. What is this treachery, Tavo? I told you why this had to be done!
I told you what I must do!
And it was wrong, Tavo growled. J ust because you want to settle things with
Rain does not mean you can destroy a whole clan because of it.
But it was their fault! Negro claimed. They sent him to our homeland to destroy
We didnt even know of you! A long haired brown and white tom called. Weve
never seen a cat with wings! Negro yowled angrily.
There are more of them, Tavo, Negro said quickly. There are more cats who
can destroy everything weve worked for. Theyre all the same, and they will kill
our family and others of our kind! Evectri growled once more, showing his dislike
for that comment.
Youre wrong! The brown and white tom called, taking a step forward. It is
only Rainfur, Demonfang and I who bear these powers. Everyone else is
completely normal! Calls of agreement were shouted out to the flying cats.
Then who created you? Negro asked. What proof do you have that youre
safe? The brown and white tom hesitated, which made Evectri curious.
StarClan. The tom answered. StarClan made us what we are. They took Rainfur
and I from death and allowed us to live with these powers. Evectris amber eyes
Impossible! Negro hissed, his eyes wide. There is no StarClan! There is no life
after death!
Would you like proof? The brown and white asked. The bat-like Volan paused.
Then, the brown and white tom looked to a she-cat that looked very similar to Rain
and nodded before allowing a full moon outline to fly high into the sky. A scene
showed within it.
The brown and white tom was there, in darkness, talking to misty cats. They spoke,
ever so lightly, You have been taken from death to join your brother, for how you
lived your life is disappointing. With the powers StarClan has given you, you will
be a great one, and you will fight well without injustice. The cats disappeared, and
he was in ShadowClan territory,
The scene changed and Rain suddenly appeared into the circle. He was talking to
the same StarClan cats. They spoke quietly once more, and said, StarClan
didnt mean to give you these powers, but you must trust them. They will serve
you well one day.
Once again the scene morphed into when the young she-cat was born. It showed
her with a young tom with jade green eyes. However, she got angry, and eventually
killed him as if he were simply a kit.
When the circle disappeared, six cats showed up in front of them. One was a silver
tabby she-cat, and then there was a stormy grey tom with icy blue eyes. After that
was a dark grey tom, a light grey she-cat with dark blue eyes, a black tom with
yellow eyes, and a golden tom.
And they all stood in the sky.
Who are you? Negro hissed.
We are StarClans leaders, claimed the stormy grey one. If you do not
recognize me, Negro, than I can truly say you have lead my Clan into destruction.
Negros eyes widened.
No! the bat-like tom hissed. You cant be!
I am Stormstar, leader of StormClan, or, as you call it these days, The Cats of the
Storms and Subir Flock, Stormstar hissed. I am of StarClan.
But StarClan has disappeared! Negro insisted.
No, we have only moved to a safer place, the light grey she-cat explained.
Weve created new clans, and a better place to live. Negros eyes narrowed.
You deserted us in a time of need! Negro yowled. You forced us into this state,
and you let your decedents fight against each other!
What happened was an accident, growled the black StarClan tom. and we were
wrong to do nothing about it. However, you and every king before you had the
ability to stop the war. You didnt, though, and so your sons are now facing that
I will die before I allow them to stop this war! Negro growled. The Cats of the
Storms deserve to be destroyed after exiling us from our own land!
Then we will lead them here, said the dark grey tom. The Cats of the Storms
can stay here while you have that land that you want back.
No! Negro growled.
No, as in you dont want that to happen? asked the silver tabby. Or no, as in
you want something else? Negro hissed.
I want these abnormal cats destroyed as well! Negro yowled. No cat should
have the ability to defeat me! No one!
You are not the most powerful being in the world, Negro, Stormstar reminded
him. No one is perfect.
No! Negro yowled. He was flailing around, trying to get out of his sons grip.
His amber eyes were wide, and he began to dig at the ground in an attempt to break
free. I am the king! I can do whatever I want! I dont care what anybody says! I
am the best! Only I can lead this flock! Only I can do things right!
Negro, you have not always been this way, Stormstar murmured. What
happened to that innocent tom who tried to kill his father for what hed done?
Negro gasped, his gaze shifting upward to meet Stormstars eyes. However, it was
only a few heart-beats later that he returned to the other state.
What? Evectri asked. You tried to kill your father? It made no sense to him.
Did Negro try to kill him for defiance, or fear that silver prince would defeat him?
Of course I did! Negro yelled. He was stupid and thought he could do anything!
But he was wrong, and so I killed him! I became King, and now I will rule!
Evectri unsheathed his claws into his fathers fur with angry hiss.
If you killed your father because he was stupid, then whats to say I wont do the
same to you? Evectri asked. Thought you were different from your father? I
remember those stories, father. I remember what evil things you said about him.
Hate to break it to you, but youre just the same.
No! Negro hissed. I am different! I wont lead our flock to the ground! I will
lead it to victory! I will take this land for my own, and then we will expand! Our
species will be known everywhere! That is how I am different! Only I can do this!
And I will! I will destroy every life in this forest, and then I will take it as my
Negro suddenly kicked Evectri in the stomach, forcing him to allow an opening.
The bat-like king flew into the air, and yowled to get everyones attention.
If you do not want to fight with me, then you will die! Negro yelled. Kill them
all! He dove, and Evectri chased after him.

Chapter Twenty-Six
Rain blinked his eyes open into darkness. His head throbbed with pain, forcing him
to wince. He stayed still for many minutes, trying not to make the headache worse.
He couldnt think, so therefore he couldnt really decide on anything.
When it died out slightly, Rain realized J actur was absent. He couldnt hear, feel,
or scent his partner anywhere. This made him sit up quickly, attempting to figure
out where he was and what was happening. However, he couldnt see anything. It
was still darkness.
A movement startled Rain, forcing him to stand and turn around with noise of
surprise. Cheetahfur looked at him with worry in her blue eyes. Her stunning fur
put him in a state of awe, for she seemed to be shining with white light at that very
Behind her, a doorway appeared. Rain sensed J actur and the familiarity of the
forest of his mind. His eyes searched longingly, and he took a step forward.
However, Cheetahfur shook her head.
Do you really wish to go back? Cheetahfur ask. If you go through this door, you
will never remember who you truly are. Youll never discover who your family
was and what they were like. Youll lose your will to fight for anyone you dont
know, and youll remain just as uncontrollable as you are. Rain lowered his head
as he realized the foolishness that it would be.
You would be safe from harm, though, Cheetahfur continued. Youd be
protected, and you would go on, ignorant to the war around you. And if you stay,
pain is sure to come to you. You will remember your hardships, your past lives,
and every cat you have killed since the day of your. . .creation. Rain shivered.
He was confused, unable to have anyone to decide things for him. Rain pondered,
shifting his weight nervously as the she-cat stared at him. On one hand, Ill be able
to go to that safe place, but Ill never remember anything. On the other hand, Ill
remember and Ill be able to fight alongside my friends and family, but Ill be
caused so much pain. . .
Rain shook his head, frightened hed make the wrong choice. After a few minutes
of struggling, he sighed and said, Ill stay for the cats sake. Cheetahfur nodded
before stepping all the way through the door. When it shut with creaking noises
like an elder tree, Rain cried out as pain engulfed him.
Come on, Alfie! Hurry up! Rain pleaded in a memory. He was talking to a. .
.what were they called? Twolegs. No. Humans. And he was one as well. How
could I be one of them, though? Rain thought.
Alfie! Run! Rain urged as other. . .humans? Yeahas other humans ran toward
them with. . .shiny sticks? No. . .blades. Swords, knives, daggers. How do I know
what those objects are, though? Rain asked himself.
Alfie is gone! Rain remembered crying. And its my fault! He was hurt badly.
Rain shiveredhe hated remembering that pain.
Daniel, stop! Rain cried as his younger brother ran. Pain followed after he ran in
front of the monster. No. . .car. Thats what that was. But whyd he do that? Stupid,
thats my brother! Is he? Yes! Hes my brother, and I love him!
The scar was from my past, Rain told the golden she-cat. That was Rosestar.
WindClans leader. Evil, maybe. Darn itcant remember!
I promise you that if this happens again, you will have every right to exile
me. Rain had told ThunderClan after he nearly killed Sharpfang by accident.
J actur was even more predictable, and these cats. . .Ravenstar is the leader, maybe.
Yes. Yes he is. And Robinpaw is an apprentice. . .? Sure, why not. Sharpfang was.
. .what was that word again? Aha! Warrior!
Take the kits, Rainpaw! Give them to Wolfheart! Thorntail had urged Rain. That
kit. . .it looks like Duskfeather. What is this? Darn, this blizzard is cold! So much
pain. . .why? Why was such fighting necessary? Oh, the rogues.
Rain remembered bringing several cats back to life after stealing eight lives of
Rosestar. That was freaky, but it was simple. Ghosts were just set in the cats after
being taken from Rosestar. It was just like taking cats souls out of their bodies
after they died. This was normal. . .right?
You took two lives of Ravenstar! Sharpfang hissed after Blackstar started
fighting with the ThunderClan leader. That star. . .thats what he did to Negro.
Thats what happened, only not as bad. No. . .he killed his own leader. Was J actur
this scary?
From this day forward, you are not allowed to return to these clans, Sharpstar
called down to him after the incident of the fire. Robinwing was going to have his
kits. . .he was going to give up for her. He was her mate. How dare that evil tom!
Daniel Stephens is seen committing suicide only a few years after his brothers
death, claimed the weather lady. No. . .he died. No. . .after all he did. . .
He can clearly control his powers, and StarClan has assured us that he is the
perfect tom to be Deputy of ShadowClan, claimed Nightstar after Rain returned to
the clans. That was a good choice, but a bad mistake. Now Sharpstar was taking
over WindClan. . .bad things are about to happen.
Daniel, its me, Rain said to his brother. The brown and white toms eyes
widened with shock. Yay! He finally remembered! Oh. . .but hes got the same
power. Its dangerous. . .but it can be controlled.
You really think you can defeat me? Sharpstar asked. They fought. Rain was
strong, fast. How did the tabby beat him?
I told you not to let him think, J actur growled. Pain. That was all. And then he
remembered waking up without a clue who he was.
Rain blinked his eyes. Finally, he understood. J actur was his other half, the half
that knew every detail and kept his mind in check. His name was Oliver, and then
Rainfur. He was an important war leader, a father, and a mate. He was so
important. . .
Rain was strong. He could defeat armies, and he was close to killing Sharpfang. He
knew so much, and the information was overwhelming. For once, he felt as if he
could do anything. For once, he felt like he could do something right.
What. . .what do I do now? Rain asked, his gaze shifting to Cheetahfur.
Fight for what StarClan made you for, Cheetahfur answered. Save the clans
from their first creation. Rain paused, but smiled. After a few minutes, however,
he frowned.
What name should I go by? he asked. Rainfur is what my past name was, but
Rain is the most familiar one. . . Cheetahfur smiled warmly.
That is your choice, she said. Do you want to return to your past life, or do you
want to continue with the life you have now? Rain sighed, giving a bleak smile.
It looks like Im stuck with another difficult decision, he said with a hint of dark
sarcasm. Oh well, Ive got bigger fish to fry. Do I just have to step through the
door? Cheetahfur nodded, a full smile on her face. She faded, allowing the door to
appear one more.
Rain padded through, amazed at what he saw. White and pink trees filled his sight,
and scattered amongst them was fresh green pine trees. Flowers, ferns, and other
undergrowth flourished under the cloudless sky that filled with the suns rays. The
breeze was perfect, and cats of Rains memories bounced about, acting as if this
was their home.
Finally, he thought with a smile. My mind is normal.
Rainy! a familiar voice suddenly yelled. Rain didnt have enough time to turn
around before someone crashed into him. He laughed as he pushed the tom off of
him, his light blue eyes looking for his dear friend.
Hello, J actur, Rain said. I cant believe I forgot about you. J actur chuckled.
So you must remember everything now! J actur exclaimed. Awesome! Now I
cant wait to show everyone how strong you are! Rain chuckled.
Ready, then? Rain asked. J actur nodded.
Ive been ready for over six moons, J actur said with the devils smile upon his
face. Rain nodded, closing his eyes while focusing on leaving his mind. He only
counted to three before he felt the familiar stir of the world around him changing.
When Rain opened his eyes, he was amazed at what he saw. Volans dove from the
sky, easily making it to the ground before injuring a cat from above. Rains eyes
widened, seeing many of his friends fall while having no idea what to do with
these animals.
Um. . .Rainfur? asked the she-cat who looked just like him. My daughter. .
. Rain remembered. He quickly gave a warm smile.
Hello, he said to her. I remember everything now. You must be my daughter.
Her dark blue eyes grew wide, and she stumbled to find the right words.
U-uh, yeah, Im Demonfang, she answered timidly. Rain narrowed his eyes
immediately, his muscles tensing as he heard the name. He remembered what he
was called, so he knew what she was named after. And I know who did it. Rain
hissed to himself.
Did Sharpmoon name you that? Rain asked. She nodded bleakly. He tensed, his
fur bristling as he clenched his teeth. However, Rain calmed himself, for he knew
that this was no time to have a clouded head. It is nice to finally meet you,
Demonfang. Rain looked around, expecting to see someone like Robinwing as
J actur had explained.
Where is your brother? Rain asked, curiosity in his eyes. Demonfang didnt do
anything for a few moments, but when she realized what he said, she looked down
at her paws with tears trickling down her cheek. Rains eyes widened. Hes dead.
But how?
I. . .I. . . Demonfang whimpered. Anger suddenly flashed through her eyes as she
unsheathed her claws into the ground. I killed him! The screech was loud and
strong. It was loud enough to draw attention. He and Snakestar knew I was going
to snap, but he still. . .he still went along with it. . .
Hes. . .dead? I never got to meet him, though! StarClan. . .why is this the path you
chose for me? Couldnt have gotten to meet him? Couldnt I have seen him just
once? Rain thought as he watched his daughter cry.
Rainy, theres no time for this, J actur reminded him. Comfort her, empower her,
and find Stormheart to relay the message of how to defeat these guys. Rain nodded
with understanding.
Demonfang, I was in these situations as well, Rain told her. Ive killed too
many for one lifetime, but if he wanted it to be so, then we must not dwell. We
must fight for what he believed in. Demonfang looked up to meet his eyes. She
nodded, giving a bleak smile.
Good, he said. Now follow meI have an important mission for you. She lit
up, her eyes widening as he darted away toward his brother. She followed soon
A Volan landed before them very quickly. Rain almost attacked it, but was
surprised when he found Evectri in front of him. Demonfang growled with
warning, but Rain held her back.
Evectri, is there a problem? Rain asked. Evectri blinked with surprise.
You have become confident, Evectri observed. Then he shook his head. Rain, I
know that you want your revenge on that one cat, but you need to understand that
my father is the only way these Volans will back off. Our focus must be him. Do
you understand? Rain nodded.
Thank you, Evectri told him. Any Volan in which allows you to pin him down
and says, In loyalty I fight for the sun, moon and star is one of my warriors. They
can be trusted, and will join you in your battle. Rain nodded.
Very well, Evectri, Rain told the silver prince. Keep your father occupiedIll
be there as fast as I can. Evectri nodded before taking off. He flew away with an
elegance that Rain had forgotten.
Rain ran forward after that, following the scent of his brother. He jumped toward
Cloudstreak, who he saw was having a difficult time. However, another Volan
landed before him with bared teeth and unsheathed claws. Rain hissed, but the
Volan attacked violently.
They both lunged and crashed into each other, sending them both tumbling to the
ground. They fought for the top, wanting nothing more than to pin the other. Rain
kicked his legs out while they rolled, forcing the Volan to hiss with pain. He was
distracted, so Rain took that advantage eagerly.
He pinned the Volan to the ground, unsheathing his claws into the toms skin. Rain
then clawed down his stomach, forcing the wound to grow bigger. The Volan cried
out in agony before Rain dashed away toward his friends, leaving the Volan on his
Cloudstreak fought beside Duskfeather in a battle with three Volans. They seemed
surrounded, but they were holding in. Rain lunged forward, however, and pushed
one of the Volans to the ground. He pinned the she-Volan easily, growling at her
with bared teeth.
She was smarter, however, and used her wings to wrap around him. The wings
pulled him off of her, allowing the Volan to get away. Rain growled with irritation
before hooking his fore leg around her back leg. He pulled her under him before
gravely wounding her wings. She struggled, but eventually she flew away after
Rain stood off of her.
Rain turned around to find his daughter helping Duskfeather and Cloudstreak.
Demonfang lashed out, fury in her blue eyes as she glared at a light brown Volan.
She clawed at the Volans eyes, eventually rendering him sightless. The Volan
screeched, but Duskfeather easily over powered him and gave him a large wound.
Meanwhile, Cloudstreak pushed the Volan she was fighting to the ground, ripping
through her wings before letting it fly away.
Good job, Demonfang, Rain praised. Both Cloudstreak and Duskfeather looked
at him before widening their eyes.
Rainfur! they both yelled. Rain smiled as he saw his old friends, but his face
went serious.
Its nice to see you, but I must ask something of you immediately, he explained
quickly. Negro and his Volans is our main focus. There are a few Volans that are
with Evectri, the silver Volan. I want you to tell every cat you find that if they pin
down a Volan easily and he or she says, In loyalty I fight for the sun, moon and
star, do not fight them. They are on our side. The three of them nodded.
Watch each others backs, and also, tell everyone that the wings are the Volans
biggest strength, Rain ordered them. They all nodded once more before Rain
dashed forward, once again jumping into the fray of cats and Volans in which
littered the island.
Rain heard something above him, and easily he slid out of the way of an incoming
Volan. Rain turned around and pounced on him, but the emotionless Volan shook
his head.
In loyalty I fight for the sun, moon, and star, the Volan told him. Rain nodded
before stepping off of the tom. He sprinted, avoiding several battles that were not
his own. He ducked under a Volan fighting with another in the air, and leaped
highly over a tom and she-Volan tumbling around, trying to get on top.
Rain finally saw his brother, though in a horrible way. His brother was being
attacked by not one, but two Volans in which both were very strong. They had him
pinned, and they were laughing evilly. Rain remembered his time as a human, and
found the situation similar to when he was tied down by the Fire Stars. This
angered him.
Rain dashed forward, running as fast as he could toward his brother. Jactur, you
ready? Rain asked.
Bring it on! J actur yelled with excitement. He felt the power fill within him, and
soon he knew that his scar was glowing, and his eyes were dark blue. His speed
increased, and he could feel that his strength had doubled.
Rain smirked before lunging toward the Volan who had Stormheart pinned. He
crashed into the she-cat and forced her to the ground. He pinned her easily before
staring her in the eye.
You! she screeched. It was Laidia, the Volan he almost killed the first time he
went insane in the Cats of the Storms. Her eyes widened, and she struggled.
However, he didnt let her go.
You will die this time, Rain hissed as he raised his claws. You have hurt too
many for me to let this go. Laidia gasped, but before Rain could react, the other
Volan pushed him to the ground. He was pinned, but just the Volan did so, Rain
kicked his stomach and pushed himself off of the ground. The Volan coughed,
backing away as he attempted to regain his wind.
Rain growled before lunging at the winded Volan. He was easy to pin, and even
easier to wound. Eventually, the Volan flew away screeching with terror. Rain
sighed with relief.
Rainfur! Stormheart exclaimed as he ran over to him. Youre back! Rain
turned around and smiled.
It seems so, Rain answered. And its wonderful that I remember everything.
They greeted each other by rubbing headsthe closest thing to affection they
could find considering they were both previously humans.
Do you have a plan to kill Sharpmoon? Stormheart asked. Rain hesitated.
I have a plan, but not for Sharpmoon, Rain explained. Stormheart narrowed his
dark green eyes. Ill deal with him later, but for now we must focus on Negro. If
we defeat his hunger for powerwhich is to say, kill himthe Volans will stop
fighting. Stormheart paused.
Are you sure you want to do that? Stormheart asked.
Yes, Rain said. Duskfeather, Cloudstreak, and Demonfang are relaying an
important message that I will tell you: some Volans are on our side. If you pin
them and they say that they are loyal to the star, the moon, and the sun or
something like that, they are fighting with Evectri, the silver Volan who is a friend
of mine. Stormheart nodded. Then he smiled.
Are you ready to fight side by side again, brother? Stormheart asked. Rain
Yes, he answered. Then they ran toward a fight that was visibly one they needed
to be in. Evectri was battling Negro within the air, their fighting very fast and very
dangerous. One slip of the wing could send them falling to their deaths.
And thats the last thing we need.

Duskfeather, watch out! Demonfang yelled to the golden hunter. His icy blue
eyes looked above him immediately, running faster as he saw the Volan above
him. He attempted to get out of range, but Demonfang knew that flying cat was no
match for Duskfeather.
Demonfang gathered her strength before leaping at the Volan. She crashed into
him, bringing him out of the sky and onto the ground. Demonfang raised her paw
and sliced through the toms throat. The Volan grew still and soon became
Thank you, Demonfang, Duskfeather said with a smile. Demonfang smirked.
J ust try and pay attention to whats above you, she teased. Duskfeather rolled his
eyes before sprinting forward to catch up with Cloudstreak. Demonfang went first
this time, immediately finding a tom she hadnt spoken to yet. He had a Volan
pinned to the ground, but it was obvious the Volan didnt want to fight.
In loyalty I fight for the sun, moon, and star. the Volan kept repeating.
Which is why Im trying to kill you, hissed the tom, raising his paw. Demonfang
rushed over and pushed the tom to the ground, allowing the Volan to fly away.
What did you
That Volan is loyal to Rainfur and Stormheart both, Demonfang told him
quickly. Any Volan that says that is fighting for us. The tom narrowed his eyes.
How do you know? he asked.
Rainfur told me, Demonfang hissed, her ears laying back. Or would you like to
find him and prove it to yourself? The tom sighed.
Whatever, he growled. And pay more respect next time. I am your superior,
after all. The tom quickly ran off, leaving Demonfang confused. Then her eyes
widened. That was Wolfstar. She realized. I just pushed down the RiverClan
Its fine, Demonfang, said Duskfeather, as if reading her thoughts. Wolfstar
seemed different to me as wellyou werent the only one. Demonfang looked to
Why did he act so. . .young? Demonfang asked. Through Rainfurs memories,
he always seemed expressionless. Duskfeather shrugged.
Who knows? he pointed out. What matters is that hes on our side for the time
being, so lets just continue out whatever plan your father had. Demonfang
nodded, before running in the same direction she had for a while.
She ran for all of two tail-lengths before she heard Duskfeather yell out a warning.
Demonfang looked up, but had no chance to react at the Volan landing upon her.
She closed her eyes, waiting for claws and teeth to enter her skin, but nothing
When Demonfang opened her eyes, she saw Duskfeather tackling the tom to the
ground. With one swift movement, the Volan was knocked out, laying there with a
massive wound on his head.
Thanks, Demonfang breathed. Duskfeather smirked.
J ust try to pay attention to whats above you, he said, repeating her line.
Demonfang just flicked her tail with a smile on her face. Duskfeather laughed,
nipping her on the shoulder before dashing away. Were playing a game in the
middle of battle, she realized as she sprinted after him. How childish, and yet,
Duskfeather! she suddenly called. Weve lost Cloudstreak!
Its okayshe can hold her own! Duskfeather called over his shoulder. Shell
help spread the news quicker, and besides, there are more battles to be fought!
J ust after that, two brown Volans came barrelling in front of them, forcing
Demonfang and Duskfeather to halt quickly. One of the Volans pinned the other to
the ground with a loud growl.
In loyalty I fight for the sun, moon and star! the Volan on the bottom hissed.
Now get this stupid tom off me! Demonfang nodded before lunging at the Volan
on top. She bit into his neck, giving him a nasty wound. The Volan shrieked before
kicking her off. Then, it flew away.
Ha! Thats what happens when you mess with Prince Tavo! the Volan yelled.
Tavo turned to them. Thanks, by the way. Never really asked for a cats help
before, but oh well. Evectris got his ways. Demonfang nodded. You know, you
look very similar to that cat Evectri really liked.
Im his daughter, Demonfang explained.
Well that explains it, Tavo said. Do you have any of those scary powers?
Demonfang nodded. Brilliant! All the Volans are scared of that!
Tavo! a she-Volan suddenly yelled. A brown and white Volan had landed in
front of them all with two other Volans at her side, and all of them looked
powerful. How could you betray what Volans stand for by speaking to such
Negro isnt in his right mindwe dont need this land, Tavo answered her. I
followed the better tom, and considering what Evectri has been through, Im sure
you understand, Lady Ladia. The she-Volan narrowed her eyes.
It is still betrayal, Laidia hissed. And I will fight for my king. Tavo sighed, but
then looked to Demonfang and Duskfeather.
Think you guys could help me out again? Tavo asked. Both of them nodded.
Well then let the fight begin! Tavo jumped into the air, and Laidia took off
toward him. Meanwhile, the other Volans had flown into the air and were
preparing to dive.
Sorry, dad. I think Im meant to fight this battle.

Chapter Twenty-Seven
Evectri flew up, attempting to get far enough away from his father to attack at a
good angle. His father was fast, of course, but not nearly enough to catch him.
Happy with his advantage, Evectri pushed his body as much as he could, using his
wings to pull him through the air.
When Evectri had enough distance, he put his wings flat and flew upside down.
Then he flipped himself up right, his paws hitting Negro square on his shoulders.
Evectri unsheathed his claws into his fathers black fur at the same time he bit the
back of Negros neck. The king yowled before he tried to buck the silver prince
Negro figured out quickly that the strategy wouldnt work, so he dove as fast as he
possibly could. Evectri let his wings go flat, forcing them to act as a parachute.
Evectri swiftly stayed in the air long enough for Negro to nearly land on the
ground before he gathered his strength and dove.
With an emotionless expression, Evectri folded his wings and sped toward Negro.
His father took off from the ground before aiming himself at the silver prince. Hes
playing a dangerous game, Evectri thought, his eyes narrowing. At this speed well
break each other.
They continued flying toward each other, but at the last moment Evectri back
flipped again, though this time he kicked his father in the back. The silver prince
heard a few cracks before watching Negro hit a large tree. Evectri growled,
knowing full well that the kick nor hit wouldnt defeat his father.
When Negro landed on the ground, Rain ran forward, his light blue eyes narrowed
at the tom. Evectri flew down elegantly, folding his wings as his feet supported
him upon the ground.
Wheres your brother? Evectri asked.
His friend was in trouble with a very experienced Volan, Rain replied, his blue
eyes still narrowed upon Negros motionless body. I figured we didnt need his
help quite yet. Negro growled suddenly, sitting up with narrowed eyes.
Fighting together wont help either of you! Negro yowled. The black Volan took
off with amazing speed, flying to a very high branch on the great oak. For those
who stay loyal to me, send the signal! The Volans suddenly flew into the sky,
going the same height as Negro.
All of the Volans gave out a screech similar to a hawks. Evectri flinched, the
sound ear-splitting to him. However, he knew what was happening, and silently he
cursed to himself.
Rain, we need help, Evectri said quickly.
Why? Rain asked. What was that?
Its a signal, Evectri explained as fast as he could. I didnt realize it, but I
should have known. Negros calling in more Volansthese werent all of them.
Rains eyes widened.
But were barely surviving right now! Rain exclaimed.
I know, but well have to do whatever we can, Evectri said. Negro will have
body guards, and Rain, you need to get rid of them as quickly as possible. Theyll
be moon-warriors like me, so you might want to be careful.
Wait, you plan to kill your father all by yourself? Rain asked, his eyes widening.
Thats impossible! Evectri sighed.
Rain, Im the only one who can, Evectri pointed out. My brother is busy, and so
are the other Volans. Aside from that, Im the only one with wings. I have to do
this alone. The silver prince ran forward and jumped off the ground for a speedy
take off.
Evectris amber eyes were narrowed as he flew toward his father. A few of his
body guards glided toward him, but the silver prince efficiently dove under them
before flying straight up. His head hit the stomach of one Volan, winding him
easily. Evectri unsheathed his claws and grabbed the back of the Volans neck
before pulling him under the silver prince. The Volan cried out, but Evectri used
his back claws to slice open his throat.
Another one flew toward him, but Evectri just flew toward them, and at the last
second, he moved to the left. However, the silver prince allowed his claws to cut
open its neck. The Volan fell, and as three more flew toward him, Evectri sighed.
He flapped his wings, bringing him a length up before he unsheathed his claws and
sliced open the first Volans neck. As that one fell, Evectri flapped his wings again,
kicking another Volan in the shoulder. As the tom went down, Evectri flew around
so they faced each other upright.
Evectri smiled before he used his large wings by wrapping him around the Volan.
In desperation, the Volan raked his claws through the silver princes fur, but didnt
break skin. Evectri did the same, but he actually ripped through the tough skin of
the Volan. He did this until he was only about a tail-length from the ground. Then,
at the last moment, Evectri unwrapped his wings and sliced open the Volans neck.
Evectri quickly looked up, but found himself stunned. His father had already dived,
and he was heading straight toward him. The silver prince readied himself to take
off in another direction, but Negro crashed into him, which sent them tumbling
through the ground.
Evectri! Rain cried. The grey and white tom sprinted toward them, eventually
pushing the black Volan off of Evectri. Rainwith impressive speed and
strengthclawed at Negro as they toppled over. Eventually, the grey and white
sighter had the black tom pinned.
Two other Volans rushed toward Rain, easily overpowering the grey and white
tom. At that moment, all of the bodyguards were attacking Rain, giving Evectri an
advantage. The silver prince stood up and dashed toward his father as quick as he
could. However, the bat-like Volan took off toward the sky.
Come on, son, Negro hissed with a grin on his face. Or would you rather fight
on the ground like all of the other cowards? Evectri narrowed his eyes with a low
growl. The silver prince jumped into the air and flew toward his father once more.

Stormheart circled a light brown Volan, his teeth bared sharply. Rosefire was on
the ground a few tail-lengths away, her breathing rough as he wished she would
wake up. The wound on her neck wasnt fatal, but it was a nasty one, and
Stormheart wanted revenge.
The Volan stood tall, his electric blue eyes emotionless as he stared at Stormheart.
The tom was on the older side, for he had grey near his muzzle that the brown and
white tom knew wasnt originally there. Still, he sensed that the tom was strong,
and so he called upon his own power.
Stormheart lunged forward, his claws unsheathed as he attacked the tom. The
Volan flew upward before diving down at the brown and white tom. Stormheart
leaped away, quickly turning around. He reared, his claws coming down upon the
Volan. However, the tom was too fast, and with immense speed, the Volan stepped
aside and slashed his claws across Stormhearts cheek.
The brown and white tom hissed, wincing at the pain that the claws brought him.
For a few moments, he blinked, attempting to get his eyes to stop watering
uncontrollably. At that moment, he saw a flash, but could do nothing about it, for
the Volan already crashed into him.
Without any way to stop it, Stormheart found himself pinned against the ground.
Claws unsheathed into his shoulders, forcing him to yowl loudly. The tom above
him did not smile or look at him with worry. Instead, he stared just like before.
Stormheart gathered the strength hed been holding off, kicking the Volan in the
stomach before rolling out of the way. Stormheart sprinted forward, trying to get
out of reach so that he could recover. His eyes glanced over to the Volan, but he
wasnt there. Stormheart looked around him, but cursed at himself as he
remembered which direction the Volan would be coming from.
The Volan landed on his shoulders, forcing his legs to buckle beneath him.
However, just as he did so, the Volan brought him up in the air, flying as high as
he could. Stormheart struggled, trying to make it so the fall wasnt as disastrous.
They went higher than the third branch of the Great Oak tree, and Stormheart
closed his eyes. Ever since he was a little boy as a human, he hated heights. And
today he would face that fear.
As the came to the fourth branch, the Volan let go, and Stormhearts heart-beat
went ten times faster. He felt nothing but fear as he fell, and his stomach was high
in his chest, throbbing to get out. What seemed like minutes turned into seconds,
and his body hit the ground.
Stormheart tumbled around before finding himself on his side, unable to get up.
His left shoulder throbbed with blinding pain, but what hurt more was his head. He
could barely keep his eyes open, and his breathing was ragged. Move, body, move!
The Volan landed in front of him with an emotionless expression. He walked
toward Stormheart, his claws unsheathed as if already anticipating the brown and
white toms death. As he grew closer, Stormheart decided as quick as he could at
what he had to do.
Stormheart, this isnt the best idea, Matar warned. This tom isnt the purest of all.
I need to find a weakness, Stormheart hissed. Matar didnt argue. Instead, he
allowed the power to rush through him.
Stormheart searched for the only thing he could: injustice. At first, he wasnt that
unfair. There were a few small lies, and a few battle scars, but that was it for ten
moons. Afterward, however, Stormheart was hit with several evil deeds. This tom
tried to kill his son. This tom ordered others to destroy a mother and her kits. This
tom sent other Volans to destroy a temporary camp.
When Stormheart retreated, his eyes were wide. His muscles tensed, but as he lied
in front of the Volan, he suddenly realized why neither he nor Rosefire stood a
chance against him. Theres no way I can defeat himI just cant!
So youve figured it out, young one? the Volan asked, his expression still unable
to change. I am not like these weaklings you see around you. I am much more
than that. Long ago, I was a king. Long ago, I controlled these cats. Yes. I am
Negros father. The tom lunged, and Stormheart closed his eyes.
Matar, help me!

Demonfang lunged forward, crashing into a Volan with enough force to crush a kit.
They clawed toward the necks, only their legs supporting them. Demonfang went
down the same time he did, and as he jumped forward, Demonfang leaped away.
Demonfangs blue eyes narrowed upon the Volan, her teeth clenched as her ears
drifted to her friends. Duskfeather was keeping his ground, and Tavo seemed
evenly matched. As soon as she figured this out, she grasped all of attention and
shot it toward the Volan in which was charging toward her.
Demonfang sprinted forward, darting left at the last possible second. She then
pushed the tom over, pinning him down easily by the wings. If what Rainfur said
about the wings were true, then pinning them down by the shoulders is useless.
She was right.
The Volan tried to get up, but physically couldnt. So Demonfang bent down,
attempting to get a good bite of him, but the Volan kicked her stomach, raking his
back claws down her belly. Demonfang yowled, scrunching up as she tried not to
feel the burning pain.
The Volan stood up with an annoying smile on his face. Demonfang stood,
growling as the Volan circled her. Demonfangs muscles tensed, pouncing at just
the right time. The Volan tried to get away, but shed gotten faster. Both of them
tumbled through the ground.
They went down a small uneven spot in the ground before both gathering up the
strength in their hind legs to bring themselves rearing up at each other. Their claws
moved in quick movements, both trying to grab fur and skin to scrape off.
Eventually they came down upon all fours, and Demonfang watched as the Volan
took off into the air. The Volan gave out a deafening screech before he dived
toward her. Demonfang lunged away, skidding to a halt before spinning around to
leap toward the Volan.
J ust as she crashed into the Volan, however, another one crashed into her.
Demonfang was pried away from the first Volan, and though she struggled, the
second Volan pinned her down easily. The worst part was that he was in a position
where she couldnt harm him.
Growling, Demonfang snapped at the Volans face, her back paws searching for
skin to cut. Eventually, she used her front claws to create a large gash on his chest.
The Volan screeched, giving her an easy opening. Demonfang smirked before she
took that opening and leaped away.
As she did, however, another Volan landed in front of her. Demonfang turned, but
the other two were closing in. Frantically, she looked around, but saw only other
Volans circling other cats. Did more come? Were they waiting for me to get tired
all this time?
Demonfang! Duskfeather suddenly yelled. The sleek golden tom was peering
over four Volans in which also surrounded him. Demonfang growled, searching for
Tavo. However, he was too busy fighting Laida to hear them.
Theyve got him! Theyre going to kill him! Demonfang thought
frantically. Theyre so unfair! This fight should be a one on one not seven on
two! Anger began to rise, and by the time she realized it, Demonfang knew it was
too late.
They want a fight? Fine. Theyll get it. She thought. As soon as she did, she shook
her head. No, I cant kill them with that power. That, too, is unfair.
Kill them all!
No! I cant! I dont want to win that way!
Destroy them, for they have done wrong! Tear themthey deserve it!
Thats cruel and wrong! I will not kill them that way!
Demonfang, trust your power, came a familiar voice. Trust in your abilities and
save your friends.
Bravepaw? Demonfang thought, her eyes opening. She hadnt realized they were
closed. Bravepaw, is that you?
Trust in your power, Demonfang, came the voice again. You must save your
friends. You must help the others. If they wish to fight unfairly, then so shall you.
Let go of your fear, and fight like our father once did.
But I could kill Duskfeather! Demonfang exclaimed. I dont know if I can control
myself. . .
I will help with that, Bravepaw told her. I am the only one who can quench your
fire, remember? Just trust in your power. Demonfang paused. What if this was just
her power using her affection to win her over?
How do I know youre my brother? Demonfang asked. Suddenly, she felt warm
and content. She felt happy, as if everything was okay. When the sensation
disappeared, she smiled warmly. Youve convinced me.
Are you ready? Bravepaw asked.

Chapter Twenty-Eight
Evectri flew toward his father as fast as he could, watching as Negro dove toward
him. Once again, the silver prince swerved out of the way, allowing his father to
get away. Negro stopped his momentum through the air with his wings as Evectri
swiftly turned himself around.
Evectri pulled himself through the air with his wings, shooting toward his father
who had finally turned around. Negro dove, trying to get away, but the silver
prince flattened out his wings and slowed himself down before also diving. As
Evectri chased his father, he steadied himself through the air.
Negro suddenly slowed to a speed equivalent to a gliding hawk, forcing Evectri to
bring his wings back to try and stop himself. However, Negro used his own move
against him and back flipped. Evectri felt claws enter his back, and as he hissed at
the pain, he found that his wings could not hold the strain.
Evectri fell through the air, his wings unable to find the upward drift to keep
himself from falling. He was only a tail-length from the ground when he finally
found the drift. Evectri flattened out his wings, straightened himself up, and
allowed the soft, invisible tornado to bring himself higher into the sky.
Evectris amber gaze searched for his father, but found out only too late that Negro
was soaring toward him. The silver prince yowled as the bat-like Volan crashed
into his body, soon pinning him against a tree. Evectri hissed as Negro raked his
back claws through his silver skin, angry as he noticed a smirk on his fathers face.
Is this familiar, Evectri? Negro asked mockingly. The pain of being ripped
apart? Evectri growled, kicking his fathers stomach. This forced the black Volan
to let go slightly, which allowed Evectri to slip down easily.
As he fell once more, he found himself on his back. He waited a few more
moments before kicking the tree. Evectri shot through the air, twisting his body so
that he was no longer upside down. The silver prince flapped his wings hard,
listening as his father followed him.
Im faster, but hes stronger, Evectri thought to himself. I cant use that to my
advantagenot in the sky, at least. WaitIm more agile! At least I think I
am. Evectri glanced behind him, memorizing the distance he had with his father.
The silver prince sped toward the great oak before drifting downward. After that,
he twisted around so that he was facing the opposite direction. Then he sped down
as fast as he could. Negro did the same movement he did, following the silver
prince downward.
Evectri continued to head straight toward the ground, and as hed thought, Negro
went only two fox-lengths to the ground before pulling himself to a stop. The silver
prince smirked, still going down. Then, about only a half tail-length from solid
earth, he pulled his body parallel to the ground.
Evectri flew like this until he was sure that his father was following him. Two fox-
lengths away. Evectri calculated the distance Negro was behind him before
planning his attack further. The silver prince allowed himself to get a little lower.
Evectri ran on the ground for a few seconds before leaping forward. After this, he
leaped and jumped straight up toward his father. Negro stopped flying, stunned as
the silver prince shot toward him. The silver princes head managed to crash into
Negros stomach, forcing the wind out of the bat-like Volan.
Evectri quickly flattened out his wings before soaring away from his fast father.
Negro yowled with fury, his amber eyes searching for the silver prince. Evectri
twisted and flew away quickly.
When a cat is angry, furious, sad, or protective their speed and strength may be
completely transformedmaximized by two times if one is lucky, Evectri
remembered from his passed lessons. I know this, but why was it important in that
lesson? J ust as he thought this, Evectri heard Negro flying fast behind him, and so
quickly, the silver prince dove. That didnt help, for Negro had the reaction time
that he couldnt believe.
What didnt work? Evectri thought as he flattened out his wings to take a hard left
through the air. Two things get stronger, and physically everything comes easier.
But mentally. . . Evectri tried to search for something that he needed, trying to pull
every stunt he knew with his father.
Thats right! Evectri thought. Mentally, they dont remember simple rules of life.
Things like how much one can stay under water, or. . .how high someone can fly
into the air! Evectri remembered hed paused only a second too late, and
immediately Negro crashed into him. Their bodies made a sickening sound, and
Evectri could feel some of his bones being crushed.
The silver prince slammed into a tree with his father to squish him into it. Evectri
cried out, falling after Negro had let go. He could hear his bones creaking, and
there was an unnecessary warmness coming from his legs. Im losing
feeling, Evectri thought. If I tire too quickly, Ill lose feeling in my wings and Ill
surely die.
Evectri hissed to himself, but flattened his wings before he hit the ground and flew
straight toward his grey and white friend, hoping that his father was still trying to
find him in the sea of battling cats.
Rain! Evectri yelled quickly. Ive got a plan, so keep an eye out for his weakest
point! Rainfurs blue eyes seemed to drink in the information as Evectri flew
upward with enough strength to keep him going.
Negros gaze was soon aimed onto Evectri, for the silver prince heard the familiar
rips through the air by a pair of wings. He flew upward as straight as he could
make it, noticing that island was getting further and further away. When he seemed
to be about three tree-lengths up, he recognized the signs.
The oxygen wasnt coming as easy, and his chest tightened. His body was being
pressured downward, as if an invisible force was keeping him down. He continued
to fly, but he felt his wings become completely warm and he could barely feel as if
they were a part of his body.
The further he went, the more Evectri felt that he was drowning. His brain
throbbed with the lack of air and oxygen, and his body strained. His breathing
became gasps of air he knew wouldnt come. The silver prince came to almost
clawing through the air, his eyes narrowed at the stars.
Eventually, Evectris wings stopped working, and he fell to the ground.
Considering he did not see his father, he guess that Negro had already fallen.
Smiling with relief, Evectri allowed his body to fall, and before he could keep it
from happening, his eyes closed and his mind shut himself out.

Rain had heard Evectris warning, and he had immediately asked J actur if they had
the power to take care of these eight Volans with enough time to catch Negro in his
weakest point. The sneaky little soul had immediately confirmed what Rain had
thought, and so he quickly created a plan that would kill them all in under two
Rain moved in between each cat like a snake between boulders. One Volan lunged
for his skin, but Rain jumped to the side and leaped around the tom with ease.
Another Volan landed in front of him only seconds later, and the grey and white
tom instantly used his reaction time to jump over it, clearing its wings with no
Rain ran in circles, evaded their every attack. He managed to get them within the
perimeter they wanted, so just as he rounded another corner, he lunged at another
tom. They all pounced, seemingly thinking that they had caught him. And they
For that moment.
Are you counting, Jactur? Rain asked with a smirk.
On your word, J actur thought, and Rain could imagine is grin. Rain allowed all of
the Volans to get in with a tail-length from him before he growled.
Now! Rain yelled to his partner. Immediately, J acturs power surged within him,
and he felt immense strength come quickly. Rain reared up, forcing many of the
Volans off of him. He lunged for one of the Volans, pinning him down easily
before slicing open his throat.
Rain jumped forward onto another Volan in which was just about to take off to the
safety of the sky. The grey and white tom unsheathed his claws into the Volans
wing just as he had Laida, and Rain ripped it with all his strength. The Volan
screeched, but he fell to the ground as Rain let go to land on his feet.
Twenty-nine. . .thirty. . .thirty-one . .J actur was counting.
The grey and white tom surged forward, pushing the Volan through the ground.
They toppled over, but Rain managed to stop the Volan. With the winged cat
below him, the grey and white tom found it simple to bend down and bite the neck
of the Volan easily.
When the body became motionless, Rain leaped upward, grabbing into another
wing. Rain pulled himself up and swung his back legs upward. The grey and white
tom was aiming for the neck, but he managed to scratch the Volans eye, forcing
him to yowl with fury. He fell to the ground, and after they stopped tumbling, Rain
leaped upward sliced open his neck before jumping away to his next victim.
fifty-four. . .fifty-five. . .fifty-six. . .
Rain lunged toward another Volan that was coming toward him, and though the
winged cat also charged, Rain quickly turned his head just so slightly and bit
through the Volans throat. Three down, Rain thought.
The grey and white tom discovered that another Volan was coming toward him just
in time to be forced to the ground. Rain pretended to be unconscious for a few
seconds, allowing three Volans to rush toward him. Rain smirked before he
jumped forward, slicing open the neck of one before quickly spinning around and
doing the same to another.
Rain chased the other Volan, and when he got close enough he hooked his foreleg
around the winged she-Volans hind leg. He then dragged her down underneath
him. Rain raked his claws down her stomach and gave her a major wound near her
throat before he moved on.
A minute and twenty. . .a minute and twenty-one. . .a minute and twenty-two. . .
Rain dashed forward toward the remaining two, and as he lunged toward one, the
other flew into the air. The grey and white tom ignored the one in the air and
focused on the Volan on the ground. Both of them reared up with claws
unsheathed, and both searched for the vital points of their bodies.
Eventually Rain heard a battle-cry from the Volan in the sky, so immediately the
grey and white tom spun around and kicked the winged cat on the ground with his
hind legs, forcing her to hit the tree behind them and fall unconscious.
A minute and forty-two. . .a minute and forty-three. . .a minute and forty-four. . .
Rain lunged upward at he last one and brought him down with all of his strength
and had him pinned easily. The Volan attempted to use his wings, but Rain bent
down and killed the tom within seconds. After this, Rain stood up, breathing
How was I? Rain asked.
A minute and fifty six! J actur said. You can do better, but excellent job. Rain rolled
his eyes before he rushed toward a falling Volan he had discovered was Negro.
The falling black Volan seemed quite asleep, as did Evectri who was flying about
seven fox-lengths away. Rain worried for his winged friend but he remembered his
As Negro crashed unceremoniously onto the ground, Rain lunged forward and
pinned him down as fast as he could. However, the Volan awoke quickly, and
though he was breathing quickly, the bat-like Volan recovered quicker than it
seemed Evectri would.
Rain held him down the best he could, but the black Volan overpowered him.
Negro unbalanced the grey and white tom by knocking over his hind legs. Rain fell
on top of the bat-like Volan, and soon Negro pushed him away before standing up.
Evectris father pinned him down, and Rain was trying to search for a way out of
the situation. Why did he overpower me so easily? Why didnt I see that coming?
Why didnt I recover fast enough.
Um, Rain, might I mention that your body is a bit weak from the stunt before, and
Negros also very, very angry? J actur said.
Cant you give me more power? Rain asked frantically.
Are you crazy? That would destroy both you and me! J actur yelled. You just have
to continue the fight as unscathed as you can while I recharge. Rain bit his lip.
What if Stormheart comes? Rain asked.
Uh, that would help, but hes busy right now, J actur told him.
Doing what? Rain asked. J actur paused.
Fighting someone important, J actur said after a few moments. Rain growled. Fine,
fine, but dont freak out. Your brothers battling Negros father. Rains eyes
He could be killed! Rain exclaimed.
Well then hurry up and kill this guy, J actur pointed out. The faster you do that, the
faster you can get to your brother. Rain nodded, returning to his fight.
The grey and white tom kicked the bat-like Volan in the stomach, immediately
rolling out of reach before creating distance between them. When Rain couldnt
hear the Volan, he turned to see where Negro was. However, hed just realized that
the black Volan had disappeared.
Rain didnt have enough time to evade the attack, so when Negro slammed into
him from the air, he could do nothing but attempt to shield himself. The bat-like
tom tumbled with the grey and white tom, each of them trying to gain the
advantage. Eventually, the king had him pinned.
Any last words, freak? Negro asked with a grin on his face. The Volan raised his
paw, ready to slice open Rains throat when a tabby flash caught him off-guard.
The grey and white tom was free, for the tabby tom had pushed Negro to the
Rain stood, searching for the cat who had saved him. When he recognized the
tabby tom, his jaw drop. There, fighting is second enemy, was his first enemy,
Sharpmoon. The sleek tabby tom was trying hard to defeat the bat-like Volan.
Why are you fighting me? asked Negro, his amber eyes narrowed. Arent you
enemies with the same tom I am trying to destroy? Sharpmoonwith his teeth
bared and his fur bristledgrowled lowly.
Rainfur may be my enemy, but you threaten my clans with force, and you will
regret it! Sharpmoon hissed. Rainfur is still my enemy, but he is also a cat born
from these clans, and therefore, I will protect him just as I will protect every living
soul on this island and beyond. Sharpmoon lunged, and Negro did the same. They
crashed into each other, and as Sharpmoon bent to attempt to bite through Negros
throat, the bat-like Volan became faster.
Negro raised his paw and cut through Sharpmoons skin like claws in the sand.
Rains eyes widened as he saw his first enemy fall to the ground without a hint of
motion. The grey and white tom ran over to the tabby tom, worried, for some
As Negro took off into the sky, Rain looked into Sharpmoons fading eyes. He felt
sorry for the tom now, and prayed to StarClan he wasnt dying. The tabby tom
coughed, leaving Rain hopeful.
Save them. . . Sharpmoon rasped, his pleading eyes locked with Rain. I. . .want
you. . .to. . .save them. . .all. . . Rain stared, his eyes filled with sorrow. But the
grey and white tom nodded as Sharpmoons eyes closed.
Rain stood and turned around, his blue eyes narrowed upon the black Volan who
grinned down to him from the sky. He kept Sharpmoons words in his head, and he
unsheathed his claws, awaiting Negros attack.

Demonfang could feel her angry take flight, and she knew that the glowing star had
appeared on her shoulder. She stood up, her eyes narrowed, and she bared her
teeth. All of the Volans noticed this difference, and immediately they came toward
Demonfang lunged forward, immediately slicing the throat of the Volan closest to
her. As he fell, she lunged toward another one. Both flung their claws at each
other, but Demonfang used her speed to bite down on the Volans neck. She then
spun around and slashed her claws across the face of a Volan behind her before
lunging forward to pin him to the ground. Demonfang then raked her claws down
his stomach.
Demonfang left that one with a fatal wound before surging toward another one that
had taken off in the air. She jumped upon it, grabbing a tender part of the wing.
She tore it offcompletely offand allowed the Volan to crash into the ground.
Demonfang turned herself so that she could see Duskfeather, and immediately
rushed toward him. She lunged onto the back of one of the Volans. She bit down
onto the back of his neck, forcing him to drop to the ground and roll. Demonfang
probably would have been crushed, but she easily stood up and unbalanced the
Volan before biting into his shoulder.
The grey and white she-cat jumped forward toward a Volan who was trying to
attack her from the sky. The Volan pushed her to the ground, seemingly pinning
her down. Demonfang kicked the Volans stomach, however, and she reached up
and bit through the Volans throat.
Demonfang saw the last one fly away, and she smirked. However, her gaze
snapped toward Duskfeather, and she could feel that her anger was pulling her
toward him. Demonfangs eyes grew wide, and she tried to go another way.
Easy, Demonfang, I know what Im doing, Bravepaw reassured her. Immediately
afterword, Demonfang felt that she was calm, and she felt warmth. The grey and
white she-cat smiled with joy.
Thanks, Bravepaw. Demonfang thought to her brother. She heard Bravepaws
wonderful laugh.
No problem, sis, he replied. Oops, Ive stepped out of line. Oh wellIll talk to you
later! Her brother vanished from her thoughts, but she was already smiling.
Demonfang, are you okay? Duskfeather asked, his eyes wide. She nodded.
Yeah, Im fine, she said.
That was amazing! Duskfeather exclaimed. The way you foughtIve only
seen your father do something that awesome, and mind you, that was only when he
was insaneyou seem perfectly in control. Demonfang nodded.
It seems I am, she said dreamily. She stared up at Tavo and Laidia in the air.
There movements were like a dance, and they seemed to be both well trained. She
then called up to Evectris brother, saying, Do you need help!
Im fine! Tavo yelled down, the dance continuing. Help my brotherhes near
the big tree over there! Demonfang nodded, looking to the RiverClan hunter with
Are you comin? she asked. Duskfeather nodded, his blue eyes filled with
Im going to follow you wherever you go, mouse-brain, he stated. She chuckled
before rushing toward the Great Oak.

Chapter Twenty-Nine
Stormheart felt something he had hadnt felt four over ten moons. It wasnt
insanityno, not that. It was the feeling of anger, but not just the simple fury that
Demonfang felt. He was surged with power because he felt there was an injustice
in front of him, and he had to destroy it. Yes, he had to make things fair.
Stormheart ran forward, his claws unsheathed. The pain from his leg was merely
equivalent to a sore muscle at this point despite the fact that it was clearly
dislocated. His eyes were not narrowed, and nor were they wide. They were
normally staring at the light brown Volan in front of him.
Stormheart lunged forward as Negros father did, and as they crashed together, the
brown and white tom did not notice anything bad happening to him. Their claws
sliced through the fur on the others shoulders while the teeth nipped at the neck,
searching for a throat to rip out.
After landing on four paws again, Stormheart growled and jumped away. His teeth
were bared, and his muscles were burning. Negros father merely looked surprised
as Stormheart paced, waiting for the light brown Volan to attack.
The Volan unfolded his wings and took off into the air with only a simple jump,
leaving Stormheart to follow his movements with his eyes. Negros father didnt
go very high up, but he dove almost too fast for the brown and white tom to see.
However, at the last second, Stormheart evaded the attack narrowly.
Negros father hissed with fury, but as soon as he landed on the ground, he lunged
toward Stormheart with unsheathed claws and bared teeth. The brown and white
tom jumped upward, and as he landed on top of the keen Volan, Stormheart could
feel his bones straining with the force that was being pushed against him.
Both toms went rolling away, but as Stormheart sensed he was going to end up on
the top, he kicked Negros father in the stomach forcefully. The light brown Volan
hissed, but used his wings to bring him into the sky before Stormheart could attack
The brown and white warrior stood, his eyes staring up and Negros father. Matar
stirred in his mind, and Stormheart smiled as his partner thought, You kicked that
tom with enough force to break a normal cats spine and several ribs.
Negros father suddenly landed peacefully and slowly. Sensing there was going to
be time-out, Stormheart kept his power within him for only a moment. He didnt
accidentally want to kill a cat that wanted to make peace with him.
You have eyes like a light cloudy day, and the moon on your shoulder is full,
Negros father observed. Your strength is far better than when we began, and you
are suddenly aggressive. What has changed? Stormheart stared, finding it hard to
form the words.
It must be like before I made up with Matar, Stormheart decided. Like when I
attacked Rosestar. . .
I am strong. . .normally, said Stormheart. My power is kept to a. . .minimum to
save painful deaths for. . .others. Negros father just stared.
Hmm. . .it seems you are right, he murmured. If this is your true power, then let
me apologize for how I acted earlier. I thought youd be an easy kill, not a worthy
opponent. Stormhearts eyes narrowed.
My name, though unknown to most, is Strom Kies, said Negros father. You are
one of four to know my name, and out of those four, none of them are of my
lineage or of my decedents. What is your name, young warrior? Stormhearts eyes
continued to be narrowed.
My. . .my name is Stormheart, Stormheart answered. But. . .why must you
Tradition, Strom answered. When I have met my equal, it is custom to give out
my name as a symbol of honour to the strong warrior who fights me. Stormheart
understood, if only slightly.
Both stared only a few more moments before lunging forward once more, ready for
the rest of their fight. I am honoured, but he is dangerous, and he has fought
unfairly to others.
The fighting went onand Stormheart knew that even though he was not
immediately concerned, he was beginning to become aware of the issue at hand.
Stormheart toppled over after Strom had unbalanced him, and since they were on
the top of a slope, the brown and white tom tumbled down until he was at the
bottom. The brown and white tom stood up quickly, his eyes locked onto Strom
whom was in the air diving toward him.
Stormheart dodged the attack, running back up the hill as fast as he could. J ust as
he got there, Strom flew upward, his long wings bringing him quickly through the
air. The brown and white tom jumped forward, slightly slanted upward as well.
Stormheart crashed into Strom, forcing them both to fall to the ground.
Stormheart pinned down Negros father quickly, but Strom kicked his stomach and
leaned upward to bite the brown and white toms throat. Stormheart quickly jerked
away, stepping off of the Volan quickly. The light brown tom gave a small smirk,
his electric blue eyes narrowed upon Stormheart as he stood up.
Strom sprinted toward the brown and white tom, his wings flat out. Stormheart
evaded his lunge, but the light brown Volan curled his wings around him. The
brown and white tom slipped, unable to push against the strength of the feathery
Strom took that time to pounce, and though he was fast, Stormheart narrowly
managed to evade long claws by rolling away. The brown and white tom pulled
himself up and dashed to the right as Strom lunged. The light brown Volan quickly
spun around and surged forward again, but at the same time, Stormheart had also
jumped toward Strom.
They crashed togetherboth on their hind legs. They bit quickly at each others
necks, but neither of them made so much as a small puncture mark. They broke
apart, choosing to take a small break. They paced, choosing whether to attack. It
was then that Stormheart noticed the reason their fight was going the way it was.
Were both equally tired, Stormheart thought. Weve barely made a mark on each
other. If this goes on. . .
Stormheart, there is something I must explain to you, said Matar. Theres just
somethingyou know what, fine, Jactur. Such a pain. . . Suddenly, Stormhearts
vision faded, and he opened them merely to darkness.
It took a few moments, but finally, he saw light. It was light from a TV screen.
Eight, actually, and they were flat-screened. Battle scenes showed within them,
though every few seconds that a motionless body showed. Two screens were
stacked on top of each other in four rowstwo on one wall, two on another. They
came together to form a corner of the wall, but Stormheart couldnt see anything
but darkness behind them.
Matar sat in the middle, and he was watching everything. His glassy eyes flickered
between screens, and he seemed to be observing all of the information. As
Stormheart walked up, he saw nothing but short clips of his friends fighting, none
of them long enough to figure out how well or bad they were actually doing.
Is something wrong? Stormheart asked. Matar nodded.
I am unsure, Matar answered. I have been watching your closest allies and I. .
.Ive come to discover we are losing. Stormhearts eyes narrowed.
What do you mean? he asked. The images on the TV screen suddenly stopped.
The top right screen moved, and so Stormheart was drawn to it.
Duskfeather and Demonfang were fighting two Volans, but they were evenly
matched. Demonfang was tiring quickly, and Duskfeather wasnt strong enough to
defeat the Volan he was fighting.
The screen beside that began moving. Cloudstreak and Thunderheart fought side
by side against three Volans, and though they were holding their ground, they were
also tiring, and they had many wounds upon them.
The screen on the other side of that one moved. Nightflake and Snowshine
Duskfeathers siblingswere fighting, but their wounds were significant, and they
looked ready to faint.
The screen next to that one began to show motion. Two Volans fought each other,
and one showed the resemblance of Negro. As they fought within the air,
Stormheart noticed that the one that looked like the king was losing, considering
his wing was badly broken. The brown and white tom also figured out that Negros
son was the one who was fighting for the cats.
The TV screen below that snapped into action. Smoketaila tom whom
Stormheart remembered from the first warfought beside Mudroot, whothough
a medicine catremained very agile, for he was helping the silver RiverClan cat
defeat a strong Volan. However, they, too, were outmatched obviously, especially
when another Volan came into view.
The TV screen beside that showed Rainfur fighting Negro. Their fight was hard to
see, for the speed and strength being used was far faster than Stormheart could
make out. However, his brother was beat, and he knew that.
The TV screen next to that began moving, and thats when Stormheart gasped.
Evectria trained warriorlooked to have been knocked out. He was lying on the
ground, blood showing in some spots.
The next and last TV screen is what scared Stormheart the most. Rosefire lay there,
still dazed from the wound. The scene changednow it was Twigpaw and her
siblings. They all laid out, sprawled across the grass with many wounds. Then the
screen changed to show each of the leaders. That was when the TV screen was
going fast enough that Stormheart could barely recognize the cats.
Flamestar. . .dead. . .Wolfstar. . .dead. . .Blackstar. . .dead. . .Snakestar. . .dead. .
.Spiderleap. . .dead. . .Snowbranch. . .wounded. . .Tigerpelt. . .dead. . .Sharpmoon.
. .dead. . .Blueflash. . .dead. . .Amberstream. . .wounded. . .Willowshade. .
.wounded. . .Poppyheart. . .dead. . .Ivyclaw. . .dead. . .Cloudlight and Lilyflame. .
.wounded. . .Shadowflame. . .dead. . .
Stormheart closed his eyes tightly, unable to stand it any longer. When he opened
them once more, he noticed that all the screens had gone white. There was a long
silence, one in which Stormheart realized what was happening.
Were going to lose, Stormheart said. Were going to lose again.
No, Matar said. J actur and I have been in contact with StarClan all battle. There
has been an option. . .it has just been one weve decided to use as a last resort.
Stormheart narrowed his eyes.
Meaning. . .? he said.
There were a lot of sacrifices to make this option possible, Matar told him. We
need only one more to create something so powerful that it would defeat our
enemies and disappear. Wed win.
But. . .? Stormheart urged.
No one wishes to make the sacrifice, Matar said. Rainfur cant, Evectri cant,
Bravepaw is already in StarClan, Demonfang must live, and you. . .you were
meant to do other things.
But I can do it? Stormheart asked. Mater looked over to him.
That would be unreasonable, Matar growled. You arent the one who needs to
make sacrifices.
But what Rosefire, and the twins? What about Twigpaw and her siblings? What
about Thunderheart, and his sister? Stormheart asked. I could save them. I could
stop this war so that they can get help. I could stop this war so that others can
grieve over their leaders and their friends.
You dont need to, Matar said forcefully.
You just said Im the only one who can do this, Stormheart pressed on. I know
that it would break my brothers heart, but I just think. . .I dont know. . .Ive never
seen so many cats dead in front of me, and so many cats so wounded that they can
get help themselves. And a medicine cat! None of those cats deserved to die or get
wounded, and so I believe if I. . .well you know. . .Ill be able to save more from
dying or getting wounded, and the cycle that Rainfur and I had to go through wont
repeat itself.
You would be sacrificing yourself to save the island, Matar said. You would be
saving the currently living cats, and beginning a new era. However, youd be
putting your brother, your niece, your nephew, and your ally into danger. Youd be
giving Rainfur grief, and the information theyd learn about themselves might
mentally break them. Stormhearts head lowered as he looked as his paws.
Yes. . . he said after a few minutes. But Id be saving our clans as well as these
Volans. Besides, Rainfur would know why Im doing it. Evectri would be grateful,
and Bravepaw will be thrilled. Demonfang would be sad, but shed live on. Shes
strong. Matar smiled slightly.
Theres another reason youre doing it, his partner realized. Theres more to
that argument than youve let on. Stormheart nodded, smiling bleakly at Matar.
He hesitated at first, trying to find the right words.
Rainfur gave his life to save me a long time ago, Stormheart said. Now its time
to repay him. Matar looked at his partner hard, and after a few intense seconds, he
Very well, said Matar. You know what to do.
Stormhearts vision faded once more, except this time when he opened his eyes it
was back to the battle. Time had not moved since he was in his mind, and he was
grateful for that. All Stormheart had to do was stand still as Strom lunged forward
with bared teeth.
As the brown and white tom was pinned to the ground, the light brown Volan
seemed to understand what was going on. With a slight look of sorrow, and yet
also a smile of knowing, Strom bent down and bit through Stormhearts neck.
For the third time that day, he saw darkness.
Demonfang felt that something was wrong immediately. Her body stopped
working the way she wanted it to, and she strained against its refusal. However,
she was soon on the ground, physically unable to move any part of herself.
Darkness engulfed Demonfang soon after she noticed Duskfeather cry out for help.
She tried to blink it away, but the burning sensation in her head made her
unfocused, and the anger she felt inside distracted her.
Eventually, she opened her eyes to a cloudy grey darkness, though she could see
everyone perfectly well. She stood in front of several cats in which were definitely
StarClan. At first she didnt recognize them, and so she felt confused. However,
after a few seconds, her eyes widened, and she took a step back with fear.

Rain was tired, and he could already feel that he was losing. Out of pride he
continued on, but his body was numb with pain and exhaustion. Negro seemed to
smirk at this, his amber eyes narrowed as he watched Rainfur from the ground.
Rainy, hold on, said J actur, his voice almost sad. StarClans comin for ya,
buddy. Rains eyes narrowed tightly, angry that his partner had already given up.
No! Rain thought loudly, tensing his muscles as Negro came toward him. I can still
fight! I dont need help! I wont die!
Thats not what I meant, Rainy, said J actur. Something else is going to happen, and
though you probably wont like it, it will save these cats and the Volans fighting for
us. Rain didnt understandwasnt he just going to kill Negro like he tried to kill
Suddenly, Rain fell. He felt light, and his brain seemed to be having a raging
headache. Rain tried to get back up out of pure fear that Negro would kill him
before he got the chance to fight back, but he was paralysed it seemed.
Rain fell asleep, and when he opened his eyes he opened them to a cloudy grey
room in which several StarClan cats stood in front of him for. Beside him he could
see his daughter, but that was the only cat he recognized. That is, until several
moments later in which his jaw dropped and his eyes widened.
Evectri wasnt asleep as he was sure everyone thought he was. Evectri was reliving
the worst time in his life. Well, second worst if you count his love turning him in to
her father. No, the silver prince was watching the time Negro nearly killed him
when all he had done is spoken up for the cats.
The dream halted itself, though, as he saw himself flying away from the island left
to die. Evectri saw the scene in front of him change into a cloudy grey room with
starry cats standing proudly in front of him.
Rain was to his left, and Demonfang was to Rains left. Evectri searched the starry
cats, but found no one familiar but Stormheart, who stared only at his brother.
Evectri took a step back immediately, his amber eyes narrowed.
I shouldnt be here, said the silver prince. I dont belong
Nonsense, Evectri, claimed a silver tabby she-cat in front of the group of cats.
You belong here just as much as they do. Had you not come to help us with your
warriors, we would all be dead. Evectri nodded and stayed, but he was uncertain
at what they mean.
So why are we here? Evectri asked. Neither of the other two were even paying
attention to the fact that a battle was happening while they were all asleep. Rain
and Demomfang just stared at the starry cats.
Easy, stated the silver she-cat. So that we will carry out your plans of killing
your father to let these cats become free once more.
Rain had that taken care of, Evectri said.
No, said the silver she-cat. No he didnt. His strength was too overwhelming.
Only the power of all five of you could truly destroy such a mastered cat.
Five? Evectri asked. The silver she-cat nodded.
Rainfur, the sanity and the star. Stormheart, the justice and the moon. Demonfang,
the calm and the sun. Bravepaw, for his leadership. You, for your wings and for
your intelligence within a battle of air. claimed the silver tabby.
But Im not like themI dont have powers, Evectri protested. Im just. . .me.
Yes, this is true, said the silver tabby. However, youve gone through as much
as they have without powers, and youve kept to your goals. Youve recognized
when someone needed help, and you stood up before your own father about it. You
lived through a fatal wound, lived through a heart-break, and lived through exile.
Thats all that these cats have done, so I see no reason for you not to be included.
What does this have to do with StarClan, then? Evectri asked. I was created by
the Dark Forest, wasnt I?
Actually, no, you werent, claimed the silver tabby she-cat. That was what we
wished you to think, for we didnt want to take the blame of creating a new species
that would one day defy our own kind. Evectris eyes narrowed tightly.
What? he asked. But we were always told
And they were right, the silver tabby interrupted him. They left out, however,
that your kind was also created by StarClan. Evectris eyes widened, having not
expected those words.
But in the battle between them, the Dark Forest made us with the anticipation of
destroying StarClan with their new weapon. Evectri stated.
No, your kind was created after the great war of StarClan and the Dark Forest,
the silver tabby corrected him. In hope that one would win, they forced every bit
of power they could at each other. Unfortunately, one of those powers was to
create a new species. The Dark Forest used the power at the same time StarClan
did, creating the Volan. This power destroyed the both of them, for they had no
strength left to survive. StormClans ancestors moved back here where they
continue to strive, while the Dark Forest cats moved over there, choosing to warn
the other cats of their loss and how much pain theyve caused.
So we were created by. . .both? Evectri asked.
Exactly, said the silver tabby. Which is why this is has to do with StarClan
you have a connection with StarClan within your blood. Evectri blinked, trying to
process the new information. He was sure they were right, he just had a hard time
believing it.
Does that mean that they have a connection as well? asked Evectri, his tail
flicking toward Rainfur and Demonfang. The silver tabby she-cat stayed quiet.
Tell me, came Rains voice. However, it was a lot more demanding than Evectri
was used to.
Rainfur, the information is very secret
You allowed my brother to sacrifice himself! Rain yowled. For that, I deserve
to know why! Evectris eyes narrowed, looking quickly to Rains brother. He did
in fact look starry-eyed like the other cats, but how did Rain know that he
sacrificed himself?
Yes, and you will know in due time, the silver tabby told the grey and white tom
after a few moments. However, I must ask your brother something first. The
tabby turned toward Stormheart, who didnt seem surprised at all.
Are you sure this is your decision? the she-cat asked. Stormheart nodded
bleakly. Then by the powers given to me by StarClan, I grant your decision the
best of success. Before we continue, however, Continued the silver tabby with an
uncertain glance to Rain, There is a choice you must make. Stormhearts eyes
grew curious.
Because you have chosen on behalf of the clans instead of your own gain, and
because of your partners choice to become deceased with you, StarClan has
allowed you to make the decision of bringing one of these cats back to life. Choose
Stormhearts eyes were wide, and as he looked toward the starry cats behind him,
Evectri could tell from his gaze that the decision was not a planned one. The brown
and white tom thought for a long time, and Evectri wasnt at all agreeing with what
StarClan was forcing him to do.
He must know all of these cats, Evectri thought. Theyre asking him to betray
everyone by not choosing them to come back to life! Are they insane? A few more
minutes passed, and Evectri couldnt take it.
This is an impossible
Bravepaw, Stormheart suddenly said. Demonfang will need him after tonight.
The room was quiet, and Evectri felt as if he could taste the tension in the air.
Suddenly, a white glow surrounded Bravepaw, and soon the grey tom disappeared.
After a few moments, the white glow returned beside Demonfang, and when it
vanished, Bravepaw stood next to his sister with his jade green eyes filled with joy.
B-Bravepaw? Demonfang asked, her dark blue eyes clouded with emotion.
Arent you dead?
Im alive again, said Bravepaw with a warm smile. Im going to be with you
But. . .I killed you. . . said Demonfang. Didnt I?
Yes, but it was not your fault, remember? asked Bravepaw. Were together,
thats all that matters. Demonfang nodded, a smile on her face now. She leaned on
him, and Evectri looked the other way as they had their touching moment. Sadly,
he noticed Stormheartor at least a tom that looked like Stormhearthad taken
Bravepaws spot.
There was no reason for this, Rain growled, his light blue eyes narrowed tightly.
Yes, there was, the silver tabby said firmly.
Then tell me what it was! Rain snapped, his teeth bared as his fur bristled. Tell
me why my brother had to sacrifice himself when you already had enough
sacrifices set out already!
The choice was his own, claimed the silver tabby. He was repaying you after all
of these years. Evectri was slightly confused having no idea how long a year was,
but he discovered it must be a while.
The car, Rain breathed. But that was back when we were still human! Every
debt he owed me should have been erased!
Not in his mind, said the tom who looked like Stormheart. Either way, the
matters that are supposed to be discussed here must begin. The power to keep you
all alive here is immense, and even StarClan has its limits.
What are we discussing? asked Demonfang, her voice very soft now.
Your connection to StarClan, of course. said the silver tabby. For that
connection will be the only thing to save this world.
But I dont have any connection with StarClan, Demonfang argued.
Ah, but you do, said the silver tabby as she smiled. Your father is Rainfur, and
therefore you share his powers.
But Stormheart and Rain already know why they are connected, Demonfang
protested. They were created by StarClan, like Evectri. The silver tabby
There is so much more than that, young one, said the silver tabby. Does your
father realize why he can bring cats back to life with the life of a leader? Does your
father know why he has sent souls to StarClan, or why he has powers that even
J actur cannot explain? Does Stormheart know why he was the only one who could
calm you after your brother died? Does Stormheart know why he can create the
silhouette of a moon with blades upon them?
I thought even StarClan were clueless of those abilities, Rain said, his eyes still
We know, the silver tabby said. Weve always known. However, the reason I
have never told you is because it was only a thought at first. We didnt believe that
the. . .powers given to you would evolve to such heights. After all, had they not,
our plan would not be possible.
So what was your plan? said Evectri before Rain could speak out.
That is a story that will be explained to you immediately, the silver tabby told
him. After all, it is a story that is even older than your kind. This story will
explain, however, why J actur and Matar exist, and why they give Rainfur and
Stormheart powers that no normal cat could ever have. It was quiet. Demonfang
and Bravepaw listened carefully, and Rain was waiting.
Lets begin, shall we?

Chapter Thirty
This story starts after the death of the first four leaders, said Cheetahfur. Only
moons after the thriving clans mourned for their lost leaders, they became corrupt
with evil thoughts. For instance, ShadowClan wished to take over ThunderClan,
and WindClan wished to hunt in RiverClans territory while RiverClan would
simply live on fish. No one could agree with each other despite StarClans efforts
to get them under control.
StarClan was very weak at the time, claimed the silver tabby she-cat. They had
no medicine cats, so there was no connection to their ancestors. They could send
dreams, but most cats would just believe they were only what they seemed
dreams. Only a few thought them important. So, StarClan decided to give itself
power. They planned to entrust connection to one cat in each clan and give them
guidance and healing. This would be called the medicine cat.
So the clans did not begin with medicine cats? asked Demonfang, her voice still
soft. Cheetahfur shook her head.
No, only healers who guessed at herbs were allowed back then, Cheetahfur
explained. They were permitted to have kits and have mates. The medicine cats,
however, held a religious factor that StarClan knew they had to keep strict. They
created the Medicine Cat Code so that they knew the cat that had connections with
StarClan would have dedication and no distractions from their supernatural duty.
Anyway, the medicine cats were chosen easily, and the clans calmed down,
Cheetahfur told them. But of course, evil always finds its way into the hearts of
innocent cats. Soon, so much monstrous cats reigned through the clans, and
StarClan began to give up hope. The Dark Forest began to rise to tremendous
power, and the larger their territory became, the smaller StarClans was. It was a
time of dark indeed.
The medicine cats tried, but they were counted as weak in this time. Two of them
were exiled with their apprentices while the other two became shunned by their
clans. StarClan had no control, for again, their powers were limited when it came
to mortal cats. We were defenceless.
But what about the power it has now? asked Evectri. Like the power they had
when they created my kind? Cheetahfur looked to the Volan.
That power was not given to them yet, said Cheetahfur. So they relied on the
cats to fend for themselves. However, the Dark Forest began to get greedy, and so
battles erupted everywhere. Between clans, within clans, against two clans. . .Many
died, and as the cats were divided between StarClan and the Dark Forest, it seemed
that the clans would come to end no matter what happened.
And then the four leaderswhich is to say, Thunderstar, Shadowstar, Riverstar,
and Windstarhad a dark idea. Santus, a loner tom who had come from Twoleg
owners, appeared between the chaos and death that everyone had come to know.
He was a reasonable tom, one who understood war and how evil it was.
Inevitablethats what he told the cats. However, he told them that it should not
have gone on this long. He managed to let some see how dark their acts were, but
not all of them wanted to believe theyd done wrong.
The leaders came to Santus in a dream, asking if he would like their help to save
the clans. They told them that they could give him power to bring peace amongst
the fighting. Santus, one who did not believe in StarClan, refused, stating he had
his own ways to help the cats below.
The Dark Forest tried to force Santus under their control as well, but the brave
tom told them the same thing. StarClan decided to ignore the tom, but the Dark
Forest became angry. They forced a curse upon the tom, one in which made him
crazy at odd times. He killed some of our own cats, and the clans began to go back
to war again without Santuss teachings.
StarClan, in panic, put a soul within him. It was a soul in which had died from the
war, and so this gave Santus a connection with our ancestors. It was amazing of
what happened nextthe soul took over the curse for the tom and became partners
with Santus. The brave tom named the soul Selios, and so both stopped the war,
defeating those who believed it needed to continue.
Eventually, moons after the war had ended Santus wanted there to be more like
him. StarClan granted that wish, forcing curses upon cats who wished to have
similar powers before also giving them random souls. They were named, and
afterword they became the protectors of the clans.
Are you saying that we are like Santus? asked Rain, his blue eyes narrowed.
Cheetahfur shook his head.
No, you and your brother are not at all like him, Cheetahfur explained. Youre a
developed version, which I will tell you about in just a few moments. Rain
nodded, keeping quiet after that.
Generations went by, but soon, an ambitious soul was put into a massive tom,
Cheetahfur continued. Instead of protecting the clans, he wanted to lead them as
king. He killed those of his kind who didnt believe the same as him, and allowed
the others to live. He created a master plan that took moons to accomplish, but
eventually, he and his soul evolved to a level that had power beyond StarClans
control. Blades in the sky, strength of a thousand cats, speed of a flying birdit
was insanity waiting around the corner for StarClan.
StarClan refused refuge and savior for the clans after that, wanting nothing to do
with the chaos below. It was about then that the ambitious toms soul realized how
crazy his partner really was. He called out to StarClan, something that had never
been done. For many moons our ancestors did nothing, but finally, Selios did.
With his powers he and Santuswho both were in StarClan at the timecreated
a haven in StarClan for souls that were put into cats. The soul within the ambitious
tom finally refused to give his power and retreated to the haven, forever living
there from then on. The ambitious tom was executed soon after, and peace hung
over the clans once more.
The haven was soon repopulated, for every soul went there even if they had been
in StarClan for many moons. The difference between StarClan territory and the
haven was that the cats could become mates and have kits, which meant no
StarClan soul had to become a partner to another cat anymore.
Does that mean J actur was born there? asked Rain. And Matar? Cheetahfur
It is the place they call home, Cheetahfur answered. But after everything that
they went through, StarClan decided to never again create such power. The soul
Haven gave them enough strength to protect their clans, and so accidents were the
only reason why they were made. For example, if the Dark Forest put a curse on a
cat that StarClan wanted to save.
So we were accidents. Rain growled.
Yes and no, claimed Cheetahfur. We always wanted to create you and your
brother. After all, both of you needed another life. However, we werent conscious
of the fact that we were putting another soul into a cats body. Rain tilted his
What do you mean? he asked.
You and your brother were never born as cats, Cheetahfur told them. You were
a soul, and so even originally you had equal power to the other souls. However,
because of a miscommunication, you had a fair deal of insanity with you. At first
we didnt know why, but then we discovered an evolved soul had escaped the
haven to look for you. Both your insanity and his were so compelling that the
soulyes, J acturdecided to latch himself to you.
Being evolved and unintentional, J actur didnt know how to control his powers,
and neither did you. Eventually, after youd learned to control him, we realized
what had happened. It was too late thoughwe couldnt take J actur away because
you had to train Stormheart.
StarClan decided to let both Matar and J actur stay because of how much power
they gave you, and when Rainfuryouwere taken to the Cats of the Storms we
thought that it would be good for you. After all, with your connection to StarClan,
you might convince them that StarClan still lives like Ripple.
What does Ripple have to do with this? Rain asked.
She is not a healer, but a medicine cat, Cheetahfur explained. We allowed her to
have a mate because she was the only cat who believed in us even after all these
moons. Rains eyes widened slightlyhed never thought that Ripple would have
a connection to StarClan.
She prayed to StarClan right in front of you, mouse-brain, a familiar voice
reminded him. Id think you remember things like that, oh Great War Leader.
Rain spun around, finding J actur behind him.
How are you outside my body? Rain asked immediately. J actur laughed.
Im notIm still inside your head, J actur answered. Were all inside your
head. Rain instantly looked around, his blue eyes narrowed. Now he recognized it
allthe eerie grey fog that surrounded him, the outlines of large pine trees, and a
winding path leading to that dark place Rain knew was no longer filled with terror.
Butwhyhow Rain began.
You have the strongest mind, Cheetahfur explained. Evectri has his own secrets
and has not accepted nearly as much as you have, Demonfangs conscious would
have attacked us, and Bravepaws mind hasnt developed into his own.
So what exactly is my father? asked Demonfang before Rain could say anything.
Cheetahfurs blue eyes looked to her.
Youve seen Rainfurs abilities, said Cheetahfur. He can bring cats back from
the dead and send spirits to where they belong. This made everyone confused it
seemed. Rain was thinking, however, about what Cheetahfur had just said.
What Cheetahfur means to say, said Bravestar, stepping forward from the group
of former leaders. Is that Rainfur and Stormheart are portals from the mortal
world and StarClan. They can use every power that StarClan has, including taking
a soul from someone and putting it another. Rains muscles tensedhe was afraid
of that.
What about the ability to take memories? asked Demonfang. I noticed
Sharpmoon did that, and Snakestar as well. Cheetahfur nodded.
Any person who believes in StarClan has this ability, but it is one very hard to
perfect, the silver tabby explained. Sharpmoon was simply lucky, and StarClan
helped Snakestar. Rainfur spent many sunrises learning it on his way back from
giving J actur a name.
What about Bravepaw and I? asked Demonfang. Why can we do the things we
Santuss kind had never had powerful kits, Cheetahfur explained. One of the
kits would look like the soul, yes, but that was it. No power was inherited.
However, it was obviously not the case. Bravestar managed to prevent Bravepaw
to get powers, but you received them. You do not have a soul within you, of
course. You just have a second conscious that can only be controlled by someone
who is directly connected with StarClan. Demonfangs eyes narrowed.
Bravepaw had Bravestar within him, so thats why he could sooth me,
Demonfang began as her gaze drifted away. Stormheart was a portal, so he could
calm me down as well. All of a sudden, the dark blue-eyed she-cat stared straight
into Cheetahfurs eyes.
Who will control me now that Stormhearts gone and Bravestar no longer resides
in Bravepaw? Demonfang asked. Rain looked over to his daughter, frowning as
he realized that she thought like him.
Bravepaw will always be there for you, Cheetahfur answered. He knows
StarClans secrets, so he will always be connected. Your father will be with you as
well. Demonfangs eyes widened quickly, looking over to Rain as if trying to see
if shed offended him. Rain just looked away.
You still didnt answer my first question, Rain muttered after remembering.
Why did you need my brother sacrifice himself? The tension in the room had
doubled once more, for Rain was allowing his power to drift from his body on
The war has failed uswe have all lost a second time, Cheetahfur said.
So you drug us in here just to allow that to happen? asked Rain, his ears flat
against his head. He had his teeth bared and his fur bristled. I had Negro! I could
have killed him!
Sorry to break it to you, J actur chipped in. but no, you couldnt. Stormheart
couldnt kill Negros father Rains gaze snapped over to his partner with wide
Negros father? Rain asked, his voice loud.
and Demonfang would have gone crazy before she got to you.
So StarClan has decided to grant every power we can so that you can win this war
before we lose, Cheetahfur said, taking over before Rain attacked his partner.
But you said we lost, Rain hissed.
No, but we would have, Cheetahfur argued.
How do you know? Rain asked, his tail lashing. With each moment that were
in here, we could be fighting out there to save our families and friends!
Cheetahfur sighed.
Young Rain, dont you understand? she asked. In your mindin this place
time has stopped. Every moment in here has no effect on the outside world.
Rains eyes narrowed, and the silver tabby allowed him to think upon that.
The combination of all five of youseven if you include J actur and Matarwill
ensure the war to be won, Cheetahfur told them. These sacrifices are what will
allow StarClan to do this. All you have to do is agree to do it.
There was a momentary silence. Rain was ready to pounce on the nearest cat he
could find, for everyone seemed to think Stormhearts death was nothing to worry
about. Hes my brother! Rain hissed. How can they treat him as if hes nothing?
I think its a good idea, claimed Demonfang suddenly. I. . .I really want this
war to end so that nobody has to die or get wounded. And I also want to spend time
with Bravepaw. Bravepaw smiled warmly to his sister.
Love, Rain thought.
Id like to do it too, said Bravepaw. I know why it must be done.
Sense, Rain told himself.
Anything to destroy my father, Evectri growled, his amber eyes narrowed. He
wont stay here just because the greedy bird-brain wants too.
Revenge, Rain concluded.
The idea is scary, Stormheart said aloud. But I dont careNegro cant destroy
the only home I have.
Security, Rain thought.
Sounds good to me, said J actur with a smirk. As long as I get to kill
Enjoyment, Rain thought to himself.
I will fight for whatever my partner believes in, Matar answered, his glass-like
eyes narrowed.
Loyalty, Rain sighed. He recognized the fact that he was the only one who hadnt
decided, and though he agreed completely that it should be done, he was hesitant.
Anything that had to do with StarClan and J actur and Matar could get them all
killed. And still, no one cared for poor Stormheart.
Rain looked over to his brother with sorrow in his light blue eyes before saying,
Are you sure this is what you want? I mean, after eight moons, we still wont be
together. Stormheart smiled bleakly.
Ive made excellent friends, Rainfur, and the last thing I want to do is see them
die, Stormheart responded. I know youve made friends too, like Evectri and the
other Volans. You and I both want nothing more than to protect our friends, and,
well, Im doing that.
Yes, but you could have just fought, Rain reminded his brother. We didnt have
to be separated.
I know, Stormheart admitted. I think. . .I think Ive finally accepted that this
was fates design. For so long, Ive rejected the fact that all of thisyou leaving,
this new government, Demonfangs lossit was all part of a plan. StarClan may
have not had a say in it, but still, it was all meant to happen. Rain stared for a few
moments before giving a swift nod.
Then thank you for your sacrifice, brother, Rain said. He turned toward
Cheetahfur. I believe were on a time constraint, yes? Cheetahfur smiled.
May your fight be successful, Cheetahfur prayed. Her blurry figure blurred, and
so did everyones but Matars, J acturs, Rains, Demonfangs, Bravepaws,
Stormhearts, and Evectris.
I hope you did this for a reason, Rain thought silently to Stormheart with a smile
on his face.
Rain opened his eyes to the island scenery. Fallen cats and Volans surrounded him
as he stood, and he could see Negro calling out with glee. Hed apparently thought
hed won. Rain stood with wobbly legs, but eventually he felt strong enough.
AlrightIm focusing on the wings, claimed Evectri through thoughts.
I think Rainfurs got the body, though hell need more help with that. . . murmured
Ill do it! said J actur.
Bravepawyou and I call out the best battle moves, Matar ordered, his deep voice
ringing through Rains ears.
Demonfang and I will focus on the powers, requested Stormheart. Rainfur, well
need your help if such power is needed. Rain sighed.
So were all in one body? Rain asked.
Yup, J actur answered. We look awesome!
Well, is everyone ready? Rain asked.
I am! J actur said excitedly. Lets get this battle on! The wings of the body
suddenly stretched, flapping a few times. This was an eerie feeling for Rainhe
could feel the extra limbs of the wings, but he could not control them.
The wings are stiff, but were ready for take off, Evectri reported.
We better get into the sky as fast as we can, said Matar. Were ready when you are,
aside from that.
Erm, Rainfur? Asked Demofang. Stormheart was wondering if you knew how to do
that outline thingy?
I think I can, Rain answered.
Okay thenwere ready. Stormheart replied.
Excellent, thought Rain. Now, how do we get into the air? There was a small
Weve got enough distance, so just run as fast as you can in one direction, Evectri
instructed. Jump when you get to your fastest pointIll take care of the rest. Rain
Fine with me, he responded. Quickly afterword, Rain forced the body forward as
fast as he could. The legs were easy to move, but the body itself felt very, very
heavy. It was as if he was trying to move the most exhausted body of all.
When Rain felt fast enough, he leaned back and jumped as high as he could into
the air. The grey and white tom felt the wings flap strongly through the air. His
bodyor whoever owned itlifted higher and higher, and Rain felt as free as an
Okay, now bring your front legs in and stretch your back legs outitll help me go
forward. Evectri explained. Rain immediately tucked in his fore legs and stretched
out his hind quarters so that it looked like he was jumping. After a few moments,
the wings brought them forward toward Negro.
The black Volans grin disappeared as he saw Rain gliding toward him. Evectri
helped Rain by flapping the wings in such a way to make him stop before simply
flying in one place.
Who are you? Negro demanded. You are not of my flock.
No, were not, Rain answered, the voices of all seven of them coming forth. We
have been made to destroy you, for you will not destroy our home. Negros amber
eyes narrowed.
I dont care what you were made for, Negro growled. You will not destroy
me! The black Volan swiftly folded his wings and took off toward them. Rain
having literally no idea what to doducked as if he would a normal cat. Evectri
yelled at him, and soon the grey and white tom found himself falling through the
Idiotyou could have justit would have been so easy toJust hold on, Evectri
said through gritted teeth. Suddenly, his wings flattened out at the last moment,
and Rain found himself soaring once more.
Where is
Negros above usseemingly two tail-lengths away, four fox-lengths above. We
are only a half tail-length from the ground. Matar interrupted.
Those calculations are impossible, Evectri hissed. We cant go down, we cant
allow him to attack, we cant pull forward, and we can attack him from below!
Can we go faster? Rain asked.
What? Evectri asked.
Can we speed up? Rain asked again, his voice becoming firm.
Well, yeah, but its a slow process that could take too long, Evectri growled,
obviously irritated.
It may be the only chance we have, Bravepaw piped up. Otherwise, the only thing
we could do is land and sprint as forward as fast as we can and I doubt we would
last long there.
Fine, Evectri said after a few momentshe seemed to have lightened up. Just wait
a few momentsthis may take a while. Rain nodded, choosing to just keep an eye
on Negro, who soared about them with a grin on his face.
Yeah, well dont count on it stayin on his face for too long, came J acturs snide
comment. Rain smirked.
Not if we have anything to say to it, huh? Rain asked. However, it was about then
that the grey and white tom noticed the wings flapping harder and harder, pulling
them through the air.
In a flash, the ground beneath him disappeared, and it was replaced by the moonlit
waves of the lake. Rain growled with warning to Evectri, but suddenly found
himself amazed at how he looked.
There were grey, brown, and white splotches all over his fur, some of the grey
tabby while some of it just pale like Bravepaws coat. His wings seemed to be
sprinkled with feathers of colour Evectris silver colour, Rains and
Demonfangs Rainy grey colour, and Bravepaws pale blue coat as well as
Stormhearts deep mud brown. His eyes were the most uniquehe had one glossy,
jade green eye, while the other eye was a blue eyeneither dark like Demonfangs
and J acturs or light like Rainswith specks of bright amber. His fur was long
like Matars and Stormhearts, leaving them to look slightly larger than Negro.
Thats really freaky, Demonfang said, amazed.
Isnt it awesome? J actur said excitedly.
Itll sure scare everyone on the island. Rain reminded them.
So? Evectri asked. Theyll know who we are. I doubt theyll be too frightened.
Besides, they wont come near our battle, which trust me, will be bloody.
Matar and I advise you to destroy the Volans aside from Negro, Bravepaw
suddenly told them. You know, before they kill our entire population.
You thinkin what Im thinkin Rainfur? Stormheart suddenly asked.
Yup, Rain said, a small smile forming. Do you know whos with us and whos not?
Ill know, Evectri put in. Ill influence them to stay away.
Okay, oh Great One, said Demonfang. Now how on earth are you going to get us
back to the island? If you havent noticed, were in the middle of the lake.
So sarcastic! J actur laughed. Rainy, your daughter sounds awesomely like
me. Rain rolled his eyes.
Evectri? Rain asked. You got any ideas?
One, but itll be very, very confusing. . .Think you can follow directions? Evectri
Maybe, Rain asked.
Good, Evectri told him. Do as I say and well be back in the island in no time.
Ready then? Rain asked.
Completely, Evectri answered.

Chapter Thirty-One
Okay, were going to loop backwards and twist around as fast as we can, Evectri
told Rain.
And how on earth am I supposed to move the body to make that happen? Rain
Well, have you ever looped backwards? Evectri asked. Rain laughed slightly, and
the silver prince heard Stormheart do so as well. They seemed to be sharing a
certain inside joke.
Hey Stormheart, do you remember that trip to Dreamworld? Rain asked. The one
where you were too scared to go on the Buzzsaw? Stormheart laughed.
Yeah, I remember, Stormheart answered. Dad made you go on it even though you
insisted on staying behind with me. That was one scary loop if you ask metightest
thing I ever did see, but it was so high up in the air. . .Im amazed that you even
went on it.
Then theres also that Taekwondo class you took, Rain continued. I had to do it as
well. I hated that class because it was so stressful. You learned more than me but
I still managed to do that back flip from the wall.
What are you two talking about? Evectri asked impatiently.
You dont want to know, J actur said slyly. Theyre just remembering old
memories. Rain laughed.
Seriously? At a time like this? Evectri asked.
Fine, fine, Im sorry, claimed Rain. But to answer your question, yes, I have looped
So you know how to? Evectri asked.
Yeah, though itll be tough to transfer those movements. . .its been awhile since
Ive done them, you see. I was a lot. . .smaller and I had different kind of. .
.body. Rain responded.
Well can you twist in the air? Evectri asked.
Hmm. . .Im assuming the wings will give me a boost? Rain asked.
Of course, Evectri answered.
That sounds a lot like swimming, Stormheart suddenly put in. You know, after the
flip turn? Push off, twist and youre off.
You know, youre right, Rain thought aloud. It seems those swimming lessons
actually paid off.
Again, what are you talking about? Evectri asked. Did you two seriously
have swimming lessons?
Yeah, something like that, Rain answered. Again, we were a lot younger then.
So you know how to move? Evectri asked.
Yeah, Rain answered.
Alright then, lets get going, Evectri stated. He focused hard on the wings, noticing
that they were much easier to use after simply flying as fast as they could from his
father. On three?
One, Rain said.
Two, J actur responded.
Three! Evectri called, flattening out his wings immediately as he felt the body lean
backward. He felt Negro fly under him with a surprised gasp. The black Volan
continued flying, falling for the trick again. Evectri smirked as he gave one big flap
of his wings, allowing Rain the boost he needed.
The body twisted, though not as well as theyd have liked. They managed to find
themselves falling toward the lake, and being only a half a tree-length away from
the waves, the silver prince knew he had to act fast. He hissed, using the powerful
wings to bring them back to the air with powerful flaps. They went up just as their
hind paws tapped the water.
That was. . .beautiful? J actur asked, his voice uncertain. Or was it scary? Breath-
taking, maybe? Oh, never mind. I give up. Rain chuckled.
The light on the waves in the middle of the lake is surely something well never see
again, Rain commented.
Whats so great about it? Evectri asked.
We havent got wings like you, Evectri, Demonfang pointed out. We couldnt see
that again if we tried.
Oh, right. . . Evectri murmured. He then focused on pushing the body through the
air as fast as he could, aware that his furious father had turned around and was now
speeding toward them. The silver prince knew that they just needed to get to the
island to save the cats, and then the rest was just to make this battle end.
Stormheart, Demonfang, youre up! J actur called out excitedly with a hint of
sneakiness in his voice. He was obviously enjoying the fight even if he wasnt in
the spotlight as usual.
Guys, this could be dangerous, Bravepaw warned. Theres a percentage that youll
hurt another cat considering these blades wont know exactly what to do.
Thats why we arent defeating all of them, Demonfang responded.
What do you mean? Evectri asked.
Well, we thought it would be unkind to pretty much wipe out your entire species so
Stormheart and I decided to let you choose who needs to die and who needs to
simply be wounded, Demonfang told the silver prince. I mean, if this were my kind
getting destroyed, I wouldnt want Bravepaw or Stormheart to accidentally die
because theyre simply fighting for their lives.
Evectri blinkedhed forgotten about his friends in his flock and his brother and
other family members because honestly he believed that if they fought for Negro
they were evil. However, as he thought about it, he found himself relieved that
Demonfang made a very smart choice.
Erthanks, Evectri replied. It was about that moment that the silver prince noticed
their body had made it to the island was now flying over the chaos. Bodies were
sprawled out everywhere, and from above, Evectri knew that it seemed disastrous.
He could only imagine what the cats in the body were thinking.
It would be smartest to fly to the middle and make a spiral movement upward so
that you can cast more distance between yourself and Negro, Matar told
them. Straighten out when you get a tree-length up, and just as you do so
Stormheart, Demonfang, and Rainfur should send the outlines into the sky. They
all murmured in understanding, readying their body for what was to come.
Evectri used all of his strength to pull them further and further forward until at the
last moment as he felt the body pull itself toward the sky. Evectri pushed the wings
so that they could flap as hard as they could one last time to give the body a boost
before folding them inward as Rain allowed the body to twist upward.
Evectrithough focused on keeping an eye on Negro and moving his wings
found himself amazed as he saw three colorful outlines in the sky. On the right,
there was a green moon, and beside that there was a blue star. Next to that there
was a yellow sun, and it burned in the sky with sharp white things circling through
Evectri looked through the crowd, picking out a few Volans he knew theyd never
convince. He chose to kill them, knowing they were far gone anyway. It pained
him to do that, but he remembered why he was doing it and went on. Finally, he
highlighted each Volan that was not on his side in his mind, and immediately
afterword he felt power surge through the body.
Evectri, keep flying as fast as you can away from your dad! Stormheart hissed. The
rest of youhold on! It was an eerie feeling, but at the same time, mind-blowing. It
felt as if the largest gust of wind ever created was shooting through them from
somewhere else, and this made it difficult for Evectri to continue flying.
Being a tree-length up in the air, the next even was incredibly freaky. The sharp
white things shot from the outlines to the cats hed highlighted and picked out, and
instantly over ten cats fell to the ground. Moments later, four more did as well, and
from the sky, it was insanely disturbing to see so many bodies on the ground.
Thats sick, Demonfang spat.
Agreed, Stormheart answered shortly.
What are you talking about? Youve seen death before, havent you? J actur asked.
Yeah, but not so much from so high up in the sky! Stormheart hissed. And why
doesnt it disgust you?
Buddy, you have got to keep in mind that I live in your brothers mind, J actur said,
though he didnt seem very angry at all. And besides, Ive caused most of the blood
your brothers seen, minus the part of when Alfie died.
Alright, how are we going to defeat your father? Bravepaw asked as they
flew. What are his weaknesses?
Arent you supposed to figure that out? Evectri asked rudely.
Yeah, but you know him best, Demonfang spoke up for her brother.
I havent even been with him for the past few moons! Evectri said in defense. Ive
been with the Cats of the Storms!
How? Dont they hate your kind? Stormheart asked.
The Kreis Operio, Evectri asked. There was a few moments silence. You know, the
ability to make myself disappear into a small orb of light?
How on earth can disappearing into an orb allow you to be with cats? Stormheart
Im advanced for my age, and I think Im the only Volan whos been able to hide
only my wings aside from my Grandfather, Evectri explained.
Ster, I mean, Negros father could totally disappear on me? Stormheart
gasped. Glad that fight didnt last long.
Um, well, for some reason, we can see through the Kreis Operio, Rain told his
Anyways, what on earth are we going to do about the big black Volan about to
suck our blood out like a real bat? asked Demonfang. Rain laughed.
Good one, he commented.
Negros weakness is the ground, Evectri finally answered their original question.
He cant fight on four paws as well as he can in the air. Oh, and theres also the
fact he always underestimates everyone he fights.
And were losing against this guy? J actur asked.
Never mind thatI think we have a plan, Bravepaw said quickly. As long as we get
him to the ground and fight him there, well have an advantage. Then, if were
losing again, we can just put our power at full blast and destroy him.
Bravepaw, the full blast power thing could kill Evectri and you, Rain warned.
Not if we do it right, Bravepaw intervened.
I have to agree with the young kit, Matar said maturely.
Fine, but be awareNegros fast at figuring things out, Evectri growled.
No one said a word after that. Evectri focused on the wings, flapping them hard as
he instructed Rain to extend the legs once they were close enough to the ground.
Evectri turned the wings to allow the body fly downward, and flap by flap he
worked on keeping them from falling while still letting the body land smoothly.
When Evectri felt the paws land on the ground, he folded his wings and felt the
body surge forward in a full out sprint. The silver prince was speechless as the
body ran with such speed that even he might be out done. The muscles of the body
moved smoothly along the ground, and Evectri immediately searched for his
Negros two tail-lengths behind us, four fox-lengths above us, Matar
reported. Should he dive, hed catch us.
Should we attack? Stormheart asked.
We cant get back in the airNegro would force us to stay there after the stunt we
just pulled, Evectri warned.
Well jump, then, Rain said.
Yeah, and voles can fly, Evectri hissed. Jumping to that length is suicide!
Not if we land it correctly, Stormheart piped up. And Rainfur has jumped to those
lengths before.
He has? Bravepaw asked.
If what Matar told me was true, then yeah, Stormheart answered. Nonetheless I
think that with our strength, getting injured that way is a slim chance. Our body is
stronger than most, havent you noticed that?
It can still happen, Evectri growled. No matter how much strength you have, we
Negros attackingRain, jump! Bravepaw suddenly snapped. Evectri felt the body
twist and spring into the air further than the silver prince had ever seen a cat jump.
With unsheathed claws they pushed the black Volan to the ground. It was when
both bodies hit the ground that Evectri realized how much of a difficult time this
was going to be.
Negro easily over powered their body, pinning them down with only a bit of
tumbling. Evectri, even though he tried to get the wings off of the ground, failed at
bringing them upward. Negro sharpened his wings and stabbed them into the wings
Evectri had to control.
Evectri yowled with pain, knowing that one fragile bone in the tender right wing
had broken as he felt blood seeping through them.
Evectri, can you feel that? Demonfang asked idiotically.
Of course I can, mouse-brain! Evectri caterwauled at the young she-cat. Even his
voice showed his agony. Cant you?
No, I cant, Demonfang said firmly.
Neither can I, Rain answered.
Me neither! J actur responded.
I cant feel anything in that area, Stormheart claimed.
I am numb there too, Bravepaw admitted.
As am I, Matar reported.
Mouse-dung! Evectri spat as Negro raised his paw to strike. Rain quickly took care
of it by rolling out an opening, unbalancing Negro. This sent the black Volan
tumbling to the ground. A bone in the wing is broken!
Is it an important one? Stormheart asked.
Every bone in the wing is important! Evectri hissed. But. . .I guess Ill live for now.
. .
How can Negro even do that? Bravepaw asked. The wings arent that sharpand
thats all feathers!
Not for Volans, Evectri told them. The end of every bone is a sharpened point aside
from the joints. Also, if you look closely at each of our last bone, there is a little
fang-like claw that is completely straight and over the skin.
What on earth is that for? J acutr asked.
Protection, Evectri responded. Its just like why our mother she-cats can have up to
six kits, and why we have the Kreis Operio.
Guys, Negros recovering quickly! Bravepaw warned. Rain immediately took
action by spinning around and lunging at the bat-like Volan. Evectris father did
the same, and they crashed together with a lot of force. The body clawed at Negro
as Evectri tried to distract his father with his wings.
Youve got to do better than that if you want to defeat me, Negro hissed with
narrowed amber eyes after theyd landed on four paws once more. The black
Volan lunged once more before Rain could recover, and instantly they were pinned
to the cold ground.
Evectri wrapped a wing around his father and pulled him off long enough for Rain
to force the body upward and forward. Evectri folded his wings in once more,
knowing full well that the break was worsening.
The black Volan jumped into the air, and though Matar was able to calculate where
he was, they had no time to react. Negro dove right toward them, and intelligently,
Rain jumped forward just before Evectris father landed. After the black Volan set
his paws on the ground he lunged toward the multi-coloured body. Rain turned
around and gave a long gash on Negros cheek.
Evectris father yowled, but recovered quickly before dashing forward and
wrapping both of his wings around the body as tightly as he could. As soon as they
got about five fox-lengths in the air, Negro unsheathed his claws and clawed
through the body that Rain controlled. Evectri heard both the grey and white tom
and his partner yowl with immediate agony. It was too early to think it was over,
thoughNegro let go of the body and watched as it fell to the ground with a loud
Rainare you okay? Stormheart asked immediately. Wait, who feels the pain aside
from Jactur and my brother? No one spoke. So only the parts we control can hurt
Evectri. . .Evectri. . .bring us into the air. . .Rain gasped.
But thats more than dangerous Evectri began.
I dont care! Rain yowled. Weve got to recover! Evectri sighed, but eventually
told him to jump into the air. Rain did so, and Evectri flapped as hard as he could
to force the body into the air a few fox-lengths before flying forward rapidly.
Negro quickly leaped up from the ground and followed them, forcing Evectri to go
faster. Matar and Bravepaw kept them updated on calculations, but it made the
silver prince even more nervous. Four fox-lengths. . .three fox-lengths. . .two fox-
lengths. . .
We have to go up
Just stay straight a little further! Bravepaw urged. Evectri did as told, but he knew
what was going to happen. Hed seen it before a long, long time ago. Negro was
catching up little by little, and eventually, Evectri knew it was too late.
The black Volan pushed them into the Great Oak tree, and their head hit first with
full impact. Evectri felt a raging headache immediately afterword and could not
keep them in the air. Rain and J actur obviously felt the same thing, for the body
did nothing but fall six fox-lengths from the sky.
They hit the ground once more, and Evectri knew one of their legs was broken.
Negro was smirking as he landed smoothly a few fox-lengths away.
Bravepaw, Matar, we could use some help right now, Evectri said. There was no
response. Oh boy.
Theyve temporarily shut-down, Im assuming, Rain murmured.
Then what are we going to do? Demonfang asked. Our powers arent working!
They arent? Evectri asked.
No, theyre blocked for some reason, Stormheart responded.
I have an idea why, but I hope Im wrong, J actur muttered.
Well what are we going to do now? Demonfang asked. Weve got no
advisors! Evectri wasnt listening, though. He knew what to do even though he
didnt know the first step. Distraction was the only way to win with his father, it
seemed. Surprise. Yeah, thats the only thing that worked.
Rain, how do you do the memory thing the silver tabby mentioned? Evectri asked.
Um, you just look into the cats eyes and search for the memory after getting past
their defence, Rain answered. Why?
I have the perfect memory to distract him, Evectri explained. That will allow
Stormheart and Demonfang to ready their powers and you to attack as quickly ask
you can.
Evectri, memories arent the best things to deal with, Stormheart warned. Take it
from Rainfur.
Yes, but its the only way, Evectri murmured. There was a few moments of
silence. Get me to where I can look him in the eye. When hes distracted, attack.
Stormheart, Demonfangfocus on using the powers you have. There was a small
murmur of agreement before Rain stood up and lunged toward Negro. They
crashed into each other, causing pain to Rain and J actur. However, in one single
moment, Evectri looked into his fathers eyes and their amber gazes met intensely.
Evectri easily evaded the jungle defence his father had, breaking through it by just
flying through the undergrowth. It was after that that he searched for that one
memory he knew would distract Negro to the extent that they needed.
Show me, father, Evectri hissed. Show me how you almost ripped me apart!

Chapter Thirty-Two
Demonfang didnt know what had happened when she saw it. Evectri might have
been under the impression that only he would see the memory, but he was so
wrong. She could see the event clearly, and that distracted her from what she was
supposed to be doing.
Tavo! Come on! You have to keep running! claimed a small, silver tabby Volan
with amber eyes. Its part of the game! Behind the tom was another deep brown
tom who seemed to be struggling.
Youre. . .too. . .fast. . .Evectri. . . breathed the brother. Slow. . .down. . .
Evectri gave a mischievous smile over his shoulder before running faster. The
silver prince eventually made it through two jungle trees very close together and
slowed down, his brother at least a tree-length away.
Evectri chuckled playfully as his brother finally made it to the finish line, and
immediately he nipped Tavo in the ear. It was obvious he was trying to play, but
his brown brother didnt seem to share the same energy level.
Evectri, Tavo groaned. How can you still be so excited? That was hard!
And just think, in one half moon, well be flying! Evectri stated excitedly.
The scene changed to a clearing in which several young cats were found flying.
Evectri and Tavo were there too, but Demonfang was still trying to get over how
cute Evectri was when he was younger, and how different his personality was now.
What had changed?
Good job, sons! claimed a voicethe memory must have been through Negros
eyes. Evectri, try the twist, and Tavo, try the loop! Both tomsnow about three
or four moons oldnodded before doing what they were told. Tavo flawlessly did
the loop, and Evectri glared from the side lines. It was playful, but competitive.
Evectri flew in circles for a bit before flying upward in a perfect spiral motion with
his wings folded in. After he was done, he flattened out his wings and looped
backwards just like his brother had done. The silver prince smirked as he landed
right beside his brother, and Tavo glared.
That was amazing, Evectri! claimed a black tom. A brown and white she-cat
landed beside him with bright eyes.
That was awesome! the she-cat praised.
Yes, yes, it was good, but you werent following orders, Negro growled to his
son. And how did you learn that, anyway? It takes moons to figure out how to do
it. Evectri looked up to his father with innocent amber eyes.
I taught it to myself, Evectri answered smoothly. The younger Volans stared in
awe at the silver prince, but Negro did not say anything.
Demonfang saw a pretty white she-Volan along with a few elder winged cats. They
all seemed to be in a den fit for a king, which made things more enticing.
This is a bird-brained idea! the white she-Volan hissed. Hes only four moons
old! Some of the elders gave her reassuring looks, and it was obvious they
thought the same.
I know, love, but you must understand that the future King needs protection,
Negro reminded everyone. Evectri is perfect for thathe has your lean body and
the intelligence to being a wonderful moon-warrior. The white-Volan, whom
seemed like his mate, shook her head.
But its so dangerous! she cried. I wont let him go through all that pain. No,
its not for my little kit. . . Negro sighed.
Leona, Evectri can end this war, Negro urged. He has enough strength and
battle strategy to make all of this hurt end. But if hes not trained, he wont be able
to. Leonas bright blue eyes met her mates, and they were narrowed tightly.
You mean hell become independent and try to over power you? she spat coldly.
Negro opened his mouth, but couldnt say anything. Is that all you care about?
Hes our son! Hes our own flesh and blood and youre considering to put him
through several lifetimes of misery!
Leona, my father, his father, and his father and his father have all worked hard to
keep peace amongst our flock, Negro claimed. If he has a mind of his own, he
might become a cold hearted killer that will destroy everything we know. Leona
didnt lighten up any further.
Well isnt that what you want to turn him into anyway? Leona asked.
Leona, he will be a valiant protector! Negro exclaimed. If we go through with
this, hell be a legend!
Queen Leona, if I may, said one of the elders. This might be a wonderful
opportunity. Your son as enough power to become like Negros father
Thats exactly my point! Leona screamed, tears streaming down her face. My
son will not become a killing machine with no honour or thought of the cat he just
I wish to see what this little tom will amount to, murmured another elder. I will
pursue Negros decision.
As am I, said the other elder. I believe that as long as King Negro does not
mind having his own kit trained at such lengths, this plan should go well. That
was all of the elders. They had all agreed to have Evectri trained to insane lengths.
Thats a majority, Negro put in, smiling slightly as he looked to his mate. Leona
looked around the den, hoping quickly for support. However, there was only looks
of pity thrown in her direction. Growling, she stormed out of the room.
Demonfang watched as the scene faded and reappeared back at the clearing. Her
eyes were wide as she thought of what she just saw. They were mates, and yet
Negro cruelly didnt even consider her fears and intuition. It amazed her, and
scared her.
Many young Volans were on one side jumping around excitedly as they awaited
their mentor while only four were on the other side staring longingly at their
siblings. Between those four, the silver prince stood in the middle looking
frightened and curious as to what his brother was doing.
Pay attention! hissed the Volan in front of him. He was tall and long, and very
angry. While you are being trained by me, you must not ask stupid questions, and
you must be focused. Mind you, this wont be a pleasant experience, but in the end
youll all be moon-warriors just like youve always wanted. Evectri, however,
continued staring at his brother who was learning a cool flying technique.
Why cant we learn what theyre learning? Evectri asked curiously.
Because theyre all normal, the Volan spat. You, however, are all exceeding
regular expectations, and so you will be trained especially away from your siblings
and friends. Now, there will be no more questions. The Volans were quiet.
Now, I want you to fly four times around the clearing, their mentor hissed.
Nobody made a move. What are you waiting for? Now, please! The young
Volans took off into the air and flew with paced timing. Evectri, being the smallest
and the youngest, was surprised when he was faster than any of the other ones.
Faster, you bird-brains! their mentor yowled from his spot. You have to go as
fast as you possibly can! The kits went faster, and soon Evectri could tell that the
others were catching up. He, too, went faster, but he wasnt pushing himself. When
he was done, he landed unceremoniously.
Evectri noticed that the kits around him were all breathing very hard, and a dark
tom looked on the verge of passing out. Their Volan mentor looked at the silver
prince with suspicion, which made Evectri look at him innocently.
Do it again, their mentor demanded. And you should all be flying faster!
Evectri stood up and took off immediately, obviously intimidated by the Volan. He
still didnt try as hard as he knew he could, and yet the silver prince was faster
than the other kits.
When the group landed, Evectri noticed that the other kits were frightened and
very exhausted. He was too, but he had an idea that it wasnt to their extent. The
silver prince pitied them, for if it werent for his royal blood, he would be in their
position as well.
Evectri! their mentor snapped, quickly getting the silver princes attention. Do
you think your training is a joke? Do you think that you can beat those cats by just
standing there? Evectri shook his head, shrinking lower to the ground. Then
why arent you trying harder? Do it again!
The kits went into the air again, and Evectri innocently continued to pace himself.
His wings had begun to get tired, and his breathing strengthened, but the silver
prince knew that it was useless to actually fly as fast as he could. After all, Evectri
had found out from an early age that if he didnt pace himself, hed run out of
energy too fast.
Again! the Volan demanded as soon as they landed. Try harder, Evectri, or I
will force you to feel pain! Frightened, Evectri took off into the air again, still
doing what hed been doing the last three times.
Their mentor made them do it seven more times before the Volan seemed to be
fuming. Their mentor stormed over to Evectri and raised his paw, and out of
instinct the silver prince ducked and leaped away. This made their mentor even
angrier, and so he, too, jumped. The Volan landed on the four moon old silver
prince, raised his paw, and slashed open a gash on the little kits cheek.
Now if you dont want more punishment, youll listen to me rather than ignore my
words! their mentor snapped as he stood off of the whimpering prince. He turned
toward the dark tom who had vomited just moments before. What is your name?
I-Intono. . . the kit said quickly.
Well, Intono, said their mentor. You better get to the point where you can do
twenty of those without vomiting or youll never make it through this training. Am I
clear? The black kit nodded quickly.
Now do it again, and well do it until Evectri starts to try! Their mentor hissed.
The kits flew into the air, their speeds slowing drastically since when they first
started. Evectri actually tried, his cheek stinging painfully. When they all landed, it
seemed more like falling.
Acceptable, their mentor growled. Now I want you all to sprint over to the
other side of the clearing and back. Now! They did so, and with Evectri trying his
hardest, he was at least a few fox-lengths in front of the other kits. He was
obviously the fastest.
They did this four more times, and by the end the kits were all on the ground trying
to catch their breath as they rested their sore muscles. Evectri did so as well, for
he was exhausted by the end of the running.
Good, their mentor muttered. Now thats the end of the first part of your
training. When you get stronger, we will do more. Every morning we will go
through these drills, and there will be no complaining. Lets get on to the real
training now.
Demonfang was just about sick looking at them. Shed never imagined training
that hard, and yet there was more. In her mind, that was pretty much torture. And
yet little Evectri did this at the age of only four moons old.
I assume he is progressing, Azotar? asked Negro, sitting beside their mentor.
The scene had changed and as most of the young Volansnow about Demonfangs
agetrained, the other four did so separately. Two more cats had joined them as
well, one of them Laidia, the brown and white she-Volan.
After that first moon, yes, I think he has, Azotar answered. He has become
more accustomed to taking orders, it seems. Would you like to see? Negro nodded
Prince Evectri! Azotar called. The silver prince looked up from talking to his
friends, his amber eyes immediately locking onto his mentors. Show King Negro
that move you learned just the other daydo it with Intono. Evectri nodded
instantly, the dark tom next to him moving in front of Evectri. Theyre friends took
several steps back, watching with caution.
The two toms stared, but for only a moment. Then, fast as lightning, Evectri lunged
toward Intono with unsheathed claws. His claws sank into the dark toms skin, and
immediately the silver prince flew upward a tree-length with strength equivalent to
his fathers.
The silver prince let his friend go, and instantly flew in a sideways loop before
rapidly soaring toward Intono. They crashed into each other, and Evectri pushed
the dark tom into a nearby tree before letting Intono go again. The silver prince
then landed neatly on the ground as he watched his friend limp back over to the
Hes learned that move already? Negro asked, obviously surprised. Hes only
eight moons old. Azotar nodded, smirking lightly.
Ive been able to teach him a lot, Azotar lied. He seems to learn very much
under my control. But Negro knew better, he knew that it was simply natural
talent that was keeping his son from failing the extensive training he was being put
Evectri had become a lot different in four moons. He was longer, taller, and
leaner. However, he was very muscular, and his wings had matured. Faded scars
also seemed scattered around his body. Scars, that no matter what happened, he
would never forget. They were reminders of why he couldnt have a mind of his
Demonfang was shocked at how much training that Evectri had to go through. At
only eight moons oldexactly how old she herself washe was forced to not only
fight his friend, but also injure him.
Evectri, it is time for you to go on a battle patrol with your brother, Negro told
him. You remember what you must do, am I correct? Evectri nodded, his amber
eyes emotionless. Very wellhe is leaving tonight.
Evectri was soon flying behind his brother, his eyes fixed on the ground below. He
knew what he had to do, and as soon as his brother gave the word, the silver
prince dove and flew into the fray of cats and Volans already battling each other.
He landed upon a she-cat, snapping her neck immediately before jumping off of
her and onto another tom whom he easily killed with a bite to the neck.
Evectri moved like a snake, weaving in and out of battles. Each cat he fought fell
before his paws, and eventually, he could see that his brother had moved onto
another battle that had drifted east. Evectri was just about to fly away to find Tavo,
but a cat had already become too close.
Evectri hissed, making himself invisible aside from a small ball of blue light. He
flew upward and out of sight before looping around. He dove, snapping that toms
neck as well. After that, he flew back toward he knew his brother was fighting.
And that was the first night he killed a cat. No. He didnt just kill one, he killed
Demonfang had become frightened. From what shed seen, Volans werent
supposed to become invisible until twelve moons of age. Evectri had done so four
moons earlier, and so he was marked a living prodigy. Still, he was freaky, for
even though he killed so many, he didnt blink once. He just stared with no
emotion in his big amber eyes.
Evectri! yelled his brother through the battle of fighting cats. They both seemed
to be ten moons old now. Theres a stray to the north! Catch him before he
escapes! The silver prince nodded before taking off quickly into the sky. He made
himself invisible, noticing the fleeing cat immediately.
Evectri flew in front of himfar in front of himand landed at least a tree-length
away. He made himself visible, though his wings were not shown. He waited
silently for the cat to be in just the right place. When he was, Evectri ran forward,
pretending to breathe hard as he crashed into the tom.
What are you? the cat began to ask.
Catsin the forestwith wingsdestroyed homemust get help! Evectri
breathed, pretending to be shocked and frightened.
Who are you? the cat asked.
Damidfamily moved herethought it was safe Evectri told him quickly. The
cat narrowed his eyes, but obviously felt sorry for Evectri.
Im running to get back up from my clanare you willing to follow me? the cat
asked. Evectri nodded. The two set out toward camp. They went very far, and
Evectri could see more Volans ready to strike. They waited to see what Evectri
would do, and if he could make it into the camp.
Suddenly, the cat stopped, looking up to the sky. He noticed one of the Volans,
turned around and stared with wide eyes to Evectri. The silver prince lunged
before the cat could react, biting into the toms neck easily before taking a few
steps back. The tom glared at Evectri.
So. . .y-youre the. . .the assa-assin every-yones been. . .talking. . .a-about. . .
the tom hissed. J-just theyre-e little. . .ba-all of mo-oss, arent y-you? Evectri
growled defensively.
What do you mean? he asked, his voice cold as ice.
They-y are j-just u-using you. . .d-dont you k-know that? the cat asked. Y-
youre no-othing but a we-eap-pon. . . Evectris amber eyes narrowed as he
thought about it. The cat drifted into death, and immediately his friends landed
beside him.
Such a mouse-brain, thinking we use you, claimed Laidia.
Yeah, as if King Negro would use his own son as a weapon, another Volan
laughed. However, this didnt lighten Evectris mood at all. He was still thinking
about what the cat had said.
How did the cat trust you, anyway? Tavo asked. It was like he thought you
were a cat. Evectri smiled bleakly.
I convinced him I wanted to fight for his side, Evectri lied. He fell for it.
Ha! Thats the most bird-brained cat Ive ever seen! Laidia laughed. The day
you fight for this scum is the day water voles fly.
Demonfang was thoroughly surprised now. Evectri, at the age of ten moons old,
had learned how to make only his wings disappear. That was something Negro
didnt even know how to do.
Hey, Evectri! Tavo called as he pranced over. Wanna go race like old times?
Just for the fun of it? Evectri didnt say anything. With his back turned to his
brother, he sat, looking at his paws with his intelligent amber eyes. Tavo frowned,
his head tilting to the side.
Whats up? he asked. Is something bothering you?
Is Negro really using me? Evectri asked. Did he really make me like this so
that I could kill the cats he wanted me to?
Of course not! Tavo said quickly. Evectri spun around, his amber eyes narrowed
on his brother.
Really? asked Evectri. Because that is sure how it looks to me. Tavo sighed.
Why the sudden outburst? the brown Volan asked. I mean, that cat that told
you all this died a moon agohow come youre suddenly remembering it?
Evectris amber eyes looked deeper into his brothers.
Negros sending me to kill spies and Betas now, Tavo, Evectri answered. Hes
making me go into danger and killing strong cats when they dont expect it.
Tavos eyes widened slightly. Evectri turned around, figuring his brother wouldnt
Look. . . Tavo said after a few minutes of silence. Im sure Negro just wants to
protect the flock. After all, if it werent for you, half of us wouldnt be alive right
now. Evectri knew that was true, but he couldnt shake the feeling of being
The scene changed.
Now, Negro was pacing back and forth in front of his den. Evectri stood a few tail-
lengths away, a tiny bit of sorrow being the only emotion hed chosen to show at
that moment. Leona was not far away, and she was watching with sadness in her
Eventually, Intono and a few other cats flew down and landed near the clearing.
The dark tom simply watched as Negro padded up to him with narrowed eyes and
said, Where is he? Where is my son?
Im afraid the army has taken him as their prisoner, Intono reported. At
sunhigh, they will be executed given that they are granted the chance. Negro
yowled with fury before raising his paw and clawing a large cash on Intonos
forehead. The dark tom simply blinked, his eyes still emotionless as blood trickled
down his nose.
And where were you all when this happened? Negro demanded.
We were in quite a bit of trouble ourselves, claimed a timid Volan. Their army
was much larger than usual. Negro growled with frustration before find himself
in front of Evectri.
Evectri, you must catch that army and save your brother, Negro ordered with
fury in his voice. Kill each and every cat in that army, and dont leave until they
all stop breathing! Many cats widened their eyes at this, knowing full well no
ordinary cat could destroy and army on his own.
King Negro, you must be insane to think
He can do it! Negro snapped, interrupting the tom whod spoken.
Father, Ive never destroyed a whole army before, and I dont know if I can
You will do as I tell you, Negro growled with power in his eyes. Or face the
consequence of losing your brother! Evectris words caught in his throat, for he
knew that he wanted anything than to let his brother die. There was a few
moments, of silence, however, that followed this sentence.
When shall I go? Evectri asked. Negro smirked slightly.
As soon as possible, Negro answered. Evectri nodded, his eyes on the ground
rather than anyone else around him.
Evectri, you dont have to
Yes, I do, Evectri stated firmly.
Oh come on, cant he at least sleep until moonhigh? asked Laidia smoothly. It
would be nice to spend another night with him. She was smiling, he knew. She
was trying to turn him on no matter how emotionless he seemed to be. He ignored
The moon cloaks me better than the suns shadows, Evectri growled. He stood
up, and before anybody could stop him, he took off into the sky, flying toward the
army hed have to defeat all on his own.
Demonfang then realized exactly how evil Negro was. He favoured Tavo between
his offspring and just used Evectri as a weapon rather than a protector as hed
promised his mate. Demonfang was scared, for at that moment she realized that it
wasnt only she who recognized what death was.
Evectri stood on a sturdy branch while staring at the stagnant army. Over twenty
cats guarding Tavo who sat with his wings gravely injured. The silver
prince knew that he had an order, and he had every intention on carrying it out,
but he was frightened of the numbers, wondering why his father made him do such
a dangerous task.
Flame, when are we going to be able to fight some more Volans? asked a young
tom to a strong ginger tom.
You must be patient, Lightning, for they will come eventually, Flame told the kit.
Right now, however, were taking this demon to camp where Shadow will dispose
of him. Evectri growled lowly, but no one could hear him. The silver prince
allowed his eyes to wander after that.
He settled upon to similar cats. They were light grey with green eyes, but the sad
part was that they were both gravely injured. They looked to be in a lot of pain,
and that made Evectri think harder about what he was going to do.
Families were going to be torn apart, young kits were going to die, mates were
going to be killed, and the cats would be pretty much finished. And it would all be
because Negro was angry that they imprisoned Tavo, something that the bat-like
Volan would do would he have been in the right situation.
Evectris amber eyes narrowed as he made himself invisible, knowing exactly what
he was going to do. For the first time in over eight moons, hed decided that he
could have a mind of his own. Hed made his own orders and his own decisions.
The silver prince dove as fast as he could, landing right beside his brother. Several
cats gave cries of alarm, but before they could attack, Evectri urged his brother
onto him and took off into the sky, saving his brother without killing any of the
Demonfang understood Evectris thinking, and she was happy hed become more
like himself again. Still, she wondered where this was going. What would Negro
do when he found out that his son had betrayed him?
Evectris landing wasnt graceful, but once he made it to the ground, he let his
brother off of him. Tavo was immediately showered with healers who asked him if
he was injured anywhere. While he was being taken over, the silver prince looked
over to Negro, noticing that the bat-like Volan was smirking.
My flock! Praise my son this dawn as he has done the unthinkable! Negro
announced, quickly getting everyones attention. Prince Evectri, you shall forever
be in the stories that our elders tell, for you are the only tom to have ever
destroyed an army on his own! Evectri frowned as the Volans cheered for him.
There will be no ceremony tonight! Evectri called back. I did not do the things
you thought I did. Negros smile vanished suddenly.
Then how have you returned? Negro asked.
The army was too vastI took Prince Tavo quickly and flew away as fast as I
could, Evectri responded, his muscles tense for what was to come. Negros eyes
I gave you orders to kill that army, Evectris father reminded him.
There was no rational motive for it, Evectri growled, his eyes also narrowed. I
did what I saw fit. After all, there was no reason to risk Tavos safety for
something that didnt need to be done. Negros claws unsheathed.
That shouldnt matterI gave you a command and you should have followed it,
Negro hissed.
The cats do not deserve to be condemned to the death you wanted them, Evectri
growled, his voice low in warning. I know that they fight us, but we fight them,
and killing an army would have done nothing to solve this issue. Negros eyes
Are you sticking up for those demons? his father asked.
I thought we were the demons, Evectri stated coldly. Negros amber eyes
seemed to burn with fury.
If you do not wish to follow my commands, then you shall be punished! Negro
yowled. He unfolded his wings and took off toward his son. Evectri flew into the
sky, awaiting the battle that was to come.
The son and father crashed into each other, clawing at each others bodies. Their
teeth snapped at the necks, and their wings battled while also keeping them upright
in the air. When they broke apart, they immediately flew a few fox-lengths away
and went back at it faster than lightning in a thunderstorm.
Negro was stronger and much more experienced. Evectri was a living prodigy,
faster and stronger than most Volans his age. They seemed to be equal in strengths
and weaknesses.
The two fought and fought, but eventually Negro had pinned Evectri up against a
tree. The silver prince yowled loudly as his skin was ripped open by the bark.
Negro took this to his advantage and quickly sharpened his wings, stabbing them
into the silver wings of his son. He did this several more times before he allowed
Evectri to fall to the ground, unable to fly back up.
Negro dove onto his son, sinking his claws into the silver princes skin. The bat-
like Volan sank his teeth into Evectris shoulder as he raked his back legs through
Evectris stomach. All the while his black wings kept the silver princes wings
pinned against the ground.
Evectri kicked his father in the stomach, forcing Negro to fly upward to avoid full
impact. The silver prince stood up with shaky legs, staring at his father with amber
Have you learned? Negro asked.
I will never be used by you again, Evectri spat, his eyes cold. And I will fight
you until you get that through your head. Negros eyes flashed again.
You want me to fight you? his father asked. Then dont blame me when I
accidentally kill you. The bat-like Volan dove, and Evectri brought up his
strength to fly upward. Negros strength had gathered itself and immediately
crashed into the silver prince. Instantly, Evectri knew that he had been beat, for his
bones almost crushed under such an impact.
Demonfang, Demonfang suddenly heard Stormheart say. Come onits almost
time to use our power. Demonfang blinked, her eyes wide.
What. . .what did I just see. . .? Demonfang asked.
I know, I saw, but we cant think of it right now, Stormheart told her. Lets go.
Hes got about as much of a past as Rainy does, and thats hard to do, J actur
Stormheart, Demonfangready? Rain asked. Demonfang called upon her power,
allowing it to fill her. She felt anger, and then injustice. Stormheart must have
started to use his power as well.
Ready! Demonfang and Stormheart answered. Then she felt insanity crawl into
herself, and she could feel the emotions connecting. They created some sort of
electric power that Demonfang knew would be effective.
Tell us when, Evectri, Rain told him. There was a small pause, and Demonfang
wondered how on earth Evectri could even respond after seeing that.
. . .Now! Evectri yelled.
And the fight had begun.

Chapter Thirty-Three
Rain was surprised at what he saw in Evectris past. By far worse than hed known,
Rain had decided not to bring up the subject and instead worry about the problems
in the present.
Negro was startled by the memory hed just seen, and was trying to blink it away.
The visions were probably continuing, though, for it seemed as if he couldnt see.
Rain lunged, feeling the power granted to him by Stormheart and Demonfang run
through him.
Rain easily pinned down the bat-like Volan and raised his paw, quickly cutting a
deep gash into the cheek of Negro while the silver prince pierced the wings
through the scaly wings of his father. The black Volan kicked them in the stomach,
flying away as Rain gave him an opening.
The grey and white tom jumped into the air and Evectri immediately kept them in
the air, soaring toward his father. Rain caught up with Negro and pushed him into a
nearby tree, immediately unsheathing his claws and raking them down the black
Volans flanks while also sinking his teeth into Negros black fur.
Evectri allowed the body to evade his fathers kicks by moving the wings in certain
directions, and eventually they flew backward, allowing Negro to fall to the
ground. Rain dove with the silver princes help, and they crashed into the black
Volan with immense speed. They tumbled a short while before Rain pinned him
down and bit into his neck. Negro kicked Rain and ran off, fear in his amber eyes.
Rain lunged forward as Negro took off into the sky and brought him down after
hooking his claws into the skin of Evectris father. With a loud screech from the
king, Rain pinned down the tom and bit down on his neck as he raked his claws
through Negros stomach. As the black Volan struggled, Rain bit down harder and
harder, tasting warm blood in his mouth.
Stop! Evectri suddenly yelled. I wish to do it.
Evectri, you dont have
I know, but I need to, Evectri growled. Tavo is injured, and if you dont want
Laidia taking over for Negro, youre going to need to let me do it.
What do you mean? Asked Stormheart.
In order for me or Tavo to become King, Negro has to either die of old age, or be
defeated by his heir, Evectri explained. If not, then an elder or highly ranking cat
like Lady Laidia, for examplewill be the new leader. If you want the Volans to
stop, youll have to let me do this.
As if that was the only reason, J actur scoffed playfully.
Hey, what he did to me was unfair and life-ruining, and I want his little plan to bite
him back, Evectri hissed coldly. Rain wanted to remind him that revenge wasnt
the nicest way to settle things, but his reasons made sense, and he was sure no one
else would argue with the silver prince after what theyd seen just moments before.
Rain tried as hard as he could and eventually closed off his control of the body.
Evectri took over immediately, though Negro took their momentary spot of
hesitance and had flown away. As Rain, J actur, Stormheart, and Demonfang pulsed
their power through the body, they watched the scene through the bodys eyes.
Negro had immediately shot into the air as soon as he could, and Evectri followed
him soon after. The silver prince flew faster than his father because of their
different conditions, so it was only a few minutes of chasing the bat-like Volan
around before Evectri had grabbed his father with his claws.
Evectri pushed as much strength as he could to his father, forcing Negro to the
ground. They hit with so much impact that the ground shook beneath them. They
went tumbling, and Evectriinstead of attempting to pin his father like any normal
cat would have donebegan clawing at Negros wings.
He grabbed onto one, ripping it apart like Rain had done with Laidia. Negro
screeched out, but could not move thanks to Evectris hind leg keeping most of his
body down. The skin tore apart, and it seemed the silver prince knew all the right
places to bite in order to force it apart. Eventually, it was off, not even hanging on
by a ligament.
Evectri stepped off of his father, allowing the bat-like Volan to cower away, blood
gushing from the large wound. The silver prince had his eyes narrowed tightly onto
the king.
A wing torn off, leaving the poor Volan unable to fly, growled Evectri coldly,
the voices of the rest of the cats in the body joining in with him even though they
hadnt said nothing. It was eerie to Rain to hear his own voice being used without
his brain complying. A dishonour greater than any other in the world we know.
Even more so than a son being exiled for simply disobeying one order. Evectri
walked forward slowly, seeming to enjoy the fear in his fathers amber eyes.
No. . .please. . . Negro gasped. I didnt mean toI was putting the flock first

Everything you did was for your own gain, Evectri growled. His voice had
become more powerful and quite creepy. Look what you have done. Half of your
flock is dead, the other half wounded. All because of your foolish decision to drive
them to the ground. You lead them to their deaths. Negros eyes widened.
No. . .No! Negro cried. I only wanted what was best
You wanted what was best for them? asked Evectri, still walking forward as his
father inched away. What about what was best for me? You put your flock before
your own son, something so disgraceful that no cat has ever heard of it. You put
me through training that even the Dark Forest would find difficult and
unnecessary, and you made me a weapon instead of a son. Whats worse is that no
one even knew, not even Leona.
It was necessary! Negro explained. I swearTavo need protection!
You and I both know that was just an illusion you forced down my throat,
Evectri hissed. And now, after so many moons of being neglected, I will kill you
and your previous system. No one will have to go through what I did because there
is no need for moon-warriors anymore. Heck, there isnt any reason for any of your
special fighters, for after today there wont be any war. Well be at peace for the
first time in our kinds history.
No. . .! Negro hissed, trying to be angry. He seemed to be in too much pain to do
so. You cant trust the cats, theyll
If I can be inside one body with six of them, I can trust them, Evectri growled.
If one saved me, I figure I can trust them. If one sacrificed their life to save not
only their clans but your flock, I know I can trust them. You see, youve been
blinded for too long. Every life you see around you is just the same. Our only
difference is our appearance, which matters not to many eyes. Negro growled
with anger.
Iwontletyoudestroymyflock! Negro yowled furiously. He lunged
forward, but it was very weak, and Evectri crashed into him and pinned the bat-like
Volan down with ease.
From where ever you go, I hope youll see that I will be saving it, not destroying
it, Evectri growled coldly. Then bent down, bit hard, and allowed the blood to
flow free. Negros amber eyes faded, and his body went limp. The silver prince
stood and stared at his father.
And Rain and the others could only watch, thinking quietly, its over.
Almost immediately afterword Rain was forced away into the ground by a
powerful force. When he sat up, he found Demonfang and Stormheart, Bravepaw
and Materwho were both still asleepand J actur sprawled out around him.
Evectri, however, was still standing above his father, his eyes narrowed down
toward Negros body.
King Negro is dead! screeched a nearby Volan. Rejoice! The Volans began
cheering, leaving the silver prince to look up and stare at the other Volans. Rain
watched his friend carefully, noticing that the silver prince was searching for
Eventually, Evectris amber eyes locked onto somebody, and Rain followed his
gaze. It was Tavo, the grey and white warrior discovered, and he wasnt in the best
condition. Laidias body was beside the brown Volan, and she was motionless.
The silver prince surged forward, sprinting toward Tavo with his wings folded.
Rain was surprised that Evectri didnt fly, but found himself glad as he followed
his friend. He stopped about two fox-lengths away from Tavo while Evectri went
right up toward his brother. It was that moment that the grey and white warrior
noticed that the other Volans had stopped cheering and had instead watched the
two brothers.
Cura! Evectri called after quickly looking over his brother. Curahes
injured! Rains eyes widened, searching quickly for another medicine cat that
could help the wounded prince.
Mudroot! Rain called over the other cats. Get the other medicine cats! It was a
few moments before he and the RiverClan medicine cat walked over with a small
apprentice. A white she-Volan came soon after, landing on the ground before
dashing over to the prince.
The three medicine cats tried their hardest to figure out was wrong. Cura looked
over him mostly since Mudroot and the other medicine cat werent as familiar with
the wings, but they relayed options to challenge their thinking.
The wings seem fine, even the ligaments. . . Cura murmured, her eyes narrowed.
What about the wound on his shoulder? Is it deep enough to reach important
blood supply? Mudroot asked quickly.
No, it isnt that deep at all, Cura explained. Even the scratches on his stomach
and flanks arent that deep. . .
Is there any damage to the tail? Mudroot questioned.
Nohis tail, spine, and head all seem to be fine. . . Cura said softly. Rain could
tell that it was very clear to all of the medicine cats that Tavo was wounded
gravely somewhere.
Is there any important organs that arent in normal cats? asked the RiverClan
medicine cat.
No, the wings are made up only of small, tiny bones and muscle like a birds,
Cura told them. If it were to be torn off, a Volan would surely die because of the
blood loss, but he has both wings. . .Tavo, where does it hurt? The brown Volan
was rasping now.
Stomach. . . Tavo whispered. Cura poked it, and immediately the brown Volan
flinched, pulling away from her touch. The brown prince gave a hard cough, bits of
blood squirting from his mouth. Rains head lowered knowing very well that
coughing up blood was never a good sign.
After a few more moments of silence Evectri growled, Well, whats wrong?
Im sorry, Evectri, but your brother has internal wounds, Mudroot murmured
after glancing toward Curas devastated condition. We wont be able to heal
him. Evectris eyes widened.
No. . . the silver prince gasped. No! It wasnt supposed to be this wayTavo
was going to be King, we were going to live in peace as a family
Prince Evectri, calm down, Intono murmured as he landed beside his friend. It
will be okay
No it wont! Evectri snapped, his amber gaze burning at Intono. Tavo was
supposed to be King, not me. . .I cant have that responsibilityI
You always. . .have to be. . .the one to. . .worry. . .d-dont you? Tavo asked, a
bleak smile on his face as a breathed heavily. Evectri turned around, his eyes
shocked slightly.
Tavo, hold on, it might heal by itself
No. . .Im not going to. . .make it. . . Tavo murmured, still smiling. But it
doesnt. . .matter. . .It has always. . .been you. . .that needed. . .to be king. . .You are
the. . .smartest. . .You are the. . .strongest. . .You are the fastest. . .And you were. .
.the one. . .who defeated. . .Negro. . .You need to be king. . .
But you were the Heir, and Ive never been trained to Evectri began.
You were born. . .to lead. . . Tavo interrupted him. You were born. . .to be the
Heir. . .You are the one. . .who will bring. . .this flock. . .back to glory. . . Tavo
was lowering himself to the ground, and Rain could tell that his breathing was
Tavo, dont Evectri began.
Good-bye, Evectri. . .Cura. . . Tavo whispered, his smile widening. Go make. .
.our flock. . .proud. . . His eyes closed and his breathing stopped. The island was
quiet for a little while, and Rain gave the silver prince a look of pity.
Evectris claws had sunk into the ground and his muscles were tensed. Rain could
only imagine what his friend was thinking. No one spoke, for they were probably
guessing that the new king didnt want to be touched.
Evectri, t-theres no need Cura began, tears streaming down her face. She tried
to be calm though. However, Evectri cut her off with a very loud growl. He stared
at his brothers body, his amber eyes narrowed tightly.
Curas right, though, Evectri, Rain murmured. You need to lead your flock.
Theyve been through a lot tonight, after all. Evectri gave him a warning growl as
well, his gaze refusing to move. Rains tail began to flick with irritation.
What, you think I dont understand? Rain spat, his anger rising.
No, you dont understand, Evectri growled, his amber eyes moving to Rain. I
just lost a brother, Rain, cant I The silver prince suddenly widened his eyes,
his gaze shifting from where Stormheart probably laid to Rain.
Thought so, Rain growled. But never mind thatTavo may be gone but you
still have injured Volans to take care of. Evectri sighed. Rain looked at his
friends sad expression and got an idea.
Evectri, he wont just be vanishing into thin air, Rain reminded him, a bleak
smile on his face. Hell be going to StarClan. Evectri looked up immediately, his
eyes narrowed.
Ready, Jactur? Rain asked.
Always, mouse-brain! J actur responded excitedly.
Rain could feel a certain power flowing from the bodies to the sky. It was very
angelic, and it made him feel as if he were floating on a cloud. He walked forward
toward the centre of the island. They werent far from it, and soon, he was there,
looking at the bodies around him.
The souls must be sent, Rain thought. Let them travel to the afterlife. Immediately
afterword, a spirit jumped out of Stormhearts body. Two, actually, and they
looked almost exactly the same. They ran upward in the sky, stopping halfway
before looking down to the other bodies.
Several souls jumped out of their skin and ran spirally into the sky. Some joined
each otherlike Twigpaw and her brotherwhile others just smiled at Rain and
Stormheart, as if thanking them. Rains brother and his partner stayed in the sky as
more and more souls came.
Finally, Tavos left his skin, and after a quick glance to his siblings, the brown
Volan flew into the sky, his ghostly figure just as bright as the cats. Soon, every
dead Volans soul had come from his body, even Laidias. They ran to the edge of
the sky, seeming to wait for a portal door.
After all of the souls were waiting, Rain noticed Negros soul fly from his body.
He looked at the bodies, gave a small look of sorrow, and flew toward other cats
and Volans. Sharpmoons was last, for he ran up half way before stopping. He
turned to look down to Rain.
Thank you, Rainfur, for saving our Clans, Sharpmoon said. He gave a dip of his
head and bounded to everyone else. At that moment, a white door opened, and
though Rain could not see what was in it, he could tell that it was to die for
The souls disappeared, and the door closed. J ust as it did, there was a melodic
voice that rung throughout the island, leaving several cats to whisper to each other.
Rainfur, you have become the master of insanity, claimed the voice. After many
moons, we are pleased to give you this title and free reign to all powers you were
able to possess. We thank you for saving the clans. And the portal disappeared,
allowing Rain to give out a long breath. He was smiling, though.
Our kind was sent to StarClan. . . Evectri murmured, his amber eyes wide as they
stared at where the souls had disappeared. They have never done that. . .
Well, they do now, said Rain, smiling warmly to his friend. The silver prince
looked to the grey and white warrior, also putting a smile on his face.
Thank you, Rain, Evectri murmured. That meant more than you know.
Hate to burst your bubble, dad, but there are a lot of wounded cats, came
Demonfangs voice as she jogged over to them. We need to get them treated
immediately, and get these bodies barried. We wouldnt want disease. Rain
nodded, but then narrowed his eyes.
But whose order are they going to listen to? Rain asked. All the leaders are
dead, most of the deputies are wounded, and Sharpmoon is gone. . . Demonfang
rolled her eyes.
You, mouse-brain, the grey and white she-cat stated. Rain gave an innocent look.
Me? he asked. I know it would make sense, but Evectri seems more
I may be the king of my flock, but youre the closest these clans have to a leader,
Evectri pointed out. Theyll listen to you, trust me. Heck, theyll listen to anyone
right now. It was truemany worried and sad expressions came not only in his
direction, but in everyone else in their group as well. Rain nodded before climbing
up the nearest tree he could find and sitting upon a middle-height branch.
Cats of this forest, though tonight has been tiresome and full of loss, we must take
action immediately, Rain called out, getting everyones attention. Those who are
able to stand and move around should move the bodies of those lost that side of the
island. He flicked his tail in that direction. Those who are injured, however,
should make their way to the medicine cats, which are right here. He flicked his
tail to Mudroot, Cura, and the other medicine cats. Those of you who think they
can do it, make sure to check for unconscious cats and those who are unable to
move. Rain jumped down, reaching the ground with a certain pride erupting from
his belly.
If you need help gathering herbs, ask the apprentices or younger warriors, Rain
told Cura and Mudroot. Theyre fastest and most eager to help. Both medicine
catsand whatever the heck Cura was callednodded and began to heal the cats
who needed immediate health.
Rain was of those who helped take the bodies to the other side of the island. Rain
noticed many dead cats were those he know. Cloudstreak, Nightfrost, and
Twigpaw were all examples. It was a hard job to do, but he was glad to help. A lot
of Volans were helping actually, and they were strong and emotionless. It seemed
that the dead didnt bother them.
There was a large group of injured cats near the medicine cats, and to Rain, any cat
that wasnt injured was dead. It was the sad truth, and awfully enough, he knew the
number of clan cats alive had been cut in half. However, Rain also knew that
through this war, more lives would be made. Many she-cats stood by their mates,
looking for comfort.
Sir, there is someone asking for you, came whom Rain believed was Intono. His
expressionless eyes were distracting, but eventually the grey and white warrior
nodded and follow the Volan whom walked along the ground.
When Rain saw who it was, he was frozen in his place. Duskfeather had been
injured badly, and he was laying on his side next to Demonfang, who sat there,
crying. Rain ran over, his blue eyes still wide. He leaned over his friend, happy to
see him breathing.
I found him like this, Intono explained as Rain noticed a very nasty neck wound.
It isnt too serious yet, but it looks really bad. Rain turned to where the medicine
cats stayed.
Mudroot! Rain called over the working cats. The brown tom immediately looked
up. Come over here! Mudroot immediately dashed forward, his eyes fixed on the
body at Rains paws. When the tom reached them, his eyes scanned over
Duskfeathers pelt before finding the neck wound. Mudroot thought for a moment.
Hell be alright, Mudroot explained to them, leaving Demonfang to begin to cry
with happiness. I just need to treat him immediately. The brown tom turned to
face the medicine cats. Redpaw! Get as many cobwebs and marigold as you can!
The medicine cat seemed startled at first, but eventually gathered the herbs he
wanted. Apparently they had already gathered a fine amount.
After Redpaw brought over the herbs, he waited for more commands near
Mudroot. The dark brown tom was working very fast. Hed put on a bit of
marigold and put cobwebs on the wound every few inches, and considering how
long it was, the process took some time.
When it was finished, Mudroot said, Demonfang, stay with him and make sure he
wakes before sunhigh tomorrow. And Rain, I think youre needed elsewhere. The
grey and white tom nodded, sighing with relief.
He was the smallest kit of the litter, and he survived. . . Rain thought to himself as
he walked back toward the bodies with a bleak smile on his face. Thorntail would
have been proud. The grey and white tom continued taking bodies from their death
place to where they were going to rest for ever more.
Several Volans flew over with bodies in their paws. Some brought alive beings to
the medicine cats, though there was only two doing that. As Rain looked around,
he noticed that even the Volans were few in number, though he figured that they
would repopulate quickly considering how many kits they had.
Soon, all the bodies were laid out on the side of the island that they were supposed
to be on. The grey and white warrior could then see that everyone focused on the
other cats laying on the ground. They helped those cats over to the medicine cats,
and at that moment, Rain noticed a single ray of light near the horizon of the sea.
The grey and white warrior made his way to Mudroot and the other medicine cats
with exhaustion. Rain saw Evectri doing the same just a few fox-lengths away.
They both made it to the medicine cats at the same time, laying down as they
treated the other patients.
After a few minutes, Cura noticed her brother and gave a loud gasp before saying,
Evectri! Why didnt you tell me you were here? The white she-cat dashed over
to the silver king and began to look over his wounds. They were far worse that
Rain, for he had fought Negro a lot longer.
You flew too high in to the sky again, didnt you? asked Cura, her eyes
narrowed. Evecri ducked his head.
It was for a good reason. . . he murmured.
Can you at least try not to kill yourself? Cura asked, continuing to look him over.
Its like Im dealing with kits these days. . . She noticed the many scratches, and
apparently Evectri had done something to one of his paws that would take a little
while to heal.
And you broke another wing! Cura screeched. Evectri, really? Do you realize
how long its going to take for this wound to heal? Honestly! Evectri ducked his
head again, but Rain noticed a smile. Mudroot walked over a few moments later,
and after sighing, he looked over Rains wounds, which werent that serious at all.
You heroes never care about yourselves, do you? Mudroot asked playfully as he
began to heal Rains belly.
Well you seem calm about the danger these two get themselves in, Cura growled.
She didnt seem angry, but she was irritated. I swear that as soon as he was born
he had to keep getting hurt. Mudroot laughed slightly.
Rain has had worse wounds, and to be truthful, I know that this wont be
the last time he gets wounded, Mudroot answered. Rain grinned.
It wasnt long before Mudroot was finished, and Cura had decided to only bandage
the broken bone in Evectris wing for the time being. After all, the silver king had
been through a lot that night and added pain would be less than helpful.
So, after the medicine cats moved on to other wounded cats, Rain laid watching the
stars as well as the islands movements. Volans continued to fly wounded cats over
to the medicine cats, and it amazed Rain that they were so soldier like.
They are very strong for cats, Rain commented to Evectri. And they like to
listen to orders, it seems. Evectri nodded.
If one was to defy an order, they could very well get themselves killed from
where we come from, Evectri responded. Some of themlike Intonowere
trained to do whatever was told no matter the consequences, as you probably saw
from Negros memory.
So, they act like machines? Rain asked. Evectri looked over at him.
Like what? the silver king asked. Rain shook his head.
Never mind, Rain murmured. There was a small silence. . . .Evectri? Was all of
what I saw true? Evectri nodded.
I didnt expect you guys to see, nor did I expect so many memories to come out of
his head, Evectri explained to him, his amber eyes narrowed. Some of them even
seemed to be my own. . .
Well, considering you hadnt mastered the ability yet, I assume that you
accidentally let your own memories spill along with Negros, Rain reassured him
with a bleak smile. As for how so many memories came. . .that might have been
for your desire to make your father see how much you went through. So,
unconsciously, you willed that to happen. Evectri nodded.
Rain, I dont like to ask personal questions, but how much have you changed
since youve remembered your first half of life? Evectri asked. Rain sighed.
Not too different, Rain replied. But. . .Im more confident. I actually feel like a
leader and not just some servant. I. . .I feel in control. Evectri smiled warmly to
his friend, and Rain returned it.
So what are you going to be called now? Evectri asked. Youre used to Rain,
but Rainfur is what everyone here knows you by. Rain looked at the ground.
I am. . .unsure, Rain answered. Im leaving that matter for later.
Like when youre elected the new leader? Evectri asked. Rain sighed again.
I dont want to be the leader, though, Rain murmured. I mean, even if I do
become leader, of which clan do I become a leader? I was born in ThunderClan,
but I was deputy of Nightstar. Im rightfully suceeder to him.
That should be decided with more than just me here, Evectri told the grey and
white tom. Why dont you hold a council meeting tomorrow? Gather those you
know eligible for leadership, and those you respect to make wise decisions. I could
gather those I know as well, if youd like. Rain nodded.
We will have a lot to do these next few days, Rain stated. Ive got to elect
leaders, deputies, and then theres the Cats of the Storms. . . Evectris amber eyes
What do they have to do with anything? growled the silver tom. Rain was taken
aback, slightly surprised that Evectri would react like that instead of simply
Well, they are in need of guidance, and I believe they should live under
StarClans skies once again, Rain answered. Evectri nodded, seeming to have
calmed down.
Right now, however, we should get rest, Evectri told Rain. You and J actur have
worked hard today.
And so they went to sleep, dreaming of the peace that was to come.

Chapter Thirty-Four
Bravepaw woke with curiosity. After so many sunrises of living above the sky,
watching his sister, he was glad that he could be on the ground, feeling grass
beneath his paws. Bravepaw was also very pleased of the scents, sights, and life
that he could now see from a normal height.
When Bravepaw stood up, he frowned. Though the sun shined bright and the
colours around him seem to sparkle, there was still the sight of the bodies on the
other side of the island and the scent of blood and herbs near the medicine cats
who both seemed like they needed sleep.
Bravepaw sighed, but looked around for his father and sister. Rainfur was lying
near Evectri with his eyes open. It was apparent that his father didnt want to wake
up. The pale grey tom soon moved his jade gaze around to face Demonfang who
still sat by an unconscious Duskfeather.
Bravepaw padded over to his sister, quietly approaching as he noticed his sisters
narrowed eyes. Finally, after a few moments, he said, Demonfang, are you
alright? Hell live, wont he? Demonfang nodded bleakly.
I barely slept last night, the grey and white she-cat murmured. I was too
worried about him and everyone else. . . Bravepaw smiled to her warmly.
Everyone is okay, Bravepaw reassured his sister.
No they arent, Demonfang growled. Darkpaw and Redpaw have lost their
sister, Thunderheart seems to think he failed at protecting Cloudstreak, Mudroot
and the other medicine cats are exhausted, Rainfur and Evectri lost their brothers,
and so many have died. . .
True, but wont we come back from it just like the other war? he asked. Cats
have died, sure, but it wont be enough to keep so many of us depressed. J ust look
at the Volansthey still help us, and they have lost more than we have.
Demonfang sighed, refusing to speak.
A Volan landed in front of them, two squirrels hanging from his mouth. The flying
cat dropped the squirrels at their feet, dipping his head with respect as if Bravepaw
and his sister were royalty. I guess to these Volans we are, Bravepaw
considered. After all, we helped defeat Negro, and were the offspring of Rain, one
of the most powerful cats theyve seen.
King Evectri and Rain wish to see you at an important meeting, Bravepaw, the
Volan explained. It will take place under the Great Oak tree in just a few
moments. The Volan then looked to Demonfang. Rain has ordered me to tell you
this: though highly ranked, you are needed to aid Duskfeathers and others should
they need help. He paused, glancing at Demonfangs solemn state. This is no
weakness, my ladysuch strength and caring is needed at such a time. The Volan
gave another dip of his head before turning around, just about to fly off into the air.
Wait! Bravepaw called after him. The Volan looked around. What is your
name? Bravepaw had no real reason to ask, though he was interested as to who
the tom was. After all, he didnt need to add that last part. The Volan smiled when
he registered the question.
Tanzen, sir, the Volan replied. He then took off into the air.
Bravepaw smiled. He glanced over at his sister, his eyes filled with worry. At first
he wasnt going to say anything, but eventually he said, Are you sure youll be
okay? Demonfang looked the other way.
Im needed elsewhere, she growled bitterly. Bravepaw frowned, his head
dropping as he realized his sister was going to think that everyone believed him
more important. Feeling guilty, the poor blue-grey tom allowed his tail to droop
behind him as he walked toward the Great Oak.
I didnt mean to upset her. . .Why did they want me and not her anyway? Im still
an apprentice, and I dont fight well at all. Oh, and StarClan knows Im not the
wisest of them all. . .I mean, I guess Ive learned some of StarClans secrets, but
would that really matter? Bravepaw shook his head, choosing not to think of it.
When the grey tom got close enough, he saw all of the cats and Volans that had
gathered for the meeting. Mudroot, Cura, Evectri, Rainfur, Thunderheart, Rosefire,
Smoketail, and the only other Volan Bravepaw could pick out was Intono who sat
emotionless beside the new King.
Bravepaw walked forward, feeling oddly out of place seeing as all of the cats
around the base of the Great Oak Tree were by far moons older him. He sat next to
his father, a bit happier when he received a warm, reassuring smile to him.
A few more Volans came, and when everyone was settled, Rainfur stood up,
silencing them after flicking his tail. Once everyones attention was turned to him,
Rainfur said, Those of you here have been chosen for a special meeting. We, the
clans, are of little government as of yet because of our narrowed numbers. Our
leaders have passed on, as has many of our deputies. Therefore, we must establish
leadership so that they can gather their cats and repopulate in peace. Rainfur
looked to Evectri, sitting down as he allowed the king to talk.
And we, the Subir Flock, have many decisions to make regarding my coronation,
and other matters such as territory and prey.
If I may, King Evectri, Intono murmured. Your ceremony must be completed
soon, for our she-Volans and kits back home must have prey and they must be
taken care of. Evectri nodded.
I understand that, but there are pressing matters to discuss, Evectri told him. For
instance, Rain and I have agreed that we must live under the skies of StarClan, or
otherwise be without hope. The Volans in this meeting were chosen for their
ability to make logical decisions based on the good of the flock and not for their
own gain. Knowing that, do youand I am speaking to the clan cats as well
believe that moving here with our own territory would be a wise idea? There was
a small silence.
The move would be strenuous, claimed a brown Volan next to Cura. With our
kits and our pregnant she-Volans, the journey might take longer than our trek here.
. . A few Volans murmured with agreement.
The Cats of the Storms might pose a threat, Intono pointed out. They wouldnt
believe we are moving, and they would attack our defenceless flock-mates. More
buzzing from the crowd allowed Bravepaw to find that these Volans didnt trust
very easily.
The Cats of the Storms wont harm you as long as we time our embarks right,
Rainfur piped up. After all, I plan to let them see that StarClan exists, and that
they should move in order to be under safer skies. Nervous growls soon rang from
the Volans.
Those cats wont come if they know we will be neighbouring them. . . one of the
Volans murmured.
Yes, unless one of you travels with a patrol of Clan cats to show them that the
Volans are innocent, Evectri explained. It would be a very tense conversation,
and though we arent going to force them to come, we will try our hardest.
What would either you or Rain have to gain by letting the Subir Flock or Cats of
the Storms come to share territory? Thunderheart asked, his eyes narrowed. It is
just more prey to share in my eyes.
I believe that having another Clan amongst our midst would allow us to
repopulate faster and stronger than ever before, Rain explained. As I understand
they are simply extra mouths to feed, I also know that they are just the same as we
are. And besides, they would work as their own clan, gathering food for
In my opinion, The Cats of the Storms are a clan, and they deserve to be in peace
after so many years of constant war. They need to know StarClan still exists so that
they can see their ancestors and have proper ceremonies. I know that there is little
to gain by bringing them here, but I believe that it is the right thing to do.
And what makes you think theyll actually want to come? asked a Volan. They
have a perfect home where they are now.
Ripple, said Rain simply. She is their healer, and though not a medicine cat,
StarClan is close to her. With her help, we should be able to convince them. If not,
I would think it wise to let them be. Basically, this is a suggestion on their behalf,
nothing more.
Shadow wont be keen to come, Intono pointed out.
Shadow needs me, though, doesnt he? asked Rain. I am his heir by their ritual,
and such ritual cannot be undone. Not that I will become their leaderI dont plan
to uphold the oath. I believe Huntress herself will be their leader should they come.
Anyway, Shadow would consider it at the least if it was re-laid to him that I will be
staying here with my original family.
Yes, but would he move his entire family just so that his daughter can be mates
with you? asked Intono. Or think of it this way: Would you move your entire
family just so your clan can be led by someone powerful? Rain sighed, but soon
looked to Bravepaw, whose eyes widened with surprise.
You lived in StarClan for a while, Bravepaw, so what do you think? the grey
toms father asked. Could they be convinced into moving here? Bravepaws eyes
narrowed, slightly nervous as so many eyes moved to him. Just by telling them Id
guess that would be a no, for Shadow would never move his clan just for those
reasons. Hed never be able to trust the Volans. If we allowed them to
actually see what happened, though. . . Bravepaw looked up to meet his fathers
blue eyes.
Is it possible to show them everything that happened last night with the strategy of
exchanging memories? asked Bravepaw. I mean to say the way King Evectri
showed us his past by extracting memories from Negro while allowing us to see
memories of his own.
That would take time and energy, but it could be done, Rain thought aloud.
After all, Sharpmoon still lived after taking my own memories, and he didnt die
from giving them back. The cat or Volan to do so, however, should be careful;
allowing them to see so many memories prior to taking them back was exactly how
I lost my memories in the first place.
Why couldnt one just share them? asked Bravepaw curiously.
In a sense, thats what youre doing, Rain answered. Think of it this way: the
memory is the mockingbirds song. The mockingbird enters the forestwhich is to
say, Shadows mindand sings his song, which would be the equivalent of
allowing the watcherShadowto see the memories. Then, the mockingbird
leaves, taking his song with him. The memory has gone with its original song, but
a copy of the song remains, for another mockingbird replays it to the rest of the
forest. So, in other words, a copy of the memory remains within the mind that it
was replayed in while the original memory is put back into the body.
If it is that complicating, how on earth did I do it earlier? Evectri asked, his
amber eyes narrowed.
StarClan helped you, Rain answered. And I had J acturs help. The otherssuch
as Snakestar and Sharpmoonwere skilled enough to figure it out on their own.
There was a pause as the warriors thought of this new aspect.
Back to the original point, I believe Bravepaw is right, Evectri said eventually.
Shadow would have a better chance of coming should he understand that the only
Volans living as of now are not evil any longer. Besides, hed have four other clans
to protect his own clan.
So it is decided, then? asked Rain. All in favour of sending a patrol to the Cats
of the Storms? There was a murmur of I and so Bravepaw found himself proud.
And who is in favour of allowing the Flock to live here? asked King Evectri.
More answers of I came.
Good, said Rain. As if this moment, I have not chosen leaders for other clans
because I wish for everyoneeven mothersto have a day in this. So, I will send
four patrols out, one for each clan. I am assuming they left some warriors at camp
in case of invasion? Thunderheart, Rosefire, Smoketail, and Mudroot nodded.
Excellent, Rain said, grinning. Thunderheart, you will gather a few cats and go
to ThunderClan. Rosefire, you will do the same and travel to ShadowClan,
Smoketail will go to RiverClan, and Mudroot will go to WindClan if he can
manage to be away that long. Mudroot dipped his head.
Redpaw and his mentor will take my position as medicine cat while I am gone,
Mudroot reassured Rain.
And, finally, the cats who will be traveling to the Cats of the Storms shall be
Blueflash, Tigertail, Willowshadeif she is well enough to go, of courseand
Bravepaw. Rain said. Bravepaws eyes widened as he thought, What? He
chose me?
I will chose only one Volan so that the cats wont attack in the name of being
threatened, King Evectri stated. I will choose
King Evectri, may I make a suggestion of who you choose? Bravepaw asked, his
voice very, very high as his face burned with embarrassment. He knew that
interrupting the King was probably below him in his current rank, but Bravepaw
wanted to thank the Volan hed met earlier even more. After all, Demonfang
wasnt in the best of moods.
Go ahead, said Evectri. Bravepaw glanced at his father before continuing.
T-there was a Volan whom took fresh-kill to Demonfang and me this morning. .
. Bravepaw murmured.
Tanzen, the Volan who told you of this meeting, am I correct? Evectri asked.
Bravepaw nodded. Why do you think that I should choose him to come along
with you? Bravepaw sighed, trying to calm his mind down.
He gave me the message, and Demonfang became disappointed, Bravepaw
explained, his head still low. And, even though he was not ordered to do so, he
gave her hope and tried to bring up her spirits. I just thought that someone as kind
as that even through everything that has happened should be a candidate for your
choosing. . . Evectri gave a warm smile.
Of course! Evectri claimed. It is a wonderful choice, if I do say so myself.
Intono, will you go alert Tanzen? I believe he is out hunting again. The dark tom
dipped his head and took off into the sky.
Bravepaw, be sure to gather the cats I mentioned quickly, Rain told his son.
Cura will have your traveling herbs ready. Bravepaw dipped his head and left,
slinking away as he had no desire to humiliate himself any further.
If hes sending me on this mission, than that means that he trusts me. Is it because I
spent time in StarClan? Is it because of what I did with them all last night? I dont
think Ill ever know. . . Demonfang wont approveshe was angry enough that I
was chosen to go to the meeting and she wasnt. . .Does Rain think she is
emotionally unstable, then? I guess she can get quite angry. . .
Im going to need to practice that mind trick, for I doubt anybody else on my team
has the ability to give and take memories, Bravepaw thought, his eyes narrowed
onto the ground as he walked. Wait, I was unconscious for the last half of the
battle. I wont be able to
You were still watching the whole thing. . . whispered a voice similar to his own.
Bravepaw sighed.
Right, I was asleep, but my eyes were watching
Bravepaw! claimed a high pitched voice right of him. Bravepaw had just enough
time to glance around before a flash of white and orange pushed him to the ground.
They went tumbling, and Bravepaw felt his head throb. Immediately, he pushed
himself up and padded a few steps away, breathing hard.
A movement from where hed just been made Bravepaw spin around, his teeth
bared at the danger that had just tried to kill him. However, it wasnt danger at all.
Instead, there sat Flowerpaw, her bright green eyes glittered as she faced him with
a smile.
StarClan, Bravepaw breathed. Flowerpaw, you nearly scared me out of my
skin! Flowerpaw giggled.
My names Flowernose, silly! the calico she-cat protested. Bravepaws eyes
grew suspicious.
Youre only moon older than I am, Bravepaw pointed out. How do you already
have your warrior name? Flowernose shrugged.
Sharpmoon made a lot of apprentices get their full names earlier than usual,
Flowernose answered, frowning a bit. But then she smiled. Never mind that
youre alive again! I cant believe it! Bravepaw smiled.
I have Stormheart to thank for that, Bravepaw explained.
Yeah, Demonfang told me that he sacrificed himself for you, claimed
Flowernose. Hes got a lot of courage. But I dont think that courage will ever
amount to the courage that you had. Bravepaw was taken aback, his eyes wide.
Um. . .what makes you say that? Bravepaw asked, his voice wavering.
Flowernose continued smiling.
You stood up to your sister so many times, no matter how scary she got,
Flowernose reminded him. And then you lied to heryour own sisterso that
you could protect her. You let her kill you so that you could get more information
from StarClan on how to save the clans.
Bravepaw was about to protest, but she cut him off, saying, And, one of the most
important things, you were brave enough to care for me even though I was prone to
all of the bullies in the clan. Bravepaw had nothing to say to that, for he was
speechless of her warm smile.
ErUm. . .I dont know what to say. . . Bravepaw said, his head low.
Flowernose laughed.
Oh, so the tom who always has the right things to say is suddenly out of words?
Flowernose asked teasingly. Hmph, what exactly happened to you in StarClan?
Bravepaw narrowed his eyes playfully.
Hey, the only reason I dont know what to say is because nobody has ever
complemented me like that before, Bravepaw argued.
Well, after all you did for me, I just wanted to let you know how I felt, said
Flowernose, blushing. I mean, back when we were in ShadowClan, you were the
only one who seemed to care that I was getting bullied, and I think that those
kinds behaviours need to be rewarded. Bravepaw smiled, trying not to show his
Rewarded how? he asked. Flowernose stood up and licked him on the cheek.
For you, thats how, Flowernose said, giving a small wink. Someone called her
name, and so she left, but Bravepaw still couldnt take his eyes of her. Eventually,
something in his mind told him, You have a job, mouse-brain. The grey tom
immediately started looking for the cats he needed, but his mind was focused on
those bright, glimmering eyes and her wavy fur of white and amber. . .
A pale grey tom with a starry gaze looked down upon the body he once shared. He
smiled as love entered the atmosphere, his tail twitching with amusement as
Bravepaw began to nearly sing with happiness after Flowernoses interaction with

Cute, arent they? asked Cheetahfur. And now he is freely able to pursue her,
thanks to your sacrifice. Bravestar smiled warmly, a single tear escaping his eyes.
Has it already been done? he asked, his voice wavering as he saw Bravepaw
talking to Blueflash. There was a small pause from the orange tabby she-cat.
Yes, Bravestar, it has been done, said Cheetahfur sadly. You have done a brave
thing, mind you. I doubt neither Rainfur nor any other leader would have done
what you have agreed to do. The silver tabby dipped her head, leaving with a
drooping tail.
Bravestar continued watching. He knew he would always look after the kit who
shared his name, but he also knew that hed spend time looking after other cats he
knew as well. His family, his clan, Rainfur. . .they were all cats he wanted to see
grow further. After all, what else could he do but watch how life went off without
Bravestar watched for hours, and soon, a cat stood beside him. He knew who it
was, so he didnt look away from what he saw. It was Bravepaw, leaving after
consuming his traveling herbs. He was saying good-bye to his sister and father at
that moment.
Bravestar, I wish to thank you for taking care of my son, came the sweet voice of
Robinwing. He has become such a wonderful tom. Bravestar smiled.
Yes, he has, Bravestar agreed. I am looking forward to what he becomes.
It is a shame you could not stay with him, Robinwing sighed. Your life was cut
too short, Bravestar, and after all that you did for the clans, it is a shame that
StarClan had to do what they did. After he refused to respond, the blue-grey she-
cat stood and walked away into the darkness.
Every warrior wishes to become the best that they can be, Bravestar told
himself. When they are ready to die, they have all but one wish: for those they love
to remember them. Another tear escaped his right eye.
What a sad sacrifice it is to be forgotten about completely by all those who live on.
. . Bravestar thought, his head lowering. But, for Bravepaws sanity and
individuality, it was one I had to pay. Do I regret it?
. . .
. . .
. . .

Chapter Thirty-Five
The day Bravepaw left was a rather ordinary one. Well, ordinary with the
conditions that they were under. Evectri continued sending patrols of Volans to
hunt while the chosen cats travelled to their assigned clans to bring them to the
island. Rain also noticed that many cats walked over to where the bodies lay, and
they spoke to their dead kin and friends.
Rain had hoped that he would not have to bury these cats until Bravepaw returned,
but hed decided for health reasons that he do so when the clans arrived. After all,
the bodies couldnt properly be buried without various elders to lead the ceremony.
So, with almost nothing to do, Rain managed to be the moral supporter of many of
the younger warriors who had lost a loved one or who had gained a serious injury.
Though mentally tiring, Rain was glad that he could help so many depressed cats.
That night, he slept by Evectri again in their designated spot near the Great Oak
tree. As soon as he closed his eyes he welcomed sleep and allowed darkness to
overtake him. He expected the normal dreams at first, but then he thought, Maybe I
can go see StarClan. . . It was a wish hed had for a long time, for he wanted to see
his lost beloved just once more.
And he got to.
Rain travelled through the darkness, following a glowing light. It grew bigger as he
padded toward it, and soon a meadow of swaying grass lay under his paws. Rain
blinked under the starry skies, noticing that many cats mingled within this
The grey and white tom wanted to explore, but he stopped himself, waiting for the
escort he knew hed need to have. Eventually, a familiar orange tabby trotted over.
Rain recognized her floating movements and spotted fur immediately and smiled.
It is good to see you again, Cheetahfur, Rain greeted. Cheetahfur nodded.
Good indeed, she responded. Now, as I understand it, you wish to see a few
cats? Rain opened his mouth to say that he only wanted to see Robinwing, but
closed his muzzle before he spoke. Hed learned over the months that StarClan was
mysterious and there was always a reason for assumption. Follow me, then.
Rain padded behind his guide, looking around at the starry cats. He only
recognized a few, all of whom glanced up, smiled, and continued speaking to their
peers. The grey and white tom was more fixated, however, on the high hills they
were approaching. They were snow-capped and purple in the moonlight, and its
beauty made him envy the StarClan cats.
Cheetahfur lead him through those, and that is when he noticed that they were
traveling at a faster speed than before. Curiously, Rain continued on, noticing that
the ground was darkening behind the high hills. Cheetahfur paid no attention,
however, and chose to keep walking.
As they walked behind the shadow of the high hills, Rain was interested to find
that he was padding on pebbles now, pebbles in which one would often see in a
drive way of a ranch house. Considering it was slightly unnatural to see that, Rain
grew surprised.
This part of the land shapes by itself, Cheetahfur explained as if shed read his
mind. Every few moons, it changes to how the world is set. In this case, pebbles
represent the mountain that it once was, and yet now they have fallen into a million
different pieces. Rain tilted his head.
Does this represent how Sharpmoon and Negro set rank to their controlled beings,
and yet now when theyre destroyed, everyone will unite no matter how small in
power they are? Rain asked. Cheetahfur paused, a grim look on her face.
If that is what you choose to believe, yes, Cheetahfur told him. Most of the
time, however, it has several meanings that are better left ignored. The golden
tabby pressed forward, as if frightened by the interesting place. All Rain could do
was follow.
Rainfur! exclaimed a familiar voice. The grey and white tom turned to find
Shadowflame bounding up to him.
Shadowflame? Rainfur asked. I thought you were. . .you know, alive. The
golden she-cat shrugged.
I wasnt meant for battleRobinwing covered that, Shadowflame claimed. And
besides, I cared more for my kits than my life. But anyway, are you here to see my
sister? Rainfur nodded.
Yeah, one last time, at least, Rain said with a bleak smile.
Alright, just dont venture too far in that direction, Shadowflame warned. And
tell Redpaw and Darkpaw that their sister and I are doing fine for me. Rain
nodded, and dashed back over to Cheetahfur who seemed to not even have noticed
that hed stopped.
They continued walking on the pebbles, though green grass was not far off. Rain
was eager to see his mate again, and became almost too focused to see five proud
cats sitting upon several high rocks that sat high above the flowing stream below.
Rain recognized them after glancing at them. There, in front of him, sat Ravenstar,
Flamestar, Wolfstar, Snakestar, and Sharpmoon. The grey and white tom blinked,
having expected anything than to meet them. He shifted uneasily in his spot as all
of their eyes directly stared at him.
Have you come to settle old relationships, Rainfur? asked Snakestar, his voice
booming. That is very considerate of you. Rain remained quiet. These cats were
all leaders, and he had yet to become one. He didnt know quite what to say.
Hey, Rainfur, remember me? asked Flamestar cheerfully. Thank you for saving
our clans! Theyve been doing wonderfully since the other night, it seems. Rain
We wouldnt have been able to do it with your help, the grey and white tom
admitted. To sacrifice all nine lives like that. . . A bit of laughter came from the
five leaders.
We didnt have nine lives to begin with, Flamestar explained. We lied to
Sharpmoon, claiming that wed gone to the moonpool even though we clearly
hadnt. We had names of the leader, but not nine lives.
Why? Did StarClan refused to give them to you? Rain asked.
No, it was Snakestars idea, Flamestar continued. He had this master plan all
worked outif we pretended we were leaders, we could control our clan in those
in to perform a secret base to try and gain warriors so that Sharpmoon could get
defeated again. Also, we couldnt be sacrificed to StarClan if we had nine lives.
Rains eyes widened at that.
You knew about the sacrificing even before you were to become leaders? he
asked. How?
StarClan gave us all a vision, Snakestar told him. Actually, more to the case,
they gave the leaders before us a vision. You see, Rosestar, Bravestar, and
Nightstar all knew that they would die in the first war, and so they told us. They
sacrificed themselves for a plan that StarClan had created, and through them, I
enforced the plan.
What was the plan? asked Rain curiously.
Since the Volans posed no threat to us at the time, the plan focused on destroying
Sharpmoon and his evil rein, answered Snakestar. We would all become leaders
and train those in our clans to fight harder and more aggressively. Meanwhile, each
leader and clan played a part in raising your son and daughter. WindClan for taking
care of the kits until they were of age, ShadowClan for training them, ThunderClan
for housing Demonfang, and RiverClan because of Bravestars protect wards
within your son.
The plan was for your daughter to become the strong and powerful she-cat from
your inheritance while Bravepaw follow Bravestars wisdom and righteousness. It
worked, but Bravestar was soon unable to keep your son living. Rain tilted his
What do you mean? Rain asked.
Your son wasnt meant to live, Snakestar explained. He was supposed to be
stillborn, and only Demonfang was to survive. However, Bravestar kept your son
alive, and so they were linked. StarClan objected to this, but when they found it
was the only way to sooth Demonfangs anger, they agreed to let him do that.
Like I said, though, Bravestar didnt have the strength to do so much longer than
when Bravepaw had turned eight moons old, Snakestar went on. So, we devised
another plan that would soon allow us to get to the right point. Though horrible
indeed, we had to make Demonfang see the truth in life, and so we allowed her to
see your past, and to kill her own brother. Rain, though trying to keep himself
composed, could do nothing but tense his muscles. He hated what had happened,
but he reminded himself that Bravepaw was still alive.
After this, Demonfang received her warrior name and lived with your brother,
Stormheart, Snakestar continued. We knew that a war was soon upon us, so we
prepared our sacrifices to StarClan in order to create a power strong enough to
defeat Sharpmoon. When the Volans showed, however, we had to soon change it.
One more that had connections with StarClan had to sacrifice him or herself in
order for the power to work, and alas, your brother volunteered. Rains head was
And now I have to choose leaders to fully repopulate and heal the clans. . . Rain
murmured after several minutes of silence. He was staring at a pebble in which was
darker than the others.
That shouldnt be too hard, Flamestar said. Thunderheart would be the best
choice for a leader for ThunderClan, though I suppose you already knew that.
Young Smoketail, as you saw, proved himself well, Wolfstars booming voice
reminded Rain. Out of all my warriors, he should become RiverClans leader.
Rosefire is a wise and competent she-cat much like Rosestar and I, Blackstar
murmured. I chose her to be the leader of WindClan.
And in ShadowClan, I believe Willowshade will suffice, Snakestar answered.
Though not a member of my family as my father and brother would have hoped,
she is confident and very intelligent. It was silent, then, as the leaders looked to
The tabby tom looked. . .kinder. He didnt seem angry and he didnt seem
determined for anything. Sharpmoons amber eyes portrayed wisdom, intelligence,
and a sense of understanding. It was curious, for the only expression Rain had
really seen on his face was determination and fury.
Rainfur, though I have done wrong, I have come to peace, Sharpmoon said
proudly. I understand now what I did was far from right, and for that I apologize
for how I acted when I was alive. So now I would humbly ask that you be my heir,
and become king of the clans. Rain frowned.
You did a lot to me, Rain reminded the tabby tom. You took my family from
me, and my friends. You made me relive a lifetime of memories Id rather not see
again. Sharpmoon nodded, his eyes cloudy.
I know, and I was wrong, but you saw why I did it, Sharpmoon pointed out. I
was blinded, and now I have seen the light. I know what I did and though Ive been
forgiven, I will never truly forgive myself. Rain was about to protest, but he
didnt. After all, hed be taking the position of king for the cats of the clans, not for
the ruthless tom he once knew.
Considering you want me to be king, am I to assume you want the current system
continue? Rain asked. The leaders nodded.
It is effective, though flawed, Snakestar told him. Do with it what you wish,
just keep the baselines. ShadowClan for training, RiverClan for hunting, WindClan
for queens, and ThunderClan for fighting. Rain nodded.
What of the medicine cats? Rain asked.
Redpaw is not ready to become a medicine cat, so Mysticfall will have to
continue training him, Snakestar answered. Mudroot will be WindClans
medicine cat, and he will train the next medicine cat. I will send a message to
medicine cats who have passed on and they will send a dream to Mudroot to decide
the rest. If they wish to appoint medicine cats, they will do so. If not, Mudroot and
Mysticfall will have to do until Redpaw and Mudroots apprentice are ready to take
their positions as medicine cats for the other clans. Rain nodded before
Cheetahfur murmured something along the lines of we need to go.
It was a pleasure to see you all again, Rain said to them as he dipped his head.
Thank you. The grey and white tom stood then, but stopped when he noticed a
grey flash dart toward the leaders. He watched as a grey kit bounded up to
Sharpmoon, a small mouse in her jaws.
Brother! Brother! Look what I caught! claimed the kit, dropping the mouse at
her brothers paws. It was just about to get away, but I caught it! I caught it!
Sharpmoon gave a gentle smile Rain couldnt have imagined earlier.
Good job, Ashkit, the big brother praised. Would you like to share it? The two
began eating together, and that is when Rain remembered Sharpmoons past. A
pang of sorrow overcame him as he turned to follow Cheetahfur while thinking, Id
forgotten about his sister. . .I guess he has changed, no matter how much I dont
want to believe it.
Rain continued to follow the she-cat into a wonderful forest full of pine trees that
shaded the ground. It seemed like the perfect place to hunt, and Rain assumed
thats what it was used for. After all, he scented several cats in which had travelled
through the grounds.
This is a popular place, for both ShadowClan cats and ThunderClan cats find
themselves at home hunting here, Cheetahfur explained. She didnt continueshe
just went on padding through the forest.
Rainfur? Is that you? asked a curious voice. Rain stopped, his eyes scanning the
thick overgrowth. His blue gaze settled on a long-haired she-cat with pretty amber
eyes. At first, Rain didnt recognize her. When he did, he gasped with shock.
Thorntail! he breathed, his eyes wide. She giggled.
Forgot about me a bit, did you? Thorntail asked, a playful smirk on her face.
Acceptable I guess with your situation a few moons ago. Rain lowered his head,
blushing slightly.
Sorry. . .I shouldnt have forgotten, he apologized. The she-cat shrugged.
No biggie, Thorntail reassured him. She paused, frowning slightly. Is
Duskfeather going to make it? Rain smiled warmly.
Yeah, the grey and white tom answered. Hes going to pull through. After all,
Demonfang is doing her best to keep his heart beating. Thorntail nodded, her eyes
clouded with emotion.
Im glad, Thorntail murmured. After I found Nightmist and Snowshine here. . .I
almost lost hope that my kits would live past their fourteenth moon. . . Rain
sighed, nervous as a silence overcame them.
Duskfeather has become strong, Rain told her. From that day in the blizzard, he
has become the largest, and one of the fastest warriors I have seen. Thorntail
looked up to him with a broad smile.
Thank you for taking care of them for me, Thorntail said. I am grateful for all
you have done for them, and all you have done for me. Rain dipped his head in
After all you did for me when I became an apprentice, I am grateful to you as
well, Rain murmured. They exchanged smiles, and Rain realized that he felt like
he was reliving the past.
Hey, Thorntail, where have you the tabby tom who had spoken stopped as he
saw Rain, and as the grey and white tom tried to figure out who he was, a black
tom and white she-cat walked over.
Do you remember J ayflight, Rainfur? Thorntail asked. My brother? And Im
sure you recognize Nightmist and Snowshine. Rain realized who they were as
soon as she said it, but after a few moments, his face fell slightly. Theyre a family
in StarClan, and they all died because of the wars that have went on in my life-
time. . .
Rainfur, we must continue on, Cheetahfur pressed on. Rain glanced toward her,
suddenly remembering why he had come once more. He gave a quick smile to
Thorntail and her family before bounding back to the golden tabby who lead him
deeper into the forest.
A ghostly figure walked past not too long after Thorntail had disappeared with her
brother and kits. It was small, but very long. It had jade green eyes, and it was very
starry. Curious, Rain stopped to watch it.
What is that? Rain asked.
Your son, said Cheetahfur simply, a sorrowed look on her face. His eyes
widened as they looked to the silver tabby. Sighing, she said, This is the part of
your son in which remained in StarClan. It will always be here, haunting us and
our mistake until Bravepaw joins StarClan. Rain was still confused.
What do you mean? he asked.
Bravestar and Bravepaws souls were split in half when they separated,
Cheetahfur explained. Both of those halves created thisa ghost. It isnt
dangerous, just eerie. Nothing to worry about though. She continued down the
path, and as Rain followed her, he avoided the ghost by a good two tail-lengths.
So many have been affected by these wars. . . Rain thought as he walked
on. Evectri, Thorntail and her family, Stormheart. . .I know it had to be done, but
still. . .Im going to have to make it up to them all someday.
Robinwing is watching over Bravepaw, Cheetahfur randomly told him, her eyes
still on the invisible path they were taking. So, with that, shes pretty far through
the skies, which is why weve had to travel so long. Normally, no cat ever strays
this far. They went for a few more tree-lengths before finally, Rain recognized a
scent hed never forget.
Without honestly caring whether or not he needed an escort, Rain surged forward,
dashing through the sudden darkness that he found he was in. The grey and white
warrior continued running until he saw her: Robinwing. She was sitting in the
darkness, looking down at the ground.
Robinwing? he asked, his heart lurching with hopefulness. Familiar jade green
eyes met his, and for a moment, they stared at each other. Then, she ran over and
licked his cheek, a wide grin on her face as their eyes met after so many moons.
Rainfur! she greeted. I cant believe you have finally come!
Its so nice to see you, he agreed, a warm smile on his face. How have you
been? The grey she-cat shrugged.
Mostly worried sick about you and our kits, Robinwing answered. But seems
theyre doing perfectly now, even Bravepaw. Rain nodded.
I wish I were here to raise them, Rain said with a chuckle. They must have been
a handful, after all. Robinwing laughed.
They were more than that, she corrected him. Bravepaw was always getting
sucked into Demonfangs tricks. She shows so much of you, by the way. Her
bravery, her way of thinking, her fur colour. . .it pained me every once and a while,
for I thought you were dead. Rain nodded.
Everyone aside from Sharpmoon, Flamestar, and Stormheart seemed to think
that, Rain said, carrying on the conversation the best he could. His head lowered
then. Im sorry I left you here aloneI should have been smarter. Robinwing
smirked playfully.
But then I wouldnt have felt so strongly about our kits, Robinwing told him. If
you had not left, Bravepaw wouldnt have been so brave, and Demonfang wouldnt
have matured correctly. Rain frowned.
You would have lived, though, he reminded her. Robinwing sighed.
That was my own decision, Robinwing murmured. It had to be done, and I was
glad I did it. I didnt know our kits would catch on so quickly, however. Bravepaw
must have gained your intelligence. Rain hesitated in responding.
Robinwing, why did you sacrifice yourself? Rain asked. I mean, I know that
you wanted to save the kits and everything, but if you thought I was dead, I doubt
you would have wanted to be near them. Robinwings smile faded.
At first I didnt honestly know, Robinwing replied truthfully. I realized that the
kits would only make me think of you, and I knew from the moment I laid eyes on
Demonfang that she would be resented. However. . .I remembered something from
our past. A promise. Rain tilted his head.
A promise? he asked. Robinwing nodded.
Remember when you returned from exile? Robinwing asked. You met me at
moonhigh at the ThunderClan border, and I realized youd changed. You were
different. Rainfur, you made a promise that I will always remember. You swore
that you would take revenge for how I was treated. You swore you would
overthrow Sharpmoon and make sure our kits lived in peace. Dont you realize that
you kept your promise? Everything is as you said it would be.
Not everything, Rain reminded her with a frown. Bravepaw died, Demonfang is
mentally scarred, and so many have died. . .
But the clans are safe, Rainfur, and that is what matters, Robinwing told him.
And it was all because of your promise. Silence overcame them then.
Hey, guys, I know you havent seen each other in a long time, but StarClans just
given me a warning saying that Rainy has to return to the livin world soon, came
J acturs voice. Rain turned his gaze to the familiar grey and white tom as he
walked over.
Alright, J actur, said Robinwing. She gave him a warm smile. Thank you for
visiting me. Rain nodded.
Thank you for talking with me, he told her. He then followed J actur, for he had
no idea where Cheetahfur had gone. It was nice to see her again, Rain thought.
J actur and Rain didnt walk very far before the grey and white leader realized he
was not going back the way he had come. Immediately he asked, Where are we
going? I thought we had to return to the world of the living. J actur smirked.
Do you really think that StarClan would limit your time here? the sly tom asked.
You saved their clans, and youre a portal to the mortal world and this world. I
doubt it. Anyway, it was the only thing I could think of that would get you away
from your mate. Rains eyes widened.
J actur! Rain accused. I havent seen her in over eight moons!
Dont get all worked upI actually did it for a reason, J actur explained. You
see, I want to show you my family. The door should be right over. . .ah-ha! Here it
is! The two walked toward a large golden door that Rain found remotely similar
to the one that allowed all the souls from before enter StarClan.
What in StarClans name? Rain began.
This is the Haven of Selios, J actur explained. And its my home. The grey and
white soul had his tail twitching as his eyes bright with excitement. Rain smiled
with amusement, chuckling slightly.
The doors opened, and Rain followed his partner through them. It was very light.
There was a sun shining above the fields and rolling hills. Several catssome
kitswere jumping and running through the green grass, enjoying the softness
below. Some sat eating fresh-kill, and others lied down talking to each other. Its
just like a Sunday picnic at the park, thought Rain, smiling.
J acturs darted from family to family and from group to group searching for
something important. Several moments later, his gaze stopped at a very curious
looking family, and the grey and white tom grinned with glee before surging
forward toward those cats.
Rain padded after his partner, choosing to let J actur get to the family first. It was
strange to see J actur immediately start talking to the eldest tom and she-cat, whos
eyes widened with shock and happiness. Meanwhile, the younger kits all began to
watch with curiosity.
. . .convinced Rainy to come, but here I am! J actur was saying. Its so
wonderful to see you all again! The cats glanced over to Rain as he stopped
Noctazul, who is this? asked the eldest she-cat. J actur looked over and smirked
This is Rainy, or Rain, or Rainfur, or whoever he wants to be called, J actur
explained. He gave me my new nameJ acturand so now he hosts me! We
make a powerful team, we do. Rain dipped his head with respect.
Is it right to assume that you are J acturs family? asked Rain politely. The she-
cat nodded.
I am Luciraya, Noctazuls mother, she purred. The eldest tom, Dorturrang, is
his father, and the kits around you are his siblings. And there were quite a few,
Rain mused. Five, if he couldnt correctly.
Im Colmil, J acturs youngest sibling! claimed a golden tom who seemed to be
about only three moons old.
And Im Meliso! said a black tom excitedly. Im Colmils nest-mate!
I am Oculicatis, and these are my siblings Reciovient and Buanair, explained a
tall, tabby grey she-cat as she flicked her tail to a stormy grey and white tom and a
dark tabby she-cat. Were six moons older than Colmil and Meliso.
And boy do they show that, J actur sneered. They always made sure to remind
me that they were younger and that they could get away with everything, but now I
guess theyre going to start reminding Colmil and Meliso that they are older and
need to be respected. Reciovient grinned, his amber eyes glimmering.
You bet, he said.
Noctazul? asked an unfamiliar voice. Is that you? Rain turned to see two toms
about the same age as J actur staring at his partner with wide eyes. J actur smirked
playfully at them.
Who else would I be, Nixcro? asked J actur to the white tom. He turned to the
black tom and said, I mean, come on, Noxtactis, I would suspect you to at least
recognize my scent. Both times widened their eyes and brightened their eyes.
It is you! claimed Nixcro. After so many moons, youve returned!
Yeah, and with a soul partner too! said Noxtactis excitedly. What name did you
get? J actur grinned with mischievousness.
J actur, J actur responded. The black tom and white tom laughed out loud.
Honestly, Zul, Id think youd have learned not to freak mortals out by now!
Nixcro exclaimed.
Hey, Rainy was the one with all of that insanity, J actur defended himself, though
he was standing pridefully with a smile. And besides, most of those cats deserved
So is this him? asked Noxtactis, eyeing Rain with curiosity.
Yupbrave ol Rainy, J actur answered. These are my littermates, Rainy. We
were all just eight moons old when I left. Crazy, isnt it? Rain nodded, smiling.
Im delighted to meet you all, said Rain.
As we are you, said J acturs mother. After he vanished, we had no idea what to
expect. After all, none of us souls have left this haven for at least ten generations if
not more. And then Matar left and we. . .we were afraid a horrible age was about to
come upon us and the decedents of our sky-mates, StarClan.
What do you mean? asked Rain, his eyes narrowed.
Well, us souls dont leave here until we sense that the mortal cats are under peril,
Nixcro explained. And because two were suddenly chosen to leave we thought the
worse. Rain nodded, understanding then.
I have another question, Rain said suddenly. Why do you call J actur Noctazul?
I expected you would ask that question, claimed Luciraya with a smile.
Noctazul, meaning midnight blue, was a name Selios gave to him after his birth.
You see, unlike youre used to, the mothers of the kits dont get to name our
children up here. Selios does. However, because you gave him a new name, he has
two names, which is usually how it is for the chosen souls who live inside a
mortals mind. Rain smiled with amusement at his partner.
You must be one creepy cat if your name means Midnight Blue Sacrifice, said
Rain playfully.
Ill take that as a compliment, said J actur proudly. His gaze drifted to his
littermates. So how has life been for you? They both shrugged.
Quite normal for me, said Noxtactis. Although someone is going to have his
own kits soon. The black tom was eying his brother, Nixcro, who blushed.
Really? asked J actur curiously. Who is it?
. . .Tireana. . . Nixcro murmured, though he was smiling. J actur began laughing
so hard that he had to lie down, and though Rain had his head tilted, the members
of his family seemed to know what was hilarious about this situation.
Of course it was her! J actur laughed. Of call the she-cats in this haven, you
just had to choose her! J actur continued laughing, and eventually Rain looked
toward his partners mother and asked the question through his gaze.
Sensing what was wrong, Luciraya smiled and said, Tireana is Matars sister.
Rain laughed a bit as well as he figured out the irony in that.
Where is Matar anyway? Rain finally asked. Wasnt he supposed to be here?
Yes, but he chose to stay with your brother, Dorturrang, J acturs father,
responded. StarClan allowed him in their skies, and so he and your brother will
always live together with the ancestors of your kind.
Could he come back here? Rain asked.
Whenever he wants, said J acturs mother. He came by just a few hours ago,
actually. He left, though, for Stormheart is rather busy.
May I know what hes doing? Rain asked, his voice suddenly lower now with
less enthusiasm as before. Dorturrang and Luciraya looked at each other for a
He is watching over his mate and kits, if you must know immediately, said
Luciraya with a warm smile. He is quite agitated that Rosefire doesnt know yet.
Wait, his kits? Rain asked with wide eyes. But how?
He and Rosefire spent a lot of time together when they were apprentices of
ShadowClan, and they tried to see each other as much as they could during the full
moon gatherings. Luciraya reminded him. They didnt mean to have kits, of
course, but it just came out that way. Rain lowered his head.
If shes having kits, I cant appoint her as leader. . . he said aloud.
Not necessarily, said Luciraya. She can still lead with kits in her stomach, and
when she is suckling them she will simply let other queens nurse her kits during
the times she is absent.
But what if the cats look down upon her for being a leader with kits? asked Rain.
It is never tradition to have kits when you are leader of your clan.
You are right, but your kind is very close to destruction, and reproduction is
futile, Luciraya pointed out. Had this been any other clan, I would ask you to
choose another tom leader, but since she is in the clans of Queens, shell need not
move from her territory to kit. Rains eyes drifted to the ground as he thought.
What. . .what if one of the kits become like the insane Matar? asked Rain after a
long while.
That is inevitable, of course, but the kit can be kept calm by you, Bravepaw, or
any of the medicine cats and Volans, said Luciraya. Rain remained quiet as he
Stormheart is having kits, then? Rain thought to himself. Of all the things. . .It is
good for his memory. His legacy will live on. He has a family now, just like he
wanted when he was younger. I cannot wait until I see my nephews and/or nieces,
and I promise I will protect them as if they were my own. Beside my memory, they
will be all I have left of my brother.
Stop thinking such depressing thoughts, Rainy, J actur hissed teasingly. Ah well,
I think weve spent quite a long time in this haven. Ready to go back to your
body? Rain nodded, but again, he said nothing.

Rain didnt sleep after waking up from his journey into StarClan. He wasnt tired,
but instead he was trying to create a strategy on the ceremonies at hand. Leader
ceremonies, Bravepaws warrior ceremony, deputy ceremonies, and his own
ceremony. Not to mention Evectris coronation and the decoration of the Cats of
the Storms being welcomed in the clan.
There was another thing bugging him though. J actur. His partners life seemed so
mysterious after what hed just seen. Rain hadnt even realized how much he
didnt know until meeting his family, and for some reason, it bothered him.
So you want to hear my life story, do you? J actur asked, yawning. His voice was
full of boredom.
Kind of, Rain answered. I just. . .I dont know. I thought you knew you as well as I
know myself but I was proven wrong today. J actur chuckled.
Indeed you were, said J actur. Which would mean that you want to hear more about
me, am I wrong? Rain stayed quiet, opening and shutting his jaw as he tried to
speak. Ill take that as a yes.
So lets see. . .where to begin? J actur asked. Well, I was first born of my mother
and father, and that is a very good honour in the Haven of Selios. After all, if we
can live foreverwhich we can, in a matter of speakingnobody really wants to
settle down with a mate real soon.
I was a good kit, but every once and a while I had my days where I wanted to
experience fear. Didnt know why, but I just did. So, I either got myself in a
dangerous situation, or, in most cases, I simply made others scared. Wasnt very
nice of me, I know, but the past is in the past and one can never change it.
I was a normal kit despite that. My siblings would play with me, Matar and his
sister would play with me, and others would soon decide that I was quite strong for
my age. One day I even beat a full grown soul, and so I was considered a prodigy.
The elders, however, grew wary of me. Perhaps they saw what Id become, but that
didnt and never will matter to me.
When I got to about six moons old I felt even more separate from my friends and
family. I would become insane for moments at a time, thinking things Id never
think in my life. I even sought out to kill a few times, and a few more as I grew
older. Everyone had become quite scared of me.
I was lonely by the time I was eight moons old. Matars sister had begun to avoid
me, my family gave me odd looks, and no one would eat with me when I could. I
became bitter and angry and irritated with the world. Often Id just run through
the Haven, hoping to find an end in which I would fall to the mortal world and die.
So is that how you found me? Rain asked curiously.
No, because I didnt know that there wasnt any end to the Haven, J actur
explained. Anyway, I felt a very odd thing one day. It was like a magnet pulling me
toward something I had no idea even existed. Curiously, I followed, suddenly
having the urge to find something dangerous.
I went through the portalsomething that I apparently created by myselfand
travelled down to the mortal world. No one could see me, so I simply padded
through ThunderClan territory and found you. You werent awake yet, and neither
had WindClan picked you up. It was moonhigh as well, so you were actually far
from waking.
The insanity within you matched me, and I felt compelled to join with you. So I did.
It was an eerie sensation, but I was happy there. I felt like I could have someone to
compare with me.
I lived inside your mind for the most part, and I became more and more insane
with every waking day. It was scary, but I felt enjoyed by doing it. The fear from
the cats seemed to feed this insanity, and so every time you allowed me to kill, I
became stronger.
Eventually, you gave me a name, and you know the rest. J actur finished.
Hmm, that wasnt as exciting as how Id thought it be, Rain admitted.
You were the one who asked! J actur spat irritably.
I know, I know, Rain said. But after I figured out that you ran away, I thought that
more supernatural stuff had happened.
Like what, my family coming after me? Asked J actur. It happened genius.
It did? Rain asked.
Yup, J actur answered. They never caught up to me, though, because you masked my
soul. Nevertheless, I would sit and imagine them finding me. A very scary thought,
might I add.
Why? Rain asked.
Because everyone after me knew exactly how to use their powers, J actur
revealed. It would be like us fighting our younger selvesbefore you gave me a
name and such. Rains eyebrows raised.
That is a scary thought, Rain admitted.
Imagine what it was like to have no one to share that with after you lost your
memory, J actur reminded him.
But you seemed fine then! Rain exclaimed.
I may have seemed that way, but that was only because I knew you could get your
memories back, said J actur. You know those times I wasnt talking to you? At those
times Id retreated to a dark part of your mind, hiding myself. I didnt want you
going crazy just because I was feeling blue.
If you knew I was getting my memories back, why would you be sad or
depressed? Rain asked.
Rainy, I cant describe to you how alone I felt after you lost your memories, J actur
told him solemnly. It was like having a part of you ripped away. I couldnt interact
with you the way I was used to, and since youre like a brother to me, it was heart-
Why didnt you say anything? Rain asked.
I couldnt, J actur explained. If I had, you would have opened the door, and you
would have destroyed yourself. I almost did though. Several times, actually. I
wanted to be able to joke around, but I couldnt, not when you couldnt remember
anything I was going to say.
Well now I feel sorry for you, Rain told his partner.
Whats the point in that? J actur said, his voice becoming playful. Youve got your
memories back, and Ive got my foster brother back. All is well, isnt it? Rain gave
a chuckle.
Yeah, I suppose it is, Rain answered.

Chapter Thirty-Six
My king, you must wake, came Intonos deep voice. Rain wishes to make a
ceremony, and you must be present, for it is custom in this situation. Evectri
Since when did this happen in our past? he asked. Intono opened his mouth.
Dont answer that. The silver king sat up, noticing the growing flexibility in his
wounds. He smiled, content as he began grooming himself.
The ceremony consist of burying the dead, Intono began. There are proper
words to say among the cats, apparently. Evectris blinked curiously.
Really? Well thats curious, he said. Are they just burring their own dead?
Intono stiffened.
He was wondering if you would allow our own to be buried like the cats, Intono
answered with a frown.
Does anybody here have an objection? asked Evectri. Intono shook his head.
No, my king, Intono answered, his amber eyes looking quite different. They
state that they have seen so many traits within us as within them to refuse to act
different. Evectri smiled, his expression softening. Its happening, he thought. Its
finally happening. . .
I will meet Rain immediately, Evectri told Intono. If you would, ready four
other toms of our kind to fly back home. We must gather our kingdom and bring
them here soon if Bravepaw is to return on time. Intono nodded before taking off
into the sky.
The silver king padded up to the base of the Great Oak tree and lifted himself into
the sky. He flew up to the third branch to where Rain sat, his eyes clouded with
thought as he looked down to the cats below him.
Is there something wrong, Rain? asked Evectri. The grey and white tom didnt
seem to hear him, but eventually, he sighed.
My son is important, yes, but why? I feel like I lost another memory, and yet I
have this sensation that Ill never get it back, Rain explained. He shook his head.
StarClan has screwed with my mindI need to focus. If I am going to be leader
of these cats, and if I am really going to perform this ceremony, I need to be
focused. Evectri smiled.
Youll be fine, he reassured his friend. Youve done something like this before,
Im sure. The silver king flew down to a branch below Rains and sat, waiting for
the gathering to begin.
Evectri noticed that there were more cats than usual. Twice as many, if only. He
then caught the scent of Smoketail, Mudroot, and the other cats Rain sent to
retrieve the rest of the cats. With that conclusion, Evectri figured out that all the
clan cats were gathered.
Let all cats capable of walking, gather hear beneath the Great Oak for a
Gathering! Rain called. Many of the cats looked up and padded over, awe and
curiosity soon feeling the air. Evectri noticed these cats gathered very similarly to
the way that the Cats of the Storms did.
As you all may know, there are many who have passed away to StarClan, and
though they are gone, they will be remembered for all that they are, Rain began.
Death is no sadness. . .no, Ive had my share of it, and it is only a pathway to a
new life. Grieve as you will, but know that they are not sad to leave nor happy to
let go. They are simply watching you, hoping to guide your lives now that their
mortal life has ended.
Usually those from different clans would bury their own with the other who died
previous to this battle, Rain said, mostly to himself. However, I believe that
these cats died for too special a reason. I believe, and maybe you do to, that these
cats deserve to become a reminder of those who fought and died protecting these
clans. Then, maybe from many moons in the future, decedents beyond will
remember this battle and praise those who died. There were whispers, and Evectri
smiled. Everything was going nicely so far.
Will the following cats please step forward. said Rain. He began naming off cats,
his voice becoming stronger. Evectri smiled once more, watching as several toms
and she-cats stepped forward. . . .Intono, and Klan. Evectri blinked, surprised to
hear names of his own kind. He noticed that even more names had been called
prior, which made his eyes widen slightly.
Thank you, said Rain after he was done calling out names. Evectri noticed Rain
pausing, and he guessed that he was talking to J actur.
StarClan, Rain began, his voice being joined with J acturs. We call upon your
powers to help those who passed on a few sunrises ago live above your stars.
Guide them into your life up in the Silverpelt and help them live a peaceful life in
the moons to come. Honour these cats will all your greatness for they have made
the ultimate sacrifice for our cause. A bright mist appeared, and it rose until it
engulfed the cats. The mist soon disappeared into the cats laying deceased further
away from the Great Oak tree. They glowed for a minute, and then returned to
They have our blessing, a voice ran out. The cats whispered, curious as to what
just happened. However, Rain was moving on.
Those who I have called up, you may now carry out the honour of burring those
lost in this bloody war, Rain ordered. The cats nodded before making their way to
the other side of the island.
Eventually one tom lifted his head and said, Are we burying the Volans as well?
Of course, Rain said. They are, and forever will, be a part of our history now
that this war has come to an end. I see no reason that they may not be honoured as
well. Evectri purred in agreement even though no one could hear him.
As the cats were buried, everyone watched. Some were praying, others were
crying, and some were simply watching. Demonfang, Evectri noticed, was staring
at where Stormhearts body lay. Those of his own kind, however, were looking to
their dead or allowing their heads down as they whispered to their lost ones.
We have always had a different way to honour those who died for us, Evectri
thought to himself with a smile. But now, we may honour them in peace on our
own terms. Finally. . .my dream has come true. After a while, the cats were done
burying the dead, and just as Evectri was going to take off into the air, he realized
that something was appearing on the graves.
Within the earth, a small inch thick line was being carved, and eventually it created
a rectangle around the graves. It looked like the earth was hard and it wouldnt be
able to move, and this made Evectri sigh. StarClan was showing off, it seemed.
The silver king jumped into the air flying high above the cats and other Volans
before saying, Klan, Azotar, Rivio, and Falivia, I shall be returning home to help
escort the others back here. If you wish, you may help me. Immediately, they took
off into the sky, joining him soon after.
Intono is currently in charge while I am gone, Evectri announced. Anyone who
has a problem or question, please ask him. The silver king flew in one place as the
four Volans he called joined him. He smiled to the rest of his kind and said, I will
return by nightfall if things go smoothly. And with that, he was off.

Bravepaw had to say that the trip to The Cats of the Storms was pretty brilliant. It
was always sunny, and even though leaf-fall was settling in, the air was warm with
a simple breeze. The landscaped changed as wellone tree-length there could be a
grassy plain, and the next it could be rocky and uneven.
. . .even knows where were going. . . muttered Tigertail from behind him.
Hey, I know exactly where Im going, snapped Tanzen. Tigertails gaze shot
forward to the Volan, his eyes wide as Blueflash sniggered beside him. Ive
fought these lands before, remember, and to do that I always need to know my
surroundings. Tigertail opened his mouth to respond.
I think what Tigertail meant to point out is, growled Willowshade interrupted.
Weve been going in the same direction for a long while, and after two days, we
just want to know that this isnt for nothing. Tanzen nodded, though he looked
forward instead of the ShadowClan deputy.
Understandable, Tanzen said. The Cats of the Storms camp is in a straight line
from your forest, though. Its remarkable. Our camp, though, is a different story.
Wasnt it on some island? asked Tigertail. Tanzen nodded, flicking his tail
toward the sun-drowned place. Its that direction, give or take a few fox-lengths.
Really hard to find, and when one does, it is thought that it is inhabitable.
What prey do you find there? asked Blueflash.
Water voles, mice, lizards, frogs, bats, Tanzen said, shrugging.
Bats? Blueflash asked. Lizards? You actually have to eat those things?
Tanzen laughed.
If we want to survive, then yes, the Volan answered. Bats are just a bit tough,
thats all. And lizards are hard to catch. Usually we stay away from lizards because
of that, and bats can only be caught at night unless someone wishes to enter a cave
and get swarmed by them. However, if one was up for a challenge, they are good
prey to look for.
The only challenges we get are the badgers and foxes, claimed Tigertail.
For predators, we do have the occasional water snake, Tanzen said casually.
Water snakes? asked Willowshade. Do you mean there are actually
snakes inside the water? Tanzen laughed once more, a smile growing on his face.
Yes, Tanzen finally answered. But, normally, we Volans can scent them fast
enough to let them be.
How can you scent something that is in the water? Blueflash asked. Its
impossible for us cats.
Well, Volans have very sharp senses, Tanzen explained. For example, right
now I can see a squirrel in that pine tree, and I can hear a lot of birds in that bush a
bit over there. Blueflash and Tigertail seemed interested now, and Bravepaw
chuckled at their expressions.
What can you smell? Tigertail asked eagerly.
Well, lets see, said Tanzen, sniffing in. The regular patrols of my kind havent
been here for ages, it seems, and the Cats of the Storms are silently drifting toward
this area, making it their own. I smell a familiar cat about have way between here
and the Cats of the Storms camp, and. . . Tanzen suddenly narrowed his eyes and
turned, forcing the patrol to stop.
Bravepaw followed his gaze and saw the small outlines of King Evectri and four
others flying toward with them. The patrol stayed still for many moments before
Rainfurs son asked, Tanzen, do you think its urgent? The Volan took a few
moments to consider it.
No, King Evectri seems at ease, Tanzen answered. However, I could never
know that for sure considering his training. Bravepaw sighed slightly, and then
waited for the Volans to land.
They had come at amazing speed, landing like an eagle snatching its prey. They
did so one at a time, Evectri landing first. Then they turned to face the patrol, and
Bravepaw realized Tanzen was right; there were no signs of urgency or worry
clouded any of the Volans eyes.
Is something wrong? Bravepaw asked as soon as he could.
No, were just on our way to the island to receive the others, Evectri answered.
Rain asked me to make sure you were all okay, and I wanted to come to remind
you that Shadow might be more willing to lead his clan to your forest if they knew
they could keep their traditions and ranks if they so wished. Bravepaw nodded.
Ill be aware of that, he told the silver king.
Well probably return before you do, but dont feel rushed, said King Evectri.
You have a difficult job, Bravepaw, and you will be respected for taking the
responsibility. Bravepaw smiled, and the silver king returned the response before
turning and taking off into the air.
Wow, you should be proud, came Tanzens voice. Bravepaw shifted his gaze to
the brown Volan. Kings dont usually give someone of your rank such a
compliment, if you count it as that. Bravepaw smiled after that, and he did so for a
long time after they continued forward.
It didnt take long before Bravepaw realized that they had entered the Cats of the
Storms territory. Tanzen revealed it all by his worried eyes and twitching tail.
Also, the brown Volan seemed to be tense, ready to jump away at any given
moment. It must be hard for him to be in enemy territory without much
protection, Bravepaw concluded.
Do they have patrols? Bravepaw asked.
No, just scouts on that hill over there, Tanzen explained. We. . .we should keep
going and wait for them to spot us, for they wont be able to see us from here.
Bravepaw nodded and followed his suggestion. They walked through tall grass for
a long while before making it to the rocky hills.
Be prepared to defend Tanzen with tooth and claw, Bravepaw said as they got
closer to the scouts. These cats wont understand the fact that Volans may be
innocent. There were murmurs behind him, but nothing more.
It was quite, and the silence was more frightening than any nightmare or war.
Everything was still and unmoving, as if something was waiting to attack them.
This made Bravepaw cautious, and he sniffed multiple times to check if they were
being watched.
After a while, he said, Alright, I think that this place is a good place to stop and
wait Bravepaw was interrupted by something colliding with his fragile body.
The wind in his lungs were knocked out of him as a cat pushed him to the ground.
Bravepaw reacted as fast as he could, standing up before the creature could pin him
to the cold floor. Rainfurs son turned to face his attacker, and narrowed his eyes
he saw a normal cat in front of him. He could hear the rest of his patrol fighting as
well, which confirmed his suspicions on who this was.
You have invaded our territory with our enemy at your shoulder, and for that, you
shall die! hissed the ginger tom. His green eyes were narrowed, his tail was
lashing, and his voice was filled with a feral touch that shocked Bravepaw.
We dont want to fight you, we just want to Bravepaw began, but the tom
lunged with unsheathed claws. With a swift movement, the pale grey tom moved
out of the way, forcing the ginger tom to land only on ground.
Weve come to deliver a message, that is all! Bravepaw cried out.
We take no messages from traitors who house the likes of him! the ginger tom
spat, his tail flicking to Tanzen. No message is important enough to ignore that
beast! The tom jumped closer to Bravepaw, and before the pale grey tom could
react, the ginger cat created a gash on Bravepaws chest.
Rainfurs son yowled in agony, quickly backing away from the ginger tom.
However, the cat lunged once more toward him, pushing the pale grey tom to the
ground. The ginger tom held him down with strength that Bravepaw knew he
couldnt match.
Stop! Bravepaw cried out quickly, uselessly struggling to get free. Stop!
Remind them that you are the son of Rainfur, came a distant voice. He paused,
shocked to hear StarClans voice.
Stop, Im Rains son! Bravepaw said as fast as he could. He sent me to give you
a message! the ginger tom paused.
How could a thin, weak tom like you even know about Rain? asked the ginger
tom bitterly. There is no way that you could be his son. Bravepaw locked eyes
with the tom as quick as he could and gave him a memory as fast as he could. It
was the memory of his birth, a few memories here and there from his life with
Demonfang, and then a single memory of Bravepaw talking to Rainfur.
The ginger tom paused before saying, What kind of power was that?
I told you, Im Rains son, Bravepaw stated, as if that answered the question
completely. But they are all true memories, I swear. Weve come for peace, that is
all! The ginger tom tensed immediately, the crazed look returning as he
unsheathed his claws into Bravepaws skin. The pale grey tom hissed as the pain
came to him sharply.
There is no peace here, you mouse-brain! the ginger tom hissed. Our leadership
has fallen, and those beasts are going to attack any day! Bravepaw was curious of
what happened to their leadership, but he figured he would know what it meant
No, they arent! Bravepaw defended. They helped us defeat Negro, and now
they are led by someone who has brought peace to their kind! The ginger tom
didnt seem to believe him, so the pale grey tom stared into his eyes and gave him
several memories of the war, and of the outcome. Bravepaw also gave him the
most recent memory he had of Evectri.
This made the ginger tom narrow his eyes tightly, and Bravepaw let go of the
breath he didnt know he was holding. For a few moments, Bravepaw could only
stare at the ginger tom as he listened to the rest of the patrol fighting. It seemed as
if they were over powered as well, though.
Why have you brought him? asked the ginger tom.
We wanted your clan to know that we have allied with them, Bravepaw
answered. But not against you! No, we actually would have all died had they not
come and helped kill their leader.
What was Negros purpose there? the ginger tom demanded.
He wanted our forest along with the island, said Bravepaw. He wanted to kill us
all and take the land for himself. The ginger tom paused once more. Eventually,
he stepped off of Bravepaw and growled lowly.
If any of your patrol or the Volan makes any wrong move, we will attack again,
growled the ginger tom. He then turned toward the fight cats and yowled very
loudly, which forced the battles to stop. It has been proven to me that these are
not intruders, but it has yet been decided whether or not they are trustworthy. We
will take them to the Commander so that she might help us. A few of the cats sat
up immediately, but others seemed to consider the situation before doing as their
superior told them.
Come, stand, strange ones, the ginger tom growled. My patrol will surround
you, but you must understand that we must be cautious. After what that prince did.
. .
There have only been two toms in our entire history who were able to hide only
their wings, hissed Tanzen defensively as blood drizzled down a nasty wound
from his shoulder. Evectri, and Negros father.
Nevertheless, we must be cautious, the ginger tom hissed. Follow us without
threatening our peace, and you could actually survive the journey to camp. The
tom turned, then, and the patrol surrounded Bravepaws. Tigertail growled, and
Blueflash was still tense. Bravepaw gave a look to them, though, and that helped
the two young toms along.
It was quiet as they went along. It was awkward, as if no one wished to speak in
fear of the patrol outmatching them once more. After all, there were almost twice
as many cats on the other patrol. Eventually, the ginger tom glanced over to him.
You are quite young to lead a patrol, he mused. Bravepaw nodded.
Im. . .special, though, Bravepaw answered. I have Rain as a father, and my
powerful sister as well. Plus, I helped killed Negro. So, my father and the King told
me that I would be best leading it. And. . .well, Im the only one who can do that
memory thing. The ginger tom frowned, looking forward at that moment.
That trick is very dangerous, the ginger tom warned. Those of my clan, as you
call it, wont like such strange things happening to them. Bravepaw nodded.
I know, he answered. There was another awkward silence before he continued,
My name is Bravepaw, by the way. The ginger tom smiled slightly.
Flame, Beta of the Cats of the Storms, the ginger tom responded. At Bravepaws
confused look, Flame added, I am second in command, serving as the
Commanders war and hunting strategist. I help with patrols and such too.
Bravepaw nodded.
I dont know what rank Im considered to be, Bravepaw said, just trying to help
the conversation along. I was an apprenticea tom in trainingbut then I dies
went away for a long time and. . .well, I havent had the time to have my ceremony
yet. And besides, there have been no leaders to preform it. Flame narrowed his
No leaders? But then how does your clan function? Flame asked.
Clans, you mean? Bravepaw asked with a bleak smile. Well, Rain is well
respected, so hes been giving orders for the past few days.
I meant on a regular day, Flame corrected. Bravepaw chuckled slightly then, his
head lowering.
Well, we had leaders, Bravepaw responded. but they died in the war. All four
of them, along with their deputies, or Betas as you call them. Flames eyes
That must have been one bloody war, Flame commented. You have my
condolences, Bravepaw.
From then on the two of them talked about little things, and Bravepaw became
more at ease with the situation. Flame seemed to trust him more as well, and the
pale grey tom also noticed those behind him speaking freely to the cats who had
just attacked them.
When they made it to camp, Bravepaw was amazed at its defence. Stone prevented
anyone from invading unless they defeated the guards and simply walked in, and
once they were inside Bravepaw was amazed at how large it was. The dens seemed
to be sturdy, and they had a highledge.
The toms and she-cats in the camp stopped from their daily business and looked at
the unfamiliar cats. They began to murmur curiously, and then they hissed with
fury as they saw Tanzen. They didnt attack, though, for they seemed respect their
patrols decision.
My Commander! Flame called from the base of the highledge. I have returned
with news you must attend to immediately! There was a pause. The cats from the
camp had gathered while the patrol stared at the den in which was near the
Finally, a golden she-cat walked out, her coat gleaming in the sunlight. Her blue
eyes, though stunning, were cold and emotionless, and this scared Bravepaw.
However, he calmed himself and waited for Shadow to walk out of the den as well.
Speak, Flame, and explain why you have brought that monster into our camp,
Huntress said, her voice edged with distaste.
We found them wandering into our territory, and we attacked, Flame explained,
his voice magnified so that the other cats could hear. We easily outmatched them,
but this tom here, Bravepaw, has prove himself son of Rain, and he has sworn as
well as showed me that he and his patrol will do no harm. Huntresss icy eyes fell
onto Bravepaw, making him shiver.
Tell me, kit, as to why you have come? Huntress asked.
M-my father has sent me to speak to Shadow about a matter that is rather
complicating, Bravepaw answered, trying to be as respectful as he could to the
scary she-cat.
If you wish to speak to my father, than you will have to pass over to whatever
afterlife awaits us, Huntress hissed, though her emotionless expression did not
He has died? Bravepaw asked, his eyes wide.
He was taken by a disease just three days ago, hissed Huntress. I am the new
Commander, so if you wish to speak of this complicating matter, I suggest you
begin now. I grow impatient of that thing being here. Bravepaw shifted with
unease clawing at his belly.
If their Commander has died, then it is no wonder that they were all so
feral, Bravepaw thought. After all, they were probably expecting the Volans to be
ready to attack just like when it happened to Rainfur. If I can use their sorrow to
my advantage though. . .I hope this wont make them fillwith more sorrow. . .
I am sorry to you all for the loss of your Commander, and you, Huntress, for the
loss of your father, Bravepaw said, choosing his words carefully. Our leaders
have also died, all four of them, along with each of their Betas. Huntresss
expression didnt change.
What a pity, she said simply. Whatever killed them must have been a scary
thing indeed. Why does this concern me and my cats, though? Id really like to
know. Bravepaws jade green eyes narrowed.
That scary thing was Negro, the previous King of the Volans, Bravepaw
And he is dead, I assume? asked Huntress. Bravepaw nodded.
Yes, Bravepaw answered further. King Evectri, Rain, Stormheart, my sister and
I defeated him just two days ago, and now we are recovering. Huntress gave a
laugh, a smile of strange sorts crawling through her expression.
What a wonderful lie you have there, Huntress chuckled. Too bad that I dont
have time listening to such foolish storiesIve got a war to continue planning.
But there is no war! Bravepaw yelled. The Volans have retreated. In fact, they
are moving over to our forest, and they will stay there, protecting us. Huntress
sighed, her tail flicking with annoyance.
No such thing will ever happen, kit, for those Volans are savage creatures who
will only destroy you, Huntress said calmly.
King Evectri is better than his father, though! Bravepaw exclaimed. They
helped us fight their own kind, and once Negro died, all of the Volans are getting
along with us as if there was no difference whatsoever! Huntress looked to Flame.
Get these cats and that animal out of my sight, she hissed. I have no time for
them. Bravepaws eyes narrowed, becoming very frustrated. And, as she looked
back to him, the pale grey tom locked his gaze and began to give her memories.
First it was the memory of Negro declaring war. Then it was of Evectri coming and
fighting against his father. Afterward, a mixture of memories in which contained
the Volans fighting each other as well as helping the cats in which couldnt fly.
Next, a memory of the creature that J actur, Rainfur, Stormheart, Matar, Bravepaw,
Demonfang, and Evectri made. And then it was the aftermath. There were Volans
hunting for them, and others were carrying injured cats to the medicine cats. Also,
he sent memories of Volans having conversations with cats, as well as Evectri
talking to the council of other cats.
When the memories stopped, Huntress blinked, narrowing her eyes at Bravepaw
before spitting, What in the Elders name was that, kit? Bravepaw shifted in his
spot, wary of the other cats around him. I could have been killed for that. . .he
I was giving you memories of what the Volans have done for the cats of the forest
I live in, Bravepaw answered. Huntress was calm, but she had her eyes
narrowed. Finally, he thought. A realistic response.
That is impossible, she growled.
Is what all my father did impossible? Bravepaw asked. When he nearly killed
Lightning, and when he almost ripped the wing off of Lady Laidia? Maybe when
he rose your dead and allowed them into the sky? Or why he could see through the
Kreis Operio? Huntress narrowed her eyes tighter.
How do you know that? she asked. You werent even here! Bravepaw
paused. Shed be the first one Id really flat out tell, and StarClan told me. . .No,
its the only way shell listen.
J ust a few moments ago you told me to go to the afterlife if I was to speak to your
father, said Bravepaw carefully, forcing several whispers from his own patrol as
well as others. What if I was to say that Ive already been there? This forced
many loud objections, but Huntress quickly quieted them.
Impossible! she hissed. No one can die and return!
I was never alive, so how could I die? Bravepaw asked. The confusion hit
Huntress hard, the pale grey tom noticed. She was fidgety and tense. I may have
been given a soul, but I was never truly living. So I died, and StarClan gave me
information you would only dream of. And, finally, I was allowed to actually live.
Huntress growled lowly.
StarClan doesnt exist. she stated firmly.
Id have to disagree with that, Huntress, claimed a new voice. All heads turned
toward a pretty silver she-cat who sat in front of a den. She was calm, content,
And why is that, Ripple? Huntress asked.
Because, though you have not known, I have had contact with StarClan since I
accepted my job as a healer, the silver she-catRippleanswered. They do in
fact exist.
No! Huntress shrieked. They were defeated ages ago, and so everything either
of you have told me is a lie. The golden she-cat looked to Flame. Get them out of
sight. Now.
Could I show you? Bravepaw asked. Everyone looked to him.
And how would you go about doing that? Huntress spat. Bravepaw blinked, and
immediately began to plead to StarClan for help. I dont care how you do
it, Bravepaw said. I just need some help convincing them of whats happening and
what they need to consider.
A cloudy grey tom faded into view, standing right next to Huntress. He looked at
her, waited for her to realize she was there, and then he said, The Lone Huntress,
it is an honour to meet you. I am, as you should know, Stormstar, the first leader of
StormClan, or as you call it, The Cats of the Storms. Huntresss eyes grew wider
than two moons.
No! You arent real! Huntress shrieked. This is all a trick! Attack! Attack them
all! Following her command, Flame lunged straight to Bravepaw, pushing him
into the hard rock of the highledge. All went black for a few moments, his head
throbbing. The next thing he knew, he was on the ground trying to blink the
blurriness away.
Something was in front of him, but he couldnt tell what it was, so he carefully sat
up and gasped. Flame had a large wound on his shoulder, and he was glaring at
what looked like a sparkly version of himself. Its expression was blank, and as it
stared at Flame, the cats around him backed away, their eyes wide.
Do not fear me, came a voice that Bravepaw found familiar. However, he
couldnt put a name on it. I am not going to hurt you so long as you dont hurt
him. Listen to Stormstar, and listen to what these young cats have to say. There
was a pause, but eventually Stormstar opened his mouth to speak. Something
interrupted him.
O Lord of living. . .is that really you? asked one of the elder looking cats. There
were five, and as they walked into the sunlight, several cats of the Cats of the
Storms gasped.
It is indeed, Stormstar said, his voice booming throughout the clearing. Thank
you for joining us, wise Elders of greatness. Huntress looked over to the elders
and back at Stormstar again.
How do you all know each other? she demanded.
I am the reason you all have your names, and you, yourself, receive advice from
the elders, Stormstar explained. I am the one you worship. Huntresss eyes
grew wide once more.
It is true, said another elder. He allows us to see through your lives and give
you your names. He is the only one though.
After StarClan was defeated, we retreated to another sky, Stormstar explained
calmly. Where this young tom, Bravepaw, is from is where we now live, along
with the Dark Forest. I still wanted to care for my clan, though, so I came to the
five elders at the time and told them of what I would do. They thought me simply
one god who would solve all their problems, and so that was what they told the
clan. And so your traditions and beliefs began.
But that would mean. . . said Huntress, though she drifted. Where is my father?
Where is my mother? Where do the dead go? Stormstar shifted uneasily.
To StarClan, of course, Stormstar answered. They all live above the skies of
where Bravepaw and the rest of these young cats live.
But why cant you move back here? Huntress asked.
Our sky is destroyed, Stormstar answered simply. Which is why these cats have
come. They wish to invite you into their forests so that you can be reunited with
your ancestors under the sky of StarClan. Huntress didnt respond. She just paced
along the high ledge.
After a long while, she stopped and looked over to Stormstar before asking, Are
the Volans truly gone? Stormstar nodded, and she sighed. Then it would make
all enough sense to stay. Why would we move when were finally in peace?
If you stay here, you will never see your mother or father until death takes you,
Stormstar pointed out. The same goes for those you lead. Huntress nodded.
Is all of what I saw true? Huntress asked.
Yes, Stormstar answered. King Negro is no longer, Sharpmoon and the rest of
their leaders are dead. Evectri is now King because he was the one who actually
defeated Negro, and Rain shall be the leader of all the clans aside from the Flock
and your own Clan. Huntress narrowed her eyes.
What do you mean? Huntress asked.
If you were to move, you would still be Commander, and your traditions wont at
all be tampered with, Stormstar explained. You are expected to attend gatherings
every full moon, and meetings that Rain will of course need you there. Other than
that, you will live on your own.
What of the Volans? said Huntress, her eyes narrowed.
They will have their own territory, and they will live as they always had with the
exception of war, Stormstar told her. They are, if you may, a peaceful Clan now.
With Evectri leading them, they will be fair and they will be just. Huntress was
quiet for more moments after that.
It just doesnt seem reasonable, Huntress murmured. Why would I just get up
and lead these cats to someplace when we have everything we need right here? We
finally have peace. . .and how am I to truly know that youre the One and Only?
Stormstar sighed.
Your name, Stormstar said. It was given to you because you would witness the
three deaths of the only people that care about, and your friend would leave you as
well. All of these things have happened, and yet you are a Huntress. You will make
this decision on your own, hunting for someone you can love. Huntress gasped,
taking a step back.
That is almost exactly what the elders told me. . . she gasped.
Indeed it is, said Stormstar. Do you believe me now? Huntress didnt answer.
She looked at her paws, her lips pulling to a frown.
I understand why Huntress wants to keep her clan apart from everyone elses, but.
. .I dont know. I think that she should allow her clan has been alone to
long. Bravepaw thought. She needed to know this. He stood up, trying to stand tall.
Huntress, if I may, I would like to make a suggestion, Bravepaw said. Your
clan has been in the dark for a long time, without any allies or new friends. Back at
the clans I live in, we live together not just for protection, but for friendly reasons
as well. You and your clan have never been able to have others to look forward to
meeting at gatherings or excited kits in training who wish to meet others like them
and show off their new moves. I can understand the hardship of moving, but
maybe your clan wants to meet others like them. Huntress stared at him for a few
moments before she stood and faced the cats.
If you would like a say in this decision, please state your reasons for staying or
going, Huntress said. There was a small silence, but then suddenly a small trainee
jumped up.
Rainys over there, and he could protect us from anything! the kit
exclaimed. Even those Volans if they attacked! There were a few laughs.
The kit has a point, said Flame, an amused smile on his face.
I think it would be good for the young ones to meet others, claimed an elderly
she-cat. After all, they could learn a lot from those not in our clan.
Yes, but what if those Volans come to attack us? hissed a tense tom in the back.
I dont care if there is a new leader, I still dont trust them.
Its as the kit said, mused a she-cat near Bravepaw. Rain, his daughter, this
young tom, and several others with powers we can comprehend will protect us.
But what if they cant? asked the tom.
Rainfur has killed a whole band of rogues in mere moments, growled
Willowshade. I doubt that hed have an issue with the Volans. And besides, his
daughter is just as powerful, and Bravepaw has all the information one could
possibly want from StarClan it seems.
Our leaders also have nine lives, mentioned Bravepaw. If the Volans were to
attack, they would still be overpowered. More claims went out, and most wanted
to leave, but there were a few who wanted to stay.
Finally, Huntress shook her head and said, Those of you who want to stay go to
that side of the camp, and those of you who want to leave go to the opposite side.
The cats moved to the side that they wanted while Bravepaw and his patrol stayed
Huntress frowned as she saw both sides of the camp and said, It seems there are
many of you who wish to leave. . .
That was true. Two thirds of the camp was on that side while the other was on the
side that wanted to stay. Those of you who want to stay, would you be willing to
leave simply because it is what the majority wants? There were a few whispers,
but eventually, they walked one by one to the leave side. A few stayed, though.
I cant trust the Volans, growled an older tom. Ive seen so many around me die
because of them. Bravepaw looked to him and gave him a memory of Evectri and
how he handled things as king. He also showed the tom of how well Tanzen
treated Demonfang.
The tom blinked before glaring at Bravepaw. He growled and said, They are
I cannot stay because of only three cats, Huntress pointed out.
Then we will leave, he hissed. There were several gasps between the cats, and
several cats screeched out. Bravepaw guessed that it was the toms family who did
Silence! Huntress hissed. She looked back to the tom and his two companions.
Are you sure? The tom nodded his head.
My life here has been boring, and very unsatisfying, he said truthfully. I want a
new life, a peaceful one. The two other cats murmured in agreement. Huntress
Then wait and say your good-byes as Ripple prepares our traveling herbs,
Huntress said. As much as I dont like this arrangement, is obvious you think it
needed. Get ready to move out. She jumped down from the highledge walked
forward to Bravepaw. His head lowered immediately.
Whatever you said will be true or youll regret it, she hissed. And then the
golden she-cat walked away.
Bravestar, came Stormstars booming voice. We must return. The blue version
of Bravepaw nodded before fading away along with StormClans first leader.
Bravepaw let out a long breath.
At least shes finally agreed. . .Bravepaw thought to himself.

Chapter Thirty-Seven
Evectri had landed on his island by sunset. The orange light made him smile as he
thought, This signifies this war is almost over. The silver king watched as the
mothering she-cats and kits gathered out of curiosity around the five Volans in
which had just landed.
He spotted his mother, and immediately he knew that everyone was there. After
all, everyone followed the former Queen. Evectri nodded and then jumped onto the
high rock. The Volans whispered, but the king ignored that.
My fellow Volans! he called, making sure every gaze was upon him. My father,
King Negro, is dead! Loud whispers ran, and the buzz forced him to stop for a
few moments. After calming them down, Evectri continued, I defeated him two
nights ago with the help of friends I have recently made. And because of this, I
have been granted Prince Tavos blessing, and have therefore become King of the
Subir Flock! There were shouts; good, bad and others just demanding what
If you were given Prince Tavos blessing, said Leona, forcing the crowd to quiet
down. Then where is he to explain why? The silver king turned to face his
mother, and though he looked strong, he felt his throat tightening.
My brother, Prince Tavo, was killed in battle by Lady Laidia, who later died as
well, Evectri explained. He died with honour, and asked that I lead our Flock to
the destiny that it was meant for. And I have. Leonas eyes narrowed, her tail
flicking with anger.
And what destiny might this be, my son? Leona asked sharply. Evectri looked
back to the crowd.
To leave this lonely island and live peacefully among the cats in which have
helped us achieve this victory, Evectri answered. He couldnt control the response
even if he was StarClan or the Dark Forest. There were gasps, angry shouts, and
questions. Lots. And Lots. Of questions.
Evectri sighed with irritation before he stood up and shouted, Silence! His eyes
were narrowed, his muscles were tense, and the force in the word seemed to shut
the cats up for the time he needed. Why is it so astonishing that I wish this for our
Flock? Negro is dead!
Those cats wont think the same! cried a she-cat. Theyll attack anyway, and
kill us all!
They dont know how to fight us off, Evectri argued. Only the Cats of the
Storms will know how, and they arent a big enough number.
So well be living with them, too? another cat asked. You are bird-brained!
Rain, a cat friend of mine, is powerful enough to keep them under control,
Evectri growled. But we wont need ittheyve already been convinced that
were safe, so they wont attack us.
There will always be haters, growled an elder. There will always be those who
want to destroy us!
No, they Evectri tried.
Their kits will grow up to learn how evil we are, and they will be trained to
assassinate us! a mother cried out.
They wont, I Evectri began.
Well be destroyed before next new-leaf! shrieked a she-cat. More and more
came, but Evectri couldnt get a word in.
Finally, after becoming overwhelmed, the silver king sucked in his breath and
yelled, Quiet! The force was greater than before, and it had silenced the cats
quiet quickly. He took a few moments to calm himself down, though he left his
eyes narrowed with flaring emotions within them.
None of you could possibly understand why I trust these cats, Evectri growled.
And therefore I wont force you to see reason without explanation. However, you
need to trust me. Trust that I will make the best decisions for you even if they do
seemed far-fetched. The silence continued so he jumped down from the high rock.
This was my rank amongst you just four sunrises ago, Evectri muttered. So
listen to me not as if you were a kit hearing a story from and elder, but instead a
friend trying to understand why the other friend is broken into a million pieces
beside them.
What happened two nights ago was a day I will always remember and yet forever
hope to forget, Evectri began. I pray to our ancestors that you listen carefully to
my story, and use every detail to aid your argument.
After that, Evectri explained everything that happened from when he escaped the
Cats of the Storms to when he left to tell them of the glorious yet horrid news.
When he finished, everyone was quiet, and their expressions had changed from
anger and confusion to shock and sorrow.
Rain is the most powerful cat I have ever met, and he has the ability to lead and
protect us all, Evectri concluded. His offspring are just as so, and with that, I
plead that you will at least give this establishment a try for the sake of peace that
our kind has never known. It stayed for many moments afterward, and Evectri
was beginning to think that he would never get the rest of his flock to the clans
King Evectri, if I may, began a young she-cat. Will we also be controlled by the
leader of the cats? Evectri shook his head.
No, he answered. We will live as we always have, but we will be allied with the
cats in a treaty that will be more powerful than any battle that has been fought
throughout the previous war. Another cat stepped forward.
Will we interact with the cats? a young tom asked.
Yes, King Evectri responded. Every full moon they have a tradition in which
they meet at the island in which the war was fought. We will go to these meetings
and do as they do, and we will also report to Rain if we see anything wrong in our
What about the Cats of the Storms? an elderly cat asked.
They will be the same, Evectri answered. though their territory will be far
enough away where well rarely see them aside from the full moon gathering.
Will there be more prey? a trainee asked.
Of course, said Evectri with a smile. Birds, voles, mice, squirrels. All things
weve only found on Cats of the Storms territory, except bigger and there is always
more of it than there is here. The kit jumped up with a broad smile on his face.
Will our traditions change? another cat asked.
No, not at all, Evectri answered. Those who wish to may begin worshiping
StarClan, but that is it. The cats were whispering, but they werent angry or
happy. The silver king waited, though, for their verdict.
Finally, a she-cat stepped forward with a tom and four kits at her side. Then, she
said, You have been brave. You have defied your power-hungry father twice for
what was truly right, and so my family and I have decided to come with you to the
clans and live there in peace with the cats. Evectri nodded.
Thank you, he said. Because you are the first to come forward, you and your
family will be reward with nobility when we arrive at the clans. The she-cat wore
a smile as she sat next to him.
After a few moments, a young tom walked forward and murmured, I. . .I really
dont want to believe that these cats are any different from the Cats of the Storms,
or that the cats we have been in war with for generations have suddenly decided to
wage peace over territory. However, I will follow you, for I will honour the death
of Prince Tavo and you, King Evectri, for killing such a danger to our flock. The
young tom dipped his head, and Evectris eyes softened.
You are very brave to confess such things, said the silver king. And I will be
proud to have such a tom amongst my ranks. With a nod, the tom joined the
young family beside Evectri.
One by one, families, mates, or just single Volans came and explained their
reasoning before sitting in the group beside him. There were varied motivesa
new place to play, a safer and more plentiful bit of territory to hunt and train,
Evectris bravery, Rains protectionand eventually, there was only one cat left.
Evectri stared at his mother with a frown on his face. She did the same. There was
a long silence as a few whispers from behind him rang in his ears. No. . .I cant
lose her too. . . Evectri thought.
I would have thought better of you, Leona said, a cold edge to her voice. After
moons of being a logical and reasonable son, Ive come to see my mate and my
other son dead just because you couldnt have waited to have a proper duel.
Mother, it had to be done, Evectri pointed out. He was going to destroy the
So they are more important than your brother? Leona asked. Evectris eyes
No, Tavo was more important than anyone will ever know, Evectri murmured.
However, he didnt die because I told him to fight. He died because he wanted to
fight. That was the same for all the warriors who died on the battle field.
But that all could have been avoided if youd just fought your father with
tradition! Leona cried, tears welling up in her eyes. Evectris eyes narrowed
I already did that! he hissed. Immediately realizing his mistake, Evectri calmed
himself down and said, I tried fighting him in a proper duel, but he fought
unfairly. He made me fight while I was exhausted, wounded, and mentally
unstable, and I havent had the chance to fight him again.
You could have waited until after he took over that forest, Leona muttered.
And then I would have the tom who saved me slaughtered without any repayment
from me for what he did, Evectri growled. Cant you see, mother? I did the right
But how many did you kill in the process? Leona asked. How many had to die
just to solve a simple issue of who rules who?
All those who believed in what we fought for, Evectri answered. And it was not
just a fight of who was leader and who was not. We fought to stop this war of
generations, to be at peace for once in our races entire existence.
There was no need for it, Leona argued, her eyes narrowed as her tail lashed out
And yet there is a need for this war amongst the cats and Volans? asked Evectri.
Yes, cats died in this final war, but isnt that what has been happening ever since
our kind was created? Volans have died for nothing but greed, so why was this war
any worse?
Because my family died! Leona shrieked, a sound Evectri had never heard
before. He took a step back, shock in his eyes. My mate, my son. . .they were
taken from me! She began crying, and Evectri could just stare with wide eyes.
He stood there for many moments before an elder walked over to him and
whispered, She is broken. Let her attend to her own mental wounds alone.
Evectri knew it was the smartest idea, but he didnt want to accept it.
You want me to leave her here? Evectri asked. All alone, without anyone to
care for her? The elder sighed.
You are wise, young King, but you have a lot to learn, the elder told him. Your
mother is smart, and she has her strength. She can survive until she wishes to join
her family. Until then, she must be on her own. Evectri stared for a few moments
before he shook his head and turned to face the others.
And now we take flight, he called over the crowd. We will land at the gathering
place, for the clans leader, Rain, has ceremonies to attend to, and I have yet to go
through a traditional coronation. And with that, he turned and took off into the
sky, a line of Volans following him.

Rain was waiting very quietly by the Great Oak tree for the Cats of the Storms and
the Subir Flock to arrive. Cura had told him not to do much else, and he wasnt
honestly needed at that moment.
It had been five days since Bravepaw left with his patrol to urge the Cats of the
Storms to come. The cats and Volans didnt really mind the absence, though. They
were talking to each other as if they had known one another for generations.
This night will be very interesting from the very beginning, J actur
mused. Especially for the Cats of the Storms. Rain chuckled.
How do you think everyone will react? Rain asked.
Hard question, Rainy, J actur warned. It depends on how everyone reacts to them
normally. Rain thought hard about that.
Theyve gone into the forest a few times, but the cats mostly think of them as
bothersome, Rain answered. But that shouldnt matter. Ive lead before, and theyll
want me to continue. . .Right?
Maybe; maybe not, J actur answered. It still depends on how everyone handles the
information. Rain frowned.
Youve got the memories ready, right? Rain asked.
Well, theyre not going to be very hard to project over the island if thats what you
mean, J actur responded. These memories are your strongest, most potent
reminders. Rain nodded.
Suddenly, Intono landed beside him with a look of relief. The black tom dipped his
head in respect before saying, The Subir Flock is on their way, sir, and the Cats of
the Storms arent far behind them. Theyll be here by sunset. Rain nodded.
Thank you, he responded. From there, the grey and white tom recited the words
hed say, trying to get them just right. It was going to be a long night of
ceremonies, and he didnt want to screw them up.
You know, if you keep worrying too much youll end up screwin it up anyways,
J actur commented.
Well how else am I supposed to memorize them? Rain asked, his tail flicking.
You already have, mouse-brain, J actur yawned. Youre just paranoid now. Rain
was about to respond, but cheering from below caught his attention. The grey and
white tom looked up to find Evectri leading a fair amount of Volans to the ground.
The Volans looked cautious, but the scene below couldnt have been more willing
to let them ease up a bit. After all, cats and Volans were mingled together cheering
Evectris name as well as welcoming the newcomers of the Flock.
Evectri didnt land with his kind, though. He flew close to the ground toward Rain,
whom he landed by once he was close enough, and said, Intono, make sure
everyone is calm. If there is an issue, alert me at once.
My king, said Intono as he dipped his head in acknowledgment before taking off
into the air. Evectri gave a warm smile to Rain as he turned toward the grey and
white tom.
Everything went well, Evectri reported. The Volans were willing after a very
tiresome speech, but nevertheless, I trust them with your cats. Rain nodded.
They exchanged statistics over those injured in the war, and Evectri explained how
fast their Flock would repopulate. It was very interesting. For one, their mothers
had up to six kits, and those kits were very healthy. Their wings worked at the age
of two moons, so theyre able to fly away quickly from predators. Plus, there was
the Kreis Operio, and the list kept going on and on.
The Volans below were all looking toward the fallen tree, their eyes focused as
they frowned. Rain could sense the tension in the air as Huntress walked through.
More and more cats walked through the thick brush, and each one of them skirted
around to follow the golden she-cat in front of them.
Rain looked for Shadow, expecting him to be in front. However, as he continued to
look, he didnt find the Commander at all. Evectri was frowning as well as he
stared at Huntress as she led her cats forward with the pride of a golden lion.
It is good to see you, Huntress, Rain said, trying to break the tension as Huntress
strode up to him.
You too, Rain, she responded. Her voice was colder, and much more powerful.
Am I to assume Shadow did not wish to come? Rain asked. Huntress shook her
You are to know that he has passed on, and that I am the new Commander of the
Cats of the Storm. Huntress growled. Rain noticed that she wasnt looking at him
with her icy blue eyes, but instead at Evectri, who shifted with uneasiness.
So you defeated, Negro? she asked. A wonderful feat, I must say. She stared at
him a few moments longer before shifting her gaze to Rain.
I suggest you get on with your ceremonies, Huntress hissed. My cats are
uncomfortable here, and wed prefer to just settle in rather than listen to you while
surrounded by these. . .Volans. The last word seemed hard for her to say. Rain
I will, he responded. Rain then jumped up the Great Oak tree and settled on a
middle branch while Evectri took one just a tail-length shorter. Huntress hesitated,
but eventually she jumped up as well, settling upon a branch equal to Evectris.
All those below me, listen! Rain called out. The time has come for our species
to unite once and for all! The cats and Volans turned, looking at him with
curiosity in their eyes.
My Clans, once more we have ended a war that was nearimpossible to win, Rain
said clearly. May we rejoice forever more and tell our stories to our kits so that
you may all be remembered throughout all of time! The clan cats cheered with a
loud roar as Rain glanced over to Evectri.
Volans of the Subir Flock, after several generations of war, we have finally come
to know peace amongst the cats! Evectri called out. May we remember this day
as a mark of our kinds history, for it is the day that our wars have ended, and a
new generation of Volans have come to take its place! The Volans roared with
cheer as the silver king finished speaking. Evectri didnt have to look at Huntress,
Rain noticed, for she was already breathing in for her powerful words.
Cats of the Storms, we have come to be under the stars after so many moons of
darkness! Huntress called out. Let us be righteous once more under the peace
StarClan will give us, and may our kits be told our story for moons to come! The
Cats of the Storms also cheered, thought they glared at the Clan cats as they tried
to join in.
The time has come to rebuild the leadership that was lost! Rain called, sitting
calmly on his branch. His light blue eyes glanced to Evectri, who nodded as he
figured out his strategy of the night.
Volans of my flock, by tradition it is said that should a son of the current king
defeat his father in battle, he shall be named king and take over the kingdom that
his father lead before him, Evectri began. Following this tradition, a coronation
should take place before a half moon to let the new leadership be known and set in
stone for history to see. So, now, my coronation will begin so that our peace may
be final! The Volans cheered once more, though it was magnified by some of the
clan cats.
For those of you who dont know, a noble member of the royal family is to carry
out the ceremony, which is to say, those older than the king in which is to be
crowned, Evectri explained to the cats. However, my mother is not present at
this current time, and so I will ask
There is no need to call out an unworthy Volan, came an unfamiliar voice. It was
loud, booming, and very ancient. I will carry out the task with the honour that was
given to me by being born into the royal family. Rain searched the crowd for the
source of the voice, but only when the Volan stepped forward from the crowd did
he see who it was.
The Volan was quite compared to those that Rain normally saw. His fur was light
brown, and his eyes were lightning blue. Rain looked from him to Evectri, who
seemed surprised.
I was unaware that you were alive, Evectri said as calmly as he could.
I lived because I fought neither for you or your father, the Volan rumbled. Your
little magic trick up in the sky didnt work on me, and I am glad. I managed to
have a long awaited fight with a worthy opponent. Evectris eyes narrowed.
Your rein wasnt the brightest, Evectri growled, his voice steady.
But while a royal family member is present, your coronation cannot go on, said
the tom, a wicked smile on his face. It will mean nothing, at the moment, if your
ceremony was done by an unworthy Volan.
You seek nothing but revenge, Evectri muttered.
No, the tom argued. Not now, anyway. You see, I am very old, and I wish for
my intelligence and strength to move on through the generations, just as it has with
you. In order to do that, a blessing is in order, is it not? Evectris eyes narrowed
I have not received any power of yours, Evectri hissed, his tail lashing below the
And there is where you are wrong, grandson, the tom growled. Your father
never possessed the skills I do, same as my father. Skips a generation, you see?
And if I want the powers to continue. . .
What skills do I possess that my father did not? Evectri asked. As far as I know,
I learned every strength by training, not by inheritance. The Volan below
chuckled, a wild smile still on his face. He took another step forward beforequite
suddenlyseveral cats gasped and whispered to each other. Rain was confused
for, at least as what he could see, nothing had changed.
Only I have the ability to make my wings disappear, Evectri murmured, his eyes
still narrowed. Though there was one tom
Oh yes, the secret had spilled then, hadnt it? asked Evectris grandfather.
Wasnt the proudest moment of my life when the current Commander learned
what I could do. Nevertheless, I kept it a secret after that so no one would catch
wind of such a wonderful ability.
But I trained hard to have this skill, Evectri argued.
Yes, yes, the Volan said. Able to do it at ten moons old, I hear? Now that is an
accomplishment, even by my standards. However, even though we are born with
these abilities, it is not simply a power you automatically know. Think of it instead
a skill that only we can receive because we are smarter, faster, and stronger than
the rest of the Volans. After all, such power only runs through the royal family. It
was the reason that they were made so in the first place, of course. Evectri paused,
thinking about it.
So now you only wish to give me a blessing so that it is ensured that this strength
and intelligence will be passed down? Evectri asked. His grandfather nodded.
What will you do afterward?
My son already wished to have me exiled, and I really have no business here,
claimed the elder Volan. Id probably fly over the mountains and see what I can
find there. After all, there isnt really much to do when youve become as old as I
have. Evectri paused. As Rain looked closer, he seemed to be searching for
I remember stories of you, growled Huntress. You killed my mother. The old
Volan looked up.
We were at war for something that didnt make sense, Evectris grandfather
reminded her. It was a time in which the armies fought for nothing but to win. I
protected what I had to. Rains eyes narrowed. His personality. . .its so strange.
One moment he makes sense, and then the other he just sounds like a lunatic.
What would you expect from an old battle leader? J actur asked.
Logic? Rain asked.
Rainy, logic is kind of thrown away when you live in this world, J actur reminded
him. Especially when you live in a time of constant war. Instead of thinking about
who youre going to kill, you just flat out kill someone. Yet, at the same time, you
have to be smart about which one to kill, for one could be stronger than you while
just a few feet away, there could be someone a lot weaker.
Thats confusing, Rain muttered.
And so is he, am I right? J actur asked. Rain didnt answer.
I accept your offer not because you are of the royal family but because of the
power you wield and because everything you did was in the past, which is no
longer, Evectri finally called out. Everyone has entered this gathering tonight not
as enemies from battles won and lost, but instead as friends who have become
united below the stars. Let this be an example of that. The silver king flew down
from his branch, then, and landed beside his grandfather, whispering something.
The elder Volan jumped up to a high rock, his wings flaring as he said, My flock
and others who may be watching, see before you a Volan who wished to defy one
of the most powerful Volans in our history in order to bring peace to a land that
had never known it. A Volan who, though forced to fight in something he was
against, was the first to ever break through a Kings grasp and go his own way.
And of course, a Volan who has an ability so rare that it is only born within a
Volan every thirty-five moons.
It is because of this that I give Evectri, son of Negro and Leona, my blessing to
lead this Flock to greatness, the elder Volan continued. He then looked to the
silver king.
Will you, Prince Evectri, force justice upon those who deserve it, and honour on
those who have earned it? asked the elder Volan.
I will, Evectri answered.
Will you, Prince Evectri, do what is necessary to keep our Flock alive and
healthy? asked Evectris grandfather.
I will, Evectri said.
Will you, Prince Evectri, strive to be the best that you can be for the Volans of
your flock? asked the old tom.
I will, Evectri responded.
Will you, Prince Evectri, in the name of StarClan, swear to keep peace amongst
your kind despite our horrible past? the elder Volan asked. Rains eyebrows
raised as he thought, I didnt expect him to include StarClan. After all, that
probably wasnt in the normal coronation script.
I will, said Evectri.
Then by the powers vested in me upon being born in the royal family and
protecting it with my life, I name you King Evectri, ruler of all Volans alive. May
your allies recognize your strength and intelligence, and may your foes cower at
the sight of your power. The old tom stepped down from the highrock and set his
nose on Evectris head before looking up at the crowd.
All hail King Evectri! he yowled.
All hail King Evectri! the clans and the Volans cheered. All hail King Evectri!
Long live the King! Evectris grandfather called.
Long live the king! the crowdexcluding the Cats of the Stormsechoed.
Long live the king! At that moment, a bright light engulfed Evectri. The elder
tom watched with a bleak smile on his face as the light ebbed away. When it
vanished completely, Rain noticed the silver King had brighter eyes, and his coat
seemed gleam beneath the moonlight.
The elder Volan did not fly away, though. Instead, his eyes grew fainter, and he
smiled. Then, he said, My time has finally come. . . And he, too, was englufed in
a bright light. However, when it was gone, the tom himself disappeared.
It was StarClan, idiot, J actur hissed. Hed prayed to them before the gathering
started. Went up to the moonpool and everything. He asked that he be released
from life come the day of Evectris coronation. Rains eyes narrowed, but he didnt
Evectri paused with narrowed eyes to where his grandfather was just moments ago.
After a few moments, he flew back up to his branch and sat with new pride in his
And now may our ancestors in the stars hear me as I swear that through the life
that I live, our flock will be stronger than it ever was in the past! Evectri called. I
promise you that this peace will bring happiness to our mothers, safety for our kits,
and rest to our fighters, for as of this day, underneath these stars, I declare that the
war our kind has known since its existence, is over! The Volans cheered, their
roar mixed with screeches that sounded like a hawks.
After a few moments, the crowd became quiet, and Rain knew it was his turn to
speak. However, he paused as he thought, Should I really tell them?
Your call, Rainy, J actur said.
It just. . .it doesnt seem right, Rain murmured. Not when Im about to name myself
leader, anyway. . .There reaction could unsettle this whole treaty, and Huntress
could literally just get up an leave. . .
I thought you wanted to be truthful to them, J actur reminded him. And this is a
huge secret. After all, not ever cat here was once a human.
Thats exactly my point, Rain growled. These cats. . .theyd all have different
opinions and if I cant settle them into agreement, it is pretty much proving that I
cant lead them all. J actur didnt respond to that
My clans, to stand upon this branch is a privilege above most, and I thank you for
allowing me to be here, Rain called out. However, I have lead you only because
there was none other willing to do so at the time. So, in the name of StarClan, I ask
that, should one of you disagree with this choice, they come forward and state their
reasoning. The clans whispered, but no one stood up. Rain waited a while, but
even then, no one stood up.
Rainy, you are the most powerful tom aside from maybe Evectri here, J actur
reminded him. They dont care whether or not youll be a good leader, only that
youll protect them. Not only that, but theyve seen from your past that youd do
anything but mistreat them.
But at least someone would have an objection, wouldnt they? Rain asked.
Everyone who would is dead, J actur pointed out with a laugh, forcing Rain to keep
back a smile.
Then it is my great honour to take the place StarClan has laid out for me and
become leader of you all, Rain called, praying that those words didnt come out
Suddenly, four cats stood before him in mid-air, their coats shimmering in the
moonlight. Rains eyes widened only slightly, for he figured something like this
would happen.
In the name of the ancestors, weThunderstar, Riverstar, Windstar, and
Shadowstarspeak for StarClan as we perform the powerful ceremony of a cat
becoming the leader of leaders, said the four cats all at once. Rain recognized
them then.
Rainfur, host to the soul Jactur and rightful deputy of ShadowClan, do you
promise to uphold the warrior code and make decisions based upon the good of the
clans? Do you swear upon StarClan that you will use your new power to protect
these clans? And will you bring justice to the clans before you?
I do, Rain answered.
Then hear us as we tell you this: though we cannot give you nine lives like we
would a normal leader, we will give something greater, the powerful leaders
called. Through the power vested in us for creating these clans so many moons
ago, we allow Rain and Jactur to reach their full potential as soul and body!

Chapter Thirty-Eight
The feeling could only be explained as a door being opened, allowing endless
amounts of energy to pour through. A light blue light flashed through the island,
and once it disappeared, Rain saw many of the cats below staring at him in awe.
I know now! J actur suddenly said, chuckling slightly. I know! I know what we can
do! I know what power we can use! I know! This was completely true. Rain now
knew things that he never had before: how to go through even the hardest of
minds, how to allow J actur out of his body, how to make the star appear whenever
he wanted, how to make the blades kill all those that he wanted and avoid those he
didnt. He even knew how let others fee the extent of what he could do.
No cat has ever known this power, have they? Rain asked.
Selios and Santus were probably at our level, but those are the only ones! Said
J actur. This is all a soul could wish for, Rainy! To become one with the body,
forever! Rain smiled bleakly at his partners joy, and right before he was about to
call the power in, an light blue star that looked almost exactly like his scar
appeared in the sky. There were no blades this time, just the star.
It faded moments later as Rain focused on reining the powers in. When he did so,
he sighed in relief, for the ever flowing power had exhausted him.
The grey and white tom looked up to the leaders eyes and said, Thank you.
Through the moons you have been beneath our stars, you have always had these
clans in your mind, the StarClan cats echoed. You were our saviour in the first
war, and you are the saviour in this war. Many victories were made so because of
you, Rainfur, so from this night forward, you shall be known as Rainmoon. May
your days be filled with peace and rest after your troublesome past. The StarClan
cats faded after that, leaving Rainmoon with a smile on his face.
I like this name, he thought to himself. And now no one will be confused as to what
to call me.
Im still calling you Rainy, said J actur stubbornly.
I never thought otherwise, Rainmoon reassured his partner. He then looked down
upon the crowd who all looked up at him.
My clans, in this war, we have lost so many, four of them being our previous
leaders, Rainmoon spoke. I will not dwell on the past, for StarClan themselves
have given me light on who shall be the next leaders of our clans.
Rosefire, Smoketail, Thunderheart, and Willowshade, please come forward, said
Rainmoon. They did so as the grey and white tom noticed the surprise in Rosefire
and Smoketails eyes. It wasnt hard to expect. They were young, after all.
For ShadowClan, StarClan has chosen Willowshade for her undying loyalty and
friendship with Snakestar and his brother, Nightstar, Rainmoon called. For
RiverClan, StarClan has chosen Smoketail, for his courage, kindness, and honour
in battle. For WindClan, StarClan has chosen Rosefire, for her intelligence and
mentor-like abilities. And finally, for ThnderClan, StarClan has chosen
Thunderheart, for his protective instinct in battle and his leadership.
Before I ask these cats whether or not they accept this offer, I will explain to you
all what I plan to make of these clans in which have been rendered asunder because
of Sharpmoons reign, Rainmoon announced. Kits, apprentices, and warriors will
not be forced away from their families. However, I believe to keep one thing true:
the clans and their uses.
RiverClan will stay as the hunters, ShadowClan will stay as the trainers,
ThunderClan will stay as the protectors and WindClan will stay as the birthplace
for all kits, Rainmoon continued as he heard whispering from below. The
difference, I should say, is that everyone will have a choice. Our queens will move
to WindClan from the moment they figure out they are going to have kits to when
the kits are six moons old. Then they will move back to the clan that their family is
When a kit reaches six moons of age, he or she will indeed move to ShadowClan
to become trained, Rainmoon went on. However, they will choose which type of
training to pursue: medicine cat apprentice, fighting, hunting, or guarding, seeing
as we cant have ThunderClan stretched thin. Once the kit has become a warrior,
they will return with their family or to the clan they wish to return to.
Rainmoon, if I may, came Willowshades voice from below. Why do you wish
for the clans to remain almost completely the same as when Sharpmoon was King?
What would we benefit from this plan of yours?
I believe, and StarClan quite agrees, that this will lessen the chance of civil war
between our clans, Rainmoon answered. Who can say that their group of cats is
better when they all have different purposes? ThunderClan may be better at
fighting, but ShadowClan has the mentors. And no clan should need more territory
than they already have, for RiverClan will be allowed to hunt on any territory they
And what will the leaders do? Thunderheart asked.
The ThunderClan leader will send out appropriate patrols for the situation at
hand, Rainmoon told the clans. The RiverClan leader will send out the correct
patrols as well as set up the patrols to the right clans. The ShadowClan leader will
assign the right mentors to the right apprentices biased on the kits personality and
what area they wish to train in. The WindClan leader will be responsible for
organizing the clan camp and keeping the mothers comfortable during the time that
they are there.
Will there still be deputies? asked Rosefire.
Yes, though I will not choose them, Rainmoon answered. The new leaders shall
do that. He waited for more questions, but none came. If there are no more
worries, then I shall continue. Rainmoon looked down to the four cats StarClan
had chosen.
StarClan has granted each of you the gift of leadership, but it is up for you to
decide whether or not you want it, Rainmoon told them. Think carefully now
leadership is not fame, but responsibility. Every day there are new situations to
deal with and new problems to resolve. There was a moment of silence as the four
cats thought about their choice.
Youd think it would be easy to decide, J actur mused.
This is a hard decision, Rainmoon reminded his partner. Everyone wants to be
known as a leader, but not every cat is able to do so.
Well youve either got the ability or you dont, J actur pointed out. It shouldnt be
this hard.
Finally, Thunderheart took a step forward and said, I will take this responsibility,
for I have already been ThunderClans deputy for eight moons. Rainmoon
I know ThunderClan will be very happy to have you as their true leader, then,
the grey and white tom said. He looked to the others, and soon, Willowshade stood
tall before him.
I accept the offer StarClan has granted me, for I, too, have had the ability to
mostly lead ShadowClan, and I believe I can do even more in the future,
Willowshade told him.
Then I hope to see you here at the next full moon, Willowshade, Rainmoon
praised. After that, Smoketail and Rosefire were both quiet. They both looked at
the ground, their eyes narrowed with concentration.
Smoketail eventually stood up and stood tail before claiming, Though I am young
and have not lead such a large group before, I believe that I contain the fairness
and the patience to organize my clan with speed. Rainmoon smiled warmly.
RiverClan will need such a trained mind to sort through the complications in their
future, Rainmoon told him. After this, Rosefire still continued to take a long time.
The grey and white tom began to wonder if she already knew about the kits.
Can we use our new powers? Please? J actur asked. I promise I wont get caught!
I dont feel comfortable invading her mind, Rainmoon growled. She has a right to
her secrets.
But we already know this one, and I promise I wont look at any other ones, J actur
pointed out quickly. And besides, I can do it without you, if you dont want to. So
can I? Can I?
Fine, but quickly, Rainmoon muttered. J actur gave an evil chuckle before he
became silent. The grey and white tom stared at her, trying his best to figure out
her worries. The whispering behind her couldnt have helped, Rainmoon noticed.
She doesnt know, J actur said, sounding quite disappointed. The reason shes so
worried, though, is because shes twice as young as Willowshade and
Thunderheart, and shes never lead anyone but her apprentice. Rainmoon growled
I told you only to look for the answer to that one question, Rainmoon reminded
Hey, it isnt my fault that those words kept popping up every time I searched for
the correct secret, J actur defended himself. She was basically yelling them into my
ears while I was in there.Rainmoon held back a sigh before noticing that Rosefire
had finally stood up and strode forward.
Though I am a lot younger than any of the other leaders, I think that, because of
my past as a mentor, I will be able to lead WindClan once more, Rosefire said,
her voice strong and powerful. Rainmoon nodded.
Then let StarClan guide you along your path, Rainmoon called down to her. The
grey and white tom looked to each of the new leaders.
After this gathering, each of you will lead your clan back to the clan camp, and at
dawn, you will travel to the Moonpool to receive your name and your nine lives,
Rainmoon explained. You will have until moonhigh tomorrow to choose your
deputy, understood? They all nodded.
Then may StarClan all light the way to leadership as you all are given your new
names next sunrise, Rainmoons voice rang out.
You know, Im really getting bored of these ceremonies, J actur yawned.
Well too bad, Ive got one more left, and then Huntress has got to make a
decision, Rainmoon told him.
Can you hurry it up then? I really want to go to sleep, J actur suggested. Rainmoon
didnt answer.
After the new leaders had returned to their spot in the crowd, Rainmoon
announced, Though this ceremony is usually held by the leader of ones clan, I
have come to decide that this tom has done quite enough to have his warrior
ceremony now. Rainmoon paused as the expected murmur of the crowd began to
stir. Bravepaw, please come forward.
The buzz of the clans began almost immediately, and as the pale grey tom strode to
the high rocks with the grace that he had, it grew. As soon as Bravepaw stopped,
however, it all went silent.
Bravepaw has long deserved the title of a warrior, Rainmoon began. With the
bravery of a lion, Bravepaw sacrificed his own soul so that the clans could be safe,
and during the Battle of Kings fought just six nights ago, this tom helped as an
advisor for J actur, myself, and my brother. He, through all odds, is the reason we
are here today, free of Negros hunger for power. And for that, I will give him his
warrior name now, under the stars with our ancestors and leaders to watch.
I left out Evectri because, well, I didnt want to make him sound weak in front of
the clans or the Cats of the Storms, Rainmoon told J actur.
No, no, I knew why you did it, J actur reassured him. Smart move, leaving out
Evectri. Wouldnt want a political crisis on the first day, would we? Rainmoon
couldnt help but smile a bit.
No, we wouldnt, Rainmoon answered, noticing that Evectri was trying to hide his
I, Rainmoon, leader of all four clans, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down
upon this apprentice. He has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble
code, and I commend him to you as a warrior in his turn. Rainmoons eyes met
Bravepaws gaze.
Bravepaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and protect and defend
your clan even at the cost of your life? Rainmoon asked.
I do, Bravepaw answered. Rainmoon opened his mouth to continue, but
Bravepaw said, Wait! Wait. I. . .I want to say something, if I may. Rainmoon
paused for a moment, eying his son curiously.
Go head, the grey and white tom permitted. Bravepaw dipped his head in respect
before turning to face the crowd who peered at him the best they could.
I did not live through this war entirely on my own, Bravepaw called out. If
Stormheart had not been there to sacrifice himself for me, I would not be standing
her at this moment. So. . . Bravepaw turned around to look at his father. So I
wish that my name be Braveheart, to honour what Stormheart did for me.
Rainmoon was feeling too many emotions to really respond to that statement.
Er, Rainy. . .you kinda have to preform the rest of the ceremony, J actur reminded
him. Rainmoon remained silence. Only moments had gone by, but he knew that he
was being watched.
Hes doing this to honour Stormheart. . .Rainmoon thought. I was under the
impression that. . .that no one would ever know what he did. Bravepaw, my own
son. . .hes doing something that I. . .that I could not. . .
Finally, Rainmoon blinked away the emotions and said as clearly as he could,
Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Bravepaw, from
this day on, you shall be known as Braveheart. StarClan honours your courage and
sacrifice, and we welcome you as a full warrior of the clans. The clans roared, and
the Volans joined in. Rainmoon stayed dangerously still, watching his son with
Braveheart! someone in the crowd yelled since Rainmoon completely forgot.
Braveheart! Braveheart!
That kid could be a great leader, J actur commented.
I know, and had he not been my son, he would have been chosen as RiverClans
leader in a heart-beat, Rainmoon claimed. I just cant be playing favourites at a
time like this.
Understandable, but still, this tom has got some serious leadership skills, J actur
said. And the best part is he doesnt even want to be a leader, so there is no way
that hed become ambitious enough to try to take over any of the clans. Rainmoon
didnt respond. He just watched as Braveheart walked back to the clans, becoming
showered with congratulations.
Rainy? J actur began.
StarClan needs to finish thisI cant. Not right now. Rainmoon muttered. He was
shaking. It was as if every emotion he felt from his brother just suddenly hit him.
Stormheart was dead. Gone, forever. Rosefire would have his kits, but that
wouldnt be the same. Stormheart. Daniel. He was gone. And when Braveheart
honored him, Rainmoon began to remember all of what Demonfang said about
Thankfully, Stormstar appeared before Huntress, his stormy coat shimmering in
the moonlight. He wore the same scowl as always as he said, Huntress, leader of
the Cats of the Storms, you have an important decision to make. Have you chosen
the path of fate for your clan?
Stormheart. . .he had been so arrogant, but he had grown, and learned the power of
sacrifice just before. . .
I have decided, the golden she-cat answered, her icy blue eyes gazing into
Stormstars. From this moment on, we will be known as StormClan, for after this
night, we will change. We will no longer be the battle driven group of cats of the
past, but instead a peacefully living clan in which shares the worries of others
instead of just their own. We will worship StarClan, and not just Stormstar. We
will be whole once more. We will be free! The clans cheered.
Stormheart had given his own life for the death of his brother. Stormheart had been
brave enough to take on the responsibility to calm Demonfang. Stormheart had
kept Demonfang safe.
Now let this day of weaving be done, for the webs of these cats and Volans are
now repaired, Stormstar announced. The clans may return to their camps, while
the Volans and StormClan may stay because of their lack of territory, which will
be established at dawn. For now, though, let us all relish in the peace and unity that
has overcome us, and speak to those no matter where they come from. The stormy
grey cat vanished, and after Huntress jumped off the tree, Rainmoon made his way
down as fast as he could.
The grey and white tom easily made it to the ground, but he quickly hide behind a
large rock, shielding himself from the clan cats. J actur was talking, he realized, but
a certain numbness had overcome. He couldnt hear anythingnot the chatting of
the cats and Volans, not J acturs talking, nor the sound of Evectri landing beside
Rainmoon, are you
Go, Rainmoon ordered. The Flock will wonder where you aretheyll ask
questions. Evectri paused.
King Evectri, its okay, came Demonfangs voice. Ill be here to watch him
just return to your Flock. Evectri hesitated, but eventually he flew off.
Rainmoon was sitting now, muttering in a soft, low voice that he didnt believe
Demonfang could hear. A new cat had stridden up, but he didnt speak for a long
Im sorry, Rainmoon, I didnt mean toI didnt know this would happen, came
Bravehearts voice. Another catappearingly shinyappeared beside the grey
and white tom.
Braveheart, quit blaming yourself, J actur hissed. Its not because of what you
did, its something completely different.
What do you mean? Demonfang asked.
Well, remember how you felt when you lost Braveheart? J actur asked. There
was a pause. Think of it that way, except it was all experienced in a dream like a
freakin hurricane.
Whats a? Demonfang began.
Dont ask, J actur interrupted. Well shoot. This was worse than I thought it was
going to be.
Cant you just go in there and heal his mind with your all mighty powers?
Braveheart asked, irritated.
Oh, right, said J actur. Whoops, forgot about that. . . Rainmoon felt J actur enter
his mind and begin to repair things. He began to calm down, but before he could
apologize to his kits, his eyes closed on him, and darkness overtook his exhausted

Evectri finally settled things with his flock, and at moonhigh, he found himself
able to do anything he wanted. Rainmoon had returned, though he still looked
sickly. Demonfang had it under control, though, for she stood by her father. Any
time anyone asked questions, shed make up an awesome excuse and theyd be on
their way.
The silver king was in a very good mood as he glanced upon his flock. They were
all interactingthe kits were flying, showing off for the cats. The elders were
exchanging stories of wisdom. The mothers gossiped, and the fighters and hunters
all talked about the battles they had been in and other events that had happened.
StormClan had also joined the crowd, but they were cautious, and they never found
themselves in a conversation with a Volan, it seemed. Theyll warm up
eventually, Evectri thought.
And that was when he found himself face to face with Huntress. Her eyes were
surprisingly soft, and her muscles werent tense. Evectri just stared, waiting for her
to speak first.
Silence is always a great escape, isnt it? Huntress asked. Evectri continued
frowning. I tried to be silent to my father after you left. . .Obviously didnt work,
though. . . Huntress stared at him for a few seconds before she sighed. Are you
mute? I remember you being a lot more talkative than this.
What can I say? Whats done has been done, and so that moon has passed,
Evectri murmured.
Im trying to apologize, Huntress muttered, her head lowering.
I dont need one, Evectri growled, his amber eyes narrowing tighter. Huntresss
tail flicked with irritation.
What is your problem? the golden she-cat demanded. I expected you to at
least listen to what I have to stay instead of right out assuming that Im evil for
what I did.
I expected that too, but look where that led me, Evectri growled coldly.
It was a mistake, you know that, Huntress argued. Evectris ears went back.
It was a mistake that you shouldnt have even thought of pursuing against
someone you loved so much, Evectri hissed. We were perfect together, and then
you had to pull a stunt like that just because I was from the other side of the war.
You were the prince, Evectri, and I was only doing it because it was my duty as
the Commanders daughter! Huntress exclaimed. I-I know it was wrong, but it
was a mistake, and we all make them!
But why? Evectri asked. Why do something so stupid! It couldnt have been
your duty as a princessyou hated that title. Why would you carry out something
so dangerous toward the only one you truly loved? You knew I was going to be
I had to! It was my destiny! Huntress cried.
What in StarClans name is that supposed to mean? Evectri asked.
The Lone Huntress, Evectri, Huntress reminded him. I was supposed to do
that to you, and
You did that because of destiny? Evectri asked, his voice raising. Thats even
It worked, didnt it? Huntress asked, her voice becoming shrill. Rainmoon
saved you, and then he was taken, and all that gave you reason to go after your
father and kill him.
And so Im supposed to believe that you did the right thing? Evectri asked. You
tried to have me killed, Huntress! I cant just forgive something like that!
Huntresss eyes narrowed.
So you dont feel a drop of love since I did that to you? Huntress asked. All Im
trying to do is fix this issue so that our followers will somehow fix their
relationship in the future. Evectri paused at the question, suddenly glad that
everyone was so far and so fixed on their on conversation to hear them.
I. . .I still love you, Huntress, but what you did forced me to feel the sharp bite of
betrayal, Evectri told her. It may be bird-brained, but Im done with forgiving
those whove betrayed me.
So youre just going to let this grudge get between the peace we both desire?
Huntress asked.
I wont ever wish that, Evectri growled. but what you did is inexcusable.
Yeah, I get that, but why cant you just trust me on behalf of your flock?
Huntress asked.
It wont be the same as before, Evectri warned, his eyes scorching into hers.
Does it look like I care? Huntress asked. All I want is for us to at least become
friends, and for our followers to fully accept each other as neighbors. Evectri
shifted with uneasiness.
A reasonable objective, I suppose, he murmured. Huntress smiled bleakly, and a
silence over came them. I want to forgive her but I cant. She did something almost
level to when my father exiled to me, just twice as strong because I actually loved
her. . .
I heard Rainmoon grew up quite a bit when he got his memories back, Huntress
told him. Evectri smiled slightly.
I heard that hes still a little more cautious than before he lost his memory because
of his personality that we know, Evectri said.
Oh, youve got no idea how much hes changed, Demonfang muttered as she
walked forward. Quiet at first, but then a few moons after that he was always
annoyed. When he came back from visiting his past home, though. . .He was very.
. .Well, he never thought about himself, thats for sure. It was always what was
good for the clans. . .
Isnt he that way now? Huntress asked. He looks like hed take on Negro again
right here right now if it meant saving the clans. Demonfang shook her head.
He realized what he meant to everyone, and hes got friends and family that he
knew would break if he died, Demonfang pointed out. His eyes have been
opened, for the lack of a better phrase.
Didnt he have that last time? Evectri asked.
Stormheart could take care of himself, Demonfang explained. And Robinwing.
. .well, thats who he was fighting for, wasnt he? Never worked out, though. . .
What do you mean? Huntress asked.
The war tore them apart, Demonfang told the golden she-cat. As soon as he
promised to fight for her, they were seperated, lost forever. And because he was
her mate, she was killed. Huntresss head went low.
Thats the same reason my mother died. . . she murmured. Demonfang nodded.
My father was taken from me, my mother was killed, my uncle was kept away,
and Bravepaw. . .He was forced to die by my claws because of
my destiny. Demonfang growled. It was my destiny to kill him, my destiny to
feel the pain of losing a love one.
Arent you made at them? asked Evectri, his eyes narrowed. Is Bravepaw still
made at you?
Snakestar and Bravepaw were only doing what they thought would help with the
war, and it did work, so why yell at the stars for something thats in the past?
Demonfang asked. And besides, Bravepaws my brother. Weve forgiven each
other because, well, it was the mistakes that led us to this moment. We love each
other, and thats honestly all that matters. Evectri could feel Huntresss icy blue
eyes on him.
A call came from the south before Demonfang sat up and said, Duskfeather needs
me. Such a helpless fellow when he cant walk, but thats why I love him. With a
smile, she dashed off. Evectri looked to Huntress who stared at him.
Love is all that matters, huh? Huntress muttered.
It wasnt the same, Evectri growled.
But wasnt it? Huntress asked. Actually, it worse. She actually had to kill her
brother, and bring guilt into the equation. What do you think it would feel like if
you had to kill Tavo? She forgave her brother, though, and he forgave her. Cant
we do the same? Evectris head lowered.
How? How can I? Evectri asked. Trust is a . . .tricky thing.
We could just forget
No, Evectri growled. I will forgive, but never will I forget. My trust with you
will only be gained with time. Only then will I allow you back into my heart. And
with that, he left, unable to say or do anymore.

Six moons since they fought and defeated Negro. Six moons since Evectri became
a king. Six moons since the Cats of the Storms arrived. Six moons since Rainmoon
was given his name. Six moons since Rosestar, Smokestar, Willowstar, and
Thunderstar were granted their names and nine lives.
Rainmoon was normal. Happy. Grateful. Even though he lived alone most of the
time, Evectri would drop byliterallyto tell stories and what not. Braveheart
would come to give him food every once and a while, and Demonfang was there
occasionally on patrols from ThunderClan. Guards kept him the most company
they had all become great friends.
Rainmoon was allowed almost everywhere. That is, only if he brought his guards
with him. He hated that part, and so did J actur, but the two of them only cared to
see some of the outside life every once and a while. ShadowClan was the most
entertaining, since every time he went the mentors would be more nervous than
their apprentices who always screwed up.
Hey, Rainy, are we goin to visit Braveheart again today? J actur asked from his
spot near the guards. Most of the time, his partner deemed himself more interested
in Rainmoons mind rather than outside his body, but there was a certain she-cat
guard that always seemed to catch his eye.
Braveheart was visiting Flowernose down in WindClan last I heard, Rainmoon
told his partner. Would you like to go there again? J actur shrugged.
The kits seemed to love me last time, J actur claimed. And with Flowernose so
close to having her kits, this should be an exciting day! Rainmoon smiled.
You keep wishing that every time we go down there, Rainmoon mused.
Yeah, so? J actur asked, holding his head high. Its better than waiting
around here and waiting for something to happen. Rainmoon chuckled.
Excellent point, the grey and white tom said.
So after convincing the guards that they needed and wanted to go, they were
escorted toward WindClan. J actur remained in his own body, prancing by the
calico she-cat as he spoke of their past trials together. Most of the information was
wrong or inaccurate, but the she-cat just watched with an amused smile on her
face. It was very entertaining, especially when J actur tripped over a rock that
everyone else on the patrol saw.
When they got there, the four guards of WindClan stood in front and allowed them
in. They were greeted by Rosestars deputy, Maplefeather. Rainmoon smiled,
happily having flashbacks of naming Duskfeather, Nightmist, and Snowshine back
when he was apprentice.
Flowernose is doing well, though Braveheart seems to catch every opportunity to
see her, Maplefeather explained. Demonfang is doing quite good as well with
her kits. Rainmoon nodded.
And Rosestar? he asked.
Her kits are all about being fair, it seems, Maplefeather claimed with a bleak
smile. They always talk Its hard to believe theyll be apprentices in two moons.
The brown she-cat led them to a familiar den in which Flowernose talked with
another Queen and her mate, Braveheart. Rainmoons son and his mate looked up
as the two grey and white toms entered.
Rainmoon! Flowernose gasped. I-I havent seen you in forever! The calico
she-cat began grooming herself quickly.
Ive been busy over at ThunderClan, Rainmoon told her. A band of rogues tried
to attack the Flock and they needed assistance. Braveheart tilted his head.
Was Duskfeather okay? Braveheart asked. Demonfang would be heart-broken
if he got injured. . .
He fought vailiantly in Demonfangs place as deputy, Ill tell you that, J actur
answered. Quite a good fighter, he is. Better hunter thought. Braveheart
It was his choice, and I would have done the same with Flowernose had she not
moved to RiverClan already, Braveheart explained.
Oh, admit it, said J actur teasingly. You just liked his choice because you got the
deputy position in RiverClan after Duskfeather turned it down. Bravehearts eyes
Thats not true at all, Braveheart spat. It was a brave choice of his and he is
greatly admired by everyone for it. J actur laughed.
I was just playing with you, kid, no need to get all snappy, said J actur, a smirk
on his wild face.
Hey, can you help me over to the fresh-kill pile, Braveheart? Flowernose
suddenly asked. I think it would be better if we talked out there. The pale grey
tom was immediately helping his mate as J actur and Rainmoon left to the fresh-kill
Hey, Uncle J ack, youre here! cried three little voices. Rainmoon and J actur
turned to find two brown and white kits as well as one light ginger kit running
toward them with wide eyes.
I thought we agreed on no nicknames! J actur exclaimed, though the kits simply
jumped onto him and made him tumble over. Hey, that hurOuch! Okay who
Lightkit, Im gonnaStop biting me, you little Rainmoon could hardly refrain
himself from laughing as the four moon old kits tackled J actur and nipped at his
Okay, little ones, you better stop, came Rosestars confident voice. The grey and
white tom looked up to meet the dark ginger she-cats amber eyes. She smiled, her
elegant stance making it clear that she was a leader.
Aw! whined all of the kits.
But we like tackling Uncle J ack! cried one of the kits.
It makes us look like warriors! claimed another kit.
This is the kings partner, youre talking about, Rosestar growled. He may be
related to you, but that doesnt mean you dont respect him. The kits obeyed their
mother and got off of the poor dark blue-eyed tom. J actur sat up and straightened
out his fur and sat tall.
And dont call me Uncle J ack, J actur muttered.
Okay, said one of the toms simply with a smirk on his face. Well just call you
Uncle J ackie, then.
Now youre just black mailing me, J actur growled. The kits giggled.
Exactly, the tom responded.
I thought you were all about being fair, J actur pointed out, his eyes narrowed
with suspicion.
You gave Rainmoon a nickname, so why cant we give you a nickname? asked
the same tom, a grin wiping out the smirk.
What? That makes no sense! How could that
So, how are you? Rainmoon asked Rosestar as she walked over and sat next to
Well enough, she responded. Everything has been quite fine here in WindClan,
and my kits are very strong. Rainmoon saw her frown slightly.
They remind you of him, dont they? he asked. She nodded bleakly.
Bramblekit especially, Rosestar answered, referring to the brown and white
haired tom with emerald green eyes who was currently arguing with J actur. He
likes everything fair, and when it isnt. . .
Does he show signs of his powers already? Rainmoon asked, his eyes narrowed.
Rosestar hesitated.
About a half moon ago Treekit got him angry, Rosestar explained, talking about
the brown and white tom with glassy blue eyes like Matars. Treekit had only
taken a larger piece of prey, and Bramblekit insisted that he trade his own for
something just as big as Treekits. I thought it would be okay for them to agrue
sometimes its good for them to work it out on their own, you know?but Treekit
was so calm about the whole thing, and it must have set Bramblekit off. He
attacked Treekit, and he seemed. . .torn. I went over and broke up the fight after
that, of course, but Bramblekit. . .he was scared, I could tell that much.
If he is anything like Demonfang, then it was a good thing that you around,
Rainmoon told her. Only someone with direct ties with StarClan could have
stopped him from literally killing Treekit, and since you have nine lives, you were
able to.
There was something else, said Rosestar, her eyes narrowed. He. . .he had this
glowing circle filled with light coming from his shoulder
The moon? Rainmoon asked. Rosestar nodded. It was Stormhearts symbol. I
was the star, he was the moon, and Demonfang was the sun.
So Bramblekit will have a new symbol? Rosestar asked.
Maybe, maybe not, Rainmoon answered. He may take a new symbol, or he
might just take Stormhearts. It is hard to say right now, though. Rosestar nodded.
Lightkit is very innocent, Rosestar said with a smile. She is kind, gentle, and
yet she knows how to deal with her brothers. I dont believe shell have any
powers. Treekit, though. . .
Robinwing didnt have three kits, and so Demonfang was given J acturs looks
while she was also given the powers, Rainmoon explained. Its obvious that she
has taken after Matar, but I dont know if that is just after personality or in powers
as well. Rosestar nodded, but didnt say anymore.
Hey, look! exclaimed little Lightkit. Its Demonfang! And lookSandkit and
Stormkit are with her! Rainmoon turned to find his daughter padding toward them
with a golden and white she-kit and a stormy grey she-kit with her.
Rainmoon, you should have told me you were coming! Demonfang exclaimed
with a kind smile on her face. Sandkit and Stormkit have been really eager to see
you. The two kits bounded up to J actur and the other kits.
Treekit, guess what! Sandkit exclaimed. I almost caught a butterfly yesterday!
No, I almost caught a butterfly, Stormkit interrupted, standing tall.
We both almost caught a butterfly, Sandkit growled. But then someone had to
go chase it off! Stormkit continued to stand tall.
Pouncing would have worked, Stormkit defend herself.
Yeah, if you actually aimed at the butterfly and not at the elders, Sandkit
growled. Stormhearts kits laughed, and Rainmoon smiled.
Energetic, arent they? Demonfang asked. At three moons old, they can be quite
a pawful, I can tell you that.
Normal, though? Rosestar asked.
Of course, Demonfang answered. Stormkit is quite takes after me more than
Sandkit does, but shes just arrogant sometimes, thats all. Rosestar sighed, a
frown on her face.
Dont worry, Rosestar, everything will be okay, Demonfang comforted the
young leader. Your kits are very intelligent, and as long as they have someone to
talk to, theyll be fine. I suggest that someone should explain to them their
situation, before their apprentices, though. Itll help them control the temptations.
Rosestar smiled bleakly.
Rainmoon! came the voices of Bramblekit. Can you show us that time you
defeated that rogue leader?
Or that time that you took our dad and his siblings to RiverClan? asked Sandkit.
I would prefer to see him fight Negro, Treekit said, sitting tall.
Fighting Sharpmoon would be even better! Stormkit argued. Rainmoon smiled
Neither of your mothers would allow me to show you those battles, Rainmoon
reminded them. Youre much too young right now. If any of you are interested
when youre warriors. . .well, well see.
Aw! whined Storm kit.
But thats boring! Bramblekit complained.
I know, but those are gruesome and scary memories, Rainmoon told them. It
would be best for you to wait.
Lightkit suddenly shifted in her spot.
Er, Rainmoon? the small ginger she-cat asked. Could you show us a memory of
our dad? The five kits immediately stopped whining, and their eyes looked at the
grey and white leader closely. Rainmoon paused, nervous as he could feel
Demonfang and Rosestars eyes upon him.
He glanced in their direction, and Demonfang nodded, her wise dark blue eyes
confident it seemed. Rosestar hesitated, but eventually, she nodded bleakly, her
amber eyes clouded.
Alright, Ill show you Stormheart, Rainmoon told them. But look carefully
this is likely one of the only times Ill show you these memories. Rainmoon
looked over to J actur, who nodded and disappeared. They focused their powers
easily, and through the knowledge that StarClan granted them, they conjured a
small light blue star the size of a badger in between the circle of kits and cats.
A memory showed up within it. Stormheart, a small apprentice at the time, was
learning from Rainmoon. He expressed his powers only slightly, but he trained
hard. The grey and white tom allowed them to see many memories from when he
last remembered his brother before he lost his memories, and just when he was
about to skip the eight moons that Rainmoon had been at the Cats of the Storms, a
memory of Stormheart comforting someone entered his star.
The grey and white leader glanced in Demonfangs direction and found his
daughter was concentrating hard. With a smile, Rainmoon gazed back to the star
and watched Stormheart living with Demonfang. He was like a father to her when
she had none. Her only family member left at the time, and the only one who could
bring her out of the darkness she was in.
The memories stopped right before Sharpmoon had Rainmoon brought to the
island, and the kits just stared at a place in the dirt where the star was before the
grey and white tom had made it disappear.
Wow. . . Sandkit murmured. Your dad was amazing!
He was so arrogant, Lightkit commented. But then he turned out to be so kind
to Demonfang. . .
Some say it was because he grew wiser, Demonfang explained to them. Those
who were apprentices or mentors in his time, or who paid close attention to him,
believe it was because of your mother that he learned how to be so kind. Rosestar
did not react to this. Instead, Rainmoon noticed, her eyes were still clouded with
emotion. She was smilinglaughing, almostand tears of joy spilled from her
Mum, are you okay? asked Bramblekit. Rosestar nodded quickly, getting rid of
the tears with her paw.
Yes, dear, she told her kit. It was just so wonderful seeing your father again.
All hail King Evectri and the Commander of StormClan! Maplefeathers voice
rang throughout WindClans camp. Rainmoon and the others turned to see the
silver Volan and the golden she-cat padding toward them with six little bundles
hobbling along.
I wasnt expecting to see you here, came J acturs voice. How ya doing?
Evectri smiled.
Rogues are persistent, but theyll never know how stubborn we were in the war,
the silver king answered.
Your little ones are only a moon old, Rosestar reminded them. How have they
managed such a journey from StormClans territory? The six little kits looked up
at the ginger she-cat and tilted their heads. They could see, it seemed, and their
ears were perked.
They have matured as if they were all Volans, Huntress explained, a warm smile
on her face. They were able to see faintly only a week after I kitted them, and they
could walk by a half moon and seven sun rises. Now they can walk, see, and hear
as well as your kits, but they cant talk as well.
We carried them most of the way, of course, Evectri told the WindClan leader.
Rainmoon smiled at Evectris kits. There were three with wings and three without,
though each of them shared the same level of intelligence and maturity, it seemed.
There were only two she-catsone a cat, and one a Volanbut it didnt matter to
their parents.
After that horrible kitting, it is nice to see them growing alright, Rosestar said
with a smile.
I know, Huntress agreed with a shudder. Im glad everything was okay, and I
thank your cats for safely caring for my kits and I for that half moon. I think Ripple
would have had her paws full with my weak state and the kits abnormal size.
You wouldnt have had to go through all that if you had just taken that herb, you
know, Evectri reminded with her, a bleak smile on his face.
It wouldnt have solved anything, Huntress reminded him, licking his cheek.
We love each other, and we need heirs to secede our thrones. All that horrible
herb would have done was delay the birth, and besides, Im glad I had them.
Theyre all wonderful kits. Evectri agreed, and Rainmoon nodded.
That moon had been a hard one, for everyone knew the birth was going to be
stressful. After all, a wild cat could only have three at most, and to have twice as
many kits would be torture. However, Evectri had that one gene, and so Huntress
had actually only a twenty percent chance of survival, and the kits had an even less
chance. Thankfully, though, everyone lived.
Have they learned to fly yet? asked Sandkit, looking at the new kits with
No, Evectri told the small kit. They have a moon to go before they learn how to
So what are their names? asked Flowernose curiously. She had only barely
moved to the WindClan camp when Huntress had been flown over to the Clan of
Queens in order to give birth. Cura, Ripple, and the WindClan medicine cat had all
been in the den the night of the birth and the rest of the half-moon Huntress had
stayed, so Flowernose had never gotten to see the kits of the King and the
The black tom without wings is Night, and the light tabby she-cat over there is
called Leopard. The silver tom is called Cloud, Huntress explained. The black
tom with wings is Moreno, and the white tom is Helador. And last but not least, the
ginger she-cat is Conica.
So youve stuck with your own traditions, then? Flowernose asked. Huntress
Those with wings have names like Evectris, and those without have names like
mine, Huntress answered. It kept those we lead happy to say the least.
Do they not like you two being mates? Flowernose asked.
Oh, no, most seem to adore the idea, Huntress answered. They were cautious,
however, over the idea of which kits would stay at which territory.
Did you already come up with a plan for that? Rainmoon asked with his head
tilted to the side.
Huntress nodded and answered, Yes. Those without wings will stay with me, and
those with wings will stay with Evectri. It was a difficult decision at first, but after
StormClan moved next to the Flock, weve found it easier. Our camps are within
walking distance, and so it wont be hard for the siblings to see each other.
Thats good, Flowernose said. It would be a nightmare if they couldnt interact
after they become of age to train.
Suddenly, her muscles tightened, and her legs shook. She clenched her jaw, and
her gaze was unfocused.
Flowernose, are you alright? Braveheart asked immediately, his eyes narrowed.
She shook her head.
The kitstheyre coming. . . Flowernose explained. The conversations between
Huntress and Rosestar as well as J actur and the kits stopped almost instantly, and
Rainmoon could see Bravehearts eyes widening.
Mudroot! Rosestar called. Mudroot! Flowernose is about to kit! The brown
tom peered out of the medicine cat den, blinking for a moment. Then he nodded
and ran over with agility far behind Rainmoons.
Flowernose, lean on me and try your best to get inside the den on the far right,
Mudroot told her. Rosestar, if you wish, you may come, and Demonfang as well.
Aside from that, no one else should be present. The brown medicine cat easily
allowed the calico she-cat to lean upon his shoulder.
But what about me? Braveheart asked, standing tall as he shifted with
uneasiness. Cant I come?
Braveheart, you need to stay, Mudroot ordered with a sigh. Youll be able to
see her afterwords, but for right now, I need you to stay right here. Bravehearts
tail flicked, but he nodded bleakly. As Mudroot helped Flowernose into the den,
however, the grey toms jade green eyes never left Flowernose.
See? J actur said, suddenly appearing right beside Rainmoon. I told you that
shed kit when we were present. Rainmoon just shook his head.
Uncle J ack, where is mummy going? asked Sandkit curiously.
Yeah, and what happens in that den? How are the kits born? asked Stormkit.
Well er uh, J actur stuttered, his eyes flickering between Huntress and
Rainmoon. I cant tell you. Yeah, thats it. I cant tell youIm not allowed.
Feeling quite proud of himself, J actur grinned widely.
Why arent you allowed? asked Bramblekit. J actur sat up tall.
Why do you need to know why Im not allowed? he asked.
Because then maybe we can figure it out, Bramblekit stated. And we can only
know if you tell us why you arent allowed. So why arent you allowed? J acturs
eyes narrowed.
Youre confusing me, J actur pointed out.
All we want to know is why you arent allowed to tell us, Bramblekit explained.
Well why do you need to know why Im not allowed to tell you? J actur asked.
Because then maybe we can figure it all out, Bramblekit stated again.
This conversation just went in a circle, didnt it? J actur asked.
Yep, Bramblekit answered with a smirk. So will you tell us?
Tell you what? J actur asked.
Why you arent allowed to tell us what goes on in the den Flowernose just went
into, Bramblekit explained.
Oh, said J actur. Well why do you need to
Stop! Treekit hissed, his tail flicking with irritation. Your conversation is stupid
and confusing, so stop forcing it to continue.
Hey, I think I did pretty good making it go into circles, J actur pointed out with a
proud grin. Now Ill never have to answer the question.
No, growled Bramblekit. I think I did a good job. After all, it was I who made
the argument go into circles by using your idiocy against you.
Why you little J actur began.
Your partner certainly has a way with the kits, Huntress noticed, drawing
Rainmoon away from the bickering. Is there a reason? Rainmoon shook his
Not that I know if, at least, Rainmoon told her. With a smile, he added, I think
he wants his own someday. Huntresss eyes narrowed.
Can he even. . ? Huntress asked. Rainmoon shrugged.
Now that he has a matieral body, I think he can, Rainmoon answered.
Nevertheless, I know hell find someone he loves soon. He needs it. Huntress
Ive heard stories of your. . .upbringing, she began. It is truly hard to believe
J actur was ever so keen to kill. Rainmoon nodded, looking at his partner.
A dark time in both our pasts, Rainmoon explained. In a way, you must
remember, he was my insanity. His will to kill. . .it was my own. Huntresss icy
blue eyes narrowed.
How could someone so young have so much insanity? Huntress asked. Ive
seen cats give away their mind, but that was only after moons of battle and dead
loved ones. Rainmoon frowned.
Having someone special enough die in front of you as a sacrifice to your survival
can bring any tom or she-cat into depression, Rainmoon murmured. Being in that
depression, shut away from the world while shut in with guilt for moons creates
enough madness to make any being in this world insane. Huntress looked at him,
sorrow in his eyes.
The elder cats of ThunderClan say that you just arrived one day Huntress
As a six moon old kit, yes, Rainmoon interrupted.
And the scar. . . Huntress drifted.
Is nothing you should be worrying yourself about, Rainmoon hissed. Huntress
didnt say anymore. Her head lowered, and she returned to her mates side.
Rainmoons mood had changed, and he knew it would take long to return to what
it was.
It wasnt Huntresss fault, Rainmoon told himself. I just. . .I havent talked about
that part of my past in a long time. . .So with that, he laid down near the fresh-kill
pile and watched as J actur continued bickering with the kits and Braveheart pace
near the den in which Flowernose was.
And Rainmoon waited.
Rainmoon! came a distant voice. Rainmoon, you mouse-brain, wake up! The
kits have been born! The grey and white tom opened his light blue eyes, noticing
suddenly that the sky was darkening as the sun set far in the west. He blinked
several times before standing.
What? he asked, half yawning. He found Demonfang in front of him.
You fell asleep, Demonfang felt the need to explain. But nevermind that
Flowernose kitted. She now has two healthy kits! Rainmoons mind was too
numb for the excitement, but he followed his daughter.
Braveheart is protective, so watch out, Demonfang warned him with a laugh. It
was a good birth toonothing was wrong except how long it took them to come
out. No worries though. Rainmoon nodded, trying to shake the feeling of
fogginess inside his head.
The kits have been born? asked J actur, appearing right beside Demonfang.
Rainmoon hadnt realized his partner had been in his mind the whole time. Darn
it, Rainy, why do you have to be so mopey all the time? Youre makin me miss all
the action in the real world! Rainmoon was about to ask what he did wrong, but
his head lowered as he remembered his conversation with Huntress.
Come on, theyre just inside! Demonfang urged them. Rainmoon followed the
grey and white she-cat in the den with his tail lowered. However, he was curious as
to what the kits looked like.
First, Rainmoon noticed Braveheart, who laid beside Flowernose calmly while
murmuring something to his mate. Flowernose murmured back while looking at
her kits with a wide grin. When they noticed Rainmoon, they looked up and smiled
Without waiting for them to say anything because Rainmoon was pretty sure they
werent going to speak a single word the grey and white leader looked down at
the kits, and was once again filled with the joy of new life. Two new bundles,
suckling on their mother, squirmed beside Flowernose.
Theyre both toms, Demonfang told him as he looked. There was one very dark
grey kit and one light brown tabby. Both were about the same age.
They look wonderful, Flowernose, said Rainmoon with a smile. Have you
named them? Braveheart and Flowernose shook their heads.
We wanted everyone to be here to have a say in the name, Flowernose
explained. At that moment, the grey and white leader realized that Huntress,
Evectri, Rosestar, Demonfang, all their kits, J actur, and even Duskfeather was
present within the den.
Is it just me, or is this den bigger than normal dens? J actur asked as he looked
around at the eight cats and twelve kits. Fourteen, if you counted Flowernose and
Bravehearts kits.
It was meant for gatherings like this, considering this is were most she-cats kit,
Rosestar told the grey and white tom.
Hey, can we name the light brown kit Pinekit? Sandkit asked. Its for the pine
You might as well call him Pineneedlekit, Stormkit muttered.
Thats mouse-brained and a mouthful to say, Stormkit, Treekit hissed. I think
he should just be named Needlekit. J actur busted up laughing, and Rainmoon
smiled a bit.
Hey, Rainy, maybe hell become sharp minded, J actur laughed. Or maybe hell
become a medicine cat and put together wounds.
What is he talking about? Rosestar asked, her eyes narrowed. Rainmoon shook
his head.
You wouldnt understand, he told the young kit. The leader looked at him with
suspicion, but Bramblekit soon stood up.
Maybe we should name him Goldenkit, Bramblekit suggested.
Hes not golden, silly! Lightkit told her. Hes more of a dusty colour.
Thats it! Sandkit said, jumping up. Dustkit! Flowernose and Braveheart
looked at each other before looking at Sandkit and giving a swift nod.
That sounds like a good name, Braveheart told Sandkit. He looked up to the
other cats in the den. Do all of you agree? The murmured, and a clear answer
was given. Dustkit it is, then.
The dark grey one is going to be hard! Stormkit announced.
He looks like Leopardleap, Rosestar mused, peering over at the small kit.
You know what, youre right, Duskfeather chipped in. Though he doesnt have
the faint spots of our great ancestor clan.
What about Greykit? Demonfang asked.
Hes too grey for that name, Bramblekit pointed out. When I think grey, I think
Rainmoon or Demonfangs coat, not this kit.
That white mark in his chest looks like a lightning bolt, Rainmoon mused.
So what should we call him, Boltkit? asked Bramblekit sarcastically. Another
wave of laughter overtook J actur, and once again everyone watched.
Well then he could bolt things together, J actur roared.
J actur, if you cant control yourself, you should probably leave, Demonfang
warned the tom. You cant really do that when there is such little room as there
is. He stopped moments after, but he still smiled with amusement.
What about Burntkit? Lightkit asked. He kinda seems burnt to me.
Who would name their kit Burntkit? asked Bramblekit. Lightkit lowered her
Its like a scorched willow tree if you ask me, J actur said. Still got a little white
on the bark, but its mostly this dark ashy colour. Bright eyes turned in his
Thats a brilliant idea! exclaimed Bramblekit, Stormkit, Lightkit, and Sandkit.
Scorchkit does sound kinda nice, Treekit admitted.
It works since hes almost black, Demonfang put in.
I must agree, it is a fitting name, Rosestar said. J actur began to glow with pride
as he sat up tall and grinned widely.
Scorchkit is unique, said Braveheart. I like it.
If you like it, than I do, Flowernose said sweetly. She liked her mates cheek.
The way you name your kits is very strange, Huntress commented with
amusement in her eyes.
I agree, claimed Evectri.
And how different do you do it? Demonfang asked with a wink.
We dont let other people decide it for us, and an elder usually has something to
do with it, Huntress explained. In reality, we just choose what we believe will
make their full name prettier or stronger.
Our names come from an ancient language, only it is slightly changed each time it
is used, Evectri explained. For example, I was named biased off of a noble whos
name was Eceltri.
So where did Moreno, Helador, and Conica get their names? Treekit asked, his
eyes intent on Evectri.
Id rather not get into that right now, Evectri told him. Later, perhaps.
But why not? Treekit asked. Its interesting!
So youll whine to hear about that, but youll stop me from getting J actur to tell
me about what we were arguing about earlier? Bramblekit asked. Treekit glared at
his brother.
Of course, Treekit answered. Because this is actually intelligent information.
Bramlekit as to his feet at once.
So youre calling me a mouse-brain? Bramblekit challenged, his fur bristled.
Ive always called you a mouse-brain, Treekit replied.
Thats it, Bramblekit lunged, and the conversations in which were erupting
around the den stopped for a moment as everyone watched the angry kit. The tom
jumped toward Treekit, but was stopped by J acturs leg. The brown and white tom
hit the leg and bounce backwards. J actur was about to move his leg back when
Bramblekit stood up and bit the grey and white toms paw.
Ow! J actur hissed, pulling back is paw all the way and out of Bramblekits
mouth. Little bugger bit my paw. . .
It was your fault for getting in the way, Bramblekit muttered. His eyes nor
shoulder were any different than before, and so the conversations from before
continued. Rainmoons eyes narrowed. This would have usually set off any tom
with his personality but he. . .Oh. With so many people here connected to StarClan,
it isnt even possible for his second conscious to go off.
Hey, you shouldnt yell or attack your brother, J actur growled.
Learned that from experience.
How? Bramblekit asked. You dont even have a brother. J actur smirked.
Do to, he argued. Several, actually. I think it was about four? Anyway, Rainys
got enough brothers to keep me busy anyway. Bramblekit tilted his head.
Rainmoon had more than one brother? the brown and white tom asked.
Rainmoon frowned, his head lowering as, once again, the conversations became
J actur, knowing perfectly well what he was doing, continued, Well, yeah. Before
he came to the clans he had one brother. Alfie was his name, I think. Eh, dont go
to that part of his mind that much. Anyway, he was a great kid. Followed the rules
a lot better than Rainy, but. . .well, it was just this one time that he followed
Rainys reasoning instead and, uh, well, Im probably not allowed to talk about
What happened? Treekit asked.
Well. . . J actur murmured. Oh! He got the scar that day, and if that was the case,
then I got made that day too.
That doesnt make any sense, Bramblekit growled. How could you have been
made just because of what happened in one day. J actur sat up stubbornly.
Im not allowed to tell you, J actur answered.
Oh dont start that again, Treekit hissed.
Rainmoon had become happier and more comfortable after the eyes of every full
grown cat veered elsewhere. It wasnt as if he hated talking about Alfie, it was just
more of a thing that he hated talking about the events that happened with him.
J actur had the right intentions, though. Everyone wanted to know, and so they were
told. All they needed to know, at least. It was difficult to know no one but J actur,
Braveheart, and Demonfang knew about his true past, but in all honesty, they were
the only ones that needed to know.
Rainmoon was happy, though. He looked at his new family. Only two were related
to him, but every single life in that den had to do with him. They were his new
family. Evectri was his friend in war, Duskfeather his son in all but blood, and
Rosestar, something similar to a sister. The kits were his grandchildren
something hed never thought hed have and another memory of Stormhearts
For the first time in moons, the grey and white tom thought back to his time as a
human. He thought back to the traditions, the objects. . .and his brothers. Alfie and
Daniel as humans. It was an eerie thought, considering hed been a cat for so long.
Over twenty moons, or months, he shouldve said. Almost two years in his own
During his time as a human, hed never thought hed have a girl friend. Or a mate
for that matter. He never thought he could be a leader, or a fighter. He never
believe it was possible that he could let go of Alfies death. He never thought he
would have kids or grandchildren or defeat some great evil person. He never
believed he would do so again, and be the leader of something similar to a country.
And the grandest thing of all, he never thought hed lose Stormheart.
But it had all happened, and at that moment, he had only one thought in his mind.
Without you there to save my life, I wouldnt have what I am staring at now. Thank
you, Alfie. I will never forget you.
The End

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