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The Amiot Family

The August Itineration Trail 2014

Weve been home officially two months now and have visited several churches and home groups. The miles on
the car are racking up. The desire to return weighs heavily as we know there is so much more work to do in
Latin America. The new semester just began in Costa Rica. Every in-coming freshman will have a class on
Humanism. They are taught from Day 1 that there is no need for God. Our goal is to equip our students with
the tools to be effective ministers on campus and wherever God takes them in the future. If we do this we can
impact nations. This month we started a campaign called 30. There are 30 countries in Latina America that
have no University ministry. That represents millions of students that are being unreached. God has allowed us
to develop a strategy and training materials that work in Costa Rica and have proven to work in other countries
too. Just a few days ago our leaders met for the very first time without us in the country to continue the work
God started 4 years ago. They prayed, prepared, and planned the course for the next few months. They are on
the front lines The desire to do Gods work burns in them. Will you help us return? We are looking for new
monthly partners. If we can find 30 new partners at $30 a month we will be well on our way. And dont let the
number 30 scare you. If you can do more great! If you arent able to do $30 we understand and appreciate
every amount committed. 30 nations with no University ministry are important to God.
Josh, April, Taylor, Emma, and Lucy
If you would like to partner with
us by becoming a monthly
supporter or a if you would like to
give a special gift please go
directly to the following link:

Family Update
Family Update
Taylor moves into NCU on 8/15

Emma and Lucy start 10
and 2

Please pray as all 3 kids transition
into new schools.
Financial Update

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