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The red folder is your childs Take Home
Folder. It will come home every day filled
with important papers and some of your
childs work. It will need to be returned
and initialed every day.
Each week you will find a newsletter filled
with information about your childs week.
Please read through it and talk to your
child about his or her week and what they
have participated in.
Here is our class schedule:

7:45-7:55 Announcements
7:55-9:50 Reading/ Language Arts
9:50-10:15 P.E.
10:15-10:30 Handwriting/Writing Instruction
10:30-11:30 Math
11:30-12:00 Lunch
12:00-12:20 Recess
12:30-1:15 Resource
1:15-2:15 Discovery
2:15-2:25 Rest time, pack up, read aloud
2:30-2:35 Review/Dismissal

Each of these blocks are broken up into dif-
ferent activities for your children. For example
during our Reading/Language Arts block,
your child is writing in their journal, reading,
participating in centers, and small groups.
Our math block includes our calendar time,
math journals, math instruction, and daily
data. Our discovery block includes our sci-
ence and social studies units.

I will go into more details about each aspect
of our day during our Curriculum Night, which
is scheduled for Monday, August 25th at 6:00

What are we learning next week?
Reading: We are beginning our reading series
and will be briefly looking at each letter of the
alphabet and learning sight words. We will also
be practicing our handwriting.
Math: We are practicing counting and writing
our numbers 1-5. We will also be exploring all of
our math manipulatives we will use to play math
games in the future.
Discovery: We will be learning about families and

Much of this past week has been spent working
on routines and expectations. Your little people
have been doing a great job adjusting to kinder-
garten. They have really learned how to work to-
gether. They have brought me lots of joy this
week. I know we are going to have a wonderful

Follow our class on our blog for pictures and
updates from the week:

I am so excited about
this upcoming year.
I know it will be amazing!!!!!!

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