Module 1 Soports

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Module 1

1.What devce measures the ange

between two rado frequency and aso
the drecton of propagaton of a wave
2. What s the frequency range of an
arcrafts Very Hgh Frequency (VHF)
-118.00MHz to 136.975MHz
3. What s the frequency range of an
arcrafts rado atmeter
-4250MHz to 4350MHz
4. Tropospherc scatter s method of
sky wave propagaton for whch of the
foowng frequency bands
-300MHz to 3GHz
5.Whch of the foowng terran types
permts a ground wave to trave the
-sat water
6. Best descrbe a dp-meter
-a varabe LC oscator wth
metered feedback current
7.Whch of the foowng systems s not
used n rado detecton and rangng
-amptude moduaton
8. Consdered as the man source of an
nterna nose
-therma agtaton
9. What s the cause of atmospherc or
statc nose
10. What conssts the front-end crcut
of a VHF TV superheterodyne recever
-oca oscator, mxer and RF
11. What phenomenon causes the
rado-path horzon dstance to exceed
and the geometrc horzon
-rado waves may be bent
12. What s meant by the term
moduated ndex
-the rato between the devaton
of a frequency moduated sgna and
the moduatng frequency
13. The bendng of rado waves
passng over the top of a mountan
range that dsperses a weak porton of
the sgna behnd the mountan
-knfe-edge dhracton
14. Whch of the foowng s not one of
the natura ways a rado wave may
trave from transmtter to recever
-mcro wave
15. If the moduaton ndex of an AM
wave s doubed, the antenna current
s aso
16. What s the advantage of a
-assures that the teephone s
17. Whch transmt ony one sdeband
18. Transmsson of prnted matera
over teephone nes
19. When testng transmtter to
prevent nterferng wth other statons,
whch type of antenna must be used
-dummy antenna
20. If the moduaton ndex of an AM
wave s doubed, the antenna current
s aso doubed, the AM system beng
used s
21. What s the reason why
compoundng s empoyed n PCM
-to protect sma sgnas n PCM
from quantzng dstorton
22. What s the oca oscator
frequency range n commerca AM
broadcast f t s equa to
-995 to 2055 kHz
23. Moduaton n whch no sgna s
present between puses
-puse moduaton
24. An ncrease n the ehectve power
radated by an antenna n a certan
desred drecton at the expense of
power radated n other drectons
-antenna gan
25. How can the antenna emcency of
an HF grounded vertca antenna be
made comparabe to that of a haf
wave antenna
-by nstang a good ground
rada sytem
26. One type of puse communcatons
system uses puse that appear as a
group, an whch vary n number
accordng to the voce. Ths type of
puse moduaton s caed
-puse duraton moduaton
27. A devce to be connected across
the headset n teephone recevers to
reduce the ehects of acoustc shock
-two recters n parae wth
opposte poartes
28. What s meant by antenna gan
-the numerc rato reatng the
radated sgna strength of an antenna
to that of another antenna
29. Whch determnes the number of
sdeband components n FM
-moduaton ndex
30. What s the baseband frequency of
standard FDM basc supergroup
-312 to 552 kHz
31. An eectromagnetc wave consst
-both eectrc ed and magnetc
32. When eectromagnetc waves are
propagated through a wavegude, they
-are reected from the was but
do not trave aong them
33. Transmsson sent n both drecton
34. Reference nose temperature
-290 K
35. A p-network s
-a network consstng of one
nductor and two capactors
36. What type of emsson s produced
when a frequency moduated
transmtter s moduated by a
facsme sgna
37. Whch of the foowng antennas s
used for testng and ad|ustng a
transmtter for proper moduaton,
amper operaton and frequency
-dummy antenna
38. Whch mproves antenna
-parastc eement
39. Where are the current nodes n a
haf-wave antenna
-at the ends
40. Whch of the foowng s the ferrte
devce that buhers a mcrowave
source from the ehects of a varyng
oad, and thereby prevents the
formaton of standng waves
41. Pont on the satete orbt cosest
to the earth
42. What s the purpose of beat
frequency oscator (BFO)
-generates a 1kHz note for
Morse code recepton
43. The capture area of an antenna s
drecty proportona to the ____
-gan of the antenna
44. What s a trap
-a parae LC network nserted
n an antenna
45. Puse wdth moduaton
47. Advantage of ASCII to Baudot Code
-can transmt etters n ower
and upper case
48. Operatng frequency of Automatc
Drecton Fnder (ADF)
-190 to 1750kHz
49. Why s ntrogen gas sometmes
used n wavegude
-to keep the wave gude dry
50. Radus of sun
- 108 m
51. The characterstc mpedance of a
transmsson ne does not depend
upon ts
52. The term used to refer to the
condton where the sgnas from a
very strong staton are supermposed
on other sgnas beng receved
-cross-moduaton nterference
53. To transmt SSBSC t must ______
carrer and _______ the upper sdeband
-cance, ter
54. Abty of the recever to receve
the desred sgna and re|ect a others
-foded haf wave dpoe
56. Reference antenna for whch the
gan of practca antenna
-sotropc antenna
57. Sze of reector wth respect to the
drven eement
-about 5%
58. one supped wth power from the
transmtter usuay through
transmsson ne
-drven eement
59. An antenna whch s not resonant
at a partcuar frequences and so can
be used over a wde band of
frequences s caed
60. EIRP
-product of radated RF power of
a transmtter and the gan of the
antenna system
61. A word n teegraphy consst of
_____ characters pus a word space
-7 and
62.What s the ehect of addng
-attenuates capactve
-45 V RMS
64. SSB transmtter uses a/n _____
wattmeter, AM and FM transmtter
uses ______ wattmeter
65. Maxmum voce band of a master
66. Use n SSB recever
67. What happen when a marne
sends SSB sgna to an arcraft whch s
swtch on auto potng
-there w be a sharp turn to eft
of rght
68. Frequency range of VOR ( VHF
Omndrectona Range)
-108.05 to 117.95 MHz
-used to nd xed ocaton
70. ILS transmtter s ocated at the
end of the runway wth what operatng
-108.10 to 111.95 MHz
71. Gde sope transmtter operatng
-329.30 to 335.00 MHz
72. Type of nformaton to be
transmtted of A3C
73.Emsson of F3C
74. Frequency moduaton of snge
anaog nformaton to be transmtted
by facsme
-frequency shft keyng
76. What s the reaton ndegrees of
eectrc ed to magnetc ed
- 90 degrees
77. Frequency range of UHF
-300 to 3000 MHz
78. Best frequency used to operate a
sky wave
-Optmum Usabe Frequency
79. Ths phenomenon happens
because of ray paths n onosphere are
dherent frequences
-seectve fadng
-ne current and surge
mpedance of transmsson ne
81. Rato of oad mpedance to
transmsson ne mpedance
82. Most desrabe SWR
83. Rato of maxmum peak frequency
devaton of the carrer sgna to the
maxmum moduatng frequency
-devaton rato
84. What s the case of two co-channe
beng receved at the same tme
-capture ehect
85. What s the IBMs asynchronous
data nk protoco desgnaton
86. The senstvty of a recever s
determned by ts abty to
-receve weak sgna
87. What do you ca the vod band of
frequences between any two ad|acent
-guard band
88. In genera typca frequency that
troposcatter wave propagaton s
found to be ehectve
-350MHz to 10 GHz
89.Operatng frequency of
-350Mhz to 10GHz
-from eary evenng to 12:00
91. Internatona Broadcastng ( short
waves) frequency range from _____ n
accordance n the nternatona
- 5950 to 26100 kHz
92. When a space wave sgna passes
over mountan rdge a sma part of
the sgna s dhracted down the far
sde of the mountan, ths
phenomenon s caed
- Knfe edge dhracton
93. What s the term used to descrbe
a spread spectrum communcatons
system where the center frequency of
a conventona carrer s atered many
tmes per second n accordance wth a
pseudo-random st of channes?
-Frequency hoppng
94.____ s an eectronc nstrument
used to show both the carrer and the
sdebands of a moduated sgna n
frequency doman
-spectrum anayzer
95. Transequatora propagaton s best
-afternoon or eary evenng
96.What s the usua eectrca ength
of a drven eement n an HF beam
-1/2 waveength
97. The number of voce band
channes n a master group per CCITT
standard s ______

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