Calculus Grading Scheme

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Points will be accumulated in each of four categories: homework, quizzes, participation
and tests. Homework is an area in which you practice the knowledge demonstrated in
class. Therefore homework will be graded on an effort basis. Fie points will be
awarded assignments completely attempted. !ower point alues will be awarded
assignments gien less than a complete attempt. "uizzes will be graded on accuracy
and a point gien per concept item. Participation is based on your willingness to show
your work, your state of preparation to do so and your deportment in class.
Participation is worth #$ points in a quarter. %ndiidual tests are worth &$$ points each.
The points from all areas will be totaled and a grade will be assigned on the percentage
of possible points. '(pect tests to be cumulatie. ) semester test will be gien and will
count the same as a unit test in the #
and *
The two quarter grades will be aeraged to gie the semester grade.
%f an ealuation +test or quiz, is not satisfactory, the ealuation may be taken a second
time. -n the second attempt the ealuation will only be scored at ./0 of the original
alue. %f the second attempt is less than passing, then the test may completed as a
worksheet for 1/0 of the score that would hae achieed if gien under test conditions.
The test may be taken after the scheduled test date, when all others hae taken the
test the first time, as a worksheet for 1/0 of the score that you would hae achieed if
gien under test conditions.
These letter grades will be assigned to the following numerical percentages:
) &$$234 52 .$2.# 67 8.283
)2 3$23# 97 1.213 6 84281
57 ..2.3 9 14211 62 8$28#
5 .42.1 92 1$21# F /3 and below
+:eised .;&/;#$&*,

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