Lil Bre Interview

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A KoLyric Review: Lil Bre Interview

KoLyric Review
Hey Bre how are you this Evening?
Lil Bre
Hey ya'll. What's good? I'm great!
We're Fine, We would love to just jump right into this.
!, "et's do it!
How long have you #een rapping?
I was at least $% or $& years old in the '
grade. I remem#er someone made a
#eat on the lun(h ta#le and i just started... going at it! )eople said *+o man, you
should try this rapping stu,, out* and I did. From then i was apart o, a group
(alled *+oung -.uad*.
What (aused you to go solo?
Well, they weren't ta/ing it as serious as i was. I wanted to ma/e this my
(areer and they were more on the games. We just saw things di,,erently, you
(an say.
Whi(h 0rtists inspire1inspired you to rap?
I don't really have any. 2mm #ut they're all dead, "i/e 3upa(, Biggie. "i/e, i
just li/e how they impa(ted the musi( industry. 3hat's what i li/e a#out them.
Why do you hate shirts so mu(h?
Haha, I mean li/e I told ya'll, *4y shirts ain't "oyal* .
Where do you see yoursel, in 5 years?
Well, I see mysel,, my team and my ,ans e6panding. "i/e, you guys are ,rom
F",37, 83, it's (ra9y that my musi( rea(hes that ,ar and I'm just ready to
ta/e it to the ne6t level!
A KoLyric Review: Lil Bre Interview
Who is your ,avorite ,an page?
:3eam"ilBre ! "i/e, ya'll were the ,irst ones to do it, then all the other pages
started poppin up,#ut you /nowthat aint none o, my #usiness. But it's (ool
though, I always say without ya'll there is 7 Bre. +a'll /eep me going ,orreal.
(Dejah) Be,ore we (ontinue i just want to ta/e the time and say i, mysel,, have
#een a ,an ,or almost % years and i just ";E and 0<4I=E how hungry you
are! +ou really put your all into everything you do and i thin/ 3H03 is why we
support you as mu(h as we do.
+a'll just trying to ma/e me (ry today huh? Ha ha, #ut no really that meant
alot (oming ,rom you. I do what i do, ma/e the musi( i ma/e BE802-E F my
,ans. +a'll /eep me going and i ,eel that i, i (an /eep you guys happy then it'll
always #e a good deed on my part.
What advi(e do you want to give to anyone who is trying to get on the level
you're on?
4an, just go ,or it! I, you #elieve you (an do it than go ,or it. )ut ,orth your all
and love everyone. +our supporters, your haters, every#ody! It'll only ma/e you
go harder!
(Lonii) 0nd you are living proo,. Well, Bre, we than/ you - 428H ,or having
us interview you. It means alot espe(ially that you're our ,irst interview.
(Dejah) +eah, even though we might have #een nervous, it truly was a great
0w man, i'm just happy that i (ould share this with you guys as well. 3han/ you
so mu(h ,or having me! >3eam"ilBre ,orever!

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