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Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2014 9:20 AM

Subject: Action-Items-CX [Holocaust, Guzzardi, Benghazi, Kerry]

As a priority, it is desirable to advise reading a seminal Constitutional discussion [THE FEDERALIST
TODAY - In Washington, Its Politics By Any Means Necessary - Politics will always mean abuse of
power, which is why political power should be limited.], to again note efforts to mandate education in PA
for Holocaust, Genocide, and Human Rights Violations *if nothing else, to probe the age-old question
Can Nazi obsession with Jews be explained? and noting Corbett paid tribute to victims of the
Holocaust at a remembrance ceremony held in the Reception Room at the state Capitol as, perhaps
symbolically, Yemen's Jewish Community Fades Away while Israeli Arabs flourish], and to update key-
facets of BHOs Scandal-Sheet [without forgetting AG-Holder Begged Court To Prevent Public From
Seeing Obamas Executive Privilege Records Relating To Fast And Furious].

Yom HaShoah: Yom HaZikaron lShoah ul'Gvurah (Holocaust and Herosim Memorial Day)
Holocaust Remembrance Day - The U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum
On Yom HaShoah, World Leaders Call for Combating of Anti-Semitism
Remembering 5 Righteous Heroes Who Saved Jews in Holocaust
Thousands go to Auschwitz For Memorial March
Holocaust survivors recall most vivid memories
In Holocaust America And US Jews Did Nothing
Three Stories of Bravery and Survival
From Extermination to Liberation




New Documents Show IRS and DOJ Collusion on Potential Prosecution of Tax Exempt
Groups, an issue being investigated by the House Oversight Committee per
encouragement by Bob Woodward noting the irss-torrent-of-abuses; Repubs claim Tea
Party Groups Have Faced Trumped-Up IRS Charges. This pattern of ignoring libs while
pursuing conservatives continue, as the IRS Gave 'Death Penalty' to Conservative Critic,
Revoking this Conservative Group's Tax Exemption allegedly over anti-Clinton
statements claiming it was engaging in political activity; yet, the liberal-leaning
watchdog group Media Matters has kept its tax-exempt status. [The IRS charged in
a written determination that the Patrick Henry Center for Individual Liberty
made repeated statements supporting or opposing various candidates by expressing its
opinion of the respective candidates character and qualifications. On the other side,
Media Matters' CEO David Brock even describes himself as a Democratic political
activist on his official Twitter profile.] Meanwhile, irs-agents-who-didnt-pay-their-

A former-democratic-lawyer is going after-the-irs, as Ex-IRS official Lois
Lerner is living the life of a private citizen at her more-than $2.4 million
property in Bethesda, Md. while Republicans consider holding a House
floor vote to hold her in contempt of Congress perhaps, per Gowdy, as
early as next week; Ex-IRS official Lois Lerners attorney said that a vote
to hold her in contempt would be un-American and requested to
speak to the House. {IRS bonus scandal demonstrates that the GOP
must run against the IRS.}

Benghazi Emails Show White House Effort to Protect Obama; previously unreleased
internal Obama administration emails show that a coordinated effort was made in the
days following the Benghazi terror attacks to portray the incident as rooted in *an+
Internet video, and not *in+ a broader failure or policy. This is viewed as a smoking-gun
[Charles Krauthammer Says Americans Now Have the Smoking Document in Benghazi
Scandal], Benghazi E-mails Show White House Effort to Protect Obama - Staff attempted
to insulate presidents policies from criticism ahead of election; the White House sent a
message to Susan Rice: Blame the Video for Benghazi Attack. This explains why,
although Krauthammer speculated last week that this issue was dead, Voters say Obama
covering up on Benghazi and want Congress to keep investigating; these Americans are
saying to Congress: Don't Give Up on Benghazi.

Apparently, Americans killed at the Benghazi embassy annex on
September 11, 2012 were killed by rebels who had been supplied with
weapons by the U.S. government, for BenghaziGate resulted from $500


million in arms that the United States facilitated to al-Qaeda linked
groups in Libya. [This is an Executive-Summary-Brief on Benghazi.]

NSA critics claim the balance has tipped too far in favor of security and away from
liberty; BHO is even more comfortable with expansive, intrusive security measures than
the predecessor he criticized, noting that feds want to scour net/media for hate speech.
Perhaps now is the ideal time to reclaim freedom, as could occur in PA [were Sen.
Fulmers bill to be released from Committee, as per an update he provided me a month
THE NSA]; for a greater appreciation of its culture, note the interview of William Binney
NSA whistleblower. It should be noted that it was proven that Clapper had Lied to
Congress only after Snowdens Disclosures [which allegedly Aided Al Qaeda because it
was prompted to change communication methods and to alter encryption practices];

This is the Speech That Got Judge Napolitano Fired From Fox News.


Certain points made on recent blast e-mails have seemingly been corroborated after their distribution;
this first blast *after having re-sent the last one, yesterday, focused on Guzzardi and other
state/regional/local issues] provides terse [and annotated] follow-up of concepts that underlie concerns.
Note also a summary of Guzzardis status and an elaboration on one facet thereof *The Difference
between Tom Corbett and Me Special Education Funding for Charter School and Cyber Charter School
Funding- To Veto or Not To Veto, even as it is alleged common-core-state-standards-support-national-
readiness & obama now even wants to manage-teacher-credential-programs & Kindergarten teacher:
My job is now about tests and data not children; I quit]; note also an event in Philly [Judge dismisses
Dougherty defamation suit against Inquirer]. Articles about Brandeis J Street U [Witnesses Back Israel-
Activist in Dispute With J-Street Leader at Brandeis & [J Street issues media Fatwa against its toughest
pro-Israel student opponent & URJs Rick Jacobs also backing J Streets Presidents Conference bid]


merits complete scrutiny [top-to-bottom], for they elucidate the evasiveness of J Street, hours before a
vote regarding whether it should be able to join the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish

Corbett received good-news [Corbett nets 500K at Philly fundraiser], almost obligatory
reminders of how Penn State consistently dominates the news-cycle [Penn State fights
Paterno documents request, seeking to limit broad release of papers & Penn State
coach James Franklin contacted victim in Vanderbilt rape case], and bad-news [PA GETS
MORE BAD BUDGET NEWS]. The PA-Legislature demonstrated wise-dynamism [Rafferty,
Pennacchio, Vereb Announce Major DRPA Reform Legislation] as it continued to ponder
chronic concerns [Gov. Rendell Left Pennsylvania a Big Deficit, and it's Still Here]
KIDS LIVES & paycheck protection] and was frontally-challenged, along with Corbett,
regarding the entire Harrisburg atmosphere [sobering-talk-concerning-pa & S&P
Worried About Pennsylvania's Overspending] in a fashion thatregarding education
both supported Guzzardis support for School Choice *PA Senate amendment: give
charter schools twice as long to adjust to special education funding change] and was
reminiscent of the Guzzardi Divergence, which depicts the dichotomy between
increased spending and flat performance [For PA and neighboring states, school
spending and graduation rates don't add up & How about some state help on
educational accountability?]. {Also, AG-KANE WILL RELEASE STING FILE TO PHILLY DA
after an editorial-question was posed (What kind of game is Kathleen Kane playing?),
and 2,000 NEPA federal workers get taxpayer-funded commutes.}

Before pivoting to National/Foreign Affairs, it should be noted that ~50 pages of hyperlinks remain
uncirculated, focused in-particular on political/media themes; they will be tackled methodically, so as to
minimize the risk of sensory-overload. Meanwhile, to be provided is a summary of what happened
tonight @ a candidate-debate in the wide-open race in the 13
Congressional District which Boyle
boycotted because, he said, the forum was run by a Margolies supporter and also *Im told] because its
rules permitted both written-speeches [which MMM delivered] and no closing-remarks [plus, I was not
pleased to note, no questions permitted from anyone in the ~100-member audience].

In my view, each candidate presented him-/her-self in precisely the way they had
previously; indeed, I had blogged @ PoliticsPa in this regard, noting that what I had read
of them mirrored the article that had summarized their prior performance. In this case,
a few disinterested observations are perhaps relevant to handicappers; obviously, Boyle
was a punching-bag throughout *his claim were all rich is both wrong and a diversion
from his sudden flip to being pro-choice+.

MMM amazingly used her opener to attack her three competitors, often superficially
[e.g., Daylin lives a few yards from the PA-13 District-border, but has roots in NE-Philly
that dominate his childhood]; I was told later that she had used her closer during the
prior debate [the only one she had attended] also to bash her fellow-Dems. She had her
hands over her mouth during the opener, and she spoke in a soft voice; it seemed that
her body-lingo conveyed reticence to have presented herself as a bitter old woman but,
nevertheless, she clearly set the tone for a chasm to exist between herself and


Daylin, on the other hand, was his usual animated-self; it is no accident that he said one
of his prior jobs was being a stand-up comedian. Moreover, after the event, he was able
to answer a question posed by myself regarding what his proposed remedy would be to
gerrymandering, citing California *a process of which Im aware+ plus other ideas that
would generate some automaticity that would minimize political infighting. During the
debate, he demonstrated his levity by claiming he opposed the final redistricting plan,
even though he benefitted from its borders, Allowing me to show indignation while
laughing all the way to the bank! He knows his issues well, and constantly conveyed the
impression that he is an achieverwithout attacking Valerie but by attacking MMM on
the campaign-$ issue [a charge that she chose not to deflect, claiming it would be
adjudicatedto which Daylin replied that the outcome would likely not be issued until
after the primary-election day of 5/20]. {Pennsylvania State Senator Daylin Leach says
he will stage a 'sit-in' at Governor Tom Corbett's office until he agrees to meet with him
about legalizing medical marijuana.}

Valerie, also, was interactive; she accepted new information about the availability of
THC *Nabilone+ of which she did not previously know *based on her public statement
regarding pot] GRACIOUSLY, and then proceeded to critique [gently] BHOs Foreign
Policy *regarding Iran+ and Kerrys Apartheid-quote [as had other Dems]; she will ponder
whether she would want to issue a formal press-release on these issues, for she feels
everything is related to oil [and the conversation ended before we could connect-the-
dots regarding Islamism]. She also knows the issues well, and is proud of her role in
having promoted ObamaDontCare *a topic we didnt discuss, as physicians+.

The moderator told me that he didnt have enough time to get into foreign affairs but,
throughout, he was fair/balanced [with everyone adhering to the 2-minute rule].

Abbas and the Middle East

From a childhood friend: In all the stories I've seen, nobody has asked - or answered - the key
question: what was the statement in Arabic, and in particular, what was the word in Arabic that was
translated to Holocaust. After all, the PLO [etc.] always believed that the Holocaust was a catastrophe
for the Palestinians because it led to the re-establishment of Israel, their Nabka. Not to mention their
tendency to deny or minimize the Holocaust. In other words, this statement could well be a travesty


rather than something remotely positive. {Also, worshipers-rescued-family-in-car-fire-outside-

From Pamela Geller:

Egyptian court sentences top Muslim Brotherhood leader and 682 Muslim Brotherhood terrorists to
death [This is the way anti-Islamists wage war.]
Kerry: Resign! [This included a speech by Cruz that, in-turn, triggered a retrenchmentvide
Lloyds drops overdraft fees for Muslims [This illustrates the Islamist trend Breitbart has noted on
the other side of the pond.]
Dem Politician Appointed by Obama Defends Muslim Airline that Bans Israeli Jews [This illustrates now
entrenched the Islamists are within BHOs Dems.]
Muslim 9/11 First Responder Gets a NYC Street Named After Him [This illustrates problems with De
Blasio that not only include his support only for public education, but his anti-gun rhetoric
MANUFACTURERS] and his defense of his mayoralty, thus far ['Filling Potholes... Should Get
Front-Page Headlines'].
Jewish mayor of Ukraine city shot in the back in assassination attempt [This illustrates the profundity
of latent anti-Semitism, worldwide, even when another conflict appears to dominate.]
KKKerry: Israel could become an apartheid state [This illustrates how his apologistsincluding John
Heilemann on MSNBCs Morning Joewho attempt to rationalize such manifestations of
anti-Semitism (via anti-Zionism).
Standstill [This corroborates points by Ms. Arlene Kushner.]
Malaysia: Obama asks Imam of triumphal mosque to Pray for me [This contrasts with his silence
regarding the worldwide slaughter of Christians by Muslims.]
Hamas says theyll SUE Washington Post for saying they would recognize Israel [This would be a
stitch, were it ever to come to fruition; imagine the results of the Discovery process.]
Devout Muslim group slaughters over 2,596 Nigerians in three months [A compendium of these events
has been provided in these blasts ever since I almost traveled to speak therewith my son
this past October.]
Hamas-CAIR targets private citizens in Michigan [This illustrates why Dearborn, which houses a
museum that has books in its library that I found to be somewhat moderate, has become the
focus of pro-Islamist activities.]
Montclair State University: Muslim Fabricates Hate Crime Attack [This illustrates the level of effort
being promulgated to promote Islamophobia as a smokescreen from recognizing the effort
that is being promulgated to create a worldwide Caliphate.]
Pamela Geller, Breitbart Column: One Nation Under Allah: The Islamization of American Public Schools
Hundreds of schoolgirls kidnapped by devout Muslim group being sold into slavery
Obama-backed jihadists hang victims on crosses
2010: Muslima dies as hijab caught in go-kart axle. 2014: Hamas-CAIR demands hijabs on go-karts.
Colorado High School Students Say Pledge In Arabic: One Nation Under Allah
Jihadists storm Libyan parliament
Impeach: Email Reveals Obama White House Urged Rice to Blame Video for Benghazi
Pregnant Woman in Sudan to Be Executed for Apostasy
Pamela Geller, Breitbart: Muslim 9/11 First Responder Gets New York City Street Named After Him
Arizona Muslim claims Islamic Law (sharia) gives him right to kill wife
Muslim Brotherhood rape boy for supporting anti-Brotherhood revolution
Saudi police refuse elderly womans complaint due to lack of male guardian

From Gatestone:


Anna Mahjar-Barducci: Libya Urgently in Need of Military Intervention {and Gunmen Ransack Libya's
Parliament During Vote on New Prime Minister} [This illustrates the point made yesterday
regarding the absence of an exit strategy.+
Shoshana Bryen: Will Israel Save Hamas and Fatah Again? *This also illustrates why Kerrys motive remains
to pressure Israel, even after widespread recognition of the existence of this coalition.]
Khaled Abu Toameh: Abbas Pumps New Life Into Hamas
Shadi Paveh: Vicious Attack at Women's Prison in Iran


An autopsy of the negotiations favorable to Kerrys anguish How Mideast Talks Ended in Disarray was
published by the NY-Times, but nothing justified his Apatheid-claim [which was anti-Semitic]; in a larger
context, many noted the need to confront confusion about Anti-Semitism. The Pro-Israel Community
Condemned Kerry Over Apartheid Claim as did Gohmert ['Our Secretary of State Has Effectively Cursed
Israel'] and Mark Levin ['Jackass' John Kerry Is an 'Anti-Semite,' Calls on Him to Resign]; in a scathing
speech on the floor of the U.S. Senate, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) called for Secretary of State John Kerrys
resignation over his alleged comments comparing Israels policy to the abhorrent apartheid policies of
South Africa. [McCain said his response to Cruz could be described as Sen. McCain laughed heartily.]
Sen. Rand Paul Tuesday proposed to cut-off U.S. aid to Palestine until it agrees to a ceasefire with Israel
and recognizes the right of the Jewish State to exist, a direct slap at Secretary of State John Kerry who
warned Israel over the weekend to cut a deal with its Arab nation. Finally, detailed again has been The
Anti-Semitism of the Obama Administration.


This was Kerrys effort to walk-back his manifestation of petulance:

Secretary of State John Kerry issued a statement Monday night seeking to clarify his Friday
comments that suggested Israel risks becoming an "apartheid state."

"I will not allow my commitment to Israel to be questioned by anyone, particularly for partisan,
political purposes," Kerry said Monday.

"Israel is a vibrant democracy and I do not believe, nor have I ever stated, publicly or privately,
that Israel is an apartheid state or that it intends to become one," he said.

"I have been around long enough to also know the power of words to create a misimpression,
even when unintentional, and if I could rewind the tape, I would have chosen a different word to
describe my firm belief that the only way in the long term to have a Jewish state and two nations
and two peoples living side by side in peace and security is through a two state solution," he later
The reaction in Israel [and in America, in both parties] was condemnatory, and offshoots of this piece
[mks-pan-kerry-for-saying-israel-could-become-apartheid] illustrate the ripple-effect thereof:
Palestinian Negotiator: Israel Sabotaging Talks, Trying to 'Consolidate Apartheid Regime' [!]
Psaki Stumbled While Trying to Clarify Kerrys Apartheid Remarks About Israel
The 'Apartheid' Israel Charge Began with the Soviet Union
Kerrys Apartheid Slur Sabotages Peace
The Trouble with Gaza
A tour and census of Palestine year 1695: No sign of Arabian names or Palestinians
There is no disagreement between Fatah and Hamas
White House: Hamas-Fatah Unity Might Be a Good Thing
Israel Palestinian Conflict: The Truth About the West Bank
Palestinians to pursue bid to join 60 international bodies
Al Dura: long range ballistic myth book illustrates routine-deceit emanating from the PA
Steve Feldman Judith: Correction The footage specifically did NOT show "an
Israeli soldier killing a Palestinian boy" but rather a narrator said that is what
happened, and Israel's enemies wanted the world to believe that is what
happened -- and they succeeded. The film is unclear who shot the boy or if he
was even shot at all (there was no visible blood).
Self-Inflicted Palestinian Victimhood
Kerry: Israel could become an apartheid state


Kerry backpedals on 'apartheid state'
Hamas Decision Overshadows Kerrys Slur
Netanyahu compares Iran nuclear threat to Nazi menace
The Khomeinist Dome: Irans True Nuclear Intentions
Iran says will firmly deter any attacks as military displays might
Well seek other roads to peace, excluding Hamas, PM says
Lapid: We may have to coerce the Palestinians into statehood
Senior minister: Israel should annex Area C
Ex-minister decries Israels Goebbelsian propaganda (Ephraim Sneh is former deputy defense
minister, a former IDF brigadier general and a two-time Labor cabinet minister.)
Hamas open to considering recognition of Israel official (Taher Nunu, a media adviser to
Hamas in Gaza head Ismail Haniyeh, told The Washington Post that Hamas had not ruled out
recognizing Israel.)
Hamas: We will never recognize Israel
Enough is Enough: Time to Get Tough With Abbas
EU: American peace efforts must not go to waste
Kerry, under siege
We Israelis Will Not Be Threatened
Laura Ingraham: White House always blames Israel
Israel 48 - video
Leftist Extremists Publicly Defile Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial
The US Administrations Fuzzy Foreign Policy - Israel is a victim of this administration's fuzzy
foreign policy, but it doesn't stop there.
New York Times Says Abbas Vilified for Challenging Number of Holocaust Victims
mahmoud-abbas is still-a-holocaust-denier

*Israeli forces demolish West Bank mosque as peace talks deadline passes* - It seems this
headline is faulty, as per the 6
graph; the demolition had nothing to do with the passing of the
April 29 peace deadline *The Israeli army said in a statement that eight structures, including a
mosque in use, were demolished because they had been built illegally inside a dangerous live-
fire military training zone.+

Josh Rogin, repeat offender This outs the guy who recorded Kerry, as if it should matter.

India's Narendra Modi Says He'll Deport 'Bangladeshis' Imagine if BB said this.

The reaction in America has been forthright [Ted Cruz Demands John Kerry's Resignation Over Israel
Remarks and Krauthammer slams Kerry over 'apartheid' remarks on Israel] while Juan Williams revealed
his true ugly self [for his "He didn't say it in public" line is one for the ages]. It must be understood that
Kerry did not apologize Monday for suggesting last week that Israel could become "an apartheid state" if
it did not reach a two-state solution with the Palestinians; instead, he lashed out at his critics [who
include Democrats such as Sen. Barbara Boxer. who called Kerry's remark "ridiculous"]. {State Dept Cant
Name Single Benefit From Israeli-Palestinian Peace Talks.}


Note comments: Kerry's like a great big zit, for some people marvel until one big
implosion exposes the awful truth and everyone recoils in horror; in Kerry's case, it's
one of those that won't go away and repeats itself over and over. Kerry, a
leftist/elitist buffoon, has only one regret, that people called him on this offensive
remark, not that he said it; he said what he meant and now that people have taken him
to task for it, he is trying to weasel his way out of it. For the country's top diplomat to
offend one of our best allies and keep his job is outrageous, but then it is the Obama
administration. This Leftist moron POS was actually providing his {Trilateral
Commission} audience with a line of attack on Israel, his approval for this slander, this
BIG LIE; this is the Obama administration orchestrating anti-Israel propaganda.
Ketchup Kerry has been stupid most of his political life; smarter folks than he ran his
campaigns, and wrote his speeches. Now, Kerry is on his own (for the most part) and he
is failing and falling. His idiocy and Boston Brahmin anti-Semitism is starting to bubble to
the surface. Do any of you honestly think that Kerry did this without Obamas
authorizationor, for that matter, authorization by the Romulan, Valerie Jarrett?

From Steve Feldman: During an exchange on Facebook about the palestinians and
palestine with someone who is actually a friend off of Facebook, that person stated
Reality is sometimes a bitter pill. My response: Let the arabs swallow that pill. Why
should the Jewish People always be the ones to suffer; to give in? 78% of the region
called "palestine" was taken from the Jews to create "Transjordan." Today, known as
Jordan, nearly 70% of the population is "palestinian" including the queen. A nation
where 70% is of the same ethnicity -- sounds like the "palestinians" have a state already.
End the masquerade, do not abet it.

Regarding Ukraine, Turmoil continues [Kharkiv Chief Rabbi on Shooting of Jewish Mayor Kernes: The
Jewish Factor Never Helps Anybody Here, Russia Sympathizers Attack Pro-Ukraine Rally, PRO-RUSSIAN
MAYOR OF UKRAINIAN TOWN WOUNDED BY GUNFIRE, Ukraine falls further into chaos, Violence flares,
Separatists seize control in another city, CLAIM: U.S. taped calls from Moscow to spies in Ukraine.
RUSSIA THREATENS ASTRONAUTS OVER SANCTIONS, Russia: US Sanctions Are 'Iron Curtain' Policies,
Internet crackdown with new 'blogger law', Top U.S. Diplomat: Russia Has Betrayed the New World
Order, Pete Hoekstra: US Helps Putin by Buying Russian Helicopters] while Kerry Sees Ukraine Crisis as
Uniquely Putin's [Although he has been thinking about, talking through, and wrestling with the Ukraine
crisis for weeks, he still grasps for words to describe the motivations of the man at its center: Russian
President Vladimir Putin. "You almost feel that he's creating his own reality, and his own sort of world,


divorced from a lot of what's real on the ground for all those people, including people in his own

Bullet-Points on Concepts Already Detailed

A Hard Day's Night Official Trailer (2014) The Beatles, Musical HD opening 7/4/2014
A Band Of Flying Robots Perform A Medley Of Classic Songs.
Flying Robots Playing Classic Songs On a Series of Instruments
Cute Pets
Owl/Cat Play
Using Reclaimed Lumber And Only Hand Tools, A Husband Builds His Wife A Unique Table.
No-arms/no-legs success
Worried Dog Gets Anxious When His Owner Swims Underwater
Pursuit of personhood rights for chimpanzees in captivity

Amnesty Boehner backtracked, but Conservatives remained wary.
John Boehner: Just 'Teasing' Fellow Republicans on Immigration
Amnesty and Common Core: Two Sides of the Same Coin - Part I
Sen. Chuck Schumer: Amnesty Legislation by 'June or July'
Disgraced CEO Was Immigration Poster Boy
Armed Services Chairman Buck McKeon: Defense Bill No Place for Amnesty
McDaniel First To Sign New Anti-Amnesty Pledge, Urges Cochran To Join
Boehner: No 'secret conspiracy' to jam through amnesty
Florida Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R) said immigration reform will pass if Republicans win back
control of the Senate and retain the majority in the House.
Illegal Alien Caught Crossing for the 15

Gun Self Protection is seminal.
Juan Williams Wife Robbed, Wishes She Had Gun
Alabama Home Invader Shot 'in Broad Daylight'


Gun Control for Dummies - It's Common Sense

pot Still support legalization, particularly after listening to debate on Hannity this past Friday.
Sean Hannity On Marijuana: 'I Believe In Decriminalization'
Fourth graders busted for selling pot at elementary school
Marijuana may cause heart problems in young adults
May increase risk of nicotine addiction
J Street Gives Tepid Response to Palestinian-Hamas Unity Agreement
Obama, Who Evidently Has Not Read the Controlled Substances Act, Denies That He Has the
Power to Reclassify Marijuana
Marijuana Linked to Fatal CV Events
Gov. Nixon Evades Questions About Jeff Mizanskey, Man Serving Life in Prison for Pot
Patient Denied Liver Transplant over Medicinal Pot Use
Former Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens says he thinks the federal government should
legalize marijuana.
PAGLIA: Repeal the drinking age...Alcohol ban has pushed kids to pills; Marijuana feminizes men
Is the Legalization of All Drugs Far Behind? [no]

ObamaCare Remains a disaster.
Doc on Obamacare : Dr Barbara Bellar sums up Obamacare in one sentence.
The New Narrative on Obamacare: Repeal Is So Last Year
Doctor's Declaration of Independence: Defy healthcare mandates issued by bureaucrats
affordable-care-act-was-meant-to fail
Portman Discusses GOP Plan to Repeal and Replace Obamacare with Patient-Centered Reform
The erudite LA Times claimed to have found the lamest anti-Obamacare column of all but,
instead, demonstrated how pathetic and desperate liberal reporters (a redundancy, I know) are
getting; this idiot can't differentiate conservatives and libertarians.

Foreign Policy BHO/Kerry CLUELESSand therefore DANGEROUSas ISlAMISM GROWS.
Obama Defines the 'Obama Doctrine' in Foreign Policy: He 'Avoids Errors'


'One Nation Under Allah': The Islamization of American Public Schools
Canada Raids, Designates as Terrorist Organization an HAMAS-Tied Charity
Faking the Hate At Montclair State University - Muslim Student's Hate Crime Allegations Proven
Saudi Princess Calls for Uprising Against Father, King Abdullah

obama-administration-shipped-advanced-weapons-systems-to-al-qaeda-forces in syria

Venezuelan Oligarchs Live Large in Miami While Thousands Arrested, Dozens Killed at Home


Sent: Sunday, May 04, 2014 6:09 PM
Subject: Action-Items-CXI [Holocaust, Guzzardi, Benghazi, Kerry]

The focus, here, is on four previously-explored topics [Holocaust, Guzzardi, Benghazi, Kerry]; the skim-
reader is invited to delve into whichever hyperlinks might pique interest, for the implications of each issue
must be appreciated [and disseminated] ASAP. Anti-Semitism is on-the-rise, Guzzardi has been unjustly
bumped from the ballot, BenghaziGate is exploding, and Kerrys failures [as a manifestation of BHOs
pacifism and support for the Muslim Brotherhood (and Iran)] are quickly unraveling.

Please let me know if I missed any action-items that are worthy of prompt dissemination.

Again, after a busy summary of so many items, it is first desirable to distill *and to expand upon+ the
major concerns in the prior blast e-mail; dominant was info regarding the Holocaust, and
supplementary hyperlinks have since appeared [primarily on Facebook, but also via e-mails from
recipients of what had been sent]. These depict myriad facets of what happened [individually and
collectively]recalling the universality of its impact [e.g., Armenian Holocaust]with the headlines
viewed as self-explanatory; the impact was experienced in Europe [Auschwitz & Andrea Bocelli - From
The Depths - Holocaust Memorial Day 2014 - Krakow, Poland & Design of Nazi occupation statue etched
in stone, Hungary's Orban tells Jews (Mazsihisz believes the monument of an eagle attacking an angel
whitewashes the prominent role that pro-Nazi Hungarian governments had in the murder of more than
half a million Jews during the Holocaust by presenting Hungary as a mere victim)] and in Israel
[Holocaust Memorial Day and the Pathetic Palestinians & Arab Youths in Lod Held Fireworks Display on
Holocaust Memorial Day]. Meanwhile, efforts continue to prompt the PA-Senate to vote on the bill that
would mandate education in all PA-schools *except private+ regarding The Holocaust, Genocide, and
Human Rights Violations; revel in both the content and delivery of this call-to-arms, c/o Rhonda Fink-
Whitmanwho clarified the fact that there are three times annually when the Shoah is remembered:
International Holocaust Remembrance Day [January 27, when Auschwitz was liberated]; Yom HaShoah
Holocaust Remembrance Day [April 27 per the U.N. and Nisan 27, as per Israeli law, encompassed in
America by seven Days of Remembrance of the Victims of the Holocaust]; and Kristallnacht (November

Becausenotwithstanding the provision of extensive hyperlinksthe key-goal of these
blasts is to distill action-items [and, obviously, the rationale supporting them], it is
possible that piling-on articles reinforcing the importance of gun-rights [for example]
will cease [because the point has been clearly established]; also subject to a cut-back
may be extensive discussion of statewide concerns, noting the potential-demise of
Guzzardis gambit *vide infra]. This is a time-consuming process that was initiated almost


a year ago when I was goading Guzzardi to jump-into the gubernatorial raceif only to
prompt broader recognition of Corbetts major-league deficienciesbut it may be now
necessary to focus on simply conveying key-hyperlinks to info otherwise in-the-cracks.

Guzzardi was stuck from the ballot by the Supremesnoting that All Republicans on PA Supreme Court
Voted to KO his candidacy solely based on the delayed, duplicative filing with the Ethics Commission
an overtly-flawed decision that should be appealed [via the federal courts], and that certainly did not
merit a down-arrow by the libs @ PoliticsPA. Instead of promoting a CorbettCott or running a write-in-
campaign [as detailed on a separate upload] which he announced on the The Robert Mangino Show and
in a letter-to-the-editor, I have uploaded detailed-comments in this regard that encompass concerns
with the TEA Party Movement [noting also its successes, a heralded last night in Lansdale, c/o Diana
Reimer of Tea Party Patriots] and that explain why further litigation is warranted:

Guzzardis candidacy certainly provoked predictable emergence of the usual buzzards,
but it is desirable to note key-details regarding what happened [although I have not yet
read the Opinion].

First, it seems the focus was solely upon the allegedly fatal omission; the petitions
were otherwise upheld and his self-definition of his occupation was not challenged.

Second, as I wrote earlier [and as was confirmed with I spoke with a lawyer who works
@ the Department of State], the instructions acquired by candidates who file did NOT
state that there is a definable deadline for double-filing of the ethics [financial]
statement; thus, the confusion reasonably experienced by Guzzardi [as per testimony]
was reflected in that of the personnel who were charged with accepting his application,
for his paperwork [the filing-fee, the petitions, the cover-affidavit, the $-statement]
would have been returned had there been any anomaly detected.

Third, also, as I wrote earlier, statutes that conflict are not always concomitantly
rewritten and, here, the legislative intent of the mandate for an Ethics Commission filing


was 100% satisfied by his filing with the Department of State [for his database was
immediately placed on-line, for alltheworld to scrutinize].

Fourth, therefore, the Supremes demonstrated *for whatever reason+ willful blindness
to the real-life manifestations of the statutes they were sworn to uphold; here, conflict
between those governing the Ethics Commission and the Department of State should
have been resolved in favor of the good-faith effort manifest by the candidate.

Fifth, although he has aggressively eschewed acquiring donations, Guzzardi will not
oppose those who would promote his candidacy as a write-in [which will be how the
absentee-ballots will be handled].

Sixth, for elaborative comment regarding what transpired, the inquisitive reader may
wish to consult

As a result, Guzzardi has become ensconced in a position whereby he has standing to
critique the GOP-Establishment; some may conclude [for many reasons included on this
webpage+ that Corbett has won the battle but risks losing the war, as a result.


@ DD
After having re-read the comments posted while I was composing my reaction to the
Supremes, I find nothing of-substance worthy of clarification other than to express
appreciation for the advice regarding hyperlinks graciously provided by DD; Guzzardi has
acquitted himself professionally and has IDed electoral problems with Corbett that cry for
rectification [and/or will persist, regardless].

@ Adam B
I havent read the opinion, but if your portrayal thereof is its gravamen ["Because the
Court decided that Guzzardi effectively had never filed his nomination petitions, it didnt
need to reach the alternative grounds for reviewing the decision below (occupation,
signatures, etc.)"], then its problematic on its face; he indeed filed, and had done so
effectively with regard to the entity with which he had filed. The Ethics Commission
[pseudo-]requirement [already debunked, based upon updated procedures in the
Department of State that had not yet prompted the Ethics Commission to modify/simplify
its procedures accordingly] was mutually exclusive; if it were otherwise, the quoted-
statute would so-state.
Regarding your second point {minor typo repaired} as to the supplied-requests ["The
filing instructions were contained on page 4 of the form; they were also contained in the
packet DOS provided with the nomination petitions"], I only reviewed the latter [on the
Saturday-night prior to the filing-dates]; again, noted is the fact that the instructions from
the DoS did not contain deadline info.
Overall, as you can probably tell, Im unmoved by any of the aforementioned, for the fact
remains that the requisite document was filed with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in
a timely fashionand EVERYONE (including the politicos that wished only to silence him
and the bloggers who revel in spewing-forth negativity) knows that fact.


It is desirable to complete the records by providing the text of my response to an activist
who expressed condolences regarding the action of the Supremes; the thrust thereof is
directed @ those who absented themselves from this effort [you KNOW who you are!]:
Yes, we worked hard and, as my most recent input via PoliticsPA noted, we were quite
surprised at how many people (who dub themselves reformers) failed to provide a
modicum of assistance.

Guzzardis-Positions [updated] have been characterized as leaning-on-libertarian. although he
proposal drew support from medical community]. He notes budgetary problems [Pennsylvania sinking
deeper into budget hole, Independent Fiscal Office projecting at $569M shortfall, PA GETS MORE BAD
BUDGET NEWS, SLOT REVENUE DOWN AT MOST PA CASINOS] and laments the fact that Pennsylvanians
can't buy beer and wine at the grocery store because 'it only takes a little bit of greed to kill a child.'
{Prominent in his platform is support for charter schools, also advocated by Campbell Brown; currently,
Guzzardi and his colleagues are compiling data inter alia related to the salaries of University presidents
of multi-billion corporations.}

On if he would debate Bob Guzzardi, Corbett demurred ["I think my record speaks for
me right now."There are no debates planned."+. Politifact Called a Corbett Ad Mostly
False The obligatory references to Sandusky appeared *Sandusky sentence appeal
denied and Pennsylvania fights paying Sandusky's pension], serving as another reminder
of why Corbett should have deferred to Cowley [and, perhaps, still could?]. Meanwhile,
with < 3 weeks to go, Dem guv candidate Schwartz is running for her (political) life.

Regarding AG-Kane, McCaffery is embroiled in legal feud, the challenge is up to Williams to bring
charges in aborted Philly sting, and a Metcalfe resolution to impeach AG-Kane got a hearing. Leach and
Margolies traded jabs at 13
Dist debate and three congressional candidates vied for the vote of the
Conshohocken Business & Professional Women's Club. Although Casey claimed PA leads nation in
deficient bridges, other infrastructure-issues abound [Concrete beam falls off Philly building].

Jimmy Clendennen, Jay Russell and Dan Snyder [who are running as independents for
GOP State Committee] support unendorsed, competitive primaries. Placing their effort
into context, Jimmy wrote this prior to the Supremes Decision: On May 20, 2014,
Pennsylvania voters will be given the special treat of a choice between two candidates
from the Republican Party running for governor. Not only will the current governor, Tom
Corbett, appear on the ballot, but so will the name of his challenger, Robert "Bob"
Guzzardi, who is also a member of the Republican Party. Even though Corbett has the
backing of the Republican Party for re-election, Guzzardi was not dissuaded by the lack
of support for his campaign. Instead, he decided to throw his hat into the gubernatorial
race as an independent Republican supporting constitutional limited government,
economic freedom, and personal responsibility which are three principles that are part
of the Libertarian Party platform.

The PA Supremes also determined that PA cops no longer need warrant to search citizens' vehicles.
Meanwhile, Chops opened on Comcast Center's plaza, efforts were made to Bring more life to the


Gallery, the Race Street Connector project was back on track with $1.1 million grant, the Future is on-
Street_Station, and all city parks will be smoke-free. In the education world, Penn
allegedly denied a prof tenure for taking child-care leave, a Main Line Drug Ring was exposed and, of
course, the philly-school-district is facing-another-bleak-budget. Finally, in a sworn affidavit by FBI
Special Agent Kathleen OHanlon, an FBI document detailed alleged misdeeds of infamous Philly union
boss John Johnny Doc Dougherty boss in 2006; she said she had probable cause to believe Dougherty
broke federal laws because he had unlawfully received free labor at his house and a condo in Wildwood,
N.J., and he had lied about his income and evaded taxes.

BenghaziGate is exploding [as efforts are revved-up to probe the cover-up of the cover-up of the cover-
up,+, with the key-narrative achieving clarity [per both Rush on Friday and elucidated by Andrew
McCarthy (Obamas Blame the Video Fraud Started in Cairo, Not Benghazi)]; remember that Benghazi
Gun Running is the Real Scandal and that there are 6 Biggest Lies About Benghazi. {Of course, not to
be out-done, PELOSI wondered-aloud: 'Why Aren't We Talking About Something Else?' and Harry Reid
claimed Benghazi is a Koch brothers plot.} Note the arrogance BHO has instilled within his staff [e.g.,
forever insisting Bush's mistakes (real and alleged) from a decade ago justify Obama's every failure] is
also remarkable for its candor [Obama Official: 'Dude, This Was Like Two Years Ago'; although he
claimed the ben-rhodes-e-mail-tells-us-nothing-new, he confirmed the fact that BHO never entered the
Situation Room (recalling that, for example, @ 8 p.m., he was talking with BB). Watch this exchange [and
note the availability of Vietors self-defense aired on MSNBC]:

is the day you're talking about. According to the e-mails and the
time line, the CIA circulates new talking points after they've removed the mention of al
Qaeda, and then at 6:21 the White House you add a line about the administration
warning of September 10th of social media reports calling for demonstrations. True?

TOMMY VIETOR: I believe so.

BAIER: Did you also change "attacks" to "demonstrations" in the talking points?

VIETOR: Maybe. I don't really remember.

BAIER: You don't remember?


VIETOR: Dude, this was like two years ago. We're still talking about the most mundane

BAIER: Dude, it is the thing that everybody is talking about.

VIETOR: We're talking about the process of editing talking points. That's what
bureaucrats do all day long. Your producers edit scripts multiple times.

John Boehner Criticized White House for Defying Congressional Subpoena on Benghazi, justifying his call
for select committee on Benghazi [Boehner to Form Select Committee; Boehner Announces
Establishment of Select Committee on Benghazi'Disturbing disregard for legal obligations'; BREAKING:
Trey Gowdy to Chair Select Committee on Benghazi!; 'Not a game'; House GOP: Withholding email
'criminal'; KRAUTHAMMER: Like discovery of Nixon Tapes during Watergate; THEY KNEW AND THEY LIED
ABOUT BENGHAZI]. {Also, Darrell Issa demanded John Kerry appear before committee over Benghazi
[and subpoenaed documents].}

Hillary has her defenders [GEFFEN SUPPORTS HILLARY: 'ABSOLUTELY'; Democratic Sen.
Tim Kaine of Virginia endorsed her (along with Sen. Chuck Schumer of New York, former
Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm, and Sen. Claire McCaskill of Missouri); and Dowd: 42
and 45 Overpower 44], although Students were Shocked Hillary Clinton Opposed Gay
CONSEQUENCES' OF BENGHAZI, she has not admitted that she Knew Benghazi Was a
Terrorist Attack Within Minutes. Thus, she will increasingly be drawn into the cross-
hairs of what transpired.

The deficiency in the Media is beyond alarming, particularly @ CBS [noting that the news-president is
the brother of the author of the smoking-gun memo, but also noting that Former CBS reporter Sharyl
Attkisson said Emails Reveal White House Hid Truths About Benghazi Attack; there was No Mention of
Benghazi Revelations on CBS Evening News and cbs-evening-news-again-made-no-mention-of-benghazi.

Bill O'Reilly Slammed Press for Not 'Giving a Damn' on Benghazi, 'CBS Evening News' -
Bill O'Reilly led the "O'Reilly Factor" taking on the "disgraceful" media for not caring
enough about the newly uncovered emails from White House adviser Ben Rhodes
providing talking points to former U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice before her Sunday show
interviews several days after the 2012 U.S. consulate terror attack in Benghazi, Libya.
"ABC should have led with it," O'Reilly said on "World News" covering the story 10
minutes into its newscast.

Some are suggesting the MEDIA are TURNING ON OBAMA, but lets not hold our collective breaths; CNN
Mocked W.H. Spin on Benghazi Documents [King: 'I cant understand why the White House did this']
when carney-couldnt-answer-why-supposed-non-beghazi-email-was-in-benghazi-foia; his claim that the
email was not previously released because it did not deal specifically with Benghazi, but with the
broader unrest was widely viewed as having put White House on defense, as press pounded Carney.
{Dick Morris noted that this excuse is so lame that it suggests BHO now has no other back-up story upon
which to depend.} Thus, there is hope that The Truth will keep Dripping Out [as per Victor Davis
Hanson+; Hansons major-colleague @ NRO is Jonah Goldberg, whom I admonished @ the PA Leadership
Conference for not have cited [during both his speech that-night and in his appearances on FNCs Special


Report+ his seminal Liberal Fascism observations. In any case, he distributes a weekly letter that has
utile observations regarding myriad issues; it cant be hyperlinked, however, so note what he
emphasized regarding BenghaziGate:

On Wednesday, Jay Carney explained as if he was talking to a room full of children
that the Benghazi e-mail the White House refused to release until the White House was
forced to release its Benghazi e-mails wasn't in fact about Benghazi, even though the e-
mail talks about Benghazi. This is Monty Pythonesque of "Dead Parrot" proportions.
That's not a Benghazi e-mail, it's just an e-mail about Benghazi, in a folder marked
"Benghazi" e-mails, idiot. {This is a perfect visualization of Jay Carney trying to explain

As I said on Fox yesterday, Jay Carney is a very strange creature for Washington. He's an
extremely confident liar we've got a lot of those! but he's not very convincing.
Usually, confidence = convincing. As George Costanza (and in his own way Bill Clinton)
liked to say, it's not a lie if you believe it when you tell it. But with Carney, he lies in a
way that makes it seem not so much like he believes it but that you're an idiot for not
believing it. There's a kind of the-joke's-on-you feel to the way he talks that reminds me
of that (X-rated and not safe for work) Onion article, "Why Do These Homosexuals Keep
[Fellating Me]?"

Carney actually seems shocked and, well, disappointed to the point of
contemptuousness, when reporters won't believe him. It's like no one told him he
doesn't have Jedi mind tricks at his disposal.

Carney: These are not the droids you're looking for, idiots.

Ed Henry, Fox News: But Jay, these look exactly like the droids we've
been looking for. In fact, the serial numbers match.

Carney: Ed, I understand your network is deeply invested in finding a
story here. But the simple fact is that these are in no way the droids
you're looking for. Move along.

Henry: One last follow-up, Jay. The golden droid on the right just said,
"Excuse me sirs, but we are in fact exactly the droids you've been
looking for. Thank goodness you found us."

Carney: No, no they didn't. And besides I used to be a journalist as
you know and it's common knowledge among real journalists [Carney
winks to the non-Fox reporters in the room] that one should never
believe what droids tell them.

Jonathan Karl, ABC: Jay, related question: Here is a photo of you from
last month holding up a picture of these exact droids with the quote in
the caption reading, 'Carney vows the White House will not rest until
these droids are found.' Also, ABC News has obtained footage of you


from this morning, hugging the two droids right there, with you saying
'Thank Obama we found you!' Can you explain that?

[Carney rolls his eyes and then desperately tries to telekinetically choke
everyone in the room.]

Henry: Uh, Jay are you okay? Why are you squinting? What's up with
that hand gesture....

Benghazi Made Simple

There is an enormous amount of theorizing about what the "real story" behind Benghazi
really is. To me it's always been obvious. The White House was caught off guard for
reasons stemming both from ideology and incompetence on September 11, 2012. As
they have after virtually every other (jihadist) terrorist attack on Americans, they acted
as if it had absolutely nothing to do with them. As with the Times Square bomber, the
Fort Hood shooter, and other Islamist assaults, there's always some other reason for the
bloodshed, some attempt to claim, at least for a while, that this was an "isolated
incident" with no broader implications for the War on Terror or Obama's foreign policy.
Admittedly, even this White House understood that spinning the Benghazi attack as an
isolated incident wasn't going to work (such intense spinning could risk irreparable
scrotal torsion). So they went with the story about the video.

At least in Wag the Dog Robert DeNiro (Connie Brean) kept denying the misinformation
he was spreading:

Conrad "Connie" Brean: You're goddamn right, then it's got nothing to
do with the B-3 Bomber!
John Levy: There is no B-3 bomber.
Conrad "Connie" Brean: [Knowingly] I just said that! There is no B-3
bomber, and I don't know why these rumors get started!

Of course, the White House and its defenders insist that they really believed the video
was to blame. This strikes me as a lie, for the most part, if not initially than certainly
over time. But even if that's true, that's no exoneration. As I said, there was a mix of
incompetence and ideology at work. As an ideological matter, that this White House
could convince itself for hours never mind weeks that this terror attack was all
about the video is incredibly damning, if true. And, as I argue in my column today, the
fact that the once-proud champions of civil liberties under George W. Bush were
perfectly happy to throw the First Amendment under the bus is even more damning.

Given that the Benghazi attack came during the thick of the presidential election, it's no
surprise that the White House's political and ideological instincts overpowered
everything else. It's no surprise, either, that the press's instincts pointed in the same
direction. It's really non-surprises for as far as the eye can see.

Obviously there are still some unknowns worth knowing, and they might be surprising
like the exact details of how and why the response was so non-responsive. Just


because the White House and State Department were unprepared shouldn't mean that
the professional military was too. The exact nexus between the political screw-up and
the military's failure to "run to the sound of gunfire" hasn't been established. Ditto, the
question of "What the hell was Barack Obama even doing that night?"

Hayes' Take

The other night on the Special Report panel, Steve Hayes observed how there's much
more interest in Benghazi among the general public than the MSM realizes. He
mentioned that when he gives speeches he's constantly asked about it. I absolutely
believe him. Steve is closely associated with the Benghazi story; I'm not. But when I give
speeches to conservative groups, I am often grilled by people with very sophisticated
questions about assets in the region, CIA chatter, etc. I can only imagine how much
more of this stuff Steve gets. And while I agree with him that this is a sign that the
questions aren't going to go away, I'm not sure this story is of huge interest to the
majority of Americans.

Please, don't send me e-mails saying "You're wrong! I care about it!" That is not a
rebuttal to my point. I care about this stuff too, that's not proof "the media" cares about
it. I'm reminded of Ted Cruz's claim last fall that everywhere he goes he talks to
audiences that want to get rid of Obamacare. Well, yeah. Those are the audiences that
show up to hear Ted Cruz. I suspect something similar may be at play with Steve. Don't
get me wrong, I'd love it if outrage over Benghazi was a national obsession. It's not.

Meanwhile this summary from Steve's piece in the Standard seems just right:

At the same time the White House was putting the video at the center
of the Benghazi story, intelligence professionals and U.S. officials on the
ground in Libya were describing a precise attack carried out by al
Qaeda-affiliated terrorists. The Weekly Standard has learned that an
analysis from the Defense Intelligence Agency produced a day before
Rhodes sent his email assigned blame for the attacks to Al Qaeda in the
Islamic Maghreb and Ansar al Sharia Libya. The DIA analysis did not
mention a video. It adds to the still-growing body of memos and
warnings from top U.S. officials. The top U.S. intelligence official on the
ground in Libya repeatedly told officials in Washington that the
Benghazi attacks were part of a planned assault by al Qaeda-affiliated
terrorists. The top diplomat in the country said the same thing. Last
week, a top intelligence official for AFRICOM told Congress that he
shared that view.

We are left with this reality: Top diplomats and intelligence officers in
Libya offered assessments of the Benghazi attacks that were true when
they made them and remain true today. But top Obama administration
officials ignored those assessments. Six weeks before the 2012
presidential election, those officials at the direction of White House
communications and political strategists desperate to maintain the
fiction that al Qaeda was "on the run" lied to the public about how


four Americans were killed in a sophisticated attack carried out, on the
anniversary of 9/11, by terrorists affiliated with al Qaeda.

Some feel this Song About Benghazi Should Go Viral.


The only problem with aggregating topics is running the risk that the most important issue might be @
the end; with this in-mind, it is necessary to probe how Kerry/BHO are conducting Americas Foreign
Policy by updating Ukraine and the Middle Eastas both are increasingly chaotic. To start, however,
note this excerpt from Jonah Goldbergs aforementioned letter *and note how, thankfully, he has cited
his succinct summary of all-things-BHO, Liberal Fascism]:

On Communism's Legacy

It's fitting that Carney is a collector of Soviet propaganda posters. After all, Soviet
agitprop was arguably the best example of extreme confidence married to total
implausibility since I tried to change my pants without taking off my shoes. Obviously, I
am bringing up Carney's ownership of Soviet propaganda posters more as a means of
forcing a transition to a new topic than as any attempt to label Carney a Bolshevik
("Transparency!" The Couch).

Lots of people have noted that Vladimir Putin is using the KGB playbook in his effort to
carve up Ukraine. That involves not only lying, but manipulating events in such a way so
as to make it easier for others to believe the lies. Anne Applebaum describes the
techniques very well. Lots of people have discussed how Russia Today is a pigpen for
Russian propagandists providing a useful slop trough for modern-day useful idiots.

But what hasn't been discussed is what all of this talk about "KGB tactics" suggests
about the past, and our understanding of it. Anyone roughly my age or older ("Ah yes,
you are the measure of man!" The Couch) probably remembers how the Soviets and
their defenders used to bend and manipulate logic, facts, and truth to make it seem like
there was a plausible case that the Soviet Union had the better economic and social


model. But what is less well-remembered among older folks and completely unknown to
most younger folks is the damage done by the Soviets to our understanding of the

For instance, the Soviets are the foremost authors the idea that "Zionism equals
racism." They championed this idea without any regard for the truth, never mind any
concern about the evils of racism the Soviet regime was remarkably racist (as was
Marx himself, and their fight against racism was entirely tactical). Many of the old-guard
Palestinian leadership were weaned on Soviet propaganda. Mahmoud Abbas has a Ph.D.
from Moscow's Patrice Lumumba University (stop laughing!). His thesis: "The Other
Side: the Secret Relationship Between Nazism and Zionism." The Soviets and other
Communist regimes cultivated front groups who spread lies about how the American
government created AIDS, distributed crack in inner cities, and countless other stories
that still survive in America and abroad as vague half-truths, urban legends, and secrets
"no one wants you to know." Not everyone who spread this stuff was a paid
propagandist. Many didn't even know anyone was pulling their strings, and if they did
know, many wouldn't care because they assumed the Communists were the good guys.

And those are just the crazy left-wingers. Countless liberals still embrace various ideas
that are the diluted legacy of Soviet and Marxist slander. As I argue (I'd even say
demonstrate) in Liberal Fascism, the whole idea that Communism and fascism have
absolutely no common intellectual heritage or other meaningful similarities is wholly a
product of Soviet (and at times Nazi) propaganda (that the Putinistas are trotting out
the "we're a popular front against fascists" talking point is quite revealing). Stalin's
theory of social fascism was a propaganda tool. It didn't become any less of one because
a lot of decent, mainstream liberals bought into it. To the contrary, it proved how
successful that propaganda effort was.

The Soviet legacy in Africa is especially dismaying because their deceit poisoned the
minds of some of the best and brightest and probably delayed development by at least
a generation. (When I briefly lived in Prague, you could still find African students and
intellectuals who took the whole raft of Soviet propaganda very seriously.)

Anyway, I wrote about this in the Corner five years ago when Obama said that nuclear
weapons were the Cold War's "most dangerous legacy." I said nukes aren't the most
dangerous legacy, the half-life of Soviet lies are:

Some might say the military-industrial complex or the national-security state. But not
me. To me, the most obvious dangerous legacy of the Cold War would have to be the
damage the Soviets did to the world. I don't mean the millions they murdered; those
dead do not threaten us now, even if they should haunt us.

I mean the relentless distortion of the truth, the psychological violence they visited on
the West and the World via their useful idiots and their agents. I'm thinking not merely
of the intellectual corruption of the American Left (which even folks like Richard Rorty
had to concede), but the corruption of reformers and their movements around the
globe. Soviet propaganda still contaminates, while nuclear fallout does not. Lies about


America, the West, and the nature of democratic capitalism live on throughout the third
world and in radioactive pockets on American campuses.

The Soviet effort to foster wars of national liberation, to poison the minds of the
"Bandung Generation," to deracinate cultures from their own indigenous building blocks
of democracy, to destroy non-Marxist competitors interested in reform, to create evil
and despotic regimes that are seen as "authentic" because they represent the "true
will" of their subjugated and beaten down peoples: these seem to me to amount to the
most dangerous legacy of the Cold War. Not least because it was those sorts of efforts
that gave birth to North Korea in the first place.

BHO is viewed by many as the president-who-has-learned-nothing about foreign-policy, even as he has
purged the military [Obama to Military Brass: Agree With Me on Gay Policy or Get Out and Gen. James
Mattis, known as Mad Dog Mattis, Was Forced into Retirement after 41 Years of Military Service,
When Obama Began to Purge Our Military]. The marked Decline of American Deterrence has resulted in
Pentagon and lawmakers approving a plan to cut thousands of American troops, even as the Pentagon
Has No Plan For Troops and Military Assets, for the Pentagon has failed to produce a legally-mandated
policy report that outlines to Congress its upcoming plans for overseas troop deployments and the
allocation of military hardware. Lawmakers Seek to Stop Russian Spy Flights and U.S. Rejected Latest
Russian Proposal to Restrict U.S. Missile Defenses, even as WAR GAMES are being planned by CHINA-
RUSSIA [JOINT NAVAL DRILLS], Japan is split over revision to pacifist constitution, and it has been
deemed necessary for the Senate Foreign Relations Committee (controlled by Dems) to Hold a Hearing
to Discuss the Venezuelan Crisis Next Week [Venezuela turns cars into houses]. BHO has create a global
vacuum of leadership.

Note the Ukraine-update:
Ukraine crisis: 'This is not some kind of a short-lived uprising. It is a war'
Russia adopts war-time rhetoric
CIA, FBI agents 'advising government'
Russian and Ukrainian armies shaping up for initial military clash over Slavyansk
Ukraine forces move against separatists; copters shot down, killing 2
Russian troops ordered to advance on Ukraine border
EU Criticizes Cuba for Supporting Russia in the Ukraine Crisis
Masked gunmen tighten grip on eastern Ukraine
Putin 'to visit Crimea' for military parade



Sent: Monday, May 05, 2014 8:02 AM
Subject: Action-Items-CXII [Holocaust, Guzzardi, Benghazi, Kerry]

The ink wasnt yet dry on the prior blast e-mail, and my greatest critic [caustic, cautious,
cantankerous, clever, crafty, etc.] proffered probing queries on each of the four topics thereof [Guzzardi,
Holocaust, BenghaziGate and Kerry; thus, a few elaborative comments are in-order in reaction to my
sons insights. Regarding Guzzardi [and PA-Gubernatorial politics, in general], the rationale for his
challenge was both confirmed [Gas prices jumped in PA in April; debt prompts a number of Pennsylvania
cities to seek state crutch that's hard to cast off; Pa. granted exceptions allowing 164 school districts to
raise property taxes more than 2.1%; and Financed by Paterno family, program targets child sex abuse
on campuses] and undermined [it is possible there will be LIQUOR PRIVATIZATION ACTION THIS WEEK,
despite claims by the Union that Privatizing The Sale Of Alcohol Will Kill Children and Lower
Tax Revenue]. Also, the fact that colorado-pulls-in-millions-in-marijuana-tax-revenue suggests support
for medical marijuana [at least] by Corbett may be preferable to Guzzardis reticence, although the
global approach to allow a full database to accumulate remains a reasonable [temporary] posture. A
new-acquaintance provided his take on Guzzardi [josh first: pa-gop squashes-buzzing-gnat-with-
atomic-bomb] and another friend seemed to equivocate [Send the message that Guzzardi is like Matt
Santos from the West Wing - pushing the issues to drive the campaign dialogue - and have people write
him in]. Nevertheless, rather than receding by simply running a write-in campaign, I still feel he should
challenge the decision of the Supremes in Federal Court, notwithstanding the fact that election-day
looms within a fortnight, for its not his fault that this legal process has proven protracted.

Regarding the Holocaust, we feel we have IDed the key-players and we are watching
the political process in Harrisburg evolve @ its unique pace; meanwhile, the crazies
are out in-force [Liberal professor calls for genocide, says white males should commit
suicide] while Obama is to Visit California to Raise Money and to Receive Holocaust
Award. For reasons aforementioned, no one is less deserving of such recognition, a
politically-motivated action by his Hollywood pals that is transparently obtuse. In an
unfortunately related item, Dershowitz-Prager [Two Brilliant Minds] Sparred and then
United [on the need to support Israel] in L.A.; they both condemned J Street [as also
occurred in Philly, per my prior elucidation of the prodrome, event and follow-up], and I
added one observation: Dershowitz is a dangerous "Jewish anti-Semite" as long as he
advocates for ANYWHERE on EARTH to be Juden-Rein [regardless of his rationalization].
{Whenever one attempts to forget the implications of accepting a Juden-Frei entity, one
must recall the heroism of such people as Moshe Kraus, The Holocausts foremost
unsung hero.}


Regarding BenghaziGate, those who are unconvinced that the world could ultimately become convinced
of Hillarys ultimate culpability are invited to pursue these titles: State Dept called it terrorism on 9-12-
12; Obama doing debate prep on the 11
?; John McCain and Lindsey Graham Press Obama to reveal
where he was During Benghazi Terrorist Attack to disprove he was an AWOL Commander-in-Chief;
Distribution List of Smoking Gun Benghazi Email [from the White House] Included Muslim Brotherhood
Agent; Lt. Col. Ralph Peters averred the WH was Worried More About Obama's Reelection Than about
the Lives Of Benghazi Victims; and JAKE TAPPER feels JAY CARNEYs COMMENTS HAVE BEEN
'DISSEMBLING, OBFUSCATING AND INSULTING.' Indeed, Pamela Geller quotes Hillary Clinton *We are
going to have the filmmaker arrested+ and laments that It should send chills up the spine of every
American that an innocent man was sent to jail for making a film that offended Muslims. It should send
chills up the spine of every American that an innocent man was made a political prisoner in America to
save the Presidents re-election prospects. Worse still, the film had nothing to do with the Benghazi
jihad; the blame for those murders lies solely with Obama. Why didnt he give the order to help our
people? {The just-published and heavily-hyped Lib-defense of Hillary [Benghazi-Industrial Complex]
concludes that this pseudo-scandal could still dissuade her from running for POTUS in 16.} On the
FNCs Sunday talk-show, Brit Hume Criticized Jane Harman for supporting 'Monumentally Misleading'
Benghazi Talking Points and, exemplifying HOW DEMOCRATS HAVE POLITICIZED BENGHAZI were claims
by Van Jones that were intended to Tie Bush to Benghazi [as if it matters that 11 Americans Died Under
Bush in US Embassies].

Mark Levin laid-Out the Ideal Way to Handle Select Committee on Benghazi, as its chair,
Congressman Trey Gowdy (R-SC), turned the tables on the media and asked them
questions about Benghazi; Gowdy added that he has evidence I cant disclose yet of a
systematic intent to withhold documents from Congress, and Rep. Gowdy Doubled
Down by suggesting Pelosi Needs to See a Mental Health Professional. Suddenly,
conspiracy theorists dont appear so remote, noting that Obama gave $500 MILLION For
Weapons To Al-Qaeda Terrorist Used On Our Four Dead Americans In Benghazi; it is
possible that Obama Used Benghazi Attack to Cover Up Arms Shipments to the Muslim
Brotherhood [which is reminiscent of Iran-Contra of a quarter-century ago, which would
constitute a federal crime].


The natives are restless.

To elaborate on Kerry as the point-man for the failure of Americas Foreign Policy, one need first note
how easily punctured are the sets of rationalizations published in the NY-Times via an editorial
[President Obama and the World] and a Tom Friedman op-ed [Its Not Just About Obama]; both covertly
[the dedicated-editorial] and overtly [the opinion-essay+ claim Americas biggest foreign policy problem
is its fatigued citizenry. Regarding the editorial, no matter that a great leader would mobilize the
people while empowering the troops, and no matter that overt failures abound; because BHOs intent is
allegedly noble, hes OK. Regarding Friedman, he does surprisingly praise Kurdistan *perhaps messages
such as mine have penetrated?], although he concomitantly praises Tunisia [despite the fact that
Tunisia's Islamist parties are balking at the government's accommodations enabling Israeli visitors to
enter for an annual pilgrimage]. Listen to The Truth and note how the NY-Times has been co-opted since
at least the 1930s by thoselike Publisher Arthur Hays Sulzbergerwho were members of the [anti-
Zionist] American Council for Judaism; this leopard has yet to change its spots, regardless of what a
reasonable observer would consider to be the facts.

The prior focus had been trained on the Ukraine, noting that Jewish Migration to Israel
from Troubled Ukraine Spikes as ODESSA JEWS PREPARE FOR EMERGENCY
EVACUATION; more universally, people must learn WHY UKRAINE MATTERS, for it
should not take a Lindsey Graham to observe that Obama Is 'Delusional' when he denies
Putin Has 'Dismembered' the Ukraine. Indeed, Pro-Russians Ran Amok in Odessa,
Ukraine, After Yatsenyuk Visits City, yielding The 'Odessa Massacre' [which May Portend
Ukraine Civil War], noting that Ukraine Accused Russia of Engineering Odessa Riots That
Killed over 40 while Russia Moved Warplanes into Ukraine Attack Position.

Deferred, until now, was further elucidation of BHOs failures in the Middle East which, of course,
continues to churn; because some might suggest that the resolute views disseminated herein would
preclude providing evidence of open-mindedness, it is desirable, at the onset, to quote from a piece that
highlights avowed-leftie Yael Levy [a supporting rabbi for Roxborough's Mishkan Shalom synagogue, a
spiritual director at Wyncote's Reconstructionist Rabbinical College, and a guide for future rabbis at the
Hebrew Union College's New York City branch]; she notes, "In Judaism, the word for God is a verb, not a
noun; we embrace the sense that God is a continuing unfolding of creation and life, and is a constant
movement and change that's calling us to be." It is that spirit that an effort must continually be made to


pursue Tikkun Olam *efforts to repair the world+ by applying ethical principles, and it is averred that
this indeed characterizes how Eretz Yisrael consistently functions.

Israel continues to struggle along in this regard [as has been noted episodically herein],
both internally [when dealing with the Kotel & Temple Mount, for example] and
externally [when attempting to deal with BHO & Kerry, for example]. These points have
been eloquently encompassed by Arlene Kushner, although her May 4, 2014 update
[Continuing Thoughts...] has yet to be posted on her website; in it, she picked-up on
the two topics about which she had written on 5/2/2014: accusations of Israel as
apartheid and the debate about Israel as a Jewish state vs. democratic state. These
subjects may overlap, but they are separate issues. It is desirable to provide a sampling
of her efforts, if for no other reason than to demonstrate her lucidity and insightsfor
the last-line is ominous, portending further exposition:

As to apartheid. Warren Goldstein, chief rabbi of South Africa, offered an
important take on the matter in yesterdays JPost. What Kerry has done in
using the word inappropriately, he say, is to trivialize it, and desecrate the
memories of those who truly suffered under the apartheid system. No one
who truly understand the brutality and the systemic racism and denial of
basic human rights that made apartheid nefarious could possibly use the the
word in a discussion relating to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict...

The choice of this word, of course, is not accidental, nor does it originate
with Kerry. It has been the stock in trade of the Palestinian Arabs all along
part of the attempt to delegitimize Israel. Abbas, for example, in coming
before the UN in 2012, spoke about Israels apartheid policies. Just as an
apartheid South Africa was read out of the community of nations, so must
Israel be, he and his cohorts are implying. Regrettably, on occasion it has
even been picked up by Israelis such as Livni who are hungering for that
Palestinian state.

Words have power. And it is our task to challenge all references to Israel as
apartheid. We cannot ignore them.

You may want to see and share this video of an interview of Lydia Meshoe,
wife of Kenneth Meshoe, president of the African Christian Democratic
Party of South Africa. She has visited Israel and says there is no apartheid
in Israel nothing that remotely resembles the horrors of the racially
repressive system that existed in her country. People must come to Israel,
she declares, to see the truth:

(With thanks to Esther E.)



As to issues of democracy in Israel: We are looking at the tension between
particularism and universalism. There are elements of both within Judaism,
In fact the Jewish universal perspective is extraordinary. We are taught
that the righteous have a place in the world to come whether or not they are
Jewish, and we pray for the day when the House of God will be a place of
prayer for all peoples (which does not mean all peoples must convert to

But there is a predominant focus on particularism. Hillels aphorism states is
superbly: If I am not for myself, who will be? If I am only for myself, what
am I?... Being for oneself comes first. Jews, who must have concern for all
peoples in the world, must be first for other Jews.


However, what has happened is that universalism has trumped particularism
in the thinking of much of the modern Western world . It is no longer
politically correct to stand up for your own people first, or to promote the
values of your own culture. Some Israelis have bought into this perspective.
But this thinking can be our downfall, as it causes us to negate what is
special about Jewish Israel and demonstrates a readiness to give equal
weight to all positions. Most significantly, it renders shameful or morally
questionable a readiness to defend ourselves and to give priority to our

With the active encouragement of Palestinian Arabs, who are masters at
promoting themselves, this is what happened post-Oslo: The poor suffering
Palestinians. We must give them a state, We must attend to their
expressions of suffering. We must make room for their narrative within our
national life. After all, dont all narratives have equal value?

Thus do we get into the ridiculous situations I described in my last post:
with some claiming that perhaps its not fair to Arab Israelis to put a
Jewish star on our flag. Nonsense! We are, proudly, a Jewish state.

I think of two other situations in particular that make this point:

There has been heated discussion in Israel regarding the teaching of
nakba in our schools. (To the best of my knowledge its not being taught
now.) Nakba in Arabic means catastrophe and it refers to the founding of
the State of Israel, which is viewed by many Arabs as a catastrophic event.
I find a position that promotes the teaching of nakba (because, after all,
that is how some Arabs in Israel think) to be deeply offensive, as well as a
tad suicidal. The Jewish State must imbue in her students pride in her
founding. We dont tell our kids that, look, there is this other perspective
that says we should never have happened, and we have to be sensitive to the
people here who think this way. We tell our kids that Israels founding was a
blessing, not only for Jews, but for everyone. After all, the Arabs who are
Israeli citizens have more freedoms, more human rights, more health care
and social services, than they would anywhere else in the Middle East. We
must celebrate who we are, and stand strong always.


And then there is Haneen Zoabi (who stands as an example of a certain
insidious mindset). She is a virulently anti-Zionist Arab Israeli who is a
member of the Knesset for the Balad party. In 2012, she made the
statement that, Israel has no right to live in security while it is an occupier
which sure looks like incitement to me. Two years prior to that she
participated in the Mavi Marmara flotilla incident, in which Turkish
terrorists claiming the right to break the naval blockade of Gaza set a trap
for Israeli military.

With it all, she still sits in our Knesset. Our High Court says she has the

I think this is nuts bending over backwards to be fair. And yet we are
accused of being insufficiently democratic.


Last Tuesday, the organization Haliba, which is fighting for equal Jewish
rights on the Temple Mount, held its first public meeting. The turnout was
excellent, and I will have more to say about their efforts over time.

Here I simply want to reinforce the unfairness fostered by our own
government of the current situation. It is rather mind-boggling, really.
And very clearly reflects a reluctance on the part of certain leaders to
stand up for our rights. Consider:

[] The High Court has ruled that Jews have a right to pray on the Mount.
Why shouldnt we?? And yet, the Wakf (the Islamic trust that controls the
Muslim holy sites on the Mount, and, de facto, all of the Mount) objects.
What is more, Muslims up on the Mount threaten to riot should a Jew pray.
And so, for reasons of security, the Israeli police prohibit praying.

[] There are ten gates to the Temple Mount. Nine of them are for Muslims
only. Only one the Mughrabi gate, adjacent to the Kotel - is for non-
Muslims, Jews and Christians and others. Consequently, while Muslims
stream onto the Mount freely, there are sometimes very long lines for those
Jews and Christians who wish to enter. This is especially true during the
time of Jewish holidays and tourist season.

[] What enormously exacerbates the long lines is the restriction in hours and
the days during which Jews and other non-Muslims are permitted to enter..
According to Haliba, in the course of a week, non-Muslims have access to
the Mount for 840 hours in a week (12 hours/day for seven days) while
others, including Jews, have access for only 20 hours (four hours/day
for five days).

These figures do not represent a typo. They are real. And they are shocking.

At the Liba Conference, Deputy Religious Services Minister Eli Ben-Dahan
(Habayit Hayehudi) stated unequivocally, in a video made for the event, that


Jews must be allowed to pray on the Mount. He said that his ministry is
preparing regulations for suitable arrangements for Jewish prayer on the

Public Security Minister Yitzhak Aharonovitch (Yisrael Beitenu) has since
declared he would would not make the required administrative changes:
...Any change to the status quo for Jews and Arabs [on the Temple Mount]
will not be approved.

This situation must change.


For your information: In spite of all the words of sweetness and light from
Abbas, with regard to how Hamas has moderated, it has now been made clear
that this is not the case. We knew this. But now its on the record. Declared
Khaled Mashal this past week: Our path is resistance and the rifle, and our
choice is jihad.

Meanwhile Netanyahu is laying out all the repercussions that will be levied
against the PA because of its agreement with Hamas. However...however...he
says if the reconciliation deal falls apart, talks might be restarted.

This is, quite frankly, sickening.

More to follow. Theres always more. Obama is putting the screws on Israel
big time.

This last point is unnerving, for Obama and Kerry Are Anti-Israeli Liberals Openly Hostile
to a Jewish State [noting that rehab appears Hopeless, for Obama again bashed America
while bemoaning islamophobia]; presumably, they would subscribe to exploring three
options for Mid East talks to survive [carrying on, interim deal, or a turn to the Saudi-
UAE-Egyptian bloc], while others would welcome declaring them dead [myself included]
because inter alia Arab Rejectionism Makes Peace Unlikely, not Merely Elusive, and
Netanyahu has determined It is Impossible to Have a Bi-National State. Many truth-
tellers have written of this ongoing reverberation [Speech from the Jerusalem Post
Conference by Caroline Glick and a retrospective-perspective of The-Jerusalem-Post-
Conference], as BB now wants a law defining Israel as Jewish state and as Minister Ariel
is Up in Arms Over PMs Newest Building Freeze; remembering that every presumably
external statement invariably has an impact on internal politics, the fact that Danons
power in Likuds central committee is likely to increase supports the view that BB now
feels empowered to resist BHOs most resolute entreaties *including Pollard-related].


Anyway, now that Kerrys peace initiative has collapsed in the wake of the Fatah-Hamas unity pact,
Michael Orena brilliant historian and COMMENTARY contributor who ably represented Israel in
Washington for four yearsbelieves that it is in Israels interest to withdraw settlements, though not
the Israel Defense Forces, from parts of the West Bank. He thinks that doing so will mean that the
definition of Israels borders will be set by Israelis rather than being held hostage to the whims of a
Palestinian leadership that seems incapable of making peace. While this is not as reckless as Ariel
Sharons bold gamble for peace in which he pulled every last soldier, settlement, and Jew out of Gaza in
2005, it would still be a mistake. As terrorism continues [Shelly Dadon was murdered by the veteran
Israeli-Arab terrorist group Galilee Liberators] and it remained necessary to debunk the lefties {Yesha
Council put the lie to Peace Nows report on the 14,000 units}, Ultra-Orthodox were noted to be quietly
joining Israeli military and Israel planned to Open Trade Attach Offices in Asia, Africa, and South
America. These initiatives are occurring despite the ongoing backdrop of overt manifestations of French
[That shitty little country] and European [The New NATO Sec. General is a Promoter of Hamas] anti-
Semitism, and the need to reassess the interaction of Geert Wilders and Dutch Jews [despite his strong
pro-Israel credentials, community leaders reacted furiously to the right-wing politician's recent
comment about having fewer Moroccans in the Netherlands].

The Palestinian Authority [led by Mahmoud Abbas] has not been idle, however, as it
launched a broad propaganda campaign to whitewash Hamas; it is intended to persuade
the Israeli public and world media that the radical Hamas [with which it signed a unity
pact] was ready to turn a new leaf, recognize Israel, renounce terrorism and accept
former peace accords. [Of course, Hamas officials later publicly denied this.] This led to
a relaunch of forces that have consistently beset American policy-makers; as RAND
was portrayed as [Unlike Obama and like Congress] having Israels back. [Along with
Pamela Geller, Im Not a Rand Paul fan. Never was. He never renounced his fathers
vicious anti-Israel, anti-Semitic rantings. And he showed his colors in, of all places, an
interview with Alex Jones. Sheesh. [Rand Paul: Nuclear Iran Not a Threat to U.S. or
Israel] Washington Free Beacon, April 16, 2014.+

Obama blamed both sides for the Mid-East peace impasse; he criticized the Palestinian unity pact as
"unhelpful," but then he said it was just one of a series of choices that "both Israel and the Palestinians
have made which are not conducive to solving this crisis." He urged both sides to make difficult
compromises. Amazingly, AIPAC Opposes Bill to Cut U.S. Aid to Palestinians. Finally, it is curious to note
the Newspaper wars, Israel-style; the rise of the Sheldon Adelson-funded Israel Hayom, a free paper
known for its pro-Netanyahu stance, has spurred Knesset members from seven parties to cosponsor a
bill outlawing free distribution of major dailies. This is reminiscent of the impact of the introduction of
Metro in Philly *and presumably in other American cities+, for this had to have eroded sales of the
Daily News; this is another manifestation of the mantra of modern-liberals, for they persistently
prescribe only what is for thee and not for me.

It is necessary to provide context illustrating how despicable BHO continues to be, in
this particular regard; after Obama honored Islam by visiting the triumphal mosque
built on the site of a church in Malaysia [which is common-practice], Obama remained
silent on the global slaughter of Christians by Muslims. Obama Thereby toured the
Mosque but Did Not Meet with Persecuted Christians; he has yet to acknowledge the
fact that Al-Qaeda Declared 'We Must Eliminate the Cross' because, per sharia doctrine,
Christianity's ultimate elimination will be carried out by Jesus,who is really an Islamist.


Documented extensively in past blast e-mails has been the
victimization of Nigeria, and even the NY-Times has recognized ongoing
manifestations of this tragedy [Standing with the Kidnapped
Girls in Nigeria]. This War on Christians [The Politics of Persecution],
whereby Christians are being hunted, tortured, or executed at the
hands of Islamists, has been ignored. No matter that 234 Christian
schoolgirls were abducted in Nigeria; a Jesuit priest was shot in the head
outside his house in Homs, Syria; a young Christian woman was dragged
from her car in Egypt and beaten to death.

BHO was quick to attack overt-racism of the owner of the Clippers in California [to be
explored in the future] and the botched-execution in Oklahoma [OBAMA: OKLAHOMA
condemn people such as Liberal William Saletan [who Announced a Plan to Purge
Christians]. Note this exposition:

They were always deadly serious about criminalizing Christianity and
killing free speech, but now the American left has stopped pretending
otherwise. In a recent column titled, Why Are They Called
Homofascists? Heres Why, I wrote that progressive, Christian-
hating fascists but I repeat myself are hell-bent on criminalizing
Christianity and pushing to the fringes anyone who publicly
acknowledges natural human sexuality and the age-old, immutable
institution of legitimate marriage as created by God. I was referring
specifically to the lefts well-organized and highly disturbing character
assassination of former Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich for his private support
of natural marriage. I was also addressing the larger goal of the
American left to completely shut down free speech and freedom of
religion and to severely punish anyone who maintains both biblically
and biologically correct views on human sexuality.

Fortunately, domestically, despite the ongoing media blackout of reporting modern-day
anti-Semitism [e.g., 100,000 New Yorkers demonstrate downtown against Nazi Jew-
hatred, but newsmedia doesn't run it+, some people get it. There is good news
[Presidents Conference rejected J Street's membership bid, overwhelmingly, and
muslims-got-the-boot-for-praying-to-allah-at-empire-state-building] and bad news [u-s-
muslims-demand-americans-private e-mails and across-usa, jews-urged not to walk-
home from synagogue-alone].

To be detailed in the future is elucidation of the toxic-environment on
many college campuses regarding Conservatism, in general, but to be
noted here is the fact that, although Campus divestment votes surge,
pro-Palestinian activists dont get many wins and largely-fail-on-us-
campuses. That hasnt forestalled, however, Taxpayer-funded anti-
Semitism becoming manifest on Californias campuses [On Nov. 19,
2012, a group of pro-Gaza demonstrators prevented Jewish students


from entering a classroom building at the University of California-Davis.
Several Jewish students were forced up against a building window,
shouted at and physically intimidated by demonstrators pounding their
fists into their hands while standing next to the Jewish students. Caught
on video are a mob-style chant for the Jews to leave our space, and
the event leader arguing against free speech rights for pro-Israel
(Zionist) voices.]

Illustrating the comity of Jews and Christians when confronting BHOs evil is emergence
of ideological [theological, ethical] and situational ties [e.g., Cardinal John O'Connor was
a Jew]. Illustrating how American Jews have coped with the ongoing battle against anti-
Semitism was the humor conveyed by Al Feldstein, longtime editor of Mad magazine
[who has just died].

No update on the Middle East can omit mention of Iran [Russia retaliates for Ukraine by backing Iran at
nuclear talks, US promises to raise Irans weapons program, without pushing, and Iran Bans 'WhatsApp'
for Ties to 'American Zionist' Mark Zuckerberg]; Egypt [EGYPT UNDERMINED BY US INSISTENCE ON
MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD, BHO will not supply the military equipment to those who are against radical
Islam that he had agreed to provide to those who represent radical Islamthe Muslim Brotherhood, and
Muslim terrorist group in Egypt threatens to attack PEPSI]; and Syria [Syrian rebels get SA-16 anti-
aircraft missiles after receiving advanced anti-tank weapons, DHS Chief: Syria Has Become A Matter Of
Homeland Security, and Washington plans to include Lebanon and Syria (involving Hizballah) deals in
Iran nuclear pact]. On the Saudi peninsula, there are illustrations of American failure [Saudis parade
nuclear missiles for the first time in defiance of US-Iranian nuclear accord] and success [in Yemen, the
Gov't Forces Killed 36 Al Qaeda Terrorists].

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