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Test Paper Format by Prof. Pawan Babel (PKB)

[Time : min.] [Marks : ]
Straight Objective Type
This section contains 5 single choice questions. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D),
out of which ONLY ONE is correct. Each question carries + marks for correct answer and
! mark for wrong answer.
!. The rate law of the reaction, A !B "roduct is gi#en $%
( )&A'
&B'. *f A is ta)en in
large e+cess, the order of the reaction will $e ,
(A) -ero (B) . (C) ! (D) /
!. (A)
The reactant ta)en in e+cess o$e%s 0ero order reaction ,
r ( )&B'
M"#tip#e $%rrect &ns'er Type
This section contains ! 1ultiple choice questions. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and
(D), out of which One %r m%re than %ne ans'er 1a% $e correct. Each question carries +( marks
for correct answer(s) and ! mark for wrong answer.
)eas%ning Type
This section contains ! questions. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D), out of which
ONLY ONE is correct. Each question carries + marks for correct answer and ! mark for
wrong answer.
This question contains 2tate1ent3. and 2tate1ent3!. 4f the four choices gi#en $elow, choose the
one that $est descri$es the two state1ents.
(A) 2tate1ent3. is True, 2tate1ent3! is True5 2tate1ent3! is a correct e+planation for
2tate1ent 3.
(B) 2tate1ent 3.3 is True, 2tate1ent 3! is True5 2tate1ent3! is NOT a correct e+planation for
2tate1ent 3.
(C) 2tate1ent 3. is True, 2tate1ent 3! is 6alse
(D) 2tate1ent 3. is 6alse, 2tate1ent 3! is True.
*. Statement !:
Statement +:
Matri,-Match Type
This question contains state1ents gi#en in two colu1ns, which ha#e to $e 1atched.
2tate1ents in $%#"mn . are la$elled as A, B, C and D whereas state1ents in $%#"mn .. are
la$elled as p, q, r, s and t. The answers to these questions ha#e to $e appropriatel% $u$$led as
illustrated in the following e+a1ple.
*f the correct 1atches are Ap, As, At5 Bq, Br5 Cp, Cq and Ds, Dt, then the correctl%
$u$$led 1atri+ will loo) li)e the following ,
Topper Choice /Pg.1
Corrections are done $%
(2) Toppers Choice
p q r s t
&Correct ans. ! 1ar)s for each row and 1a+i1u1 7 1ar)s, no negati#e 1ar)ing'
!/. Match the columns ,
List . List ..
(A) (p)
(B) (q)
(C) (r)

Toppers Choice/Pg.2

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