LabVIEW Exp3 SRM University

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Exp-3 Trafc Light Programming Structure and

control system Design

o Trafc light programming structure
o Control system Design
1. Trafc light programming structure
I. A three-color trafc light must switch lights in the following order: red,
green, yellow, red.
rite a program that chec!s a se"uence of light codes and determines if
that se"uence follows:
Two ways trafc signal system must #e programmed.
$a!e user friendly software design for altering time delay se"uence during
hea%y trafc and normal trafc
&. Control system Design programming
I. 'pen ( loop step response
Compute and plot the step response of
G)s* + 1,,- )s& . &s . 1,,*
II. Closed ( loop step response
Compute and plot the step response of
G)s* + 1,,- )s& . &s . 1,,*
H)s* + 1- )s . 1,,*
0se Control Design 1 2imulation
Display the results using wa%eform chart
Analysis system with 3oot locus and 4ode plots
The '%ershoot, 2ettling Time and 5ea! 6alue.
III. 0sing 5ID ( Controller implement le%el control system:
A system consists of a tan! containing a li"uid and an inlet to this tan!.
The 7ow through the inlet is controlled #y a %al%e. The li"uid le%el is
sensed and used #y a controller to control the %al%e.

$a!e and state the necessary assumptions allowed #y the real #eha%iour of this
system, model this system, and perform analysis on this system to attain:

8ind the o%erall Transfer 8unction of cylindrical tan!
The system parameters are changed, these "uantities should also change.
Control system for tan! should ha%e e9cellent set point trac!ing.
I6. Implement system with and without Anti ( windup Control using 5ID
The controlled plant is a :rst-order process with dead-time descri#ed #y
Exp-3 Trafc Light Programming Structure and
control system Design
Performance without Using Anti-Windup
First, we examine the effect of saturation on the closed-loop when the saturation model is
not considered by the PID Controller block.
Performance Using Anti-Windup

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