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Manufacturing Process:

Phase I - Analysis Status Quo

Technical environment
Filling, Discharge
Handling, Warehouse
Technical equipment at the site
Product into the FIBC
Current bag dimensions
ualit! requirements
"e! team members #ith hierarch! $rom purchase, logistic, $illing, handling, etc
Phase II - Project Outline / Planning
E!ecte" Or"ers
Deli%er! dates
&toc''eeping solutions
(abelling, Palleti)ing
P* +umbers , &-P etc.
Wor'$lo# set up Production Planning
Planning / Instruction
Feedbac' #ith 0/D on possible impro%ements -ccount 1anagement
Brie$ing #ith local team
Pro2ect planning and goal settings
Finali)e pro2ect map
Phase III - Im!lementation
Su!!ly #hain Management
In$ormation s!stem set up
Phase I$ - Project Monitoring
Deli%er! con$ormit!
Product qualit!
Trouble shooting
0eaction time
0/D de%elopment
Pro2ect goals implemented
S#M is use" to
efficiently integrate
#arehouses and4
so that merchan"ise is
produced and distributed at the right quantities4
to the right locations and4
at the right time4
in order to minimi)e s!stem #ide costs #hile satis$!ing ser%ice3le%el requirements.
%e& Terms:
Business process reengineering
1ottainai, a sense o$ regret concerning #aste
*%erall equipment e$$ecti%eness
0oot cause anal!sis
&crum, an agile methodolog! $or managing so$t#are pro2ects
&i6 &igma
&tatistical process control
Theor! o$ Constraints
Total producti%e maintenance
T0I7, the theor! o$ in%enti%e problem sol%ing
8isual Control
ualit! circle
1anagement $ad

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