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Logging into GOOGLE

1. Follow all instructions quietly. Ask a classmate before asking me!
2. Work quietly. Any noise will result a teacher warning, , !, or N.
". #o to
$. !lick %&ign in' at the to( right corner.
). *nter your login +&*,NA-* .starts with 1/01 an2 3A&&W4,5
.starts with 2"/01.
6. !lick on %Acce(t New Account.'
/. 7f aske2 for your mobile number, click %&ki(.'
8. When aske2 to change your (asswor2, you must rety(e your
(asswor2 twice. +se the same (asswor2, but -49* the %2"/' to
the en2 .so now your (asswor2 en2s with 2"/1.
:. ;ou can access your *mail, !alen2ar, an2 other #oogle A((s by
clicking the a(( icon at the to( right corner.
1<. 7f your 7nternet is =>4!?*5, you click the link to get to the
(references. !lick the bo@ that says %Filter e@(licit results.'
hen click %&aAe' on the bottom. ;ou shoul2 now be able to
browse the 7nternet.
1. Follow all instructions quietly. Ask a classmate before asking me!
2. Work quietly. Any noise will result a teacher warning an2 , !, or N.
". #o to ?hanAca2emy.4,#
$. !lick %>og in' at the to( right corner.
). !lick on the %#oogle' icon to log in with your #oogle account.
6. *nter your login username an2 (asswor2 if aske2 to.
/. 7n the win2ow that shows, make sure your #oogle account is
bubble2 in an2 click %Allow.'
8. !lick on %!4A!B*&' on one of the to( bars. .5o N4 click on
:. +n2er A22 eacher, ty(e in my email a22ressC
1<. !lick %Eoin !lass'
11. !lick on %Bome' on one of the to( bars.
12. !lick on %-ath' an2 then %#ra2e 6'
1". !lick on %+nlock >earning 5ashboar2' or %-astery !hallenge'
1$. !om(lete the quiF.
1). ,aise your han2 when you are 2one.
3arent NameC__________________________________________
3arent &7#NA+,* ____________________________________

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