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Workshop of Japan Nepal Think Tank Institute
Date Sept14th,2014(Sun); Time:15:3017:30
Place OsakaEkimae Dai3Biru,19
Floor,Kitaku Umeda 113,Osaka,Japan
5300001OsakaSangyou University,Umeda SatelliteCampus
Tel 0664425522;FAX06644255241
Entrancefee Free
Program:1.WelcomeSpeech: Mr.Nakahira Yasuo,OsakaSangyou University
2. Lecture 1 : Metal Corrosion Map of the World and Prevention Technology
By Mr. Sato Yukihiro,
Former Senior Researcher, Technology Research Institute of Osaka Prefecture,
Kansai Branch Deputy Director, Japan Association of Corrosion Control
Lecture 2: Environment of Direct Foreign Investment opportunity in Nepal, as after China
+1 strategy and great success in Vietnam By Dr. Manohar L. Shrestha,
Manager, Tsuruga Electric Corporation, Japan
Japan Nepal Think Tank Institute
3. Closing Speech: Prof. Dr. Kondo Akira, Osaka University
4. Joint Sponsors Osaka Sangyou University, JANETI, Osaka University
5.Contact JapanNepalThinkTankInstitute(JANETI)
Dr.Manohar09097079446 ),Dr.Inoue 0668797669),Dr.Rajesh (07050468142),

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