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Kathryn S.

Supple, LSW, EIS
CAREER To obtain a supervisory position in the field of early
OBJECTIVE intervention.
Aug. 2013- Currently enrolled at Kent tate !niversity "orking to"ard
#resent $aster%s &egree in pe'ial (du'ation "ith an (arly )ntervention
Aug. 2013- *(# #ersonnel #reparation Training Candidate
Aug. 201+
Aug. 2013 (arly )ntervention Certifi'ation
,uly 200- .i'ensed o'ial /orker
$ay 200- !niversity of Akron
0a'helor of Arts in o'ial /ork
$ay 1111 !niversity of Akron
Asso'iate of Applied 'ien'e in Co22unity ervi'es Te'hnology
ATTRIBUTES Tea2 player3 self-2otivated3 fle4ible3 e4perien'e "orking "ith
'hildren birth through age 5 that have e4'eptionalities3 training in
'hild abuse and negle't3 strong 'o22uni'ation skills3 kno"ledge
of the servi'es in the 'o22unity3 positive "ork history "ith good
attendan'e and pun'tuality.
August 2013 to u22it &&3 Tall2adge3 *6
#resent De"el#p$ental Spe%&al&'t
(valuate and Assess 'hildren in u22it County birth through age
3 to see if they 7ualify for 6elp $e 8ro"3 2aintain a 'aseload of
'hildren "ith e4'eptionalities birth through age 53 use eviden'e
based early intervention pra'ti'es "ith the fa2ilies served3 "ork
"ith the fa2ily and 6elp $e 8ro" ervi'e Coordinator to 'reate
and i2ple2ent )9# out'o2es3 'ondu't ho2e visits3 day'are
'enter visits3 and visits at other lo'ations in the 'o22unity as
needed to ensure in'lusion and appropriate )9# i2ple2entation3
tea2 "eekly "ith the (ast Akron :egion3 utili;e3 and kno" "hen
to utili;e 'o-"orkers for 'oa'hing3 2aintain o'ial /ork .i'ense
and (arly )ntervention Certifi'ation3 2aintain re'ords for ea'h
'hild3 'o2plete the A(# and :0) on ea'h 'hild for progress
2onitoring3 attend $9(<(T:<)(# 2eetings prepared to advo'ate
for the 'hildren and fa2ilies served3 and serve on the Co22unity
upport and (du'ation Co22ittee.
,uly 2011 to Akron Children%s 6ospital3 Akron3 *6
,uly 2013 (#'p&tal Ba'e) Ch&l) *&n) Spe%&al&'t+Ser"&%e
C##r)&nat#r+In,ant Therapy S#%&al W#r-er
)dentify 'hildren birth to three that "ill 7ualify for 6elp $e 8ro"
servi'es through both inpatient and outpatient infant therapy orders
re'eived by 2edi'al professionals3 e4plain the progra2 to fa2ilies3
refer to all 'ounties in *63 'ollaborate "ith other professionals3
and keep do'u2entation in (pi'. &uties as ervi'e Coordinator
re2ain the sa2e.
,une 200+ to ,uly Akron Children%s 6ospital 6elp $e 8ro"3 0arberton3 *6
2011 Ser"&%e C##r)&nat#r
$aintain a 'aseload of 'lients3 'ondu't ho2e and 'enter visits3
"ork "ith fa2ilies on individual fa2ily servi'e plans to identify
and "rite their 'hild<fa2ily goals3 link fa2ilies to needed servi'es
su'h as early intervention3 o''upational therapy3 physi'al therapy3
and spee'h therapy3 'ollaborate "ith other professionals "ho are
also "orking "ith these 'hildren3 fa'ilitate transition 2eetings "ith
the 'hild%s lo'al edu'ation agen'y to ensure a s2ooth transition
fro2 6elp $e 8ro" to pres'hool3 2aintain a strong kno"ledge of
early 'hild develop2ent3 'ondu't s'reenings of young 'hildren3
and 2aintain 'ase re'ords in the *&6 (arly Tra'k data syste2.
epte2ber 1111 to &e'ker 9a2ily &evelop2ent Center3 0arberton3 *6
,une 200+ Outrea%h W#r-er
$aintain a 'aseload of 'lients3 'ondu't ho2e visits3 "ork "ith
fa2ilies on "ork develop2ent assess2ent to identify their self
suffi'ien'y goals3 fun'tion as a 6elp $e 8ro" ervi'e
Coordinator3 2aintain 'ase re'ords3 and &,9 do'u2entation.
RE*ERENCES Available !pon :e7uest.

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