Handy Keyboard Shortcuts For OS X Mountain Lion

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Handy Keyboard Shortcuts

for OS X Mountain Lion

Make your work go faster by using these OS X Mountain Lion keyboard
shortcuts that work in the Finder
and in many work in other OS X Mountain Lion programs , as well. Make
these shortcuts second nature
print out this chart and tape it to your monitor and refer to it while using
OS X Mountain Lion.
Command Keyboard Shortcut
Add Selected Item to Sidebar Command+T
Close All Windows Option+Command+W
Close Window Command+W
Copy Command+C
Cut Command+X
Dashboard F1 !"n+F1 on laptops#
Duplicate Command+D
$%ect Dis& Command+$
$mpty Trash Shi"t+Command+Delete
Find Command+F
'et In"o !on selected item or
'o to All (y Files Shi"t+Command+F
'o to Applications Folder Shi"t+Command+A
Des&top Control + "n + F1
!enable)disable# ** F+
'o to -ome Folder Shi"t+Command+-
-elp Shi"t+Command+.
-ide Current Application Command+-
/o0 Out Current 1ser Shi"t+Command+2
(a&e Alias Command+/3
(inimi4e Window Command+(
(ission Control5 All Windows Control+1p Arrow !F+ on Apple
(ission Control5 Application
Control+Down Arrow
!Control+F+ on Apple
(ission Control5 Show Des&top F11 !"n+F11 on laptops#
!Command+F+ on Apple
(o,e to Trash Command+Delete
$mpty Trash Shi"t+Command+Delete
6ew Finder Window Command+6
6ew Folder Shi"t+Command+6
6ew Smart Folder Option+Command+6
6e7t Window Command+8
Open Command+O
Open Inspector Option+Command+I
9aste Command+:
2uic& /oo& !at selected item# Command+; or Spacebar
Select All Command+A
Show Ori0inal !o" selected alias# Command+<
Show :iew Options Command+=
Show)-ide Sidebar Option+Command+S
Show)-ide Option+Command+D
Show)-ide Status >ar Command+)
Turn :oiceO,er On)O? Command+F@ !"n+F@ on
Turn Boom On)O? Option+Command+C
1ndo Command+B
:iew Window as Icons Command+1
:iew Window as /ist Command+
:iew Window as Columns Command++
:iew Window as Co,er Flow Command+D

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