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Moblle: (203) 673-6073 Mea Stewart mea.sLewarL[gmall.


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roacLlve, performance-drlven professlonal wlLh 4+ years' experlence ln problem solvlng for a large corporaLlon. keen
undersLandlng of buslness prlorlLles, genulne Leam player commlLLed Lo managlng operaLlons and pro[ecLs whlle conLrlbuLlng Lo
revenue-produclng acLlvlLles. Cross-funcLlonal communlcaLor easlly lnLerfaces wlLh hlgh-proflle sLaff and vendors. versaLlle,
lnnovaLlve, and loyal professlonal able Lo see Lhe blg plcLure".

! LxcepLlonal organlzaLlonal and follow Lhrough skllls wlLh sLellar mulLl-Lasklng and prlorlLlzlng ablllLles
! CooperaLlve and flexlble Leam player, equally effecLlve worklng lndependenLly ln a fasL paced, demandlng cusLomer-cenLrlc
! Works effecLlvely wlLh senlor managemenL and cllenLele
! Self-dlrecLed and moLlvaLed yeL able Lo cemenL relaLlonshlps ln a Leam envlronmenL
! Plghly effecLlve oral and wrlLLen communlcaLlon skllls
! AblllLy Lo look and ldenLlfy Lhe rlghL opporLunlLles for publlclLy campalgns and geLLlng LargeL audlence

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+2345 ) +677 +289: $25:;96<7 WesLporL, C1 !"# %&'()*+,-,./

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" WrlLe press releases, cllenL blos, sample medla quesLlons and medla plLches.
" 8esearch medla, newsworLhy Loplcs/evenLs, angles/plLches onllne and soclal medla Lrends
" uevelop, ldenLlfy and malnLaln relaLlonshlps wlLh Lhe medla
" lLch and secure placemenLs ln LradlLlonal and onllne medla ouLleLs and manage/schedule medla requesLs for cllenLs
" MalnLaln daLabase wlLh medla conLacLs and medla resulLs
" Manage soclal medla campalgns. MonlLor Lhe lmpacL, analyze, revlew and reporL on effecLlveness of campalgns
" EdlL and proofread conLenL, ensurlng lL meeLs sLyle, Lone and markeLlng message requlremenLs

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" SupporL dally medla relaLlons acLlvlLles lncludlng ouLreach Lo LargeL medla, bloggers and oLher soclal medla ouLleLs
" MonlLor medla coverage wlLh Coogle AlerLs for cllenLs and press cllpplngs
" AsslsL ln faclllLaLlon of producL loan program
" urafL plLch leLLers, medla advlsorles, press releases, phoLo capLlons and oLher forms of medla correspondence
" 8esearch new publlcaLlons, new wrlLers, and new Lools for Lracklng coverage

+6?<; (234 A:B;97; 0C?3@C 8rldgeporL, C1 0".1"+# %&'()!"# %&'(

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" Manage soclal medla campalgns. MonlLor Lhe lmpacL, analyze, revlew and reporL on effecLlveness of campalgns
" EdlL and proofread conLenL, ensurlng lL meeLs sLyle, Lone and markeLlng message requlremenLs

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" Manage Worldwlde SLraLeglc lan, lncludes 3 reglonal plans and 8 counLry/sub-reglonal plans
" CoordlnaLe and sLandardlze lnLernaLlonal meeLlng plannlng across 3 reglons. 8educed cosLs by 10
" uevelop sysLem-wlde LranslaLlon/locallzaLlon sLraLegy. 8educed Lurnaround by 13
" Lead new CounLry Cpenlng 1eam. laclllLaLed Lhe openlng of 9 counLrles over a 12 monLh perlod
" Cversee deparLmenL $873k uSu budgeL


+:7;23 6H (3;7 9< 06>>?<9@:;96<I 063B63:;2 06>>?<9@:;96<7 :<8 "?J59@ $25:;96<7, Sacred PearL unlverslLy, AugusL 2014
A:@C2563 6H (3;7I A9656K4, SouLhern ConnecLlcuL SLaLe unlverslLy, May 2003

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MlcrosofL Cfflce SulLe - roflclency ln Word, Lxcel, owerolnL, CuLlook, vlslo, Access
ro[ecL ManagemenL 1ools - ShareolnL, MlcrosofL ro[ecL
Adobe CreaLlve SulLe, llnal CuL ro x, Soclal Medla ManagemenL 1ools and AppllcaLlons
Clslon and CompeLe
Mea Stewart

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