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Study Guide for Exam II part two

1. Name the 3 layers of the heart tissue
2. What do the terms parietal and visceral refer to?
3. Where do you fnd pericardium, pleura and peritoneum serous membranes?
4. Kno the e!ternal and internal structures of the heart
". #race the pathay of a red blood cell from leavin$ the superior vena cava and frst
enterin$ the heart up to fnally enterin$ the aorta.
%. Kno the arteries and veins of the heart & hat branches o' of hat and hat drains
(enters) into hat?
*. What type of cell +unction is found in heart tissue that is not found in s,eletal muscle
-. What are the di'erent structures responsible for the heart.s autorhythmicity?
#hin, of the /0, 01, bundle of 2is and 3ur,in+e fbers and here specifcally these
di'erent structures are located.
4 What type of tissue are these structures?
4 What is their function?
5. 2o are the valves desi$ned to prevent the 6o of blood bac, into the chamber it +ust
came from?
17. 2o is cardiac muscle tissue di'erent from s,eletal muscle tissue?
11. What is the si$nifcance of the foramen ovale, fossa ovalis, ductus arteriosis and
li$amentum arteriosum?

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