Bsse Tut 2

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Report for tutorial no 2

Date: 7
July 2014
Report by:
Kennneth Tan Tay Sir, 1205856
o !oon "on#, 120$8%6
Jon# &in# 'han,1$06481
()*T+,T )" R+-)RT
Thi. report i. to /e.0ribe the .ite 2a/e to the e3i.tin# buil/in# of S4 5lo06, "a0ulty of
+n#ineerin# an/ S0ien0e, 7ni1er.iti Tun6u 4b/ul Rah2an Kuala 8u2pur 0a2pu. at Jalan 9entin#
Klan#, Setapa6, Kuala 8u2pur: Thi. report pri2arily ;ill hi#hli#ht the e3i.tin# buil/in# .er1i0e.
pro1i/e/ at S4 5lo06:
)5J+(T<=+ )" R+-)RT
The ob>e0ti1e. of thi. report are:
i: To pro1i/e the prin0iple. of .oil an/ ;a.te .y.te2. of the buil/in#:
ii: To /e.0ribe the /e.i#n an/ .i2ple layout of the .anitary .y.te2 ob.er1e/ at S4 5lo06:
iii: To pro1i/e the ba.i0 .6et0h on the .anitary ;are. u.e/ on S4 5lo06:
D4T+ 4*D 8)(4T<)* )" S<T+ =<S<T
Date 07:07:2014
Ti2e 5:00 -& to 5:$0 -&
8o0ation 9roun/ le1el, S4 5lo06,
"+S ? 7T4R
1: Sanitation
The .anitation .y.te2 are .et. of buil/in# .er1i0e. that han/le. the 0olle0tion a22/
re2o1al of .oil ;a.te an/ ;a.te ;ateer fro2 a buil/in#:
The .anitation .y.te2 are 0o2po.e/ of:
i: -ipe.:
1: <nternal @ pipe. in.talle/ ;ithin the bo/y of the buil/in# it.elf:
a: SanitaryA!a.te pipe. @ they tran.port ;a.te?;ater fro2, floor /rain. an/ ;ater? to lar#er pipeline.
/ire0te/ to;ar/. .e;a#e treat2ent plant.: The #ra/ient of the
pipe. are .u0h that they an#le /o;n;ar/. to in or/er to
fa0ilitate the flo; /ire0tion of the pipe.B 0ontent. to the 2ain
b: =ent pipe. ? pipe. lea/in# fro2 ;a.te pipe. to the out/oor.,
u.ually throu#h the roof: =ent. pro1i/e a 2ean. to relea.e
.e;er #a.e. out.i/e in.tea/ of in.i/e the buil/in#: =ent. al.o
a/2it o3y#en to the ;a.te .y.te2 to allo; aerobi0 .e;a#e
/i#e.tion: =ent. pro1i/e a ;ay to eCualiDe the pre..ure on
both .i/e. of a trap, thereby allo;in# the trap to hol/ ;ater,
;hi0h i. nee/e/ to 2aintain effe0ti1ene.. of the trap:
2: +3ternal @ pipe. out.i/e the buil/in# that 0onne0t. to the one. in.i/e
the buil/in#:
a: Sanitary pipeline. @ pipeline. tran.portin# ;a.te?;ater to
.e;a#e treat2ent plant. for
b: &anhole. @ outlet. 0onne0te/ to utility 0ha2ber. inter.per.e/
bet;een .e#2ent. of un/er#roun/ .e;a#e pipeline.E they
allo; hu2an operator. to 0on/u0t in.pe0tion. on the pipeline.
ii: "ittin#.:
1: !ater ? 4 flu.h toilet i. a toilet that /i.po.e. of hu2an liCui/
an/ .oli/ ;a.te, by ;ater to flu.h it throu#h a /rainpipe to
another lo0ation for / The .anitary fi3ture i. /i.tin0tly
/ifferent fro2 a urinal, ;hi0h i. /e.i#ne/ to han/le only liCui/ ;a.te:
2: !a.h ? 4 bo;l?.hape/ plu2bin# fi3ture u.e/ for ;a.hin# han/.
or other purpo.e.: They ha1e tap. Ffau0et.G that .upply 0ol/ ;ater:
They al.o in0lu/e a /rain to re2o1e u.e/ ;aterE thi. /rain 2ay it.elf
in0lu/e a .trainer an/Aor .hut?off /e1i0e an/ an o1erflo;?pre1ention
/e1i0e: They are eCuippe/ ;ith .oap /
$: "loor trap ? a 7?, S?, or J?.hape/ pipe lo0ate/ belo; or ;ithin a
plu2bin# fi3ture: They pre1ent ba06flo; of .e;er #a.e. fro2
enterin# buil/in#.:
Thi. layout i. repeate/ iterati1ely in ;a.hroo2. in e1ery floor fro2 the ba.e2ent to
the top floor:
The e1ery floor ha. t;o ;a.hroo2., ea0h 0aterin# to a .in#le #en/er:
2: Se;era#e
4 ;a.te;ater treat2ent plant F!!T-G or ;a.te;ater treat2ent ;or6. i. an
in/u.trial .tru0ture /e.i#ne/ to re2o1e biolo#i0al or 0he2i0al ;a.te pro/u0t. fro2
;ater, thereby per2ittin# the treate/ ;ater to be u.e/ for other purpo.e.:
The S 5lo06 of 7T4R an/ the T4R (olle#e utili.e. a .2all .epti0 tan6 ;;ith
2e0hani0al pu2pin# 0apa0ity to treat their ;a.te?;ater:
The S4 to S" 5lo06. of 7T4R pipe. their ;a.te?;ater to an off?.ite 2e0hani0al
treat2ent plant for
Due to the lo#i.ti0al /iffi0ultie. of in .e0urin# .ite for in.pe0tion by .tu/ent.,
the infor2ation on .e;era#e treat2ent plant. referre/ to in thi. report are ane0/otal
an/ obtaine/ 1erbally fro2 a the le0turer pre.i/in# o1er the tutorial .e..ion:
84H)7T SK+T(
See atta0he/ /o0u2ent.:
State ;hat i. the learnin# le..on a0hie1e/ here:

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