TGA Software Dongle Key: Precaution & Care While Operating The TGA

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1. Set the all Gases (O2, N2, and Air) to 5 bars.

2. Switch on the TGA & leave it on for 15 to !"in for balance stabili#ation
. $o%ble &lic' on the TGA software. Go to $ia(nostics ,& )a'e *alance tare &
+ress o'
,. Now select the Go to Option- Diagnostic Program - select .SO
5. Now clic' on wei(hts, it will as' for A"o%nt of sa"+le to test, (ive the n%"ber of
sa"+les & o'. .nstr%"ent will (ive where to +%ts the sa"+le +osition. After this
lid will o+en, /o% need to +%t the e"+t/ cr%cibles at the res+ective +osition on the
screen. Alwa/s +%t the e"+t/ cr%cible at ! +ositions.
0. Now follow the instr%ctions on the screen caref%ll/ ()eans e"+t/ cr%cibles
+lacin( & their res+ective "eas%re"ents then sa"+le +lacin( & their res+ective
"eas%re"ents & then cr%cible +lacin( & their res+ective "eas%re"ents.
1. After this .nstr%"ent as' to clic' on 232&4T.52 b%tton (sto+ beco"es
7. Then re(%late the (as flow, +ress o'.
8. Then actual wor starts.
1!. See the left side corner window of software for c%rrent stat%s of )achine.
11. Once the te"+ reaches to !"#- $oisture starts % gi&es the results as soon as
wei(ht stable. Then 'urnace start heating towar(s )$ measurements* & (ives
the res%lts within 1 "in%ets after reachin( of 8!!
12. Then instr%"ents (o to +"" (egree % start increasing towar(s Ash temp. &
res%lt will dis+la/ after (ettin( stable wei(ht loss.
1. Once all anal/sis will co"+lete * Instrument starts 'or cooling ( 75! to ,!! to 5!
)& (ives indication of co"+ilation of wor' & read/ for ne6t anal/sis
!,- .ou can &iew the result in Data /ase Data Report* select the particular ID
% tae the printout i' nee(e(-
Precaution % care while operating the TGA
1. 4se (ood 9%alit/ c/linders
2. Don0t (istur/ the position o' the TGA machine, 1INCE 23ANCE IN
IN1TA33ED IN1IDE* Tr/ to avoid hand +%ttin(: e6tra +ress%re on the table where the
"achine has been installed
. 4se +ro+er sta/ili4e(* proper earthling suppl5 for the "achine
Alwa/s %se the (ood 9%alit/ UP1 ' or PC (since so'tware % communication /oar(s o'
TGA installe( in the PC6-
,- Please tae care o' TGA so'tware (ongle e5 72ac si(e o' PC6*
missing o' which not a/le to operate TGA-

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