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Direct Instruction Lesson Plan Format

Date: 2/4/14 Grade Level: 1st

Target Students: Whole Group


Century Skills:
Communication and Critical Thinking

Students need to understand how magnets are a part of force and motion for them to see
how there are forces all around that may not be easily visible. Students have to be able to
identify that there is force among solid objects and force has different strengths and it may
move through some objects and it may not move through others. This lesson will later
connect with the polarity and magnetism of the Earth and this topic will help students be
prepared for other subject areas in science.

Common Core State and/or NC Essential Standards:
-Science Standards: 1.P.1.2 Explain how some forces (pushes and pulls) can be used to
make things move without touching them, such as magnets.

Behavioral Objectives / Performance Objective
Students will:

1. Students will review forces and motion and students will review what
they have learned about magnets. They will be able to describe that
magnets can pull an object through another object if there is enough
force applied.

2. Through discussion and hands-on activity, students will test their
magnets on objects and complete a worksheet and list objects that
magnets can pull through and objects that cannot be pulled through.

3. I will see if the students understand by their responses in discussion,
in their communication with one another and through the completion of
their worksheets.

Student Friendly Objective or Essential Question:
What is force and motion? What is a push or a pull? What is a magnet? How are magnets
different and similar to other objects? What does repel and attract mean? Will the magnet
pull the object through another object?

-Science Big Book from McGraw (Magnets Pull Through)
-Magnets worksheet
-baggies full of random objects
-magnets for each student


1 minutes

5 minutes

4 minutes

10 minutes

2 minutes

3 minutes
Lesson Activities
We will review what magnets are and its properties.

Introduction to the Lesson:
I will let the students view a brainpop jr. video on magnets then we will
discuss about the video.

Teacher Input/Modeling:
I will model how magnets work and how they pull things to them. Then I
will use a book to have students predict whether or not the objects will be
attracted to the magnets pass the book. (Students will respond with a
prediction). Then I will model saying that the magnet was not able to pull
the object. Then I will model using a paper and students will once again
share their responses. This time the magnet should have pulled the object
through. Then I will read the page about magnets pulling from the Big

Guided Practice:
Students will work in groups to explore contents in the baggies and see
which objects are able to be pulled through objects and which are not. I will
go around observe their discoveries and question them so that they are able
to verbalize their findings and reason out the concept of how certain objects
are able to pull through and not others.

Independent Practice:
Students will complete their own worksheets of their findings and list
objects that are pulled through and not pulled through. Most of the listing
will occur through the guided practice.

Closure of the Lesson:
To close the lesson, I will gather the students attention and have them
share their findings and share their reasons for their answers.

Evaluation/Assessment of Student Learning

I will look for participation in the discussion and in their work when testing the objects
with a magnet.

The students will complete their handout which should have a list of objects that were able
to pull through and another column of items that did not pull through.

Post Lesson Reflection


Next Steps:

Supervising Teachers Signature:

Student Teachers Signature:

Plans for Individual Differences:
Early Finishers:
Students will be allowed to walk around the classroom and examine with their magnets, objects in
the classroom and include the data on the back of their journals.
Late Finishers:
Late finishers may have time during intervention time or during morning work to finish their work
if not completed. However, they will not have opportunity to walk around the classroom and
examine the objects. They will have to base off the answers from group discussions and what they
have completed so far.
Extension of Lesson:
To mention different weights and density of an object and how it affects their ability to pull
through objects. Also, discussion of different magnets and different strengths can be discussed
about as well.
English Language Learners:
Learning Styles:
*Visual (spatial): N/A
*Verbal (linguistic): Students are participating in discussion as a whole and with one another to
explain why certain objects are magnetic and some are not.
*Physical (kinesthetic/tactile): Students are using magnets to physically see what objects are
being pulled through and which are not.
Aural (auditory-musical):N/A
Logical (mathematical):N/A
Social (interpersonal): Students are discussing in partners about properties of a magnet.
Solitary (intrapersonal): N/A

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