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3rd House cusp in Aries / 9th House cusp in Libra

(Bernice Grebner)

First Decanate (Aries-Aries / Libra-Libra): Their thinking is impulsive. There ma be a
l!t !" activit #ith br!thers an$ sisters% !r a l!t !" arguments #ith them. The
e&change a l!t !" i$eas #ith their neighb!rs% #hich ma !r ma n!t be accepte$ b
the neighb!rs' !r the neighb!rs( i$eas ma n!t be accepte$ b Aries here.

The listen t! ever!ne(s phil!s!ph an$ believe in true e)ualit bet#een all men.
A"ter being e&p!se$ t! all si$es% the c!me t! the truth in a "air an$ unbiase$ #a
an$ can% in turn% teach these truths in an eas manner. *!#ever% the ten$ t! attract
marriage partners #h! $!minate them% !r vice versa.

+ec!n$ Decanate (Aries-Le! / Libra-A)uarius): Their min$s are active an$ the have a
l!t !" i$eas the #ant t! share #ith pe!ple in their envir!nment. The ma be lea$ers
in their neighb!rh!!$% #here the ma teach chil$ren. The $! a l!t !" thinking an$
are m!re success"ul i" the have partners #ith #h!m t! share their th!ughts.

,t takes them a #hile t! make up their min$s' but !nce the establish phil!s!phies !"
li"e% the use these same phil!s!phies t! help !thers. -hen Libra is balance$ in their
higher abstract i$eas% the can pr!.ect themselves in ver unattache$ #as% an$ have
a knack !" helping !thers help themselves.

Thir$ Decanate (Aries-+agittarius / Libra-Gemini): *ere is the pers!n #h! sprea$s all
the ne#s ar!un$ his !r her c!mmunit an$ the "irst !ne in the neighb!rh!!$ #h! is
a#are !" a situati!n. /art !" the i$ea in $!ing this is that the real l!ve t! in"!rm an$
sprea$ pr!pagan$a ar!un$ an$ especiall the l!ve $!ing this in relati!nship #ith

The are capable !" .ustice in the a""airs !" men. Their higher min$s can be impartial
an$ "air. This pers!n(s min$ br!a$ens as he gets !l$er. ,t gives a creative min$
behin$ #hich is keen reas!n an$ l!gic that take them "ar in the #!rl$ !" higher

(Frances +ak!ian an$ L!uis Acker)

These pe!ple ma be aggressive an$ argumentative c!ncerning their pet the!ries an$
i$eas. The have a ten$enc t! create tensi!n an$ instigate rivalr am!ng their
br!thers an$ sisters. The are intellectuall creative an$ ma !pen up ne# avenues
!" e&pressi!n an$ applicati!n.

Their phil!s!ph an$ religi!n are base$ !n the harm!ni!us an$ beauti"ul. The like t!
travel "!r pleasure #ith partners !r $ear "rien$s. 0an !" them marr in "!reign
c!untries !r marr pe!ple !" "!reign birth. The ten$ t! marr pe!ple !" e$ucati!n
an$ re"inement.

(1eanne Aver)

This pers!nalit channels much $rive an$ ambiti!n int! areas !" c!mmunicati!ns.
The thir$ h!use in a chart in$icates n!t !nl c!ntracts% neg!tiati!ns% c!mmuting% an$
earl e$ucati!n% but als! teleph!nes% neighb!rs% an$ siblings. -ith the sign !" Aries
!n the cusp !" this h!use% it is rule$ b 0ars. This pers!n must be !n the g! all the
time% running ar!un$ t!#n% "ighting tra""ic% "in$ing challenges in areas !"

The aspects t! 0ars in the chart in$icate his basic relati!nship #ith br!thers an$
sisters% perhaps prec!n$iti!ning his later relati!nship t! sch!!l an$ c!mmunicati!ns.
," 0ars is #ell aspecte$% he ph!t!graphs his br!thers an$ sisters (an$ relatives in
general) as active% pi!neering% inn!vative% an$ c!mpetitive. *e learns h!# t! $eal
#ith c!mpetiti!n in a health manner an$ is #illing t! "ight "!r #hat he #ants in
neg!tiating agreements !r c!n$iti!ns. +ince 0ars is the planet ruling se&ual activit
as #ell as high creative abilit% he ma #ell channel much !" the se&ual% c!mpetitive
energ int! matters $ealing #ith c!mmunicati!ns. ,n c!nsi$ering the chart !" an
act!r #ith this placement% it is eas t! see h!# the c!mpetitive urge serves him s!
#ell. A"ter much aggressive an$ inn!vative activit% he #ill "in$ an !utlet "!r
challenging creativit in areas !" c!mmunicati!ns. 0ars als! rules metals. ,nvent!rs%
i" this energ is "ull utili2e$% ma #!rk #ith metal !r metal pens all the time.
0usicians #!rk #ith metal strings !n instruments.

,n an area #here 0ars c!l!rs the energ% it is vitall imp!rtant t! release that
energ creativel% rather than in aggressi!n an$ anger% all!#ing that $rive t! $!
internal $amage. ,mpatience% temper% an$ aggravati!n can be si$esteppe$ thr!ugh
creative activit. ," 0ars is ba$l aspecte$% the ten$enc is t! all!# "rustrati!n t!
back up until it reaches the b!iling p!int. Acci$ents an$ !utbursts !" anger ma then
be the !nl #a t! release this backe$-up energ. ," a little !l$ la$ in the gr!cer-
st!re line is sl!#l tring !ur patience% !u ma "eel like kicking her !ut !" the #a -
an$ then su""er terrible guilt at even having such a th!ught. F!cuse$ creative 0ars
activit #ill help heelp !u patient. ," !u(ve been running "ive miles% releasing !ur
energ in a phsical #a% the likelih!!$ !" !b.ecti!ns !ver $elas is $iminishe$

3ee$le#!rk% mathematics% buil$ing things up #ith hammer an$ nails% $ance% !r an
phsical activit helps t! channel the aggressive energ int! sm!!thl "l!#ing acti!n.
+ince #riting is a thir$ h!use activit% #!rking #ith a tpe#riter !r metal pen rather
than #ith a pencil releases m!re !" this "rustrate$ energ. A pers!n #ith this
placement ma "in$ it har$ t! #ait "!r pe!ple. ," there are $elas #ith app!intments%
he #ill be m!re amenable% a"ter a #ait% i" he can "in$ an !utlet "!r his energ. 4ne
!ung actress takes her nee$lep!int #ith her t! au$iti!ns% in case $elas tr her
patience an$ upset her care"ul mental preparati!n.

+ince the thir$ h!use als! rules c!mmutati!n% it is imp!rtant "!r !ne #ith this
placement t! #!rk !ut an "rustrate$ energ be"!re tackling tra""ic .ams. A l!ng line
!" cars caught b s!me unseen snarl is en!ugh t! bring !ut the #!rst in $isp!siti!n.
Teleph!nes ma als! tr patience% especiall i" 0ars has $i""icult aspects in the chart.
," aggravati!ns begin t! buil$% the healthiest release is t! e&ercise in !r$er t! keep
the $rives "lui$. ,mpatience ma present a $ail challenge "!r an in$ivi$ual #ith this

The ninth h!use in the chart in$icates the phil!s!phical ten$encies% travel
inclinati!ns% p!ssibilities !" rec!gniti!n. This is als! the h!use that $escribes
pr!m!ti!n% public relati!ns% publicit% publishing% an$ legal a""airs. 5enus% the ruler !"
Libra !n the cusp !" the ninth h!use% $escribes beaut% pleasure% $ipl!mac%
graci!usness% charm% an$ art. 5enus als! in$icates the situati!ns a pers!n l!ves. The
pers!nalit l!ves t! travel% is graci!us in areas !" public rec!gniti!n% an$ en.!s the
publicit he receives.

0an !" these pe!ple have a natural inclinati!n "!r the sp!tlight. ," 5enus is #ell
aspecte$ in the in$ivi$ual chart% the pers!n is ass!ciatee$ #ith artistic pr!.ects% !r is
#ell kn!#n "!r his graci!usness an$ charm as #ell as his $ipl!mac. ," 5enus is n!t
#ell aspecte$% there is a ten$enc t! take the eas #a !ut as "ar as publicit an$
pr!m!ti!nal e""!rt are c!ncerne$. Libra is the legal sign. 6!-!perati!n an$ a sense !"
.ustice are ascribe$ t! Libra. ,n legal areas% this pers!nalit can shine. The abilit t!
harm!ni2e an$ sm!!th !ver $i""iculties is pr!"!un$ i" 5enus is #ell aspecte$.

,n the negative sense% 5enus als! in$icates a ten$enc t! sh!# !nl the m!st
"av!rable si$e !" !nesel" in relati!n t! publicit an$ pr!m!ti!n. There ma be a
ten$enc t! c!mpr!mise% i" n!t actuall c!p !ut% "!r the sake !" peace. +el"-
in$ulgence an$ vacillati!n are the negative characteristics !" 5enus.
3rd House cusp in Taurus / 9th House cusp in Scorpio

(Bernice Grebner)

First Decanate (Taurus-Taurus / +c!rpi!-+c!rpi!): This makes them sh an$ timi$ in
c!mmunicati!ns #ith th!se ar!un$ them in their neighb!rh!!$. The are e&tremel
stubb!rn ab!ut i$eas. ,t is $i""icult t! c!nvince them% but !nce c!nvince$ the stan$

The are ver sharp in s!lving msteries !" man(s e&istence% an$ are c!ntinuall
$elving int! abstract the!ries. The are e&cellent at getting t! the centre !" things.
The $! n!t like "!rmal higher e$ucati!n' the #!ul$ rather teach themselves. The
"eel the have better ans#ers% at least "!r them.

+ec!n$ Decanate (Taurus-5irg! / +c!rpi!-/isces): This #ill cause c!ncentrati!n !n
things #ithin the envir!nment !r neighb!rh!!$. The result is struggle !r c!n"lict.
The can be t!! analtical #ith their marriage partners i" the bec!me "rustrate$
#ith pe!ple ar!un$ them. The nee$ t! learn that all i$eas can be g!!$% an$ t! accept
!thers( vie#s.

7ven th!ugh the are ver pschic an$ can un$erstan$ an$ learn the truths !" the
universe% the never l!se their !#n i$entities in the c!nsci!us material #!rl$. The
m!re ev!lve$ in$ivi$uals attain c!smic c!nsci!usness. The have t! be care"ul
because the can g! "r!m this-#!rl$ c!nsci!usness t! !ther-#!rl$ c!nsci!usness in a
m!ment an$ can be easil in"luence$ b b!th. *ere% +c!rpi!-/isces can enable them
t! $elve int! an$ s!lve an mster.

Thir$ Decanate (Taurus-6apric!rn / +c!rpi!-6ancer): This placement gives a seri!us
min$. 3!b!$ can "!rce an i$ea !n these $ecanate pe!ple. The can be ver rigi$ an$
c!!l t! "rien$s an$ pe!ple in their neighb!rh!!$. The appear a""luent t! !thers% but
the ma n!t be. -hen the put their stubb!rn min$s t! #!rk !n imp!rtant causes in
the c!mmunit% the are at their best.

The have p!#er !" mental revelati!n' an$ #hen this talent is c!ntr!lle$ an$
$irecte$% the can s!lve man msteries !" e&istence. -hen the learn t! me$itate%
the can get t! the center !" religi!us an$ phil!s!phicel truths. The ten$ t! be "i&e$
an$ em!ti!nal in their attitu$es% #hich ma bs a stumbling bl!ck in their search "!r
the truth. The nee$ t! learn t! be m!re "le&ible% tempering the ten$enc t! be
tenaci!us s! the can s! the can receive the "ull intuitive value !" this p!siti!n.

(Frances +ak!ian an$ L!uis Acker)

Being sl!# an$ $eliberate in "!rming their i$eas% these pe!ple are stubb!rn ab!ut
changing their min$s !nce a $ecisi!n has been ma$e. Their thinking is c!ncentrate$
!n m!nemaking !r !n artistic en$eav!rs.

The are religi!us an$ phil!s!phical crusa$ers% !"ten engaging in arguments !ver
religi!us belie"s. ," the are inv!lve$ in litigati!n !" an s!rt% there is generall a
great $eal !" "ier pr!test.

(1eanne Aver)

The thir$ h!use $escribes n!t !nl the "iel$ !" c!mmunicati!ns% teleph!nes%
agreements% an$ neg!tiati!ns% but als! siblings% neighb!rs% an$ relatives in general.
,t als! $escribes the )ualit ass!ciate$ #ith the learning pr!cess. -hen Taurus is !n
its cusp% the speaking v!ice is m!st !"ten mel!$i!us% the manner is s!ciable an$
charming% an$ l!ving "eelings ab!ut "amil an$ pe!ple nearb are prevalent. 5enus%
the planet ruling Taurus% is c!nnecte$ #ith peace an$ harm!n% the arts%
graci!usnses% an$ $ipl!mac.

," 5enus is #ell aspecte$ in the chart% it $escribes a l!ve !" c!mmunicati!ns% an
artistic nature - #hether channele$ int! painting% theatre% !r music - an$ an abilit t!
neg!tiate $ipl!maticall. This in$ivi$ual genuinel l!ves br!thers an$ sisters%
ph!t!graphing them as charming% graci!us% a""ecti!nate pe!ple. *e l!ves sch!!l% !r
the learning pr!cess in general% especiall i" it is c!nnecte$ #ith the stu$ !"
humanities !r the arts. *e can paint% $ance% act% $esign% !r c!mp!se #!rks !" art. *e
is particularl $ipl!matic !n the teleph!ne. 6!mmutati!n !r runing erran$s are als!
ascribe$ t! the thir$ h!use. The pers!n #ith this placement en.!s running ar!un$%
ass!ciating #ith pe!ple in his travels% an$ e&pressing the s!ciable part !" his nature.

," 5enus is n!t #ell aspecte$% the in$iviu$al ma be la2 #hen it c!mes t! erran$s%
in$ulgent #ith "amil members !r siblings% an$ incline$ t! keep peace at an price in
$iscussi!ns. 5enus $escribes the nee$ "!r beaut an$ harm!n. ," 5enus is less than
p!sitive in the chart% the in$ivi$ual ma hesitate t! sa anthing that #ill make
#aves% !r upset the status )u!. *e ma have t! learn n!t t! take the eas #a !ut "!r
the sake !" peace. ," he can bec!me inv!lve$ in artistic pr!.ects% he "in$s a release "!r
this 5enusian energ an$ learns h!# t! be m!re $irect in areas !" $iscussi!n !r
c!mmunicati!n. *e can surpass the natural instinct t! sa #hat he thinks is e&pecte$
!" him rather than h!# he reall "eels ab!ut a sub.ect. 7valuati!n !" earl
relati!nships can pinp!int earl patterns !" e&cessive $ipl!mac. *e #ill never be
harsh !r less than tact"ul. *e can "in$ balance thr!ugh precisi!n !" th!ught an$

The (p!#er( planet% /lut!% rules the ninth h!use !" higher e$ucati!n% travel%
pr!m!ti!n% legal a""airs% an$ a$vertising% #hen +c!rpi! is !n its cusp. -hen this
planet is #ell aspecte$% the pers!nalit has an incre$ible abilit t! reach masses !"
pe!ple thr!ugh pr!m!ti!nal e""!rt% publishing% !r b #!rking #ith p!#er"ul
!rgani2ati!ns. /lut! $escribes areas !" greatest e""ectiveness an$ p!tenc. ,t als!
in$icates the area #hich brings the greatest change in li"e. ,n terms !" Transacti!nal
Analsis% it $escribes the chil$ eg! state.

The chil$(s message is: (, #ant #hat , #ant% #hen , #ant it(. /lut!nian energ is ver
similar. ,t can in$icate c!mpulsi!n !r manipulati!n. /lut! is als! the planet !"
trans"!rmati!n !r transmutati!n. The smb!l!g !" the ph!eni& rising "r!m the ashes
is relate$ t! the planet /lut!. +c!rpi!% rule$ b /lut!% has t#! si$es: it is either the
serpent !r the eagle. -hen this energ is trans"!rme$ b m!tivati!n !" the highest
kin$% it $escribes tremen$!us magnetic abilit t! trans"!rm !thers( lives. ,t is like a
p!#er"ul b!$ !" #ater that either is $estructive (#hen at "l!!$ level)% !r can light up
cities (#hen h!!ke$ up t! an electrical plant).

-ith $i""icult aspects t! /lut!% the pers!nalit ma attract negative publicit !r be
tempte$ t! gain publicit thr!ugh manipulati!n !r (chil$like( rebelli!us antics. ," /lut!
is #ell aspecte$ in the chart% an e&cepti!nall magnetic presence naturall attracts
rec!gniti!n. This in$ivi$ual is m!st e""ective #hen he sprea$s the eagle-like #ings t!
reach !ut t! humnait. Thr!ugh transmutati!n !" his !#n higher min$% he trans"!rms
lives !" mankin$ b seeming t! $! ver little.

The ninth h!use $escrives travel% $istances% an$ c!untries a#a "r!m the h!melan$.
The in$ivi$ual ma have a c!mpulsi!n t! .et ar!un$ the #!rl$% plaing #ith (the
beauti"ul pe!ple( "r!m man c!untries. *e m#a #ant t! live in the internati!nal
s!cial stream. 8uite p!ssibl he #ill n!t acc!mplish his g!als% an$ ma !ccasi!nall
"eel the rug pulle$ !ut "r!m un$er him as a result !" manipulati!n !r e&clusi!n.
*!#ever% #hen his m!tivati!n is trans"!rme$ "r!m the chil$(s #ill - (, #ant #hat ,
#ant% an$ , $!n(t care h!# , get it( - t! the higher #ill% m!tivate$ b the $esire t! $!
#hat is g!!$ "!r all c!ncerne$ !r humanit as a #h!le% he ma in$ee$ acc!mplish his
g!als. *e ma in$ee$ .et ar!un$ the #!rl$ in ass!ciati!n #ith (beauti"ul pe!ple( "r!m
all c!untries% acc!mplishing miracles thr!ugh his p!#er"ul abilit t! in"luence. The
subtle $i""erence in m!tivati!n li"ts him t! the state !" true p!#er. *e ma have t! be
#illing t! let g! !" an negative !r n!n-pr!$uctive situati!n% n! matter h!#
c!m"!rtable !r tempting.

*e #ill rarel g! unn!tice$. *e has a naturall #i$e sphere !" in"luence. *e can be
publishe$% be c!nnecte$ #ith his !#n instituti!n !" higher learning% manu"acture%
imp!rt% $istribute. *e can pla +vengali% !r inspire pe!ple !n the highest level.
3rd House cusp in Gemini / 9th House cusp in Saittarius

(Bernice Grebner)

First Decanate (Gemini-Gemini / +agittarius-+agittarius): The kn!# ever!ne in the
envir!nment (!r tr t!) an$ are versatile an$ "rien$l t! all. Their appr!ach t! their
neighb!rs an$ imme$iate ass!ciates is thr!ugh mental interests. (The neighb!rh!!$
ma n!t nee$ ne#spapers #ith this pers!n in the area.) The are a #alking
in"!rmati!n centre. *!#ever% the nee$ t! learn t! listen m!re. The ma be s!
attune$ t! telling ne#s that the "ail t! get the !ther pers!n(s p!int !" vie# !r t!
"!ll!# up a st!r.

The can pre$ict the "uture because !" their keen insight int! the situati!n at han$.
The can si2e up a pr!blem an$ see h!# it #ill pr!gress. The can si2e up!n see$
i$eas !r th!ughts an$ carr them t! a c!nclusi!n' hence their insight int! the "uture.
0!re than an!ne else% the sh!ul$ "!ll!# their !#n intuiti!ns. The are the eternal
!ptimists. The are e&tremel "uture-!riente$ #ithin their lives. There are n!
pr!blems #ith their being able t! step int! ne# areas !" gr!#th. The reach ne#
levels !" un$erstan$ing as easil as s!me!ne else gets up in the m!rning an$ $rinks a
cup !" c!""ee.

+ec!n$ Decanate (Gemini-Libra / +agittarius-Aries): Their c!mmunicati!ns #ith
!thers are never $irect an$ t! the p!int. The al#as pla b!th si$es against the
mi$$le' hence the take the l!ng #a ar!un$. The tr t! be s! "air that the lack
$irectness' there"!re the can be ver ine""ective in $ealing #ith c!n$iti!ns in the
envir!nment. This is #hen everthing is peace"ul. -hen there is a great $eal !"
turm!il the can be the $ipl!mat% the peacemaker. 0uch !" this is trie$ !r taken !ut
!n the marriage partner "irst. The partner is the guinea pig.

This is the pi!neer !" ne# tren$s #ith the capacit t! see h!# these inn!vati!ns #ill
#!rk !ut in the "uture. The set things int! acti!n using great insight "!r the gr!#th.
The get even better the !l$er the bec!me an$ are !pen t! higher c!smic

Thir$ Decanate (Gemini-A)uarius / +agittarius-Le!): The are ver !riginal in their
#ritings an$ e&pressi!ns. -hen the reali2e the "acts !" a situati!n the #ant t!
impart this kn!#le$ge t! !thers in the neighb!rh!!$. The "eel ever!ne has a right
t! kn!# the truth. The like t! travel ar!un$% mainl because the are restless'
h!#ever% the restlessness is !nl an in"luence that takes them in search !" kn!#le$ge
an$ e&perience. This p!siti!n gives great !riginalit an$ in$epen$ence.

The have br!a$ an$ !ptimistic !utl!!ks behin$ #hich lie belie" in l!ve an$ its abilit
t! give strength an$ cheer"ulness. The crave applause an$ can $ramati2e
enthusiasm "!r religi!us re"!rm% thereb in"luencing !thers. The #ill be behin$ an
legal acti!n that inv!lves the betterment !" chil$ren !r !" the arts.

(Frances +ak!ian an$ L!uis Acker)

These pe!ple like t! be kn!#n "!r their !riginalit an$ in$ivi$ualit. The are
intelligent an$ versatile in e&pressing i$eas% an$ thrive !n being c!nsi$ere$ s! b
!thers. The like t! $iscuss their i$eas #ith relatives an$ neighb!rs. The nee$%
h!#ever% t! "!cus an$ c!ncentrate their th!ughts in !r$er t! bring them t! "ruiti!n.

The have str!ng% $e$icate$ religi!us belie"s% #hich generall "!ll!# c!nventi!nal
patterns. There is a natural interest in phil!s!ph an$ higher e$ucati!n. The are
al#as l!nging "!r (greener pastures( an$ have peri!$ic "its !" #an$erlust.

(1eanne Aver)

0ercur rules the thir$ h!use !" c!mmunicati!ns #ith Gemini !n its cusp. +ince
0ercur is the planet !" intellect% th!ught% speech% an$ #it% the pers!n #ith this
placement is a naturall g!!$ c!nversati!nalist% a "act c!llect!r% an$ mentall
stimulating. *e is up !n the latest in"!rmati!n ab!ut #hat(s happening in the #!rl$%
!r at least in his !#n envir!nment. *e en.!s e&changes !" i$eas #ith his neighb!rs%
an$ relates t! his br!thers an$ sisters !n a mental level.

0ercur is the planet that rules #riting an$ the mental pr!cess in general. Gemini is
air% )uick% an$ "acile. The $ualit implie$ b Gemini in$icates an abilit t! get cl!se
t! a situati!n t! investigate it #ell an$ then a nee$ t! pull a#a t! retain s!me
!b.ectivit. ,t can appear that !ne #ith this placement can see b!th si$es !" a
)uesti!n an$ ma be arbitrar at times. *is active min$ is never still% an$ he ma n!t
st!p l!ng en!ugh t! "!rm c!nclusi!ns. But i" !u #ant t! kn!# ab!ut !bscure "acts%
check them !ut #ith him. *e #ill be #ell in"!rme$ ab!ut alm!st anthing. G!ssip is
attribute$ t! str!ng Gemini characteristics% as the mental curi!sit is insatiable. *e is
a master at $iscussi!n% as his "ascinating i$eas c!ver such a range !" t!pics. ,t ma
be har$ t! pin him $!#n t! agreements an$ c!ntracts% "!r his restlessness keeps him
!n the m!ve% "in$ing ne# an$ unparallele$ #as !" e&pressing th!ught. *e can
appear t! "lit "r!m !ne sub.ect t! an!ther% et he #ill never be b!re$ !r b!ring.

0ercur als! is relate$ t! the a$ult eg! state in terms !" Transacti!nal Analsis. The
a$ult part !" !urselves is the c!mmunicat!r% "act c!llect!r. ," 0ercur is #ell
aspecte$ in an in$ivi$ual chart% the pers!n #ith this placement is #ell able t!
per"!rm !n a mental level. *is "acilit in sch!!l can make him a "!rerunner in the
realm !" i$eas% et his restless min$ ma be $i""icult t! $iscipline.

," 0ercur is ba$l aspecte$% that restlessness can keep him in h!t #ater. ,mpatience
!ver an $elas% a$$e$ t! the nee$ "!r stimulati!n% makes him investigate anthing
ne# that c!mes !n the h!ri2!n% an$ this can s!metimes get him int! mischie". *e can
bec!me )uite b!re$ #ith r!utine meth!$s !" learning. *e can s!metimes be t!! )uick
t! e&pl!re sub.ects in $epth% pre"erring t! skim the sur"ace% et his #i$e range !"
interests c!uple$ #ith the "acilit an$ spee$ !" his th!ught make him a natural in the
"iel$ !" c!mmunicati!ns an$ i$eas.

This pers!n has a built-in sense !" phil!s!ph. *e can be )uite universall min$e$.
*is g!!$ "!rtune has t! $! #ith matters at a $istance% travel% higher e$ucati!n%
a$vertising% pr!m!ti!nal e""!rts% an$ publicati!n. The planet 1upiter rules the ninth
h!use #hen +agittarius is !n its cusp. 1upiter is the planet that is calle$ the (greater
bene"ic(. ,n simpler terms it means luck an$ !ptimism. 1upiter% the ruler !"
+agittarius% is ass!ciate$ #ith religi!n% teaching% an$ sales. -herever 1upiter is
place$ in a chart is in$icative !" a blessing in that area. ,t is the "!cus !" his !ptimism
an$ e&pectanc. ,t in$icates #here the in$ivi$ual #ants a challenge an$ is #illing t!
set g!als.

/erhaps because !" the !ptimism an$ #illingness t! reach !ut% g!!$ "!rtune an$
abun$ance are returne$ t! this pers!n. -hen he travels% he rest!res his sense !"
hum!r an$ bec!mes )uite e&pansive. *e can be phil!s!phicall tune$ in t! !ther
c!untries. 7nthusiasm lea$s t! inv!lvement in a$vertising% pr!m!ti!n% legal a""airs%
an$ higher e$ucati!n. *e can be a g!!$ (salesman( in these areas. Fling is
ass!ciate$ #ith the ninth h!use as #ell. /il!ts have t! sh!# a great $eal !" 0artial
energ% $aring% an$ c!urage. This pers!n can be recharge$ b travel% #hich rest!res
his natural phil!s!phical turn !" min$.

The abilit t! set g!als an$ be challenge$ b things .ust !ut !" reach keep this pers!n
a#ake an$ stimulate$. ,t enables him t! $eal #ith career matters that can !ther#ise
bec!me te$i!us an$ "ull !" resp!nsibilit.
3rd House cusp in Cancer / 9th House cusp in Capricorn

(Bernice Grebner)

First Decanate (6ancer-6ancer / 6apric!rn-6apric!rn): These pe!ple are ver
sensitive t! the envir!nment. The usuall $! n!t like stu$ing' but i" the can be
reache$ thr!ugh their em!ti!ns in relati!nship t! stu$ing% the resp!n$. F!r
instance% i" the accept their teachers !n an em!ti!nal basis% the g! "ull spee$
ahea$. The abs!rb kn!#le$ge rather than ac)uiring it b reas!n an$ l!gic. The
"amil must be #ithing cl!se pr!&imit in their envir!nment t! keep them c!ntente$.

Belie"s must be backe$ b l!gical evi$ence. The g! al!ng #ith auth!rities in $ealing
#ith s!ciet(s la#s. The $! n!t like t! travel unless the trip is ver necessar !n a
practical basis. The are n!t apt t! stra t!! "ar "r!m the religi!us belie"s !" their

+ec!n$ Decanate (6ancer-+c!rpi! / 6apric!rn-Taurus): The s!metimes are t!! blunt
in their e&pressi!ns #ith an!ne the $eal #ith% m!re escpeciall #ith partners !r
relatives. Beneath their 6ancerian "luctuati!ns the have "i&e$ !pini!ns. There ma
be man arguments #ith partners !r relatives because !" "inances% !r the ma
amass much m!ne #ith partners.

-hile the are a""able an$ have pleasing mannerisms% the incline t! be c!nservative
#ith their spiritual lives. ,n the area !" phil!s!phical th!ught an$ i$eas% the learn t!
relate t! these i$eas thr!ugh e&perience. 9!u ma sa things an$ the ma seem t!
agree because the can be charming% but it has n! meaning t! them pers!nall until
the have live$ it. The $! n!t actuall accept anthing until the see it #!rk.

Thir$ Decanate (6ancer-/isces / 6apric!rn-5irg!): The are a#are !" hi$$en
in"luences #ithin the envir!nment !r hi$$en meanings behin$ #hat pe!ple sa. The
seek !ut meanings but the keep their !#n private "eelings t! themselves. The
c!mmunicate "eelings best #ith music an$ p!etr. The seek "rien$ships #here the
can talk ab!ut subtle "eelings an$ the a#areness !" "iner vibrati!ns #ith!ut !thers
$eman$ing m!re pers!nal in"!rmati!n than the #ant t! give. The #ant "rien$s (an$
s!metimes this relati!nship is #ith a br!ther !r sister) #ith #h!m the can $isc!ver
these hi$$en meanings in nature an$ li"e itsel".

The are t!! sti"" in their sel"-e&pessi!n an$ ten$ t! "!ll!# $ictates !" auth!rit in
religi!n an$ s!cial la#. The are n!t gamblers #here religi!us vie#s are c!ncerne$.
The are ver $iscriminating an$ like a sure thing in i$eas an$ a""ecti!ns. L!ve$ !nes
#ill have t! m!re !r less "!ll!# m!re !rth!$!& religi!us vie#s% !r there #ill be

(Frances +ak!ian an$ L!uis Acker)

A maternal / paternal attitu$e prevails t!#ar$ br!thers an$ sisters an$ the
neighb!rh!!$ envir!nment. There is much c!ming an$ g!ing an$ "luctuati!n in
c!mmincati!n. These pe!ple ten$ t! travel in c!nnecti!n #ith business an$ "inancial

The are ver tra$iti!nal an$ c!nservative in religi!n an$ phil!s!ph. Their
phil!s!phical !utl!!k is restricte$ b materialism. Their humanitarian instincts are
e&presse$ thr!ugh their pr!"essi!nal #!rk.

(1eanne Aver)

This pers!n has a ver sensitive manner !" c!mmunicati!n. *e can be )uite tune$ in
t! public tren$s an$ pe!ple(s nee$s. *e e&presses himsel" in a ver perceptive
manner. The 0!!n is the ruler !" the thir$ h!use #hen 6ancer is !n its cusp. The
0!!n rules em!ti!ns% vulnerabilit% an$ "eeling% in general. ," the 0!!n is #ell
aspecte$ in the in$ivi$ual chart% the pers!n #ith this placement is particularl
receptive t! the pe!ple ar!un$ him. ," the 0!!n is n!t #ell aspecte$% he #ill
!verreact% get his "eelings hurt% an$ take things t!! pers!nall. *is abilit t! $iscuss
matters rati!nall ma be l!#% n! matter #hat the aspects in the in$ivi$ual chart. *e
reacts t! !thers in acc!r$ance #ith his !#n em!ti!nal ar$stick. *e can then a$!pt a
ver pr!tective% nurturing% m!tehring "eeling t!#ar$ pe!ple ar!un$ him.

The 0!!n is the planet that relates t! mankin$ in general an$ the (c!llective
unc!nsci!us(. -hatever !ne #ith this placement $!es t! relate t! his "ell!# man #ill
bring em!ti!nal "ul"illment. As l!ng as he remains in the un$erstan$ing% nurturing
r!le% his !#n li"e is enriche$. The 0!!n is relate$ t! magnetism an$ public appeal. ,t
is the planet !" the subc!nsci!us min$% the anima part !" the pers!nalit. As the
0!!n(s ras pull !n the ti$es% this pers!n can pull !n pe!ple(s em!ti!ns. ,t is the
planet that in$icates special receptivit an$ rapp!rt.

,n earl li"e% the pers!n #ith this placement ma be t!! vulnerable% m!!$% an$
em!ti!nal t! $! especiall #ell in sch!!l. The 0!!n is the "astest-m!ving b!$ in the
heavens% s! the m!!$s can change $rasticall% eve "e# h!urs. This chil$ ma relate
t! his siblings !n an em!ti!nal level. ,n the p!sitive sense% he $evel!ps pr!tective
"eelings t!#ar$ br!thers an$ sisters. ,n a negatives sense% he can be t!! easil hurt
b them. *is relati!nship #ith his "amil !n an em!ti!nal level #ill in$icate his
$evel!pment al!ng lines !" interpers!nal relati!nships all thr!ugh his li"e. ," th!se
earl relati!nships are em!ti!nall satis"ing% he #ill easil assume the pr!tective
r!le in later li"e. *e #ill l!ve t! take pe!ple un$er his #ing an$ give c!m"!rt% but he
can .ust as easil be hurt b lack !" appreciati!n. *e ma s!metimes appear )uite
chill !r sh!rt !n smpath% et his attitu$e reall $epen$s !n his abilit t! $!
s!mething ab!ut the situati!n. ," s!me!ne presents a pr!blem t! him that he can
s!lve% he #ill be en!rm!usl receptive. 4n the !ther han$% a helplessness sets in i" he
is unable t! help% an$ his $e"enc mechanism is t! appear un"eeling% uncaring. ," the
0!!n is ba$l aspecte$ in the in$ivi$ual chart% the pers!n ma turn in#ar$% ign!ring
the plight !" !thers as a sel"-pr!tective $evice.

A chil$ #ith this placement sh!ul$ be enc!urage$ t! let !ut his "eelings in the "amil
envir!nment as #ell as in a creative #a. ," he learns earl !n t! e&press his hurt an$
upsets% #hether thr!ugh talking it !ut% #riting ab!ut it% !r acting it !ut% he #ill learn
t! han$le this vulnerable part !" himsel". Later !n in li"e% he #ill turn this t! his
a$vantage% as it is this ver sensitivit that enables him t! reach the public in his !#n
unusual #a. A chil$ #ith this placement nee$s ample !pp!rtunit t! e&press himsel"
artisticall% "!r artistic e&pressi!n can be a channel t! release unres!lve$ em!ti!ns.
4ther#ise% these "eelings remain burie$ t! haunt him thr!ugh!ut li"e. The in$ivi$ual
is able t! be in t!uch #ith the tren$s !" the times% #hether thr!ugh artistr% #!r$s%
p!litics% #riting% speaking% !r singing. *e t!uches the em!ti!ns he shareas #ith
mankin$ an$ establishes sensitive b!n$s.

-ith +aturn ruling the ninth h!use !" rec!gniti!n% the in$ivi$ual ma have s!me "ears
ab!ut getting the kin$ !" rec!gniti!n he is reall capable !" attracting. F!r !ne thing%
+aturn implies r!utine an$ restricti!n% #hich ma keep him "r!m en.!ing the ease !"
living an$ sense !" e&pansi!n he s! $esperatel #ants. ,n a s!rt !" perverse #a% he
ma ina$vertentl trap himsel" in lesser "!rms !" r!utine #hich keep him tie$ $!#n
an$ a#a "r!m rec!gniti!n. 4n a subc!nsci!us level% there can be a ($eep $!#n' "ear
!" attracting an e&tra kin$ !" limelight. +aturn ruling the ninth h!use implies n!t
!nl $!es resp!nsibilit !n a high level% but als! perhaps a sense !" bur$en in
c!nnecti!n #ith publicit !r rec!gniti!n.

+aturn is the planet that in$icates the heaviest karmic situati!n t! be $ealt #ith in
this li"etime. ,t is the planet that relates t! restricti!n% "ear% guilt% insecurit% $ut. ,n
a negative sense% it means limitati!n% but the p!sitive interpretati!n is resp!nsibilit.
The ninth h!use is the h!use !" pr!m!ti!nal e""!rt% publicit% travel% higher e$ucati!n%
publishing% legal a""airs% phil!s!ph% an$ the higher min$. These are the areas that
re)uire "!cus #hen 6apric!rn is !n the ninth h!use cusp% but !"ten the are the ver
areas the native ten$s t! av!i$.

The :abbalists call +aturn the (plapen( that 0!ther 3ature puts her chil$ren int!. A
plapen represents sa"et an$ securit% et it is restrictive. -hen a chil$ is rea$ t!
take care !" himsel"% he is release$ "r!m its b!un$aries. -e are place$ in a kin$ !"
plapen that keeps us sa"e until #e are rea$ t! assume higher resp!nsibilit "!r
!urselves. 0an times that plapen is a psch!l!gical !ne. +aturn is als! relate$ t!
the parent eg! state - that is% the .u$gemental part !" !urselves. ,n a p!sitive sense%
the parent als! takes care !" us. -hen #e are reall rea$ t! assume the level !" $ut
+aturn implies% #e als! begin taking care !" !urselves !n a ne# plateau. -e ma
never #alk a#a "r!m the inner pressures% et #e can upgra$e them c!nsi$erabl.

The in$ivi$ual #ith this placement #ill be e&cee$ingl resp!nsible an$ reliable #ith
an task he assumes in c!nnecti!n #ith travel% $ipl!mac% $ealings #ith !ther
c!untries. *e is g!!$ at research an$ $etail. *e ma keep himsel" un$er his !#n
thumb t! prevent attracting t!! much attenti!n% "!r attenti!n carries its !#n
penalties - in s!me "am!us cases% even $eath. F!r such her!es% h!n!r an$ acclaim are
heape$ up!n them "!rever% "!r their #illingness t! take up the s#!r$ !" truth an$
$ut. ,t is p!ssible that this impelling kin$ !" $ut is carrie$ !ver "r!m a previ!us
time in mem!r. These c!urage!us pe!ple have little ch!ice in their !#n min$s but t!
$! #hat the have t! $!.

That kin$ !" penalt is certainl n!t pre!r$aine$ "!r ever!ne #ith this placement%
but !n s!me level this kin$ !" "ear is pr!babl "!r an!ne #ith this placement. The
call t! $ut implies har$ship !" s!me kin$% even i" that har$ship is simpl l!ss !"
privac. The in$ivi$ual cares t!! much ab!ut his public image an$ #hat pe!ple ma
think. *e #!ul$ su""er tremen$!usl #ith ba$ press !r publicit. *e cares ab!ut his
reputati!n. ,t is easier t! sta !ut !" the pring ee !" the public rather than chance
$isaster. ," +aturn is ba$l aspecte$ in the chart% the av!i$ance #ill be e&treme. ," it
is #ell aspecte$% the call t! $ut #ill be easier t! assume. ;ntil that ultimate
resp!nsibilit is reall clear% the pers!n #ith this placement can put himsel" un$er
interesting pressures.

,n the m!st negative sense% the pers!n #ith 6apric!rn !n the <th h!use cusp can
receive a rec!gniti!n that is c!uple$ #ith h!rr!r. ,t is interesting t! !bserve that
there seem t! be "e#er #ell-kn!#n pe!ple #ith this <th h!use sign placement that
#ith !thers. The un#illingness t! #!rk thr!ugh "ears !r give up the g!!$ li"e ma be
!ne e&planati!n. ,t is certainl n!t "!r the lack !" capabilit. 7&pl!rati!n !" karmic
"ears can release much energ in these $irecti!ns. The a#areness !" #hat "ears th!se
mem!ries h!l$ can set the in$ivi$ual !n a #h!le ne# path.

3rd House cusp in A!uarius / 9th House cusp in Leo

(Bernice Grebner)

First Decanate (A)uarius-A)uarius / Le!-Le!): The are c!ntinuall intereste$ in ne#
c!ncepts. ,n man cases the are sel"-ma$e pe!ple. The #ill be the !nes in !ur
neighb!rh!!$ #h! break the m!l$s. The are e&tremel "rien$l an$ talk t! ever!ne.
T! them% ever!ne is their br!ther !r sister.

This p!siti!n gives e&treme c!n"i$ence in i$eas the have. The g! t! great lengths t!
e&press these i$eas. The #ant t! enlighten ever!ne% an$ trul believe in a religi!n
!" l!ve. -hen the #ant t! en.! themselves an$ have a vacati!n !r recreati!n% the
like l!ng trips.

+ec!n$ Decanate (A)uarius-Gemini / Le!-+agittarius): +!meh!# !riginal i$eas an$ a
great creative min$ !perate #ith an$ / !r in c!nnecti!n #ith "rien$s !r marriage
partners. The #!rk best as a team #here there ma be sh!rt trips in the
$isseminati!n !" mental i$eas create$ b !ne !r the !ther% !r b!th. The seem intent
up!n e$ucating !thers in a m!st !riginal manner. This is per"ect "!r a lecturing team%
especiall i" the partner has an A)uarius-Gemini +un !r a Gemini-A)uarius +un.

," !u #ant s!mething pr!m!te$% seek these pe!ple% "!r the are naturals. 7ven
th!ugh the believe #h!lehearte$l in their !#n i$eas% the are br!a$min$e$ ab!ut
!urs. The are g!!$ at pr!phec an$ are surprise$ b instinct.

Thir$ Decanate (A)uarius-Libra / Le!-Aries): The are !riginal in i$eas but are "air
c!ncerning !urs i" !u $! n!t agree #ith them. The are intereste$ in pe!ple in the
neighb!rh!!$ !r pe!ple an#here in the #!rl$% an$ #ant ever!ne #h! #ants t! be
hear$ t! be hear$. ,t is eas "!r them t! bring t!gether in the c!mmunit $i""erent
"rien$s !r gr!ups #h! have varing !pini!ns.

-hen the use energ that c!ul$ be e&pen$e$ !n pleasure "!r religi!n !r higher
e$ucati!nal pursuits instea$% the can g! "ar. -hen the use the abilit !" lea$ership
t! in"!rm !thers% the br!a$en their !#n h!ri2!ns even m!re.

(Frances +ak!ian an$ L!uis Acker)

These pe!ple are able t! c!mmunicate i$eas in e&citing an$ ingeni!us #as. Their
i$eas c!me in "lashes !" intuiti!n% but the are capable !" putting them t! practical
applicati!n. The are pr!gressive in th!ught% insisting that i$eas have a practical
"uncti!n base$ !n values that have st!!$ the test !" time. The think in humanitarian
terms. ;nusual an$ peculiar relati!nships e&ist #ith br!thers% sisters% an$ neighb!rs%
#h! c!me une&pecte$l int! an$ !ut !" their lives.

These pers!ns ma n!t appear t! #ant "ame% but their subc!nsci!us min$s as #ell as
their phil!s!ph are s!meh!# geare$ t! attaining it an$ t! achieving p!siti!ns !"
imp!rtance in their respective "iel$s !" en$eav!r. The give their phil!s!ph the
p!#er !" their being. 0an take l!ng .!urnes% either phsicall !r mentall. Their
ees are al#as !n $istant g!als.

(1eanne Aver)

The thir$ h!use in a chart in$icates c!mmunicati!ns in general% earl sch!!l ears%
an$ "eelings ab!ut the learning pr!cess. ,t $escribes the meth!$s a$!pte$ c!ncerning
c!mmunicati!ns% $iscussi!ns% an$ relati!nships #ith siblings% relatives% an$
neighb!rs. ;ranus% ruler !" A)uarius% $escribes the tpe !" sp!ntaneit the in$ivi$ual
#ith this placement $evel!ps in areas !" c!mmunicati!ns. ,n its p!sitive sense%
;ranus $escribes genius )ualities an$ high inspirati!n' in its negative sense% it
in$icates nerves% rebelli!n% an$ erratic behavi!r.

3erv!us energ ma pr!mpt s!me!ne #ith this placement t! sa #hatever is !n his
min$% supp!rting the image !" !ne #ith ("!!t-in-m!uth $isease(. *e can be impulsive
!r erratic ab!ut keeping in t!uch' an$ his "re)uent use (!r !veruse) !" the teleph!ne
re"lects this. *e is nerv!us ab!ut sch!!l #!rk !r the learning pr!cess in general. 9et
he can be brilliant% a genius% ahea$ !" his time% i" he can channel his high mental
energ. 7ither he bec!mes tremen$!usl e&cite$ !ver stimulating i$eas% !r he can
appear alm!st unc!ncerne$. *is m!!$ seems t! change as "ar as c!mmunicati!ns g!.
7rratic c!ncentrati!n ma make it $i""icult "!r him t! regiment himsel". =!utines
$!n(t seem t! "it #ith his su$$en bursts !" inspirati!n.

The planet ;ranus $escribes electricit% music% electr!nics% healing% inventi!ns%
metaphsics% an$ humanitarian c!ncerns. ,t is the planet that rules astr!l!g. ," the
pers!n #ith this placement is able t! channel this unusual energ int! a pr!per !utlet
c!nnecte$ #ith c!mmunicati!ns% he prevents a backup #hich c!ul$ cause mental
strain% erratic th!ught pr!cesses% an$ rebelli!n.

-riters #ith this placement ma "in$ it $i""icult t! keep t! sche$ules an$ r!utines.
,nspirati!n hits at !$$ h!urs% an$ nerv!us energ ma be har$ t! channel !r c!ntr!l.
These pe!ple seem t! have a #avelength pitche$ t!! high "!r mun$ane
c!nversati!ns% s! their $iscussi!ns ma seem $is.!inte$ an$ scattere$. Their th!ughts
ma be "ar ahea$ !" their t!ngue% s! their abilit t! present !r$ere$% se)uential
e&planati!ns is n!t their str!ng p!int. The can s!metimes run !n% rambling in

-ater seems t! be a g!!$ c!n$uct!r "!r this kin$ !" energ. 4ne pers!n #ith this
placement sas his inspirati!n al#as seems t! c!me #hen he(s taking a bath.
An!ther #riter has $i""icult in pinning himsel" $!#n t! the tpe#riter. *is th!ught
pr!cesses seem t! perc!late best #hen he is m!ving ab!ut% running erran$s !r
preparing "!!$. At an une&pecte$ m!ment% inspirati!n can hit.

The pers!n #ith this placement is c!nstantl stimulate$% but s!metimes $istracte$%
b ne# an$ $i""erent c!ncepts. *e is naturall resp!nsive t! humanitarian nee$s%
e&citement in areas !" $isc!ver% an$ inventi!ns !r c!ncepts that are ahea$ !" the

+ince ;ranus $escribes learning abilit% as #ell as the th!ught pr!cesses% chil$ren
#ith this placement ma be m!re stimulate$ b n!n-mainstream tpes !" e$ucati!n.
This chil$ ma be s! "ar ahea$ !" his class that he bec!mes b!re$ an$ easil
$istracte$. *e ma learn much "aster i" he has "ree$!m in c!nnecti!n #ith e$ucati!n.
A natural envir!nment is help"ul in rest!ring peace an$ tran)uilit t! his min$.

=elati!nships #ith "amil% siblings% an$ neighb!rs are als! $escribe$ b thir$ h!use
planets an$ the thir$ h!use ruler. 6!mmunicati!ns #ith "amil memnbers can be
sp!ntane!us% e&citing% !r unpre$ictable. ," the planet ;ranus is #ell-aspecte$ in the
chart% the pers!n sees his relatives an$ siblings as "ree s!uls% ahea$ !" their time% an$
perhaps geniuses. *e ma als! see them as rebelli!us !r unpre$ictable i" that planet
is n!t #ell-aspecte$. *e ma have an uncertain% unpre$ictable% unstable relati!nship
#ith "amil% siblings% !r neighb!rs. *e ma ver #ell #ant t! run a#a "r!m "amil
in"luence% rebelling in s!me "ashi!n. Free$!m c!mes thr!ugh the c!mmunicati!ns
"iel$ !r thr!ugh breaking a#a "r!m tra$iti!nal learning patterns. *e can be
stimulate$ t! e&press the genius )ualities he p!ssesses b $!ing things that are
uni)ue. As l!ng as he has "ree$!m !" e&pressi!n% he can release his nee$ "!r rebelli!n
in a health manner.

=ec!gniti!n can be imp!rtant t! !ne #ith Le! !n the cusp !" the ninth h!use. 7g!
grati"icati!n c!mes easil thr!ugh pr!m!ti!nal e""!rt% !r thr!ugh activities that bear
his pers!nal stamp. Depen$ing !n his m!tivati!n% he ma #!rk in !r$er t! get e&tra
attenti!n "!r his pr!.ects% !r he ma .ust naturall "in$ the sp!tlight a c!m"!rtable
place t! be. The ninth h!use rules travel% the higher min$% publicit% publishing% an$
rec!gniti!n. Le! is the $ramatic sign% rule$ b the +un. +ince the +un is the energ
centre !" !ur universe% the palcement !" the +un in the chart in$icates the area !"
greatest vitalit in li"e.

Aspects t! the +un $escribe the )ualit !" inner strength% inner vitalit% s!ul )ualit%
an$ sense !" sel"-esteem !r eg!. ,t is als! relate$ t! the animus% !r male% $!minant
part !" the pers!nalit. ," the +un is #ell-place$ an$ aspecte$ in the chart% there is
in$icati!n that the in$ivi$ual has a health sense !" sel"-#!rth.

," m!st !" the aspects t! the +un are p!sitive% the pers!n is m!tivate$ t! step !ut int!
the public arena because !" a nee$ "!r e&pressi!n. *e values time an$ energ% is in
t!uch #ith his abilit% an$ pr!.ects his sel"-assurance int! pr!.ects that can eventuall
be c!nnecte$ #ith his name. ," the aspects t! the +un are n!t p!sitive% the in$ivi$ual
ma be m!tivate$ b a nee$ "!r eg! grati"icati!n. *e ma have a sense !" sel"-#!rth
in $irect pr!p!rti!n t! the publicit he receives. The )ualit !" his vitalit )uite
naturall lea$s t! e&pl!rati!n !" !ther c!untries. Travel energi2es this pers!n
tremen$!usl i" the +un is #ell-aspecte$. *is natural curi!sit als! lea$s t! the
taking !" chances #ith public ventures% #hich result in success an$ rec!gniti!n% !r
ba$ press.

This pers!n is als! a natural teacher. +ince the ninth h!use rules higher e$ucati!n%
he ma "!cus !n this area. /ublishing% a$vertising% an$ lecturing "!ll!# al!ng the
same energ lines. 0an act!rs an$ actresses #h! have achieve$ rec!gniti!n
thr!ugh publicit are als! publishe$. Travel an$ pr!m!ti!n !" their b!!ks bring them
int! the public arena in an!ther "ashi!n. *igher e$ucati!n can als! translate int! the
(higher min$(% !r phil!s!phical c!ncepts. This pers!n can al#as be an ambassa$!r !"
g!!$ #ill% #hether he acts in an !""icial capacit !r n!t.

This pers!n cares ab!ut sharing his insights an$ c!ncepts !" li"e !n a br!a$ scale. *is
natural curi!sit ab!ut the #!rkings !" the universe easil pr!pels him int! a p!siti!n
!" auth!rit. -an$erlust is pr!bable% as the nee$ "!r c!nstant challenges c!ntinuall
takes him int! ne# territ!r% b!th literall an$ "igurativel. *e is m!st alive #hen
e&pl!ring li"estles in !ther lan$s. Travel can bec!me as much a necessit as "!!$
an$ $rink. ," the +un is n!t #ell-aspecte$% lack !" eg! ma prevent him "r!m the
e&pl!rati!n !" either !ther territ!ries !r his !#n p!tential. *e ma "ear (ba$ n!tices(
s! much that he $e"eats himsel" be"!re he begins. +el"-e&pl!rati!n an$ health
chance-taking can help him t! $isc!ver a ne# sense !" sel"-#!rth.
3rd House cusp in "iro / 9th House cusp in Pisces

(Bernice Grebner)

First Decanate (5irg!-5irg! / /isces-/isces): The are t!! critical !" the pe!ple
ar!un$ them. The nee$ t! be m!re c!ntent #ith the #a things are in the here an$
n!# an$ n!t be s! #!rrie$ ab!ut their "uture. The must guar$ against tring t!
impr!ve pe!ple% an$ n!t c!ncern themselves #ith their !#n health. The can get t!!
push #ith their neighb!rs.

This ma give spiritualistic ten$encies #ith regar$ t! religi!n. ,t gives "aith in man
unseen "!rces that !thers ma n!t have. The can have great belie" in man(s abilit t!
a$vance t! a higher spiritual l!ve "!r !thers. The can% un$er g!!$ aspects "r!m the
rest !" the chart% be in t!uch #ith higher intelligence !" the universe% s! the $! n!t
al#as believe in !rth!$!& religi!ns.

+ec!n$ Decanate (5irg!-6apric!rn / /isces-6ancer): The can be unc!mmunicative%
an$ are usuall $issatis"ie$ #ith their envir!nment. The "eel restricte$ b the
resp!nsibilit !" marriage an$ / !r their relatives. The ma #!rk har$ t! change
c!n$iti!ns in the neighb!rh!!$.

The ultimatel nee$ t! kn!# the reas!n "!r e&istence here !n earth. The greatest
m!tivati!n t! stu$ing higher truths% religi!n an$ phil!s!ph c!mes "r!m
subc!nsci!us $rives (the $!n(t )uite un$erstan$). The are innatel a#are !" the
"act that the have much instinctive kn!#le$ge #ithin themselves that the cann!t
)uite bring t! the sur"ace entirel. The $eepl un$erstan$ the sel"-sacri"icing the!r
in the 6hristian religi!n% an$ that higher spiritual l!ve bet#een all men is the ans#er.
Their min$s are pschic an$ in tune #ith the c!sm!s. There"!re% #hen the "inall
"in$ the ke t! unl!cking the higher instinctive min$% the are unbeatable.

Thir$ Decanate (5irg!-Taurus / /isces-+c!rpi!): The are the tireless #!rkers in the
c!mmunit% the !nes #illing t! serve causes% especiall th!se initiate$ b "rien$s. ,t
ma be m!ne-making schemes in the c!mmunit. The ma be the !nes #h!
critici2e br!thers an$ sisters% but al#as in the interest !" impr!ving them.

7ven th!ugh the are ver pschic an$ can un$erstan$ an$ learn the truth !" the
universe easil% the never l!se their !#n i$entities in $!ing s!. The m!re ev!lve$
attain c!smic c!nsci!usness. The have t! be care"ul% "!r the can g! "r!m #!rl$l
c!nsci!usness t! !ther-#!rl$ c!nsci!usness in a m!ment an$ can be easil in"luence$
b b!th. The can $elve int! an$ s!lve an un$ivulge$ secrets. The are creative an$
artistic% an$ lean heavil !n the msteries !" l!ve. L!ve is the area in #hich the can
be m!re p!ssessive than the sh!ul$ be. +!meh!#% t!!% l!ve has a c!nnecti!n "!r
them #ith religi!n an$ their phil!s!ph !" li"e.

(Frances +ak!ian an$ L!uis Acker)

These pe!ple are precise in speech% letter #riting% an$ the "!rmati!n !" i$eas% these
i$eas al#as being practical an$ #!rkable. 1!urnes an$ sh!rt trips are meticul!usl
planne$ an$ !rgani2e$. These pe!ple are% h!#ever% critical !" br!thers% sisters an$

=eligi!n plas a $!minant r!le in the lives !" these pe!ple' an$ their belie"s have a
mstical c!nn!tati!n. ,nsights that seem t! c!me "r!m heaven help them s!lve their
pr!blems. 0an !" them have #ritten b!!ks !n mstical sub.ects that have em!ti!nal
appeal. The like t! take l!ng .!urnes b the sea.

(1eanne Aver)

-ith 0ercur ruling the thir$ h!use !" c!mmunicati!ns #hen 5irg! is !n its cusp% it
#!ul$ appear that #riting !r c!mmunicati!$s in general #ill be even m!re str!ngl
emphasi2e$. This in$ivi$ual has an analtical abilit that can m!$i" his em!ti!nal
reacti!ns #hen he all!#s it t! c!me int! pla. ,t emphasi2es his nee$ t! talk% $iscuss
things% rea$ an$ learn. ," 0ercur is #ell aspecte$ in the chart% it is eas "!r him t!
stu$ an$ learn. +ch!!l sh!ul$ never be a pr!blem as l!ng as he is stimulate$
intellectuall% but $iscipline ma be a pr!blem in earl sch!!l ears.

The placement !" 0ercur in the chart is the in$icati!n !" #hat the pers!n #ill talk
ab!ut an$ think ab!ut. -ith 5irg! !n the thir$ h!use cusp% the native is particularl
c!ncerne$ #ith c!mmunit an$ "amil. The thir$ h!use als! rules br!thers an$
sisters' an$ 5irg! is the sign !" criticism an$ analsis. This native ma ten$ t!
(anal2e( his "amil% espeicall br!thers an$ sisters. *e can critici2e them at times%
but it can #!rk the !ther #a as #ell. ," 0ercur is n!t #ell aspecte$ in the chart% his
siblings can anal2e !r critici2e him. ," there are g!!$ aspects% h!#ever% there #ill be
g!!$ c!mmunicati!n bet#een br!thers% sisters% an$ neighb!rs. +ince he thinks ab!ut
his "amil% an$ in this instance br!thers an$ sisters in particular% he can als! #rite
ab!ut them. The teleph!ne #ill be an imp!rtant instrument !" c!mmunicati!n "!r !ne
#ith this placement. *e #ill keep in t!uch #ith pe!ple easil an$ c!nstantl i"
0ercur is #ell place$ an$ aspecte$ in his chart. The general nee$ t! c!mmunicate is

This pers!n ma $! his best thinking #hen he is #alking% c!mmuting !r running
ar!un$ t!#n. *is intellect seems t! be stimulate$ b activit. *e ma get particularl
sensati!nal i$eas #hen he is $riving a car. The manner an$ stle !" c!mmunicati!ns
can var tremen$!usl. The list !" p!ets an$ artists #ith this placement is l!ng.

3eptune rules the ninth h!use #hen /isces is !n its cusp. 3eptune is the planet !"
visi!n an$ inspirati!n. ,t is the altruistic planet. +ince 3eptune rules the ninth h!use
!" the (higher min$(% this pers!n is ver i$ealistic. *e can be inspire$ b high
purp!se% visi!n% an$ i$eals. *is sense !" the !verall picture !n a phil!s!phical level
can be a natural anti$!te "!r the em!ti!nal )ualit !" his pers!nalit. it again
emphasi2es his abilit t! be in t!uch #ith the tren$s !" the times an$ t! inspire

The ninth h!use is the h!use that rules a$vertising% publishing% publicit% an$
pr!m!ti!nal e""!rt. ,t als! rules legal a""airs% $istances% travel% an$ !ther c!untries. ,"
3eptune is #ell aspecte$ in the natal chart% this pers!n has a natural $esire t! travel
an$ e&pl!re !ther c!untries. *is i$ealistic sense keeps him high !n li"e an$ attracst
publicit an$ public attenti!n. 7ither he has a knack "!r publici2ing s!me!ne !r
s!mething else% !r the public i$enti"ies #ith him an$ puts him !n a pe$estal !" s!rts.
*e can be easil rec!gni2e$ an$ publishe$.

," 3eptune is n!t #ell aspecte$% h!#ever% there is a ten$enc t! !veri$eali2e% sta
#ith naivet> instea$ !" realit% an$ set himsel" up "!r $isilluti!nment !" s!me s!rt. *is
abilit t! c!n"r!nt #ill n!t be #ell-$evel!pe$. *e #ill !verglam!ri2e i$eals an$ be let
$!#n in s!me #a. *is !#n publicit #ill be either terri"ic !r $isillusi!ning. All !" the
act!rs #ith this placement have run the risk !" ba$ publicit at !ne time !r an!ther.
9et man !" the #ell-kn!#n pe!ple #ith it have been li!ni2e$ b their "ans. ,"
3eptune is #ell-aspecte$ in teh chart% it is clear that a pers!n #ith this placement
has a particular kin$ !" visi!n. *e is able t! see the !verall c!ncept an$ picture. ,"
3eptune is n!t #ell-aspecte$% he can c!ntinue !n his merr #a% regar$less !" the
truth !" a particular situati!n. ," this in$ivi$ual is able t! take !"" the r!se-c!l!re$
glasses% #!rk past his illusi!ns% an$ still retain the $ream% it seems he has it ma$e.
*is instincts are "antastic% his visi!n incre$ible. +ince he reall #ants t! save the
#!rl$ !n s!me level% he reaches phil!s!phical heights that give perspective n!t !nl
!n his !#n li"e but als! !n the lives !" all th!se ar!un$ him. *e can be the visi!nar%
lea$ing !thers b his !#n e&ample.
3rd House cusp in Libra / 9th House cusp in Aries

(Bernice Grebner)

First Decanate (Libra-Libra / Aries-Aries): The nee$ t! have peace"ul an$ beauti"ul
surr!un$ings. The are apt t! be the !nes in their neighb!rh!!$s #h! entertain% an$
#ant ever!ne t! en.! themselves. Libra is s!ciable an$ is als! the matchmaker #h!
tries t! get the single pe!ple t!gether int! c!uples. The $! n!t like t! argue but are
e&cellent at $ebate. -ith all this c!upling abilit% the seem t! attract partners #h!
#ant "ree$!m.

Aries bec!mes intereste$ in l!ng $istance traveling. The learn t! br!a$en
themselves an$ bec!me m!re !b.ective. The activel a$!pt s!me "!rm !" religi!n !r
phil!s!ph in ass!ciati!n #ith a m!re c!llective #a !" li"e. ,t can give religi!us
lea$ership !r initiative in spiritual a""airs.

+ec!n$ Decanate (Libra-A)uarius / Aries-Le!): The have !riginal i$eas% an$ certainl
like it #hen pe!ple agree #ith them. 3aturall the #ant harm!n in the
envir!nment% but the #ill $ebate in !r$er t! have !thers un$erstan$ their !pini!ns.
The #ant ever!ne t! en.! themselves% an$ "!r ever!ne t! be "rien$s. Ab!ve all%
the #ant the pe!ple ar!un$ them t! like them. ," the have t! a$.ust t! !thers t! get
this acceptance% the #ill.

This gives enthusiastic lea$ership int! pursuits !" religi!n an$ higher min$ sub.ects.
These pe!ple are s!metimes "!rce$ thr!ugh l!ve int! m!re !b.ective th!ughts ab!ut
li"e s! as t! kn!# themselves an$ the pers!n the l!ve better. The "eel as th!ugh
the have a special missi!n' an$ #ith their large eg! can success"ull "ul"ill a special

Thir$ Decanate (Libra-Gemini / Aries-+agittarius): -hen the c!mmunicate #ith
pe!ple in the envir!nment% the are never $irect an$ t! the p!int. The tr t! be t!!
"air% an$ there"!re $! n!t acc!mplish as much. The like their envir!nment t! be
peace"ul an$ beauti"ul% but the still can be at their best even i" it isn(t. This s!un$s
like a para$!& but it is true% "!r then the can be the arbitrat!rs an$ artists% #hich
are r!les the l!ve. The cann!t live #ith!ut "rien$s ar!un$ them #ith #h!m t!

*ere is the pr!phet !" !ptimism. The usuall can tell s!meh!# #hat is .ust ar!un$
the c!rner' there"!re the sh!ul$ n!t #alk a#a "r!m s!mething be"!re the get t!
the c!rner (an$ the usuall $!n(t). This in"luence gives a p!siti!n !" lea$ership #ith
all the ne#% pi!neering phil!s!phies% #hich m!re than pr!babl $irects itsel" t! the
#el"are !" chil$ren !r an enlargement !" their !#n the!ries !" l!ve.

(Frances +ak!ian an$ L!uis Acker)

These pe!ple e&press their i$eas grace"ull. The are "rien$l an$ .ust t!#ar$ their
br!thers% sisters% an$ neighb!rs. The like t! travel in lu&ur. ," the are #riters% the
like t! have partners in their literar en$eav!rs.

The instinctivel kn!# that all things !riginate in the 7ternal. As a result !" their
visi!nar th!ught% their creativit is !"ten e&presse$ $ramaticall. The $! n!t #ant
t! be suppresse$ b tra$iti!nal% religi!us "!rms. 0an !" the me$ieval crusa$er-kings
ha$ this placement% an$ t! this $a pe!ple having it ten$ t! be crusa$ers "!r their

(1eanne Aver)

5enus rules the thir$ h!use !" c!mmunicati!ns #hen Libra is !n its cusp. Libra is the
sign !" $ipl!mac% charm% re"inement% grace% an$ beaut' the sign !" the artist an$
the $ipl!mat. The abilit t! c!mmunicate #ith charm an$ $ip!mac is c!uple$ #ith
an e&cepti!nal abilit t! neg!tiate. The artistic sense an$ charming #a !" speaking
lea$s man natives #ith this placement int! artistic pursuits% #hether in the theatre%
in the literar #!rl$% !r thr!ugh art. The native #ith this placement n! $!ubt has
man avenues !" creative e&pressi!n' but painting can be an e&cepti!nall satis"ing
"!rm !" c!mmunicati!n% even as a h!bb.

+ince 5enus rules man things ass!ciate$ #ith pleasure an$ beaut% the list !"
activities p!ssible "!r !ne #ith this placement is l!ng. 6!mmunicati!ns !" an s!rt
h!l$ pleasure "!r the in$ivi$ual% but 5enus is primaril ass!ciate$ #ith the artistic
e&pressi!n. A str!ng $ipl!matic abilit enables !ne #ith this placement t!
success"ull $eal #ith p!litics.

5enus rules c!l!r% $esign% te&ture% te&tiles% $ec!rating% $esigning. 5enus is c!nnecte$
n!t !nl #ith s!ciet but #ith s!cial re"!rm. The in$ivi$ual #ith this $namic
pers!nalit has n! tr!uble in bec!ming a champi!n "!r humanit% as his natural
$ipl!matic% graci!us manner !" speaking can cut thr!ugh t! the c!re !" c!ncern m!re
)uickl than arguments an$ stri"e.

5enus in$icates the bargaining abilit. Artistic pers!nalities either use this 5enusian
trait t! make $eals% an$ t! cement c!ntracts an$ agreements% !r can take the eas
#a !ut in areas !" neg!tiati!ns. /e!ple inv!lve$ in art% theatre an$ $ance are
n!t!ri!us "!r #!rking in !r$er t! e&press their talent #hile neglecting their !#n best
interests% et man #ith this placement are especiall g!!$ at striking a g!!$
"inancial $eal. The aspects t! 5enus in the in$ivi$ual chart can give a str!ng
in$icati!n as t! the #a a pers!n c!mes t! agreement. G!!$ aspects t! that planet
in$icate an e&cepti!nal abilit t! charm pe!ple int! agreement% #hile $i""icult aspects
sh!# a ten$enc t! keep peace at an price an$ a hesitanc t! make #aves. There is
al#as a nee$ "!r !ne #ith this placement t! have harm!ni!us interpers!nal $ealings.
The aspects t! 5enus in$icate h!# that in$ivi$ual g!es ab!ut getting that civilit an$
rapp!rt he craves. *e either creates harm!n an$ beaut% using 5enus in a p!sitive
manner% !r keeps peace b inacti!n% still attaining his g!al !" harm!n but in a
passive% less-than-pr!$uctive #a.

The ninth h!use in a chart in$icates the impulse t! reach !ut be!n$ perimeters%
tuning in t! the higher min$ an$ ina$vertentl achieving rec!gniti!n. 4n a practical
level% it in$icates a$vertising% public relati!ns% pr!m!ti!nal e""!rt% legal a""airs% higher
e$ucati!n% travel% imp!rting% $ealing #ith c!untries at a $istance. ,t in$icates the
state !" phil!s!ph% the #illingness t! e&pan$% the publishing #!rl$.

-hen Aries is !n the cusp !" the ninth h!use% the h!use is rule$ b 0ars. That planet
is in$icative !" $rive% ambiti!n% $eterminati!n% the "ighting instincts. ,t als! rules
se&ualit% metals an$ #ar"are. 3! matter #hat "iel$ is ch!sen% rec!gniti!n is attaine$
b aggressive acti!n. 7&tra $rive an$ ambiti!n enable the native t! $eal in
c!mpetitive areas. *e #ill be kn!#n "!r #hatever he pi!neers. The m!re he
harnesses aggressive energies% the m!re success he attains. *e ma $isc!ver he has
a si&th sense ab!ut pr!m!ti!n% publicit% publishing.

The in$ivi$i$ual can be stimulate$ b ne# "iel$s t! c!n)uer. *e ma bec!me m!re
energetic an$ #ell kn!#n in c!untries !ther than that !" his birth.

," 0ars is #ell-aspecte$ in the in$ivi$ual chart% the energ is #ell-$irecte$. ," 0ars is
n!t #ell-aspecte$% there can be s!me "rustrati!n in c!nnecti!n #ill publicit !r
pr!m!ti!nal e""!rt. ,n s!me instances% an publicit is better than n!ne% an$ in man
cases hea$lines bear ne#s !" "ights% se&ual escapa$es !r "laring tempers. ,t is up t!
ever in$ivi$ual t! utili2e his energ in the manner he ch!!ses% but this pers!n% in
particular% can channel pi!neering% aggressive $rive in a #a that #ill bring p!sitive
bene"its "!r ever!ne% !r be rec!gni2e$ "!r $!ing .ust the !pp!site.

,n an area c!nnecte$ t! legal a""airs% this pers!n can pi!neer ne# tren$s% "ighting
"!r !thers !r e&periencing great "rustrati!n #ith his legal battles. Travel can bring
re#ar$ an$ challenge% !r "rustrati!n #ith $elas an$ c!n$iti!ns !" "light. *igher
e$ucati!n an$ publishing bring !pp!rtunit t! pave the #a "!r !thers% !r c!n$iti!ns
"ull !" stri"e% cha!s% an$ !pp!siti!n. 7&cepti!nal lea$ership )ualities can bring
!pp!rtunit t! this pers!n t! "ight "!r change an$ pi!neer ne# tren$s.
3rd House cusp in Scorpio / 9th House cusp in Taurus

(Bernice Grebner)

First Decanate (+c!rpi!-+c!rpi! / Taurus-Taurus): The c!municate #ith the pe!ple
ar!un$ them% an$ ma be ver charming an$ c!mpani!nable t! th!se in their
neighb!rh!!$s% but !u #ill never reall kn!# anthing ab!ut them. The are
secretive% believing that #hen pe!ple kn!# t!! much the can use it against them.
The partners( "inancial images are imp!rtant t! them. ,t helps them pr!.ect their !#n
sel"-image #ithin their gr!up !r neighb!rh!!$ (an$ has an element !" pri$e in it).

Their stubb!rn an$ "i&e$ i$eas ab!ut religi!n an$ phil!s!ph usuall stick #ith them
the rest !" their lives. ," the are ever t! change their vie#s% the can be persua$e$
!r illume$ !nl thr!ugh l!ve% but n!t "!rce$. The $! n!t .ump t! intellectual

+ec!n$ Decanate (+c!rpi!-/isces / Taurus-5irg!): The are n!t ver g!!$ at
c!mmunicating #ith their ass!ciates' the ma be either t!! blunt !r secretive. The
can be $reamers' an$ much !" #hat the $! takes !n behin$-the-scenes aspects. The
present images !" being t!! realistic% but are .ust the !pp!site' the gather strength
"r!m unseen% unreaslistic "!rces that n!-!ne else kn!#s ab!ut.

The can bec!me (ver $iscriminating( an$ "i&e$% #here religi!n is c!ncerne$. The
ma care t!! much ab!ut public acceptance in regar$ t! their religi!us image% an$
n!t "r!m #hat the #ant at their true sel" centre. There are "ears #ithin them that
the #ill l!se their grips !n g!!$ !l$ 0!ther 7arth i" the lean t!! much t! the right
!r le"t.

Thir$ Decanate (+c!rpi!-6ancer / Taurus-6apric!rn): The can be le$ t! stu$
thr!ugh an em!ti!nal attachment but n!t b pure reas!n !r l!gic. The en.!
entertaining neighb!rs in h!me surr!un$ings% but $! n!t necessaril make a habit !"
it. 7ven th!ugh the $! n!t easil .!in !rgani2ati!ns in the c!mmunit% the #ill #!rk
har$ i" it is trul a g!!$ cause.

," religi!us !r phil!s!phical i$eas are n!t practical% the are n!t intereste$. The #ill
listen but the must e&perience these things pers!nall. These pe!ple have "i&e$
natures' i" the can(t change s!mething% the #ill ign!re it as i" it $!esn(t e&ist.
*!#ever% thr!ugh l!ve !r the in"luence !" their chil$ren the can be ma$e t! m!$i"

(Frances +ak!ian an$ L!uis Acker)

These pe!ple are energetic% e&tremel res!urce"ul% an$ creative in their th!ught
pr!cesses. +uccinctness an$ "rankness characteri2e their speech an$ c!mmunicati!n.
-!r$s #ell sai$ "uncti!n as a balm "!r them an$ are beauti"ul music t! their ears.

Their phil!s!ph is base$ !n the beauti"ul an$ the practical. The take a $!#n-t!-
earth vie# !" s!cial c!ncepts an$ religi!n% an$ are n!t likel t! change their vie#s
easil !n these sub.ects. The insist !n the .ust han$ling !" "inances an$

(1eanne Aver)

/lut! is the ruler !" the the thir$ h!use !" c!mmunicati!ns #ith +c!rpi! !n its cusp.
/lut! is the p!#er planet. The pers!n #ith this placement has a particularl p!#er"ul
abilit t! in"luence pe!ple #ith #hat he sas. *is intensit is s! high that he ma n!t
reali2e his can kn!ck pe!ple !ver #ith his #!r$s.

*e ma unintenti!nall antag!ni2e th!se ar!un$ him b putting t!! much "!rce int!
his c!nversati!ns. /lut! energ is $namic an$ p!#er"ul. ,t can be $estructive' but i"
it is channele$% it can be en!rm!usl e""ective. -hen the in$ivi$ual #ith this
placement bec!mes a#are !" his p!#er% he #ill care"ull release that energ !n the
highest level.

/lut! rules the mass me$ia% c!mmunicati!ns "iel$s% an$ televisi!n. =eaching masses
!" pe!ple is a #a !" trans"!rming the intensit !" this pers!n(s abilit t!
c!mmunicate. Act!rs #ith this placement have particular charisma #ith the public.

6!mmunicati!ns an$ the abilit t! neg!tiate an$ m!$erate can pr!pel in$ivi$uals
#ith this placement int! p!#er"ul p!siti!ns. -hen the in$ivi$ual #ith this placement
puri"ies his m!tivati!n t!#ar$ the #ell-being !" all% he rises like the ph!eni& "r!m the
ashes t! reach mankin$.

The thir$ h!use rules earl sch!!ling as #ell. ,t ma be thr!ugh e$ucati!n that the
pers!n gets in t!uch #ith his e""ectiveness. *e n!t !nl trans"!rms !thers but can
trans"!rm himsel"% #hen he uses his p!#er"ul abilit t! c!mmunicate !n a highl
m!tivate$ level. ," /lut! is #ell-aspecte$ in the natal chart% the in$ivi$ual is in t!uch
#ith his natural abilit t! a""ect pe!ple thr!ugh #!r$s. *e #ill utili2e th!ughts an$
i$eas in an e""ective #a% kn!#ing that he ma n!t have t! sa much in !r$er t! get
the message acr!ss. *e #ill #!rk thr!ugh an me$ia that reach pe!ple !n a mass
level. ," /lut! is n!t #ell-aspecte$ in the chart% the in$ivi$ual ma be tempte$ t! pla
games #ith #!r$s% !r be !verl "!rce"ul.

+ince sh!rt-$istance travel can be in$icate$ b the thir$ h!use% the in$ivi$ual #ith
this placement #ill be attracte$ t! p#!er"ul aut!m!biles% m!t!rccles% !r

+ince /lut! is als! the planet !" pla% !ne #ith this placement can release a great $eal
!" pent-up energ thr!ugh vehicles that challenge his skill an$ release his p!#er. *e
ma gain a greater sense !" p!#er #hen he $rives% "lies% !r spee$s acr!ss the #ater.
*e ma nee$ t! pla% thr!ugh energ $escribe$ b the thir$ h!use% t! av!i$
antag!ni2ing ever!ne ar!un$ him. +ince this h!use als! $escribes relatives an$
neighb!rs% the in$ivi$ual #ith this placement ma live ar!un$ particularl in"luential
pe!ple. *is relatives an$ siblings ma be especiall magnetic. ," /lut! is ba$l
aspecte$% these same siblings% relatives !r neighb!rs ma !ccasi!nall pull the rug
!ut "r!m un$er him% sen$ing !ut the message: (D! as , sa an$ ask n! )uesti!ns(. *e
ma nee$ t! av!i$ being m!tivate$ b a $esire t! get even #ith th!se pe!ple #h!
have "!rce$ !r manipulate$ him.

-hen Taurus is !n the cusp !" the ninth h!use !" rec!gniti!n% travel% pr!m!ti!n% an$
legal a""airs% 5enus is its ruler. 5enus in$icates #hat !ne l!ves% #here pleasure is
$erive$% an$ areas !" charm an$ s!ciabilit. The pers!nalit ma be his m!st
charming% $ipl!matic sel" #hen he is a#a "r!m his natural habitat. *e l!ves travel%
an$ ma have best ease !" living in c!untries a#a "r!m his birth #here he "in$s it
eas t! attract rec!gniti!n.

,t is the artistic )ualities that ma bring the greatest rec!gniti!n t! !ne #ith this
placement. This is certainl true in the case !" all act!rs% artists% musicians an$
#riters #ith this placement. This )ualit als! in$icates a special $ipl!matic abilit
that can bring !pp!rtunit "!r statesmanship. /ublishing can als! bring great
pr!minance t! !ne #ith this placement. F!r the m!st part% this native receives
"av!rable publicit. ,t ma be e&tremel eas "!r him t! attract public rec!gniti!n.

-hen 5enus is #ell-aspecte$ in the chart% this in$ivi$ual #ill be especiall sensitive
t! the l!ve !" his public. *e en.!s the pleasure an$ ease !" li"e #hen he is travelling%
an$ can be )uite in$ulgent in satis"ing the taste he easil $evel!ps. *e ma !nl
travel in the m!st pleasurable #a% #ith lu&uries acc!mm!$ati!ns all the #a. *e
$evel!ps the sensu!us si$e !" his pers!nalit thr!ugh the bene"its !" rec!gniti!n "r!m
his "ans.

," 5enus is ba$l aspecte$% the native #ith this placement ma n!t all!# himsel" the
pleasures he reall $esires% an$ ma av!i$ making #aves #ith publicit !r
pr!m!ti!nal e""!rt% especiall #hen he is a#a "r!m his native s!il. *e ma av!i$
e&pressing a p!sitive% $ipl!matic appr!ach. *is phil!s!ph ma be base$ !n the
pleasure principle% an$ he ma !verin$ulge his tastes "!r high living #hen he is a#a
"r!m h!me. /ublicit ma be c!nnecte$ #ith the sensual si$e !" his nature. +ince
5enus is the planet m!st ass!ciate$ #ith graci!usness an$ s!ciabilit% the in$ivi$ual
can "in$ his greatest happiness #hen he is #illing t! e&press this l!ving si$e !" his
nature in c!nstructive #as that #ill bring him rec!gniti!n.
3rd House cusp in Saittarius / 9th House cusp in Gemini

(Bernice Grebner)

First Decanate (+agittarius-+agittarius / Gemini-Gemini): The are e&tr!verts an$
kn!# h!# t! talk t! pe!ple #ithin the envir!nment. The can see the br!a$
vie#p!int% an$ like m!ving ab!ut b taking a little a$ventur!us trip n!# an$ then.
The kn!# h!# t! resp!n$% an$ be"!re pe!ple kn!# it the have been caught. 4ne
can easil see #h the are #ell-like$.

There is a curi!sit ab!ut li"e in "ara#a places. The #!ul$ l!ve t! be #!rl$
travellers. The religi!us appr!ach is thr!ugh intuitive min$ that uses reas!n an$ n!t
em!ti!ns. This pers!n can be a teacher !" higher e$ucati!n !r !ne #h! $!es a l!t !"
talking ab!ut abstract sub.ects. -hether he kn!#s a l!t ab!ut it !r n!t% it s!un$s as i"
he $!es.

+ec!n$ Decanate (+agittarius-Aries / Gemini-Libra): These pe!ple are the !nes #h!
sprea$ all the ne#s ar!un$ the neighb!rh!!$. The are the "irst !nes in the
neighb!rh!!$ t! be a#are !" situati!ns. The marriage partner #ill n! $!ubt be
inv!lve$ in this pr!pagan$a (g!ssip) #ith them% !r there ma be arguments $ue t!
this sprea$ing the #!r$ ar!un$. The like t! br!a$cast ne#s because the are
naturall curi!us "!r ne# "acts. The lesser sel" #ill sprea$ g!ssip' the higher sel" #ill
teach ne# an$ interesting e$ucati!nal "acts t! !thers in !r$er t! impr!ve them.

The are capable !" .ustice in the a""airs !" man. Their higher min$s can be impartial
an$ "air. Their min$s br!a$en as the get !l$er% "!r the can reach their $ecisi!ns
#ith!ut em!ti!n. The make e&cellent an$ persuasive !rat!rs. This is a g!!$
placement "!r religi!n an$ phil!s!ph that is accepte$ thr!ugh reas!n an$ l!gic.
*!#ever% behin$ all this% the have interests in sel" an$ h!# the are c!ming acr!ss.
There is much activit in religi!us gr!ups.

Thir$ Decanate (+agittarius-Le! / Gemini-A)uarius): These are the pe!ple #h! like t!
take l!ng trips "!r "un an$ e$ucati!n. The take pictures an$ then sh!# them t!
"rien$s. The en.! talking ab!ut their man a$ventures% an$ perhaps have man
st!ries t! tell. The treat th!se the entertain like r!alt (especiall i" their guests
like it). *!#ever% the $! pre"er t! s!ciali2e #ith pe!ple #h! are inp!rtant !r

The n!t !nl #ant t! learn ne# things ab!ut liberal phil!s!phies but #ant t!
br!a$cast them t! all #h! #ill listen. The "ace religi!us truth #ith their min$s an$
n!t !nl use reas!n an$ l!gic but can attack establishe$ truth i" it $!esn(t agree #ith
theirs. Their l!ve li"e an$ creativit (art #!rks) sh!# liberal phil!s!phies. ,n !ther
#!r$s% their acti!ns back up their vie#s.

(Frances +ak!ian an$ L!uis Acker)

Libras are phil!s!phic an$ visi!nar in the e&pressi!n !" their th!ughts an$ i$eas.
The are c!ncerne$ #ith religi!n an$ s!cial values% an$ esteem i$eas in terms !"
their use"ulness in the larger s!cial !r$er. The are gener!us t!#ar$ br!thers% sisters
an$ neighb!rs% even th!ugh the ma be separate$ "r!m them. 0an times their
sh!rt trips% #hether mental !r phsical% take them t! places the have n!t previ!usl
visite$. The "re)uentl receive messages "r!m an$ c!mmunicate #ith pe!ple in
"ara#a places.

The $eman$ that religi!n an$ phil!s!ph be practical in applicati!n an$ l!gicall
c!mprehensible. 0an Libras like t! #rite ab!ut an$ $iscuss these matters. There
are numer!us c!mings an$ g!ings in relati!n t! religi!us activities.

(1eanne Aver)

1upiter rules the thir$ h!use !" c!mmunicati!ns #hen +agittarius is !n its cusp. This
h!use als! rules earl e$ucati!n% the learning aptitu$e an$ inclinati!ns% an$
relati!nship #ith siblings% relatives% an$ neighb!rs. A cheer"ul !utl!!k !n li"e% natural
e&uberance an$ !ptimism% an$ an abilit t! en.! hum!r an$ laughter are
characteristic !" !ne #ith the placement. *is phil!s!phical bent is as c!ntagi!us as
his charm.

1upiter in$icates happiness% phil!s!ph% e&pansi!n% g!als% selling% an$ areas !"
particular g!!$ "!rtune. Act!rs an$ actresses have a special ingre$ient in their make-
up #hich enables them t! sell themselves. /!liticians% statesmen% an$ #riters share
this natural abilit t! c!mmunicate. 6hallenges in these areas keep this pers!n high
!n li"e. Truth-telling is part !" his nature% even t! the p!int !" bluntness. -ith high
enthusiasm% he ma pr!mise m!re than he can easil $eliver% but his gestures are

6!me$ can be a g!!$ vehicle "!r act!rs #ith this placement. /hil!s!ph is the
!pp!site si$e !" the c!in. +tretching t!#ar$ ne# kin$s !" r!les can be especiall
imp!rtant "!r an act!r #ith this placement.

The pr!cess !" learning is !" great imp!rtance t! !ne #ith this placement. *e nee$s
c!nstant challenges in areas !" the m!n$. *e ma establish l!ng-range g!als s! that
he is c!nstantl stimulate$. /hil!s!ph% religi!us c!ncepts% an$ the un$erling
patterns !" li"e can especiall interest him. *is e$ucati!n c!ntinues l!ng a"ter his
sch!!l ears. *e l!ves t! rea$ an$ is challenge$ t!#ar$ ne# a#arenesses as he is
presente$ #ith m!re e&periences. *e has a natural curi!sit ab!ut !ther cultures%
!ther li"estles% an$ l!ves t! peer int! !ther (neighb!rh!!$s(. 7ver$a challenges
can stimulate him% an$ he en.!s running ar!un$% taking care !" erran$s. *e is a
happ c!mmuter% especiall en.!ing $rives in the c!untr% as he is a true nature-
l!ver. *e naturall #ants the m!st lu&uri!us vehivle in his particular price range t!
c!mplement an$ "acilitate his missi!ns.

=elati!nships #ith siblings are usuall )uite g!!$. *e is enc!uraging an$ gener!us
#ith relatives an$ neighb!rs% an$ attracts a similar resp!nse "r!m them. ," 1upiter is
#ell-aspecte$ in the natal chart% he is especiall "!rtunate in these areas. ," it is n!t%
there is a ten$enc t! e&pect m!re !" himsel" an$ !" !thers than is al#as p!ssible.
*e ma !verestimate his time an$ energ% (!versell(% an$ let himsel" in "!r
$isapp!intment. *e sh!ul$ take the pr!mises !" !thers #ith a grain !" salt. *e ma
have t! sche$ule m!re taks than he can acc!mplish in !r$er t! challenge himsel" (this
can be b!th g!!$ an$ ba$)% an$ have man ir!ns in the "ire s! that at least !ne !"
them #ill c!me thr!ugh% prevnting a let$!#n. *e has a natural (c(est la vie( attitu$e.
*is hum!r #ill carr him thr!ugh alm!st an situati!n he enc!unters in li"e.

0ercur is the ruler !" the ninth h!use #hen Gemini is !n its cusp. Gemini has an
air )ualit% an$ is a $ual sign% in$icating an abilit t! see b!th si$es !" the c!in. it
in$icates areas #here there is a nee$ "!r e&citement an$ mental stimulati!n. ,t can
sh!# restlessness !r interesting mental activit. The ninth h!use rules pr!m!ti!nal
e""!rt% legal matters% publicit% travel% $ealings #ith $istance% an$ higher e$ucati!n. ,t
can als! $escribe the abilit t! $istribute% imp!rt% !r e&p!rt. The native #ith this
placement must be stimulate$ mentall b s!me ninth h!use-relate$ activit !r he
bec!mes )uickl b!re$. 0ercur in$icates the things he thinks ab!ut. 3e# h!ri2!ns
stimulate mental activit.

A la#er #ith tis placement is particularl a$ept at thinking !n his "eet. *e is never
at a l!ss "!r #!r$s !r i$eas% an$ can cleverl turn a situati!n t! his a$vantage
thr!ugh his mental agilit. An act!r #ith this placement is able t! think !"
pr!m!ti!nal schemes% an$ has g!!$ instincts ab!ut h!# t! attract the necessar
attenti!n t! his #!rk. Designers an$ artists #ith this placement can be especiall
success"ul at arranging sh!#s% !r "in$ing galleries an$ agents #h! #ill pr!m!te them

,n ma cases% the in$ivi$ual #ith this placement is m!re stimulate$ in c!untries a#a
"r!m his place !" birth. 0an pe!ple #ith his p!siti!n have a natural aptitu$e "!r
languages. The mental energ seems stimulate$ b "!reign cultures. This in$ivi$ual
ma "eel he simpl (kn!#s( ab!ut li"e a#a "r!m his place !" birth. *e #ill rea$ ab!ut
$istant places% think ab!ut travel% an$ perhaps talk ab!ut his e&periences a#a "r!m
h!me. ," 0ercur is n!t #ell-aspecte$ in the in$ivi$ual chart% he #ill have $i""icult in
e&pressing himsel" in !ther c!untries% at a universit% !r #ith pr!m!ti!nal e""!rt.
7ven #ith a #ell-aspecte$ 0ercur in the natal chart% there ma be times #hen he is
saturate$ #ith travel% publicit% an$ pr!m!ti!nal e""!rt. *e #ill then nee$ time al!ne
in !r$er t! rest!re his perspective. *e can actuall $! his best thinking al!ne% behin$
the scenes. *e ma nee$ this s!litu$e% peri!$icall% t! rest his active min$.

The in$ivi$ual #ith this placement is able t! be publishe$% an$ can lecture% teach%
an$ e&press his i$eas !n his s!apb!&. *is natural $ipl!matic abilit e&ten$s t! the
un$erstan$ing !" !ther cultures.
3rd House cusp in Capricorn / 9th House cusp in Cancer

(Bernice Grebner)

First Decanate (6apric!rn-6apric!rn / 6ancer-6ancer): The $! n!t like small talk.
6!mmunicati!ns are !" a seri!us nature. The nee$ t! rela& m!re in c!mmunicating
#ith !thers% an$ nee$ t! learn t! laugh. The ma n!t be intereste$ in e$ucating
themselves #hen the are !ung' but mental talents gr!# an$ e&pan$ as the age.
The struggle "!r acceptance in the envir!nment as prestigi!us members !" it. The
$esire t! appear #ise.

The can al#as be at h!me "ar a#a "r!m h!me (even in a "!reign lan$) pr!vi$ing
the have an em!ti!nal attachment there% !r $evel!p !ne )uickl. The have $eep
an$ penetrating "eelings ab!ut religi!n an$ the m!ral la#s the live b. Feelings an$
em!ti!ns ma pla a big part in the a$!pti!n !" a religi!n.

+ec!n$ Decanate (6apric!rn-Taurus / 6ancer-+c!rpi!): The ma be seri!us in their
th!ughts an$ c!ntr!lle$ in their c!mmunicati!ns% but i" !u appeal t! them thr!ugh
beaut an$ a""ecti!n% the easil resp!n$. The appreciate beauti"ul surr!un$ings.
The seem m!re "le&ible in their thinking than the reall are. The $! n!t easil
accept !u as a partner !r a c!n"i$ante% but #hen the $! the #ill never let !u
$!#n. *!#ever% the can be .eal!us an$ p!ssessive !" the pe!ple the $! accept%
#hether marriage partners% "rien$s% !r neighb!rs. The seem t! $! #ell "inanciall
#hen the take !n pr!.ects !" s!me kin$ in their !#n c!mmunit #hich better the
c!mmunit in s!me #a. Things the $! seem t! aut!maticall turn int! m!ne% even
i" it $!esn(t start !ut that #a.

These pe!ple have p!#ers !" mental revelati!n' an$ #hen c!ntr!lle$ an$ $irecte$
the can s!lve the msteries !" e&istence. -hen the learn t! me$itate% the can get
t! the centre !" religi!us an$ phil!s!phical truths. The learn b the $irect
e&periences the themselve sbec!me inv!lve$ in% rather than aca$emicall. The
pr!.ect strength t! !thers because the themselves can en$ure.

Thir$ Decanate (6apric!rn-5irg! / 6ancer-/isces): The are the !$$ !nes in the
"amil. The are n!t al#as un$erst!!$ in their !#n envir!nments% s! usuall the
bec!me unc!mmunicative until the m!ve a#a "r!m h!me. The are intereste$ in
seri!us sub.ects an$ are n!t e&actl g!!$ at small talk. -hen the ass!ciate #ith an$
help "rien$s% the bec!me m!re c!mmunicative. -hen the $evel!p interest in
"rien$s% it alleviates the necessit "!r them t! talk ab!ut themselves% #hich the $!
n!t like t! $!. -hat the $! like is t! listen t! !thers talk ab!ut themselves% unless
there is str!ng Gemini else#here in the chart% #hich #ill then #ater this $!#n.

The ultimatel nee$ t! kn!# the reas!n "!r their e&istence. The greatest m!tivati!n
"!r stu$ing higher truths% religi!n% an$ phil!s!ph is l!ve. The $eepl un$erstan$
the sel"-sacri"icing th!r in religi!n% #ith l!ve as the ans#er. Their min$s are ver
creative an$ imaginative.

(Frances +ak!ian an$ L!uis Acker)

These pe!ple are care"ul in the e&pressi!n !" their th!ughts. The never sa !r #rite
anthing unless there is a $e"inite reas!n "!r $!ing s!% #hich is #h the have a
reputati!n "!r secrec. +ince their #!r$s are care"ull calculate$ "!r ma&imum
impact% the can be harsh an$ e&acting in their speech. This is #here the +c!rpi!
(sting( appears.

The are em!ti!nal an$ tenaci!us in the areas !" religi!n an$ phil!s!ph. The have
"!resight b means !" pschic pr!.ecti!n% et the cling t! "amil religi!n. As a rule%
the pre"er t! travel b #ater.

(1eanne Aver)

The thir$ h!use in the chart $escribes c!mmunicati!ns in general% earl sch!!ling%
learning habits% teleph!nes% c!mmuting% an$ c!mmunit a""airs% neighb!rs an$
relatives. -ith +aturn ruling this h!use% c!mmunicati!ns bec!me a "!cal p!int in li"e.
+aturn in$icates !ne(s heaviest karmic situati!n t! be res!lve$% an$ the eventual
securit an$ stabilit "!un$ in li"e. ,t al#as in$icates areas #here the pers!n "eels
great resp!nsibilit% but can $escribe !verkill #ith per"ecti!nist ten$encies% a
bur$ens!me sense !" resp!nsibilit% guilt% an$ "ears.

The pers!n #ith this placement can be meticul!us ab!ut $etails% et can
pr!crastinate in areas c!ncerning c!mmunicati!ns. ,n sch!!l% he ma #!rr ab!ut his
#!rk being per"ect. *e av!i$s tackling the .!b in en!ugh time t! c!mplete it pr!perl%
an$ can then hi$e behin$ the e&cuse that it #!ul$ have been better i" he ha$ ha$
m!re time. *e #ill re$! a paper man times t! be sure !" its per"ecti!n% !r $eci$e it
#ill never be right an$ av!i$ it alt!gether. +ch!!l $as ma be b!ring !r te$i!us "!r
!ne #ith this placement because he puts himsel" un$er such pressure.

The aspects t! the planet +aturn in$icate the natural ten$encies in his learning an$
stu$ habits. ," +aturn is #ell-aspecte$ in the chart% he $evel!ps str!ng% resp!nsible
stu$ habits that "!rm a base !" securit in later ears. *e appreciates an !pp!rtunit
t! sink his teeth int! pr!.ects #ith learning !r research% an$ en.!s the $etails
inv!lve$. *e can p!re !ver $etails in c!ntractual matters% rea$ing the "ine print until
he has everthing in !r$er. *e has a str!ng respect "!r the #ritten an$ sp!ken #!r$.

-ith +aturn str!ng in the natal chart% there is a pr!"!un$ abilit "!r research an$
techn!l!g. The pers!n #ill leave n! st!ne unturne$ in his )uest "!r truth an$ clarit.
*e ma !ver$! his research pr!.ects' but the "acts #ill al#as emerge. *e ma get
b!gge$ $!#n in t!! much technicalit as an av!i$ance tactic% but he buil$s a
plat"!rm !" securit #ith each ne# bit !" in"!rmati!n. Be"!re he tackles ne# pr!.ects%
stu$ is necessar t! give him a sense !" being !n s!li$ gr!un$. *e ma be sl!# t!
c!mmit himsel" t! ne# i$eas be"!re his !#n investigati!n.

," +aturn is n!t #ell aspecte$ in the natal chart% insecurit ab!ut his abilit t!
c!mmunicate can be )uite pr!n!unce$. *e can $islike the teleph!ne% av!i$ running
erran$s% an$ be insecure ab!ut his learning abilities because he puts himsel" un$er
t!! much pressure. *e c!ul$ bec!me b!re$ !r .u$gemental ab!ut sch!!l an$ g! int!
str!ng pr!crastinati!n pr!ce$ures. +ince +aturn is relate$ t! the parent eg! state in
Transacti!nal Analsis terms% he ma have ha$ .u$gemental messages that negativel
c!n$iti!ne$ his abilit t! learn. ,n the res!luti!n !" satis"ing that .u$gemental inner
v!ice% he eventuall learns t! assume greater resp!nsibilit in the c!mmunicati!ns
"iel$s. 6!mmunicati!ns then bec!me a stabili2ing "!rce rather than a "ear.

+ince the thir$ h!use als! $escribes the relati!nship #ith br!thers an$ sisters% !r
relatives in general% man "eelings !" estrangement ma be ass!ciate$ #ith "amil
relati!nships. A pers!n ma n!t have br!thers an$ sisters% an$ "eel that lack% !r ma
attract str!ng parental .u$gemental messages "r!m his "amil !r siblings. ," +aturn is
#ell-aspecte$% the "amil an$ siblings represent great securit "!r the in$ivi$ual. *e
ma un$erstan$ that insecurities in the pers!nalit !" br!thers an$ sisters prevent
the e&pressi!n !" #armth an$ enc!uragement. ," +aturn is #ell-aspecte$% the
in$ivi$ual l!!ks t! his "amil "!r l!ving supp!rt an$ gui$ance.

Deep c!ncentrati!n an$ $iligent applicati!n can be a p!sitive trait in the make-up !"
!ne #ith this placement. The in$ivi$ual ma $isc!ver that #riting is a talent that
emerges later in li"e. -ith the "reeing !" an insecurities% he ma learn t! e&press
m!re than a technical appr!ach t! c!mmunicati!ns an$ #riting% alth!ugh the talent
ma al#as ten$ t!#ar$ $etaile$ #!rk.

-ith 6ancer !n the cusp !" the ninth h!use !" publicit an$ pr!m!ti!n% as #ell as
rec!gniti!n "!r the in$ivi$ual% the em!ti!nal nature has much t! $! #ith reacti!ns
c!ncerning these matters. +ince the 0!!n% #hich rules% 6ancer% is the "astest-m!ving
b!$ in the heavens% each $a can bring a $i""erent "eeling ab!ut pr!m!ti!nal e""!rt.
," an in$ivi$ual has a high em!ti!nal level t! begin #ith% in$icate$ b a #ell-aspecte$
0!!n in the natal chart% he has e&treme sensitivit ab!ut the tren$s !" the times.
/er"!rmers% entertainers an$ artists sem t! sense #hat the public #ill (bu(. This
in$ivi$ual can be particularl vulnerable t! a$verse publicit% et the public can als!
resp!n$ t! him !n a $eep an$ em!ti!nal level.

The 0!!n in$icates the hunger nee$s an$ "eelings share$ b mankin$. ,t $escribes
the c!llective unc!nsci!us% an$ #!men in particular. ," the 0!!n is #ell-aspecte$ in
the in$ivi$ual chart% the pers!n #ith this placement has an innate instinct ab!ut an$
gut reacti!n t! the nee$s !" his "ell!# man. *e easil e&presses his m!thering%
nurturing instincts. *e sh!#s a pr!tective nature thr!ugh inv!lvement in publishing
!r higher e$ucati!n% !r b getting !n his s!apb!& in s!me "ashi!n. +tatisticall% the
0!!n is the str!ngest planet in the charts !" #riters.

," the 0!!n is n!t #ell-aspecte$% "eelings an$ em!ti!nal reacti!ns ma get in the #a
!" chance-taking. This in$ivi$ual #!ul$ be t!! easil hurt b a$verse publicit% t!!
vulnerable an$ sensitive t! an negative reacti!n "r!m pe!ple ar!un$ him. ," he can
#!rk thr!ugh his !#n em!ti!nal pain an$ tune in t! #hat !thers are pr!.ecting% he
begins t! e&p!se his !#n vulnerabilit an$ nee$iness% an$ can then react t! the nee$s
!" the public.

The ninth h!use als! in$icates "eelings ab!ut travel an$ e&pan$ing the h!ri2!nes in
general. -ith a #ell-aspecte$ 0!!n% the native #ith this placement can reach pe!ple
at $istances "r!m his !#n h!me% an$ ma travel t! satis" em!ti!nal hunger. ," the
0!!n is n!t #ell-aspecte$ in the natal chart% an !verl em!ti!nal reacti!n t! !ther
c!untries !r t! the r!utine !" travel can keep him upset% !verl sensitive% an$
3rd House cusp in A!uarius / 9th House cusp in Leo

(Bernice Grebner)

First Decanate (A)uarius-A)uarius / Le!-Le!): The are c!ntinuall intereste$ in ne#
c!ncepts. ,n man cases the are sel"-ma$e pe!ple. The #ill be the !nes in !ur
neighb!rh!!$ #h! break the m!l$s. The are e&tremel "rien$l an$ talk t! ever!ne.
T! them% ever!ne is their br!ther !r sister.

This p!siti!n gives e&treme c!n"i$ence in i$eas the have. The g! t! great lengths t!
e&press these i$eas. The #ant t! enlighten ever!ne% an$ trul believe in a religi!n
!" l!ve. -hen the #ant t! en.! themselves an$ have a vacati!n !r recreati!n% the
like l!ng trips.

+ec!n$ Decanate (A)uarius-Gemini / Le!-+agittarius): +!meh!# !riginal i$eas an$ a
great creative min$ !perate #ith an$ / !r in c!nnecti!n #ith "rien$s !r marriage
partners. The #!rk best as a team #here there ma be sh!rt trips in the
$isseminati!n !" mental i$eas create$ b !ne !r the !ther% !r b!th. The seem intent
up!n e$ucating !thers in a m!st !riginal manner. This is per"ect "!r a lecturing team%
especiall i" the partner has an A)uarius-Gemini +un !r a Gemini-A)uarius +un.

," !u #ant s!mething pr!m!te$% seek these pe!ple% "!r the are naturals. 7ven
th!ugh the believe #h!lehearte$l in their !#n i$eas% the are br!a$min$e$ ab!ut
!urs. The are g!!$ at pr!phec an$ are surprise$ b instinct.

Thir$ Decanate (A)uarius-Libra / Le!-Aries): The are !riginal in i$eas but are "air
c!ncerning !urs i" !u $! n!t agree #ith them. The are intereste$ in pe!ple in the
neighb!rh!!$ !r pe!ple an#here in the #!rl$% an$ #ant ever!ne #h! #ants t! be
hear$ t! be hear$. ,t is eas "!r them t! bring t!gether in the c!mmunit $i""erent
"rien$s !r gr!ups #h! have varing !pini!ns.

-hen the use energ that c!ul$ be e&pen$e$ !n pleasure "!r religi!n !r higher
e$ucati!nal pursuits instea$% the can g! "ar. -hen the use the abilit !" lea$ership
t! in"!rm !thers% the br!a$en their !#n h!ri2!ns even m!re.

(Frances +ak!ian an$ L!uis Acker)

These pe!ple are able t! c!mmunicate i$eas in e&citing an$ ingeni!us #as. Their
i$eas c!me in "lashes !" intuiti!n% but the are capable !" putting them t! practical
applicati!n. The are pr!gressive in th!ught% insisting that i$eas have a practical
"uncti!n base$ !n values that have st!!$ the test !" time. The think in humanitarian
terms. ;nusual an$ peculiar relati!nships e&ist #ith br!thers% sisters% an$ neighb!rs%
#h! c!me une&pecte$l int! an$ !ut !" their lives.

These pers!ns ma n!t appear t! #ant "ame% but their subc!nsci!us min$s as #ell as
their phil!s!ph are s!meh!# geare$ t! attaining it an$ t! achieving p!siti!ns !"
imp!rtance in their respective "iel$s !" en$eav!r. The give their phil!s!ph the
p!#er !" their being. 0an take l!ng .!urnes% either phsicall !r mentall. Their
ees are al#as !n $istant g!als.

(1eanne Aver)

The thir$ h!use in a chart in$icates c!mmunicati!ns in general% earl sch!!l ears%
an$ "eelings ab!ut the learning pr!cess. ,t $escribes the meth!$s a$!pte$ c!ncerning
c!mmunicati!ns% $iscussi!ns% an$ relati!nships #ith siblings% relatives% an$
neighb!rs. ;ranus% ruler !" A)uarius% $escribes the tpe !" sp!ntaneit the in$ivi$ual
#ith this placement $evel!ps in areas !" c!mmunicati!ns. ,n its p!sitive sense%
;ranus $escribes genius )ualities an$ high inspirati!n' in its negative sense% it
in$icates nerves% rebelli!n% an$ erratic behavi!r.

3erv!us energ ma pr!mpt s!me!ne #ith this placement t! sa #hatever is !n his
min$% supp!rting the image !" !ne #ith ("!!t-in-m!uth $isease(. *e can be impulsive
!r erratic ab!ut keeping in t!uch' an$ his "re)uent use (!r !veruse) !" the teleph!ne
re"lects this. *e is nerv!us ab!ut sch!!l #!rk !r the learning pr!cess in general. 9et
he can be brilliant% a genius% ahea$ !" his time% i" he can channel his high mental
energ. 7ither he bec!mes tremen$!usl e&cite$ !ver stimulating i$eas% !r he can
appear alm!st unc!ncerne$. *is m!!$ seems t! change as "ar as c!mmunicati!ns g!.
7rratic c!ncentrati!n ma make it $i""icult "!r him t! regiment himsel". =!utines
$!n(t seem t! "it #ith his su$$en bursts !" inspirati!n.

The planet ;ranus $escribes electricit% music% electr!nics% healing% inventi!ns%
metaphsics% an$ humanitarian c!ncerns. ,t is the planet that rules astr!l!g. ," the
pers!n #ith this placement is able t! channel this unusual energ int! a pr!per !utlet
c!nnecte$ #ith c!mmunicati!ns% he prevents a backup #hich c!ul$ cause mental
strain% erratic th!ught pr!cesses% an$ rebelli!n.

-riters #ith this placement ma "in$ it $i""icult t! keep t! sche$ules an$ r!utines.
,nspirati!n hits at !$$ h!urs% an$ nerv!us energ ma be har$ t! channel !r c!ntr!l.
These pe!ple seem t! have a #avelength pitche$ t!! high "!r mun$ane
c!nversati!ns% s! their $iscussi!ns ma seem $is.!inte$ an$ scattere$. Their th!ughts
ma be "ar ahea$ !" their t!ngue% s! their abilit t! present !r$ere$% se)uential
e&planati!ns is n!t their str!ng p!int. The can s!metimes run !n% rambling in

-ater seems t! be a g!!$ c!n$uct!r "!r this kin$ !" energ. 4ne pers!n #ith this
placement sas his inspirati!n al#as seems t! c!me #hen he(s taking a bath.
An!ther #riter has $i""icult in pinning himsel" $!#n t! the tpe#riter. *is th!ught
pr!cesses seem t! perc!late best #hen he is m!ving ab!ut% running erran$s !r
preparing "!!$. At an une&pecte$ m!ment% inspirati!n can hit.

The pers!n #ith this placement is c!nstantl stimulate$% but s!metimes $istracte$%
b ne# an$ $i""erent c!ncepts. *e is naturall resp!nsive t! humanitarian nee$s%
e&citement in areas !" $isc!ver% an$ inventi!ns !r c!ncepts that are ahea$ !" the

+ince ;ranus $escribes learning abilit% as #ell as the th!ught pr!cesses% chil$ren
#ith this placement ma be m!re stimulate$ b n!n-mainstream tpes !" e$ucati!n.
This chil$ ma be s! "ar ahea$ !" his class that he bec!mes b!re$ an$ easil
$istracte$. *e ma learn much "aster i" he has "ree$!m in c!nnecti!n #ith e$ucati!n.
A natural envir!nment is help"ul in rest!ring peace an$ tran)uilit t! his min$.

=elati!nships #ith "amil% siblings% an$ neighb!rs are als! $escribe$ b thir$ h!use
planets an$ the thir$ h!use ruler. 6!mmunicati!ns #ith "amil memnbers can be
sp!ntane!us% e&citing% !r unpre$ictable. ," the planet ;ranus is #ell-aspecte$ in the
chart% the pers!n sees his relatives an$ siblings as "ree s!uls% ahea$ !" their time% an$
perhaps geniuses. *e ma als! see them as rebelli!us !r unpre$ictable i" that planet
is n!t #ell-aspecte$. *e ma have an uncertain% unpre$ictable% unstable relati!nship
#ith "amil% siblings% !r neighb!rs. *e ma ver #ell #ant t! run a#a "r!m "amil
in"luence% rebelling in s!me "ashi!n. Free$!m c!mes thr!ugh the c!mmunicati!ns
"iel$ !r thr!ugh breaking a#a "r!m tra$iti!nal learning patterns. *e can be
stimulate$ t! e&press the genius )ualities he p!ssesses b $!ing things that are
uni)ue. As l!ng as he has "ree$!m !" e&pressi!n% he can release his nee$ "!r rebelli!n
in a health manner.

=ec!gniti!n can be imp!rtant t! !ne #ith Le! !n the cusp !" the ninth h!use. 7g!
grati"icati!n c!mes easil thr!ugh pr!m!ti!nal e""!rt% !r thr!ugh activities that bear
his pers!nal stamp. Depen$ing !n his m!tivati!n% he ma #!rk in !r$er t! get e&tra
attenti!n "!r his pr!.ects% !r he ma .ust naturall "in$ the sp!tlight a c!m"!rtable
place t! be. The ninth h!use rules travel% the higher min$% publicit% publishing% an$
rec!gniti!n. Le! is the $ramatic sign% rule$ b the +un. +ince the +un is the energ
centre !" !ur universe% the palcement !" the +un in the chart in$icates the area !"
greatest vitalit in li"e.

Aspects t! the +un $escribe the )ualit !" inner strength% inner vitalit% s!ul )ualit%
an$ sense !" sel"-esteem !r eg!. ,t is als! relate$ t! the animus% !r male% $!minant
part !" the pers!nalit. ," the +un is #ell-place$ an$ aspecte$ in the chart% there is
in$icati!n that the in$ivi$ual has a health sense !" sel"-#!rth.

," m!st !" the aspects t! the +un are p!sitive% the pers!n is m!tivate$ t! step !ut int!
the public arena because !" a nee$ "!r e&pressi!n. *e values time an$ energ% is in
t!uch #ith his abilit% an$ pr!.ects his sel"-assurance int! pr!.ects that can eventuall
be c!nnecte$ #ith his name. ," the aspects t! the +un are n!t p!sitive% the in$ivi$ual
ma be m!tivate$ b a nee$ "!r eg! grati"icati!n. *e ma have a sense !" sel"-#!rth
in $irect pr!p!rti!n t! the publicit he receives. The )ualit !" his vitalit )uite
naturall lea$s t! e&pl!rati!n !" !ther c!untries. Travel energi2es this pers!n
tremen$!usl i" the +un is #ell-aspecte$. *is natural curi!sit als! lea$s t! the
taking !" chances #ith public ventures% #hich result in success an$ rec!gniti!n% !r
ba$ press.

This pers!n is als! a natural teacher. +ince the ninth h!use rules higher e$ucati!n%
he ma "!cus !n this area. /ublishing% a$vertising% an$ lecturing "!ll!# al!ng the
same energ lines. 0an act!rs an$ actresses #h! have achieve$ rec!gniti!n
thr!ugh publicit are als! publishe$. Travel an$ pr!m!ti!n !" their b!!ks bring them
int! the public arena in an!ther "ashi!n. *igher e$ucati!n can als! translate int! the
(higher min$(% !r phil!s!phical c!ncepts. This pers!n can al#as be an ambassa$!r !"
g!!$ #ill% #hether he acts in an !""icial capacit !r n!t.

This pers!n cares ab!ut sharing his insights an$ c!ncepts !" li"e !n a br!a$ scale. *is
natural curi!sit ab!ut the #!rkings !" the universe easil pr!pels him int! a p!siti!n
!" auth!rit. -an$erlust is pr!bable% as the nee$ "!r c!nstant challenges c!ntinuall
takes him int! ne# territ!r% b!th literall an$ "igurativel. *e is m!st alive #hen
e&pl!ring li"estles in !ther lan$s. Travel can bec!me as much a necessit as "!!$
an$ $rink. ," the +un is n!t #ell-aspecte$% lack !" eg! ma prevent him "r!m the
e&pl!rati!n !" either !ther territ!ries !r his !#n p!tential. *e ma "ear (ba$ n!tices(
s! much that he $e"eats himsel" be"!re he begins. +el"-e&pl!rati!n an$ health
chance-taking can help him t! $isc!ver a ne# sense !" sel"-#!rth.
3rd House cusp in Pisces / 9th House cusp in "iro

(Bernice Grebner)

First Decanate (/isces-/isces / 5irg!-5irg!): The are the $reamers. *!#ever% the
vivi$ imaginati!n can bec!me ver artistic an$ "ul"ill a p!sitive m!$e !" sel"-
e&pressi!n necessar t! them. The can be pschic an$ get vali$ spiritual
impressi!ns% !r the can succumb t! hallucinati!ns. Their abilit t! c!nnect #ith
channels !thers cann!t tap can lea$ t! ver inspiring statements% p!etr% !r music.
+!metimes e&pressi!ns% h!#ever% can take the "!rm !r sel"-pit% #hich must be
#atche$ an$ c!ntr!lle$ i" this p!siti!n is t! be p!sitive.

The are n!t religi!us in the sense that the have unseen "aith% "!r the are t!!
critical. The #ant belie"s t! be c!rrect an$ per"ectl s!un$ an$ practical. The
believe in rules% an$ cann!t m!ve "r!m the centre t! all!# "!r $i""erences in pe!ple.

+ec!n$ Decanate (/isces-6ancer / 5irg!-6apric!rn): The are a#are !" hi$$en
in"luences #ithin envir!nment% !r hi$$en meanings behin$ #hat pe!ple sa. The
seek !ur meanings% but the keep their !#n "eelings t! themselves. The
c!mmunicate their "eelings best #ith music an$ p!etr. The seek marriage partners
#ith #h!m the can talk ab!ut these subtle "eelings% an$ th!se #h! can share
a#areness !" "iner things in nature ar!un$ them. The p!ssibl hear things !thers
$!n(t hear% an$ "eel things !thers $!n(t "eel. Because !" this% the #ant an$ nee$
s!me!ne t! believe in them.

-hatever the accept here in the ninth h!use !" religi!n an$ phil!s!ph has t! have a
material an$ practical bene"it. The ma travel% but usuall !nl "!r business reas!ns.
The have a legalistic appr!ach t! religi!n% an$ are usuall ver !rth!$!&. Their
pr!.ecti!n !" sel" usuall is ($!n(t make #aves( #here religi!n is c!ncerne$.

Thir$ Decanate (/isces-+c!rpi! / 5irg!-Taurus): The are secretive ab!ut their !#n
a""airs% but the #ant t! kn!# #hat lies hi$$en beneath #hat !ther pe!ple sa an$
$!. The are l!al an$ $ev!te$ t! "rien$s an$ pe!ple in the neighb!rh!!$% but like t!
kn!# all !thers are $ev!te$ t! them. The $eman$ this l!alt an$ usuall get it. This
gives the inclinati!n t! have secret "rien$s an$ alliances.

The seem "le&ible an$ !pen-min$e$ #ith religi!n% higher min$ stu$ies% an$
phil!s!ph% an$ #ill #!rk #ithin their religi!us c!mmunit #ith !ung pe!ple% etc.%
but the are n!t as "le&ible as the seem. T! them this is m!re "un. 7ven s!% the are
usuall inclu$e$ !n m!ne-raising c!mmittees "!r religi!us pr!.ects. The abilit t!
s!rt !ut c!rrect an$ pertinent "acts an$ t! !rgani2e pr!ce$ures makes them s!ught
a"ter "!r these pr!.ects.

(Frances +ak!ian an$ L!uis Acker)

This p!siti!n creates pers!ns #h! are surprisingl crptic an$ highl em!ti!nal in
their th!ughts an$ c!mmunicati!n. 5er !"ten their i$eas are base$ up!n intuitive
insights. The !rgani2e their plans an$ i$eas secretl. The als! like t! be al!ne #hen
$!ing mental #!rk.

Their phil!s!ph is base$ up!n e""icienc an$ har$ #!rk. The have practical i$eas
that can be utili2e$ #ithin the e&isting s!cial structure. An phil!s!ph the respect
must be c!nsistent in ever $etail. Their a#areness !" $etail an$ their capacit t! $!
research c!ntribute t! the "ine legal min$s !" s!me !" them.

(1eanne Aver)

The thir$ h!use in a chart $escribes the abilit t! c!mmunicate% #rite% learn% an$
neg!tiate. ,t als! $escribes the relati!nship an in$ivi$ual has #ith his siblings an$
relatives in general. ,t can in$icate "eelings ab!ut teleph!nes% $riving a car% an$ the
c!n$iti!ns !" earl sch!!l ears. ,t $escribes h!# an in$ivi$ual ph!t!graphs his
neighb!rs% br!thers an$ sisters. 3eptune rules this h!use #hen /isces is !n its cusp.

7ach planet has a p!sitive an$ negative c!nn!tati!n !r i$enti"icati!n. 3eptune is a
(trick( planet because in its p!sitive interpretati!n it in$icates great visi!n an$
inspirati!n% but in a negative #a it can $escribe $elusi!n an$ lack !" a sense !"
realit. -ith 3eptune ruling this h!use !" c!mmunicati!ns% !ne imme$iatel grasps
the !verlal picture !n an intuitive level% !r sets !nesel" up "!r a big let$!#n $ue t! an
inabilit t! c!n"r!nt !r $eal #ith $etails. 3eptune is relate$ t! str!ng right-brain

-hen 3eptune is #ell-aspecte$ in the chart% the native has the gi"t !" inspirati!n. *is
slightest c!nversati!n #ill inspire s!me!ne else t! live up t! i$eas. *is #!r$s give
insight int! pr!blems% an$ he imme$iatel c!mprehen$s !n an intuitive level #hat he
stu$ies !r plans t! c!mmunicate. *e ma i$!li2e his br!thers !r sisters% an$
ph!t!graph them as visi!naries. *e ma get his best i$eas #hen he is $riving a car.
*e learns easil% en.!ing the e&pl!rati!n !" c!ncepts. *e grasps the !verall picture%
an$ ma !r ma n!t have pr!blems #ith $etails% "acts an$ "igures. +ince 3eptune
rules "ilm% therap% ph!t!graph% an$ i$ealism% i" he is able t! c!mmunicate his
th!ughts al!ng th!se lines% he #ill "eel especiall upli"te$. Act!rs #ith this placement
can be i$!li2e$ "!r their #!rk in the c!mmunicati!ns in$ustr. -henever this
in$ivi$ual can e&press s!me !" his $reams% he recharges his !#n batteries.

," 3eptune is n!t #ell-aspecte$% there is a ten$enc t! be s!me#hat naive% !verl
trusting% an$ even ver unrealistic. There can be a "ine line bet#een visi!n% $reams%
an$ a c!n !r scam. The in$ivi$ual ma mitigate s!me !" his s!rr!# b putting !n
r!se-c!l!re$ glasses t! hi$e the ugliness !" the harsh% c!l$ realit he sees ar!un$
him. *e ma be $isapp!inte$ b relatives !r siblings% e&pecting them t! be their best
selves an$ (per"ect(. *e ma ten$ t! glam!ri2e pe!ple an$ situati!ns% leaving himsel"
!pen "!r $isillusi!nment. *e ma be unable t! c!n"r!nt $etails% an$ "in$ that implie$
agreements have n! basis in "act. *e ma stick his hea$ in the san$ like an !strich
#hen it c!mes t! neg!tiati!ns !r c!n"r!ntati!ns.

-hen a chil$ #ith this placement is taught h!# t! see the br!a$er sc!pe% an$ is then
enc!urage$ t! $eal #ith $etails t!!% he ma be able t! learn m!re e""ectivel. ," he
tries t! "!cus !n "acts be"!re he un$erstan$s the c!ncept% he can be b!gge$ $!#n%
$e"eate$ be"!re he starts. Learning h!# t! visuali2e can help him stu$. -hen he is
inspire$% he can li"t himsel" an$ th!se ar!un$ him t! great heights thr!ugh
e&pressi!n !" his i$eals. *e nee$s t! learn practical applicati!n !" i$eals as #ell.
3eptune is like ph!t!graphing a beauti"ul sunset. ," !ne remembers t! "!cus the
camera% the picture is a#e-inspiring. ," the "!cus is "!rg!tten% all that c!mes !ut is a
blur !" c!l!r.

3inth h!use matters inclu$e travel% rec!gniti!n% pr!m!ti!nal e""!rt% publicit% an$
$istances !" an kin$. The ninth h!use als! $escribes c!untries "ar a#a "r!m the
place !" birth an$ legal a""airs. -ith 5irg! !n the cusp !" the ninth h!use% the planet
0ercur $escribes th!se ninth h!use matters. 0ercur is relate$ t! the a$ult eg!
state an$ an intellectual activit% such as #riting% speaking% !r even thinking.
-hatever 0ercur rules in a chart in$icates #hat an in$ivi$ual thinks ab!ut.

The intellectual activit !" !ne #ith this placement can be stimulate$ b trips t! "ar-
!"" places. *e is intereste$ in "!reign i$eas% th!ughts% speech. *e can lecture% be
publishe$% !r receive publicit "!r his i$eas. *e can "in$ #!n$er"ul s!luti!ns "!r the
pr!m!ti!n !" pr!$ucts% in the a$vertising business% "!r instance% !r "!r the pr!m!ti!n
!" pe!ple. *e can be stimulate$ b e&citing intellectual #!rk% but can be )uite
analtical #hen it c!mes t! the publicati!n !" such i$eas. The a$ult eg! state is
c!ncerne$ #ith the c!llecti!n !" "acts an$ the abilit t! present th!ughts an$ i$eas
#ith clarit. This in$ivi$ual has a particular abilit t! make $ecisi!ns c!ncerning
"!reign p!lic !r the pr!m!ti!!n !" his !#n #!r$s.

-hen 0ercur is #ell-aspecte$ in the chart% it #!ul$ appear that the pers!n #as
given ever !pp!rtunit t! $evel!p intellectuall. ," a chil$ is given an !pp!rtunit t!
e&press his th!ughts an$ !bservati!ns% he gr!#s up #ith an e&cellent abilit t!
e&press himsel". But i" he #as critici2e$ !r ri$icule$ "!r his !pini!ns% it is $i""icult t!
e&press his intellectual !bservati!ns as he gr!#s !l$er. *e ma have t! bec!me
angr !r em!ti!nal be"!re he "eels he is hear$. ," his a$ult eg! is care"ull nurture$
al!ng the #a% h!#ever% his a#areness !" practical s!luti!ns bec!mes )uite str!ng.
*e can be #ell kn!#n "!r his #!r$s. *e ma bec!me inv!lve$ in e$ucati!nal pr!.ects%
use a lecture plat"!rm as a springb!ar$ t! pr!minence% !r traven a great $eal "!r his
#!rk. There is a natural tie-in bet#een #!rk an$ pr!m!ti!n "!r !ne #ith this
placement% i" Gemini is !n the cusp !" the si&th h!use% as b!th the si&th an$ ninth are
then rule$ b the same planet.

-hen 0ercur is #eak in the chart% !r ba$l aspecte$% lack !" c!n"i$ence !r clarit
ma prevent him "r!m e&pressing himsel" thr!ugh the e&change !" #!r$s an$ i$eas.
The aspects t! 0ercur in$icate h!# the pers!n "irst learne$ t! use #!r$s% an$ can
in$icate hang-ups !r traumas c!nnecte$ #ith verbali2ati!n. *e ma be "ear"ul !"
publicit% !r !verl antag!nistic #ith the press% !r ma use #!r$s in a manipulative
#a. Learning h!# t! c!mmunicate can be a challenge as he learns t! sharpen his
analtic abilities. *e ma eventuall en.! c!llecting $ata c!ncerning #!rl$ events.

The ninth h!use als! in$icates travel an$ $istances. 5irg! !b.ectivit an$ analsis
ma here be applie$ t! c!ncerns relating t! "ar-!"" places.

#th House cusp in Aries / $%th House cusp in Libra

(Bernice Grebner)

First Decanate (Aries-Aries / Libra-Libra): *ere Aries "in$s !ut he nee$s t! #!rk "!r a
living. There is a great $eal !" energ here that can be put t! g!!$ use in #!rk !r
service re)uiring great phsical e&pen$iture. The learn t! take care !" their health
at an earl age an$ can bec!me abs!rbe$ in this task m!st !" their lives.

There is karma c!nnecte$ #ith marriage !r partnerships. /r!mptings seem t! c!me
"r!m the subc!nsci!us !r patterns "r!m an!ther li"etime. This is c!rrecte$ !r helpe$
thr!ugh sacri"icial service given "!r the true partner !" their s!ul rather than sel"ish

+ec!n$ Decanate (Aries-Le! / Libra-A)uarius): The $irecti!n !" their mental p!#ers
can bec!me m!re $iscriminating an$ analtical. The are ver har$ #!rkers but the
#!rk best al!ne because the ten$ t! make $ecisi!ns be"!re the think ab!ut ir
rather that take !r$ers. ," the #!rk ver har$% the can make a name "!r themselves
in their ch!sen "iel$.

The #ill al#as have attitu$es an$ !pini!ns that are unc!nventi!nal. The ma get
int! tr!uble #ith their "amilies an$ / !r marriage parnters because the are s! br!a$-
min$e$. +ecretl the like t! sh!ck pe!ple% #hich !u $! n!t reali2e until !u kn!#
them better.

Thir$ Decanate (Aries-+agittarius / Libra-Gemini): These pe!ple nee$ t! have a .!b
#here the can m!ve ab!ut !r travel. The als! nee$ a .!b #here the $! n!t "eel as
i" the are .ust an!ther pebble !n the beach. A .!b t! them is making a l!t !" m!ne
even th!ugh the ma have an!ther i$eal !" #hat the #!ul$ like t! $!. The are n!t
intereste$ in little .!bs% but #ill $! a little .!b i" there is a pr!mise !" a bigger !ne !n
the h!ri2!n.

The nee$ t! learn that se& sh!ul$ be ass!ciate$ #ith l!ve% n!t lust' then
subc!nsci!us c!mple&es the have ab!ut se& #ill be c!rrecte$. The usuall $!n(t
suspect the ahve se&ual hangups% but the all!# em!ti!nal sel"-in$ulgence t! take
h!l$ !" their "eelings. *!#ever% the can $evel!p rare percepti!n int! the !ccult
#!rl$ an$ their se&ual lives.

(Frances +ak!ian an$ L!uis Acker)

These pe!ple are e""icient% p!#er"ul% an$ !riginal in tackling tasks that #!ul$ seem
imp!ssible t! !thers. +ince the get m!re acc!mplishe$ e""icientl than $! th!se b!rn
un$er an !ther si&th h!use cusp sign% the appear t! be sel"-pr!pelle$ in all that
the $!. Being natural lea$ers% the have a ten$enc t! be s!me#hat b!ss t!
sub!r$inates an$ c!-#!rkers. The e&ten$ a helping han$ #hen !thers are in tr!uble%
but the e&pect the ai$e$ in$ivi$ual t! abs!rb the strenth an$ sel"-su""icienc nee$e$
t! c!ntinue !n al!ne.

+c!rpi!s #h! en.! the seclusi!n !" places !" beaut are m!re re"ine$ an$ gentle
than the #!ul$ have !ne believe. Their hi$$en strength is their innate sense !"
.ustice an$ "air pla% but their sel"-un$!ing ma c!me "r!m their unc!nsci!us $esire
"!r lu&ur.

(1eanne Aver)

Activit is essential in !r$er "!r !ne #ith this pers!nalit t! remain health an$
serene. -hen Aries is !n the cusp !" the si&th h!use !" health an$ #!rk% a pi!neering
)ualit can enable the pers!n t! channel his energ in a p!sitive #a. 0ars% #hich
rules Aries% is the planet !" se&ual energ% creative $rive% "ight% ambiti!n% aggressive
acti!n% pi!neering ten$encies% an$ $eterminati!n. ," that energ is backe$ up%
$amme$ up% it turns int! "rustrati!n% aggravati!n% impatience% an$ temper. ,n !r$er
t! release an e&cess !" 0ars energ% a pers!n nee$s an !pp!rtunit in his #!rk t!
release the $rive an$ ambiti!n c!nnecte$ #ith this kin$ !" energ. ," he is inv!lve$ in
c!mpetitive "iel$s% !r #here he uses a great $eal !" phsical energ% the 0artian
energ is channele$ in a health #a. +ince 0ars als! rules metals% #!rk $!ne #ith a
tpe#riter% metal sculpture% !r metal t!!ls helps release an buil$-up !" "rustrati!n !r
impatience. 0usical instruments #ith metal strings can als! pr!vi$e a channel "!r the
release !" pent-up energ. Athlets utilise their str!ng 0ars energ in the "iel$ !"
sp!rts. 4pera singers naturall e&pen$ tremen$!us phsical energ in singing. Film
stars utili2e their $rive in c!mpetiti!n in their #!rk as #ell as the energ that is
e&pen$e$ in the #!rk.

," 0ars is #ell-aspecte$ in the chart% !pp!rtunities "!r much activit in .!b areas are
in$icate$. The in$ivi$ual can $eal #ith stri"e !r arguments an$ can act as a tr!uble-
sh!!ter. *e is easil able t! "ight "!r the rights !" his c!-#!rkers. 0ars als! $escribes
inn!vati!n. ," 0ars is n!t #ell-aspecte$% an in$icati!n !" "rustrati!n% aggravati!n% an$
stri"e is p!ssible.

,n areas !" health% $namic an$ abun$ant energ is inherent% !r "rustrati!n !r lack !"
!pp!rtunit t! use up the Aries energ creates nerves% temper% !r a ten$enc t!
attract acci$ents. *e can cut himsl"% burn himsel"% trip !ver things in an e""!rt t!
release this 0ars "!rce. There is a p!ssibilit !" high bl!!$ pressure !r bl!!$
$is!r$ers% since 0ars als! rules bl!!$. +urge!ns an$ $!ct!rs #ith this placement use
knives an$ instruments ma$e !" metal in their #!rk% an$ $eal #ith bl!!$ an$
acci$ents all the time. D!ct!rs must necessaril have an abun$ance !" phsical
vitatlit in !r$er t! #!rk l!ng% har$ h!urs. 0an $!ct!rs pre"er a great $eal !"
phsical acticit t! "ill up leisure h!urs. Tennis% running% skiing an$ s#imming are
e&cellent #as t! channel an e&cess !" the aggressive energ that g!es al!ng #ith
this $namic placement.

The t#el"th h!use in a chart in$icates areas that are submerge$% unseen% $i""icult t!
e&press. ,n s!me interpretati!ns% it in$icates restricti!n. ,t can als! $escribe the
subc!nsci!us min$ an$ pr!cesses% an$ ma be the )ualit that is m!st str!ngl an$
easil e&presse$ #hen the in$ivi$ual is al!ne !r in c!m"!rtable circumstances. -hen
the barriers are $!#n% t#el"th h!use matters can be release$.

5enus rules Libra !n the cusp !" the t#el"th h!use. 5enus in$icates l!ve% peace%
harm!n% serenit% beaut% pleasure% an$ sensualit. ," this planet is #ell-aspecte$%
the pers!n #ith this pers!nalit nee$s t! g! !"" b himsel" t! rest!re his inner
serenit. ,t is #hen he is "are "r!m the ma$$ing cr!#$ that he "eels the m!st peace
an$ harm!n. *e ma n!t easil sh!# his $ipl!matic% serene si$e% !r be able t!
e&press his l!ve nature% but he #ill "eel it str!ngl #hen he is rela&e$ an$
c!m"!rtable. *e is s! p!#er"ul an$ e""ective in !ther areas that the $ipl!matic%
sensual% pleasure-l!ving part !" him ma be submerge$. ,ntensit is the m!st visible
pers!nalit trait% et there is a $eep-seate$ subc!nsci!us nee$ "!r l!ve an$ a""ecti!n.

," 5enus is #ell-aspecte$% the in$ivi$ual has an inner talent "!r artistr. *e is able t!
get in t!uch #ith his creative% artistic e&pressi!n #hen he is al!ne. 0an artists are
b!rn #ith this placement. The nee$ "!r s!litu$e in creating art in an "!rm is !bvi!us%
but it is interesting t! n!te the )ualit !" the pers!nalit !" the artists b!rn #ith this
placement. The p!#er !" the pers!nalit belies the $eep% sensitive nature that is
reveale$ in their #!rk. ,t is necessar t! l!ve the s!litar time in !r$er t! pr!$uce
great #!rks !" art.

," 5enus is n!t #ell-aspecte$ in the chart% the in$ivi$ual ma n!t be able t! harness
his artistic talent% e&press the l!ve nature% !r even sh!# a""ecti!n. The aspects t! the
planet 5enus in$icate the bl!cks !r inhibiti!ns t! that e&pressi!n. ," Taurus is !n the
seventh h!use cusp% then 5enus als! rules the h!use !" marriage an$ l!ve% in #hich
case the pers!n #ith this placement is especiall likel t! "in$ restricti!n in l!ve

*e ma have t! learn h!# t! all!# l!ve% peace an$ harm!n int! his li"e. *is
e""ectiveness is #ith!ut )uesti!n. *is nee$ t! pla is #ell-establishe$% but the inner
peace !" min$ an$ harm!n !" spirit are ver necessar "!r !ne #ith this pers!nalit.
L!ve ma be elusive% but the inner harm!n that can help t! bring tran)uilit int! his
li"e can be $evel!pe$. -ith m!re e&pressi!n !" $ipl!mac% tact% an$ graci!usness% the
in$ivi$ual can a""ect pe!ple an$ situati!ns ar!un$ him in a pr!"!un$ #a. *e can
trul trans"!rm himsel" an$ !thers.
#th House cusp in Taurus / $%th House cusp in Scorpio

(Bernice Grebner)

First Decanate (Taurus-Taurus / +c!rpi!-+c!rpi!): The #!rk ver har$ in their
str!ng $rive "!r "inancial accumulati!n. As a result the usuall gain substantial
#ealth. Because !" this great c!ncentrati!n !" energ int! #!rk% their health ma
su""er. The ma have thr!at tr!uble !r ulcers.

The nee$ t! learn that se& sh!ul$ be ass!ciate$ #ith l!ve% n!t lust' then
subc!nsci!us c!mple&es the have ab!ut se& #ill be c!rrecte$. The usuall $!n(t
suspect the have se&ual hang-ups% but the all!# em!ti!nal sel"-in$ulgence t! take
h!l$ !" their "eelings. *!#ever% the can $evel!p rare percepti!n int! the !ccult
#!rl$ an$ their se&ual lives.

+ec!n$ Decanate (Taurus-5irg! / +c!rpi!-/isces): This pr!$uces pe!ple #h! are
sticklers in regar$s t! health. The ma have greater success in businesses $ealing
#ith health matters. These pe!ple never hesitate t! !""er their services t! !thers%
alth!ugh the can be sl!# #!rkers.

7ven th!ugh the ma be ver em!ti!nal c!ncerning their se& li"e% an$ ma hi$e their
sensitive an$ "eeling natures% the sh!# the #!rl$ a m!re e&tr!verte$ nature. There
are karmic c!n$iti!ns c!nnecte$ #ith se&% !r certain sacri"ices !n their parts #ith !r
"!r se&ual partners. The $eath !" s!me!ne ver cl!se t! them #ill bring ab!ut a
$rastic change in them.

Thir$ Decanate (Taurus-6apric!rn / +c!rpi!-6ancer): There is an inclinati!n t! #!rk
ver% ver har$ !r t! be ver% ver la2' but the $esire t! be b!ss has t! be curbe$.
The $e"initel #!rk "!r m!ne% but must like #hat the $!. The can !rgani2e their
#!rk #ell.

The $!n(t al#as like their !#n em!ti!nal attitu$es ab!ut se&% s! the unc!nsci!usl
buil$ up c!mple&es the must eventuall transcen$. The "ight an$ tr t! keep this
part !" their natures un$er c!ver. The must learn t! bring se& !ut !" hi$ing an$ t!
assign it its pr!per regenerative r!le in l!ve.

(Frances +ak!ian an$ L!uis Acker)

These pe!ple(s #!rk is practical% but the en.! pr!.ects the c!nsi$er beauti"ul an$
artistic. The #ill #!rk har$ !nl i" the can see a m!netar gain "r!m their e""!rts.
Their health is generall r!bust% pr!vi$ing the $! n!t !vereat !r bec!me sel"-
in$ulgent in an #a.

Their hi$$en supp!rt is their res!urce"ulness. The are able t! perceive an valuable
things that !thers have !verl!!ke$. The als! kn!# h!# t! cultivate hi$$en talents in
!thers. Their $!#n"all can be cause$ b secret resentments an$ c!nceale$ l!ve

(1eanne Aver)

This pers!n is especiall sensitive t! harm!n in the #!rk envir!nment. *e reacts t!
c!l!r% vibrati!ns% an$ pe!ple% nee$ing serenit an$ pleasant c!n$iti!ns m!st !" all. *e
can be artistic !r $ipl!matic at #!rk% but must l!ve #hat he is $!ing "!r greatest
success. 5enus rules the si&th h!use !" health #hen Taurus is !n its cusp.

5enus is the planet that $escribes beaut% harm!n% graci!usness% ease !" living% an$
sel"-in$ulgence !r la2iness. Tact% charm% an$ s!cial graces ma be imp!rtant in #!rk
areas "!r this in$ivi$ual. The aspects t! 5enus in$icate #hether the pers!n utili2es
his artistic nature in areas !" #!rk !r instea$ ten$s t! take the eas #a !ut. ," 5enus
is #ell-aspecte$ in the chart% then artistic% creative !ccupati!ns lea$ t! pleasure in
#!rk. *e ma be inv!lve$ in situati!ns #here a sense !" s!cial .ustice is especiall
imp!rtant. *e #ill be m!st charming an$ s!ciable #ith c!-#!rkers. ," 5enus is n!t
#ell-aspecte$% he ma hesitate t! make #aves in a .!b situati!n !r be un$iscipline$
an$ sel"-in$ulgent in getting the .!b $!ne.

The si&th h!use als! in$icates health c!n$iti!ns. 5enus rules s#eets an$ sugar. This
native ma ten$ t! !verin$ulge in g!!$ an$ $rink% n!t kn!#ing #hen t! sa (n!(.
4verin$ulgence can cause #eight gain. Lack !" pr!per $iet can unbalance the areas
!" the b!$ rule$ b the Ascen$ant% causing $igestive an$ energ pr!blems ," 5enus
is negative in the chart% a ten$enc t! hp!glcemia is pr!babl% in$icating a nee$ t!
av!i$ e&cess use !" sugar. ," the pers!n !ver$!es the intake !" s#eets% he augments
the sluggish% la2 "eeling that prevents accelerate$ pr!$uctivit #ith #!rk.

-ith Taurus !n the cusp !" the si&th h!use% preparing beauti"ul "!!$ can be an i$eal
artistic !utlet. *e ma be a g!urmet c!!k% !r take great care t! make the setting
beauti"ul. The si&th h!use in$iactes animals in the chart as #ell. This in$ivi$ual l!ves
animals% but ma sp!il his pets #ith lavish care. 5enus $escribes l!ve an$ a""ecti!n.
*e ma e&pen$ much !" his l!ve nature !n pets that are pampere$ an$ gr!!me$.

The creati!n !" harm!n an$ l!ve is essential #ithin an service capacit. *e ma
take care !" "amil members% animals% !r c!-#!rkers% !r e&ten$ his range t! humanit
at leage. As l!ng as he has harm!ni!us living% his health #ill be e&cellent. The $esire
"!r "ine "!!$% "ine #ines% an$ c!n$iments ma lea$ t! l!#ere$ vitalit% et pleasure is
essential "!r !ne #ith this placement. Fin$ing creative artistic #!rk pr!.ects can
mitigate a $esire "!r t!! much "!!$ an$ $rink an$ keep this happ-g!-luck in$ivi$ual
in "ine shape. Being !ver#eight is still a $istinct p!ssibilit #ith this placement%
h!#ever. Directing energ int! pr!$uctive an$ pleasurable pursuits is imp!rtant "!r
vitalit an$ g!!$ health.

The true p!#er !" the in$ivi$ual lies !n a subc!nsci!us% inner level. 0!tivati!ns have
much t! $! #ith the !uter c!n$iti!ns !" his li"e. ," he lives up t! his true p!tential%
this in$ivi$ual seems able t! act as an instrument "!r the a#akening !" mankin$. *e
can trans"!rm an$ a""ect man pe!ple b saing an$ appearing t! $! little in an
!bvi!us #a% et the p!#er !" his th!ughts is pr!"!un$. The p!#er"ul planet /lut!
rules the t#el"th h!use #hen +c!rpi! is !n its cusp. This planet $escribes the )ualit
!" energ that g!verns the secret th!ughts !" this pers!n. Behin$ that cheer"ul "a?a$e
lies intensit an$ $namic energ.

/lut! can be $escribe$ as a p!#er"ul% turbulent b!$ !" #ater that can be $estructive
i" le"t unc!ntr!lle$. ," that b!$ !" #ater "l!!$s the riverbanks% the $amage can be
severe. 9et i" that same b!$ !" #ater is $amme$ up% it can pr!$uce en!ugh
electricit t! light up cities. The energ !" /lut! can be m!st $i""icult t! $eal #ith
because !" its ver p!#er an$ intensit. 0!st !"ten% #ith /lut! ruling this (behin$ the
scenes( h!use% the in$ivi$ual is una#are !" the p!#er !" his inner th!ughts. ," he
reali2e$ he c!ul$ hurt pe!ple b #hat he thinks% he #!ul$ have t! be m!re care"ul t!
channel his th!ughts c!nstructivel.

,t #!ul$ appear that !ne #ith this placement has achieve$ a level !" ev!luti!n #here
he subc!nsci!usl kn!#s man secrets !" the universe. +ince t#el"th h!use matters
are $i""icult t! e&press !vertl% he ma have resistance t! the e&pressi!n !" p!#er. *e
relates that energ t! evil !r $!#n"all% an$ ch!!ses t! ign!re it #ithin himsel". 9et hs
is p!#er"ul !n a subc!nsci!us level% #hether he kn!#s it !r n!t. /lut! $escribes the
chil$ eg! state in terms !" Transacti!nal Analsis. The chil$(s str!ngest message is: (,
#ant #hat , #ant #hen , #ant it% an$ , #ant it m #a(. /lut! can be relate$ t! #ill.
The unev!lve$ #ill is like the chil$(s message% but the higher #ill is in tune #ith
universal c!nsci!usness. /lut! is als! the planet !" trans"!rmati!n. -herever it is
l!cate$ in the chart in$icates the area !" the greatest pers!nal trans"!rmati!n in li"e.
0an times the trans"!rmati!n ma c!me as a result !" having the rug pulle$ !ut
"r!m un$er% h!#ever.

(0!tivati!n( ma be the ke #!r$ "!r the use !" this p!#er"ul% trans"!rming energ.
,n its negative state% in$icate$ b $i""icult aspects t! /lut!% the ke #!r$ ma be
(revenge(. The in$ivi$ual ma have an inner m!tivati!n !" (,(ll get even% ,(ll sh!# !u(
!r (,(m g!ing t! get #hat , #ant even i" , have t! run right !ver s!me!ne t! $! it(.
The pers!nalit ma !r ma n!t be c!nsci!usl a#are !" this m!tivati!n. Like a chil$%
he sas (, #ant that situati!n(% (...that .!b(% !r (...that pers!n( rather than (, #ant the
right situati!n% pers!n% !r .!b(. *e is p!#er"ul en!ugh t! get #hat he #ants% but ma
$isc!ver that a better situati!n a#aite$ him .ust ar!un$ the c!rner i" he ha$ let
himsel" be !pen t! it. *e "in$s himsel" trappe$ in his !#n games% an$ ma live t!
regret !utsmarting himsel".

-hen /lut! is #ell-aspecte$% !r #hen the in$ivi$ual is #illing t! change a negative
situati!n% he is able t! tune int! higher #ill% is #illing t! let g! !" an situati!n that is
n!t s)ueak-clean% an$ "in$s himsel" $ealing !n a much m!re e""ective level than he
might have $reame$ p!ssible. The #illingness t! let g! can be a 6atch-@@% h!#ever.
*e "eels that unless he pushes an$ "!rces !n a subc!nsci!us level% manipulates an$
man!euvres in#ar$l% n!thing #ill happen in his li"e. *e has $i""icult trusting the
universe t! pr!vi$e the right c!n$iti!ns "!r his gr!#th. As l!ng as he #ants things his
#a% like the chil$% he gets things his #a. ;n"!rtunatel% his visi!n is limite$% as he is
unable t! see the higher plan !" his li"e. The #illingness t! h!!k up t! the universal
plan puts him in tune #ith n!t !nl his !#n inner rhthm but als! a rhthm !" much
higher vibrati!n. *e is s! e""ective b $!ing alm!st n!thing e&cept (thinking( that he
is ama2e$ b the results. -hen the inner m!tivati!n is "!r the g!!$ !" all% "!r
mankin$ as a #h!le% an$ #hen he% b his !#n "ree #ill% $eci$es t! act as an
instrument "!r !thers% he is given all the c!n$iti!ns he th!ught he #ante$ #hen
#!rking "r!m his little #ill !r chil$ eg!. G!!$ies c!me in $i""erent #as% h!#ever.
-hatever is nee$e$ "!r his #!rk seems t! appear alm!st catalsticall.

,t is as i" he pulls back all that p!#er !" th!ught% transmutes it t! a pure% inn!cent
level% h!!ks up t! his inner h$r!electric plant (the universe) an$ pr!cee$s t! light up
cities. ,na$vertentl% he creates a v!i$ !n the mun$ane level that enables him t! pull
in c!n$iti!ns that he nee$s an$ #ants.

The pers!nalit has such p!#er !" th!ught that he can actuall trip pe!ple up #hen
he is angr. *is th!ughts are like silver bullets% hitting the mark #ith accurac.
4thers can sense his "eelings even th!ugh una#are !" his hi$$en anger. *e ma $!
harm !n a pschic level #ith!ut kn!#ing it% !r he ma be a#are !" an abilit t! (pla
#ith min$s(. *is "eelings !" revenge are .ust like a b!!merang% h!#ever% in that the
ultimatel back"ire !n him.

0e$itati!n is e&tremel imp!rtant "!r !ne #ith this placement% since he can bec!me
such a p!#er"ul "!rce "!r g!!$. *e can upli"t an$ energi2e !thers #ith his th!ughts.
-hen he trans"!rms the lives !" th!se ar!un$ him% he imme$iatel trans"!rms his
!#n. -hat he "!rmerl trie$ t! acc!mplish b "!rce% he n!# acc!mplishes #ith ease.
*is !#n "ree #ill lea$s t! the ultimate $estin an$ t! the rappr!chement #ith c!smic

#th House cusp in Gemini / $%th House cusp in Saittarius

(Bernice Grebner)

First Decanate (Gemini-Gemini / +agittarius-+agittarius): The c!nsci!us min$ $eals
#ith #!rking c!n$iti!ns. ,t gives the c!rrect kin$ !" intuiti!n !n h!# t! g! ab!ut
$!ing the .!b. Because the use a l!t !" phsical an$ nerv!us energ% their health can
su""er% especiall the nerv!us sstem. The nee$ t! learn t! rela& regularl an$%
again% it gives the nee$ t! breathe $eepl.

These pe!ple ma be critical ab!ut religi!n but #ill keep their i$eas t! themselves.
7ven s!% their attitu$es #ill seem practical t! !thers. The certainl hi$e their
enthusiasms an$ !pen-min$e$ness m!st !" the time% but #hen li"e presents pr!blems
that innate !ptimism the p!ssess is #ell use$. The can #!rk har$ "!r religi!us
gr!ups !r s!me higher-min$ e$ucati!nal centre. The are usuall #ell !n the #a t!
having s!mething "igure$ !ut an$ #!rke$ !n be"!re their ass!ciates even get starte$.

+ec!n$ Decanate (Gemini-Libra / +agittarius-Aries): The like pe!ple ar!un$ them
#hen the #!rk an$% m!re especiall% the $! better .!bs #hen the have "ell!#
empl!ees #ithin talking range. /eace"ul surr!un$ings are essential. Their #!rk
must have variet% an$ is best in an 5enusian tra$e such as beauti"ul cl!thing%
$ec!rating% art !b.ects% .e#eller.

The p!ssess subc!nsci!us $rives "!r intellectual superi!rit. The #ant t!
un$erstan$ all !" the hi$$en la#s !" nature. The ma hi$e $esire "!r lea$ership "!r a
#hile% but "aith in themselves% m!tivate$ b str!ng energ c!ming "r!m h!me r!!ts%
"inall pushes this pers!n !ut int! the !pen #ith a "!rce n!-!ne can resist.

Thir$ Decanate (Gemini-A)uarius / +agittarius-Le!): These pe!ple are at their best !n
a .!b #here the can use the creative min$. There is a nee$ here t! have a .!b #here
there is "ree$!m t! m!ve ab!ut "r!m place t! place t! satis" the nee$ t! be
$iversi"ie$. The seek #!rk #here the can c!mmunicate #ith man pe!ple'
!ther#ise the bec!me "rustrate$ an$ have nerv!us pr!blems. The are ingeni!us in
"in$ing #as t! make m!ne.

The can be unkn!#n $!n!rs t! religi!us !r !ther #!rth#hile causes. This c!ul$
make them ver spiritual% !r it c!ul$ give a spiritual hang-up #ith the subc!nsci!us
$rive "!r appr!bati!n. -hen the give !" themselves t! s!cial services !" s!me kin$%
the are spirituall e&pan$e$. 4ne !" the pr!blems is that the never talk ab!ut the
partner(s "inancial situati!n !r an !ther pr!blem their marriage ma enc!unter.

(Frances +ak!ian an$ L!uis Acker)

These pe!ple are versatile an$ ingeni!us in !rgani2ing their #!rk% an$ can han$le
several .!bs at !nce. Their "raternal attitu$e t!#ar$ c!-#!rkers an$ empl!ees is !ne
!" the secrets !" their management abilit. The have numer!us i$eas !n h!# t!
increase e""icienc.

-hen the are al!ne% an$ rem!ve$ "r!m the business #!rl$% the are phil!s!phicall-
!riente$. Their phil!!sph !" li"e is the hi$$en supp!rt gui$ing an$ inspiring their
thinking. Their un$!ing ma c!me as a result !" l!"t aspirati!ns #hich the are
unable t! "ul"ill in their present circumstances.

(1eanne Aver)

These pe!ple must be stimulate$ intellectuall in their #!rk in !r$er t! be "ul"ille$.
,ntellectual challenge keeps them health% as the #a the think has much t! $! #ith
the c!n$iti!n !" their b!$. 0ercur rules the si&th h!use !" #!rk% service% an$
health #hen Gemini is !n its cusp. 0ercur in$icates mentalit% intellect% an$ the
a$ult eg! state. Gemini is an Air sign an$ a $ual sign. The in$ivi$ual can be m!re
pr!$uctive #hen he is #!rking !n t#! pr!.ects at !nce% !r #hen his min$ can "lit
"r!m !ne i$ea t! an!ther. 0ercur als! rules the v!ice. ," this in$ivi$ual can e&press
his th!ughts an$ v!ice his !pini!ns% he remains happ an$ health.

This in$ivi$ual reacts in a p!sitive #a t! mental challenges in his #!rk. *e cann!t
stan$ t! be b!re$ #ith his .!b% s! he c!nstantl nee$s ne# mental stimulati!n in #!rk
situati!ns. The aspects t! 0ercur in the chart in$icate h!# he "uncti!ns !n an
(a$ult( level. ," the planet is #ell-aspecte$% he c!mmunicates i$eas clearl% e&presses
!pini!ns in a c!ncise manner% $isseminates in"!rmati!n easil% an$ is curi!us ab!ut
activit ar!un$ him. *e "in$s #!rk situati!ns that #ill be stimulating. ," 0ercur is
n!t #ell-aspecte$% he can scatter his mental energ% an$ be unable t! e&press himsel"
#ith clarit' an$ he c!ul$ repress man !" his i$eas. *e c!ul$ "in$ himsel" in a
p!siti!n #here his a$vice is ign!re$% !r #here mental aggravati!ns keep him in ill-
health. Disagreements !ccur #ith c!-#!rkers% !r g!ssip !ccupies his time an$

As he has such a str!ng sense !" $estin% the in$ivi$ual can make signi"icant
c!ntributi!ns t! the #!rl$ !" i$eas #hen he e&presses his intellect !n an imp!rtant
level. Living up t! his karmic $estin makes it imperative t! speak his min$ an$ be
the pers!n t! lea$ the #a thr!ugh t! a $ecisi!n. +tatesmen #ith this placement must
be able t! think !n their "eet% make s#i"t appraisals !" situati!ns% an$ c!me t!
practical c!nclusi!ns. -riters% !rat!rs% act!rs% an$ speakers are #illing t! c!mmit
their i$eas t! the public !r !n paper. 1!urnalists must be able t! $isseminate
in"!rmati!n t! the public #ith rapi$it. 7ver alert t! #hat is g!ing !n in the #!rl$%
!ne #ith this p!siti!n must be $iscriminating as #ell. =esearch pr!.ects e&cite the
in$ivi$ual #ith this placement i" the in"!rmati!n he $eals #ith is stimulating%
e&citing% an$ ne#.

The c!untenance !" this in$ivi$ual can hi$e a $eepl religi!us% phil!s!phical nature.
-hen !ne #ith this placement is !n sa"e gr!un$ !r al!ne% he bec!mes hum!r!us%
.!"ul% an$ enthusiastic. *is inner happ-g!-luck nature pulls him thr!ugh man
$i""icult times. ," he can let that !ptimistic pers!nalit emerge m!re !"ten% he learns
n!t t! take himsel" !r li"e )uite s! seri!usl. Luck lies #ith his secret abilit t! see
hum!r in all situati!ns an$ t! see the best in ever!ne. *e ma n!t reveal that part !"
his pers!nalit earl in his li"e% an$ ma in "act never be able t! "reel e&p!se the
hum!r!us% phil!s!phical si$e !" himsel". ,t ma be $i""icult "!r him t! let $!#n the
guar$ that has pr!tecte$ him since chil$h!!$. *is sa"et lies in the st!ic acceptance
he pr!.ects - et .! lurks .ust behin$ ever .u$gemental !bservati!n.

," 1upiter is #ell-aspecte$% the $eepl private religi!us nature shines thr!ugh as he
gr!#s !l$er. *e nee$s time al!ne in me$itati!n% !r simpl tuning in t! nature. *is
inner curi!sit c!mpels him t! seek ne# g!als% ne# h!ri2!ns. *e keeps s!me things
)uiet until he(s ha$ a chance t! implement his !ptimistic plans% an$ he can be
m!tivate$ b ne# pr!.ects that are n!t c!mpletel #!rke$ !ut in his subc!nsci!us%
#hile he is "inishing !l$ pr!.ects. -hen he is b himsel"% he can tune in t! a
#ellspring !" bubbling /!llanna-ish !ptimism. *e re.uvenates himsel" thr!ugh his
$eepl religi!us% universal subc!nsci!usness.

," 1upiter is n!t #ell-aspecte$% the ten$enc t! inner $isapp!intment ma paral2e
him in a #a that cann!t be helpe$. *e is n!t m!tivate$ t! accept challenges in li"e%
pre"erring t! remain in a rut% reliving !l$ re.ecti!n messages% av!i$ing his ultimate
resp!nsibilit. +ubc!nsci!us $isapp!intment can keep him in limite$ circumstance all
his li"e. Fear !" siapp!intment ma be the real inner m!tivati!n !" his li"e. 0an
pe!ple #ith this placement $isc!ver a past li"etime spent in high religi!us pursuits. ,"
th!se pursuits ha$ en$ings !" trage$ !r impris!nment% h!#ever% the inner #!rking
!" the min$ c!ntinnues t! rein"!rce th!se c!n$iti!ns thr!ugh!ut his present li"e. The
inner threa$ !" h!pe has s!meh!# been severe$. ,t is up t! the in$ivi$ual t! retie
th!se threa$s thr!ugh c!nsci!us ch!ice. =e-e&aminati!n !" past c!n$iti!ning is m!re
imp!rtant t! !ne #ith this placement than t! alm!st an!ne else.

4ne #!ul$ h!pe that p!#er"ul #!rl$ lea$ers have a str!ng (religi!us( sense $irecting
them "r!m a subc!nsci!us level - !r at least the m!tivati!n !" c!ncern "!r bettering
c!n$iti!ns "!r humanit. 1upiter als! $escribes the abilit t! give permissi!n.
7nc!uragement "r!m inner levels is essential "!r an!ne #h! has ch!sen a $i""icult
task in li"e. ," !ne #ith this placement #ere able t! tap all !" his subc!nsci!us
p!#ers% he #!ul$ be able t! transcen$ an "eelings !" limitati!n in his li"e. The ch!ice
is entirel up t! him.

#th House cusp in Cancer / $%th House cusp in Capricorn

(Bernice Grebner)

First Decanate (6ancer-6ancer / 6apric!rn-6apric!rn): The place #here the #!rk
ma seem like a sec!n$ h!me. The ma treat empl!ees !r th!se am!ng #h!m the
#!rk like part !" their "amil. These pe!ple can be nuts ab!ut g!!$ nutriti!n an$
#hat the an$ their "amil eat. ;nc!ntr!lle$ em!ti!nalism can cause seri!us illness.

The are "rien$l% #!rl$l% liberal an$ the "!rerunners !" human pr!gress% but behin$
the scenes the live s!litar lives. The secretl lack c!n"i$ence an$ nee$ t! learn t!
accept themselves "irst be"!re the can "ull help !thers. The have inner s!rr!#s !"
#hich the $! n!t al#as kn!# the s!urce.

+ec!n$ Decanate (6ancer-+c!rpi! / 6apric!rn-Taurus): The bec!me $eepl inv!lve$
#ith #!rk t! the p!int !" making it a sec!n$ h!me a#a "r!m h!me. The bec!me
ver attache$ t! the pe!ple the #!rk #ith. ," the can turn this $eep nee$ t! be
inv!lve$ int! psch!l!gical an$ s!ci!l!gical #!rk% it can be put t!gether beauti"ull
as a v!cati!n.

The ma be "ar ahea$ !" their times #ith s!me !" their i$eas% but their natures are
m!re "i&e$ an$ c!nservative than is apparent t! the public. Because !" this% i" their
Ascen$ant is in A)uarius their ;ranian i$eas ma n!t get t!! "ar !"" the gr!un$' h!#
this in"luence takes shape #!ul$ $epen$ up!n #here ;ranus #as l!cate$ in the
chart. 4r% i" Taurus is !n the cusp !" the "!urth h!use% the ma bec!me t!! practical
an$ materialistic' h!# this in"luence takes shape #!ul$ $epen$ up!n #here +aturn
#as l!cate$ b h!use an$ sign as t! $ut an$ resp!nsibilit.

Thir$ Decanate (6ancer-/isces / 6apric!rn-5irg!): The ma n!t get s! $eepl
inv!lve$ #ith their #!rk that the literall use elb!# grease' but because the like
m!ne the #ill man!euver% s!metimes behin$ the scenes% in !r$er t! be success"ul.
The are tenaci!us an$ h!l$ !nt! a .!b% but "luctuate bet#een being la2 an$ being

The have brilliant i$eas an$ can unc!ver man secrets. The secretl "eel !thers(
criticisms !" them% even i" n!t actuall v!ice$ b an!ne% #hich can hin$er brilliant
i$eas c!ming !ut int! the !pen. The can bl!ck their !#n pr!gress b picking !thers
apart. ," use$ p!sitivel% this in"luence lea$s them t! #!rk har$ in the service !"
humanitarian $reams.

(Frances +ak!ian an$ L!uis Acker)

Because these pe!ple have the gr!up instinct% the #!rk #here there are pe!ple an$
#here there is c!nstant activit% regar$ing their c!-#!rkers as "amil members. Their
#!rk !"ten inv!lves civic an$ c!mmunit li"e. Their health is c!ntigent up!n their
em!ti!nal state. -hen the are em!ti!nall upset% the ma have #hat is c!mm!nl
calle$ (butter"lies in the st!mach(% alth!ugh this is rarel !ut#ar$l apparent.

The are m!re c!nservative than the ma like t! a$mit. Alth!ugh the are
s!metimes limite$ b unc!nsci!us "ears% their hi$$en strength is the $iscipline that
enables them t! #!rk har$ behin$ the scenes. The can be truste$ #ith secrets% an$
the !"ten #!rk !n secret pr!.ects.

(1eanne Aver)

The 0!!n rules the si&th h!use !" #!rk an$ service #hen 6ancer is !n its cusp. The
0!!n in$icates sensitivit% vulnerabilit% nurturing% an$ em!ti!n. The 0!!n is the
"astest-m!ving b!$ thr!ugh the signs !" the 2!$iac% in$icating changeabilit !r
m!!$iness% but in the p!sitive sense is relate$ t! the c!llective unc!nsci!us. ,t
$escribes the "eelings an$ em!ti!ns #e all share in c!mm!n.

-hen the 0!!n is #ell-aspecte$ in the natal chart% an in$ivi$ual #ith this placement
is naturall attracte$ t! #!rk #here he can be tune$ in t! the nee$s !" pe!ple. +tr!ng
service capacit can mean anthing "r!m #!rking in a h!spital !r serving "!!$ in a
restaurant t! pr!vi$ing a service !rgani2ati!n. The 0!!n has been pr!ven
statisticall b Gau)uelin t! be the str!ngest heavenl b!$ in the charts !" #riters.
,t seems that #hen the pers!nalit is #illing t! #!rk thr!ugh his !#n em!ti!nal pain
an$ e&p!se his vulnerabilit% he can bec!me )uite nurturing t! pe!ple% sensing their
nee$s !n a $eepl pr!"!un$ level. *e #ill be m!st vulnerbale an$ sensitive ab!ut his
#!rk% but als! the m!st un$erstan$ing pers!n !n the .!b.

," the 0!!n is n!t #ell-aspecte$% h!#ever% he can be !verl sensitive% upset ab!ut
#!rk all the time% an$ su""er terrible in$igesti!n in c!nnecti!n #ith upsetting #!rk
situati!ns. +ince ;ranus $escribes the nerv!us sstem in general% an$ the 0!!n
$escribes the $igestive sstem% the biggest health pr!blem ma c!me #ith !verl
sensitive reacti!ns% st!mach pr!blems% an$ a $elicate nerv!us sstem. ," he can #!rk
in a capacit #here his genius an$ sensitivit are re#ar$e$% his energ is #!rking
creativel t! keep him in tune an$ health.

-henever a particular energ threatens t! bec!me a pr!blem% the #!rking !ut !" that
particular energ in a c!nstructive% creative manner enables the release !" steam.
4ther#ise% that negative energ backs up an$ eats up the in$ivi$ual "r!m the insi$e.
The pers!n b!rn #ith this placement can keep himsel" health b $ealing #ith his
em!ti!nal nature thr!ugh releasing nurturing instincts. ,t seems that #hen he
un$erstan$s h!# !thers pr!.ect their th!ughts an$ "eelings ab!ut themselves int!
statements an$ accusati!ns% he is less easil hurt an$ learns n!t t! take things
pers!nall. *e then $epers!nali2es #hat might !ther#ise threaten t! $ebilitate him%
transmuting this un$erstan$ing int! a m!re pr!"!un$ l!!k at mankin$(s patters as a

The t#el"th h!use in a chart has been $escribe$ b tra$iti!nal astr!l!g as the h!use
!" impris!nment% .ail% !r h!spitals. ,n psch!l!gical terms% the t#el"th h!use
$escribes the subc!nsci!us min$. ,t in$icates )ualities that are $i""icult t! e&p!se !r
$eal #ith !vertl. -hen 6apric!rn is !n the cusp !" this hi$$en h!use% +aturn rules it.
+aturn is the planet !" resp!nsibilit% gravit% !r% in the negative sense% restricti!n !r

,n the language !" Transacti!nal Analsis% +aturn relates t! the parent eg! state. That
eg! state is $evel!pe$ b listening t! the real parents( messages earl in li"e. The
in$ivi$ual transcribes the same (be sa"e( messages !nt! a tape that runs insi$e his
!#n hea$% until he learns t! re-rec!r$ th!se earl in.uncti!ns. -hen +aturn rules the
t#el"th h!use% h!#ever% th!se restrictive !r supp!rtive parent messages seem t!
c!me "r!m a past li"e !r !n a $eepl subc!nsci!us level.

1!hannes 0ichael $escribe$ this placement in a m!st pr!"!un$ #a. *e sai$: (, "eel
like ,(ve ha$ a sha$!# !n m s!ul. +!metimes , see situati!ns that , kn!# bel!ng t!
me% et , $!n(t let msel" get them. , am a#are that , st!p msel" !n s!me level. ,t is
as i" s!me subc!nsci!us "ear prevents me "r!m grasping re#ar$s.(

The ("antas( inv!lve$ in this subc!nsci!us "eeling !" restricti!n !r limiati!n can be
unc!vere$ thr!ugh regressi!n sessi!ns. ,t seems as i" a $eep subc!nsci!us "eeling !"
ina$e)uac% perhaps "r!m a past incarnati!n% keeps the in$ivi$ual #earing the hair
shirt. ,t can s!metimes be c!nnecte$ #ith gr!up !r racial guilt% #here the pers!n
"eels resp!nsible "!r the "ailure !" a plan !r situati!n. *is inner $ecisi!n is: (3ever
again(. -hen he bec!mes a#are !" that subc!nsci!us sel"-punishment% he can begin
t! release energ an$ be a#are !" the inappr!priate reas!n "!r st!pping himsel".

," +aturn is #ell-aspecte$ in the chart% h!#ever% much !" that unnecessar
punishment seems t! be mitigate$. A $eep sense !" resp!nsibilit enables the
in$ivi$ual t! enter li"e $etermine$ t! "in$ his $estin% an$ all!#s him t! value himsel"
s! that he can assume the highest resp!nsibilit !" #hich he is capable. ,n #!rking
past his subc!nsci!us "ears% the in$ivi$ul !pens $!!rs that he ma have been a"rai$
!" be"!re. ," he "ears a m!nster behin$ th!se $!!rs% bringing him int! $alight ma
reveal that m!nster t! be !nl !ne inch tall. *e #ill then "in$ the true "ree$!m !" li"e
an$ a pr!"!un$ spiritual c!nnecti!n t! mankin$% especiall i" the Ascen$ant is

#th House cusp in Leo / $%th House cusp in A!uarius

(Bernice Grebner)

First Decanate (Le!-Le! / A)uarius-A)uarius): The nee$ t! l!ve their #!rk% an$ it
sh!ul$ be creative in an artistic #a. The have great pri$e in their #!rk i" the like
#hat the are $!ing. ," the $!n't% the #ill c!nstantl be $ramatic ab!ut it b
intimating that is is beneath them. The are best #!rking #ith partners the care
ab!ut. ,t is n!t g!!$ "!r them t! #!rk al!ne' the nee$ s!me!ne #ith #h!m t! share
the pri$e !" #!rk #ell $!ne.

The ma be the greatest pschics !u kn!#% but ma n!t tell !u ab!ut their
e&periences. ," the can "inall break their silence an$ c!me thr!ugh% these A@th
h!use pe!ple can be am!ng the greatest v!ices !" a higher c!nsci!usness in revealing
c!smic truths. The must break "ree an$ help pe!ple #ith their talents.

+ec!n$ Decanate (Le!-+agittarius / A)uarius-Gemini): This gives a capacit "!r
#!rking l!ng h!urs an$ "!r seeing l!ng-range c!mmitments. 7mpl!ment isn(t .ust
empl!ment' the have a v!cati!n !r business in min$. The vie# is t!#ar$ the "uture%
an$ the can lab!r l!ng h!urs #ith !ptimism an$ enthusiasm in that $irecti!n.

The are pschic% an$ there is n! "iel$ !" the !ccult #!rl$ #ith #hich the #ill n!t
e&periment. +!meh!# the !"ten "eel as i" the are n!t in the right envir!nment !r
that the are n!t !n the right planet !r right level. The "ight t! be "ree% but the
c!ntinuall "eel l!cke$ in a kin$ !" pris!n.

Thir$ Decanate (Le!-Aries / A)uarius-Libra): These pe!ple #!rk because $eep #ithin
their min$ the believe the have special missi!ns in li"e. The are better #!rking "!r
themselves% being their !#n b!sses% #hich gives the initiative t! greater earning
p!#er than #hen #!rking "!r s!me!ne else.

Their unc!nventi!nal natures an$ c!n$iti!ns in their marriages remain un$er #raps
"r!m public kn!#le$ge. There ma be karmic c!n$iti!ns #ith "rien$s in relati!n t!
the marriage partner. The can be ver !b.ective c!ncerning the stu$ !" !ccult la#s.
-hen the generate themselves% !r pick themselves up "r!m a ($!#n(% the #ill g! !""
al!ne !ne time% an$ then at an!ther time the #ill #ant a partner t! help them. ,"
the ch!!se artistic e&pressi!n t! bring themselves up% the #ill $! much better.

(Frances +ak!ian an$ L!uis Acker)

These pe!ple ma be )uite $!mineering !ver c!-#!rkers an$ sub!r$inates' the have
a "eeling !" auth!rit #here #!rk an$ services are c!ncerne$. The gl!r in the
sacri"ices the must make in their pr!"essi!n an$ service. Their illnesses are !"ten
psch!s!matic an$ are use$ t! attract attenti!n. The ten$ t! be l!# in vitalit i" the
Ascen$ant is in /isces% because then the 3eptune in"luence !n their "irst h!use
makes them $issipate their energ.

The can bring ab!ut their sel"-un$!ing b bur$ening their ass!ciates #ith their
pr!blems an$ b alienating their "rien$s b re)uiring c!nstant smpath an$ supp!rt.
4n the p!sitive si$e% their spiritual rapp!rt #ith thier "rien$s can be their hi$$en
supp!rt. The have an unc!nsci!us $esire t! serve humanit% an$ a universal
a#areness that enables them t! tap the $eeper levels !" c!nsci!usness.

(1eanne Aver)

/ri$e in acc!mplishment is imp!rtant "!r !ne #ith this placement. The +un rules Le!
!n the cusp !" the si&th h!use !" #!rk% service an$ health. ,n a chart% the +un
$escribes vitalit% eg!% sel"-esteem% an$ sense !" sel"-#!rth. -ith g!!$ aspects t! the
+un% the in$iviu$al has a natural sense !" $!minance% e&ecutive abilit% an$
lea$ership. *e pr!.ects great vitalit% $rama% an$ a sense !" sel"-#!rth% there"!re
attracting rec!gniti!n an$ !pp!rtunit. The +un als! $escribes areas that are
c!nnecte$ #ith pri$e in the chart. ," the +un is #ell-aspecte$% the pers!nalit must
#!rk in areas #here he #ill receive rec!gniti!n' an$ that brings a sense !" pri$e in
return. *e must be in a p!siti!n t! e&press his inner eg! an$ vitalit% call the sh!ts%
an$ assume a lea$ership p!siti!n.

," the +un is n!t #ell-aspecte$% the in$ivi$ual ma n!t all!# himsel" the right t! #!rk
#here his eg! can be str!ke$. *e ma n!t receive rec!gniti!n "!r #hat he $!es #ell%
an$ ma neglect t! sh!# his lea$ership )ualit. Th!se #ith this placement aiming t!
#!rk in the glam!ur #!rl$% "!r instance as act!rs% must "irst rec!gni2e their !#n
talent% then be ($isc!vere$( b s!me!ne else. Therapists #ith this placement must
have c!n"i$ence in their abilit be"!re !thers #ill c!me "!r ai$. -hen the +un is n!t
#ell-aspecte$% the in$ivi$ual ma #ait "!r s!me!ne else t! give him (permissi!n( t! $!
#hat he #ants t! #ithin #!rk situati!ns. *e ma #!rk in !r$er t! receive
rec!gniti!n% putting the cart be"!re the h!rse. *is eg! can su""er $amage #hen he is
bpasse$ !r ign!re$.

+ince the +un $escribes the (name( !ne makes in li"e% i" aspects in$icate str!ng
rec!gniti!n% then the pers!nalit ma be m!tivate$ t! #!rk #here his (name( is
ass!ciate$ #ith a pr!$uct !r a talent. -here he assumes the $!minant r!le in his
#!rk% he #ill be health an$ vital. *igh energ enables him t! #!rk tirelessl. 9et i"
the +un is n!t #ell-aspecte$ an$ he #!rks in areas that are n!t eg!-satis"ing% he
ma "re)uentl "eel a lack !" vitalit. This in$ivi$ual ma sense str!nger energ at
times #hen he is rec!gni2e$ an$ l!#ere$ vitalit #hen he is n!t. The m!st imp!rtant
thing he can $! "!r himsel" is t! pat himsel" !n the back% #!rk in areas #here he is
"ul"ille$% an$ #ait "!r his c!-#!rkers t! give him str!kes i" the are able. 4b.ective
sel"-evalutati!n brings increase$ energ an$ vitalit.

The t#el"th h!use $escribes subc!nsci!us pr!cesses% particular characteristics that
are $i""icult t! e&p!se% an$ matters relating t! the !ccult !r pschic realms. -hen
A)uarius is !n the cusp !" this h!use !" hi$$en matters% ;ranus is its ruler. ;ranus is
the planet !" genius% humanitarianism% healing% an$ the unusual. ,n the negative
sense% ;ranus $escribes rebelli!n.

There is a ten$enc #ith this placement t! easil leave the b!$. Astral travelling is a
c!nstant activit #hen this pers!nalit is a"rai$% !r un#illing% t! $eal #ith unpleasant
"acts in "r!nt !" him. *e ma learn this techni)ue earl in li"e t! av!i$ punishment%
parents( $ispleasure% !r the c!l$% harsh in.ustice !" li"e. *e can simpl tune !ut an$
take !"" t! realms !" sa"et% traveling !n the #ings !" "antas.

This placement can in$icate a high $egree !" sensitivit !r pschism. ;ranus rules
electricit. This in$ivi$ual seems t! have a higer $egree !" electricit running
thr!ugh his subc!nsci!us% enabling him t! tune in t! !ther pe!ple !r realms ver
easil. ,n the p!sitive sense% an$ #ith g!!$ aspects t! ;ranus% this in$icates a healing
)ualit !n the subc!nsci!us level an$ a high $egree !" ev!luti!n. *e is a (genius( !n a
hi$$en level. ," the Ascen$ant is in /isces% he ma sh!# an i$ealistic% visi!nar "a?a$e
in !r$er t! c!nceal the "act that he is ver $i""erent !n an inner level. *igh
humanitarian i$eals put him ahea$ !" his time in inner realms !" a#areness.

-hen ;ranus is n!t #ell-aspecte$% the in$ivi$ual ma "in$ this abilit t! leave the
b!$ !r pick up the th!ughts !" !thers ver unsettling. *e ma tr t! calm that
energ $!#n thr!ugh $rinking !r $rugs% et that makes him even m!re unsettle$ !n
the subc!nsci!us level. ,nner rebelli!n makes him run a#a "r!m high a#areness
instea$ !" utili2ing that healing energ "!r the sake !" humanit. Tremen$!us
sensitivit keeps the inner min$ in a state !" c!nstant change. ;ranus is like the
rem!$elling !" a r!!m. As the plaster "alls% the $ust an$ cha!s make c!n$iti!ns m!st
nerve-racking. The ten$enc t! run a#a "r!m the mess is str!ng% et in s! $!ing the
in$ivi$ual can get hit !n the hea$ b "alling plaster. ,"% in the pr!cess% the pers!n
$!ns a har$ hat% an$ stan$s calml in the centre !" the mess% kn!#ing that s!!n he
#ill have a ne# envir!nment% then changing these c!n$iti!ns can be easier. ;ranus
in$icates (rem!$elling(% !r greater a#areness% et the breaking up !" !utm!$e$
c!n$iti!ns can be $i""icult. ;ranus rules music% high "re)uenc% an$ ra$i!. -ith a
ba$l aspecte$ ;ranus% it is like having a ra$i! stati!n slightl !""-centre #ith
c!n"licting stati!ns bringing in c!n"usi!n s!un$s. ," this inner% subc!nsci!us cha!s is
t!! $i""icult% an$ there are t!! man (v!ices(% the in$ivi$ual ma tr anthing t! help
$r!#n !ut the s!un$. *e can sh!rt-circuit himsel" subc!nsci!usl.

," he learns h!# t! tune the ra$i! !" his subc!nsci!us% he has true genius p!tential%
pschic abilit !" an e&tra!r$inar level% an$ a healing% humanitarian )ualit that
!perates !n a hi$$en level. B plugging that pr!"!un$ electrical current int! the right
!utlet% he releases light an$ truth t! mankin$% sen$ing !ut in"!rmati!n that ma have
been l!st t! civili2ati!n "!r centuries. *e #ill kn!# h!# t! channel the current int! a
p!sitive !utlet t! pr!$uce #!rks that heal mankin$. The ackn!#le$gement that he
!perates !n a higher "re)uenc than m!st pe!ple ma be a "irst step t! the
un$erstan$ing !" the genius p!tential. *e #ill e&pl!re spiritual realms that the m!re
earthb!un$ ma never be able t! reach% an$ he can catapult !thers int! greater
a#areness as a result !" his !#n #illingness t! #!rk thr!ugh the scare an$ e&pl!re
the higher realms !" c!nsci!usness. ;ltimatel% his greatest "ul"illment c!mes "r!m
healing mankin$ thr!ugh his pschic% subc!nsci!us current. ,$ealism has an !utlet%
an$ visi!n has a practical applicati!n% in his !uter li"e.
#th House cusp in "iro / $%th House cusp in Pisces

(Bernice Grebner)

First Decanate (5irg!-5irg! / /isces-/isces): The can #!rk ver har$ i" the can use
their analtical abilit al!ng #ith it. Diet is all-imp!rtant% an$ the are !verc!ncerne$
#ith taking care !" themselves. The cann!t stan$ t! be ill% an$ can #!rk themselves
int! a nerv!us state i" the think the might bec!me ill !r catch s!mething that is
g!ing ar!un$. The nee$ t! have .!bs #here "ree$!m is n!t restricte$' !ther#ise%
the bec!me e&tremel irritable #ith their "ell!#-#!rkers. The #ill critici2e "ell!#
empl!ees% even th!ugh the themselves have a har$ time accepting criticism.

+ensitivit c!mes "r!m a subc!nsci!us s!urce an$ gives them tr!uble that the $! n!t
kn!# h!# t! check. The have $eep inner l!neliness. ,t ma give illness !" a
psch!s!matic nature. ,n sel"less service t! !thers #h! are ill% !r #h! su""er mentall
!r em!ti!nall% the can relieve their !#n l!neliness an$ su""ering.

+ec!n$ Decanate (5irg!-6apric!rn / /isces-6ancer): The #!rk har$ an$ have great
ambiti!n t! g! higher up the la$$er. The can be impatient% but $! the .!b #ell% an$
never let their impatience inter"ere #ith their #!rk. The are best as supervis!rs !r
in a lea$ership p!siti!n. The make e&cellent c!-!r$inat!rs. The #!rk s! har$ it can
a""ect their health.

The have great sel"-pri$e' an$% i" the have a g!!$ h!me% the are happ an$
!utg!ing. *!#ever% an pr!blems #ith the h!me li"e cause them t! su""er silentl as
martrs. The never #ant an!ne t! kn!# the are n!t sel"-su""icient. The #ill make
a great $eal !" sacri"ice "!r h!me an$ "amil c!m"!rt.

Thir$ Decanate (5irg!-Taurus / /isces-+c!rpi!): The in"luence #ith this p!siti!n is t!
#!rk har$ "!r m!ne. ,t s!un$s simple an$ unc!mplicate$% but #hen !u kn!# them
better% the can be bull-hea$e$ an$ stubb!rn in c!nnecti!n #ith n!t !nl their health
but als! #!rking c!n$iti!ns. The are intereste$ in c!rrect $iet an$ alm!st "anatical
ab!ut it.

(Frances +ak!ian an$ L!uis Acker)

6are an$ precisi!n characteri2e these pe!ple(s #!rk' an$ in man respects it is !"
superi!r )ualit. 9et the !"ten leave s!mething un"inishe$ because their
per"ecti!nist ten$encies make it $i""icult "!r them t! c!mplete a task !n time% !r
because their enthusiasm has #ane$.

The have an unc!nsci!us spiritual #is$!m that is n!t apparent !n the sur"ace. The
p!ssess an intense empath "!r mankin$% et at times the "eel al!ne. 6!n"usi!n !n
the unc!nsci!us level ma s!metimes be their un$!ing.

(1eanne Aver)

0ercur rules the h!use !" service% health% an$ !ccupati!n #hen 5irg! is !n its cusp.
This in$ivi$ual nee$s tremen$!us mental stimulati!n in !r$er t! sta vital an$
health. *is service capacit has t! $! #ith i$eas an$ #!r$s. -riters an$ act!rs use
speech an$ mental activit in their !ccupati!ns. Th!ught an$ strateg has a great
$eal t! $! #ith the success !" s!me militar lea$ers.

," 0ercur is #ell-aspecte$ in the chart% it is eas "!r !ne #ith this placement t!
assume resp!nsibilit "!r e&pressi!n thr!ugh #!r$s. *e can be )uite analtical in his
#!rk. *is th!ught pr!cesses can have much t! $! #ith health' his !#n an$ that !"
!thers. +ince 5irg! is ass!ciate$ #ith purit an$ (virginit(% health "!!$s !r natural
pr!$ucts appeal t! !ne #ith this placement. *e can bec!me )uite a#are !" the $esire
"!r purit !" b!$. Athletes% "!r instance% nee$ this kin$ !" analtical care an$ b!$
a#areness in !r$er t! per"!rm at peak capacit.

5irg! is ass!ciate$ #ith th!ught"ulness an$ precisi!n. 3itpicking is s!metimes part !"
that th!r!ughness.

4ne #ith this placement has a natural hea$ start in #!rk c!mbining a nee$ "!r
brilliance #ith !ne "!r analsis. -ith applicati!n% he is a natural "!r the
c!mmunicati!n "iel$s% #hether #riting% $irecting% !r per"!rming. This kin$ !"
mentall challenging #!rk is the anti$!te "!r restlessness an$ impatience. As l!ng as
he has an !utlet "!r his intellect an$ a release "!r his th!ughts% he #ill remain
health. ,t is negativit c!uple$ #ith inacti!n that brings ab!ut l!#ere$ vitalit an$
lack !" energ. ,nertia an$ mental b!re$!m spell $!!m "!r !ne #ith this placement.
+ince 5irg! rules the intestinal tract% it is in this area !" the b!$ that !ne #ith this
placement can be m!st a""ecte$. That can incluu$e the $igestive tract in general.
/ure "!!$ is essential t! retain g!!$ assimilati!n% as #ell as en!ugh e&ercise. These
t#! "act!res keep !ne #ith this placement health% happ% an$ pr!$uctive.

The area represente$ b the t#el"th h!use in$icates #hat lies .ust beneath the
sur"ace "!r an in$ivi$ual. ,t is the energ that is less eas t! e&press an$ reveal. ,t is
s!metimes subc!nsci!us activit. The m!re an in$ivi$ual bec!mes a#are !" #hat is
g!ing !n in the $eepest recesses !" his min$% the m!re release !" p!sitive energ is
assure$. The t#el"th h!use tra$iti!nall represents h!spitals% .ail% an$ incarcerati!n'
et% psch!l!gicall% it represents energ !r th!ught that ma be impris!ne$. ,t als!
$escribes the #a #e "eel !r behave #hen #e are all b !urselves% unarm!re$ an$
#ith $r!ppe$ $e"ences.

-hen /isces is !n its cusp% 3eptune rules this h!use !" hi$$en matters. 3eptune is
the planet !" $reams an$ illusi!n% high inspirati!n an$ i$ealism% pschic a#areness%
high intuiti!n% an$ visi!n. ,n its negative sense% it is the planet !" $isillusi!n an$
$ecepti!n. Behin$ the ascen$ant mask lies a $reamer !" $reams% a visi!nar% an$ an
i$ealist. -hen this in$ivi$ual is all al!ne% !u can be sure he spins #ebs !" gl!ri!us
c!l!rs% th!ugh he might n!t "in$ it eas t! e&press this )ualit !" energ !vertl. ," he
is able t! inc!rp!rate th!se $reams int! realistic !ut#ar$ events% this pers!n is trul
!ne step ahea$ !" ever!ne else.

,n the in$ivi$ual chart% the aspects !" 3eptune #ill in$icate #hether he is simpl a
$reamer% #eaving #ebs !" sel"-$ecepti!n% !r he is tuning in t! highl inspire$ i$eas
that lea$ t! better c!n$iti!ns in his !#n li"e an$ eventuall in !thers( lives. The
p!sitive interpretati!n !" 3eptune is the abilit t! create the c!n$iti!ns in the
ever$a li"e b visuali2ati!n. ,t is an imp!rtant metaphsical principle that #hatever
#e can c!nceive in !ur imaginati!n bec!mes a realit% unless #e $estr! these
images b negative thinking !r changing $irecti!n. 1anene +chnei$er calls this abilit
(sen$ing !ut purchase !r$ers t! the universe(. ,t is s!me#hat like planting see$s in
the gr!un$. ," #e #ater th!se see$s an$ rea$ the $irecti!ns !n the envel!pe% #e #ill
be m!re than likel t! gr!# the kin$ !" "l!#er that c!mes "r!m th!se see$s. The
pers!n #ith this placement has a g!!$ abilit t! visuali2e #hat he #ants% sen$ !ut
purchase !r$ers% an$ plant health see$s. The !uter c!n$iti!ns in his li"e are ver
in$icative !" #hat he thinks ab!ut #hen he is al!ne.

," 3eptune is ba$l aspecte$% he is liable t! ki$ himsel"% !r p!ur p!is!n !n his plants
be"!re the have a chance t! gr!#. *e st!ps his purchase !r$ers an$ negates #hat
he #ants. 4r he is t!! impatient t! let his $reams bec!me realities. *e pulls his
plants up b the r!!ts t! see i" the(re gr!#ing. The negative !" 3eptune is n!n-
c!n"r!ntati!n. it is impractical an$ unrealistic. ,t is like eating c!tt!n can$. That
lusci!us pink g!!$ness melts in !ur m!uth be"!re !u can get a g!!$ taste.

The planet 3eptune rules $reams. 4ne #ith this placement can have a ver active
$ream li"e an$ ma receive much valuable in"!rmati!n thr!ugh his $reams. ,t is the
ke t! his subc!nsci!us. /r!per interpretati!n !" his $reams ma reveal a gi"t !"
insight an$ give tremen$!us ai$ t! the !uter li"e. This pers!n can be particularl
intuitive an$ pschic. ," he ign!res this insight !r ch!!ses t! neglect its messages% he
ma be ign!ring the m!st valuable t!!l he p!ssesses. *e ma have t! learn t! trust
his intuiti!n an$ learn the ke t! his !#n particular interpretati!n. The aspects t!
3eptune in his chart #ill in$icate h!# eas that is "!r him.

-ith his interi!r inspirati!n% this in$ivi$ual can $! battle "!r the rest !" humanit.

#th House cusp in Libra / $%th House cusp in Aries

(Bernice Grebner)

First Decanate (Libra-Libra / Aries-Aries): These are the pe!ple at !ur place !"
empl!ment #h! settle the $i""erences% an$ #h! "ight "!r "air treatment "!r all. ,n the
en$% h!#ever% the ma incur the enmit !" the empl!ers !r the m!ne pe!ple
(c!rp!raate interests) behin$ the empl!ees. This is the pers!n m!re intereste$ in
uni!ns than an Aries p!siti!n !n the si&th h!use cusp #!ul$ be.

The nee$ t! learn t! sacri"ice themselves "!r s!mething. The nee$ t! learn
c!mpassi!n "!r the ill% reali2ing !ther pe!ple su""er t!!. There is a $rive here t! pr!ve
their "earlessness.

+ec!n$ Decanate (Libra-A)uarius / Aries-Le!): The #ant peace"ul c!n$iti!ns #here
the #!rk% an$ #ant "airness "!r all% an$ can be c!-!perative #ith management in
impers!nal #as. ," the !riginalit an$ inventiveness !" their nature are use$ in their
v!cati!ns% the are at their best.

Their mental m!tives ma be intense% but the are usuall hi$$en "r!m !thers. The
$! a l!t !" s!ul-searching. The are usuall the p!#er behin$ the thr!ne. T! rene#
themselves the must get a#a "r!m !thers an$ g! !"" b themselves. The nee$
h!me an$ a place !" their !#n #ithin that h!me t! $! this thinking.

Thir$ Decanate (Libra-Gemini / Aries-+agittarius): The nee$ pe!ple a!run$ them
#hen the #!rk. /eace"ul surr!un$ings are essential "!r them t! $! g!!$ .!bs. The
are e&cellent i" the #!rk has variet t! it. The have a "lair "!r beauti"ing their
envir!nments !r neighb!rh!!$s in s!me #a. ,t is their #a !" being !" service.

The nee$ t! let g! an$ let a higher spiritual p!#er take !ver. *ere Aries #!rks
behin$ the scenes "!r religi!us an$ humanitarian causes. The seem t! sense the real
truth !" se& as a re.uvenative pr!cess an$ its c!nnecti!n #ith li"e an$ $eath.

(Frances +ak!ian an$ L!uis Acker)

These pe!ple are able t! #!rk e""ectivel #ith !thers in matters !" service. The seek
harm!n an$ c!-!perati!n #ith their c!-#!rkers' an$ this is pr!babl !ne reas!n "!r
their "inancial success. As empl!ers% the are .ust% an$ treat their empl!ees as

,mpulsiveness an$ a hea$str!ng ten$enc can be the cause !" their un$!ing%
alth!ugh c!urage an$ $ecisiveness are their hi$$en supp!rt. The secretl initiate
ne# activities in !r$er t! elu$e c!mpetit!rs.

(1eanne Aver)

,t is imp!rtant "!r !ne #ith this placement t! en.! his #!rk% !r he #ill simpl n!t
per"!rm t! the best !" his abilit. The !ther si$e !" the c!in is that he #ill l!ve t!
#!rk i" he is $!ing #!rk he l!ves. ," he puts himsel" in a less than harm!ni!us #!rk
envir!nment% he #ill "in$ that his energ is l!# an$ he is unable t! acc!mplish #hat
he must. Beaut an$ harm!n are essential t! his s!ul. ," he is surr!un$e$ b stri"e
an$ $isc!r$% he ma get sick. *!#ever% i" small pr!blems arise% he #ill .ump t! the
!ccasi!n an$ be the per"ect arbitrat!r an$ neg!tiat!r. As a natural $ipl!mat% it is
reall his .!b t! keep ever!ne an$ everthing !n an even keel.

5enus is the planet that rules Libra !n the cusp !" the si&th h!use !" #!rk% service%
an$ health. 5enus is the planet !" beaut% s!ciabilit% charm% culture% graci!usness%
an$ the arts. ,t is clear that this in$ivi$ual nee$s t! "in$ #!rk that is harm!ni!us. *is
service capacit is c!nnecte$ t! bringing beaut t! pe!ple. *is natural sense !"
artistr impels him t! be inve!lve$ in pr!.ects c!nnecte$ t! $esign% "!!$% cl!thing% art
an$ pleasure. +ince the pleasure principle is s! str!ng in his pers!nalit% anthing
that is pleasurable is als! success"ul. *e is a natural artist an$ artisan. ," 5enus is
#ell-aspecte$ in his chart% he has n! pr!blems in selecting pleasurable% artistic
pr!.ects "!r his !ccupati!n. ," 5enus is ba$l-aspecte$% h!#ever% there is a ten$enc
t! take the eas #a !ut "!r the sake !" peace% !r even t! be la2 #ith #!rk an$
artistic !ccupati!n.

The si&th h!use als! in$icates the health !" an in$ivi$ual. 5enus in$icates a natural
s#eet t!!th% s! i" 5enus is n!t #ell aspecte$ in the chart there is a p!ssibilit !"
hp!glcemia !r $iabetes. 3! matter #hat the aspects t! 5enus% the biggest
$etriment t! g!!$ health is in$ulgence in rich% lusci!us "!!$s an$ $rink that can be
har$ t! assimilate in the sstem. La2iness can lea$ t! lack !" e&ercise an$ lack !"
pr!per b!$ t!ne as a result. Beauti"ul "!!$ can be especiall enticing t! !ne #ith
this placement. -ith a ten$enc t! sel"-in$ulgence% the pers!n #ith this placement
can $isc!ver that a sur"eit "! pleasure can lea$ t! n! energ an$ ma c!ntribute t! a
p!ssibl alrea$ la2 ten$enc.

4ne !" the p!sitive #as !" utili2ing this nee$ t! in$ulge is thr!ugh c!!king. The
pers!n #ith this placement has a natural abilit #ith the preparati!n !" "!!$% making
it beauti"ul t! l!!k at as #ell as t! taste. 0an pe!ple #ith this placement spen$ time
learning g!urmet c!!king t! augment a natural talent. The pers!n(s artistr #ill shine
"!rth in table arrangements% crstal% an$ silver% that c!mplete the painting he creates
#ith e$ibles.

0ars rules Aries !n the cusp !" the t#el"th h!use. 0ars is the planet !" aggressi!n%
activit% ambiti!n% an$ $rive. ,t is als! the ruler !" se& an$ #ar"are. T#el"th h!use
matters are less eas t! e&press !vertl than #hat is in$icate$ b the "irst h!use. ,t is
n!t s! eas "!r this in$ivi$ual t! sh!# aggressi!n% "rustrati!n% temper an$ ambiti!n.
Fe# #!ul$ suspect the temper lurking behin$ this in$ivi$ual(s "aca$e. Because that
energ is $i""icult "!r him t! e&press% #hen it emerges it is !ver#helming.

,n a sa"e situati!n% the pers!n is able t! release his true aggressive energies. he #ill
be m!st ambiti!us in the $eepest recesses !" his min$% et #ill n!t sh!# this !penl.
,t ma be $i""icult% earl !n% "!r him t! be easil in t!uch #ith his se&ualit' he ma
pre"er t! keep that part !" his nature in the $ark. +ince 0ars als! rules phsical
activit% this in$ivi$ual ma n!t be incline$ t! c!mpetitive phsical e&ercise !r sp!rts.
*is c!mpetitive nature ma n!t be #ell-$evel!pe$ !r easil e&presse$. *is se&ual
e&periences ma be #ell-hi$$en - part !" a guilt c!mple&. *e ma als! hi$e the
"ighting% trul inn!vative% creative% an$ pi!neering part !" his nature.

The m!re this in$ivi$ual is able t! release his pent-up creative% se&ual energ in
health #as% the less "rustrati!n he has t! bear privatel. +ince the se&ual energ is
c!uple$ #ith creative energ% the release can c!me !n man levels' but #ith!ut an
release% it buil$s t! bec!me temper% "rustrati!n% impatience% an$ !ver#helming
aggravati!n. Things ma never happen "ast en!ugh "!r !ne #ith this placement% s! he
appears t! be rather $eliberate in his haste t! get ahea$. *e ma have $i""icult in
all!#ing himsel" t! be trul pi!neering en!ugh t! e&press the inn!vative part !" his
creative energ. La2iness an$ t!! much ease !" living can #eaken his res!lve t! get
g!ing !n s!me !" his pr!.ects (especiall i" the Ascen$ant is in Taurus).

This native ma have hi$$en rage #hich he $!es n!t sh!#. +ince 0ars rules phsical
e&ercise an$ metals% i" he releases s!me !" that rage an$ "rustrati!n #ith activit
using metals he #ill "in$ himsel" "ree !" unusual aggravati!ns an$ temper. A #riter
can use a metal tpe#riter t! release pent-up "rustrati!ns' a painter using a palette
kni"e !r $!ing metal sculpture "in$s his !utlet. Act!rs #!rking !n cl!se$ sets us up
much !" their creative energ% #hile singers in rec!r$ing sessi!ns release their
"rustrati!ns thr!ugh a great $eal !" phsical activit. 4ne #ith this placement #ill
$isc!ver that #!rking #ith metal t!!ls% buil$ing things% an$ getting e&ercise% #hen
al!ne% are marvell!us #as t! rechannel s!me !" his creative energ !nt! a ne# level.
The "ine c!ntributi!n ma$e t! the re"!rmati!n !" the human c!n$iti!n b !ne #ith
this placement is #ell #!rth the e""!rt !" breaking thr!ugh the barriers% #!rking
thr!ugh the scare% an$ letting !ut the uni)ue part !" the creative energ.
#th House cusp in Scorpio / $%th House cusp in Taurus

(Bernice Grebner)

First Decanate (+c!rpi!-+c!rpi! / Taurus-Taurus): This gives them an uncann abilit
t! anal2e #hat is #r!ng #ith a .!b an$ t! "erret !ut the true "acts% lea$ing t!
impr!ve$ #!rking c!n$iti!ns. The are n!t e&actl talkative !n the .!b ab!ut their
pers!nal a""airs. ," !u #ant t! get t! the b!tt!m !" s!mething% hire a pers!n #ith this
p!siti!n' the are talente$ $etectives an$ can unc!ver .ust ab!ut anthing. The are
als! #ell-!rgani2e$ an$ usuall e""icient.

There is a hi$$en insecurit ab!ut "inances #ith this in"luence. A subc!nsci!us
"eeling !" being unpr!tecte$ $rives them t! #!rr c!nstantl ab!ut (having en!ugh(.
The ma seem "le&ible an$ "ree-#heeling% but $eep natures hi$e "eelings "r!m

+ec!n$ Decanate (+c!rpi!-/isces / Taurus-5irg!): Despite seeming attachment an$
$eep inv!lvement in their .!bs% there is hi$$en insecurit #here "inances are
c!ncerne$% s! this p!siti!n makes use !" !ther versatile talents t! make m!ne. The
$! n!t #ant t! be caught #ith!ut s!me alternative #a t! make m!ne% .ust in case
!ne meth!$ "ails.

The nee$ t! give themselves in service t! !thers secretl #ith!ut making a big "uss
ab!ut it. ," the are .eal!us because !" !thers( "inancial successes% !r critici2e them in
an #a% their health can su""er. /eace"ul "amil an$ h!me c!n$iti!ns are imp!rtant
t! eliminate this pr!blem.

Thir$ Decanate (+c!rpi!-6ancer / Taurus-6apric!rn): T! them% #!rking is part !" li"e.
The get the "acts an$ use them #ell in "ul"illing the $uties !" their .!b. The
themselves ma n!t be em!ti!nal% but the kn!# h!# t! pla !n "ell!# empl!ees(
an$ empl!ers( em!ti!nal natures t! increase assets !n the .!b% #hether the bene"its
are "inancial !r c!-!perative.

*i$$en $rives "!r m!ne an$ p!#er ma be their $!#n"alls. There is a great
insecurit in relati!n t! se& partners' the "eel p!#er lies in ac)uisiti!n !" m!ne an$
a "ul"ille$ se& li"e.

(Frances +ak!ian an$ L!uis Acker)

These pe!ple have t! regenerate themselves thr!ugh the areas !" #!rk an$ service.
4nl b making their i$eas e""ective in a practical #a can the trans"!rm themselves
an$ get a ne# start in li"e. This si&th h!use placement !" the highl em!ti!nal +c!rpi!
in$icates that the e&pressi!n !r repressi!n !" $esires str!ngl in"luences the natives(
health. +! there is a necessit t! use the min$ in such a #a as t! impr!ve the health.

The are likel t! be a""ecte$ b c!n$iti!ns "r!m the past that $! n!t change easil.
There is a ten$enc t! be m!re persistent !n the unc!nsci!us level than !n the
c!nsci!us level. These pe!ple(s sel"-un$!ing c!mes "r!m their unc!nsci!us
materialistic $esires.

(1eanne Aver)

A pers!n #ith this placement can be a c!mpulsive #!rker. *e has a pr!"!un$ abilit
t! c!mbine pe!ple "!r #!rk pr!.ects. *e is e""ective in an kin$ !" #!rk #here he can
be in t!uch #ith his chil$ eg!' he must (pla( as #ell as #!rk. The planet /lut! is the
ruler !" +c!rpi! !n the cusp !" the si&th h!use. /lut! is the p!#er planet% resembling
a turblulent b!$ !" #ater that must be $amme$ up in !r$er t! prevent "l!!$ing an$
c!nse)uent $estructi!n. That same b!$ !" #ater% #hen channele$% can pr!$uce
en!ugh electricit t! light up a cit. The kin$ !" energ !ne #ith this placement can
generate #ith his #!rk !s similar t! that b!$ !" #ater. ,n a negative sense% the
in$ivi$ual can "!rce !thers t! #!rk as har$ as he $!es% c!me !n t!! str!ng% an$ "in$
that he pushes pe!ple a#a "r!m him instea$ !" bringing them t!gether. -hen he
#!rks c!mpulsivel% he can un$ermine his health. 7ventuall% this e&erti!n catches
up #ith him. *e must "in$ #!rk pr!.ects that use up an en!rm!us st!re !" vitalit% !r
he #ill re$irect that energ int! less than c!nstructive areas. *e is particularl
e""ective #hen he reaches pe!ple !n a mass level !r thr!ugh mass-me$ia% "!r his
energ ma be t!! str!ng "!r a !ne-t!-!ne kin$ !" c!-!perati!n' he can kn!ck pe!ple
!ver #ith!ut kn!#ing it. *is $ecisi!ns at #!rk ma #ell e""ect the lives !" masses !"

/lut! relates t! the chil$ eg! in Transacti!nal Analsis. The native #ith this
placement must av!i$ an trannical manipualati!n% like that use$ b a chil$ #h!
#ants #hat he #ants #hen he #ants it. -hen he gets in t!uch #ith a universal
rhthm% he is m!re #illing t! let g! #hen things $!n(t "all int! place easil. *e #ill
"in$ he is m!re e""ective #hen he $eals "r!m a p!siti!n !" (lai$-back( p!#er. *is
tremen$!us magnetism enables him t! c!mbine pe!ple m!st e""ectivel% s!metimes
acting alm!st in a pr!$ucer(s capacit "!r his particular gr!up. *e can #!rk m!st
e""ectivel #ith ma.!r !rgani2ati!ns #ith!ut getting l!st in the shu""le. *is r!bust
health #ill never "ail him i" he en.!s #hat he is $!ing !n the .!b (all !ther "act!rs in
the birth chart agreeing - Ap!l!(s m!$i"ing n!te). /lut!(s p!#er is either highl
ev!lve$ an$ trans"!rming !r t!tall $estructive. This kin$ !" energ kn!#s n! mi$$le
gr!un$. The native #ith this placement must learn t! han$le this (all !r n!thing at all(
appr!ach in his business en$eav!rs% an$ resist an temptati!n t! get even !r e&hibit
an (,(ll sh!# !uB( attitu$e !n the .!b. =ebelli!n can be a str!ng m!tivati!n in his
selecti!n !" an !ccupati!n.

The t#el"th h!use is the sect!r !" a chart that rules the !ccult% behin$-the-scenes
acti!n% an$ the subc!nsci!us min$. ,t in$icates the )ualit that is the m!st $i""icult t!
c!nve !vertl. -ith this placement !" Taurus% 5enus rules the t#el"th h!use. 5enus
is primaril ass!ciate$ #ith the l!ve nature. 0an times% !ne #ith this placement has
a $i""icult in e&pressing his l!ve. *e "eels $eepl% but ma n!t be able t! sa (, l!ve
!u( easil. *e #ill sh!# his l!ve in man #as% but the #!r$s can be elusive. *e #ill
be able t! get in t!uch #ith that a""ecti!nate nature #hen he is al!ne. *e #ill !nl be
(la2( #hen he is c!m"!rtable #ith s!me!ne !r #hen he is !"" b himsel". *e ma have
$i""icult rela&ing #hen pe!ple are ar!un$. This pers!n is n!t usuall $em!nstrative
in public. *e ma als! "in$ $i""icult in han$ling the s!cial scene. *e ma be
c!m"!rtable #ith #!r$s% i$eas% an$ his intellect (particularl i" the Ascen$ant is in
Gemini)% but n!t s! c!m"!rtable #ith the s!ciable% charming% eas-g!ing part !"
himsel". +ubc!nsci!usl% he craves l!ve% ease !" living% an$ beaut. *e begins t!
e&press m!re !" that part !" his nature #hen he has br!ken thr!ugh s!me pr!tective
#alls. *e "eels great l!ve an$ a""ecti!n "!r th!se he l!ves% an$ ma n!t kn!# he has
tr!uble e&pressing it !vertl. -hen he gets in t!uch #ith his represse$ l!ve energ% it
can be an anti$!te "!r the "ears an$ insecurities he has ab!ut humanit in general.
The turning p!int can c!me thr!ugh his reaching !ut "!r the e&pressi!n !" his l!ve
nature !n a pschic level% his #illingness t! take the chance t! sh!# it. ,t can trul
trans"!rm his !#n li"e an$ that !" the pe!ple ar!un$ him.
#th House cusp in Saittarius / $%th House cusp in Gemini

(Bernice Grebner)

First Decanate (+agittarius-+agittarius / Gemini-Gemini): -hen it c!mes t! #!rking%
the like the larger .!bs that have brighter "utures !r that pr!vi$e m!re pers!nal
satis"acti!n. The can be e&cellent #!rkers i" the .!b all!#s them t! travel !r at least
gives them the !pp!rtunit t! travel #ith their min$s. F!r e&ample% teaching in
higher e$ucati!n !" s!me kin$% !r in a travel agenc. +erving !thers thr!ugh their
#!rk is a phil!s!ph !" li"e that takes pri!rit !ver an !rth!$!& religi!n.

Tr!uble can c!me thr!ugh br!thers an$ sisters because !" s!me tpe !" karma
hi$$en "r!m the public% #hich seems t! be a learning e&perience "!r this pers!n.
The are g!!$ listeners an$ can learn much b listening t! !thers #h! kn!# ab!ut a
sub.ect that interests them. This placement gives an insatiable thirst "!r kn!#le$ge
an$ a subc!nsci!us $rive t! rea$ all tpes !" literature. The learn b listening an$
rea$ing% being a$aptable t! b!th. *!#ever% their !#n un$!ig ma c!me "r!m
scattering their "!rces t!! #i$el.

+ec!n$ Decanate (+agittarius-Aries / Gemini-Libra): 3ever un$erestimate this
pers!n(s capacit t! plan "!r the "uture an$ t! reach his g!als. ,t is a sure-"ire
c!mbinati!n "!r success. These pe!ple ma appear t! be sh (especiall i" the
Ascen$ant is in 6ancer)% but #hen it c!mes t! #!rk that lea$s t! "urther
a$vancement the are g!-getters an$ pi!neers. The kn!# #hat the #ant% an$ #ill
n!t settle "!r less.

This gives great mental in$ecisi!n% stemming "r!m subc!nsci!us lack !" belie" in
themselves. ,t gives them restlessness in relati!n t! their envir!nment' the .ust can(t
seem t! "eel at h!me in it. The cann!t reali2e #h the are s! unrep!se$% n!t !nl
#ith the envir!nment but als! #ith the pe!ple in it. The secretl "eel $eceptive t!
the pe!ple the ass!ciate #ith% inclu$ing the marriage partner. Then their c!nscience
b!thers them% an$ their h!me li"e su""ers as a result. The appear t! be at peace #ith
the !utsi$e #!rl$% but a $eep subc!nsci!us em!ti!nalism $rives them t! l!!k "!r the
per"ect envir!nment.

Thir$ Decanate (+agittarius-Le! / Gemini-A)uarius): The #!rk because the are
in"luence$ b the belie" that the are $!ing s!mething ver imp!rtant an$ because
the #ant t! accumulate beauti"ul p!ssessi!ns. The l!ve artistic creati!ns an$ crave
t! have them in the h!me. The are pr!babl the st!r-tellers !n the .!b "!r the l!ve
"un an$ games $uring lunch h!ur.

The c!nsci!us th!ughts cann!t al#as be trace$ !r rec!gni2e$ b their !ut#ar$
living e&periences. The seem $riven b subc!nsci!us pr!mptings that cause them t!
$! things the cann!t al#as relate t!% inclu$ing se&ual !utlets. *!#ever% this gives
them spiritual !b.ectivit. The keep !pen min$s in !r$er t! learn m!re ab!ut the
unkn!#n la#s !" the universe an$ the msteries !" li"e an$ $eath.

(Frances +ak!ian an$ L!uis Acker)

+ince the native is gener!us in helping !thers% his spiritual sel" is able t! mature
thr!ugh service. *!#ever% these pe!ple must be "ree t! "!ll!# their !#n inspirati!n
in #!rk. The have a great belie" in "aith healing an$ the p!#er !" p!sitive thinking.
The #ill #!rk har$ an$ sel"lessl "!r !thers% believing that i" the help !ne the help

Their hi$$en supp!rt c!mes "r!m their abilit t! keep their i$eas secret. Thus% the
pr!vi$e their !#n impetus "!r gr!#th' et the have a sel"-$estructive habit !"
$iscussing their !#n em!ti!nal pr!blems% verbali2ing #hat sh!ul$ remain c!nceale$.

(1eanne Aver)

-ith 1upiter ruling the si&th h!use !" #!rk% service% health% an$ "!!$s% this pers!n
nee$s c!nstant challenges #hen it c!mes t! these areas. 1upiter in$icates e&pansi!n
an$ !ptimism. ,t is the (luck( planet. The native #ith +agittarius !n the si&th h!use
cusp $ives int! ne# pr!.ects #ith tremen$!us enthusiasm an$ #ith high h!pes "!r
success. ," b!re$!m sets in% h!#ever% that pr!.ect is a l!st cause "!r him. *e nee$s t!
be challenge$% !n his t!es% an$ able t! e&pan$ c!nstantl in his #!rk. ," he is b!re$
!n the .!b% he ma !nce again turn t! "!!$ an$ $rink t! satis" th!se urges "!r
em!ti!nal satis"acti!n. 4ne #ith this placement has e&travagant tastes in "!!$ an$
$rink. ,n its negative sense% 1upiter in$icates $isapp!intment an$ !verin$ulgence.
There"!re% this in$ivi$ual nee$s t! be sure he is in a #!rking situati!n that #ill gr!#
al!ng #ith him s! he(ll av!i$ $isapp!intment.

+ince 1upiter als! in$icates a ten$enc t! !ver$! !r !verin$ulge% it is imp!rtant "!r
!ne #ith this placement t! $isc!ver his patterns% especiall #hen he is $isapp!inte$%
let $!#n% !r hurt. *e is incline$ t! "ee$ his !ral nee$s #ith "!!$% tring t! satis" his
em!ti!nal craving b stu""ing himsel". *e can $isc!ver better substitutes "!r his
cravings than rich "!!$' his health $epen$s !n it. 1upiter rules the liver% s!
!verin$ulgence #ill !nl aggravate $igestive pr!blems. 6!!king "!r !thers is !ne #a
t! release man !" his creative urges% especiall suitable "!r th!se #h!se ascen$ant
sign is 6ancer.

1upiter als! in$icates a $esire t! be cl!se t! nature. ,t is essential "!r !ne #ith this
placement t! "in$ times "!r #alks in the #!!$s t! keep in t!uch #ith the great
!ut$!!rs. *e ma als! have a natural green thumb. -!rking #ith plants can satis"
his nature-l!ving instincts.

The t#el"th h!use in a chart is in$icative !" the #a !ne "eels #hen al!ne% as #ell as
the )ualit that is less eas t! e&press !vertl. -hen Gemini is !n its cusp% 0ercur
rules this h!use !" hi$$en matters. This in$ivi$ual $!es his best thinking #hen he is
al!ne. *is min$ is never still% an$ he is able t! c!me up #ith all the clever things he
ma n!t be able t! )uickl think !" #hen he is surr!un$e$ b t!! man pe!ple. -hen
he is e&p!se$ !r in his vulnerable state% the min$ ma take sec!n$ place t! em!ti!nal
reacti!ns% particularl i" the Ascen$ant is in 6ancer. ,t is #hen he g!es !"" b himsel"
that he is able t! think an$ anal2e.

-hatever this pers!n can $! t! learn h!# t! e&press himsel" m!re easil is essential
"!r his #ell-being. *e ma have t! actuall practise a techni)ue "!r saing #hat he
means an$ meaning #hat he sas. *e ma have t! pull a#a t! get s!me perspective%
t! $eci$e #hat he reall thinks ab!ut a particular sub.ect. *is "eelings change "r!m
h!ur t! h!ur. An kin$ !" therap #hich enables him t! get in t!uch #ith his th!ughts
is especiall help"ul. 0an pe!ple nee$ therap t! get in t!uch #ith their "eelings' i"
this in$ivi$ual has a 6ancer Ascen$ant% this #ill n!t be a pr!blem "!r him - in$ee$% he
c!ul$ be sai$ t! be t!! much in t!uch #ith his "eelings an$ in nee$ !" the mental

,n chil$h!!$ the pers!n #ith this A@th h!use placement ma n!t be able t! take
a$vantage !" his intellect. *e has a clever min$% but ma n!t easil think !n his "eet.
;n$er pressure% the pages blur% the min$ g!es blank% an$ he appears less capable
than he reall is. *e can be easil $istracte$ b !ther chil$ren in a classr!!m !r b
an min!r $isturbances. -hen he is reall !"" b himsel"% he can begin t! think m!re
clearl. *e can sharpen his percepti!ns an$ clari" his th!ughts b #riting. ," a chil$
is enc!urage$ earl !n t! put his "eelings !n paper% it can help release him "r!m the
s!metimes terrible em!ti!nal grip he is in.

,t is this abilit t! be stimulate$ mentall #hen he is al!ne that enhances his natural
creative abilit. *e can spen$ h!urs #!rking !n a canvas !r at a tpe#riter. *e #ill
en.! mentall stimulating activities #hen he is all b himsel". ,n "act% he nee$s t! be
stimulate$ !n an intellectual level #hen he is al!ne. *e can rea$% think% an$ s!lve
pu22les% in !r$er t! keep himsel" "r!m b!re$!m. ," 0ercur is #ell-aspecte$ in the
chart% it is eas "!r him t! "in$ that stimulati!n' but i" 0ercur is n!t #ell-aspecte$%
he can at times be b!mbar$e$ !n a mental level% !r "in$ a substitute "!r thinking such
as televisi!n. The clarit !" his th!ughts #ill be in$icate$ b the planets a""ecting

The t#el"th h!use als! in$icates an pschic inclinati!ns. ," !ne #ith this placement
is incline$ t!#ar$ the !ccult !r unseen matters% he can $evel!p his pschic talent !n
a purel mental level. *e #ill n!t receive an "lashes in the night% !r e&perience
sensati!nalism t! in$icate his e&trasens!r percepti!ns. *e #ill simpl begin t!
(kn!#( things. *is kn!#le$ge ab!ut pe!ple an$ patterns #ill gr!# )uietl but surel.
," he is able t! $iscipline himsel" t! sit at a tpe#riter !r #ith pen in han$% he ma be
surprise$ at the "l!# !" i$eas that c!me t! him at that time. *e bec!mes especiall
sensitive t! the th!ught patterns !thers have #hen he "in$s the time t! be al!ne.
+!litu$e ma be $i""icult "!r him earl !n% as he is given t!! much time t! think.
*!#ever% a"ter a peri!$ !" a$.ustment% he ma c!me t! like his !#n c!mpan ver
much. Training himsel" t! be $iscipline$ mentall brings him "ull circle t! "ace his
true creative abilit. -hen he is rea$ t! assume the resp!nsibilit !" his healing gi"ts
t! humanit% he #ill unc!ver the true intellectual genius st!re$ in the hi$$en
recesses !" his min$.

#th House cusp in Capricorn / $%th House cusp in Cancer

(Bernice Grebner)

First Decanate (6apric!rn-6apric!rn / 6ancer-6ancer): The "eel a str!ng sense !"
$ut t!#ar$ #!rk% an$ #ill be ver $epen$able. ," !u #ant $i""icult .!bs $!ne% call
up!n them' the can #!rk l!ng h!urs. The ten$ t! #!rr ab!ut their health% #hich
can lea$ t! hp!ch!n$ria. Their c!mpetence an$ $e$icati!n t! their .!bs usuall pa
them #ell "inanciall. These are the pe!ple #h! are !n time at #!rk.

The have $eep em!ti!ns% but usuall keep these em!ti!ns t! themselves. The are
usuall $reamers% an$ have big $reams that ma never c!me true. These pe!ple can
be gener!us but "eel ba$l #hen their "amilies !r th!se the l!ve $! n!t appreciate
their gener!us natures. The pr!babl #!n(t sa #hen the are hurt' there"!re% the
turn l!ve$ !nes !"" man times be"!re the pr!blem can be cleare$ up.

+ec!n$ Decanate (6apric!rn-Taurus / 6ancer-+c!rpi!): The #!rk har$ because it is
$ut an$ because the like status an$ the p!#er !" auth!rit. 4nce the attain
auth!rit !n the .!b% the $! n!t give up the p!#er easil. The nee$ t! learn t! let
!thers help them% "!r the ten$ t! $! it all themselves.

Deep #ithin them% the #ant t! be l!ve$ an$ nurture$' an$ the can be !ut#ar$l
e&tr!verte$% but the sensitive part !" their nature an$ the hurts "r!m it the #ill hi$e.
This ma give an unc!nsci!us c!mple& regar$ing se&% l!ve% an$ / !r the partner(s
m!ne% i" the are marrie$. +!meh!#% the hurt ma stem "r!m their earlier h!me
c!n$iti!ns !r relati!ns #ith a parent.

Thir$ Decanate (6apric!rn-5irg! / 6ancer-/isces): The are e""icient #!rkers% but
ma #!rk s! har$ their health can su""er. The #!rr a great $eal ab!ut "inances.
The save !n little things s! the can bu the big things. The "eel a $eep
resp!nsibilit t! their #!rk an$ have t! #atch their per"ecti!nist ten$encies s! the
$! n!t get !ut !" han$% especiall in relati!nship t! !ther empl!ees. The can #!rk
themselves int! a nerv!us "ra22le i" the $!n(t st!p tring t! be such tr!uble-sh!!ters.
Fin$ing mistakes an$ pr!blems is "ine% but !ver$!ing it is s!mething else.

," success"ul "inanciall the are happ% !utg!ing an$ #ell-a$.uste$ t! li"e. *!#ever%
pr!blems in the h!me li"e #ill ten$ t! make them su""er silentl. The #ill be
secretive ab!ut their se& mates an$ #ill $! much $a$reaming c!ncerning them%
especiall i" the are temp!raril n!t #!rking !ut right. There ma be pr!blems #ith
a marriage partner an$ "inances' either the partner is t!! tight an$ / !r the 6ancer-
/isces is t!! gener!us !r greatl lacks gener!sit (it is an in"luence that creates
e&tremes). ," the ascen$ant is in Le!% the have great pri$e an$ a r!all !riente$
nature% s! it is especiall the case that the secretl make sacri"ices "!r their partner
!r l!ve$ !nes an$ #!ul$n(t #ant them t! kn!# it "!r the #!rl$ (A@th h!use in"luence
!" hi$$en a""airs).

(Frances +ak!ian an$ L!uis Acker)

These pe!ple are intensel seri!us ab!ut their pr!"essi!ns. An!ne #h! sc!""s at their
en$eav!rs at #!rk #ill have t! "ace their pri$e (especiall i" the Ascen$ant is in Le!).
-hen the #!rk har$% the are !rgani2e$ in their #!rk.

The seek seclusi!n an$ privac in their $!mestic envir!nments. The use their
h!mes "!r c!ntemplati!n an$ spiritual searching. The ma !ut#ar$l appear str!ng
an$ una""ecte$ b criticism% especiall i" the ascen$ant is in Le!% but actuall the are
surprisingl m!!$ an$ em!ti!nall vulnerable. The rarel sh!# h!# $eepl hurt
the are b re.ecti!n an$ rebu"".

(1eanne Aver)

+aturn rules the si&th h!use !" #!rk% health% an$ sense !" service% #hen 6apric!rn is
!n its cusp. -ith!ut the stabili2ing in"luence !" this planet% #e #!ul$ have $i""icult
in c!mpleting tasks% staing (gr!un$e$(% !r atten$ing t! $ut. 0an times% !ne #ith
this placement #ill #!rk $iligentl in areas #here he takes !n less than trul
satis"ing resp!nsibilit. *e ma pick #!rk that is limiting an$ un"ul"illing. -hen he
#!rks% he #!rks l!ng% har$ h!urs. 1ust the !pp!site can be true t!!' he ma av!i$
#!rk alt!gether because he kn!#s his ten$enc t! put himsel" un$er incre$ible
pressure% !r "!r "ear that he #ill never be per"ect en!ugh% !r #ill never get !ut "r!m
un$er $ea$lines an$ pressures. -hen +aturn rules the si&th h!use% h!#ever% !ne can
learn t! assume the kin$ !" resp!nsibilit that is ultimatel !n the right track.

,n the m!st p!sitive sense% an$ #hen +aturn is #ell-aspecte$ in the chart% a native
#ith this placement is a $e$icate$ #!rker% l!ving r!utine an$ stabili2ing $iscipline.
*e #ill be able t! #!rk th!se l!ng% har$ h!urs happil% put himsel" un$er $ea$ling
pressures% an$ reall sink his teeth int! satis"ing pr!.ects that re)uire his assuming
higher resp!nsibilit in line #ith the abilities suggeste$ b the ascen$ant sign. *e is
capable !" tackling matters re)uiring $etail !r research. 6ertainl% resp!nsibilit is
his "!rt>. Technical matters appeal t! his sense !" per"ecti!n. *e #ill n!t en.! things
that are t!! eas.

," +aturn is ba$l aspecte$ in the natal chart% the pr!blem lies in the !vere&aggerate$
nee$ t! be nee$e$ !n the .!b. The in$ivi$ual #ill #!rk t!! l!ng% t!! har$% an$ #ith
t!! little rec!gniti!n% until he is s! !verbur$ene$ that he ma have t! get sick t! get
!ut "r!m un$er that pressure. *e can be pulle$ in b negative str!kes% #!rking all
the har$er t! please s!me!ne #h! ma never be please$. ," the native can learn t!
rec!gni2e that his sense !" $e$icati!n #ill enable him t! assume resp!nsibilit !n the
highest level% perhaps #!rking success"ull "!r himsel"% he #ill never #!rk at
anthing he $!esn(t en.! !r that is n!t a "irst step t!#ar$ an ultimate g!al. Learning
a techni)ue #ill give this in$ivi$ual assurance !" his value in an #!rk situati!n. *e
nee$s t! be !n sa"e gr!un$ t! be sel"-c!n"i$ent in his #!rk.

-ith +aturn ruling the h!use !" health% there is alm!st al#as a nee$ t! be
$iscipline$ ab!ut health matters an$ t! maintain a strict regimen. *e nee$s t! live a
$iscipline$ li"e in !r$er t! have energ "!r his #!rk. *e nee$s a certain am!unt !"
sleep' but% m!st imp!rtantl !" all% he nee$s t! learn #hen t! sa (n!(. *e ma
$isc!ver an allerg t! certain "!!$s% !r a nee$ t! be care"ul ab!ut !verin$ulgence
#ith "!!$ an$ $rink. *e ma have a lack !" calcium in the b!$ #ith a ten$enc t!
sti""ness !" muscles !r spine. L!#ere$ resistance an$ vitalit can c!mpel him t! l!!k
"!r stimulants instea$ !" t! the pr!per $iet an$ vitamin suppl. +ince 5enus is the
natural anti$!te t! +aturn% a""ecti!n an$ (t!uching( can imrp!ve his health. =!utine
massage #ill have a $e"inite therapeutic e""ect. A care"ul e&aminati!n !" an
.u$gemental messages "r!m chil$h!!$ ab!ut har$ #!rk an$ $ut #ill enable the
in$ivi$ual t! release himsel" psch!l!gicall "r!m the nee$ t! !ver#!rk an$ be

The t#el"th h!use in$icates the "acet !" the pers!nalit that is m!st $i""icult t! reveal.
,t in$icates #hat is g!ing !n subc!nsci!usl !r behin$ the scenes. -ith 6ancer !n the
cusp !" this h!use% the em!ti!nal nature can be the pr!blem area. The 0!!n% ruler !"
6ancer% in$icates "eelings% em!ti!ns% sensitivities% m!!$s% an$ the anima part !" the
pers!nalit. ,t is eas "!r this pers!n t! be $!minant% n!t s! eas "!r him t! be
vulnerable. The in$ivi$ual tries n!t t! let himsel" be seen #hen he is #!un$e$. ," he
stas !ut !" sight "!r a #hile% !u can be sure he is $ealing #ith a heav em!ti!nal
situati!n. ," his pri$e is hurt% he #ill have t! g! !"" b himsel" t! lick his #!un$s' he
simpl has t! #!rk it !ut in his !#n #a. This is particularl true i" the ascen$ant is
in Le!% since the Le! ascen$ant pers!n "eels a sense !" resp!nsibilit t! his public
al#as t! be seen at his best% an$ "eels his survival has t! $! #ith the e&pressi!n !"

9!u ma have t! be ver cl!se t! this pers!n t! enable him t! c!n"i$e the s!urce !"
his tr!ubles. *e ma n!t even let his "amil kn!# #hen s!mething is #r!ng. As he
gr!#s !l$er% h!#ever% he can be m!re in t!uch #ith his "eelings% an$ ma be better
able t! e&press that vulnerable part !" himsel". *e ma have t! learn h!# t! $eal #ith
his em!ti!ns% #!rking thr!ugh his !#n pain% t! "eel "ree t! e&press !vertl his
nurturing capacit. *e #ill eventuall be !n ver sa"e gr!un$ in e&pressing his
"eelings i" he is #illing t! g! thr!ugh that pain"ul pr!cess !" e&p!sure. *e can
"re)uentl appear unc!ncerne$ #ith s!me!ne else(s pr!blems% an$ #ill rarel in$ulge
in the sharing !" #!es. *e ma "eel $eepl "!r !ur pr!blem% but #ill !vertl
enc!urage !u t! put !ursel" t!gether an$ carr !n. *e #!n(t t!lerate t!! much sel"-
pit. *is !#n survival issues have t! $! #ith sh!#ing strength !" pers!nalit% n!t

-hen the in$ivi$ual learns t! integrate the sensitive% vulnerable anima part !" his
pers!nalit #ith the e&teri!r% he is in a better p!siti!n "!r taking charge !" his
particular #!rl$.

#th House cusp in A!uarius / $%th House cusp in Leo

(Bernice Grebner)

First Decanate (A)uarius-A)uarius / Le!-Le!): -hen the #!rk% the #ant t! $!
things their #a% an$ the get int! tr!uble !n the .!b because !" this. The nee$ .!bs
#here the can put int! practice their special an$ !riginal i$eas. The sh!ul$ have
their !#n business because then the can put their inventiveness t! #!rk an$ make it
c!unt. This can give su$$en changes in #!rking c!n$iti!ns !r health. This p!siti!n
als! gives them e&treme inner nerv!usness !r p!!r circulati!n.

This is the pers!n #h! is the p!#er behin$ the thr!ne !r #h! is $riven b a
subc!nsci!us $esire "!r $!minance !r lea$ership% an$ ma al#as "eel m!re !r less
unappreciate$. The marriage partner gets the brunt !" this $rive (the negative si$e !"
it% that is)% !r the in$ivi$ual ma $evel!p !pen enemies as a result. The "rustrate$
rulership #ill take its !ut#ar$ e&pressi!n !n !thers.

+ec!n$ Decanate (A)uarius-Gemini / Le!-+agittarius): The #!rk best #hen the
remain impers!nal in relati!nship t! their "ell!# empl!ees. The c!mmunicate
easil #ith them% but m!stl $ail c!mmunicati!n #ith "ell!# empl!ees is ab!ut the
.!b !r casual sub.ects. The ma have t#! .!bs at !nce% an$ are best #hen m!ving
ab!ut% c!mmunicating #itht all tpes !" pe!ple.

These pe!ple are clever an$ have the angles all "igure$ !ut% an$ are acting up!n
them be"!re !u kn!# #hat the angles are. There is a subc!nsci!us $irve "!r
intellectual supremac that superse$es anthing else ab!ut them. The take
tremen$!us pri$e in $!mestic a""airs an$ #ant everthing han$le$ right. The als!
have great integrit in regar$ t! the "amil that !thers ma n!t kn!# ab!ut' h!#ever%
there als! ma be a secret su""ering in regar$ t! a "amil member.

Thir$ Decanate (A)uarius-Libra / Le!-Aries): The can be !riginal an$ ingeni!us
#hen the #!rk. The can be t!! in$epen$ent% but charm lets them get b #ith it.
The are the $ipl!mats !" the gr!up !" empl!ees. The are s!ciable% an$ #!rk easil
in gr!ups. The #!rk because the like t! spen$ m!ne !n !b.ects !" )ualit an$ "ine

The have a $eep interest in the partner(s "inances% but !thers might n!t suspect this.
The are als! m!re intereste$ in an$ re.uvenate$ b se& than the #ant t! a$mit !r
#ant !ther pe!ple t! kn!# ab!ut. The have a $rive "!r purit that hi$es their $eep
pers!nal nee$ !n the phsical level. There is a struggle t! turn the $rive int! spiritual
areas. There is a p!#er pr!blem in a lea$ership r!le that $!es n!t sh!# itsel" at "irst.

(Frances +ak!ian an$ L!uis Acker)

These pe!ple are creative an$ !riginal in their #!rk. The treat c!-#!rkers as
"rien$s% an$ en.! gr!up pr!.ects. *!#ever% the l!se interest in a pr!.ect i" all the
gr!up members are n!t #illing t! see it thr!ugh t! its c!mpleti!n. The are generall
meth!$ical in their pr!"essi!ns% empl!ing !riginal techni)ues% an$ humanitarian in
their service.

The p!ssess ast!nishing strength that is n!t apparent until the are teste$. This
$epth !" #illp!#er is their unc!nsci!us supp!rt. Their sel"-un$!ign ma c!me "r!m
pri$e an$ hi$$en eg!tism.

(1eanne Aver)

The planet ;ranus rules the si&th h!use !" service% #!rk% an$ health #hen A)uarius
is !n its cusp. This planet is calle$ (the great a#akener(. ,t $escribes high energ that
is alm!st electrical in its )ualit. ,t can als! in$icate su$$en an$ une&pecte$ changes
in ccles !" li"e. ,n its p!sitive sense% ;ranus rules genius p!tential% unusual )ualities%
an$ an ingentive appr!ach. ,n its negative c!nn!tati!n% it in$icates $isrupti!n%
une&pecte$ change% an$ the $esire t! run a#a.

The native #ith this placement nee$s t! be inv!lve$ in #!rk pr!.ects #here he can
n!t !nl sh!# his genius but als! "in$ his !#n uni)ue% !riginal appr!ach. That ma
inclu$e being able t! set his !#n time sche$ule. *e ma be a n!nc!n"!rmist in the
tpe !" #!rk he ch!!ses% an$ perhaps #ith the #a in #hich he #!rks% $isc!vering a
talent "!r acc!mplishing tasks rapi$l. *e #ill #ant the latest electr!nic e)uipment
!r c!mputers t! help him. +ince ;ranus rules anthing c!nnecte$ t! electricit%
electr!nics% ra$i!% unusual !r (ne# age( health meth!$s% astr!l!g% inventi!ns% music%
an$ rec!r$ings% this native can "in$ satis"acti!n thr!ugh #!rk in an !" these areas.
*e ma $evel!p his !#n !riginal c!ncepts in c!nnecti!n #ith his .!b.

," the native #ith this placement has a #ell-aspecte$ ;ranus in the natal chart% he
#ill be #illing t! $! "ree-lance #!rk an$ e&press his true inventive genius. *is
nerv!us energ is channele$ c!nstructivel% there"!re his health is e&cellent. ," that
planet is ba$l aspecte$ in the natal chart% he ma resist $!ing "ree-lance !r uni)ue
kin$s !" #!rk% all!#ing his nerv!us energ t! back up% creating pr!blems #ith health.
,n chil$h!!$% this in$ivi$ual can be pr!ne t! nerv!us reacti!ns% rashes% allergies% !r
unusual health pr!blems. *e ma have asthma !r ec2ema% !r be acci$ent-pr!ne. *e
#ill be less susceptible t! these reacti!ns i" he uses these energies !vertl an$

;ranus rules anthing that is ahea$ !" its time. ,t als! in$icates humanitarian traits.
,n a p!sitive sense% it in$icates sp!ntaneit' in a negative #a% it sh!#s unreliabilit
an$ rebelli!n.

This planet als! rules "ame% high rec!gniti!n% an$ inspirati!n. As l!ng as the
in$ivi$ual all!#s himsel" t! be in areas #here he is inspire$ an$ in the limelight% he
releases energ that !ther#ise c!ul$ cause nerves.

*e ma "in$ his true #!rk b rebelling against !r$inar tasks. *e can have ups an$
$!#ns% an$ "ace une&pecte$ c!n$iti!ns c!nnecte$ #ith #!rk. *e ma "in$ great
change in #!rk-relate$ areas in mi$-li"e% g!ing thr!ugh str!ng seven-ear ccles. *e
can "in$ that the c!nsumpti!n !" alc!h!l can be particularl in.uri!us t! health. *e
ma tr t! calm his nerves thr!ugh $rink !r $rugs% such as tran)uili2ers. ,t can be
m!re c!nstructive t! "in$ unusual #!rk% buil$ a name "!r himsel"% an$ get in t!uch
#ith his healing p!tential.

The characteristics e&presse$ b the ascen$ant are th!se easiest t! $eal #ith%
#hereas th!se )ualities $escribe$ b the t#el"th h!use are the m!st $i""icult. -ith
Le! !n the cusp !" the t#el"th h!use !" hi$$en matters% the +un rules the animus part
!" the pers!nalit% an$ s! it ma be $i""icult "!r !ne #ith this placement t! sh!# his
true eg! an$ $!minance earl !ne. T#el"th h!use matters can be m!re c!m"!rtabl
e&presse$ in s!litu$e !r !n a subc!nsci!us level.

The +un in$icates the $ramatic part !" the pers!nalit. ,t als! $escribes the
e&ecutive% lea$ership p!tential an$ the vitalit !r animati!n. -ith the +un ruling the
t#el"th h!use% the in$ivi$ual ma n!t easil e&press his $!minant )ualities. *e ma
"in$ it easier t! e&press his sense !" $rama #hen he is al!ne !r #!rking !n (cl!se$
sets(. An act!r #ith this pers!nalit ma be m!re in tune #ith "ilm an$ televisi!n than
#ith stage #!rk% !r he ma "in$ rehearsal time al!ne essential "!r his $evel!ping a
sense !" himsel" an$ his p!tential. A #riter !r artist nee$s t! #!rk al!ne in !r$er t!
tap his $!minant energies. An!ne #ith this placement ma "eel the nee$ t! g! !""
al!ne "!r a "e# minutes in a bus $a t! res!re his vitalit.

The in$ivi$ual #ith this placement ma have a natural curi!sit ab!ut !ccult matters
!r metaphsical c!ncepts% et his practical min$ ma prevent him "r!m e&pl!ring
these matters !vertl. *e ma have a natural sense !" attunement #ith universal
energ% but !nl use his kn!#le$ge t! b!lster his activit in the bus mun$ane #!rl$.
4ccasi!nall !ne #ith this placement ma have t! e&perience s!me har$ kn!cks t!
his eg! in !r$er t! pr!pel him int! a higher e$ucati!n !" the sel"% in the true sense.
7ventuall it is imp!rtant "!r !ne #ith this placement t! get in t!uch #ith his c!re%
an$ there"!re the nee$ "!r a $eeper meaning !" li"e. *e #ill then be m!re easil able
t! vitali2e himsel" an$ his e&istence. *e can $eal #ith practical matters !n a $i""erent
level #hen he "in$s #as t! e&press his real eg! an$ sense !" sel"-#!rth.

-ith str!nger inner attunement an$ s!ul c!ntact% this in$ivi$ual bec!mes a#are !"
h!# he can be !" true service t! humanit. *e i$enti"ies c!smicall #ith mankin$%
an$ puts his min$ t! #!rk t! $isc!ver in"!rmati!n% perhaps thr!ugh research% that
#ill bring "!rth nee$e$ "acts. *is min$ an$ #!r$s can bec!me channels !" e&pressi!n
that can pr!vi$e imp!rtant t!!ls "!r a#areness !" all mankin$.
#th House cusp in Pisces / $%th House cusp in "iro

(Bernice Grebner)

First Decanate (/isces-/isces / 5irg!-5irg!): -hen the are ill% it #ill be $i""icult "!r
the $!ct!rs t! $isc!ver the cause. The cann!t "uncti!n at their best !n .!bs #here
the have t! atten$ t! little $etails. ," the have causes% the can sacri"ice much time%
#!rk% an$ e""!rt in their pursuance. T! get the m!st !ut !" the abilit t! #!rk% the
must be #!rking #ith an i$eal in min$' !ther#ise% the can be i$le hal" !" the time.

6riticisms stem "r!m a subc!nsci!us pr!mpting. The have health pr!grams that
cann!t be trace$ t! their !rigin. Drugs are $anger!us "!r this placement. 4ver-
attenti!n t! the $etails !" presenting a beauti"ul appearance can bec!me a hang-up.

+ec!n$ Decanate (/isces-6ancer / 5irg!-6apric!rn): The ma n!t get s! $eepl
inv!lve$ #ith their .!bs that the #!rk har$er than an!ne else' but because the
have instincts "!r kn!#ing #hat pe!ple #ant an$ #ill $!% the "all int! an$ are
success"ul in ac)uiring an h!n!rable p!siti!n' hence attracting a g!!$l sum !"
m!ne. The have t! #atch that "eelings $!n(t get hurt #ith "ell!# empl!ees. The
can make m!untains !ut !" m!lehills #ith regar$ t! these hurt "eelings. There can
als! be a ten$enc t!#ar$ much illness !n the .!b.

There are str!ng karmic ties #ith the "amil% an$% as a result% the ma serve either
!ne !" their parents !r the #h!le "amil tirelessl. *!#ever% the #!rl$ ma never
reali2e h!# much the reall $! "!r relatives. The can be in#ar$l critical #here
!thers are c!ncerne$' an$% because !" this% their health ma su""er. The nee$ t!
learn t! serve !thers #ith un$erstan$ing an$ c!mpassi!n an$ t! learn that the
$i""erences in all men are immaterial. Their #a is n!t necessaril the !nl right #a.

Thir$ Decanate (/isces-+c!rpi! / 5irg!-Taurus): The $! n!t like phsical lab!r. The
#!ul$ rather manipulate !thers t! $! the #!rk. The $! n!t attack #!rk' the tr t!
incite s!me!ne else t! $! part !" their share als!. ," the can help it% !u #!n(t kn!#
!u are $!ing s! much !" #hat the are supp!se$ t! be $!ing. 9!u als! #!n(t kn!#
h!# much m!ne the make. Getting the best !ut !" their talents #!ul$ be t! seek
#!rk #here the can cater t! pe!ple #h! are #ill% !l$% !r su""ering in an #a. ,n an
kin$ !" #!rk #here pe!ple are m!re !r less helpless% the e&cel.

Their health su""ers "r!m !ver-accente$ pr!blems relate$ t! the partner(s "inances.
There is either a lack !"% !r tightness #ith% m!ne. /art !" the c!ncern #ith m!ne
c!ul$ be !ver health treatment !" the mate !r the native himsel"% #ith this p!siti!n.

(Frances +ak!ian an$ L!uis Acker)

,n matters !" #!rk an$ service% circumstances re)uire unsel"ish $ev!ti!n "r!m these
pe!ple. The are smpathetic t! c!-#!rkers an$ empl!ees. +!metimes% h!#ever%
the assume m!re #!rk than the can e""ectivel han$le% thereb creating c!n"usi!n
an$ pr!blems. The ma bec!me hp!ch!n$riacs i" the are l!!king "!r an escape
"r!m their pr!"essi!nal resp!nsibilities. Their health is c!ntingent up!n their
em!ti!nal state !" being.

The ten$ t! bring ab!ut their !#n $!#n"all b e&cessive #!rr an$ nagging ab!ut
trivial p!ints. Their hi$$en supp!rt% h!#ever% is their abilit t! $ev!te meticul!us
attenti!n t! sec!n$ar $etails that !thers ma #ell !verl!!k. The substratum !" their
en$eav!rs is #ell planne$ an$ !rgani2e$.

(1eanne Aver)

3eptune rules the si&th h!use !" #!rk% service% an$ health #hen /isces is !n its cusp.
3eptune is the planet !" $reams% i$ealism% an$ visi!n. ,t als! rules therap% !r
psch!l!g% an$ the glam!ur #!rl$. The pers!n #ith this placement nee$s a visi!n
an$ a c!ncept. *e nee$s t! #!rk in i$eal surr!un$ings. *e ma have t! "in$ a $ream
t! keep him g!ing. ," he bec!mes $isillusi!ne$ #ith his #!rk% he ma su""er health
pr!blems as #ell.

The artistic #!rl$ h!l$s a special lure an$ attracti!n t! !ne #ith this placement. *e
can e&press his i$eals an$ $reams thr!ugh "ilm% ph!t!graph% an$ "ashi!n. *is
special talent lies in c!nceptuali2ing the master plan. *e can create #!rk thr!ughthe
pr!cess !" visuali2ati!n% seeing the en$ results rahter than the situati!n at han$. ,"
3eptune is #ell-aspecte$ in the in$ivi$ual chart% the pers!nalit is success"ul in his
e""!rts t! create i$eal situati!ns in c!nnecti!n #ith #!rk. ," 3eptune is n!t #ell-
aspecte$% a naive appr!ach ma lea$ t! ultimate $isillusi!n.

Therap using imaginative meth!$s is the vehicle !" #!rk an$ service ch!sen b
s!me #ith this placement. 4thers ma be pschics% !r #riters !r artists e&pl!ring
metaphsical themes. Film% #hether m!ving !r still% is a 3eptunian-rule$ !ccupati!n.
+!me actresses #ith this placement begin their careers as ph!t!graphic m!$els.

," 3eptune is ba$l aspecte$ in a natal chart% the in$ivi$ual ma never "in$ an #!rk
i$ealistic en!ugh t! meet his nee$s. *e is attracte$ t! pr!.ects that appear high in
c!ncept an$ m!tivati!n% but ma !"ten "eel le$ $!#n the gar$en path #hen all is n!t
up t! his stan$ar$s. ,n this instances% a realistic !utl!!k c!mes #ith the rem!val !"
the r!se-c!l!re$ glasses. An abilit t! visuali2e an$ create i$eal #!rk circumstances
is natural t! !ne #ith this placement. *e must remember t! bring his c!ncepts int!
realit thr!ugh practical applicati!n.

The t#el"th h!use in$icates areas that are $i""icult t! release earl !n in li"e. The
pers!n #ith 5irg! !n its cusp ma have t!! learn t! e&press his analtical )ualit. *e
ma never )uite acc!mplish the abilit t! clearl an$ c!ncisel sa #hat he means
#ith!ut c!uching it in s!!thing $ipl!matic terms. ," he is !n sa"e gr!un$% he #ill have
n! $i""icult in being )uite precise% t! the p!int% an$ clear' but th!se #h! $!n(t kn!#
him #ell ma see !nl the charming si$e !" his pers!nalit.

,n n! #a is this in$ivi$ual attempting t! hi$e his min$' it is .ust that his earl
survival $ecisi!ns have t! $! #ith the characteristics in$icate$ b the sign !n the
Ascen$ant% n!t analsis. *e $!es his best thinking all al!ne% s!metimes "eeling
scattere$ #hen surr!un$e$ b t!! man pe!ple. ," he is c!n"use$ ab!ut a situati!n%
he nee$s time al!ne t! gather perspective. Alth!ugh he ma be able t! think !n his
"eet in a lecture situati!n !r #ith a pr!m!ti!nal e""!rt an$ legal a""airs% !u can bet
he has spent much time ruminating !"" b himsel". This is a p!sitive )ualit "!r !ne
#h! #rites% must rehearse al!ne% !r must per"ect the re!rgani2ati!n !" pr!.ects.
-ith!ut $istracti!ns% he is able t! be )uite sharp an$ clear% practical an$ !b.ective.
*e ma en.! stu$ing !r intellectual pr!cesses% stimulati!n that he can think ab!ut
#hen he is a#a "r!m the pring ee !" the public. Auth!rs must #rite al!ne%
$esigners must $esign al!ne% an$ c!mp!sers are inspire$ #hile al!ne.

7ventuall% the in$ivi$ual #ith this placement is c!m"!rtable in e&pressing his
intellectual !bservati!ns. *e #ill never be critical t! the p!int !" hurting s!me!ne%
since this is n!t his li"e "uncti!n as in$icate$ b his ascen$ant sign. *e ma be able t!
#rite criticall h!#ever. *is pschic a#areness !r percepti!ns can be )ute acute%
c!ming t! him !n a plane !" (kn!#ingness(. *e $!esn(t receive "lashes !" inspirati!n'
he simpl (kn!#s(. *is subc!nsci!us min$ is active !n a c!mpletel intellectual level.
0an pe!ple #ith this placement have acute percepti!ns an$ str!ng intellectual
capacities% et !u ma kn!# them "!r )uite a #hile be"!re the e&press their
c!nversant brilliance.

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