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It covers the foo!"#$%
I. Eligibility conditions for admission to the course II. Conditions for granting affiliation
to the schools for offering Physical Education as an elective subject III. Theory syllabus
for class XI (Part A & B I&. Theory syllabus for class XII (Part A & B! &. Part C "
Practical # $istribution of mar%s for the activity &ractical syllabus! &I. 'orms for
Physical (itness Test for admission to Physical Education in class XI & for testing
Physical (itness for )irls of classes XI & XII &II. 'orms for Physical (itness Test
for admission to Physical Education in class XI & for testing Physical (itness for
Boys of classes XI & XII &III. *ist of content of syllabus+ ,or% load-teaching
com&onents+ ma.imum mar%s allotment+ &a&er setting and nature of /uestions setting
e.ams I'. )uidelines for evaluation of Physical Education theory &a&er '. )uidelines
for Physical Education Teachers!
I. E"$"(""t) Co#d"t"o#s for Ad*"ss"o# to the Co+rse
The follo0ing category of students 0ill be &ermitted to join the course1
(i Those 0ho have re&resented the school in the Inter 2chool 2&orts & )ames
Com&etitions in any )ame-2&ort!
(ii Those 0ho do not re&resent the school but are %een to join the course
should undergo a &hysical fitness test and secure a minimum of 345 mar%s!
(iii Those granted &ermission to join the course should be medically fit to
follo0 a &rescribed &rogramme of &hysical education!
(iv The unit of a class in &hysical education and health education should not
e.ceed 34 students!
(v Instructional hours and duration of the &eriod should be strictly as &er the
norms of the Board!
II. Co#d"t"o#s for ,r-#t"#$ Aff""-t"o# to Schoos for Offer"#$ Ph)s"c-
Ed+c-t"o# -s -# Eect"ve S+(.ect.
6nly those schools satisfying the follo0ing conditions 0ill be &ermitted to offer
&hysical education as a course of study at 78 stage as an elective subject1
(i The school should have ade/uate o&en s&ace to accommodate at least 844
9 trac% and &lay fields for minimum three games-s&orts!
(ii The teacher handling the elective &rogramme of &hysical education should
hold a 9aster $egree in Physical Education!
(iii The school should &rovide ade/uate funds for &hysical education and health
education for &urchase of e/ui&ments: boo%s on &hysical education and also
for the maintenance of s&orts facilities!
III. Ph)s"c- Ed+c-t"o#
C-ss 'I / Theor) 0-1.0-r2s 30
P-rt / A
U#"t I
Co#ce4t of Ph)s"c- Ed+c-t"o#
;!;9eaning and definition of Physical Education: its aim and
;!8'eed and im&ortance of Physical Education
;!<9isconce&tions about Physical Education & its relevance in Inter
$isci&linary Conte.t
U#"t 5
C-reer As4ects "# Ph)s"c- Ed+c-t"o#
8!; Career 6&tions in Physical Education
8!8 Avenues for Career Pre&aration
8!< 9otivation & 2elf Assessment for career choices
U#"t 6
Ph)s"oo$"c- As4ects of Ph)s"c- Ed+c-t"o#
<!; ,arming u& # )eneral & 2&ecific & its Physiological basis
<!8 Effects of E.ercise on 9uscular & $igestive systems
<!< Effects of E.ercise on =es&iratory & Circulatory systems
U#"t 4
Ps)choo$"c- As4ects of Ph)s"c- Ed+c-t"o#
3!; $efinition & role of 2&orts Psychology
3!8 9otivation and Achievements in 2&orts
3!< Adolescent Problems & its 9anagement
U#"t 7
He-th Co#ce4ts of Ph)s"c- Ed+c-t"o#
>!; =ole of Physical Education Programme on Community ?ealth
Promotion (Individual: (amily & 2ociety
>!8 Effects of Alcohol: Tobacco and $rugs on 2&orts Performance
>!< 6besity: Causes & Preventive 9easures and =ole of diet on
Ph)s"c- Ed+c-t"o# 9 C-ss 'I / Co#t"#+ed8.
P-rt :
(ollo0ing sub to&ics relate to any one )ame-2&ort of choice of
student out of these disci&lines1 Badminton: ?andball: ?oc%ey:
@abaddi: @ho @ho: 2%ating: 20imming & Tae%0ondo
U#"t ;
;!; ?istory of the )ame-2&ort
;!8 *atest )eneral =ules of the )ame-2&ort
;!< 9easurement of Play (ields and 2&ecifications of =elated 2&orts
;!3 Im&ortant Tournaments and Aenues
;!> 2&orts Personalities
U#"t 5
8!;(undamental 2%ills of the )ame-2&ort
8!82&ecific E.ercises of ,arm#u& and Conditioning
8!<=elated 2&orts Terminologies
8!32&orts A0ards
8!>Common 2&orts Injuries & its Prevention
I&. Ph)s"c- Ed+c-t"o#
C-ss 'II / Theor) 0-1.0-r2s 30
P-rt / A
U#"t ;
Ph)s"c- <"t#ess = >e#ess
;!; 9eaning & Im&ortance of Physical (itness & ,ellness
;!8 Com&onents of Physical (itness & ,ellness
;!< (actors Affecting Physical (itness & ,ellness
;!3 Princi&les of Physical (itness $evelo&ment
;!> 9eans of (itness $evelo&ment " Aerobic & Anaerobic: 2&orts: Boga
& =ecreational Activities
U#"t 5
Tr-"#"#$ 0ethods
8!;9eaning & Conce&t of Training
8!89ethods of Training
8!<9ethods of 2trength $evelo&ment " Isometric & Iso%inetic
8!39ethods of Endurance $evelo&ment " Continuous 9ethod: Interval
Training & (artle%!
8!>9ethods of 2&eed $evelo&ment " Acceleration =un & Pace =aces
8!CCircuit Training
U#"t 6
Soc"oo$"c- As4ects of Ph)s"c- Ed+c-t"o#
<!;9eaning of 2ociology & 2&orts 2ociology
<!8)ames & 2&orts as 9anDs Cultural ?eritage
<!<2ocialiEation: *eadershi&: Aalue Education through Physical
Education Programme & 6lym&ic 9ovement
U#"t 4
S4orts = E#v"ro#*e#t
3!;9eaning & 'eed for Environment in Physical Education Programme
3!8Essential Elements of Positive Environment
3!<=ole of Individual in Im&rovement of Environment for Prevention
of 2&orts =elated Accidents
U#"t 7
>!;9eaning & Im&ortance of Boga
>!8Boga as an Indian ?eritage
>!<Elements of Boga
>!3=ole of Boga in 2&orts
Ph)s"c- Ed+c-t"o# 9 C-ss 'II / Co#t"#+ed8.
P-rt :
(ollo0ing sub to&ics relate to any one )ame-2&ort of choice of
student out of these disci&lines1 Athletics: Bas%etball: Cric%et:
(ootball: Fudo: Table Tennis: Tennis & Aolleyball!
U#"t I
;!; ?istory of the )ame-2&ort
;!8 *atest )eneral =ules of the )ame-2&ort
;!< 9easurement of Play (ields and 2&ecifications of =elated 2&orts
;!3 (undamental 2%ills of the )ame-2&ort
;!> =elated 2&orts Terminologies
U#"t 5
8!; Im&ortant Tournaments and Aenues
8!8 2&orts Personalities
8!< 2&orts A0ards
8!3 Aarious 2&orts 6rganiEations
8!> (irst Aid & =ehabilitation of 2&orts Injuries
(<or c-sses 'I = 'II)
0-1.0-r2s 60
The Activity Practical 2yllabus has been divided into three &arts & the mar%s
allotted for each &art are as follo0s1
(i Physical (itness Test (Com&ulsory 1 ;4 9ar%s
(ii 2%ill of chosen 2&ort-)ame 1 ;> 9ar%s
(iii Aiva & =ecord Boo%((ile 1 4> 9ar%s
&I. Nor*s for Ph)s"c- <"t#ess Test for -d*"ss"o# to Ph)s"c- Ed+c-t"o# "# c-ss 'IB = for test"#$ Ph)s"c- <"t#ess for ,"rs of
c-sses 'I = 'II
A : C D E
Po"#ts C0 0
(I# Sec)
;00 0
(I# Sec)
Lo#$ D+*4
(I# 0)
(I# 0)
D+*4 (I# 0)
:e#t E#ee
(I# #o.s)
:e#t E#ee
(I# #o.s)
Overhe-d :-c2!-rd
:-s2et(- Thro! !"th
(oth the H-#ds
(I# 0)
Shot P+t
04.00 E$s
(I# 0)
Sh+tte ?+#
4 1 ;0 0
(I# Sec)
;4 G!4 ;3!4 3!4 8!44 8H 8> <4 ;8!44 4I!>4 ;4!>4
G G!8 ;3!< <!I ;!H> 8C 8< 8I ;;!>4 4I!44 ;4!I4
H G!> ;3!I <!3 ;!C> 8< 84 83 ;4!>4 4C!>4 ;;!44
I G!H ;>!; <!; ;!3> 84 ;H 8; 4G!>4 4C!44 ;;!<4
C ;4!8 ;>!C 8!H ;!8> ;I ;C ;G 4H!>4 4>!>4 ;;!C4
> ;4!C ;C!8 8!> ;!44 ;> ;3 ;> 4I!44 4>!44 ;8!44
3 ;;!4 ;I!4 8!8 4!H4 ;< ;8 ;8 4C!44 43!>4 ;8!34
< ;;!> ;I!> ;!G 4!C4 ;4 ;4 ;4 4>!44 43!44 ;8!H4
8 ;8!4 ;H!> ;!C 4!>4 4H 4I 4I 43!44 4<!>4 ;<!>4
; ;8!> ;G!8 ;!< 4!34 4C 43 43 4<!>4 4<!44 ;3!>4
Each student 0ill have to choose five items for test of choice!
6ne item for test must be chosen from JAD+ one from JBD+ one from JCD+ one from J$D and test item number JED is
com&ulsory for all!
&II. Nor*s for Ph)s"c- <"t#ess Test for -d*"ss"o# to Ph)s"c- Ed+c-t"o# "# c-ss 'IB = for test"#$ Ph)s"c- <"t#ess for :o)s of
c-sses 'I = 'II
A : C D E
Po"#ts C0 0
(I# Sec)
;00 0
(I# Sec)
Lo#$ D+*4
(I# 0)
D+*4 (I# 0)
(I# #o.s)
:e#t E#ee
Overhe-d :-c2!-rd
:-s2et(- Thro! !"th
Shot P+t
3.5C0 E$s
Sh+tte ?+#
4 1 ;0 0
(I# 0)
(I# #o.s) (oth the H-#ds
(I# 0)
(I# 0) (I# Sec)
;4 4I!>4 ;8!44 4>!>4 48!>4 34 34 3> ;C!44 4I!>4 4G!44
G 4I!I4 ;8!<4 4>!84 48!<> <H <H 38 ;>!>4 4I!44 4G!84
H 4H!44 ;8!I4 43!G4 48!;> <> <> <H ;3!>4 4C!>4 4G!>4
I 4H!<4 ;<!;4 43!C4 4;!G> <8 <8 <3 ;<!>4 4C!44 4G!H4
C 4H!C4 ;<!C4 43!<4 4;!I> 8H 8G <4 ;8!>4 4>!>4 ;4!;4
> 4H!G4 ;3!84 43!44 4;!>4 8> 8> 8> ;;!>4 4>!44 ;4!>4
3 4G!<4 ;>!44 4<!H4 4;!8> 8< 8; 88 ;4!>4 43!>4 ;;!44
< 4G!I4 ;>!>4 4<!C4 4;!44 84 ;I ;G 4G!>4 43!44 ;;!>4
8 ;4!;4 ;C!>4 4<!<4 4!H4 ;H ;3 ;> 4H!>4 4<!>4 ;8!84
; ;4!>4 ;I!>4 4<!<4 4!C4 ;C ;4 ;4 4I!>4 4<!44 ;<!44
Each student 0ill have to choose five items for test of choice!
6ne item for test must be chosen from JAD+ one from JBD+ one from JCD+ one from J$D and test item number JED is
com&ulsory for all!
&III. L"st of Co#te#t of S)-(+sF >or2 o-dGTe-ch"#$ Co*4o#e#tsF 0-1"*+* 0-r2s Aot*e#tF P-4er Sett"#$ -#d N-t+re of
H+est"o#s Sett"#$ for E1-*
L"st of Co#te#t of
>or2 o-dGTe-ch"#$
0-1"*+* 0-r2s
P-4er Sett"#$ N-t+re of H+est"o#s Sett"#$ for
P-rt @AA
T0o /uestions of either - or nature
should be set out of each Knit!
;3 /uestions 0ill be set
from the total syllabus!
2even /uestions com&ulsory
T0o Luestions of @no0ledge
T0o Luestions of
T0o Luestions of
Knit I ;4 Periods ;4
Knit II ;4 Periods ;4
Knit III ;4 Periods ;4
Knit IA ;4 Periods ;4
Knit A ;4 Periods ;4
P-rt @:A
Knit I ;4 Periods ;4
to be attem&ted by the
student! 6ne out of each
6ne Luestion of liberal
Knit II ;4 Periods ;4
I4 Periods to cover (i
Physical (itness (ii
Teaching of s%ills for
)ames & 2&orts (iii
Pre&aration of =ecord
Boo%-(ile & Aiva
;4 Assessment of #
(i (itness 2tandards
(ii Proficiency in s%ill
(iii Pre&aration of =ecord
Boo%-(ile & its
&resentation in Aiva
(i(itness test against the norms!
(ii2%ill test on three criteria
A!6&tional " 6ne out of three
B!Com&ulsory " 2et by the
C!*iberal " As &er the choices of the
(iiiCom&arative assessment among
the class!
I'. ,+"de"#es for Ev-+-t"o# of Ph)s"c- Ed+c-t"o# Theor) P-4er
;! Each /uestion 0ill be of ;4 mar%s!
8! The students are e.&ected to attem&t one /uestion out of the t0o
o&tions given in each unit!
<! Brea% u& of the ;4 mar%s of each /uestion is as follo0s1
(i @no0ledge of content1 < mar%s
(ii Knderstanding of the %no0ledge of content1 < mar%s
(iii Ca&$escri&tion for
a&&lication of %no0ledge & understanding
of the conce&ts1 3 mar%s
Note% Item 'o! < 0ill be a&&licable to the long & medium length /uestions!
*ong /uestions shall be bet0een 844 " 8>4 0ords and short /uestions shall be of
H4 " ;44 0ords!
3! Aery short /uestions com&rises of > sub sets of 8 mar%s each!
Note% Terminologies- definitions- conce&ts shall be described in a&&ro.imately
<4 0ords! If the descri&tion is su&&orted 0ith the source of reference and
authors & the situation of a&&lication: it may a0ard 8 mar%s+ other0ise mar%s
may be allotted a&&ro&riately!
>! *iberal com&onent of long essay-detailed note-suggestive 0riting shall
be of more than 8>4 0ords! The brea% u& of the ;4 mar%s for liberal
com&onent of /uestion shall be as follo0s1
(i Knderstanding and %no0ledge of content1 8 mar%s
(ii 2ource of reference-author-attention1 ; mar%
(iii Knderstanding of a&&lication as&ects1 < mar%s
(iv 2uggesting 0riting-critical analysis-
futuristic model1 3 mar%s
'. ,+"de"#es for Ph)s"c- Ed+c-t"o# Te-chers
Teaching of Physical Education is a combination of understanding of Theoretical
%no0ledge to be a&&lied in &erforming various games & s&orts! Accordingly for
transaction of syllabus: at the level of classes XI & XII the follo0ing consideration
as suggested must be a&&lied as guidelines!
IB IIIB I&B &B -#d &I = &II must be thoroughly understood and ado&ted!
&III &rovides the Content of 2yllabus+ ,or% load-Teaching Com&onents+ 9a.imum
9ar%s Allotment+ Pa&er 2etting and 'ature of Luestions 2etting for! It
&rovides guidelines for teachers to cover the syllabus accordingly!
I' &rovides the guidelines to be follo0ed by the evaluator of the ans0er boo%s of
the candidates! Thereby it is essential for teachers to understand the com&onents
of evaluation also!
Each unit of the syllabus shall be taught and students must be &rovided the
%no0ledge of conce&t (definitions: e.&lanations etc: understanding in e.&lanation
and descri&tion: a&&lication in various setting of Physical Education: 2&orts & life!
E1-*4e% U#"t II / C-ss 'I.
8! Career as&ects in Physical Education!
8!; Career 6&tions " ,hat are the careers in Physical Education: Traditional &
emerging trends! Teaching-Coaching+ ?ealth related careers+ administration related
careers+ &erformance related careers (6fficials-Players-=ecorders+ =e&orters-etc+
Communication (Fournalism: Photogra&hy: T A =e&orters: Boo% Publishing: ,riting:
Industry: 9ar%eting: 2elling: Event 9anagement: etc
8!8 Aarious degrees and di&lomas in various universities for various careers+ eligibility+
duration of courses+ various institutions offering various courses!
8!< 9otivation and self assessment in career choices+ factor acting as motivators and
criteria to assess the &ersonal choice to o&t for s&orts career!
Community based &rogramme: individual-grou& survey: intervie0s & /uiE etc in the
immediate social settings must be underta%en as &art of a&&lying the %no0ledge and
understanding of the various conce&ts of the various &art of syllabus!
As far as &ossible: su&&ort of audiovisual aids+ chat+ =adio+ TA+ Projector etc should be
used in order to e.&lain the content!
(or the &ractical com&onents of the syllabus: curriculum should be transected through
the demonstration: e.hibition matches: &ractical matches: s%ills in the s&orts annual
festivals: annual s&orts days etc! The 0eight#age of learning com&onent may be
com&aratively assessed on the basis of &erformance of the candidates!
Internal assessment should be continuous and &rogressive!

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