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Test 1


I.Complete with the present simple or present continuous
form of the verb in brackets. __/5

1.Sara _________ (wait) for a friend at the moment.
2.The children __________ (have) a vocabulary test now.
3.We usually ______(go) to the beach in the summer.
4.Dad sometimes ___________ (watch) football on TV.
5.I ___________ (not get up) early at the weekend.

II.Complete with the correct time expression. __/5

1.Lets meet at the cinema ______ nine oclock.
2.Its always cold in England ______ the winter.
3.What do you usually do _____ weekends?
4.Her birthday is _____ August.
5._____ Friday afternoon we finish school early.

III.Complete with the correct form of these verbs.
clean,build,collect,explore,attack __/5

1.I didnt ______ my teeth this morning.
2.Last week dad ________ us a tree house in the garden.
3.That cat __________ my dog last night.
4.We _________ a beautiful tropical island.
5.Did you _________ any sea shells from the beach this

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