TMJ Exercises and Treatment Information

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TMJ Exercises and Treatment Information

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This report includes some simple and natural exercises that you can start implementing today that
will hopefully lessen the severity of your symptoms. These exercises aren't a quick fix, nor are they
a complete list. These are just some samples for you to try, to fully rid yourself of TM you should
get hold of a full TM treatment program and routine. !e have created these exercises due to a large
amount of requests we received from our visitors. "ut they can help reduce pain dramatically if
used regularly.
#f you would like to start to start using a complete exercise program designed specifically for TM
sufferers, we this is our highest recommendation for you
TM Treatment $rogram
This exercise programs come highly recommended and are something you should consider if you
think you need further treatment. They also let you call up and ask for support for your jaw if you
need it aswell, pretty good really.
But if not, continue reading for your free exercises! :)
%ample $assive &xercises' (...................................................................................... )*+
%ample ,ctive &xercises and %tretches' ..................................................................... )-+
TM .riendly /ecipes' (............................................................................................ )0+
1octor $atient discussions' (..................................................................................... )2+
Passie Exercises
$assive exercises are those that require little active force from the muscles. They should 3e done
without causing pain and can aid in maintaining 3lood flow to the muscles, which decreases the
chances of myostatic contracture. ,s well as this, passive exercises will help you to do certain
movements that will overcome your jaw dysfunction.
Passie Exercise !:
%tand in front of a mirror and open your mouth slowly and gently along a straight opening pathway.
Don't push into pain if possible. It is important to watch your jaw and make sure it is opening and
closing in a symmetrical way.
Passie Exercise ":
#n front of the mirror again, slide the 3ottom of your jaw to the left and to the right in a slow
controlled way. /epeat this 45 times per session, six sessions a day.
Once again try and maintain a straight path.
Passie Exercise #:
6lick your tongue against the top of your mouth. #f this can 3e done, proceed 3y opening and
closing your jaw whilst holding your tongue against the roof of your mouth.
Another very important thing to keep in mind is your posture. Make sure you are sitting upright
with your shoulders back and your core firm.
$ctie Exercises
,ctive exercises require more force to 3e generated 3y the muscles. %o if your muscles hurt too
much under small amounts of strain these exercise may not 3e right for you. There are three types
of exercises that can 3e used' assisted stretching, resistant, and clenching.
Assisted stretching exercises should 3e used if you need to regain muscle strength. #t is important to
avoid pain when doing stretching, if pain is felt, decrease the amount of force.
$ssisted %tretching Exercise:
,pply stretching force gently and intermittently to the elevator muscle. #t should look like
your sticking your 3ottom jaw out straight in front of you. %tretch for 75 seconds on and off
0 times.
!"he muscle that lowers and raises your bottom jaw#
Resistant exercises use pressure to trick the 3rain into releasing pressure.
&esistant Exercise Exam'(e:
$lace your fist under your chin and open your mouth against the resistance. /epeat this 45
times per session, six sessions a day.
If you feel any pain discontinue the e$ercises.
Clenching exercises can decrease clenching during the night.
C(enching Exercise Exam'(e:
6lench your jaw for - seconds, then relax your jaw and repeat ten time. 1o not clench too
hard, it is important not too feel any pain and to concentrate on relaxing.
%lenching e$ercises havn't been proven to be as effective as the others but they can still
help. If you feel pain during the e$ercises discontinue them.
TMJ &eci'es:
These are some recipes that TM sufferers eat that don't cause pain and can help improve some
&eci'e ! ) *igh Protein %moothie:
4 medium 3anana
489 avocado, pitted and peeled
78* cup straw3erries
9 cups spinach leaves
48:-48* cup carrot juice
water, to desired consistency
4 scoop vanilla or plain protein powder, opt )included in nutritionals - adjust accordingly+
3lend everything 3ut protein powder in 3lender until no chunks remain. ,dd in protein powder and
a little water )if necessary - the powder just thickens and poofs everything up+, and 3lend on low
just to incorporate. %erve;
Makes a3out * cups - enough for 4 really hungry guy )my dad, for one;+ or 9 normal people
<=T&' The protein powder used in calculating this recipe ),dvant &dge+ is listed at having 425
calories and 95g protein per 0 t3sp. The protein powder # use only has >5 calories and 4>g protein
per 0 t3sp, so you may have to adjust nutritionals a 3it as you make yours.
cals' *>7.* fat' 4-.7 g protein' 9-.0 g car3s' 25 g fi3er' 49.0 g
&eci'e " , B(ueberry Banana Brea-fast:
9 medium 3ananas
9 dates, pitted
4 tsp cacao8caro3 powder or ni3s
489 to 78* cup fresh 3lue3erries )or fro?en, defrosted+
489 tsp cinnamon, or to taste
dash nutmeg
$uree 4 3anana, dates, and cacao )opt+ in food processor or 3lender, adding water until you get a
thin yogurt-like consistency.
#n your serving 3owl, slice the other 3anana and sprinkle the 3lue3erries on top. $our 3anana-yogurt
stuff over this and sprinkle with the cinnamon and nutmeg.
cals' 79: fat' 4.0 g protein' 7.0 g car3s' :*.4 g fi3er' 45.0 g
&eci'e # , Cassero(e of Chic-'eas, Egg'(ant, and Tomatoes
4 489 cups dried chickpeas, or * cups canned chickpeas, drained
olive oil
9 medium eggplants, washed 3ut not peeled, cut into 9-inch cu3es
4 tsp paprika
4 tsp ground cinnamon
48* tsp cayenne pepper
7 medium onions, finely chopped
45 small tomatoes, peeled and finely chopped
#f using dried chickpeas)if using canned skip down to @preheat oven@+' in a 3owl, soak dried
chickpeas covered 3y 9 inches of water overnight. 1rain. #n a kettle, cover chickpeas with fresh
water, add some salt, and 3ring to a 3oil. /educe heat and cook 9 hours, until peas are tender. Aou
will need to add water from time to time.
B=3viously, the easier and faster way is using canned chickpeas. C
$reheat oven to *55.
#n a skillet, heat some olive oil and saute eggplant 45 - 4- minutes, until light 3rown. !ith a slotted
spoon, remove eggplant and transfer to a casserole. %eason with paprika, cumin, cinnamon,
cayenne, salt, and pepper. #n the same skillet, add a few drops olive oil and saute onions until light
3rown. %pread onion with pan drippings over eggplant. ,dd pepper, salt, and a layer of chickpeas.
6over with tomatoes. 1ri33le a little olive oil on top and season one more time. "ake 7- minutes.
: servings
cals' 9*>.- fat' -.- g protein' :.: g car3s' **.2 g fi3er' 44 g
&eci'e . , /atmea( %moothie:
4 cup apple juice
4 fro?en 3anana
7 heaping ta3lespoons of uncooked oatmeal =/ 4 packet instant oatmeal
- fro?en straw3erries
"lend ingredients in 3lender until smooth.
<um3er of %ervings' 4
cals' 757.2 fat' 9.4 g protein' 7.0 g car3s' 29.7 g fi3er' -.: g
&eci'e 0 , Tomato Basi( %ou' 1i-e,2o,/ther:
4 c onionD chopped
- cloves garlic, smashed
9 - 7 t3sp olive oil
7 cn whole tomatoesD 9:-ounces ea.
9 c organic vegeta3le stock )or chicken stock+
9 ts 3alsamic vinegar
4 c milk or whipping cream
489 c chopped fresh 3asil
4 salt and pepperD to taste
%aute the onion and garlic in the olive oil in a large saucepan
until the vegeta3les are tender.
,dd the tomatoes and stock. "ring to a 3oil remove from heat.
$our into a 3lender container )you may have to do this in sections - it's a lot of soup+. $rocess until
the mixture is pureed.
%tir in the vinegar, cream or milk, 3asil, salt and pepper.
Eadle into soup 3owls. %erve immediately.
This soup is great for dipping 3read in - it will soften into almost a mush - if you don't mind the
%erves 49
cals' 2>.> fat' 7 g protein' 9.: g car3s' 49.9 g fi3er' 9.* g
&eci'e 3 , $''(cado Mousse4Pudding:
1id you ever think that avocados could 3e used for something =TF&/ than guacamoleG They are a
fruit - so let's make them into something sweet; This stuff is great as an alternative to yogurt -
especially since it's higher in healthy fats and cholesterol free;
9 avocados, peeled and pitted
9 apples
9 tsp lemon juice
water, to desired consistency
$lace avocados in a food processor or 3lender.
6ut apples in half from top down, and use a mellon-3aller to remove seeds. 6ut into large chunks
and place in processor with avocados.
%prinkle lemon juice around fruits, and start 3lending. 1ri??le a little water in at a time until it starts
to 3lend, then wait 3efore you add any more - it 3ecomes thinner and smoother the longer it 3lends.
,dd as much water as you need to reach the consistency you want.
%tore in a jar in the fridge for up to 9 days
%erve on its own like mousse or pudding )depending on the texture you got+, or with your favorite
soft fruit )it's really good over 3ananas;+.
Aield' ,ppx 9 cups, serving is 489 cup
cals' 4:0.0 fat' 47.0 g protein' 4.: g car3s' 4:.- g fi3er' 2.: g
"hese recipes have been taken from the "M& section of the '()ealth *orum.
+octor Patient +iscussions
!5 6: # have severe jaw pain and a headache that just won't go away. # think my jaw is out of
place should # go to the &/ or is this something that will clear up over timeG
$: There are different things you can do for jaw pain with headache. .irst, you must rule out
a toothe ache or cavity. %econd you may want to research @trigger points@ on the internet.
%pecific trigger points in the masseter muscle and temporalis muscle. Treatment for these
trigger points is as simple as just lightly pushing them with your thum3 until the pain from
the trigger point is diminished. Hood luck;
Antonio Marotta D.%.
"5 6: Fi # think # have dislocated my jaw. <ot too sure how #'ve managed to do this, 3ut last
sunday it just started hurting quite 3adly when # try to chew or open my mouth. #t's really
unpleasant and actually quite painful some times. Fow can # fix itG #t did not get swolen, 3ut
it hurts.can you suggest me what to do pleseG
$: ,ccording to the data you provided )pain when chewing or opening the mouth, no
swelling+, you might have experienced a temporomandi3ular joint disorder. This is an
um3rella term that covers acute or chronic inflammation of the temporomandi3ular joint.
aw dislocation is not likely 3ecause you would have pro3a3ly recogni?ed the loud noise
and the severe pain afterwards. More likely, your temporomandi3ular joint is affected 3y a
chronic factor that keeps damaging the joint over time. !hen a certain degree of damage is
reached, the symptoms you reported appear.
There are many possi3le chronic causes for damaging the temporomandi3ular joint. "ruxism
)repetitive unconscious jaw movements+, teeth misalignment, jaw thrusting, excessive gum
chewing or nail 3iting are possi3le causes for damaging the temporomandi3ular joint.
1egenerative joint disorders such as osteoarthritis might affect this joint the same way as
any other joint in the 3ody.
Aou might want to visit a dentist check the condition of the temporomandi3ular joint and the
teeth as a possi3le cause for your condition. Meanwhile, taking analgesics )pain-relievers+
would help to ease the pain.
6: ,ll of a sudden the left side of my aw )close to my ear+ has started constantly locking
and cracking. i cannot think of the reason 3ehind this as i have had no physical contact
resulting in the situation. im a 94 year old male,and i hope you can help.
$: The location of the symptoms indicates that you might 3e experiencing health issues
related to the temporomandi3ular joint. The temporomandi3ular joint syndrome usually
covers acute and chronic inflammation of the joint.
There are many reasons for possi3le damage to the temporomandi3ular joint. &xcessive gum
chewing or nail 3iting might slowly damage the joint. "ruxing and inadequate dental surface
are other reasons.
Aou might want to check if you use the temporomandi3ular joint too much or inadequately
and then try to rest it as much as you can. #f this does not help, you might want to visit your
dentist to see if there are other medical pro3lems with your teeth that cause this condition.
More of these discussions can 3e found on the ehealthforum, it is a fantastic resource and has a lot
of valua3le information.
That wraps up our little information package, this information should help you and your jaw out.
!e hope this information will 3e 3eneficial to you, 3ut remem3er these are only art of the process.
To completely relieve yourself of TM symptoms, you need to consistently do a variety of different
exercises, stretches and massages. %ometimes TM pain can come 3ack if you don't keep doing
your exercises and it can 3e quite hard to do this 3y yourself without a pre-planned easy to follow
routine. That's why we recommend trying out a program like this'
TM $rogram /eviews
!e hope you enjoyed this information, good luck with your jaws;
&-Fealth .orum'
IManagement of Temporomandi3ular 1isorders and =cclusionJ 3y &effrey -. Okeson
.ecommended -rograms+ TM &xercise $rogram
This report is designed to provide information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is not the intent of
the author for this report to be used to self-diagnose, self-prescribe or treat any condition or disease. The
information in this website is general in nature and does not, in any manner, constitute medical advice as to
any readers specific situation. The author is not a doctor and does not recommend the use of this
information without your own medical doctors approval and his/her direct supervision.
The intent, in general, is to share with you the authors own health and life experiences, in order to help you
cooperate with your doctor, under your doctors direct supervision, in your mutual uest for health.

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