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Study Guide

MKT/571 Version 7
Week 1 Study Guide: Marketing Strategies
Readings and Key Terms
Ch. 1 of Marketing Management
o Types of markets
o Challenges to managing marketing
o Holistic marketing concept
Ch. 2 of Marketing Management
o Customer value
o Competitive advantage
o Strategic business unit (S!"
o Strategic planning process
o S#$T %nalysis
o &arketing plan
Ch. ' of Marketing Management
o &arketing intelligence
o &acroenvironmental forces
,olitical*legal forces
o -orecasting demand
Ch. . of Marketing Management
o &arketing research process
o &arketing metrics
Content Overview
&arketing overvie/
o (efinition of marketing
&arketing mi0 (-our ,s"
Copyright 1 221' by !niversity of ,hoeni0. %ll rights reserved.
Study Guide
MKT/571 Version 7
o !nderstanding the consumer
+eeds versus /ants
Satisfaction and value
o &arketing role in business and society
Types of markets
The business3s marketing orientation and holistic marketing
Strategic marketing
o &a0imi4ing customer value
5alue chain
Core competencies
Competitive advantage
o Strategic planning process
S#$T %nalysis
o &acroenvironmental factors
o &icroenvironmental factors
Strategic goals
o Corporate6 divisional6 business6 and product level goals
o S!s
o Generic strategies
o &arketing plans
Collecting marketing research
o 7nternal data and data mining
o &arketing intelligence
o &acroenvironmental analysis
(emographic forces
)conomic forces
Socio*cultural forces
+atural and environmental forces
Technological forces
,olitical and legal forces
o -orecasting demand
Conducting marketing research
Copyright 1 221' by !niversity of ,hoeni0. %ll rights reserved.
Study Guide
MKT/571 Version 7
o 8esearch process
Types of research
o (eciding the research plan
(ata sources
8esearch approaches
8esearch instruments
Sampling methods
Challenges to marketing research
o )stablishing and measuring marketing metrics
Copyright 1 221' by !niversity of ,hoeni0. %ll rights reserved.

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