Celta CCQ Example

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Support /s!

"p#$t/ to agree with and give encouragement to someone or something because

you want them or it to succeed, back up
Supportive adj. Adj or noun?
Is about helping?

Involve /%n"v&lv/ that thing is a part of the activity, etc.:
Involvement noun
Do you engage? Do you take part?

Envy /"en.vi/ to wish that you had something that another person has:
Envious /"en.vi.!s/ adj.
Is it positive or negative?
When you are envious do you want someone elses possession?
Jealosy Do you get jealous about your girl friend?
Your mum loves your brother more than you?
Aware /!"we!r/ knowing that something exists, or having knowledge or experience of a
particular thing:
Awareness noun /!"we!.n!s/
Is it about being familiar?
When you are aware of something do you have knowledge or experience about it?
Anxiety /'"za%.!.ti/ an uncomfortable feeling of nervousness or worry about something
that is happening or might happen in the future:
Anxious /"'k.(!s/ adj.
Is it positive or negative feeling?
Are you nervous?
Psychologist /sa%"k&l.!.d)%st/ someone who studies the human mind and human emotions

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