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Genesis 33:1-11

Theological Proposition: I DO NOT KNOWyet

Sermon Purpose: To encourage our class to examine their reconciliation with God and extend
that reconciliation to a world filled with hostility.
Homiletical Proposition: Extend your vertical reconciliation horizontally.

[Image] Reconciliation is uncommon and shocking.
[Need] The world is ripping itself apart, and somehow we are supposed to be reconcilers.
[Subject] What makes reconciliation possible in a broken world?
[Text] Genesis 33:1-11 demonstrates an unlikely reconciliation made possible by a higher
[Preview] We are going to walk through a shocking story of unlikely reconciliation and learn
what it takes to bring such reconciliation to the world.

Body Outline
I. Reconciliation begins with humility. [this point will be made inductively]
A. Jacob has lived in fear and anxiety because of his sin against Esau. (33:1-2)
B. Jacobs pride had to be shaken by his reconciliation with God before he could
reconcile with Esau. (Background of chapter 33)
C. As the encounter with Esau draws near, Jacob finally submits himself to humility.
D. Humility is the catalyst of our reconciliation with God (vertical) and others
II. Horizontal reconciliation is evidence of vertical reconciliation. [What do I mean by
A. The uncommon aspect of reconciliation is radical forgiveness. (33:4-9)
B. The result of this uncommon forgiveness is radical gratitude. (33:10-11)
C. Jacob recognized Gods work in his reconciliation with his brother.
D. Our own reconciliation with God makes it possible for us to bring reconciliation
to the world.
III. Extend your vertical reconciliation horizontally.
A. If you have not embraced your reconciliation with God, you cannot truly bring
reconciliation to the world.
B. Division exists in your home, on the road, at your job, between cultures, between
denominations, and between God and unbelievers.
C. Make uncommon reconciliation a common part of your life.
D. [Concrete examples???]
Conclusion: Summary and Challenge [Bring reconciliation to the world and, by doing so, make
the world see the face of God (33:10)]
Jonathan White
PM104 Homiletical Outline 3

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