CI590Online#7JKReflectionRUBRIC2013 10pts

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CI 590 ONLINE- #7 Journal Keeping; Metareflections Name_________________

Action Research Points 10 pts.______

Graduate School of Education- Portland State University

# 7 Journal Keeping: Meta-Reflection Rubric 10pts. ONLINE
Task description: Keep a journal to collect your thoughts, questions, understandings, notes, and
information related to advanced educational psychology. As a professional, you develop your
ability to handle the complexity of your life through reflection. A journal is a well-documented
way to develop your reflective capacity. You will use the journal to complete in-class free
writes, focused freewrites, dialogue, concept mapping & other activities; respond to readings;
take notes during class, library research, and group meetings; and write down questions or
At the end of the term you will write two meta-reflections. Select, scan or photograph
for uploading two significant journal entries at the end of the term and write a meta-reflection on
each entry. Each meta-reflection should be at least one page and may include quotations from
your journal. Address how this entry affected your thinking, addressed a problem, or surprised
The following rubric indicates what you need to turn in to show you kept a journal.
Dimension Description
Submit a photocopy (or photograph and upload as a .jpeg) or scan of
Table of Contents, format: Date/ Item description/ Page (s)
Submit photocopies (or photograph and upload) or scan of two journal
entries - These could be class lecture notes, freewrites or other journal
writing activities in class.
Write one page meta-reflection on each journal entry.
Reflection #1 (check all that apply):
___ Describes the implications of the entry for you as a teacher, an adult
___ Describes the implications for your students.
___ Elaborates on what the entry means for you in the future.
___ Compares and contrasts your thinking from the beginning of the
term to end.
___ Illustrates your reconsideration of ideas during the term
___ Other:___________________________
Reflection #2 (check all that apply):
___ Describes the implications of the entry for you as a teacher, an adult
___ Describes the implications for your students.
___ Elaborates on what the entry means for you in the future.
___ Compares and contrasts your thinking from the beginning of the
term to end.
___ Illustrates your reconsideration of ideas during the term.
___ Other:___________________________
Reflection can be typed or written in your journal and, then,
photocopied or photographed and turned in.

Creative enhancements
Scan (or photograph and upload as a .jpeg) anything you would call a
creative enhancements that you have added to your journal.
2 points

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