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Los mejores recursos gratuitos para aprender y ensear ingls
Futuro Simple


forma completa forma contrada

I will work Ill work
You will work youll work
He / she / it will work he / she / itll work

We will work well work
You will work youll work
They will work theyll work


forma completa forma contrada

I will not work I wont work
You will not work you wont work
He / she / it will not work he / she /it wont work

We will not work we wont work
You will not work you wont work
They will not work they wont work

respuesta breve + respuesta breve -

Will I work? Yes, I will No, I wont
Will you work Yes, you will No, you wont
Will he / she / it work? Yes, he / she / it will No, he / she / it wont

Will we work? Yes, we will No, we wont
Will you work? Yes, you will No, you wont
Will they work? Yes, they will No, they wont

Shall: con I y we se puede utilizar shall en lugar de will, pero su uso es menos

- I will go to work in five minutes = I shall go to work in five minutes.
- We will buy vegetables this afternoon = We shall buy vegetables this afternoon.

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