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Rules During Training

by Morihei Ueshiba
1) One blow in Aikido can kill. When practicing always
obey your instructor and do not use training tie !or
needless testing o! strength.
") Aikido is an art where one person learns to !ace any opponents siultaneously.
#t there!ore re$uires that you polish and per!ect each o%eent to becoe
in%ulnerable !ro any direction.
&) 'ractice with a !eeling o! (oy and e)hilaration.
*) The teachings o! your instructor constitute only a sall !raction o! what you will
learn. +our astery o! each o%eent will depend alost entirely on indi%idual
earnest practice.
,) Daily practice begins with light o%eents gradually increasing in intensity- but
there ust be no o%ere)ertion. .%en elderly people can practice with pleasure.
/) The purpose o! Aikido is to train both body and ind sincerely. Aikido ust not
be taught to ioral people or used !or e%il purposes.

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