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CCGPS Advanced Algebra 2014-2015

Ms. McLaughlin
The website for this course can be found at . It is updated regularly with our daily
classwork, homework, and important quiz/test dates.
Course Description and Instructional Goals:
This course is designed to provide students the opportunity to learn and be able to do the mathematics designated for
Common Core Advanced Algebra. Curriculum, instruction, and assessment will enable students explore the following
topics this semester:
Unit 1: nferences and Conclusions from !ata
Unit ": #olynomial $unctions
Unit %: &adical and &ational &elationships
Unit ': (xponential and )ogarithmic $unctions
Unit *: Trig $unctions
Unit +: ,athematical ,odeling
(ach student should -eep a math noteboo-. A 3-ring binder with lined paper, as well as graphing paper is re.uired.
The organi/ation of the noteboo- will be discussed in class. 0tudents also will need pencils. At least one dry erase
marker is recommended as we will use individual dry erase boards often.
A basic calculator is all that is needed for this course.
Grading Policy:
There will be no reta-e tests if you perform poorly on a test. 1ou must do well on the tests to do well in the class. The
grade distribution for this semester will be as follows:
55 Class!ork"Interacti#e $otebooks
%& 'ui((es")ests
5 *ome!ork
%& +inal
2omewor- will be collected randomly throughout the semester and graded.
,-tra *elp:
am available most every morning, afternoon, and A3 for any students who need extra help.
.cademic Dishonesty:
f any student is found cheating on any written wor- a grade of /ero will be received for that wor-, the student will
receive an unsatisfactory conduct grade, parents will be contacted, and the incident will be reported to an administrator.

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