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Osmosis in Plant Tissues

AIM : To investigate the process of osmosis in the plant tissues.


3 Petri dishes
2 thin slices of Sample E
1 scalpel
1 ruler
3 vials of the following solutions
o Solution A
o Solution B
o Solution C

1 stop watch
1 pair of forceps
1 Paper towels
white tile

1. Use the scalpel provided and cut 3 strips of Sample E, each measuring approximately 50mm by 12 mm.
2. Measure and record the length of each strip.
3. Examine the texture of one of the strip.
4. Place one strip in Petri dish A and completely submerged it in Solution A.
5. Repeat Step 3 by placing another strip in Petri dish B, filled with Solution B and Petri dish C, filled with
Solution C.
6. After 15 minutes, use the forceps provided to remove the strips from the Petri dishes.
7. Blots dry the strips gently on the paper towel.
8. Measure the same side as before and record the length of each strip.
9. Examine and record the texture of each strip.
10. Construct a table to present your observations. In your table, include the following columns: length of the
strip at the start and end of the experiment, the difference in length after 15 minutes, the percentage change
of the length and the texture of the strips at the beginning and the end of the experiment.

Observations and results :
(Use the space below to construct a table to present your observations)

Biology Foundation Module (2014)
Name : _________________ ( ) Class : ___ Date : ____

Data Analysis :

In the space given below, explain the observations made in Petri dish A - C as stated in your table above.

a) Name the process that has occurred that caused the changes seen in the experiment.


b) Explain in detail, how this process has caused the change in both texture and length of the potato strip in
Petri dish C.


c) Base on your observations in Petri dish A and B, what is the concentration of solution A and B compared to
concentration of the potato cells?


d) Explain in detail, the changes in the potato strips in these Petri dishes.


e) How would you improve your experiment to have more accurate results?

As solution C has a lower water potential than the cells of the potato, water molecules are transferred from
the potato cells to solution C, thus water is lost from the potato cells, causing them to become flaccid. This
causes the potato strip shorten in length.
Solution A has a higher water potential than solution B.
The potato strip in Petri dish A containing solution A remained the same length after 15mins, but its texture
became slightly rough and turgid. The potato strip in Petri dish B containing solution B shortened in length
(-4) and it felt smooth and flaccid, as opposed to in the start where each potato strip felt slightly rough.
The potato strip in Petri dish C containing solution C shortened in length by 5mm, and it felt smooth and flaccid
after the experiment.
The experiment should be repeated more than once, and the potato strip should be measured with a vernier
caliper instead of a ruler.

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