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Greens Expectations
Grade English
Class Opening
1. Be on time.
2. Bring your binder, independent reading book, paper and pens/pencils
to class each day.
3. Enter the room quietly, walking quickly to your assigned seat and sitting
4. Comlete !"o #ow$ within seven minutes, %1& write down your homework
assignment, %2& take out your materials, and %3& comlete 'ournal entry.
(. Come to attention within 5 seconds.
). *ollow the directions o+ the teacher immediately.
,. "o not talk while another teacher or student has the -oor.
8. .ay scolarly attention to instruction %/01#2&.
3. !O"# $%"& and comlete all class work to the 4est o+ your a4ility.
15.1sk to go to the 4athroom a+ter the 6rst 15 minutes o+ class and 4e+ore the
last 15 minutes o+ class.
11.Be resect+ul o+ e7eryone one in your words and actions.
14.Be reared.
1(.Comlete your homework e7ery night.
1)./ome homework will need to comleted online. 8+ you do not ha7e 8nternet
access at home, you are e9ected to use the comuter la4 a+ter school.
1,.8+ you turn in an assignment late, you will +or+eit one letter grade a day. :ou
may not turn in an assignment more than 67e days late. 8 do not gi7e e9tra
18.8+ ossi4le, show your homework and agenda 4ook to your arents.
13.:ou are e9ected to read 35 minutes each night and comlete the reading
25.Choose 4ooks that you like to read +or indeendent reading +rom the
classroom, school or u4lic li4rary. 2alk to me i+ you need hel icking a 4ook
or need to change your 4ook.
21.;hen you 6nish a 4ook, comlete an acti7ity +rom the !8ndeendent <eading
Choice Board.$
22.8+ you are a4sent, lease come see me 4e+ore or a+ter class +or make=u work.
23.8+ you ha7e a question, you may email me at Monica.Green(dc.gov and 8
will answer you.

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