Numeracy Pres

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Using Technology to Engage, Empower and

Enhance Mathematical Learning

Creating opportunities for deep learning and high student engagement
in students with a history of maths anxiety and low self-belief.
abstract mathematical thinking
Deep Engagement
Digital Tools
their world
Social Construction of Knowledge
Authentic Tasks
contextual learning
Network Learners
Virtual community
Pedagogical Practices & Teaching Strategies
Numeracy tasks that were linked to real world problem solving
Student voice
Self-directed learning
Collaborative problem solving
Differentiated learning
Student to student teaching
Student to student mentoring
When you listen to the student lead discussion about their
learning, what aspects of our shared beliefs and pedagogical
strategies and teaching practices are most evident?
Math is all around us in
everything we do
We learn to solve
problems and
concentrate hard
We have fun at
the same time
Gifted Mathematician
If we didnt have Ada Lovelace
would we have computers in our
daily lives?
Discussion activity feedback

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