03 People v. Fortuna (2003)

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Republic of the Philippines

G.R. NO. 148137 January 16, 2003
!OMNG" CORR"LES FORTUN", appellant.
#TUG, J.$
On 29 Septebe! "99#, Doin$a %o!!ales Fo!tuna, he!ein appellant, &as cha!$e' &ith
ille$al !ec!uitent in la!$e scale un'e! Section (, pa!a$!aph )*, of Republic +ct No.
#,-2, sai' to have been coitte' thusl./
0That soetie in the onth of 1ul., "99#, in the %it. of %abanatuan, Republic
of the Philippines an' &ithin the 2u!is'iction of this 3ono!able %ou!t, the above4
nae' accuse' &ho is neithe! a licensee no! hol'e! of autho!it. in the
ove!seas p!ivate !ec!uitent o! placeents activities, 'i' then an' the!e,
&illfull., unla&full. an' feloniousl. un'e!ta5e a !ec!uitent activit. b. in'ucin$
an' convincin$ R676%%+ P. D6 86ON, +NNI6 M. N9:96, N6NIT+ +.
+ND+S+N, +N;68<N N. M+;P+<O, 8IN+ N. ;+NOT an' 6D;+RDO %.
S+8V+DOR, that she coul' secu!e fo! the a 2ob in Tai&an, an' as a !esult of
such enticeent, sai' Rebecca P. De 8eon, +nnie M. Nu=ue, Nenita +.
+n'asan, +n$olan N. Ma$pa.o, 8ina N. ;anot an' 6'$a!'o %. Salva'o!, &ho
&e!e inte!este' to have such eplo.ent, $ave an' 'elive!e' to the accuse'
the total su of T3IRT< T>O T3O9S+ND FO9R 39NDR6D P6SOS
)P?2,-,,.,,*, Philippine %u!!enc., !ep!esentin$ e'ical fees in connection
the!eof, to the latte!@s 'aa$e an' p!e2u'ice as the. &e!e not able to $et a 2ob
in Tai&an th!ou$h no fault of thei! o&n as p!oise' b. the accuse', &ho
li5e&ise faile' to !eibu!se to he!ein coplainants the afo!eentione' aount
'espite !epeate' 'ean'sA that consi'e!in$ that the!e a!e siB )(* o! o!e
coplainants p!e2u'ice' b. the unla&ful acts of the accuse', the sae is
'eee' coitte' in la!$e scale an' consi'e!e' an offense involvin$
econoic sabota$e.0
>hen a!!ai$ne' on 29 Feb!ua!. 2,,,, appellant Doin$a Fo!tuna, &ith the assistance
of counsel, plea'e' not $uilt. to the c!ie cha!$e'A t!ial then ensue'.
Ta5in$ the &itness stan' fo! the p!osecution &e!e p!ivate coplainants 8ina ;anot,
Nenita +n'asan an' +n$el.n Ma$pa.o.
8ina N. ;anot, +n$el.n N. Ma$pa.o, Nenita +. +n'asan, Rebecca P. De 8eon, +nnie M.
Nu=ue an' 6'$a!'o 8. Salva'o! et Doin$a Fo!tuna . %o!!ales in a seina! on
0Tuppe!&a!e0 p!o'ucts bein$ then p!oote' fo! sale in %abanatuan %it.. Fo!tuna too5
the occasion to conve!se &ith p!ivate coplainants, alon$ &ith soe of the atten'ees,
offe!in$ 2ob placeents in Tai&an. %onvince' that Fo!tuna coul' actuall. p!ovi'e the
&ith 2obs ab!oa', p!ivate coplainants, on ,( 1ul. "99#, each $ave he! the aount of
PC,-,,.,, to ta5e ca!e of the p!ocessin$ fee fo! e'ical eBaination an' othe!
eBpenses fo! secu!in$ thei! !espective passpo!ts. On "? 1ul. "99#, p!ivate
coplainants too5 the e'ical eBaination in Manila. >ee5s &ent b. but the p!oise'
'epa!tu!e ha' not ate!ialiDe'. Suspectin$ that soethin$ &as not !i$ht, the. finall.
'ean'e' that Fo!tuna !etu!n thei! one.. Fo!tuna, in the ean&hile, &ent 0into
hi'in$.0 +fte! havin$ late! lea!ne' that Fo!tuna ha' neithe! a license no! an autho!it. to
un'e!ta5e !ec!uitin$ activities, +n$el.n Ma$pa.o file' a coplaint &hich, in 'ue tie,
ultiatel. !esulte' in the in'ictent of Fo!tuna fo! ille$al !ec!uitent. Du!in$ the
p!eliina!. investi$ation, as &ell as late! at the t!ial, Fo!tuna $ave assu!ance to have
the one. she ha' !eceive' f!o p!ivate coplainants !etu!ne' to the but, eBcept fo!
the aount of P",2C,.,, pai' to +n$el.n Ma$pa.o, Fo!tuna &as unable to a5e $oo'
he! p!oise.
Doin$a Fo!tuna, in he! testion., a'itte' havin$ atten'e' the seina! on 1une "99#
&he!e she then et +nnie Nu=ue, Rebecca De 8eon, Nenita +n'asan, 6'$a!'o
Salva'o!, +n$el.n Ma$pa.o an' 8ina ;anot. Du!in$ the seina!, she pu!chase'
0Tuppe!&a!e0 p!o'ucts f!o p!ivate coplainants afte! she &as convince' to be thei!
sub4a$ent. Initiall., she &as able to !eit pa.ents to p!ivate coplainants on he! sales
but, &hen she faile' to a5e subse=uent !eittances, she &as th!eatene' &ith c!iinal
p!osecution. In o!'e! to settle the atte!, she eBecute' sepa!ate p!oisso!. notes.
>hen she a$ain faile' to pa., p!ivate coplainants file' the case fo! ille$al !ec!uitent
a$ainst he!. O!i$inall., the!e &e!e siB p!ivate coplainants but eventuall. onl. th!ee of
the pu!sue' the case because the othe!s &e!e finall. able to leave fo! ab!oa'.
In its 'ecision, 'ate' ,2 1anua!. 2,,", the Re$ional T!ial %ou!t, 7!anch 2E,
%abanatuan %it., hel' Doin$a %o!!ales Fo!tuna $uilt. of Ille$al Rec!uitent in 8a!$e
Scale. The t!ial cou!t hel'/
0>36R6FOR6, the %ou!t fin's the accuse' Doin$a Fo!tuna ;9I8T< be.on'
!easonable 'oubt of Ille$al Rec!uitent in 8a!$e Scale an' he!eb. iposes
upon he! the penalt. of life ip!isonent an' a fine of Five 3un'!e' Thousan'
)PC,,,,,,.,,* pesos, as the sae involves econoic sabota$e.
0She is li5e&ise o!'e!e' to !eibu!se five thousan' fou! hun'!e' )PC,-,,.,,*
each to 8ina ;anot, Nenita +n'asan !ep!esentin$ the aount the. $ave to the
accuse' as p!ocessin$ fee an' the aount of fou! thousan' one hun'!e' fift.
)P-,"C,.,,* pesos in favo! of +n$el.n Ma$pa.o, as the!e &as a pa!tial
!estitution 'u!in$ the t!ial of the o!i$inal five thousan' fou! hun'!e' )PC,-,,.,,*
pesos she 'elive!e' to the accuse'.0
See5in$ a !eve!sal of he! conviction, appellant Fo!tuna, in he! assi$nent of e!!o!s,
&oul' no& have the %ou!t conclu'e that 4
0I. The cou!t a quo e!!e' in convictin$ the accuse'4appellant on an info!ation
&he!ein the facts alle$e' the!ein 'o not constitute an offenseA
0II. The cou!t a quo e!!e' in fin'in$ that accuse'4appellant violate' Section (,
pa!. )* of R.+. #,-2 &hen it 'i' not !eibu!se the alle$e' aounts !eceive'
f!o p!ivate coplainantsA
0III. The cou!t a quo e!!e' stan'in$ its fin'in$ that the accuse'4appellant &as
$uilt. of ille$al !ec!uitent.0
The appeal is be!eft of e!it.
The c!ie of ille$al !ec!uitent is coitte' &hen, aon$ othe! thin$s, a pe!son &ho,
&ithout bein$ 'ul. autho!iDe' acco!'in$ to la&, !ep!esents o! $ives the 'istinct
ip!ession that he o! she has the po&e! o! the abilit. to p!ovi'e &o!5 ab!oa' convincin$
those to &ho the !ep!esentation is a'e o! to &ho the ip!ession is $iven to
the!eupon pa!t &ith thei! one. in o!'e! to be assu!e' of that eplo.ent.
Ve!il., the testion. p!esente' at the t!ial b. the coplainin$ &itnesses a'e=uatel.
establishe' the coission of the offense.
Testion. of coplainant 8ina ;anot F
0:. M!s. >itness, &he!e &e!e .ou in the onth of 1une, "99#G
0+. +t Macatbon$, %abanatuan %it., si!.
0:. >e!e .ou $ainfull. eplo.e' at that tieG
0+. No, si!.
0:. On that pa!ticula! onth, 1une, "99#, havin$ been uneplo.e' at that
tie, &as the!e eve! an occasion that .ou t!ie' to loo5 fo! a 2obG
0+. <es, si!, I Ht!ie'I to loo5 fo! a 2ob.
0:. >as the!e eve! an occasion that .ou t!ie' to be a selle! of
Tuppe!&a!e p!o'uctsG
0+. <es, si!.
0:. Please tell us in connection &ith this intention of .ou!s to sell
Tuppe!&a!e p!o'ucts, 'i' .ou eve! atten' a seina!G
0+. <es, si!.
0:. >he!eG
0+. +t 7u!$os +venue, %abanatuan %it., si!.
0:. 3ave .ou eve! coe ac!oss this pa!ticula! nae Doin$a %o!!ales
0+. <es, si!.
0:. +n' &he!e &e!e .ou able to eet this pa!ticula! pe!sonG
0+. +t the seina! of the Tuppe!&a!e, si!.
0:. >hat t!anspi!e' &ith !espect to this pa!ticula! eetin$G
0+. She !ec!uite' us an' tol' us that she &ill $ive us $oo' 2obs, si!.
0:. >he!e is she no&G
0+. The!e, si! )&itness pointin$ to a pe!son &ho, &hen as5e', ans&e!e'
b. the nae of Doin$a %o!!ales Fo!tuna*.
0:. 3o& &as this accuse' able to !elate to .ou that 2ob placeent &ill be
available fo! .ou in Tai&anG
0+. She tol' e Hto $iveI he! PC,-,,.,, fo! p!ocessin$ fee an' she &ent
to ou! house an' I $ave the sai' aount, si!.
0:. 9pon hea!in$ this pa!ticula! p!oposition, &hat &as .ou! !eactionG
0+. I believeH'I an' I thou$ht that I Hcoul'I !eall. &o!5, si!.
0:. +si'e f!o the p!ocessin$ fee of PC,-,,.,,, &e!e the!e an. othe!
financial atte! that &as $iven b. .ouG
0+. None, si!A &hen &e &ent to Manila, &e shoul'e!e' ou! eBpenses.
0:. >hen 'i' .ou $o to ManilaG
0+. 1ul. "?, "99#, si!.
0:. >hat &as the pu!pose &h. .ou &ent the!eG
0+. Fo! e'ical pu!pose, acco!'in$ to he!, si!.
0:. +n' &ho &as &ith .ouG
0+. The accuse', si!.
0:. +si'e f!o .ou an' the accuse', &e!e the!e an. othe! pe!sonsG
0+. >e &e!e accopanie' b. . co4coplainants, si!, asi'e f!o the
Testion. of +n$el.n Ma$pa.o 4
0:. Do .ou 5no& the accuse'G
0+. <es, <ou! 3ono!.
0:. Point to he! no&.
0+. She@s the one, si!. )>itness pointin$ to a pe!son &ho &hen as5e' of
he! nae ans&e!e' Doin$a Fo!tuna . %o!!ales.*
0:. 3o& 'i' .ou coe to 5no& he!G
0+. I cae to 5no& he! 'u!in$ the seina! of Tuppe!&a!e, <ou! 3ono!.
0FIS%+8 M+%+R+I;/
0:. >h. 'i' .ou have to atten' this seina! in the sellin$ of Tuppe!&a!eG
0+. +s an a''itional business, si!.
0:. %oul' .ou please tell us, &he!e this seina! H&asI bein$ hel' at that
0+. +t 7u!$os St., %abanatuan %it., si!.
0:. +n' &hen 'i' .ou eet the accuse' fo! the fi!st tieG
0+. +t the seina! in Tuppe!&a!e, si!.
0:. %oul' .ou please tell us &hat t!anspi!e' 'u!in$ the fi!st eetin$ &ith
the accuse'G
0+. She int!o'uce' he!self to us, si!.
0:. +fte!&a!'s, &hat happene' neBtG
0+. She conve!se' &ith us an' as5e' if &e &antHe'I to &o!5 outsi'e the
Philippines, si!.
0:. +n' &hat &as .ou! !esponse to the offe! of the accuse'G
0+. I sai' I H&asI &illin$ because I al!ea'. have a passpo!t, si!.
0:. +si'e f!o that pa!ticula! =uestion, &hat othe! atte!s that .ou an'
the accuse' tal5e' HaboutIG
0+. She as5e' e if I Hha'I PC,-,,.,, fo! the p!ocessin$ of necessa!.
pape!s, si!.
0:. +n' &hat &as .ou! !esponse to this =uestionG
0+. I sai' I &ill !aise HtheI one., si!.
0:. H>e!eI .ou able to !aise HtheI one.G
0+. <es, si!.
0:. >hen &as the appointe' tie that .ou H&oul'I have to han' o! $ive
the one. to the accuse'G
0+. 1ul. (, "99#, si!.
0:. +n' &e!e .ou able to actuall. $ive the one., the PC,-,,.,,G
0+. <es, si!.
0:. >as the!e a !eceipt of this pa!ticula! pa.entG
0+. None, si!.
0:. %oul' .ou please tell us &h. the!e &as no !eceipt fo! this pa!ticula!
0+. 7ecause I t!uste' he!, si!.
0:. +n' afte! the pa.ent of PC,-,,.,, &hat happene' neBtG
0+. She b!ou$ht us to Manila fo! e'ical pu!poses, si!.
0:. +n' &hat happene' the!eafte!G
0+. I &as not able to $et the !esult of the e'ical eBaination, si!.
0:. 7. the &a., &hat count!. &as entione' to .ou b. the accuse' &he!e
.ou &e!e $oin$ to &o!5G
0+. Tai&an, si!.
0:. +n' &e!e .ou able to $o to Tai&anG
0+. No, si!.
0:. %oul' .ou please tell us &h. the!e &as a failu!e in $oin$ to Tai&anG
0+. +fte! the e'ical eBaination, she neve! sho&e' he!self, si!.0
Testion. of Nenita +n'asan 4
0:. Do .ou 5no& a ce!tain Doin$a Fo!tuna . %o!!alesG
0+. <es, si!.
0:. In &hat capacit. &e!e .ou able to 5no& this Doin$a Fo!tunaG
0+. Du!in$ the seina! of Tuppe!&a!e, si!.
0:. +n' &hat is this seina! all aboutG
0+. +bout sellin$ Tuppe!&a!e p!o'ucts, si!.
0:. +n' &he!e &as this seina! of Tuppe!&a!e hel'G
0+. +t 7u!$os +venue, %abanatuan %it., si!.
0:. Do .ou 5no& &ho H&asI the one con'uctin$ this seina!G
0+. No, si!.
0:. >h. 'i' .ou atten' this pa!ticula! seina! of Tuppe!&a!e p!o'uctsG
0+. 7ecause I &as invite', si!.
0:. 3o& an. pe!sons atten'e' that seina!G
0+. I cannot !ecall ho& an. pe!sons the!e &e!e, si!.
0:. >hen &as this seina! hel'G
0+. In the onth of 1une, "99#, si!.
0:. 1une of &hat .ea!G
0+. "99#, si!.
0:. <ou entione' a&hile a$o that it &as 'u!in$ the seina! of
Tuppe!&a!e p!o'ucts that .ou &e!e able to eet Doin$a Fo!tuna, &ill .ou
please tell us &hat t!anspi!e' 'u!in$ that pa!ticula! eetin$G
0+. >e Hha'I conve!sation an' then she as5e' us if &e &ante' to $o
ab!oa', si!.
0:. >ho &as the one H&hoI as5e' .ou thatG
0+. The accuse' Doin$a Fo!tuna, si!.
0:. +n' &hat &as .ou! pa!ticula! !esponseG
0+. I sai' to he! J.es,@ si!, because I &antHe'I to have a 2ob.
0:. >e!e .ou the onl. one H&hoI &as p!esent at the seina! of
Tuppe!&a!e that &as offe!e' this 2obG
0+. +lso . co4coplainants, si!.
0:. >hat happene' afte!&a!'s, afte! .ou tol' he! that .ou &e!e inte!este'
in &o!5in$ ab!oa'G
0+. >e set the 'ate in o!'e! to fiB ou! pape!s, si!.
0:. 7. the &a., &e!e those the onl. atte!s tol' to .ou b. the accuse' at
that point in tieG
0+. She also tol' us to p!epa!e one. nee'e' fo! that, si!.
0:. +n' ho& uch &oul' that one. be to be p!epa!e' b. .ouG
0+. PC,-,,.,,, si!.
0:. +n' 'i' she tell .ou &hat this PC,-,,.,, is all aboutG
0+. Fo! p!ocessin$ of pape!s nee'e', si!.
0:. +n' &hen &as the tie that .ou ha' to actuall. pa. o! ten'e! this
0+. In 1ul., "99#, si!.
0:. >e!e .ou able to copl. &ith this pa!ticula! !e=ui!eentG
0+. <es, si!.
0:. +n' &hen 'i' .ou actuall. copl. &ith this !e=ui!eentG
0+. On 1ul. (, "99#, si!.
0:. To &ho 'i' .ou pe!sonall. ten'e! this PC,-,,.,,G
0+. In the house of M!s. ;anot, si!.
0:. +n' &he!e is the house of this M!s. ;anotG
0+. +t Macatbon$, %abanatuan %it., si!.
0:. 7. the &a., &ho is this M!s. ;anotG
0+. She is the one hea'in$ us, si!,
0:. Do .ou have 5no&le'$e &hethe! this M!s. ;anot H&asI also inte!este'
in &o!5in$ ab!oa'G
0+. <es, si!.
0:. 3o& an. &e!e .ou &ho &e!e p!esent &hen .ou actuall. ten'e!e'
the PC,-,,.,,G
0+. >e &e!e siB )(*, si!.
0:. Do .ou 5no& the naes of the othe!sG
0+. <es, si!.
0:. >ill .ou please tell us the naes of those othe! pe!sons &ho &e!e
p!esent &hen .ou actuall. ten'e! the PC,-,,.,, to the accuse'G
0+. Rebecca 'e 8eon, +nnie Nu=ue, Nenita +n'asan, +n$el.n Ma$pa.o,
8ina ;anot an' 6'$a!'o Salva'o!, si!.
0:. +t that point in tie afte! .ou ha' $iven the aount of PC,-,,.,, to
the accuse', &as the!e an official !eceipt that &as issue' o! $iven to .ou b.
the accuse'G
0+. None, si!.
0:. Do .ou 5no& of an. !eason &h. the!e &as no !eceiptG
0+. 7ecause &e t!uste' he!, si!, because &e &e!e ba!!ioates.
0:. +t that point in tie that .ou actuall. han'e' the PC,-,,.,,, &he!e
&as Doin$a Fo!tunaG
0+. She &as p!esent, si!.
0:. Di' she tell .ou an.thin$ befo!e an' afte! the $ivin$ of this
0+. She sai' that &e &ill be $oin$ to Manila to p!ocess ou! pape!s an'
passpo!t an' &e &ill have a e'ical eBaination, si!.0
The na!!ation a'e b. the coplainin$ &itnesses 'oes appea! to be st!ai$htfo!&a!',
c!e'ible an' convincin$, an' the!e sca!cel. is an. !eason fo! i$no!in$ the t!ial cou!t in
its evaluation of thei! c!e'ibilit.. In'ee', the t!ial cou!t has a''itionall. obse!ve'/
0B B B. The!e is no sho&in$ that an. of the coplainants ha' ill4otives a$ainst
accuse' Doin$a Fo!tuna othe! than to b!in$ he! to the ba! of 2ustice.
Fu!the!o!e, appellant &as a st!an$e! to p!ivate coplainants befo!e the
!ec!uitent. It is cont!a!. to huan natu!e an' eBpe!ience fo! pe!sons to
conspi!e an' accuse a st!an$e! of such a se!ious c!ie li5e this that &oul'
ta5e the latte!@s libe!t. an' sen' hi o! he! to p!ison. +$ainst the p!osecution@s
ove!&helin$ evi'ence, accuse' coul' onl. offe! a ba!e 'enial an' an
obviousl. concocte' sto!..0
Doct!inall., the assessent a'e on testionial evi'ence b. the t!ial 2u'$e is acco!'e'
the hi$hest !espect fo! it is he &ho has the 'istinct oppo!tunit. to 'i!ectl. pe!ceive the
'eeano! of &itnesses an' pe!sonall. asce!tain thei! !eliabilit.. The !ule has been sai'
that a pe!son cha!$e' &ith ille$al !ec!uitent a. be convicte' on the st!en$th of the
testion. of the coplainants, if foun' to be c!e'ible an' convincin$, an' that the
absence of !eceipts to evi'ence pa.ent to the !ec!uite! &oul' not &a!!ant an ac=uittal,
a !eceipt not bein$ fatal to the p!osecutionKs cause.
The pe!tinent p!ovisions of Republic +ct No. #,-2 state/
0S6%. (. Definition. F Fo! pu!poses of this act, ille$al !ec!uitent shall ean
an. act of canvassin$, enlistin$, cont!actin$, t!anspo!tin$, utiliDin$, hi!in$, o!
p!ocu!in$ &o!5e!s an' inclu'es !efe!!in$, cont!act of se!vices, p!oisin$ o!
a've!tisin$ fo! eplo.ent ab!oa', &hethe! fo! p!ofit o! not, &hen un'e!ta5en
b. a non4license o! non4hol'e! of autho!it. conteplate' un'e! +!ticle "?)f* of
P!esi'ential Dec!ee No. --2, as aen'e', othe!&ise 5no&n as the 8abo!
%o'e of the Philippines/ P!ovi'e', that an. such non4licensee o! non4hol'e!
&ho, in an. anne!, offe!s o! p!oises fo! a fee eplo.ent ab!oa' to t&o o!
o!e pe!sons shall be 'eee' so en$a$e'.
0B B B B B B B B B.
0Ille$al !ec!uitent is 'eee' coitte' b. a s.n'icate if ca!!ie' out b. a
$!oup of th!ee )?* o! o!e pe!sons conspi!in$ o! confe'e!atin$ &ith one
anothe!. It is 'eee' coitte' in la!$e scale if coitte' a$ainst th!ee )?* o!
o!e pe!sons in'ivi'uall. o! as a $!oup.
0Sec. E. Penalties. F
0)a* +n. pe!son foun' $uilt. of ille$al !ec!uitent shall suffe! the penalt. of
ip!isonent of not less than siB )(* .ea!s an' one )"* 'a. but not o!e than
t&elve )"2* .ea!s an' a fine of not less than T&o hun'!e' thousan' pesos
)P2,,,,,,.,,* no! o!e than Five hun'!e' thousan' pesos )PC,,,,,,.,,*.
0)b* The penalt. of life ip!isonent an' a fine of not less than Five hun'!e'
thousan' pesos )PC,,,,,,.,,* no! o!e than One illion pesos
)P",,,,,,,,.,,* shall be ipose' if ille$al !ec!uitent constitutes econoic
sabota$e as 'efine' he!ein.
0P!ovi'e', ho&eve!, That the aBiu penalt. shall be ipose' if the pe!son
ille$all. !ec!uite' is less than ei$hteen )"#* .ea!s of a$e o! coitte' b. a
non4licensee o! non4hol'e! of autho!it..0
This %ou!t fin's the info!ation &hich has cha!$e' appellant &ith the offense of Ille$al
Rec!uitent in 8a!$e Scale, 'efine' an' penaliDe' in Republic +ct No. #,-2, to be
sufficient in fo! an' substance. >hile the info!ation cite' Section (, pa!a$!aph )*,
of Republic +ct No. #,-2, its factual ave!ents, ho&eve!, a!e sufficient to constitute the
c!ie of Ille$al Rec!uitent in 8a!$e Scale un'e! the afo!e=uote' p!ovisions of the la&.
It is not the specific 'esi$nation of the offense in the info!ation that cont!ols but it is
the alle$ations the!ein containe' 'i!ectl. app!isin$ the accuse' of the natu!e an' cause
of the accusation a$ainst hi that atte!.
The !e=uisites constitutin$ the offense of
Ille$al Rec!uitent in 8a!$e Scale have sufficientl. been p!oven b. the
p!osecution.First, appellant, un'eniabl., has not been 'ul. license' to en$a$e in
!ec!uitent activitiesA second, she has en$a$e' in ille$al !ec!uitent activities, offe!in$
p!ivate coplainants eplo.ent ab!oa' fo! a feeA an' third, she has coitte' the
=uestione' ille$al !ec!uitent activities a$ainst th!ee o! o!e pe!sons. Ille$al
!ec!uitent in la!$e scale )&hen coitte' a$ainst th!ee o! o!e pe!sons*, li5e ille$al
!ec!uitent coitte' b. a s.n'icate )&hen ca!!ie' out b. a $!oup of th!ee o! o!e
pe!sons*, &oul' be 'eee' constitutive of econoic sabota$e
ca!!.in$ a penalt.,
un'e! section E, pa!a$!aph )b*, of Republic +ct #,-2, of life ip!isonent an' a fine of
not less than five hun'!e' thousan' )PC,,,,,,.,,* pesos no! o!e than one illion
)P",,,,,,,,.,,* pesos. The sentence ipose' b. the t!ial cou!t thus acco!'s &ith the
penalt. p!esc!ibe' b. la&.
+ &o!' in passin$. No t&o cases a!e eBactl. ali5eA alost inva!iabl., su!!oun'in$
ci!custances va!. f!o case to case. It is this !ealit. that ust have copelle' the
a'option b. the Revise' Penal %o'e of the schee of $!a'uate' penalties p!ovi'in$,
co!!espon'in$l., fo! the ci!custances that affect c!iinal liabilit.. The s.ste allo&s
the 2u'$e to have a $oo' latitu'e in the sentencin$ p!ocess. In'ee', in othe!
2u!is'ictions, a bifu!cate' p!ocee'in$ is p!esc!ibe' in o!'e! to help a5e ce!tain that the
penalt. is coensu!ate to the &!on$ 'one. 9n'e! this p!oce'u!e, the $uilt an' the
innocence of the accuse' is fi!st 'ete!ine' an' then, afte! a ve!'ict of plea o! $uilt, a
p!e4sentence hea!in$ is con'ucte' &he!e the 2u'$e o! a 2u!. &oul' hea! a!$uent an'
!eceive a''itional evi'ence on such atte!s as the natu!e of the offense, anne! of its
coission, the ilieu of tie an' place, as &ell as the e'ucation, !eli$ion, ph.sical
an' ental state of the accuse', alon$ &ith still othe! con'itions o! ci!custances, that
a. fin' !elevance in eithe! iti$atin$ o! a$$!avatin$ the punishent to be ete',
calculate' to enhance a fai! 2u'$ent. Statuto!. p!ovisions fo! a sin$le penalt., li5e
those p!esc!ibe' in Republic +ct No. #,-2, vi!tuall. i$no!e these safe$ua!'s that help
obviate the 'an$e! of iposin$ eithe! too $!eat o! too little a punishent fo! the offense.
It is in the above li$ht an' $iven the factual ci!custances of the case at ba!, that
%on$!ess i$ht see it fit to !evisit Republic +ct No. #,-2 to&a!'s a'optin$ the
p!ovisions of the Revise' Penal %o'e on penalties, inclu'in$ its t!a'itional
noenclatu!es, that coul' pave the &a. fo! the p!ope! app!eciation of the va!ious
ci!custances lon$ teste' that affect c!iinal liabilit.. Mean&hile, the %ou!t !espectfull.
!ecoen's to the P!esi'ent of the Philippines a possible coutation of sentence.
%HEREFORE, the appeale' 'ecision of the Re$ional T!ial %ou!t, %abanatuan %it., in
%!iinal %ase No. #C#9 fo! Ille$al Rec!uitent in 8a!$e Scale a$ainst appellant
Doin$a %o!!ales is "FFRME!.
8et copies of this 'ecision be fo!&a!'e' to the Office of the P!esi'ent an' to the
%on$!ess of the Philippines.

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