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LTE Frequently Asked Questions

What is LTE?
What is goal of LTE?
What speed LTE ofers?
What is LTE Advanced?
What is LTE architecture?
What is EUTRAN?
What are LTE Interfaces?
What are LTE Network eleents?
What are LTE protocols ! speci"cations?
What is #oL$A?
What is %& 'all(ack in LTE?
)ow does LTE &ecurit* works?
What is I+ ,ultiedia &u(s*ste -I,&.?
)ow does easureents work in LTE?
What is Autoatic Neigh(our Relation?
)ow does Intra E/UTRAN )andover is perfored?
)ow does polic* control and charging works in LTE?
What is &0N ! how does it work in LTE?
)ow does Network &haring works in LTE?
)ow does Tiing Advance -TA. works in LTE?
)ow does LTE UE positioning works in E/UTRAN?
)ow an* operators have coitted for LTE?
What is &ingle Radio #oice %all %ontinuit* -&R#%%.?
)ow does Location &ervice -L%&. work in LTE network?
)ow does Lawful Interception works in LTE Evolved +acket &*ste?
What is carrier aggregation in LTE/Advanced?
What is Rela* Node and how does Rela*ing works in LTE/Advanced?
What is LTE?
(Long Term Evolution) is initiated by 3GPP
to improve the mobile phone standard to cope
with future technology evolutions and needs.
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What is goal of LTE?

The goals for LTE include improving spectral efficiency lowering costs improving services
ma!ing use of new spectrum and reformed spectrum opportunities and better integration with
other open standards.
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What speed LTE ofers?

LTE provides downlin! pea! rates of at least "##$bit%s &# $bit%s in the uplin! and '() ('adio
(ccess )etwor!) round*trip times of less than "# ms.
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What is LTE Advanced?

LTE standards are in matured state now with release + fro,en. -hile LTE (dvanced is still under
wor!s. .ften the LTE standard is seen as /G standard which is not true. 3.0G is more acceptable
for LTE. 1o why it is not /G2 (nswer is 3uite simple * LTE does not fulfill all re3uirements of
4T5 /G definition.
6rief 7istory of LTE (dvanced8 The 4T5 has introduced the term 4$T (dvanced to identify
mobile systems whose capabilities go beyond those of 4$T 9###. The 4$T (dvanced systems
shall provide best*in*class performance attributes such as pea! and sustained data rates and
corresponding spectral efficiencies capacity latency overall networ! comple:ity and 3uality*of*
service management. The new capabilities of these 4$T*(dvanced systems are envisaged to
handle a wide range of supported data rates with target pea! data rates of up to appro:imately
"## $bit%s for high mobility and up to appro:imately " Gbit%s for low mobility.
1ee LTE (dvanced8 Evolution of LTE for more details.
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What is LTE architecture?

The evolved architecture comprises E*5T'() (Evolved 5T'()) on the access side and EP;
(Evolved Pac!et ;ore) on the core side.
The figure below shows the evolved system architecture
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What is EUTRAN?
The E*5T'() (Evolved 5T'()) consists of e)6s providing the E*5T'( user plane
(P<;P%'L;%$(;%P7=) and control plane ('';) protocol terminations towards the 5E. The
e)6s are interconnected with each other by means of the >9 interface. The e)6s are also
connected by means of the 1" interface to the EP; (Evolved Pac!et ;ore) more specifically to
the $$E ($obility $anagement Entity) by means of the 1"*$$E and to the 1erving Gateway
(1*G-) by means of the 1"*5.
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What are LTE Interfaces?

The following are LTE 4nterfaces 8 ('ef8 T1 93./#" v +/")
&1/,,E 2/ Reference point for the control plane protocol (etween E/UTRAN
and ,,E3
&1/U2/ Reference point (etween E/UTRAN and &erving $W for the per
(earer user plane tunnelling and inter eNode4 path switching during
&52/ It ena(les user and (earer inforation e6change for inter 5$++ access
network o(ilit* in idle and7or active state3
&82/ It provides related control and o(ilit* support (etween $+R& %ore
and the 5$++ Anchor function of &erving $W3 In addition9 if :irect Tunnel is
not esta(lished9 it provides the user plane tunnelling3
&;2/ It provides user plane tunnelling and tunnel anageent (etween
&erving $W and +:N $W3 It is used for &erving $W relocation due to UE
o(ilit* and if the &erving $W needs to connect to a non/collocated +:N $W
for the re<uired +:N connectivit*3
&=a2/ It ena(les transfer of su(scription and authentication data for
authenticating7authori>ing user access to the evolved s*ste -AAA interface.
(etween ,,E and )&&3
$62/ It provides transfer of -?o&. polic* and charging rules fro +%R' to
+olic* and %harging Enforceent 'unction -+%E'. in the +:N $W3
&@2/ Inter/+L,N reference point providing user and control plane (etween
the &erving $W in the #+L,N and the +:N $W in the )+L,N3 &@ is the inter
+L,N variant of &;3
&A2/ It provides transfer of -?o&. polic* and charging control inforation
(etween the )oe +%R' and the #isited +%R' in order to support local
(reakout function3
&1B2/ Reference point (etween ,,Es for ,,E relocation and ,,E to ,,E
inforation transfer3
&112/ Reference point (etween ,,E and &erving $W3
&1C2/ Reference point (etween UTRAN and &erving $W for user plane
tunnelling when :irect Tunnel is esta(lished3 It is (ased on the Iu/u7$n/u
reference point using the $T+/U protocol as de"ned (etween &$&N and
UTRAN or respectivel* (etween &$&N and $$&N3 Usage of &1C is an operator
con"guration option3
&152/ It ena(les UE identit* check procedure (etween ,,E and EIR3
&$i2/ It is the reference point (etween the +:N $W and the packet data
network3 +acket data network a* (e an operator e6ternal pu(lic or private
packet data network or an intra operator packet data network9 e3g3 for
provision of I,& services3 This reference point corresponds to $i for 5$++
R62/ The R6 reference point resides (etween the A' and the +%R' in the T&
&4c2/ Reference point (etween %4% and ,,E for warning essage deliver*
and control functions3
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What are LTE Network eleents?

e)6 interfaces with the 5E and hosts the P7=sical (P7=) $edium (ccess
;ontrol ($(;) 'adio Lin! ;ontrol ('L;) and Pac!et <ata ;ontrol
Protocol (P<;P) layers. 4t also hosts 'adio 'esource ;ontrol ('';)
functionality corresponding to the control plane. 4t performs many
functions including radio resource management admission control
scheduling enforcement of negotiated 5L ?o1 cell information
broadcast ciphering%deciphering of user and control plane data and
compression%decompression of <L%5L user plane pac!et headers.
Mobility Management Entity
manages and stores 5E conte:t (for idle state8 5E%user identities 5E mobility state user security
parameters). 4t generates temporary identities and allocates them to 5Es. 4t chec!s the
authori,ation whether the 5E may camp on the T( or on the PL$). 4t also authenticates the
Serving Gateway
The 1G- routes and forwards user data pac!ets while also acting as the mobility anchor for the
user plane during inter*e)6 handovers and as the anchor for mobility between LTE and other
3GPP technologies (terminating 1/ interface and relaying the traffic between 9G%3G systems and
P<) G-).
Packet Data Network Gateway
The P<) G- provides connectivity to the 5E to e:ternal pac!et data networ!s by being the
point of e:it and entry of traffic for the 5E. ( 5E may have simultaneous connectivity with more
than one P<) G- for accessing multiple P<)s. The P<) G- performs policy enforcement
pac!et filtering for each user charging support lawful 4nterception
and pac!et screening.
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What are LTE protocols ! speci"cations?

4n LTE architecture core networ! includes $obility $anagement Entity ($$E) 1erving
Gateway (1G-) Pac!et <ata )etwor! Gateway (P<) G-) where as E*5T'() has E*
5T'() )ode6 (e)6).
1ee LTE protocols @ specifications for specification mappings.
Protocol lin!s are as below
Air Interface +h*sical La*er
$+R& Tunnelling +rotocol User +lane -$T+/U.
$T+/U Transport
,ediu Access %ontrol -,A%.
Non/Access/&tratu -NA&. +rotocol
+acket :ata %onvergence +rotocol -+:%+.
Radio Link %ontrol -RL%.
Radio Resource %ontrol -RR%.
&1 Application +rotocol -&1A+.
&1 la*er 1
&1 &ignalling Transport
DC Application +rotocol -DCA+.
DC la*er 1
DC &ignalling Transport
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What is #oL$A?
AoLG( stands for BAoice over LTE via Generic (ccessB. The AoLG( service resembles the
3GPP Generic (ccess )etwor! (G()). G() provides a controller node * the G() controller
(G();) * inserted between the 4P access networ! (i.e. the EP1) and the 3GPP core networ!.
The G() provides an overlay access between the terminal and the ;1 core without re3uiring
specific enhancements or support in the networ! it traverses. This provides a terminal with a
CvirtualC connection to the core networ! already deployed by an operator. The terminal and
networ! thus reuse most of the e:isting mechanisms deployment and operational aspects.
see AoLG( * Aoice over LTE via Generic (ccess for more details.
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What is %& 'all(ack in LTE?

LTE technology supports pac!et based services only however 3GPP does specifies fallbac! for
circuit switched services as well. To achieve this LTE architecture and networ! nodes re3uire
additional functionality this blog is an attempt to provide overview for same.
4n LTE architecture the circuit switched (;1) fallbac! in EP1 enables the provisioning of voice
and traditional ;1*domain services (e.g. ;1 5<4 video% 1$1% L;1% 511<). To provide these
services LTE reuses ;1 infrastructure when the 5E is served by E 5T'().
1ee 5nderstanding ;1 Dallbac! in LTE for more details.
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)ow does LTE &ecurit* works?

The following are some of the principles of 3GPP E*5T'() security based on 3GPP 'elease +
The ke*s used for NA& and A& protection shall (e dependent on the
algorith with which the* are used3
The eN4 ke*s are cr*ptographicall* separated fro the E+% ke*s used for
NA& protection -aking it ipossi(le to use the eN4 ke* to "gure out an E+%
The A& -RR% and U+. and NA& ke*s are derived in the E+%7UE fro ke*
aterial that was generated (* a NA& -E+%7UE. level AEA procedure -EA&,E.
and identi"ed with a ke* identi"er -E&IA&,E.3
The eN4 ke* -EeN4. is sent fro the E+% to the eN4 when the UE is
entering E%,/%0NNE%TE: state -i3e3 during RR% connection or &1 conte6t
1ee LTE 1ecurity Principles for more details.
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What is I+ ,ultiedia &u(s*ste -I,&.?

The 3GPP 4P $ultimedia 1ubsystem (4$1) technology provides an architectural framewor! for
delivering 4P based multimedia services. 4$1 enables telecom service providers to offer a new
generation of rich multimedia services across both circuit switched and pac!et switched
networ!s. 4$1 offers access to 4P based services independent of the access networ! e.g. wireless
access (GP'1 3GPPEs 5$T1 LTE 3GPP9Es ;<$(9###) and fi:ed networ!s (T41P()Es
4$1 defines a architecture of logical elements using 14P for call signaling between networ!
elements and Provides a layered approach with defined service control and transport planes.
1ome of 4$1 high level re3uirements are noted below8
The application plane provides an infrastructure for the provision and management of services
subscriber configuration and identity management and defines standard interfaces to common
The 4$1 control plane handles the call related signaling and controls transport plane. $aFor
element of control plane is the ;all 1ession ;ontrol Dunction (;1;D) which comprises Pro:y*
;1;D (P*;1;D) 4nterrogating*;1;D (4*;1;D) and 1erving*;1;D (1*;1;D). The ;1;D
(;all%1ession ;ontrol Dunction) is essentially a 14P server.
The 4$1 transport plane provides a core 4P networ! with access from subscriber device over
wireless or wireline networ!s.
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)ow does easureents work in LTE?

4n LTE E*5T'() measurements to be performed by a 5E for mobility are classified as below
Intra/fre<uenc* E/UTRAN easureents
Inter/fre<uenc* E/UTRAN easureents
Inter/RAT easureents for UTRAN and $ERAN
Inter/RAT easureents of %:,ACBBB )R+: or 16RTT fre<uencies
1ee $easurements in LTE E*5T'() for details.
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What is Autoatic Neigh(our Relation?

(ccording to 3GPP specifications the purpose of the (utomatic )eighbour 'elation (()')
functionality is to relieve the operator from the burden of manually managing )eighbor
'elations ()'s). This feature would operators effort to provision.
'ead (utomatic )eighbour 'elation in LTE for more details.
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)ow does Intra E/UTRAN )andover is perfored?

4ntra E*5T'() 7andover is used to hand over a 5E from a source e)ode6 to a target e)ode6
using >9 when the $$E is unchanged. 4n the scenario described here 1erving G- is also
unchanged. The presence of 4P connectivity between the 1erving G- and the source e)ode6 as
well as between the 1erving G- and the target e)ode6 is assumed.
The intra E*5T'() 7. in '';G;.))E;TE< state is 5E assisted )- controlled 7. with
7. preparation signalling in E*5T'().
'ead LTE 7andovers * 4ntra E*5T'() 7andover for more details.
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)ow does polic* control and charging works in LTE?

( important component in LTE networ! is the policy and charging control (P;;) function that
brings together and enhances capabilities from earlier 3GPP releases to deliver dynamic control
of policy and charging on a per subscriber and per 4P flow basis.
LTE Evolved Pac!et ;ore (EP;) EP; includes a P;; architecture that provides support for fine*
grained ?o1 and enables application servers to dynamically control the ?o1 and charging
re3uirements of the services they deliver. 4t also provides improved support for roaming.
<ynamic control over ?o1 and
charging will help operators moneti,e their LTE investment by providing customers with a
variety of ?o1 and charging options when choosing a service.
The LTE P;; functions include8
+%R' -polic* and charging rules function. provides polic* control and Fow
(ased charging control decisions3
+%E' -polic* and charging enforceent function. ipleented in the
serving gatewa*9 this enforces gating and ?o& for individual I+ Fows on the
(ehalf of
the +%R'3 It also provides usage easureent to support charging
0%& -online charging s*ste. provides credit anageent and grants
credit to the +%E' (ased on tie9 traGc volue or chargea(le events3
0'%& -of/line charging s*ste. receives events fro the +%E' and
generates charging data records -%:Rs. for the (illing s*ste3
'efer following whitepapers for more details.
4ntroduction to Evolved Pac!et ;ore
Policy control and charging for LTE networ!s
?uality of 1ervice (?o1) and Policy $anagement in $obile <ata )etwor!s
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What is &0N ! how does it work in LTE?

1elf*configuring self*optimi,ing wireless networ!s is not a new concept but as the mobile
networ!s are evolving towards /G LTE networ!s introduction of self configuring and self
optimi,ing mechanisms is needed to minimi,e operational efforts. ( self optimi,ing function
would increase networ! performance and 3uality reacting to dynamic processes in the networ!.
This would minimi,e the life cycle cost of running a networ! by eliminating manual
configuration of e3uipment at the time of deployment right through to dynamically optimi,ing
radio networ! performance during operation. 5ltimately it will reduce the unit cost and retail
price of wireless data services.
1ee 1elf*configuring and self*optimi,ing )etwor!s in LTE for details.
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)ow does Network &haring works in LTE?

3GPP networ! sharing architecture allows different core networ! operators to connect to a shared
radio access networ!. The operators do not only share the radio networ! elements but may also
share the radio resources themselves.
'ead )etwor! 1haring in LTE for more.
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)ow does Tiing Advance -TA. works in LTE?

4n LTE when 5E wish to establish ''; connection with e)6 it transmits a 'andom (ccess
Preamble e)6 estimates the transmission timing of the terminal based on this. )ow e)6
transmits a 'andom (ccess 'esponse which consists of timing advance command based on that
5E adFusts the terminal transmit timing.
The timing advance is initiated from E*5T'() with $(; message that implies and adFustment
of the timing advance.
1ee Timing (dvance (T() in LTE for further details.
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)ow does LTE UE positioning works in E/UTRAN?

5E Positioning function is re3uired to provide the mechanisms to support or assist the
calculation of the geographical position of a 5E. 5E position !nowledge can be used for
e:ample in support of 'adio 'esource $anagement functions as well as location*based services
for operators subscribers and third*party service providers.
1ee LTE 5E positioning in E*5T'() for more details.

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)ow an* operators have coitted for LTE?

List of operators committed for LTE has been compiled by 3G(mericas from 4nforma Telecoms
@ $edia and public announcements. 4t includes a variety of commitment levels including
intentions to trial deploy migrate etc.
Dor latest info visit
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What is &ingle Radio #oice %all %ontinuit* -&R#%%.?

(long with LTE introduction 3GPP also standardi,ed 1ingle 'adio Aoice ;all ;ontinuity
(1'A;;) in 'elease + specifications to provide seamless continuity when an 5E handovers from
LTE coverage (E*5T'()) to 5$T1%G1$ coverage (5T'()%GE'()). -ith 1'A;; calls
are anchored in 4$1 networ! while 5E is capable of transmitting%receiving on only one of those
access networ!s at a given time.
1ee Evolution of 1ingle 'adio Aoice ;all ;ontinuity (1'A;;) for more details.
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)ow does Location &ervice -L%&. work in LTE network?

4n the L;1 architecture an Evolved 1$L; is directly attached to the $$E. The obFectives of
this evolution is to support location of an 4$1 emergency call avoid impacts to a location
session due to an inter*e)ode6 handover ma!e use of an Evolved and support $obile
originated location re3uest ($.*L') and mobile terminated location re3uest $T*L' services.
'elease 0 L;1 solution introduces new interfaces in the EP;8
&Lg (etween the $,L% and the ,,E
&Ls (etween the E/&,L% and the ,,E
:iaeter/(ased &Lh (etween the )&& and the )$,L%
Dor details read L;1 (rchitecture for LTE EP1 and LTE 5E positioning in E*5T'()
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)ow does Lawful Interception works in LTE Evolved +acket &*ste?

3GPP Evolved Pac!et 1ystem (EP1) provides 4P based services. 7ence EP1 is responsible only
for 4P layer interception of ;ontent of ;ommunication (;;) data. 4n addition to ;; data the
Lawful 4nterception (L4) solution for EP1 offers generation of 4ntercept 'elated 4nformation
(4'4) records from respective control plane (signalling) messages as well.
1ee Lawful 4nterception (rchitecture for LTE Evolved Pac!et 1ystem for more details.
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What is carrier aggregation in LTE/Advanced?

To meet LTE*(dvanced re3uirements support of wider transmission bandwidths is re3uired than
the 9# $7, bandwidth specified in 3GPP 'elease +%0. The preferred solution to this is carrier
4t is of the most distinct features of /G LTE*(dvanced. ;arrier aggregation allows e:pansion of
effective bandwidth delivered to a user terminal through concurrent utili,ation of radio resources
across multiple carriers. $ultiple component carriers are aggregated to form a larger overall
transmission bandwidth.
1ee ;arrier (ggregation for LTE*(dvanced for more details.
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What is Rela* Node and how does Rela*ing works in LTE/Advanced?

For efficient heterogeneous network planning, 3GPP LTE-Advanced has introduced concept of Rela !odes "R!s#$ The Rela
!odes are low power e!ode%s that provide enhanced coverage and capacit at cell edges$ &ne of the 'ain (enefits of relaing is
to provide e)tended LTE coverage in targeted areas at low cost$
The Rela !ode is connected to the *onor e!% "*e!%# via radio interface, +n, a 'odified version of E-+TRA! air interface +u$
*onor e!% also srves its own +E as usual, in addition to sharing its radio resources for Rela !odes$
LTE Interview Questions
1) What happens when a LTE UE is powered on? From PHY Layer
Point of view & N! Point of view?
") E#p$ain atta%h pro%ed&re in LTE?
') Why there is two types of se%&rity in LTE?
() What are the meas&rement events in LTE?
Intra/Inter Frequency Events:
Event 1 *!ervin+ ,e%omes ,etter than thresho$d)
Event " *!ervin+ ,e%omes worse than thresho$d)
Event ' *Nei+h,o&r ,e%omes offset ,etter than P-e$$)
Event ( *Nei+h,o&r ,e%omes ,etter than thresho$d)
Event . *P-e$$ ,e%omes worse than thresho$d1 and nei+h,o&r ,e%omes
,etter than thresho$d")
Event / *Nei+h,o&r ,e%omes offset ,etter than !-e$$)
Inter RAT Events:
Event 01 *1nter 2T nei+h,o&r ,e%omes ,etter than thresho$d)
Event 0" *P-e$$ ,e%omes worse than thresho$d1 and inter 2T
nei+h,o&r ,e%omes ,etter than
.) What is 3-1?
/) What are the %ontents of 3-1?
4) What are the main differen%e ,etween 3-15 and 3-11a?
6) What is %ontention reso$&tion?
7) When 2adio Lin8 Fai$&re is dete%ted?
2adio $in8 fai$&re to ,e dete%ted)
1) &pon T'15 e#piry
") &pon random a%%ess pro,$em indi%ation from 9- whi$e neither
T'55: T'51: T'5( nor T'11 is r&nnin+
') &pon indi%ation from 2L- that the ma#im&m n&m,er of re;
transmissions has ,een rea%hed
15) What is !2! &sed for?
ns) UL referen%e si+na$ &sed to meas&re the %hanne$ <&a$ity over
a se%tion of the ,andwidth=
Node 0 &se this information for fre<&en%y se$e%tive s%hed&$in+
and $in8 adaptation de%isions=
11) What is 392!>32!?
ns) 392!>32! is &p$in8 referen%e si+na$=
Used for ) 1)-hanne$ Estimation and syn%hroni?ation in UL
")Enode0 %an &se 392! for %a$%&$atin+ T %ommand
for ea%h UE=
Two Types) 1) PU!-H 392!=
") PU--H 392!=
1) 1n%$&ded in every reso&r%e ,$o%8 a$$o%ated to
UE for PU!-H transmission=
") 3istri,&ted on$y in Fre<&en%y domain to
preserve the PP2 %hara%teristi% of !-;F39=
') 1" 2eso&r%e e$ement per reso&r%e ,$o%8
a$$o%ated to PU!-H 392!=
1) 1n%$&ded in every reso&r%e ,$o%8 a$$o%ated to
UE for PU--H transmission*if transmitted)=PU--H o%%&pies "
reso&r%e ,$o%8 per 1 ms s&,frame when transmitted=
") No of 2Es &sed for PU--H 392! depends on a)
PU--H format to ,e transmitted and whether ,) norma$ or e#tended
%y%$i% prefi# &sed=
') PU--H 329! &sed more no of ,its in %ase of
format 1:1a:1, and $ess no of ,its in %aseof format ": "a: ",=
1") What is !P!? E#p$ain !P!?
ns) http8%%howltestuffwor!"3%"#%semi*persistent*scheduling.html
1') What is 32@?
1() E#p$ain -onne%ted mode 32@ and 1d$e mode 32@?
1.) Why PH1-H %onfi+&ration is mentioned in 910?
1/) 1n what are the s%enario 2-H is tri++ered?
14) What is 2-H Pro%ed&re?
16) How UE %ome to 8now whi%h 2-H Pream,$e to U!E?
17) Why there is no !AFT HA in LTE?
"5) What PL9N !e$e%tion Arder UE fo$$ows d&rin+ &tomati% PL9N
se$e%tion and 9an&a$ PL9N !e$e%tion?
"1) What is Timin+ dvan%e? What happens if Timin+ dvan%e Timer
ns) The timin+ of UL radio frame is re$ative to 3L radio frame=
En0 provides timin+ advan%e %ommand to ea%h UE s&%h that a$$
UL transmissions arrive at the eNode0 in syn%hrono&s manner=
1f T timer e#pires UE +oes of reesta,$ishment pro%ed&re or
move to id$e=
"") What is !2? What is the &se of !2?
"') What is 9- -E?
"() What is 0a%8Aff 1ndi%ator? What is the &se of 0a%8off
ns )
0a%8off 1ndi%ator is a spe%ia$ 9- s&,header that %arries the
parameter indi%atin+ the time de$ay ,etween a P2-H and the ne#t
if the 2andom %%ess 2esponse %ontains a 0a%8off 1ndi%ator
set the ,a%8off parameter va$&e in the UE as indi%ated ,y the
01 fie$d of the 0a%8off 1ndi%ator s&,header
set the ,a%8off parameter va$&e in the UE to 5 ms=
".) What is 0!2?
ns) The 0&ffer !tat&s reportin+ pro%ed&re is &sed to
provide the servin+ eN0 with information a,o&t the amo&nt of data
avai$a,$e for transmission in the UL ,&ffers of the UE=
"/) t what s%enario UE tri++ers 0!2?
UL data: for a $o+i%a$ %hanne$ whi%h ,e$on+s to a L-B:
,e%omes avai$a,$e for transmission in the 2L- entity or in
the P3-P entity and either the data ,e$on+s to a $o+i%a$
%hanne$ with hi+her priority than the priorities of the
$o+i%a$ %hanne$s whi%h ,e$on+ to any L-B and for whi%h data
is a$ready avai$a,$e for transmission: or there is no data
avai$a,$e for transmission for any of the $o+i%a$ %hanne$s
whi%h ,e$on+ to a L-B: in whi%h %ase the 0!2 is referred
,e$ow to as C2e+&$ar 0!2CD
UL reso&r%es are a$$o%ated and n&m,er of paddin+ ,its is
e<&a$ to or $ar+er than the si?e of the 0&ffer !tat&s 2eport
9- %ontro$ e$ement p$&s its s&,header: in whi%h %ase the
0!2 is referred ,e$ow to as CPaddin+ 0!2C
ret#0!2;Timer e#pires and the UE has data avai$a,$e for
transmission for any of the $o+i%a$ %hanne$s whi%h ,e$on+ to
a L-B: in whi%h %ase the 0!2 is referred ,e$ow to as
C2e+&$ar 0!2C
periodi%0!2;Timer e#pires: in whi%h %ase the 0!2 is referred
,e$ow to as CPeriodi% 0!2C=
"4) When different types of 0!2 are Tri++ered?
For Re!u"ar and Per#od#c $SR:
if more than one L-B has data avai$a,$e for transmission in the
TT1 where the 0!2 is transmitted
report Lon+ 0!2
report !hort 0!2=
For Padd#n! $SR:
if the n&m,er of paddin+ ,its is e<&a$ to or $ar+er than the si?e
of the !hort 0!2 p$&s its s&,header ,&t sma$$er than the si?e of
the Lon+ 0!2 p$&s its s&,header)
if more than one L-B has data avai$a,$e for transmission
in the TT1 where the 0!2 is transmitted) report Tr&n%ated 0!2 of
the L-B with the hi+hest priority $o+i%a$ %hanne$ with data
avai$a,$e for transmissionD
report !hort 0!2=
e$se if the n&m,er of paddin+ ,its is e<&a$ to or $ar+er than
the si?e of the Lon+ 0!2 p$&s its s&,header:
report Lon+ 0!2=
"6) What is the &se of system info modifi%ation period?
"7) What is the %ontent of 22?
9- 22 %onsists of the fo&r fie$ds
Timin+ dvan%e -ommand
UL Brant
Temporary -;2NT1
'5) What is the U!E of UE spe%ifi% 2eferen%e si+na$?
'1) What is -e$$ !pe%ifi% 2eferen%e !i+na$?
'") 1n what are the s%enario UE Tri++ers 22- -onne%tion
UE Tri++ers 22- -onne%tion 2eesta,$ishment pro%ed&re on
fo$$owin+ %ondition)
Upon dete%tin+ 2adio Lin8 Fai$&re
Handover Fai$&re
9o,i$ity From E;UT2 Fai$&re
1nte+rity Fai$&re 1ndi%ation 2e%eived From Lower Layers
22- -onne%tion 2e%onfi+&ration Fai$&re
'') What is BUT1?
'() What is the si+nifi%an%e of !;T9!1?
'.) What is the %ontent of Pa+in+ 9essa+e?
'/) When UE a%tivates inte+rity and %ipherin+?
The SECURITY MODE COMMAND messa+e is &sed to %ommand the UE
for the a%tivation of ! se%&rity= E;UT2N a$ways initiates
this pro%ed&re prior to the esta,$ishment of Signalling
Radio Bearer2 *SRB2) and Data Radio Bearers (DRBs).
! se%&rity %omprises of the inte+rity prote%tion of 22-
si+na$$in+ *SRBs) as we$$ as the %ipherin+ of 22- si+na$$in+
*SRBs) and &ser p$ane data *DRBs)= The inte+rity prote%tion
a$+orithm is %ommon for si+na$$in+ radio ,earers !201 and
!20"= The %ipherin+ a$+orithm is %ommon for a$$ radio
,earers *i=e= SRB1: SRB2 andDRBs)= Neither inte+rity
prote%tion nor %ipherin+ app$ies for SRB.
The eNodeB sends inte+rity prote%ted SECURITY MODE
COMMAND messa+e to the UE= The UE sha$$
derive !
and !
whi%h is asso%iated with inte+rity
prote%tion a$+orithm indi%ated in the SECURITY MODE COMMAND=
Then: UE verifies the 1nte+rity of the re%eived SECURITY
MODE COMMAND ,y %he%8in+ the Message A"t#enti$ation
Code *9-) in the SECURITY MODE COMMAND messa+e= 1f
the SECURITY MODE COMMANDmessa+e fai$s the inte+rity
prote%tion %he%8: then the UE sends SECURITY MODE %AI&URE to
the eNodeB=
1f the !ECURITY MODE COMMAND passes the inte+rity prote%tion
%he%8: then the UE sha$$ derive the en%ryption
8eys !
8ey and the !
8eys asso%iated with the
%ipherin+ a$+orithm indi%ated in theSECURITY MODE COMMAND=
The UE sha$$ app$y inte+rity prote%tion &sin+ the indi%ated
a$+orithm *EIA) and the inte+rity 8ey: !
i=e= inte+rity prote%tion sha$$ ,e app$ied to a$$ s&,se<&ent
messa+es re%eived and sent ,y the UE: in%$&din+
The UE sha$$ app$y %ipherin+ &sin+ the indi%ated a$+orithm
*EEA): !
8ey and the !
8ey after %omp$etin+ the
pro%ed&re: i=e= %ipherin+ sha$$ ,e app$ied to a$$ s&,se<&ent
messa+es re%eived and sent ,y the UE: e#%ept for
the SECURITY MODE COM'&ETE messa+e whi%h is sent &n;

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