11gR2 Sles11 Install

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Oracle Database 11g R2 (11.2.0.

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11
( How to nstall )
!run Sin"#
$ovell nc.
Oracle Database 11" R2 ( is certi&ie% on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
11 (SLES11). '#is %ocu(ent is not a replace(ent o& o&&icial Oracle nstallation
(anual but provi%e% to #elp )ou to "et Oracle Database installe% on SLES11
wit# (ini(al e&&orts. Here* x+,-,. version o& bot# Oracle Database an% SUSE
Linux Enterprise Server is use%. Si(ilar steps applies to ot#er plat&or(s (x+,*
ia,.* etc.). & )ou encounter an) proble( or #ave "eneral /uestion* please post
)our /uer) to suse-oracle@listx.novell.com.
$ote0 n&or(ation provi%e% #ere will wor1 &or SUSE Linux Enterprise Des1top 11
Re/uire% So&tware
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 (#ttp022www.novell.co(2pro%ucts2server2eval.#t(l)
Oracle Database 11" Release 2 ( Enterprise E%ition
Har%ware Re/uire(ents
'#e s)ste( (ust (eet t#e &ollowin" (ini(u( #ar%ware re/uire(ents0
Requirement Minimum Value
R!3 102. 34
Swap space !pprox. twice t#e si5e o& R!3
Dis1 space in 2t(p 102. 34
Dis1 space &or so&tware &iles . 64
Dis1 space &or %atabase &iles 1.7 64
nstallation Steps
1. Install SUSE Linux Operating System
8ollow t#e nstallation instructions provi%e% in t#e SLES11 install (anual.
SLES11 wit# %e&ault pac1a"es alon" wit# Oracle Server 4ase* an% 9:2:;;
:o(piler an% 'ools< is su&&icient &or Oracle Database 11" R2 installation.
Oracle Server 4ase provi%es orarun pac1a"e* w#ic# %oes (ost o& t#e
Oracle pre=install re/uire(ent i.e. settin" 1ernel para(eters* oracle user
creation* etc.. Here is screen=s#ot &ro( SLES11 (x+,-,.) server.
:#ec1 w#et#er :2:;; co(piler is installe% usin"9"cc ==version<. & "cc is not
installe%* t#en use >aS' setup tool to install 9:2:;; :o(piler an% 'ools<.
2. Install SLES11 Service Pac
!t t#is ti(e no Service ?ac1 is available but c#ec1 &or availabilit) 1ernel
up%ate. & available brin" )our server to latest release% 1ernel.
!. "etc"#$sts % :o((ent out an% put )our server@s Static ? a%%ress.
# sles11.novell.com sles11 sles11.novell.com sles11
&. Oracle Install prerequisites
SUSE provi%es orarun pac1a"es to auto(ate (ost o& t#e Oracle pre=install
tas1. Re&er to Oracle installation %ocu(ent &or co(plete list o& prere/uisites.
$rarun 0
1. & )ou #ave selecte% 9Oracle Server 4ase< option at install ti(e* orarun
pac1a"e is alrea%) installe% on )our server.
$ote0 8or SUSE Linux Enterprise Des1top 11 "et orarun &ro( SLES11
DAD an% install (anuall)0 Brp( =iv# orarun=1.C=172.1C.x+,-,..rp(
2. '#e account &or oracle user is %isable%. ?lease enable it b)0
1. :#an"in" t#e s#ell &or t#e DoracleD user &ro( D2bin2&alseD to D2bin2bas#D*
eit#er b) e%itin" t#e D2etc2passw%D &ile.
2. Set a new passwor% &or user 9oracle< i.e. 92usr2bin2passw% oracle<.
>ou can use SUSE setup tool >aS' to acco(plis# above tas1.
2sbin2)ast2 =E 9securit) an% Users< =E <E%it an% create "roups<
(Select users tab an% set 9S)ste( Users< &ilter to see oracle user.)
Here is screen s#ots o& 9oracle< user properties0

F. :#an"e De&ault Oracle environ(ent set b) orarun (& re/uire%)
1. :#an"e Oracle #o(e %irector) b) e%itin" OR!:LE-HO3E variable in
92etc2pro&ile.%2oracle.s#< &ile.
2. De&ault OR!:LE-SD set b) orarun install is 9orcl<. :#an"e it to )our
pre&erre% na(e in 92etc2pro&ile.%2oracle.s#< &ile.
$ote0 Oracle nstaller will as1 t#is %atabase na(e an% it s#oul% (atc#
to OR!:LE-SD to avoi% an) proble(.
.. 3o%i&) &ollowin" para(eters to (eet Oracle 11"R2 1ernel re/uire(ents

G. Run 92usr2sbin2rcoracle start 9 to set 1ernel para(eters. "nore
OR!:LE-HO3E not set (essa"e as t#is will "et &ixe% once Oracle
Database is installe%.
,. Exit &ro( current session an% lo"in as new 9$racle< user. 8ollowin" is a
snap=s#ot veri&)in" current user0
0. Oracle 11g R2 Installati$n
Downloa% Oracle 11" R2 So&tware &ro( oracle web site %epen%in" on )our
plat&or( an% extract &iles in a local %irector)0
Bun5ip linux.x,.-11"R2-%atabase-1o&2.5ip
Bun5ip linux.x,.-11"R2-%atabase-2o&2.5ip
1. 3a1e sure )ou are lo""e% in as 9$racle< user.
2. Run Oracle Universal installer 0 .2runnstaller
nstallation will wal1 )ou t#rou"# wit# sel& explanator) instructions. Here
are screen=s#ots &ro( si(ple Oracle Database 11"R2 nstallation0

H $ote0 >ou can select 9"nore !ll< &or &aile% prere/uisite c#ec1s or select 98ix I :#ec1 !"ain<J
1. Oracle 2ata/ase Start at /$$t time
Set para(eter S'!R'-OR!:LE-D4KD)esD in 92etc2s)scon&i"2oracle< &ile.
>ou can e%it &ile 92etc2s)scon&i"2oracle< (anuall) or use >aS' setup tool
to c#an"e oracle speci&ic para(eters.
92sbin2)ast2=ES)ste(=E2etc2s)scon&i" E%itor =E?ro%uctivit)=EDatabases<
1. E%it 2etc2oratab entr) correspon%in" to )our %atabase to 9><.
2. E%it %bstart* %bs#ut an% %b#o(e scripts to re&lect correct location &or
OR!'!4 entr). i.e OR!'!4K2etc2oratab
3. Oracle Enterprise Manager
1. Start Enterprise 3ana"er services* i& is not runnin"0 De(ctl start %bconsoleD
4$te5 & )ou want to start %bconsole services at boot=ti(e* t#en set Listener
(S'!R'-OR!:LE-D4-LS'E$ER) an% Enterprise 3ana"er para(eter
(S'!R'-OR!:LE-D4-E3!$!6ER) in 2etc2s)scon&i"2oracle to )es.
2. Use Enterprise 3ana"er web inter&ace (#ttps022local#ost011G+2e() to
per&or( routine %atabase a%(inistration an% per&or(ance tunin" tas1s.
6. sqlplus5 Startup an. S#ut.$7n 8Manual9
8ro( %ia"nostic point o& view it is ver) i(portant to c#ec1 s/lplus is
&unctionin" properl). & not t#en )our installation is #avin" proble(s.
1. 'o startup t#e %atabase0
sles10L s/lplus 2nolo"
SMLE connect 2 as s)s%ba
SMLE startup
2. 'o s#ut%own t#e %atabase0
sles10L s/lplus 2nolo"
SMLE connect 2 as s)s%ba
SMLE s#ut%own
4$te5 92< connects )ou to t#e sc#e(a owne% b) S>S wit# t#e privile"e S>SD4!.

Date Changes
09/29/09 Initial Document created.

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