Prognosis EndoProsPerio

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Cne of Lhe mosL challenglng aspecLs of denusLry ls Lo advlse our pauenLs Lhe poLenual
prognosls of LreaLmenLs. 1o adequaLely predlcL prognosls we musL rsL revlew Lhe
llLeraLure regardlng ouLcomes. 1hls presenLauon wlll analyse Lhe currenL llLeraLure
regardlng longevlLy of prosLhodonuc LreaLmenLs
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We'll dlscuss Lhe maln conslderauons when advlslng pauenLs wheLher or noL
Lhey should proceed wlLh endodonuc LreaLmenL/reLreaLmenL from boLh an
evldence-based and cllnlcal/pracucal sLandpolnL. lacLors aecung prognosls and
reasons for fallure wlll be revlewed uslng case examples.
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1he word 'rognosls' llLerally means forward knowledge. 1hls ls anoLher way of
saylng forLune Lelllng. 1hls presenLauon wlll dlscuss Lhe llmlLauons of Lhe
evldence base ln asslgnlng perlodonLal prognosls as well as Lhe pracucal cllnlcal
conslderauons LhaL can be made ln seeklng such forecasung. 1aroL cards and
oul[a boards may be le aL home.
ur eLer Serb ls a Sydney graduaLe who has been ln full ume speclallsL prlvaLe pracuce
for 20 years. Pe has also been lnvolved ln undergraduaLe and osL-graduaLe Leachlng
and ls an examlner for Lhe 8ACuS nal exams. Pe has a long hlsLory ln lmplanLology and
regularly lecLures on Lhls Loplc.
ur Ceo ?oung ls a speclallsL LndodonusL pracuslng ln SLraLheld. Ceo ls lnvolved ln
provldlng conunulng educauon Lhrough Lhe unlverslLy of Sydney, AusLrallan uenLal
Assoclauon, and Lhe 8ACuS. Pe ls Lhe currenL resldenL of Lhe AusLrallan SocleLy of
LndodonLology (nSW 8ranch).
ur 1uan uao ls a reglsLered speclallsL rosLhodonusL pracuslng ln 8urwood nSW. uurlng
hls MasLers of uenLal Sclence degree aL Lhe unlverslLy of Sydney, he recelved Lhe ?oung
rosLhodonusL Award from Lhe lnLernauonal College of rosLhodonusLs ln 2007. Pe
malnLalns a parL ume role as a Cllnlcal LducaLor wlLh Lhe unlverslLy of Sydney.
Date: Monday 8th of September 2014 Cost: NIL
Location: Club Burwood, 97 Burwood Rd Burwood
Evening begins at 6:30pm with light canaps and drinks followed by a short
20 minute presentation by each speaker
Question time allocated between sessions
RSVP to by the 1/09/2014
1.5 hrs of
Prognosis: An
endo, pros and
perio perspective

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