EGM 180 Essay 5: IEEE Spectrum Popular Science Discover Magazine Asme Wired Magazine How Stuff Works

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EGM 180 Essay 5

Due by mid-night on Monday April 15th

During your Freshman year, youve spent most of your time developing a basic
understanding of subjects such as Math, omputer !cience, and "hysics# $ngineering is
an applied discipline in %hich math and science are used to create ne% technology, the
technology that drives our society# &n this essay, you are as'ed to pic' a ne% technology
and use your understand of math and science to e(plain ho% that technology %or's# )ou
may pic' any technology that is *ne% to you,+ e(amples include, motors, sensors,
photocells, fuels, %ind turbines, ne% materials, ne% consumer products, almost anything
that you find interesting# -here are many on-line resources that can help you to identify
ne% technologies. here are a fe% e(amples,
&$$$ !pectrum
"opular !cience
Discover Maga/ine
0ired Maga/ine
1o% !tuff 0or's
Writing Specifics
)our essay must e(plain in brief ho% your chosen technology %or's and %hy it is
interesting or useful# )our e(planation does not need to be detailed and must be
understandable to a lay person# )our grade %ill be based largely on the clarity of your
e(planations# &f you use e(ternal material be certain to properly paraphrase 2or 3uote4,
and reference that material. do not plagiari/e#
-his is your opportunity to demonstrate the %riting s'ills that %e have been refining in
previous essays# 0rite in first person active voice and use clear and concise %or'ing#
)our essay must also e(hibit appropriate structure# &t should have an introduction and a
conclusion, and the introduction should include a thesis statement# &n this essay, your
thesis statement should summari/e both the functionality and the relevance of your
chosen technology#
)our essay should be double spaced and %ritten in 15 pt font, and it should be
appro(imately t%o pages long# "roofreading and revision are a crucial part of the process
for completing this essay#

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