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A. Describing a simple process

Describing a process means writing about how something is made or how something
happens. Examples: the rainwater cycle, how coffee is grown, how glass is made,
getting a driving license, starting a business.
Usually, when we write the description of a process, we divide the description into three
parts. They are introduction, content and conclusion.
The first paragraph is where you state what you want to describe. Introduce the
topic. It should say what you are going to do. In this paragraph, you may state the
tools or the materials that you use in the process.
In this essay, I will describe how paper is made.
I will now explain how a photocopier works.
Building a road is a long process, but it can be divided into four main stages.
ou may have two or three paragraphs here. Describe each step involved in the
process. Explain the process or procedure. This is where you usually use the
se!uence connectors.
The first stage in making glass is In this stage, the sand is cleaned and
weighedNext.fter that.In the final stage, the glass is.
The ending paragraph where you state how one can benefit from the whole process,
or you can have a summary of the whole process, or you can provide your own
suggestions and comments. "rite the conclusion. It will summari#e your ideas.
s you can see, paper manufacture is a difficult process. If you follow the steps
described then you will be successful.
s I have described, there are many steps involved in supplying water to a city.
By using the step by step approach outlined above you can make sure of a safe
B. Seuence mar!ers " connectors
$e!uence mar%ers are words used to mar% the particular order of steps in a certain
process. Usually it is used in describing a process to indicate the se!uence or the order
of the procedures in the process. The words are:
To begin with
$econd, Third, &ourth, etc.
$econdly, Thirdly, &ourthly, etc.
'ext, Then, (fter, (fter that, )efore, )efore that, *ater
these mar%ers are used to mar% the
beginning of a process
These mar%ers are used to show
the following steps.
These mar%ers are used to show actions
or steps that happen at the same time
(t last
AC#I$I#% &
'ill in t(e blan!s )it( t(e seuence connectors pro*ided in t(e bo+.
+. ,,,,,, she adds two spoons of sugar. ,,,,,, she pours in the mil%. ,,,,,, she
beats the eggs.
-. ,,,,,, getting out of class, I always chec% to ma%e sure the windows are all loc%ed.
.. ,,,,,, waiting for the ca%e to coo%, you can prepare the table.
/. $he turned the egg ,,,,,, it had coo%ed.
0. (hmad put all the rubbish in a plastic bag, ,,,,,, he throws the rubbish into the
rubbish bin.
1. 2,,,,,,, you can serve the noodles with the sauce you have prepared3, said the chef
to the audience.
These mar%ers are used to mar% the final step.
&irstly while after after that
secondly lastly thirdly )efore
Acti*it, -
'ill in t(e blan!s )it( suitable seuence connectors.
How to Be Happy?
,,,,,,,,,, when you wa%e up hit the snoo#e button once 45ust once only6. "hen the
alarm sounds a second time get right up and do some light exercise for +07-8 minutes to
wa%e yourself up.
,,,,,,,,,, perform your daily beauty routine and then ta%e five extra minutes pic%ing
out your clothes. Try something new when it comes to clothes, hair and ma%e7up.
,,,,,,,,,, eat a light brea%fast with plenty of protein.
,,,,,,,,,, if you can, wal% to wor%, school or wherever you are heading and say hello
to random people on your way.
,,,,,,,,,, when you arrive at your destination have a short conversation with a friend
or better yet chat up someone new and ma%e a new friend.
,,,,,,,,,, during lunch grab a piece of fruit and a bottle of water and ta%e a short wal%.
"hen you get bac% loo% in a mirror and than% yourself for ma%ing a healthy decision.
,,,,,,,,,, when you get home from wor% immediately put in a good, solid /0 minute
wor%out then ta%e a nice relaxing bath or shower.
,,,,,,,,,, coo% a nice dinner and en5oy with a drin%, some candlelight and some !uiet
5a## music 4this can be done with or without a partner6.
,,,,,,,,, dinner ma%e a cup of tea and call to chat with a friend for a bit.
,,,,,,,,,, before bed be sure to stretch for about ten minutes to relax your body and
mind, then crawl into bed, read a chapter of a boo%, then shut off the lights and nod off to
Acti*it, 0
Read t(e article belo) and ans)er t(e 1ollo)ing uestions
9hanging a tyre is something most people are not %een on. In this article we try to ma%e
it easy and as interesting for you, so that the next time you are involved in this problem,
you will %now what to do:
)efore you begin, ma%e sure you have the following:
( portable 5ac% to lift your car
Inflated spare tyre
"heel spanner to remove and fix bac% the wheel
(fter you have par%ed your car safely, put a couple of bric%s or stones beneath the tyres
to ma%e sure that it does not roll down. )ring your portable 5ac%, spare wheel and
spanner to the wor% area. *oosen the nuts without having 5ac%ed up the car, to prevent
the wheel spinning on you. Turn counter7cloc%wise to loosen the nuts until it comes off.
(fter you remove the nuts, 5ac% up your car. (fter having ta%en out the wheel nuts, pull
the wheel with your weight forward to prevent from falling bac%ward. (d5ust the spare
wheel over the threaded shafts so that its. Then tighten the nuts in the proper order.
Don;t tighten them too much.
<nce you are done, lower the 5ac% so that the tyre rests on the ground. 'ow tighten the
nuts again, as firmly as you can. &inally replace the hubcap or the plate and you are
good to go.
+. "hat are the tools you need to have to change the tyre=
-. "hy do you have to put bric%s or stones beneath the tyres=
.. "hy should you loosen the nuts without 5ac%ing up the car=
/. "hat is the meaning of 2in1lated3
0. "hat is the last step in the process=
Acti*it, 4
5rite a s(ort description o1 (o) instant co11ee is made according to t(e pictures
and notes gi*en belo). %ou (a*e to use suitable seuence connectors in ,our

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